Match 1 15 min Summary - Google DeepMind Challenge Match

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how do they have all the moves memorized?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, they haven't fixed the random camera change. I'm newb here, I need to stare at the board while they make their analysis.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/onmyouza 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2016 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy that they did this! I love that they are giving concise commentary after the game. It also allows people to catch up quickly.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/chayashida 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2016 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm Chris Garlock and I'm here with Michael Redmond dined on professional we're gonna take a little bit more of an in-depth look at this historic first round game in the google deepmind challenge here in Seoul between years ago and alphago Michael wants you to take it away okay let's just go through the moves I have some things I'd like to say about the game okay so so far it's looking like a pretty normal opening but with this move liesl is already playing a very unusual move I'll have to look this up to see if it's actually a new move or not even I've never seen it before but you know the usual move of course is something on the upper side right and it's a Google place here yeah it's possible that this was part of a strategy to do something off-book yeah I think he was just trying to get off of the database that Google has and do something that was plausible at the same time mm-hm so I played a kakari yeah and black start and also the fact that this sort of starts a fight which is Liesel's style and so he's getting a nice territory on the right side the question is what happens on the upper side naturally white invades - yes so now black has these two weak groups white has this weak group it's a question of who's going to attack who no he didn't push there he played there yellow and black played here and then the peep and why actually played very strongly here to cut black in two and now black sort of has to handle those stones on the bottom side but this is this is really dangerous for black but it's also Lee SEDOL style so I wasn't really thinking that he was doing badly at this way after the game he was saying that he made some mistake in the opening and so I don't really know what he's talking about it this is a fight that I would be a bit worried about if I was playing black but I think it's sort of something that Lisa de likes to do anyway so I wasn't expecting him to say that he messed up in the opening and I thought that was an honors date so I was sort of surprised black extended here white white has to protect these songs evening and in this fight it's okay for white to lose those three stones like if black had played something like this it's highly likely that white would lose those stones but that would be okay if I can get a trade with the center stones and some of these black stones here but this these four stones are stones that white cannot afford to throw away so that's the meaning for this move okay why is playing a very reasonable sequence here in a very difficult fight actually and this was quite as you point out in our live commentary this is this is quite different from the games played with fondly back in the fall well finally was basically was not playing as well as we sold us okay and so I think the alphago was actually having a less of a challenge an X but on the other hand alphago is actually much stronger in this sequence and so it's standing up to the challenge doing very well the team said at the press conference afterwards that they were you know back there in the control room you're looking and and that that dis fight was the overall was pushing pushing it to its limits yeah because yeah it is a very complicate it would be very complicated fight for for professionals right my child I think jump right and at this point I think white played here and let's just play these forcing moves to and this black group is just sort of barely alive right there are some forcing moves like the hunted that came up later in the game and let's saw white pushes and now alphago counter-attacks very very sharp move right it's a sharp move it's not really going to work in that it's not going to attack black very much but it does give white it allows white to put some pressure on black and therefore get some extra moves as we shall see Black has to fix the shape here okay white extends and black jumps out it's a fairly complicated fight well there's all these weak stones all over the place like there's this weak group this week through black is willing to throw away those stones but there's still some potential for black over there which makes it complicated for white too and then there's this weak white group so there's at least and of course these stones which are probably going to be sacrificed but there's already for weak groups with some potential for more complications here it's a fortunately for black this group is alive but it feels like like leas is destroying everything at alpha go and have a go is not yes its fighting very well toe to toe so much so it's playing a fighting game much more skillfully than I expected because that was sort of looking like one of us weaknesses okay yeah but I wasn't sure because it was having a relatively easy time in the October games and so now black plays here white plays here and for the time being these two stones cannot move immediately there's a bit of a G there some potential for black these stones have been extended out into the center and so they were okay for the time being and so it's still white doesn't really have time to move out with these stones before saving these stones because they're not alive yet so if Black gets something like this next to sort of surround these stones there's going to be very cramped right y will be forced to play a lot of bad moves or inefficient moves to make a life there so so white pushes out now this is sort of consistent to what alphago was always doing it in an ambiguous position when it was playing for you it would always play move close to its weakest group to reinforce that weak group which is a good good style really so now black plays here this captures the two stones here and at this point during the live commentary we feel you know black Scott some territory there this thickness can be territory it's alive here Yeah right how substantial in that quantum potential in this quarter as you showed him forty points with one more move but other than that other one that doesn't have anything yet it it's looking like Black has some potential at this point that's what makes it confusing to hear he said I'll say he made a mistake in the beginning because if I had black at this point I would feel that I had a slight advantage right and it would not be a decisive advantage because they were comfortable I would be a bit uneasy about this territory here mmm that did get messed up later in the game and also because of the fact that white does have those extra forcing moves so I would be a bit worried about something happening there later because partly because of all these white stones in the line here also there's so much uncertainty because that can be a big territory in that corner if white plays the first move if white plays a move here that is this is so that that's a big difference if white plays compared to if black plays first and so there's a lot of uncertainty as to how the territories will develop there a big difference just one move will make so I wouldn't be feeling comfortable yet okay but I would feel that maybe I had a slight lead so white jumps in here again White's handling his weakest group and also like if black had played like a move like this next this would put pressure on the white stones and because of that white would not be able to invade the sides so the whole side would come blacks territory and so that would be bad for white so this is sort of a must move black plays a car here this was a very it's an interesting movie I think it was slack but you didn't like this during life I don't like I do like it actually not you still don't like it yeah I think white once would you call it an outright mistake or just simply slow a slow-mo slow-mo I'm not sure it's a complete it's a it's a move that white has to play at some point I'm just sort of concerned with the timing right and we there's a lot of variations you show during a live commentary I mean there is there is ammaji here there is there's potential for play right without there like this hey we should a lot of complicated stuff so it's not it's not it's not a little right but it's probably the double the double - yeah big yeah it's it feels this this is an area of the board that white has to play to make a very quick life in order and so playing normal joseki moves like this probably doesn't work very well for white and so it's really good that white is playing light moves quick moves like this and so this sort of fists the position so it's very good positional judgment for alphago here so yeah I'm pretty sure at this point just seeing alphago playing moves like that he said Oh already knows that it's not a fake players really pretty good because this is a position that doesn't come up it's not going to be the whole board position would not be in the database nothing even close to it it might find some of the moves here in my database but it's using them in a perfect position more or less is very elegantly settled that's using them very well and shows some good judgment not only the knowledge of the moves but the way it's using them in this particular position and it also leaves some really nice I don't know if a lot of time to go into it but did leave some very nice ah gee here because of here and here and it what did splines up actually all that stuff key okay so white I think white played 100 here what are they and then white switch to the corner now this is a forcing move against blacks group up there because black doesn't need to make eyes so black makes eyes but this exchange here forcing here and now black has one eye here and one I use the white left it at that point and this is an important move again because it's setting up then base in here right which is what comes and slided and mblaq allows the trade so this is this is a ditch been hanging for a while yeah well that's an important move both players were sort of expecting that to happen but this is sort of within the within what black was sort of expecting to happen now and then white protected the corner and away that's a really big move that white has to come back to at some point because of the way oh that's like that's something like more than 40 points in that corner now black squeezes here so white has about 10 points here in about 10 points there so white has something in the vicinity of 60 points black also has a three oh he didn't play that oh sorry black has something in the vicinity of 50 points here at this time and so he has territory here so hold that white territory it's pretty close to what black has and at this point black played here which is what I think is the losing move okay at this point black probably had to play in this corner this is locally it's a forcing move it threatens to capture these three stones with another move here but that's a but that's about a difference of 16 points okay so it's not really big enough when you have big it's actually only about the same size as an extensional inside there and it's smaller than moves in this corner so it was sort of a careless mistake maybe and looking at this move I sort of wonder if Lisa dole was maybe it was fatigue because he was playing all those games in the North North launching cup because it is a it is a strange move to pleat be playing so early since the white connection there is not forcing and with me this whole area here still so just too so so why don't we show you what I think blacks should have done first I think blacks would have just played like this to live in the corner and now a move like this which does take blacks eyes away can be conned with a move like this it connects back to the corner and the good thing about this is that when white connects there later black will be able to answer that move and preserve his it's about 50 points and in this area so that's an important territory which in the game was reduced or what white had potential to reduce it which was very valuable and black has plenty of - black has more territory than he did in the game on this side a lot more because he has the corner and white has a lot less there's there's a big difference in this case and I think black has a slight lead it's a it's a game that would go to the end and the end game white would not be so far behind it white would have to resign I think it would be a close game but I would be betting on black in the same game I would have to really order I would have to study the end game to really know but that's my feeling what happened in the actual game let's just go the actual game black actually took the one stone after which now white connector now this leaves the attachment here but also threatens to take this corner big so black played here white played this with this attachment once black back down and then white played this the youth that was a kid liked it that was definitely a mistake white could have gotten the same result by crawling immediately right and just like here immediately right black would event what and why would have had an extra Liberty here which would have made a big difference in the following ye'll sake right but at that point it didn't actually have a direct effect on the cane and now come up the game black answered that you've got the black oh I have to buy sorry and then why played here to capture these and it's a beautiful sequence because white took the territory at the moment white got into danger white had the tempo or the initiative the sente to move their save his stones and with this whole sequence whiteness now established a leading territory the connection underneath here and extension here become me I that's interchangeable points and I was having trouble counting it at the time but this point White's plane is already pretty secure well if you look at you variation you know this gets closed and black gets the corner and this white gets everything white gets this yeah and like it's this so the bit was like if we assume a black move here since aspects Turner which actually this is the same as the game right the corners just is changed to white terror averse so the big differences in this corner there's a very slight difference why did black has captured the one white stone so this there's a smaller difference here but a huge difference here which would make the game very close and I think it might be slightly in blacks favor hmm not I mean in if he had played the very other way right in this face it's already it's already done right with you and it's basically because you can't pay black can't pay they call me right and and I say the game when he said a loss resigned he was maybe a head on the board it was close on the board so maybe it was a pointer so head on the board um no way he could pay the Comey right right it's an amazing game I mean it was just phenomenal because from from this point when alphago for his play here it felt that I had this plan yeah I don't like them very well after that and might sort of knew that white had to accomplish something here mm-hmm and I guess one of the things I'm wondering knowing the whole game now is this simply about sort of you know from alphago's point of view I'm just closing it down at that point it wasn't when you were okay that's too early for that okay all right well that's a great analysis thank you so much we will be back tomorrow with a commentary on the next game we'll be looking forward to seeing what least it all does I'm sort of hoping she's coming back yeah yeah we wanted we want a close match you have a close match so thank you very much Michael
Channel: DeepMind
Views: 335,084
Rating: 4.8104577 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2016
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