Go for Beginners: Short 9x9 Game Walkthroughs vs. igowin (Session #1)

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hi there this is John Markowitz here and today I'm doing a bit of an experiment I'm going to be playing a 5 game set against ego in a free go program available for Windows I believe only Windows at this time but I'm going to be talking about my moves and decisions and a little bit of commentary along the way it should be a lot of fun but before we get into the action I'd like to take a few minutes to talk about the pregame stuff first this is ego win it is a free program developed by David flatland I would like to thank him for offering a software for free because it's been around for many years and it's a nice tool for new players because it allows people to play a bunch of games on the small 9 by 9 word quickly and easily it's great for getting started and trying to master the basics and also was really cool about it it has is that it has a sliding and adjusting difficulty mechanism it's really really fun when you first start using eagle win it the a ice gives you a five stone handicap as black black plays first and then also voice first moves been made here so technically well the handicap is already in place that's basically your first move and we start out with a five-cent handicap as black and then as we get better after each game the difficulty will adjust but as we get better at the game the difficulty will go up and we'll start to lose some of these handicap stones and eventually we'll have none at all and as we get even better beyond that we will then change colors going second as white and then even give the opponent handicap stones so it's an e progression that's a lot of fun it's really really cool and it's really even addictive actually I find so this is all the reason why I'm actually also doing this video is because I thought it'd be fun for some for newer players who are using this program to watch a more experienced player play against this AI opponent and talk about the decisions and what they should be doing or what they should be looking for when they're playing these games so this is going to help these this will help kind of enlighten newer players and try to give some ideas as to what you should be looking for and how you should try to think and approach these games we're going to kick things off by looking at this first game we have here with a 5 Sun handicap as black we were playing against a white ego in and white opens up with a three four-point play here attaching to this black stone so the first thing we have to think about when we were playing as a black with this very large handicap because remember at nine by nine Ward is not very big here so having a five so in handicap is immense but as a newer player we're not going to have as much experience with figuring out how to use those handicap stones so a lot of players ask me well what should we do with them like what should I be trying to do with with these stones and how should I try to play from this position this opening so really the biggest thing is you want to focus on two things the biggest thing is going to be micromanagement you want to be able to make sure that you keep your stones strong and connected make sure that you don't let them get cut off because really the way that white is going to win this game is by out playing you in the micromanagement and trying to get self established around other parts of the board here invading over this way innovating over this way and that will allow him to dismantle the position but if you play strongly and carefully that will not be a problem so in response to White's attachment to this black stone we have to think about what we want to do because if we don't do anything to this black stone directly to try to strengthen it white will pressure it with let's say a ha may over here bending around and pushing this black stone down to two liberties so we probably want to strengthen the stone to give it some left you're trying to push it out of here but how should we do that though what are our options we could push up to this this point here try to strengthen our stone by adding extra liberties and also reaching up towards these two stones or we could also play more aggressively and try to holla this white stone by bending around and pushing it down to two liberties both plays are very good but we're going to try to go with the more aggressive plan here and try to hani this white stone and keep it pressed down and we're going to play this one now also be work because this is an AI opponent it's going to play very quickly so as soon as soon as I put my move down it immediately responds with the crosscut separating these two black stones apart and also he's also got two separated groups now so when we get cross cut like this we have to think what we want to do to strengthen our stones because really when we're divided it's going to be harder to manage multiple groups but I think the beer concern right now is this black stone here because these two stones have got a lot of room to move around they're in perfectly fine shape this way in this way so I don't think this is really the key issue I think it's actually this one because if white has another move on this white sorry on this black stone it will allow a white to press it down really hard and threaten capturing it so we probably should strengthen it but the question then is how how we go about doing that we could try to art are your way out and say by pressuring the white stone here by the white stone here we could get ourselves extra leverage by pushing out this way and then maybe connecting that cutting point after leaves they play an Atari here threaten the white stone white will extend up to here gaining more liberties and then we can connect our cutting point that will come up with this Atari and get all of our stones together that's not a bad idea but it does strengthen that white stone so I'm thinking neat it's better just to extend down instead this way try to get those extra liberties with out helping the white stone strengthen and also threaten one of these two grooves because once our black stones are strengthened inside we'll be able to then attack these white stones more easily so let's see what there's any difference between these two points here sore anything not really so we're just going to push down to this point here and then strengthen our black stones we now have four liberties which is much better now much better than shoe we doubled our liberties actually and then white sensing that heat we can Atari this black insert this white stone into the edge capturing it bye-bye Atari here he says no sir extends out gains himself some liberties goes up to for himself fall out remember though there were two different stones this one is now in danger and it was not saved because he tried to save the other one so now we can try to capture his white stone and try to connect all of our stones together this would help a lot but how should we do that though because if we Atari down this way and push white out it would be okay because we would push up again and try to continue working our way over to this black stone but I think we have a better way of doing it if we Atari down here and push the white stone down like this it'll be very hard for white to really maneuver and try to get out of this he would need to kill some black stones to connect back to this white group or to make eyes but that's going to be very difficult so I'm going to actually render Torrey down like this and white does extend to save himself from Atari but here's the problem though he's only got three liberties we have four so as long as we're careful we should have no problem trying to capture these white stones we're having liberties and we're gonna be able to easily win a race if white tries to create one to capture us first so let's go ahead and try to move another Liberty and keep white from moving around on these sides here we're going to push down like this and white decides to completely ignore these two stones and then go up this way so trying to move out these two white stones and also separating these two black stones but that is okay we could try to move because I'm afraid of black getting isolated here if white pushes down that'll cut off this black stone so we really should try to push out this black stone but the question is do we do it directly by pushing here and then let white come over here or we try to put it back away from those white stones and try to avoid running into them because if we push it is going to allow white to move over this way and then continue building trying to strengthen the stones also isolating us they're going to try to play away from that white stone a little bit and play down here a little odd but it's going to ensure we don't get quite so the separations not quite as bad and we're also making sure you can't just say for the ha me honest directly so he pushes again we're definitely gonna block him off here because we don't do not want him going into our territory this way because now I've got this territory here we've got some territory along here and here and if we block like this this all this is going to be our territory and on top of that - white is not alive yet he does not have space for eyes so let's go ahead and Hannie this thing and then white tries to push down to here which will push a Liberty out of our two black stones and may threaten some annoyingness around here later but isn't a huge deal and I think because we're still have these two white stones down into liberties and again we have three I think we could try to poke out any kind of space for eyes here by white and let's go ahead they try to do that because otherwise you could make a play here and not only try to set up an eye by playing down here and making an eye around this spot you could also push up and try to continue building that space for eyes now he does then honey which puts us our two stones in danger because if we don't do anything what could white do if you want to play the pause the video for a second think about what I could do here to capture these two black stones and then we'll go ahead and continue in a few seconds what I could do is he could play here or here and then just take away the two black stones because they would have one Liberty and then white still has to pay even three after he plays here this one also works his black cannot put Atari you gonna put tart Atari on these white stones or put them into Atari but then we'll just get captured at the spot by white so we definitely want to stop that I think we should just capture these two white stones and try to remove their last Liberty now interestingly white decides to pull out those white stones though so we should definitely continue to remove liberties because we're only we're down to two again so we should probably commit you more on another stone let's go ahead and play this one ah now wait to be really careful because white is now threatening to capture this black stone here this one is an Atari so now we should really be careful to try to stop that we could connect this way which we came to all of our stones together or we could also capture right away and try to clear out this issue and any potential you can go for that one let's do that now he does separate our black stones over here though which we didn't know about but now at least this way our stones are better connected any of any issues there so he's going to pose an Atari again we're just gonna connect this guy and then he's going to try to push his way into these black stones here and create some issues but with separating us but we're not too worried yet still so let's go ahead and lock that anyway to try to block this white snow from connecting to these white stones over here it's going to do this okay now I also aware for us more experienced players that are watching I do know that what can also try to fight his way out with this which is a little bit unfortunate but I think I can handle that by just connecting this way at this star point here and then white attaches underneath here he's not actually going to make eyes at this point because there's just no space to be able to do so so we're just gonna play very simply and try to consolidate our position by connecting these whites in well white can't separate it we're still flowers going to connect to stop this very important caught by Y from happening because otherwise you can separates black stones so we're going to connect this guy and if Y wants to put how these two stones are also not doing anything but we want to be careful to make sure they don't do anything later so we're going to push down here let them make sure they stay capture and then Y pulls out with these two whites it's now two white stones here but again not only doing anything we have four liberties and white only has two so I think we're okay now I don't think there's anything that we really need to worry about white is not going to let make eyes here very easily plus also we have these stones captured safely and these guys are in very very bad shape they're not going to be able to survive at all they don't space your eyes so I think we're going to go ahead and pass the turn now and white is going to continue trying to place moves in here but unfortunately for him that doesn't actually work so let's just go ahead make sure we don't let him capture our black stones though so we're going to block this thing and put them in an Atari like that now be careful because he's going to try to separate us but the secret is that because he's in Atari we can just capture so this is not any threat to us as long as we play correctly so just going to take away these three stones and he's going to try to push out to makes it more eye space but we can just Holliday now and we he's only down to two liberties so even if he separates our black stone by cutting we just take the two white stones so we're going to do that and now with white playing down he's still dead we just play again two Atari and now white passes you actually cannot hear the sounds I have my system sounds disabled our record for the recording software but he just passed the turn whoopsie he just passed the turn you can see in the bottom left and we're going to also pass a turn two passes consecutively ends the game and we will then go into scoring to count the points let's go and pass the turn we're gonna get the scoring dialogue AHA and here we are so this is shows the end result we have a score here and then also just showing the markings of who got what I got everything actually so I killed all of those white stones I captured all them because I didn't don't need to make all the moves to route to actually take them off the board because when you cover up using one of the more common rule sets if you place a stone down here territory you actually cover up that point of territory and it's basically it's a one-point loss so we don't need it we don't need to have them they're already already effectively dead so to speak we're not going to spend the extra moves to save them and we'll just let them be taken away at the end of the game so we see here the block wins by 77 all these dead stones were marked these white stones were all captured and I had no points so yes that's a good start for our first game so we're going to hit okay and then we're going to hit the new game button over here we're gonna start our second game in just a moment when to pause real quick to take a quick water break and then I'll be right back and we are back with ready for our four stone game this is the second game of the five-game set I just want a quick water break for the twitch fans that are watching I actually do not have iced coffee with meats right now because I'm running low on supply and I need to restock so I am drinking water instead also because I had an ice desert earlier too after lunch but now we are going into our second game with a four stone handicap you will notice that over here the difficulty has changed indicator has changed to xx Q so we gained five levels in the difficulty scale and are now playing with a four story handicap we lost this handicap stone over here so we're still going to be playing as black and white as already made his first move and will basically be doing the same kind of thing as we did in the five stone game the only difference is that with the four the center stone gone Amy's a white can move around more easily still not a problem that we can we can handle this so our big plan now is with that in mind we're going to just try to take the side territory try to keep the corner territory keep white constraint because the way he wins again excuse me is because it's going to be able to spread out and also help fly us in terms of the micromanagement is going to separate our stones we're going to make basic mistakes that are going to allow him to come back so we're gonna try to shut him down relatively cleanly and not allow any kinds of chances for him so let's start off with our first move we could try to there's a couple of options the more simple ones I think involves say jumping up on one of these sides or moving up to say one of these two points with a nice move those seem solid we could also try to press on top with these kosumi the diagonal I like these nice these are nice let's try that one actually so I press down like this and we'll try to move out when these corners Jones see what he does okay so he's going to push up to try to keep these two black groups separated now here's an interesting question though because if I push up again to keep ahead of white I do run the risk of white coming down this way and isolating this black stone here so what I'm actually going to do is because I can see that if he tries to play in this way the holidays in to try to bend around me I can block and have this Tiger's mouth this strong shape because the camp plane here that getting captured so with that connection it's going to be hard for him to really separate these black stones I think I'm going just to play here now all Susan why don't want to play up to the came up these small Knights move now is because it means the way will push and the weak in this black stone I also want to block here so if I do this and then he pushes again now I can safely block this way because the black stone here is farther away so it's going to take that one and sure enough that's what he does so now we can I think we're gonna just take the we could also instead of pushing straight ahead and opening up the hon a or the jump we can also just kosumi this way he can't really push through because we have two Tigers mouths that are going to block him very strongly and it also means that it's harder for him to get in this side too so let's go ahead and take that close to me actually he is going to indeed push through which is fine we're going to block he's then also going to put our stone in Atari which we want to watch for stone has only one Liberty left so we're going to connect that one and he just immediately pass that's pretty funny so he realizes though that because you'll notice that because we very carefully protected these two sides and just tried to really carefully constrain white really restrict his movement he was not able to even get anywhere because you can push around over here and around here and here and here but he's not going to will to make ice basic easily if we played correctly so he passes knowing that these stones were basically done for anyway so we're going to pass and we went so another seventy seven point victory and these stones were considered dead because they were not able to make eyes or to make their own territory which would be able to make a lot of the ice base so we're going to click okay now we're going to start your game next year up to Game three this is now down to a two stone handicap we were quickly losing the handicap stones or a little advantage is dwindling so now things start to turn into a more of a normal nine by nine game where without those handicap stones become a little bit more normal a little bit different and more typical same kind of stuff applies though and that we're still looking to move along the sides try to make some side territory get the corners taken away and just try to make more more of this than the opponent by sketching out so we're going to try to we're going to take the third corner because it's much easier to take the corners because with these edges you don't need to fill these edges in to make territory so we try to take the corner points first before we move along the sides because there's more room you have to cover and same thing applies in the center where there's I say no there's no coverage it we surround the whole thing and it requires more stone to surround the territory and remember that the opponents also going to interfere with you so we're going to start off with a three three here three three referring to the coordinates three lines out from this way three lines out from this way take the three three point so white then just makes an enclosure on this corner by extending down this way which also stops us from pushing up which is fine because we still have this large advantage so I'm going to extend up here try to avoid having white approaching the other side and pressure our black stone so we're going to slide up this way and blot white is now threatening to push in into our quorum we can block it by doing this that's a pretty easy one but is there anything else we can do that's bigger because this is fine and all but we can also try to take large more points just let him have this a smaller area they're going for all this so I think we're actually gonna try for that let's go ahead and take this just jump and try to take all this territory and he does indeed take the the jump in here try to take away that corner I think now we can just take away two bullet they take the block and try to push this off try to keep you from coming in further he wants to kosumi down like this that's not a big deal we protected this area now and then I think we're going to block this all so that it can't push further in here just do this and then waiting to cut through these these black stones because there's a hole here so we are afraid of him pushing in and then if we block it there are two different cutting points that are created so this is what's called a peep and like beeps the candy and I think we're just gonna connect usually what you do is you just connected to keep your stones together and not avoid getting separated so he does in fact then connect his stones it's a little bit of a slow play small play because we just push any blocks it could have played up here and tried to strengthen these stones because we're going to push down and threaten a cut over here which gives us kind of row allows us to build our territory walls so forcing him to respond potentially he could do other stuff but it's going to hurt if he allows us if he allows us to do that so we're going to take that play and sure enough he does not want to get separated there so he's going to connect those stones and our territory looks very solid along here we've got very strong stones there's not really any room for white to make eyes be tries to play from behind inside enemy lines so we're then going to push in here and just reduce this little bit of territory he's got this way pretty to Atari this white stone ah he actually fights back by going here so if we take this white stone and ignore this he's going to dig into this corner by making an Atari here or jumping in destroying all these points I don't think we want that I think we'd rather just just block him and let him kick back I think that even it's a good trade we're okay with that so we're going to block him ah was he actually connected though he's actually willing to make this exchange trading off this to let us get this don't think that wasn't necessarily a good idea because of the the value was this was a smaller value play than this one because now we get a stone and the territory would see on those my fault on underneath it because we just capture we take both the stone which is worth a point and also the territory that was left behind that's two points plus also this is now territory so it's already three and this one also became a fourth one for more experienced players would happen once because if whitey connected there would have had to have filled us in because it was a neutral point we would have had to have gets back from the stone once white Ataris down but now it's no longer a neutral point so we get that extra point there so four points not bad if I'm counting like roughly and then I do see also that we can push in here and threaten to cut this way so it's going to force him to respond by fixing that cutting point and there's one last thing we have to do which is to connect this border here and white is going to try to be annoying by threatening this black stone but all we have to do is just connect very solidly white passes and now we're going to pass ourselves so it's make sure there's nothing else you want to do can't live inside here it's going to difficult to try to do any damage or to prevent wife making eyes and also our territory is very very strong so no issues here no connectivity issues around let's do me the stones so we're going to pass and we went again this time not quite a 77 point margin but 27 points is still totally fine and this is at 15th Q level also I should know too that this fifteenth Q rating thing it does not correlate with normal ratings so if your fifteenth Q on ego and it does not mean that you are necessarily a 15th Q in a typical rating system or normal rating system say if you go to a tournament and enter as one but it's more just to give you an I just helps to sort of get a feel for the progression to say okay I play it again I can get up to say v q2 the culty on an eagle win that kind of thing and we're going to go ahead and go into game four and we have now again two stones eventually only one stone this time one level in the rating system is is called a stone so you go up by a stone or you go down a stone that kind of thing because I think I think the origin is because it refers to I was silly thing I had to turn that off but I think it refers to because the handicapping changes because it's based on the one level difference can refer to a one handicap stone but now we have a second another game with two stones this time though white tries to press on top of our three three stone with a 4/4 play so what do you want to do about this I think well white is going to try to do is it's going to try to press us us down if we don't do anything and try to contain our corner so I think we're going to push out here and try to break out by pushing up like this but white pushes down though instead of pushing ahead which means that we can now Hani over it and try to start enclosing this territory so I think he should have probably gone the other way instead try to extend and threaten kind of pressing us down this way so that we don't get that opportunity so we're going to holiday on top then why decides to play over here making a two point extension down to the corner hmm I think now I would probably like to both Hani and also extend this way I think we must take this extension known to try to keep White's corner compressed from expanding oh so ash instead of haunting though I'm trying to push his way over black white is actually threatening to cut off our black stones by doing by coming through straight coming down so we're knocking on a bad hat we're gonna definitely not connect here and do then Hani's underneath to try to poke into our corner so let's go ahead and block that we don't want him coming in there and it's going to connect his stones together that's good because otherwise we could cut there and try to cut off that white stone but now I think we're plan is going to be at this point too and just probably push down along here prevent what from coming in this way let's just do that Oh stayin tricky though because he's actually clamping he's we would be called clamping which refers to crunching these stones from both saw our starting stone from both sides because if we try to push down and how to break into this territory what would then come from behind but yeah and ash actually I don't think that's a I may not be so good for white here because I don't think he can actually caught this safely because what's gonna happen if we push down like this which we're going to do ah he dead just deviates and just tries to go for this corner because now we can push down this way and remove all take away all these white stones because if they don't play here to connect and stay connected to these white stones then we're just gonna separate them off and we'll get a nice yummy points there so now I pushing down we're not really worried with this territory getting exposed I think it's more important that we stop from making eyes so this is cuts not really a big deal because we can just run into the edge by playing here so let's go ahead and how to play like this just to keep gently attacking those stones he's going to now he's going to be separating both threatening to separate both these guys and these guys also this cot because open because of this cutting points we call it so I think we're going to probably ingress going to take the connection let him push his way in here if he wants because we're just going to connect this this one and try to work our way under to stay connected to this stone so we're going to connect and then now he blocks with these white stones tries to connected but the problem now is I just also has realized that if we play here we're threatening both the turn and separate these white stones but also cutting here so I think we're actually going to do that because it's not really much much damage that we're doing on this area it's going to take that and then white is now at risk because we're going to separate and then these three stones get cut off and are down to only two liberties - very very dangerous we're going to make that cut and also - were threatening to cut this way so he extends a stone but now he's basically lost these three blocked stones so what we're going to do now is we're going to just extend down here to ensure EQI camp push in this way you can indeed kind of push out with these white stones but that's okay though because we're going to block and separate so we're going to push through to keep the block open and then we're going to cut through separate these white stones it's going to interesting it's gonna try to live inside here can you do that though don't think so just gonna try to make two eyes inside this area I think we're going to push in this way to ensure that he we keep it contained and we're just gonna go eyes why could push down now and put us down to two liberties he's got doesn't got more than we do he would have three if he does that one two three so we're just going to come back to this and then I think what our plan is going to be is ah you know what no a she misread you actually have DHE does lid because what I misread was I thought if we played here and white blocked we have a way to again to get inside there and we do have other ways to try to to try to kill but it's not really going to work the effort to try to capture those stones it was going a bit difficult so we played the more system or careful line of trying to stay connected and then let him play down to make the I make the eyes this is a common shape that he's going to make word he'll be able to make a two eyes using this this area here we can't really stop it play out duck down here threatening to come out and escape he can just block making one eye and then we will not be able to really push out this way because I will just turn and threaten our other black stones so I think the more sensible plan here was going to be to let him defend his stones by try to predict our territory and then play here and then also too we can push that one more time to close off our territory and threaten making this a fall so I like my Atari in so he's going to connect to prevent that and then we're going to block to try to prevent him from pushing in this way so we're going to block this territory and then he's going to push in this way to try to preserve that and I think now I should have neat little trick we can use we could haunting in this way so try to push ourselves in there we have a better way to go about it and can you figure out what it is so you want to pause the video I will I'll give you a few seconds delay to pause and then we'll talk about what can do to do the more damage there alright so what you can do is you can actually do this and the reason why is because if white extended down you would have separated by playing here and you have had 3 liberties versus White's - so he has to connect a state to avoid that from her protector from happening and we're now going to play underneath and interestingly enough he actually still can survive here but we're not going to go into that discussion for now will we're watching Bo it's because it's a little more of an advanced thing in that we could try to take away we can leave this as a challenge question if we tried to play here to prevent Y for making eyes he plays here then he would make two eyes one here one here but if we stop that and play inside there so that's only one eye at best he has a way to get out of this and still make that second eye but the question is how only that's a challenge question for viewers to figure out on their own for now though we're going to connect these black stones here and who will push in oh and yeah she just let himself the stones get killed because each two played here and now we just kill them I think right I name is something right cuz it making sure this isn't this is his play isn't going to be an issue if the Attar cuts here which Atari correct yeah and I thought it might been something that I missed in terms of a technique that he could have used to destroy these stones but I don't think there was an issue after all it's making sure I didn't miss something because I am often prone to doing that so he then passes the turn his turn and we have like rolled skin looks like we're all good here is all this is now captured and these are captured we have plenty of territory there's no weaknesses that look here to be around we can take this white stone if he threatens us so we're going to go and pass the turn yourselves go into scoring and we won the game by 55 this time unfortunately because it made a mistake here you should have instead of playing this you should have made this the eyes by playing down here and instead allowed us to prevent those two eyes because eventually if Y try to play inside there you can try to capture the black stone but how old you have one eye and that's not good enough you need to so what that's that we're going to finish this game and then move into our our final game five and even game oh boy so now we are playing still playing is black but we are playing against white with no handicap whatsoever so before we get started let's talk a little bit about what matters in an even 9 by 9 game and what kind of things you want to be looking for first and foremost with a 9 by 9 and 13 by 13 game both the both have the same kind of similar issue that you want to be careful with what corner points you open up with when you're trying to get started because if you play too high the 44.4 lines up this way four lines up this way is normally okay play on larger board sizes you'll see it be mentioned a bit but the problem in this is smaller board it's open because it's open to the opponent invading underneath and taking away the corner territory you don't want that to happen so otherwise you'll just be stuck with the outside and just really no outside to do anything with this is so small so generally you want stick with three four points or three three points as they're easier and better at controlling the corner territory well strong with a three three point for simplicity also because one of my good friends is also a big 3/3 fan so we'll be doing in his honor and on opens up with also the three three let's do a second three three why not this one here and why decide to take a three four by extending up wins this cornerstone over here and now we come to our first real decision we can try to build the side territory by closing this off as I say a play here we could also expand on the sides and I think that's going to be a better way to do everything to do because it's otherwise white will could expand there himself and that would be a little annoying also because if we can do something like this that'll allow us to allow us to also threaten his corner so I think that's going to be our plan here just going to extend out this way and sure enough white doesn't try to doesn't you try to invade in here which is to be expected makes sense he's gonna try to because the problem is also if he tries to display this simply and estate goes blocking here and we continue to pressure him he's not going to win he's not going to make the points to win just by taking this one side he's got to go elsewhere and try to deal with Black's territory to try to fight back and this makes sense but the thing that I think we're going to look to do here is to try to isolate that white stone prevent it from escaping by trying to pursue me on top of it and try to prevent its escape so we're going to push over here and then white bumps in so we want to what we're afraid of here is if white honey is on top of this black stone it's really going to hurt that black stone it's gonna be a lot harder for to move around and also to be it'll make it harder for us to really kind of gain traction here so I think what we're going to do is rush you're going to honey we could honey this way but he may try to play this anyway and try to connect which could be a problem only like that actually so just going to take the extension am I do you can honey in this way but at least now this white stones basically debts really not be able to do anything to survive so we're going to let that happen we're going to block the stone and he actually connects a bit weirdly because now we instead of as connecting solidly we see Lisa open the Atari with the Tiger's mouth which is kind of weird so we should just apply connect it there now we're going to tar that stone connects it and then okay to the side do we want to what we want to do next I guess we could probably just push down along this corner because to play around here and try to push down this way so let's do that actually let's push this way push down this is territory along here we keep this white stone checked and they were also going to push down along here and they were going to connect these black stones together to avoid him breaking through so it does give him the Hana underneath because he's going to we close up this border so he still has this one's going to block that let him connect we're going to fix mirror to make sure to fix that cutting points you don't want to get separated there and have a break into our territory so we're going to protect that solidly and then he kind of should have bascially pushed out this way so put an extra point because he would have had this one as territory always would have done more reductions on Black's territory so we're going to go ahead and actually can just push in this way push in here and then connect our two stones and they push us in also plot should have pushed in this way because then we still protect this point via pushed in here we would have had to have blocked here and they would have removed a point this unfortunate protects that but he's going to try to make these two stones live though which will not only work because we're just gonna stay connected make sure he doesn't cut any of these things off just gonna connect there make sure these four stones stay connected they're all tight now and here's the example of what happened white has 19 points but we were able by building that large territory early on that larger sketch allowed us to get a better sense for our notes to get more points in the end so that worked out pretty well for us so we're going to pass and when again it's time by 16 points not a bad result and this is actually this was game 5 I believe but because we're having so much fun let's do one more let's do a game 6 a bonus one secret one haha so next one were up to 11th queue now and we're going to play one more even game against the AI this time we're going to do something a little bit different we're going to try a three four point playing here and then white actually plays with three four point himself and I think now we're going to just try to play second through four point this way kind of broaden what was a little bit here now and he goes in there now do we want to try to build our territory try to close this corner off can we win that way it would be would we have enough points if we block off here and then white defends this I think we still will be able to build a tight but I think we probably pull it off so let's do it oh that's kind of odd actually so white sizes suddenly just play on the edge which doesn't really do anything you know you could have just pushed into our territory you could have played along here and try to expand this territory well restricting ours but this means we can now kind of work our way into White's territory by pressing over here he's back soft very passively instead of trying to maintain to stand his ground and attach underneath so now we're just going to try to keep this thing isolated and pressed down it's going to attach to connect these guys up press down he's going to write he's going to strengthen the stones to connect going to connect here and then it's going to push over here to press in this territory so I'm just going to block it keep it simple and then he connects his stones by pushing them all together also prevents us from pushing into the territory this way which would have been annoying for him so that makes sense we could also do the same by playing here do that though I actually know because we can always we can always threaten by cutting out threat threading to cut off this stone which makes it harder for him to poke through because we could set a setup bay I cut this way and here so we're going to actually Hani over here first going to going to block us going to connect our stones together and he's going to Hani this way okay makes sense I think we're going to connect these stones again try to avoid the cutting point and now here's Ashley we were talking about was he the kosumi is normally very strong but what's going to happens we're going to push through here and he notices that he has a cutting point over here so he has to connect it and then we're going to separate this white stone off so it didn't actually work out too well for him and then he does try to cover up the territory here prevent blind from pushing down this way so because we don't have anything else going on we're just going to block this territory off Asha ooh I should actually as I said the worst and what he could just we could have done he played it too fast there we could have pushed in here and then threatened to cut off a stone here and then I think if he connects then to cut off a stone here also double Tory's by putting these two stones in danger and also these the stone in danger so what a bit better you would have had to have connected those stones in some way to prevent that but would have been better because we would have forced it to respond then we could also get that and also this one but we'll pass the turn now because we're done and we went by 19 again so fantastic that's going to conclude our short 5+1 game set against time games against ego in this has been a lot of fun I did enjoy quite a bit but if you have any questions regarding the games and so that's when the commentary please feel free to let me know and if you like this kind of commentary and enjoy watching these kinds of games against an AI opponent or I guess for say newer players please feel free to let me know because we'll definitely be able to do more of it if there's demand so with that said this is John marquess signing off have a wonderful night / day depending on where you are in the world take it easy
Channel: Jonathan Markowitz
Views: 176,920
Rating: 4.7847738 out of 5
Keywords: Go, igo, weiqi, baduk, meepsie, Games, gaming
Id: xPSJtzvSxEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2013
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