What If You Talked in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2? (Parody)

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wake up [Music] poppy where'd you go did you happen to have that paycheck guess not well upside at least you left me my hands downside literally everything else and now i've got to worry about a creepy little doll running around could this day get any worse come on why does everything have to be creepy in this place even hallways man hey huggy you jerk high five don't try and eat me man the paycheck is so not worth this puppy was that you or hopefully someone who isn't a demon doll like some fetish thieves juice yeah juice that boogie bot spilled some juice lots of juice yep nope not today death door i'm going this way keep going i have some bad news you talking at me has the opposite effect i'm going back to the death door elliot ludwig huh maybe he's in damn it fine you win demon doll how am i gonna get over this oh i have an idea here we go spider me spider me this did not go as planned it's okay no one saw that first try yeah yeah yuck it up you yuckle head but you're not yucking it up now that you fell into a bottomless pit the door sounds like me after taco bell doesn't seem to be much in here oh a key never mind i'll take that thank you very much nailed it i'm getting good at that mr ludwig i'm coming in whether you like it or not please don't send any more murder toys after me thank you well this is one of the creepiest offices i've ever seen ah cute drawing as long as a kid drew it if mr ludwig drew it then it's creepy gotta be an exit here somewhere yeah what the hell poppy sorry i didn't mean to scare you well you failed i was just trying to get the power back on oh i can do that uh all right you're awfully nice for a murder doll please don't try and bite my face off while i'm playing with electricity got it thank you thank you that'll be 500 um i wanted to thank you for freeing me you're welcome i was stuck in there for so long thank you no problem i'd like to pay you back ooh my paycheck i know it's not much there's a train station nearby oh needs a coke and i haven't oh we're gonna get out of here oh even better than a paycheck lead the way as soon as you get on up here oh all right check this out come on i'm coming i'm coming yeesh pushy little puppet poppy where are you hey i'm up here i see you try that 100 less creepy i should be able to follow you through the fence this way you may be nice but somehow the idea of you following me through the vents is terrifying well somehow the stakes for my wannabe spider-manning just got real please don't die please don't die please don't die [Music] hey poppy i just swung over a freaking chasm i almost died it was awesome listen listening i'm going to need you to trust me wow paulie fried twinkies bobby bobby bobby you all right nope i'm out come on come on dang it dang it fine i'm coming poppy oh please land on something soft whoa am i sliding [Music] okay that was really fun let's do it again just go around here and oh come on who knew electrician involved geometry huh guess we're going to the game station papi you around here if you can hear me i'm coming to find you just so long as whatever grabbed you isn't also trying to eat me if it is then every man slashed doll for himself i fought [Music] exciting indeed that miss poppy was going to just give you the train code to escape now how is that fun fun for you or fun for [Music] out of it me don't want it station is still working it will be just like old time will it and if you win all three games i'll give you the train code oh goody mommy loves that idea puppy oh you're going to have so much fun head to musical memory and mommy will get things started and if i don't obey the rules or i'll tear you apart and eat your insides while you're still alive so musical memory then got it i just had to ask how could the day get worse just head over my big stupid mouth oh look the whole gang's here and i hate every single one of them let's just get this over with all right mommy bring it on yeah super uncomfortable calling her mommy i repeat why does everything here have to be so creepy and are there spider webs up there i hate everything about this you know i probably would have had a great time here as a kid if it wasn't for all the murder and death even then i still probably would have had some fun all right enough stalling hi kids welcome to the game station i'm stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play yay little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are excel in all categories mommy long legs down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory see you in a bit just gotta remember this was designed for kids i can do this huh guess we're going this way not sure i ever came down here where the heck am i what the oh pull the lever seriously everything is so creepy high five what do we got here all right i remember now we used the green hands to transfer electricity around it was super helpful i wonder why we never sold that to electricians or oh right right poor danny never saw that door coming how was this place not sued into oblivion time to get me a new hand so i got the goo yeah now we just gotta move it to the mold ah crap the pipes are messed up just gotta there we go sweet i'm a plumber now i'm charging plumbing rates and electrician rates that'll be 850. you know there had to be a more efficient less inadvertently terrifying way of doing this yeah new hand let's test this puppy out and see if it works high five it tickles woo it works all right better go before it cuts me in half too don't want to end up like danny and we're through what's this i know when your birthday is june 28th that was way off but for any kids whose birthday was june 28th that probably blew their little minds and also made them pee themselves the hell is this place i do not remember this god stop doing that welcome to musical memory not glad to be here thanks this advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain allowing us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works so all that glue-eye smith probably is going to help me here huh a sequence of colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you ah got it bonzo will slowly lower towards you but why when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up when you input a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you faster if bunzo reaches you your test is over and my head smashed the test will become more difficult as it continues with longer patterns in quicker succession great that's all fun good luck thanks good luck on getting your head smashed by a bunny on a rope this place is the worst [Music] place i've been uh in years for good reason mommy can only imagine how excited bunzo must be not at all it's been such a long time since he's been able to play to cheer [Music] screw you too you lanky-ass spider i hope you fail shut [Music] yellow red green that screw you bunzo [Music] violet what the hell [Music] uh where the hell is oh that's some cheap you know it's not fair that you keep adding things yes it is what the hell is this okay fine bring it on [Music] start panicking [Music] panic thank you oh geez i think i wet myself it broke that's no fun for you maybe for doing such a splendid job mommy has decided to give you part of the code for the train what part damn it take it fine thanks now what mommy was hoping the game could last a little longer glad to disappoint it's okay though mommy knows other ways to play with you uh could you not phrase it that way thanks i'm out of here um mommy little help that crap but i'm stuck on a string good huh must have found some back room what the heck are you rejected owen the oven multiple cases of children receiving third degree burns ah so just a slightly less dangerous easy bake oven sir poops a lot hey they made my suggestion why didn't i ever see it on shelves rejected extremely negative reception from various focus groups whoever's idea this was should be ashamed well screw you too sir poopsalot was a great idea your execution just sucked that's all barrel o huggies children tried to eat from the barrel thinking it was candy should have released this one that's just natural selection at work daisy too scary for young children children and test audiences cry during daisy's performances you don't say if i had been there it would have been children and adults because that is horrifying what's this one kick me paul nobody likes him laughed out of presentation meeting when revealing kick me paul oh that's sad poor paul that said i do really want to kick him for some reason why in the hell does this place have so many tunnels what's the point guys that suck all right i'm back time for game number two the faster we get this over with the faster i get the hell out of here whoa you did fantastic who gave you permission to be this smart my mom mommy is super proud of you but i'm sure she's already told you that herself not even once our next game is head downstairs and have fun whack a woogie yeah i could smack some huggy wuggies around sounds therapeutic okay i'm here give me some huggies to slap hello oh of course gotta sit through the instructions nobody listens to the instructions hurry it up i got huggies to punch whack-a-wuggy actually glad to be here this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities oh they're ready a dual palm grab pack will be provided to you for this test what you gave these things to kids around you are eighteen sizable holes holy fried twinkies little huggy wuggy toy could appear out of any one of these holes that's a lot of holes if one comes out hit it with your grab pack that i can do that's all good luck sounds easy enough bring it on game i've been wanting some payback the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children and what about now have fun you didn't answer me do they still have strings attached they don't do they ah where are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah this is totally what i needed oh man is that it oh you did it i did and i loved it let's do it again [Music] really well thank you mommy has another hint for you she's proud of me fully i had more huggies to smack too bad [Music] only one game left to play sad mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever pass though it's never too late to change your mind yes it is what do we got here click the button to feed me candy might as well all right okay no more candy my tummy's full oh you don't get to stop now i said no more i wonder all right one more [Music] well i killed it damn guess i'm not going that way hmm looks like this way's blocked too maybe i can get through somehow what no no no no no no it can't be you're dead i killed you i killed you back off or i'll do it again hello oh kissy missy hi did you need help could you open the gate for me the gate is that all yeah if you wouldn't mind sure just let me there we go be careful i'll see you around thank you i appreciate it have a good one please don't come back and try to eat me well that was unusual come with me barry don't worry it's going to be fine you're just going to help me with a little something just a little further there we go that's me barry yeah good job barry oh whoops sorry barry my bad you'll be fine maybe last one jeez have you played these before you're so good no shucks seems like you're ready for the final game statues finally follow mommy down the stairs one last time i hope you had a fun day at the game station i most certainly did not next time doom god willing there won't be a next time why does everything have to be creepy what's it going to be this time all right instructions welcome to statues what the hell is statues this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength oh fried twinkies in the arteries are simple the lights will turn off you can move through the obstacle course at this time seems dangerous however when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move you may move again once the lights turn back off easy enough if pj reaches you your test is over that's all good luck all right hi there pj you like getting licked not even a little well too bad [Music] oh boy can we hurry this up please oh hey mommy it was always so sad to see the kids go they call me mommy because i was the closest thing they ever had to one depressing and never come back they left mommy to die alone mommy didn't deserve that you sure but you you worked here so if anyone deserves to die alone you what i just wanted my paycheck also that was eerily similar to what my ex-girlfriend said oh crap time to move you don't have to shut up pj crap i'm coming hurry up lights yes go go go go go [Applause] damn it marshmallow you oh shut up it's a stressful situation that i forgot to put on deodorant damn it come on i see you come on finally crap don't ruin that's exactly what the fried twinkies in my stomach are saying oh god oh crap the exit's gone where do i go um up there that looks like a way out come on come on come on up we go [Music] where'd he go it worked now to find a way out here we go oh that hurt come on gotta keep moving [Music] nowhere [Applause] not buying that i'm out of mommy here the game is really hard but mommy has just decided you won nah good thanks for the fun time though oh boy she's lost it time to run okay i think i finally lost her hopefully i can get out of here this way wow bye mommy ask you to play fit and you cheated only a little great cheaters my bad we're going to play one last game what game it's called okay settle down maybe we can talk this out or not run run run run run run run run run stop counting you're not helping my anxiety five four crap crap crap crap oh crap she stopped counting that's even worse crap crap crap crap crap we've got one two three okay so red blue green and yellow oh thank god come on could you open any slower ah ah where the hell did mommy go did i lose her am i just that good at hide and seek no i am not crab crab crab crab crab crab crap that doesn't sound healthy you should get that checked like right now um up here please don't see me is she she gone nope i'm not going down there i live up here now i'm a vent person just take this and put it there and i think i should be able to escape this way and i was wrong i was very very wrong cannot escape that way unless by escape i mean death there there's no way she could have gotten through here that door was closed and there was no way to open the door until i fixed it i should be home free oh damn it me and my big mouth um in there come on come on come on come on come on oh i'm starting to realize it's getting very bad if she turns it on smart one me [Music] well i just got lucky she decided she didn't want her dinner extra crispy this doesn't look good looks like she lives here oh boy please oh please just let this be the level that opens the exit oh son of us no no no no no no go away oh god look i'm sorry i'll never cheat again don't let pj lick me i don't care oh come on nope not that way this way yep oh come on come on come on oh come on how many limbs do you have ah come on where do i go where did i go there come on yes i did it i got away you can't tell me what to do you're not my real mom ah i am out of here ah what's that oh come on go faster go faster let's go faster let's go faster faster faster faster go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes lever craft dead end gotcha the itsy bitsy spider went into the jaws of life [Music] well that was the most disturbing thing i've ever seen and it somehow just got worse there is not enough therapy to deal with this poppy poppy here let me help you there you go poppy you okay did you kill her a little by accident good i'll bart the train we need to leave agreed let's go [Laughter] yes it worked can't believe she didn't try to trick me oh let's go choo choo [Laughter] oh can't believe i'm finally getting out of here oh wait i didn't get my paycheck yeah i gladly pay 50 to get out of here so i guess it evens out full speed ahead so long you stupid freaking place so long huggy so long mommy so long bunzo and pj and kissy missy although you were kind of nice but still you shouldn't be alive it's weird and wrong you stupid abominations of nature [Laughter] i can't believe i did it turns out i can deal with high stress situations in your face job placement exam yes there's the exit maybe i should look into being a train conductor i seem to be a natural this is fun i was so scared she put me back in that case oh hey poppy you saved me i did you are perfect well perfect to lose what i'm sorry i can't let you leave oh you betraying betrayer of betrayal do you know how long i've been stuck in that case i don't care well too long i should have left you there so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what i would do [Music] you suck we will bobby bobby what's going on don't you leave me hanging what's wrong bobby popping damn stupid demon doll this is what i get for now trusting my instincts and stopping on her face the first chance i got damn it um we appear to be getting faster bobby little help papi uggy mommy bunzo pj kissy anyone i'm sorry for calling you abominations perhaps we can just call it even for you trying to kill me and now you can save me please anyone yeah that was a long shot i didn't think that was gonna happen come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on stop you stupid train grapple ugh [Music] play care i wonder if they have my paycheck could you like take the headphones off for a second and just leave the room i don't want to seduce you i want you to stop being in here now shoe
Channel: Press Start To Laugh
Views: 1,387,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Poppy Playtime, Poppy Playtime Roleplay, Huggy Wuggy Voice, What if Huggy Talked, Huggy Talking, Poppy, Parody, Roleplay, Poppy Playtime Gameplay, Poppy Playtime Game, Horror, Scary, Comedy, Humor, Joke, HIlarious, PC Horror, Steam, Terrifying, Press Start to Laugh, Press Start Laugh, PSTL, Press Start, Poppy Playtime Parody, Mommy Long Legs, Kissy Missy, Bunzo, PJ
Id: 5LpCcZbJqeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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