Gmod Poppy Playtime | Poppy Playtime In Among Us!

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okay so can somebody please tell me where the heck are we i'm so confused what what is this place um maybe it's a new part of the factory i don't i don't remember this ever being part of the factory and if so why did they move us all into this room something something doesn't seem right little i know what's going on what you do what's going on one of you or someone's gonna kill us someone's gonna kill us what what are you talking about huggy what's wrong with your children uh i don't know what what are you talking about i overheard uh one of the people who moved us in this room said that there's secretly somebody in this room that's a murderer and you're gonna kill us all yay why why are you wait first of all there's a murderer second of all why are you excited about that i don't know i'm bored so wait there's a murderer in here do you know did you overhear who it was uh no i want snickers bar so wait there's a murderer on the loose and there's somewhere at this table we don't know who it is does does that mean that there's that there's i think so i think that means there's an imposter among us oh no um okay uh i think i figured out who the imposter is wait what what do you mean you figured out who the imposter is we we just woke up yeah but i i think i know who it is is it you what no no it's not me listen um the imposter uh yeah that that uh i know who the imposter is um oh my gosh my my long hands are you okay huggy no i'm not i fell down freaking pipes earlier today listen i've not had a good day today and i really don't want to put it with this crap so we're just gonna go ahead and get it over with listen he's the impostor right there what what wait hold on a second wait you think the imposter is is scary huggy wuggy uh why hey what's up yes he's clearly the imposter look he's a duplicate of me and he's got those dang sharp teeth right hey that's not very nice i just wanted to be part of the crew please don't be mean to scary huggy woogie he's my home dog scary huggy wuggy did nothing wrong and besides what do you have against people with shark teeth huh huh you want to fight me too you think i'm an imposter you think i'm a murderer man if i wasn't a murderer if i was a murderer i would go in there and snap your dang neck right now oh oh oh call calm down actually huggy i think bunzo has a right to be mad that is so screwed up of you what what what what did i do wrong you said he's a murderer just because of his sharp teeth well okay no not just because of his sharp teeth look he's scary huggy wuggy since when was there a second of me huh huh huh that seems like an imposter right there he's trying to pretend to be me oh man i've always been scary huggy wuggy no you're a fake you're a phony and you're an imposter you're gonna try to kill us all i know you are um huggy i think you need to calm down what you don't believe me yeah i think you're just jealous what jealous why would i be jealous i don't know but anyways um i we need to focus on more serious matters what's this this is a serious matter okay listen up um there's got to be some things around here we can do so normally at the factory there's a bunch of different types of puzzles and stuff so maybe there's some puzzles here on the ship and maybe we get to complete all the puzzles we can get out of here before this murderer kills us all so if we all work together we can get out of this all alive okay fine all right guys let's get to work yay this is so freaking stupid uh hey huggy oh oh hey kissy um what are you doing just standing there that's that's kind of sucks oh i'm sorry i'm just i'm just kind of frustrated over that stupid meeting we just had well it wasn't really a meeting we just woke up and stuff well i don't care listen i don't like that scary huggy wuggy guy okay what why not is it just because he looks scary just because he is scaring his name well no not because i mean that's partially the reason because that seems like an imposter would be like some sort of monster and stuff but he's literally copying me we've never seen him before i don't know why everyone's acting like they know this guy i've never seen him before maybe maybe you've just never been good friends with him you know maybe if you get to know him you know what get to know him what did did you know him oh yeah no he's very nice and lovely and sweet and stuff i just wish he would stop being jealous of him jealous what are you talking about that dude's a monster that's not even a real character what the frick that's the imposter um i need to do my tasks now so uh you should probably do yours too because you're looking really sus right now so uh and not in a good way either so you better go through some tasks oh what's the point in doing freaking tasks we're all just gonna freaking die ah all right it's time to take out the trash all right gotta clean up the trash gonna put it in here there we go we can't we can't be living in this dirty place if we're stuck in here we gotta clean up after ourselves so i'm gonna throw that in there and then boom the table is clean all right the dishes are now done i wonder so there's a monster um i wonder i wonder who it is hmm i hope nothing bad happens to any of our friends oh boy oh boy i can't wait to do my med scan oh boy oh boy i'm going to med skin right now a bleep a beep i'll be oh wow this med scan is taking forever to go but at least i know i'm gonna be a healthy boy cause i ate all my green bananas yes let's go i'm healthy boy bloop bloop oh boy oh boy i hope my father the grinch will be happy about me eating all my green vegetables oh boy oh boy beep beep this is taking forever la [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yo what's up my homeboys oh i'm so glad finally got friends oh this ship is so hard to walk around with all my millions of legs ugh i wish they would have taken consideration about how they feel about me oh wait what are you doing i wait for my turn in line oh okay um i gotta do the uh test tube so if you could excuse me sorry sorry all right i'll just do the i'll do my test dudes yay i i did my i did my um watch my car i did the med scan yay that's so good i'm so proud of you yay i'm gonna go do my next task okay i gotta come back here later to get my test tubes gonna walk around this dang place where do i go next oh we'll go this way i suppose dupe [Applause] oh boy oh boy i can't wait to do my tasks i got to do my tasks in here uh what time do i got oh i gotta go do the there's something i need to take this card i need to swipe it in this room so i need to go swipe my card in oh look it's my red brethren hey what's up uh you okay there pal oh hey hey red i want to ask you a question uh how did how was it like uh listening to the people like how did you how did you feel about there being a monster on the loose red you're acting kind of thought my guy it's always why why are you talking like that my guy all right well i'm sure nothing bad will happen i'm just so glad i got my task done all right i gotta go uh go deposit the trash and uh wait what the wait bunzo what what are you still doing at the table i just this bikeroo this this pal uh whoops wait what the heck how did i just get here what the heck god dang it bunzo look at what you did i'm sorry i didn't i accidentally i was trying to make your statement and i slipped and fell and i actually pressed a big old button wait the big old button oh so this like brings us all to the table huh yeah sorry accidentally called a meeting i didn't mean to it was an accident um all right well uh has anyone seen anything bad going on do we have any reports of anything of what's going on um no i don't think so i mean i was just in the main room for for a while so um everything seems nice and normal yeah everything does seem nice and normal uh hey whoa whoa wait a minute what's that over there watch wait what oh no the little yellow whack-a-wuggy's dead oh no [Applause] my bronco oh my gosh what oh my red huggy wuggy wasn't wasn't capping there there there really is a monster oh my gosh i was part of me was hoping he was joking but i know who did it i know who killed him uh you do yes yes i do okay guys vote out huggy wuggy wait what what you said you know who did it and uh i mean yeah so it has to be you what no no no no that's not one of me i mean i know who did it who it was the it was scary huggy wuggy that is cat that is cap what why are you calling cap because i was with you for most of the for the first half of this round and scary huggy buggy went the other way you want me went with me to weapons you're you're falsely accusing scary huggy wuggy and that isn't nice at all but he's literally the imposter look at him look at him he's basically copying me and he's got those dang all big old sharp freaking teeth how could it not be more obvious i don't believe you yeah i'm sorry huggy wuggy that does seem kind of sus of you to go out and falsely accuse scary huggy wuggy for killing the yellow one um so okay so listen up does anyone have any information or anything we can use to try to figure out who might have who who might actually be this monster and might have killed him well before i accidentally pressed that button i was going to say i was still at this table because i was watching this big old creepy hand i got this hand with the monster you know because it's just standing there it's just sitting there menacingly staring at me with its long fingers that's that's why i was still at the table and um i thought it was the monster but hello whack-a-woogie died somewhere else it it couldn't have been the hand yeah that's true so and i was in the main room too and you were stopped the table so that means the mon whoever the imposter is it couldn't be the hand and it couldn't be bunzo and it can't be mean it it can't be me wait what why why did you say it can't be you because i was in the main room and bunzo saw me right bunzo uh i'm not gonna lie i wasn't really paying attention to you so you could have gone and killed someone come back but i don't know what bunzo all right we gotta figure out what's going on here i don't want to die shut up you monster i know you killed him admit it admit you killed him i i didn't kill him now yes yes you did all right gosh dang it um excuse me could i say something uh yeah sure what's up pj puggy pillar okay so i don't know who killed the yellow whackawonky but i know who didn't kill the yellow wacka woogie i know it wasn't the green um i know it wasn't the green wacker woogie because one he's brothers so that seems kind of messed up to murder her brother um and uh i was i i walked into med bay and i saw the green wackawocky med base scanning so green wakabugi is confirmed to be a crewmate so green wakawagie is mvp plus plus hi and um yeah so it's not the uh it's not the green waka woogie um okay well i guess that's good information okay we're slowly figuring out who it's not so it's not the hand it's not bunzo no it's not and it's not the green wackawoogie um okay um i guess i'll try using some logic here um hey r uh red wacky woogie so you said you overheard about the imposter and stuff did you hear any more information that we could use uh to try to figure out who the monster is yeah i did i did i did um they said that the imposter is somebody with with the color blue hello okay i'm voting scary hug you wonky what the heck huggy woogie what is wrong with you what what the red one confirmed it he said it's somebody blue and he's blue what come on is it not anymore obvious oh my gosh it's clearly him or it could be you what do you mean no it can't be okay well i know i am blue but it's clearly him yeah you know what i think it might actually be huggy woogie yeah he's been acting really sus he keeps falsely accusing everybody yeah and he keeps talking smack and and and earlier when i walked into weapons he wasn't even doing his task he was just standing there like he was to sabotage something yeah huggy woggy you're looking kind of sucks it's not me it's not freaking me it's him it's scary hug you woogie how many times do i freaking have to say it look at him he's ugly and hideous oh my feelings are we huggy what is wrong with you oh my goodness all right well i think i think it's pretty obvious who we're all going to vote for so everyone place your votes all right i voted i voted what i'm voting scary huggy buggy i don't care you're either with me or against me if you all vote me out i'm gonna be mad upset all right the vote siren the votes are in okay so currently on the list there is one vote for scary huggy wuggy why did no one else vote him and then there's also one vote for the hand dang why did that stupid hand not get out why did no one else vote for it um and then finally all of the other votes go to huggy woogie are you freaking kidding me junior what why wait what huggy woogie junior wait what did everyone vote huggy wuggy junior i mean it's pretty obvious he's clearly blue and um yeah he was uh he's the only one who he was silent throughout the entire meeting and nobody knew where he was the entire time i i was doing gas nobody asked me that's why i didn't say anything i just want to make sure we got all the important information out there i didn't want to waste anyone's time well i guess you just wasted your life then oh rats yay i'm so glad we got rid of that imposter okay guys uh let's go back to doing our tasks but wait hold on you you just murdered my child my child's dead i'm so sorry huggy wonky junior you didn't deserve this why you monsters you guys are the real imposters okay um huggy lucky can you please stop acting that's so disrespectful to his death i'm not acting though you monsters dang it if only y'all listen to me this wouldn't have happened um okay i'm gonna go do some tasks see ya later yeah i'm gonna go do my tasks too uh see you later uh a little wiggle waggle or i'm going this way excuse me mommy oh yeah i know i'm going over here i gotta go do the uh i'm gonna go do the garbage wait for me wait for me oh um so uh hey scary huggy wuggy yes do you think that hand right there is kind of creepy look at it oh yeah okay um you want to come do card swipe with me [Applause] yes okay come on oh let's go let's go do cards live all right i can't wait to get this garbage out okay let's see here um which one of these levers opens the doors at this one it is okay so i gotta put more garbage in here so uh here let me go ahead and throw ow oh my head my arm my arm my arm is stuck i'm stuck oh no i gotta get out of here okay i gotta get free god dang i gotta get my arm free okay uh there we go park park park park my park book book book walk my bike backwards my book i'm walking around oh freaking stupid frick this place is still not friendly i mean i keep getting my my legs stuck oh god damn park the park bike park park bark bark bark walk my boy boy ah emergency meeting oh my gosh what the what the heck is happening pj calm down what happened and he's trying to kill me hey you go kill me what no what no no it can't be no i don't believe it no there ain't no way pj would try to kill you because he can't kill you because he's not the imposter because it's scary huggy freaking wuggy what i was in front of the entire time yeah he was with me the entire time we were doing card swap together you know and then after we did that i had to i had to download some stuff and he kept me company too just to make sure nobody would come by and kill me shall i it's not scary huggy wuggy well anyways i caught red huggy woogie in the act i found him killing the green whack-a-wuggy uh how can we trust you i call cap i think he might be in the impostor trying to pull a fast one what no that's impossible why would i kill the green whack-a-wuggy last round i defended him i saw him made by scan and i defended him why would i defend somebody and then go and kill them that doesn't make any sense at all um he does have a good point what do you think about this mommy why are you crying i washed my arms you lost your arm what what happened well um oh it was hot it was scary huggy boy he wasn't it he bit off your arm i know it was him i knew we should trust him guys we should vote out scary huggy right now before he tries to kill someone and bring him down with him brush i am um i accidentally was doing the trash accidentally cut my arm off oh no i'm so sorry hopefully whenever we get off this ship we can get you healed up or maybe we could go to med bay and see if there's a first aid or something in there for you okay okay oh my gosh guys can we stop getting distracted we need to get out of this killer he's killing everybody we can't leave him on this ship if we leave him on the ship he's just gonna kill everyone else till we're all gone i would never do i have a small child you wouldn't kill a child would you yes yes i would all right that just like something in your posture would say come on guys she's gonna put it out do you know i would however you haven't provided any evidence for your case so uh where's your evidence pal well you see uh oh at the beginning of this round i got the last round i said i knew who it was it was impo i know what color the pasta was the pasta had the color blue and look at him he's blue and purple it's him he was the blue imposter well that may be true but you forgot one small crucial detail oh yeah what's that who's that you're wearing a blue bow tie uh huh well he wasn't wrong we didn't take him alive we just straight up killed him hmm all right i gotta go do my cash now i'm gonna go do my cash uh see you see you guys later so it it really wasn't scary huggy wuggy no i'm not an imposter i don't know why you keep having to be mean to me you're gonna hurt my feelings all i ever wanted was to be friends i'm friends with everyone here except for you can we be friends no [Music] oh wow what the heck huggy wuggy you suck man goddamn i hope we have a i hope we have an excuse later to vote you off because you're just a big bully what look at him look at him he's impersonating me he's just himself you can't judge people for who they are that's messed up oh my gosh okay you know what come on let's just go do some tasks come on scary huggy buggy you want to go too electrical with me that rooms oh well actually that's probably not this one's going because that's kind of scary and dark uh we go over the shields instead i gotta go do a shield task you want to come with me okay let's go it's gonna be okay we'll stay away from the real scary huggy wuggy in here or more like the bully huggy wuggy come on let's go bully i ain't no bully i'm trying to protect my friends well most of our your friends are dead now and now you're about to not have any um okay um hey mommy you want to go to uh med base we can get you healed up yes that would be excellent please okay all right let's go get you healed up let's go fix that arm of yours okay let's go all right let's see there's got to be a first aid in here somewhere are you freaking kid why does no one believe me oh you know even though we got i guess the red huggy buggy was the imposter i guess it does make sense but how do we know we're still safe what if there's still a killer aboard um no i don't believe it that's what's scary that's his plan that's his plan to that scary huggy bug he's playing all along he wanted to uh let his impostor do all the dirty work and stuff and then when his imposters out and that way everyone gains his trust and stuff then he's going to start killing people oh my gosh i figured him out i know it's scary huggy wuggy but how do i prove it's him how do i prove it's him wait what the wait the arm wait you're actually alive i thought you were dead wait do you know something do you know it scary huggy wuggy oh my gosh can you please help me prove that scary huggy woogie is the impostor please i don't trust him okay even if he's not the imposter i don't care i just want him out of here i don't feel safe with him aboard what is it what do you know wait are you going to try to show me something wait what what are you doing oh my gosh the sacred texts oh my gosh no oh my god no bruh are you serious right now what did i do to you come on no i'm a good person i don't know it oh my okay you know what fine i i'm out of here bro ah you got to be freaking kidding me why does nobody believe me why does nobody think it's scary huggy woogie it's obviously him how could it not be him oh my gosh how are you freaking kidding me i don't know why anyone doesn't believe me it's so so freaking annoying all right well i'm gonna just keep going and uh yeah okay let's see uh let's see where's my next task um okay i got a task right over here hello oh my god kissy missy you just scared me oh my gosh uh hi huggy what are you doing oh my gosh i was about to go do some electrical tasks oh uh oh okay wait i thought you were with mommy longlegs what where's she at oh um well after we got her healed up um we she had to do some stuff over by the generator i think she had like wires or something over there um so i told her i was going to go up ahead and do the wires and electrical that i needed to do so oh okay well i also have some wires i got to do so can you wait here for a second i want to make sure i don't get killed uh yeah sure i guess um okay all right just gotta do my dance gotta do these circuit breakers okay oh don't put some for one or something for two a simple number three okay there we go i'm done all right um i was gonna actually go do gas i need to fill up the gas can so if you want to come with me uh yeah sure um so hey uh kiss he missed you i wanted to ask you something uh better not be about scary huggy wuggy i'm tired of you i'm tired of hearing you talk crap about it he's honestly a nice guy uh okay well let me ask you something different then um wait you weren't gonna talk crap about him uh maybe okay listen do you think there's another killer on this ship wait what another killer what what makes you what makes you say that i don't know i just don't feel safe and i i think it might be scary huggy wuggy okay because he's impersonating me he's got those big old shark deep huggy wuggy stop stop right now stop being so mean to him he's been nothing but kind okay and we found out it was the little red huggy wuggy okay so yeah okay um i i just i don't trust him why not why not why do you not trust him bunzo's with ben has been with him the entire time and neither of them gotten killed but what if they're both imposters okay huggy buggy you're just talking nonsense right now i need you to stop but okay uh all right um okay here let's uh let's go back over here okay i need to go fill the fill these up oh okay i guess i'm freaking doing are you freaking kidding me huggy buggy hurry up come on let's go oh my gosh okay fine i'm freaking you got to be freaking kidding me why does no one believe me you know what maybe there isn't another killer you know maybe maybe we are safe you know maybe like maybe you know what i think this is my turn important i think i'm gonna stop being bad i'm gonna start being a good person all right i'm gonna start doing good and be good i'm gonna listen to friends and i guess scary huggy wuggy is not the imposter so uh yeah that's good wait why'd you stop um yeah what what's up no [Music] oh crap what's wrong what's going on guys what you call the meeting for didn't we already get the imposter out uh about that guys mommy mommy longlegs is dead wait what no how how did that happen i thought we got rid of the imposter well apparently there's more than one impostor among us oh no oh no oh god this is bad this is really really bad uh do we know who did it what happened where is the body at the body was in security um i i don't know what happened um okay we gotta figure out we gotta figure out who who was with who this entire round um i was with kissy missy um and uh wait yes it's scary huggy wuggy all right oh hi uh it's him it's him it's him it's him it's scary huggy woogie it's clearly scary huggy buggy look at him look at him he clearly vented in there and clearly killed mommy long legs right hey wait a second wait a second what do you mean vinted nobody's vinted how do you know vinton's a thing uh lucky guess and osho i'm calling crap scary huggy buggy has been with me the entire game so it can't possibly be him what what ah okay well fine i guess that i guess scary huge while he's safe then um no you're just saying that because you got caught red-handed it's huggy wonky i'm voting huggy wonky hey i'm done playing with your crap mommy longlegs did not deserve to die for this i have to agree i just wanted to be friends but i don't want to be friends with a murderer i'm not a murderer i didn't kill her are you guys seriously voting me this time all right yeah you're being a bully no there's gotta be an explanation who actually killed mommy longlegs um um oh wait hold on a second there is one person not counting for it pj pillar yes how can i help you you did it you killed mommy longlegs what what what what oh didn't it though no in all honesty you were alone you've been alone this entire round right yes so you killed mommy long legs what do you not understand the definition of a loan if i wasn't alone and don't you think i would have been with somebody well yeah you should have been with somebody but you weren't yeah because i was doing my tasks over there at the uh in weapons um actually no in navigation my bad um see now he's just making stuff up it's clearly pj pocket pillar what does it make any sense if i was an imposter why would i vote out the past imposter you know you've been sussed on too many times i'm voting pj pocket pillar this is unfair all right dang it we're not gonna be able to vote anyone out at this rate okay kissy missy just vote vote um vote pj pug to pillar and they'll just tie out the votes cause we all know that stupid thing isn't gonna vote why won't you vote it's just sitting there bruh okay i voted all right all right i'm so glad okay yep it's time wait what wait you there's there's only one vote for pj three votes for me wait you you voted for me i'm sorry huggy wuggy i just can't trust you you've been too much of a bully and i i like scary huggy woogie more you monster you are the imposter you're trying to take out from me get off of me he's trying to kill me quick vote about him out throw him out what's wrong cause she missy why are you crying we got rid of the imposter he was a murderer he was going to kill everyone i know i know i just it's going to be okay um here um okay um um crap what are you what am i doing this situation uh hey uh do you wanna go over to reactor i'm sure there's some cool things in there that'll help take your mind off of all this imposter stuff listen i know i know this is after this event is done we're all probably going to be traumatizing stuff but uh let's uh let's go over here okay okay all right sorry you wanna you wanna hang out together well sure right like yeah it's like hmm wait a second this doesn't make any sense all right what's up how how is the game still going on if we got out the imposters i think that still means there's an imposter among us who who who do you think it is oh no it could be you i don't trust you all right why do you not trust me now i don't know i'll just get some bad vibes well i i don't trust you then very well i guess let's go our own separate ways then okay i guess [Music] these wires are so stupid oh dang this is so annoying oh all right got those wires fixed well i don't trust anyone i gotta keep my eyes opened wider than they've ever been open before okay come on i can win this i can do this i can survive okay just gotta be careful gonna make sure i don't get killed okay there could be a sushi bakker looking around one of these corners um okay where's my next task i gotta task an electrical in it nope i don't trust that room nope i'm if i go in there i'm going to die nope nope nope i'm not going in there um okay let's see oh why what's another task i could do in the meantime um let's see i got i got a task in uh oh i gotta go back to uh the med bay i gotta go get my test tubes all right let me go get my test tubes all right oh gotta go get my test tubes oh oh wait bunzo bunzo oh no what what happened bunzonzo wait what another meeting what what's going on bonzo is dead bunzo the bunny fell off his bed he's dead why'd you kill him what wait you think i killed him no it was clearly you you clearly killed him what why why would i kill him you clearly killed him it's a scary huggy wuggy huggy was right we should have trusted him at the start and i think it's scary huggy woggy yeah i think it's scary huggy muggy too i'm sorry scary huggy wuggy wait wait wait wait hold on a second guys hold on a second can i defend myself make it snappy how could it be me that because you did it you clearly did it how i was on the other side of the map oh you could have vented wasn't didn't it cause she messed you up with banjo at the start of last round oh yeah i forgot about that oh okay bye kissy missy yeah bye wait wait no no well i'm so glad we got the impostor out oh i'm so sorry for accusing you that's all right man i you know i wish i wasn't born with this scary face but uh there's nothing i can really do about it yeah so kissy missy and the red whackawagie were the imposters yeah and looked like it oh i'm so glad we got rid of them oh my goodness i can't believe it i'm so sorry for accusing you again i i should have thought more i just i wasn't thinking clearly i'm i'm so sorry for accusing you yeah i'm sorry for just trying to turn the tables back on you i shoulda listened to you instead of accusing you right off the bat without letting you your talk well at least we gained one thing out of this experience today at least we got better friendship yeah we did better friendship uh-huh why are we still what why are we still here was the was the game still going on we got rid of the imposters i i don't know there's only two imposters right wait wait a minute oh no wha what's up i think there's three imposters what three imposters that that doesn't make any sense how could there be three imposters i don't know but there's three imposters lurking among us oh no oh no what do we do what do we do um um um um i don't know i don't know there's gotta be something um oh um oh god ah wait if that means there's a third imposter then that means you'll never take me alive oh my god it's the imposter he's gonna kill me oh dang it that he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me oh my gosh i knew i shouldn't have trusted anybody i'm gonna die now no no dang it no no no how could this happen all my friends are dead and i'm about to join them no no no what the oh crap you you imposter dang it oh my goodness no no no i won't let you kill me i won't let you kill me i'm gonna have to vote you out well i'm voting you there you go i voted for you oh i voted for you oh my goodness you stupid imposter oh my goodness you tried pressing this emergency button just get me back at the table that way you could kill me well it's not going to work you should try to kill me before calling to meet him because now i have the upper hand or no i'm going to vote you out now i'm going to vote you out because you called the meeting what did you call the meeting you called the meeting you stupid imposter you sure just killed me you're so dumb and stupid no i'm going to be able to have the chance to vote you out i'm going to get rid of you and i'm going to win the game right but i i didn't press the button you approached it i'm voting you out you're the imposter no you pressed the button i didn't press it you pressed a button no i did no you you you you press the button right now wait aren't mutants supposed to be disabled when there's only two players left yeah and there's still an imposter um well i mean i already voted for you and i voted for you wait if we voted for each other that means neither of us can get out yo we can't get out unless there's somebody else to vote yeah but there's no one else left about right wait ah oh crap [Music] oh crap oh no wait so there really was three imposters oh my gosh red huggy wugging kiss missy wearing postures but you were also an imposter i completely forgot about that stupid hand oh no now there's no one left to save me no please don't hurt me please i've been a good boy right i've been a good boy i've been a good boy right i've been a good boy please please tell me you're just going to come over here and pet me right oh see oh thank you for the pets is you
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 1,510,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, Among Us, RP, Roleplay, Story, Funny, Poppy Playtime, Huggy, Wuggy, Kissy, Missy, Mommy, Long Legs, Bunzo, Bunny, Prototype, PJ, Pug
Id: wrzcWThHUdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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