Gmod FNAF | Sun VS. Simps!

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oh boy oh boy i can't wait to get the day started oh boy oh boy i sure am happy i love being happy i'm happy every single day that's why i wear a nice lovely smile yay everything makes me happy oh boy oh boy i sure do enjoy life oh it's so nice and refreshing i wonder what great adventures are gonna occur today only good things can happen yay well i think i should spend this lovely sunny day by hanging out with my friends i'm gonna hang out with my friends today hooray i'm gonna go find my friends friends where are my friends at and wait what the heck trash trash i love trash oh trash it's so good samp what do you think you're doing oh my trash i mean some nice trash i love trash you you love it yeah i love trash senp simp yo give me that hey what are you doing samp what no my trash why would you do that now i want you to stop sipping and i want you to go think about what you've done all but trash okay oh trash trash hey sam did you not just listen to what i said come here you simp semp do you want to die no no no no then stop simping actually i love trash more so uh come here all right well i think she learned her lesson no more simping yup she won't be sipping anymore well anyways um i guess i can't hang out with glam racchiga cause she's a simp and i hate the sims i will never hang out with a simp not on my lifetime alright well anyway since she's eliminated um let's see who's the other friend i could hang out with today i want to hang out with a friend and i want to have fun all right let's see here there's gotta be some friends over here in their bedrooms um yes let's go over to the bedrooms nothing ever sauce happens in the bedrooms right yeah nothing nothing sauce ever goes on here and uh let's see what's going on oh hey would you look at that it's claire mcfreddy and officer vanessa they seem to be having a conversation together um i wonder what they're talking about hopefully nothing saw us officer vanessa you're you're scaring me what's going on freddy i can't help myself freddie listen to me let's let's let's let's do it right here right now um do uh do what exactly freddy listen to me i'm the security guard right i'm the security of this place and what does the security guard do they inspect things so i think it's about time that i i i give you a little a little inspection and maybe maybe once i'm done you you can inspect me all you want oh i was not programmed for this encounter i'm scared oh hey no not on my watch sip sip what do you think you're doing oh i am doing security guard things stop not on my watch hey ah you can't attack security chimp sip i know a sip when i see one you are dishonored to that badge you wear you suck ow hey well i'm gonna you can't attack a security guard that's bad sipping is worse than death all right i'm going to fight you i hate seps all simps must bang i'm scared where's my superstar gregory come save me don't worry glam rock freddy you've been saved from the evil semp officer vanessa you hit her pretty hard is she gonna be okay nope you're coming with me officer vanessa you're going into the sip dungeon oh boy i think it's about time i lock these sims up for good so that way they can't sip anymore all right you're coming with me all right let's see i'm gonna drag you over here into the daycare and underneath the daycare i got a simp dungeon where i can lock them in and uh wait hold on a second what the heck map map oh you hot sexy map oh map oh map map map oh map what the hell uh free map [Music] these simps they'll never learn i gotta lock them up for good so that way the simp virus doesn't spread to others oh man i'll clean up clean up hide the corpses i must oh throw them away where they'll never be found again all right into the daycare i go all right all right let's see here all right so for right now i'm gonna have to keep you guys here um i'll tell you guys up in a minute so well there we go we got vanessa we got map and we got clam rock chica all these people are simps they've betrayed me they've they've they've turned to the sim side nobody goes to the side that nobody goes to the sip side wait what's that crying i hear somebody crying nobody cries on my watch everyone must be happy uh doop doop doop doop hey bonnie are you okay oh no don't tell me the sims touched you are you okay oh what um i'm fine i'm fine why are you why are you crying friend well if i tell you just tell me to shut up no i won't i would never tell you to shut up well you see i just i really miss the pizzeria okay i miss my home well okay there's nothing wrong about that i mean but hey you got a new home here no you don't understand all my friends are at the pizzeria and i miss them i haven't seen them in so long i miss my lovely home and my guitar is back there too i don't have my guitar anymore oh we can just get you a new one i already got a new guitar i've been through hell and back i just want to go home well listen here friend let me sit down we need to have a bit of a talk okay can we talk about how i'm gonna go home i'm sorry friend but you're gonna be stuck here for a little bit longer okay why is that what's in here pal listen here come in for me listen you gotta let go of your attachments okay cause listen if you keep caring about your home so much you might fall in love with it and if you fall in love with your home that would make you asap so we can't have you turn into a simp so that's why we're keeping you away from your home alright so that way you don't fall in love with it so that's why i've been keeping you captive here and that's why you're never allowed to return but but i want to go home nope you already are home well anyways friend one day you'll learn to accept your home here so what for now just keep on resting i'm gonna pet you with my foot i'm not a dog all right friend you're gonna be a okay just calm down relax and enjoy your stay in the daycare besides you're here with me please i wanna leave too bad i gotta go tie up the hostages now see y'all later oh man and uh wait a second there's this trash can in here and glamorous chica sims for trash oh man i gotta get the trash can out of here before she wakes up and twice up and starts simping for it i can't stand simps i gotta separate them from the ones they love all right dupa-doop sorry mr trashcan you gotta get out of here you're being sent for so i gotta keep you safe because i love trash and without trash cans this world would be a disaster so mr trashcan i'm setting you free into the wild there you go often free there you go all right bye bye what the heck um oh hello there what the what are you doing oh well bye bye don't shut the garage on me i'm glitch hello there oh hello there what brings you here i've come to steal some stuff i mean uh i didn't expect you to open the garage i'm not gonna lie i was about to pry it open with a crow i mean uh how's it going i'm just happened to be in the neighborhood you know i wasn't planning on stealing anything how's it going friend oh i'm going pretty good friend and uh hey wait a second recently there's been a bit of a sip virus going on then uh you haven't happened to have caught it have you uh no well do you love anything um i don't think so i don't think i love anything okay well i guess you don't have the sim virus then what's up what's up with the bonnies these people are simps and if somebody steps again i'll slaughter them oh well i'm not a symptom do you mind if i just take a if i go to the bathroom here you know oh yeah sure the bathroom's over there okay i'm definitely not gonna steal anything or anything like that and nothing can ruin this moment glitch trap glitch trap oh god dang it vanity what do you want i i told you to stay back at the at the cardboard box fanny uh glitch trap glitch trap i was so worried about you you've been gone for so long it's i've literally been gone for one minute besides i told you i was leaving now i told you i'll be back but glitch trap i was i was so scared i was so nervous nervous nervioso and oh i missed you so much get off of me danny hey wait a second what are these sounds i'm hearing that's something only a soup would make are you something over here uh no there's no sympathy going on over here please please don't kill me i i swear i'm being held against my will glitch what are you talking about i love you so much what the heck manny you're sipping aren't you what is simpin simpin is when you love somebody something or something someone else oh in that case i'm a huge sim for glitchy would she please get her off of me no question i love being lychee help me no no well i will fight for my love for glitchy take this you evil son with ow cow oh sweet a free motorbike let's steal this vanity come on let's get this bad boy out of here oh i crashed oh no wait i ripped i ran him over oh gosh are you okay ah my neck oh i'm sorry i tried get out of my way oh okay i'm sorry simp where'd you go simp uh they'll never learn they'll never learn you know what on second thought maybe maybe i'll steal something some other day i'm just gonna hit tippy toe on out of this one see you see you later please don't follow me somebody told there's a madman simps they don't know the power of their own strength these simps sips the simp virus is spreading worse than i thought oh these simps these simp and simps oh man i'm gonna make sure the scent virus hasn't spread to anybody else oh man i gotta make sure my friends are okay all friends friends be careful be careful out there friends oh my gosh glamorous freddie are you are you okay oh i'm i'm better now that you're here roxanne oh i'm so glad you're here roxanne you whenever i see you you always make my day so much better oh well i'm glad i can do that but are you okay you're just sitting here on the floor oh i'm fine i've just officer vanessa though well what happened well you see i was just minding my own business when all of a sudden she came up and said awesome hey would you be roxy up for it i was trying to talk to her samps i know some steps when i see some steps and you simps were sipping what hey leave roxanne alone oh you suck you ship and sip oh no please simps sapps i'm losing my sanity everyone i know is turning into a simp this can't be right this can't be fair no no no there's still got to be some good left in the world i can't be the only one who's not a symp out there oh come on there's got to be someone who is in a simp there has to be somebody left let's see um vanessa was a simp glad mark pretty was a simp glenn right chica was a simple roxanne was a simp vanny was assump everybody's a simple there's got to be somebody who's left there's got to be someone please there's got to be at least one person one person to give me hope to keep on going oh and to let me know that that i'm not doing this all for nothing there's got to be somebody here who isn't a oh i know who there's there is one person here besides me who is not a simp i know just the guy he can't simp yeah that's right there's no way he could simp he's just a child there's no way that'll be wrong for him to be a sim well well hey there friend how are oh hey mr shun what's up what what are you doing in here oh i always just want to see my good old pal gregory that's you oh well thank you mr sean i haven't seen you in a while oh man well what you doing here pal all right oh i'm just um i'm just watching some some youtube videos right now because i think youtube videos are pretty cool oh some youtube videos huh well i guess youtube videos are kind of cool i guess i would have to say you know you know there's so many different types of cool and unique videos out there yeah you know i'm watching some really cool videos right now whoa who what videos are you watching right now all right oh i'm just i'm just watching some videos right now that's made by this uh x-man 723 guy you know i think he's i think he's kind of cool oh yeah that dude i liked all of his videos he's pretty cool yup he is pretty cool yeah he's a really cool he's a really cool youtuber you know yeah he really is a cool youtuber you know yeah he's he must be really something you know all these videos are great i'm sure he's not a sip or anything like that oh boy oh boy well hey you know i really like that guy too hey which one of his videos are you watching uh well you see uh wait what the hell is this what this is this sorcery uh it's uh for what is research purposes i swear it's just a funny youtube video it's not what it looks like i swear you're a sip i'll just quickly change the video i'll just watch a different video and uh oh crap it's the sequel oh no oh no you're a simp you're coming with me simp wait no no please no wait i haven't left a like and i haven't even subscribed wait wait no i can't go you're coming with me chef wait no i gotta comment when's part three when's part three you're coming with me you semp no no please if somebody say me that is it you're coming with me you little brat come here you simp you're coming with me and uh hey what's going on oh hey son i have a quick question for you have you seen glam rock chica i was wanting to slap you simp you sipping sim ow no ow hey wait was it that obvious that i like her oh no simps these stamps you're coming with me you simps look at that i'm the winner here i've locked up all the sims you sims can't perk this land anymore no more shipping i've locked up all the sims in one place now there will be no more sipping i'm a hero everyone will remember me this will go down in the history books a simp slayer 69 is the true simp slayer let's go yay all the sims have been eliminated um wait a second everyone wait everyone's locked up in here yep uh something tells me we're not gonna get out of this one oh hey hey bonnie bonnie help us out here try to try can you break us out of here um if if i help you guys get out of here well will you guys let me go back to my pizzeria uh no well i'm not nope i ain't helping but no bunny please also by the way uh hey there's some creepy dude back here mr sun can you come help wait what some creepy dude what's going on back here what's going on what what are you doing here crap you blew my cover you stupid rabbit god dang it what are you doing back here i thought i saw you run away well i was trying to trying to get him to smell my fingers what why would you do that that's weird what i but i love making people smell my fingers wait you love you sip and stump come here no no please no you're getting locked up too no don't you yeah there we go there will be no escape from this room you guys are not allowed to leave glitch trap my glitchy hero you're here to save me please get off of me vani my glitchy hero benny stop this is sauce fanny get off me snuggly wiggly help child small child help me sorry i don't want to get cootish help uh mr sean i think you screwed up what what makes you say that i brought peace i brought justice i brought balance back to the world i've locked up all the sims in the same room i've brought them all back together all of them called them all back to the same spot and now no one will escape well yeah that's that's the problem mr sun listen to what you just said you brought all the sims into one room wait oh wait a minute oh no please stop cuddling fanny stop stop it you're my glitchy winchy uh hey you are you come here often trash i want me some trash trash trash trash well you want to see my motorbike trash bonnie please help us get out of here nope sorry i'm taking a nap no bunny come back oh no this is bad well what's so bad about this freddy i don't see anything bad about this being locked up in a room together uh hey freddie how do you think how do you think we're going to get out of this one freddy what do you think we're going to do yeah freddie what do you want to do c e a e i o u and sometimes y um um matbot is trapped in a room without a map this is why map bop carries extra maps in his little fanny pack yay maps i love maps huh well at least my faz watch gets some service in here i can just watch videos on here yay i love being able to watch some youtube videos no no no no no no oh no i can't stop them what do i do they're shipping the same virus is everywhere it's infected everyone no no no no no no no there's got to be something i can do there's got to be something i could do to stop these sims no they're simply too hard for each other no no no that is it there's got to be something i can do i wait a minute there is there is something i could do to stop these steps once and for all and to make sure they never ever simp ever again hey you simps yeah that's right i'm talking to all of you guys that's it it's time for this rain of simply to finally end i call this bad boy the simpslayer9000 it's time to die you simps now you can never step ever again you can't simp if you're dead oh my gosh the sun he's gone crazy he's gonna kill us all oh no what are we gonna do we don't have much time glitchy witchy we gotta have fun i'm gonna have fun glitchy would you please oh god kill us faster please wait wait stop everything wait hold on a second stop stop what do you want simp what are your final words well wait hold on a second mr son hold on one second so you you hate shims right yes i despise simps all sims must burn well so you you really hate sims yes i hate simps what are you what else is there to it well you um you define shipping as uh as a loving something or being loved or whatever loving some some something or somebody pretty much right yes anything that involves love is sampen oh okay well in that case would you would you say that you love hayden simps well yes of course i love hayden sims they're simpson i i wait wait a minute wait a minute i no no it can't be no no no it can't it can't be how how can i no i by hating the sims i've turned into a simp myself no no no it can't be it can't be no no no i've become the very thing i swore to destroy no no how is this possible how could this be no no no no no no no [Music] i will not be safe this is the end for me goodbye oh no mr shawn he stabbed himself with his laser sword is the sun dead no mr sun can't be dead mr sun please don't die gregory calm down remember the time when you shot him with the phaser blaster uh yeah the phaser blaster is a laser and that didn't affect him at all he's a million he's immune to lasers because he's the sun all right oh yeah you're right why would this stupid laser kill me dang it oh man i think i've developed depression now oh i need some time to rethink my life choices are everyone get out of here yay let's get out of here hooray we're all free wait wait guys don't leave me in here with her please somebody help me oh my glitchy witchy my glitchy witchy my snuggly wuggly let snuggle noses woozies please somebody help me oh my glitchy wishing somebody help me please [Music]
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 815,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, Garry's Mod, FNAF, Five Nights at Freddy's, Fun, Funny, RP, Roleplay, Story, SB, Security Breach, Gregory, Glamrock, Freddy, Bonnie, Map, Bot, Chica, Monty, Roxy, Roxanne, Vanessa, Vanny, Glitchtrap, Sun, Simp, Love
Id: 8_tj-xdk_rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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