Gmod Poppy Playtime | Poppy Playtime In Fall Guys!

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wait where am I oh guys what's going on be quiet Huggy be quiet we can't let him hurt us what He who's he and wait what is this place why is it off why is it so bright and colorful I can barely see it so actually this place is a lot more cheerful than the factor you know ever since it closed out and stuff like that but why is it so bright in here it hurts my eyes uh huggish we've been brought here against our will I feel like something bad could happen What something bad could happen what do you mean it's probably fine all right yeah speaking of uh you know getting brought here against our will and stuff like that do we even do we even know who brought us here like how did we get here oh No but somebody definitely had to bring us here you know and I don't remember signing in consent forms about me being allowed to come to this place or anything like that I was just taking a little nap and then I woke up here with all you guys oh do you know what's going on uh no I I have no clue I I just want to go home bro I'm want to go home wait guys who's up there oh is that a giant jelly bean oh I love his curly because I have Jelly Bean can I eat you oh we'll eat them wait stop stop he he's clearly a monster of some sort he he brought us here against our will what we're Joey but I ain't no way no jelly beans evil look you look friendly oh oh wait I gotta wave hello Mr Joe we been see he waved back he's good guy like just because he waves doesn't mean we can trust him what do you want what can you can you speak English speak English or Mommy I'm pretty sure that that Jelly Bean up there I don't think he has a mouth I don't I don't think he can speak well all he's speaking is gibberish does does anyone speak gibberish or I should be gibberish uh wait why'd you show you again oh uh the Jelly Bean says he's a fall guy and he says this is his home okay well how's that helpful though uh he says he was the one who brought us here so you did bring us here you brought us here against our will uh he shares out all he wants to do is just play a game and he had no friends um to play with so while he he got us and he brought us here because we're all bright and colorful just like his colorful world and he wants to play a game with us oh a game I love me some games let's play a game cool what could go wrong no I don't trust him there's gonna be a Twist or something like this there ain't no way all right he should look at his bright and colorful world oh wow it is very bright and colorful oh my gosh no no why don't you trust the big the Jelly Bean Mommy I trust him with my life but you just met him though because he missed you do not believe in the Jelly Bean God what kissy what is the what if what is that God right there huh huh are you gonna say that about God but that exactly and he's alive bro we're toys we're also alive it's it's actually uh quite normal for our world uh he says are we interested in playing this game no we are not interested in playing your game take us back home right this very instant or he said he said you made him sad what I don't care so you gotta ask somebody's permission before you kidnap them what I I don't think that's how kidnapping works but okay oh he doesn't seem happy what do you say uh he says if we don't play his games well we'll all instantly die what die oh my goodness I see I told you there was something evil about him wait what happened to your friends uh he got he said he uh he played this game you know with all his friends and stuff all his friends died and so uh you know there's no one left so he wants to start another game but he doesn't want to participate he just wants to sit back and watch um and he's making us play against our well uh he shows how the game works is that basically we're gonna be doing a bunch of games and uh after each game at least one or two people will die and uh well here he says it'll stop when only there's one person left so uh yeah wait so you're saying we could all just die right now or only one person gets to stay alive uh yeah uh he said yeah pretty much you know what guys I think I know what the wise decision here is to do let's just go ahead and forfeit now we all die together and that way whoever's Left Alive you know doesn't have the guilt of being like Oh no I just killed all my friends so I could live you know because we're all friends here right and we all care about each other and uh we would definitely not throw each other just to be able to survive you know under the bus right uh who shows do you guys want to play yes I want to play what's the first game what movie what the heck are you saying you'd rather me die yeah I'd rather you be dead I'd Rather Be Alive you know I don't really care what happens to everyone else I want to be alive you know I hate to be selfish but uh I don't really care for you guys I was just employees so while I'm down to play these games as long as I as long as I win you know um yes I would also agree I would like to stay alive very very much yeah me too and I think that's fair to play these games and this game will prove who is the best out of all of us from playtime Co and uh it'll show who's the best and who is worth staying alive all right that's actually kind of smart I would have to agree um are you sure about this all right he says the first game is Dead Ahead all we have to do is get from get to the other side of this purple thing we just gotta walk in a straight line avoid the big the big pink thing and he shows the last one to get across to the other side uh dies we'll get out of my way then I'm going I'm going what kissy wait wait wait I'll show my face oh oh my goodness come on come on we gotta go we gotta go I'm getting a crush wait for me I'm gonna get a crush first okay let's see here uh this can't be that hard right oh okay wait what is that bro oh oh my leg oh my freaking left oh well to be fair I don't want to be dead so uh I guess I'll go ahead and go um okay all right uh jump oh oh that hurt oh no oh I'm okay oh that hurt oh my god oh I actually jumped over it I did it see I'm a real girl oh I could do this guys I can get to the other side this is gonna be just like statues okay just gotta okay Gotta Wait Gotta Wait and gotta wait okay [Music] oh God I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine oh my God become one with a rod oh my God oh my God oh frick I'll show you guys what to do okay so all you have to do is go to this thing and then jump come on guys you guys are noobs luckily I played enough video games so uh uh yeah there we go just gotta go dude but you guys have not gonna bro that was like the easiest thing ever what well I'm I'm a brain sure I can jump over it all right I'm gonna jump over it I'm gonna jump over I'm a bunny I'm a bunny rabbit okay bunnies all right yes let's go let's go okay I'll just jump over it bullying option [Applause] I made it I made it out that kind of hurt I made it let's go I got I got second wait oh crap I didn't hear that part wait last person to the other side dies oh God I don't want to be lost I don't want to die I gotta get across it's my turn to shine oh dude I'll get to the other side okay whoa okay come on come on come on come on come on yeah ouch yeah I made it I made it which yo wow that yeah really was easy Wow it looked a lot harder but that was really easy I will not be the first one to die okay I'll just use my spider legs okay um um they call me Mommy long legs for a reason wait I could just step over this hold up oh this is um just going to step over the thing okay yeah that was um yeah that was actually really easy oh my hood wait what are we doing okay Mr Jelly Bean I'll get to the other side um oh bro my face oh gotta get back up I gotta try again okay I can do it I can do this come on come on um all right so um who's gonna go first I I think you should go first what me um but I'm pretty sure terrible things have happened though and I don't want any more terrible things to happen and say go oh oh oh wait boom I'll get a crush I'm gonna make it I'm gonna make it [Applause] okay I got this I'll go ouch oh okay okay um I did it I did I did I did it I did it oh wow good job yeah I did it okay I got you I got this I can't be the last one okay all right I'm going I'm going oh my God oh my God under side I'm so oh bro I made it I made it my bones hurt no no no no no no no no I can't die I can't die I haven't gotten to be to experience what it's like to be a real girl I'm almost there oh damn I didn't okay come on I got this I got it this time okay um I'll go this way I'll throw my face out of that oh oh god oh bro oh my God I'm on the thing oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God got oh my head I gotta get up and try again okay I got this i got this this time okay I can do this oh I did it I did it stuck on the thing oh got a problem ouch oh whoops I think I broke it um I think it's probably fine yeah oh foul oh okay ow my head okay get you to fish wait what happened dude did I win oh wait hold on wait where'd everyone else go hi Huggy we're all the way over here oh oh my god oh we did it we made it across let's go guys we all made it um actually the the yellow wackawaggy dude he fell into that uh pink goo outside I don't even know what that stuff is what what even is that stuff is that like fasgu or something what the heck is that uh but yeah that yellow whackawaki I'm just glad it was him you know not me he probably deserved it what the heck man I hope you die on this one I'm not going to though because I'm like the best player ever literally that's my name player and I'm the best worship about that um what do you say all right we have to go go all the way left one up there dies or last wait what oh last two people die oh crap I don't want to be the last one I'm going wait hold on I wasn't ready oh yeah wait wait for me wait for me Mommy's gotta get to the top first get on my way you little brat on my face oh you actually helped me get on me wait I'm too thick okay okay I got this i got this oh my god oh okay okay I'm fine oh my goodness oh my goodness okay I'm gonna get to the top I'm gonna get to the top whoa that was close okay ouch my face no I can't lose okay [Music] okay I gotta hurry [Laughter] it's so hard to run as a doll oh yeah he's probably white we should probably get going I gotta hurry ouch my face okay well um I'll just uh you know do this really quick uh dude dude excuse me dead little doll oh hello there puppy dog don't mind me don't mind me uh you're very thick wait what'd you say about me I said you're thick yes I made it across okay oh okay oh and uh I did it that was easy hold on did you just say easy bro you're supposed to say GG not easy that's disrespectful I gotta win for my fellow brother and okay I got this i got this i got this whoa okay I got this i got this oh no no no no no oh my God oh my God phew I almost died right there that could have been oh so oh hello brother hello ouch my face hurts yeah my face hurts too are you okay yeah I'm fine okay bye oh no okay I got gotta win okay come on oh I slipped off help me oh crap I gotta get him moving okay okay I can get I can do this I can do this um hello poppy oh my head hurts get up poppy come on come on come on we can do this we can do this okay okay what do we do all right here I'll give you a boost okay we gotta work out your team uh okay all right I'll give you a boost oh wait I'm up here now yay oh no no no please do not answer the queue uh whoops uh okay oh my gosh almost died okay that could have been bad okay hurry up hurry up up up up up oh fine oh God that touched my tail oh my gosh okay phew all right hello there thick what I'm not that thick though uh yes you are you're very thick all right out of my way oh my goodness okay I need to keep going I need to go okay I got this i got this i got this i got this okay all right I gotta go Gotta Go Gotta go go go go go okay oh my goodness I'm too thick I am okay I made it oh wow I'm surprised you were able to carry out carry that entire dump truck across this side all right let's go wait what all right I got this um oh God wait what up bro oh bro you deserve that fun so okay I got this in the bag okay oh Jelly Bean dinner time oh oh I should go across you right okay I got this Huggy wuggy got this oh thank you because he Missy for the piggyback right oh go over here and oh wait I can just climb up wait hold on a second climb up the walls well this is this is oh almost no I couldn't be bad oh hello there uh what how the frick did you get up here so fast I used my long legs that spanked me so hard wait long legs wait I have long legs why did I just use my long legs uh yeah I can just climb over the wallet there you go well that's actually very smart I did it I gotta go I gotta make it gotta go oh my God oh my God oh don't touch it wait a minute I could just climb up this or or doggo Powers okay come on come on come on just gotta wait for the right moment to go okay go go do oh change my limbs okay we fine we good I wish I heard that hurt that hurt that hurt oh my God he almost knocked me off too oh my head ow okay I'm back up yo okay that's good ouch oh my head I gotta get up to the top okay okay I got this I got that I got this i got this okay um okay just gotta wait gotta wait and then go okay this is easy this is fun I might win this prize so fun all you need is love to win all you need is love and then you will succeed inside of this big world cause all you need is just a little love from Little me all you need is dang I was really hoping she would die her singing was awful what the heck what do you mean it was all for a good girl to go okay come on brother let's go wait hold on a second wait I have an idea what's your idea I'll give you a speed boost wait what do you mean okay all right my turn okay I got this i got this okay um okay got all ill why is this sound so sticky ah okay oh God this sounds oh this sounds oh God that could have been bad okay oh oh my God oh my God oh oh my God I did it I did it I don't want to go through that ever again oh my face okay Gotta Go Gotta make it up okay okay congratulations on doing a good job so far yeah we did it you're doing a good job oh yeah I'm the best uh yeah whatever are we done yet can we go now we did your games can we leave all right he shows the game himself Only Just Begun we've only done two games but there's five in total what five games bro wait what's up with this whole five things like five nights five chapters now there's five games wise always five while you have five fingers on your hand fair enough well wait a minute what's the uh what's what's next game all right here's your show us just follow him oh gosh okay I'm gonna win hey that just means you want everyone else to die that's kind of messed up I would have live uh yeah okay whatever I'm gonna beat all of you guys um what do you say uh he said welcome to the next game in game three all we have to do is uh make it to the Finish Line over there and uh yeah uh if you don't make it uh you die oh my God he says we can go I'm going I'm gonna win oh this does not look safe at all oh god oh don't worry guys knows what to do I'll show you guys oh oh God I tripped and fell okay don't worry guys I tripped and fell don't worry guys Hoagie Woogie will show you oh I tripped and fell okay don't you worry guys Huggy wuggy will show you what to do oh for a second I thought I was gonna trip but oh okay all right so anyways guys all you have to do is you have to go up here and oh I tripped and fell all right you know what it looks like there's a lot of jumping involved so I think this is the perfect perfect game for a bunny to do okay all right watch out for that okay all right uh uh oh boy oh oh god oh whoa whoa whoa okay this is Digi I'm Digi I'm Digi um um um okay all right and boing wait I did it I jogged ouch wait oh bro oh my you're not so tough now are you bunzo ow don't worry oh Mommy we'll show you how to do it oh foreign all right I guess I'll go and go and get this over with all right what all right do a backflip really quick you know just try to you know emote on them okay gonna go here excuse me coming through and yeah um again easy how does he do it how does he do it so quick I don't know maybe he's been practicing or maybe he has hacks on he could be hacking oh my goodness um okay here I'll go ahead and get across okay um wait yeah I should just feel this will be easy since I'm tall oh God oh God I was not planning on tripping okay all right yeah I'll just uh walk across okay whoa okay um okay uh dupe okay there we go easy easy okay I got this okay good good good good good um oh God okay oh on my head oh that hurt okay ouch I'm fine okay ow that hurt oh wait oh kissy no oh my I guess I guess you got squished it was not funny you know what you're gonna get squished in that freaking um paper shredder or whatever that thing was well I'm gonna win for kissy Missy don't worry kissy missy I'll avenge your death okay oh god oh I did it yay I got this I'll do it I'll get to the Finish Line okay oh my God whoa oh yes let's go ouch okay all right I did it all right let's go bro oh god oh oh that hurt my toe I always come on little one you got this look you're right I need to get back up I gotta get back up I got the troll okay I got this i got this this time okay what Okay jump right there um okay all right there we go there we go okay um whoa oh my goodness whoa okay all right um oh those balls are big okay oh well okay all right oh oh my goodness oh okay okay oh my goodness okay ow okay all right I did it I did it let's go you know I hope you know that uh you're still thicker than uh than the size of those those balls right there what all right I'm the last one to go I got this okay yeah she I the page the key to this is going last so that way you can watch everyone fail and then you know all the mistakes and you know they're correction all right little blue ruggy here get up get up pal I got you all right take me to Victory Crow oh well I'm so sorry here I'll help you out oh god oh that bogs me on the head okay I'll say oh God her God almost hit me oh my gosh okay this is okay are you okay um oh don't worry I'll get you up brother and I will not leave you behind brother I got you okay uh we got to get you out of here um okay all right on the count of three we're gonna go one actually I'll throw you across on the count of three okay one two three oh you did it okay I'm gonna go all right all right um oh gosh okay okay okay wait oh God wait what the heck this thing is weird wait wait I'm Invincible let's go I did it okay I gotta go whoa okay all right all right all right whoa oh my gosh I almost fell okay let's go I did a troll oh all right I gotta go I gotta get to the other side okay I got this i got this i got this i got this okay all right I got this oh okay oh that would have been bad if I died from that um okay all right I got this i got this all right what um does that mean when you win uh yeah I think that I think that means we won oh let's go oh wow it's time for a team game let's go show only one team's gonna win and whoever the illusion team is uh all their team members die so all right how does this game work all right so whatever side has the most eggs in their basket at the end Wayne you want to when all the eggs are off the board that's when the time is up show what this will be a pretty quick one um all right well who's my teammate I'm like I'm on your team oh snap okay cool all right who are we going up wait a minute hold this ain't Fair there's only two of us which tiny and there's three of them what this ain't Fair okay guys um so I know this level I already pulled up the um you know uh play through Page and stuff like that so uh I already know what the best shot is so uh just followed the plans I told you earlier and uh well we're uh we're guaranteed to win um okay all right I got you I got you yo I'm ready to play all right are we starting oh God okay we're starting I got an egg all right let's go okay oh convention plan sit in the corner and do nothing that way I don't do anything bad okay it's my time to shine let's go I got my first egg all right nice all right that's it grab pack activate Bonk we're done you can't do that can he oh my gosh the other team's getting so many points I gotta get a point in quick all right Eggo bird what the heck oh my it looks like it bounced off my cheeks what the flick wait why the game's over already that was so freaking quick all right time to count up the eggs okay I'll go back to my side then um oh my we got so many eggs do we do it guys we win uh yeah of course we won yeah we got all the eggs all except one dang it oh wow all right oh we only got one wait there's there's that does that mean all right brother I think we're gonna die yeah what makes you say that oh oh oh my god oh wait where are we what the heck brother are you like oh oh my god brother oh brother no are you oh God oh my God I'm trapped in this endless void oh my God oh my goodness how do I get out of here oh I gotta get out of here oh oh my neck I hope my neck oh God okay hey I'm actually fine whoa Joe oh that hurt okay I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine yeah guys we be top three yay oh wait hold on a second we've done we've done four games so far so that means the next one's the final game I'm gonna win and I'm Gonna Be the Last One Alive oh my goodness I'm so happy all right let's go to the last game oh okay all right yep uh if I'm correct it should be a memory game let's go uh yep the memory game yep I was right all right uh well just gonna pull up the Wiki page for this one and uh see what the percentages are and the different you know types of Spawn rates for different uh memory sets so uh let me just pull up the list um okay gotta go to Google dude start searching oh my goodness so wait the first one across wins okay I'll be first one across oh oh my goodness hockey died oh oh I'm still here oh respawn is on for this one okay um so wait so these um okay okay I'm pretty sure so if I um if I step on this one I should be safe yeah oh oh no oh I don't want to die I gotta get to the other side good job uh-huh okay I see so for this setting up um okay so yeah that one's that one's missing that's good so that means there's a high probability that the correct panel is this one oh yes okay and then that obviously means that this one has to be correct but that means it could be this panel or this panel um okay let me see so the spawn rights is that means it's very rare for it to be you know three in a row right off the bat so that means it's probably this one yep there we go and um the the probability of it you know being squiggly right away is uh is not that high so it's going to be this one um okay this is where it gets tricky this is more like a 50 50. I don't know which way to go from here it could be it really could be that one or it could be that one um okay let me think about this one oh look it fell okay I just gotta try this again okay all right oh wait so if I oh okay I'll just follow the player okay so he says this one's safe and then this one's safe and then this one's safe um oh uh hey hey there Mommy uh which one's the next safe one um it's that one that one's the next safe one oh well okay I'll go on this one yay uh I I I I told her that I told her this one was safe though it's safe and I think this one's there cute yep oh my you should have listened to me I didn't believe you I'm sorry um okay all right okay fine I'm here um okay all right so that one was bad I know that no uh oh this one's good oh okay I'm sorry for not believing you player which one's the safe one now um okay the next iPhone is that one okay all right put okay that time that time I lied it was um yeah it was uh it was this one okay and then yep it's this one now and then it has to be this one and I think it's probably this one it was wrong the Wiki page lied to me dang it someone must have changed oh man this is probably why I shouldn't use Wiki Frick um okay okay I just gotta remember the pattern is this one it was this one and then it was good oh you know what half of these panels I'm stepping on I think are all right but I think I'm just too thick that they can't hold my my thick booty um okay all right this one this one oh wait hold on I gotta get caught up I gotta get caught up okay okay okay oh wasn't that one was it this one that means that means it's Gotta Wait oh I'm stupid it's not this one it's this one this is wrong um where did what did we do did we trust that one try to win or just go all the way across all right so according to my calculations all you have to do is uh you know just go uh just hop all the way so you see how we started on the far side over there uh-huh that means we're gonna finish on the same side on that side over there so just walk all the way across and then uh then uh you know we'll uh we'll win um okay I can do that okay all right I'm gonna win I'm gonna win I'm gonna win you foolish fool that's all I needed in order to win in all honesty I had no clue but all I know is that there's two rows left so if you got out one on this one then obviously I know which one's gonna win the pattern is this one and then that means it has to be that one's safe and then I win all too easy I've already won and nothing can stop me oh oh no he's gonna win I see the path all clear now it wasn't clear to me before but as Huggy wuggy as the main image of poppy play timeco as the fan favorite toy I now see the truth and I will win I will win and I will redeem my fellow toys I'm gonna catch up to that player I'm gonna activate my speed boost and I'm gonna run all the way over there before he crosses the Finish Line okay hooky Boogie let's go all right I'm gonna win oh and then uh Boop and then a Boop yay I win do I get to go home now wait wait what wait hold on wait what are you doing beep babies
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 335,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, Poppy Playtime, Fun, Funny, Story, RP, Roleplay, Fall Guys, Poppy, Huggy, Whack, Wuggy, Kissy, Missy, Bunzo, Bunny, Player, Grabpack, Mommy, Long Legs, PJ, Pug, Pillar, Game
Id: 3SLqHuIkjFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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