Gmod FNAF | The Return Of Freddy's Son!

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I finally got that stupid garbage scan oh it was a terrible game of hide-and-seek I gave him one year to play me but he never came find him for me so then so then I called him and I said where you were and he said he's gonna go get the milk but uh it's been a while so uh where were the flip it's the milk so I sorted I finally got my I got all the garbage can finally finally found my way back here and i'ma go ask him if he got the milks that's what I'm gonna do can't believe can't believe he told me a hide in the garbage can for me for you I'm starting to think he wasn't gonna start trying to look for me but uh whatever or I gotta go with a sword oh boy I tripped and fell on the soda can ooh oh my little oh wait I don't have any toes oh well doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa mmm I think it's my toy than you Oh Oh dad you in here pal Oh today's gonna be a nice relaxing day everyone's chatting away and I don't got anything to do so I'm gonna spend the whole day relaxing without any problems oh I gotta get nice and comfortable mmm oh this is this is nice you know just being all nice and comfortable and uh huh what could possibly go wrong billion billion with the flu Oh what the Frick why are you here you disappointment Oh diet diet you never came lucky did you did you you never came looking for me what what do you mean we were we was playing hide-and-seek but then you told me you had to go to the store to get milk but there's something wrong you never found me and did you wait did you get any milk if you got milk I'll forgive you no no no did you stop looking for me if you stop looking for that you want to get one of me well why would I ever want to get rid of you you're such a sweet perfect little angel Am I is this a buck hey let me see box box I look like oh my hip my head yeah I never want to get rid of you um so wait wait a minute oh no dangit are you doing it what you outsmarted me oh I did I mean yeah I did I definitely outsmarted you you what you did you brought me out to the open and then you found me God dang it you win hide and seek oh that's very good um hey you wanna play another round of hide-and-seek oh no I don't wanna play hide and seek I wouldn't spend time with you now don't go away go go go away but the head but but I forgot what I was gonna say with the milk on what the milk Oh III ordered it I ordered the milk online but deliveries are slow so um it's gonna take another couple months probably oh okay I guess that makes up for the milk situation so um okay for for a while I always thought and to think you don't love me anymore but I guess I was wrong yeah you definitely were wrong okay um you wanna you wanna you wanna go to Chuck E Cheese Oh cookie tease yeah but wait diet aren't you competitors with Chuck E Cheese I'm free oh oh well uh you know I talked to the mouse and I'm pretty sure you said you'd give you a discount at one of the turkey juice places just go find it took the cheese place and those go playing the ball pin over there and hopefully you'll travel in time um like that one looking kid and hopefully get lost in the space-time continuum and go go die I mean uh go have fun okay okay dad I'll go do that all right feel later dad Oh finally I got rid of him all right time to go I know bad what what do you want No Oh fine you want some money here take a 20 there that should be enough oh no dad I don't want your money Diane buy head actually wait if you don't wait give me that back then if you're not gonna use it well but I like money we'll give it back we're poor okay well dad I was about to say um we I can't go to Chuck E Cheese well why not hey they're going bankrupt oh yeah I forgot about that you know we're slowly going bankrupt but whatever oh oh you want to go on a roller coaster no they scare me oh you want to go somewhere besides here you know what I'm tired of playing into Appling I just want to relax and hang out with you I love hanging out you um oh well I'm very busy so uh not now not now I'll just go play outside go play out in the road in the open road and now hopefully you'll get hit by a bus please bus cots please do me a solid for once I mean oh yeah I'm sure I think I saw a basketball outside go try to find it Oh basketball basketball okay boy I'm gonna get this basketballs vegetable birth more there's the basketball I was like with the back wall I got five bath bolts oh my goodness dams hoping I would not have to see him again I completely forgot he existed Oh freaking mistake there was a one time thing and I did not think he would be born but whatever oh well okay mmm no no no no we're don't look at the bad moments of life we look at the good moments when we get my chair he's gone now all right I'm not gonna even think about it I'm gonna relax today's today I relax so that's when we do I'm ruff relax and nothing's gonna go wrong nothing's gonna go wrong I think I might even take myself a snooze we gotta get comfy though it's probably gonna take me an hour or two before I fall asleep I've been 13 for hours I haven't failed the basketball or maybe the basketball doesn't exist I'm very sad well I don't know why my my dad well I don't know why my dad don't want to hang out with me oh he's probably jealous of me that's why if someone's mad at you or doesn't like you or something that means they're jealous of you yeah you probably just deal with it so played um-hmm dupa dupa dupa dupa t-tube then I'm Willie boy though with a headphone flames you know with this Oh potential friends I smell ooh hmm you yeah okay these are my you know what I don't need my diet I'll go hang out with friend these are my new friends we're 200 if you pull a plank on them people love points I'm gonna point my friend these are my new fun time put points on them oh okay how did I pull a point on them um mm-hmm you're you don't get many days like this to just chill and relax uh-huh I know right um-hmm so Bonnie how have you been today well I've been good and stuff um always I've actually been working on a new song a new song with your guitar yeah would you want to listen to it with this it looks like a popsicle stick you like my popsicle stick and it's not tasty yeah would you like to listen to it wait Oh where's my guitar go Oh what's up oh I'm pretty sure I had my guitar with me right here I literally just saw it one second Oh chica are you messing with me chica well I wouldn't mess with you hmm oh who could have taken my could I could have sworn it's right here maybe you left it on the stage no I'm pretty sure I died okay um I don't like people when they touch my guitar but uh um okay you uh you know what file you know what you might be right you might be right I could have left on the stage I'll be right back I'll go look on the stage pretty sure I did not leave my guitar over here on stage and what yep yep I'm right no guitar no nope nope someone took my guitar who the Frick took my guitar got a head contains so what's pulling a prank on me um okay um did you find your guitar Bonnie no I'm pretty sure someone stole it when I wasn't looking did you see someone take it uh no not really I wasn't paying attention I'm sorry oh well the only closest person nearby had to been him it must have been toy Freddy he must have taken like guitar oh hey toy Freddy look no no a play blase Jim who bass Jim blast Jim focusing on his game abang do you really think you take your guitar yes yes I do because he was closest here but why would he even deal with it uh hmm good point oh and I'm sure I'm sure wolf I'll turn up somewhere we'll find it somewhere mm okay I still want to show you the song though um yeah you know what you're right you're right I shouldn't get upset about my guitar you're probably right I probably in this place that's somewhere on the pizzeria and someone will probably find it for me um man I still want to still want to show you that song does working on well why don't you go ash toy Bonnie and you can go borrow his guitar oh I guess you're right I'll go ask him all right um I'll be right back yeah okay Oh toy Bonnie can I've already guitar for a second oh sure what Chuck I mean don't you have a guitar I mean I'm not I mean you're welcome to borrow mine but I was just curious why well I can't find my guitar so I was just wanting to show chickasaw like circuit I was just going if I could borrow your guitar until I find mine sure just make sure you don't break the strings they're brand new okay all right chica here I'll show you the song Thank You toy Bonnie uh-huh all right dupa dupa dupa oh man this is a first I personally don't like this guitar but it's a guitar is better than no guitar it looks kind of ugly well don't don't tell toy Bonnie that your hardest feelings I'm not going to I'm just trying to tell you personally I'm just no I don't like this guitar it looks kind of dumb but uh whatever okay oh all right anyways here I want to show you this song ooh this is a terrible skateboard it has no wheels on it I can't even do flips you know I go to do a flip you're gonna do a spinny flip oh wait oh this skateboard sucks stupid skateboard oh um okay well hmm let's see what else is there for me to do on board I want them to do the skateboard sucks mmm give me the skateboard Oh stupid skateboard I'm like this skateboard a skateboard stupid um hmmmm no way I don't want this stupid skateboard no more stupid skateboard get out of here oh my face ooh oh it wasn't me I swear [Music] alright what was that what oh he tripped it with the Freak twit Freddy are you okay did you trip and fall or something no someone hit me in the face with the hick who is this thing um let me put this down and uh alright wait watch to watch the problem you know he took my good damn toy Freddy oh yo what's up oh my head did you take my guitar oh no like in it wait what is this oh it's hey look it's your guitar yeah I know I'm not stupid oh okay here you go what you're cheap don't you should ask before you take people's things okay well I didn't take it though so I came out me in the face hit me in the face ah-ha yeah that's a that's a such a nice excuse got there huh it's stupid why would I believe that excuse what Oh thudding excuse it's what's happened okay you know what Bonnie you should how about you just let him go and no I don't like it when people touch my guitar now why the Freak did you take my guitar I did it take your freaking good door you stupid face who what did you call me Bonnie calm down I called you a stupid face well I find that very offensive for the longest time I didn't have a face so you know what your stupid face - ooh you hit me in the face oh you know actually that makes sense I can't you know I'm tired of being stupid you know what you just knocked some brain cells into me I'll just figure it out you're the one who threw your stupid guitar at me because it's your guitar it makes sense why'd you hit me in the face because you took my guitar I didn't take your guitar can you two stop fighting no he looked at me funny it's gonna take a while trying to max out all these high scores on these arcades oh no right but just think it'll be worth it whenever people come into the arcade they'll be like oh my gosh they look at all the arcade machines it'll be like good oh my god who are these two beautiful men these shadow Freddy in Indo window you know on top of all the high scores in here they're gonna be like well those are some true gamers right there yeah I know all right you're right it will be worth in looking when we have to move over to the next two yeah all right I I just played this game can we switch oh yeah sure here you can use the old switch okay all right all right time to get some more high scores oh no I can't believe we've done that were of arcades we did that row and we're like halfway through so uh well we're getting there mm-hmm we're gonna be the gaming masters everyone's gonna be talking about us I know right hood foo-foo doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa doopa i wonder what's going on inside here friends pew pew pew pew gamer moment oh no they're stuck in the gamer zone oh there must be plenty of arcade machines I will play arcade machines what white whoops the little data okay delete uh-huh that's a fun thing delete delete delete oh this is fun what else is there to do around here they do of something what the Freak was that oh watch out oh dang it you just died haha Oh Fred you're paying attention I got to get back to game boots oh it felt like felt like someone was right next to me hmm that's weird I know Oh what is this Mathew pew pew pew and no in the look at this look at this man better stop shaking me now I died why why did you have to kill me what's so important look look the scores reset on these what we just wait what do you mean high score zero what someone reset the scores who would do that who would do such a cruel thing no all of our hard work good wait wait a minute wait a minute have you been resetting all the data after each game I play Oh what No oh I see how it is I thought we were friends what do you mean we are friends what are you talking about I see what you're trying to do I caught you uh-huh I caught you I saw what you were trying to do you're trying to reset the scores on the game's IB and you're gonna put your name there so that way all these instead of being endowed window and shelf rates just gonna be shadow Freddy well why would I do this because you want to be the true number one gamer because there can't be two number one gamers there can only be one and you want it to be yourself you're selfish monster good I don't want to be friends people are boring well well I think I saw some more people over here I wanna see what they're talking about dupa dupa dupa dupa t - what's going on over here hmm alright everybody welcome welcome so today I wanted everyone to discuss um well first of all let's see let's go through everybody yeah how is everyone today oh I'm doing pretty good yeah I'm doing really good well my life sucks I want a boy whoa wait who said that y'all why are you looking at me foxy that's not nice to say what I didn't show you that doll uh-huh hmm foxy are you okay yeah y'all I'm fine why is everyone look I didn't check out who shed that shall like someone behind me it's okay foxy it's okay we're your friends are you do you need some help with anything you're fine geez well you're kind of fighting back so um something tells me you're not okay yeah I'm fine I'm up [ __ ] though because y'all don't believe that I didn't say that foxy it's not good to lie so I don't say oh my freaking God hmm all right well we see I can see we have one nun happy camper what I was oh my god yours I'm fine foxy it's not good to be in denial what oh my god I was flying a minute ago I know y'all are getting mad at me foxy you're the only one who's met everyone else here is fine but you're raising your voice Shh use inside voices oh my god yeah that's what I'm taking I'm stepping away I'm stepping away well well foxy if you need to talk to someone you can come talk to us we're your friends you're our yeah I know yard shut up freaking [ __ ] debt what the Frick you're freaking God such idiots okay all right anyways uh mangle how are you today I'm good all right Balloon Boy JJ how are y'all uh-huh okay all right so anyways today I thought it would be nice for us to try out some exercises oh look I mean oh I can't wait help what would you say I mean I'm super excited for exercise if even though I'm really not [Music] you know I heard that right well I loved I loved toast toast is very good and crunchy I I don't know just continue puppet okay all right so anyways um actually no no no instead of exercising we should do some teamwork bonding - it's that way we can boost up your friendships and stuff like that well foxy just left mm-hmm well I'm sure we can find someone else chica you want you want to help huh you know what yeah fine I'm done with these two you you know eyebrows freak oh you fat belly monster oh you want to fight yeah I want to fight okay fight me on video games what no I'm not gonna fight you on video you know what no I'm fighting you real life oh you push me in the face okay fine now I'm in a bad mood I just I don't like guitar back hmm okay chica you work with mangle alright everyone we're gonna be doing some team exercise stuff okay all right so wait what are we doing well I haven't I haven't I have it set it yet but um okay all right we gotta do some working together stuff so how about Balloon Boy and Jay Jay y'all go first all right I need y'all to hmm let's see okay here um okay here I have the perfect thing mr. cupcake can you go up a shelf Oh mr. cupcake okay Balloon Boy JJ I need y'all to work together to get up on this shelf huh are you saying we're short I well don't worry I'm gonna raise it for everyone else just just try to get mr. cupcake okay whatever you say I'm here you'll be on the model plant I don't want to be on the bottom I don't wanna problem you'll be on the one I don't want to be on the bottom see this is why we need to work on a friendship so we don't argue so one of y'all just volunteer here you go up go up okay I'll get mr. cupcake all right and I got mr. cupcake all right see this is nice teamwork guys teamwork teamwork teamwork it's very important good achievement you left me okay all right you know what um okay good work yeah all right a toy cupcake come here cupcake I'm put you on the security camera boy cupcake all right now chica and mangle you all work together okay well here all beyond the bomb and you call him up and you get him okay all right Donald see this is nice teamwork guys like we see we're all becoming better friends by the minute all right um toy Bonnie and toy chica y'all do the same leave toy cupcake up there for cupcake all right Manuel and chica y'all can get down okay all right I'm stuck it's okay there you go all right okay all right whoops you're all staying over here all right toy Bonnie toy chica y'all doing okay I guess I'll be on the bottom then all right here you go whoops cue I'm gonna move my guitar a little white that's okay all right come on okay all right all right come here a little toy cupcake see see look we're all working together isn't this nice uh-huh yeah whoa oh another skateboard mm-hmm this doesn't taste good Oh what you freaking chopped me oh why don't you drop me you're supposed to hold it well I did of the thing oh look my couture what the heck oh I must have tripped on my guitar my guitar get over here Oh toy Bonnie well I Troy that's why no it's puppy you're right you did try but he's just weak you can't hold me up oh wait supposed to be what no that's no one else wait come on you come on you I what well you know I think I think we're done with our classes for today um well then um in no Bindo would you have anything you like to say hmm yeah okay yeah we're done for today all right well everyone knows a good session um I'll see y'all later all right hmm hmm Bonnie are you okay leave me alone oh gee why Stefan Elena bet okay you know what fine um something something's up oh no guys come back oh um well that's sucked yeah why is everyone being such a nabad new and being a klutz today I don't know mr. cupcake Boing Boing huh all right poor cupcake cupcake well um bye we present time wait for me hmm I don't know why everyone's in such a bad mood today yeah me neither these people suck I hate them um what can I do what to do what to do what to do what to do what to do what to do what to do I don't know what to do all right you know what you know what all right all right so since everyone's being a bad day but being in bad mood today I need everyone to me into in the dining area we're gonna have a meeting okay everyone come to the meeting okay even if you're in a bad mood we need to talk about this so everyone come into the main area of right now come on we're having a meeting a meeting okay well at least hopefully we can figure out why everyone's being in bad mood uh-huh yeah okay all right let's go all right meeting meetings my dad does stuff like that oh I wonder what is feel oh I should go to the meeting so that way Daniel I'd be a big boy I'll go to a meeting Elmo goes to meeting her all righty so I called everyone to this meeting because I noticed that couple of y'all aren't having the best of days and we want to help fix your problems and stuff like that so um here before I start let me make sure everyone's here so I'm gonna do roll call and what we all don't mean to say here we're not in school but I hear I just need make sure everyone's here okay let's see all right Freddy's here Bonnie's here chicas here Foxy's here toy Freddy Bonnie chica mingle Indo window shadow Freddy bloom boy and JT all right that looks like everybody shad cupcake noises all righty um let's see here all right um first of all if you if you were if you are not in a bad mood you're allowed to leave I don't want to hold people here who are in it okay mood so if you were fine if you won't have any problems today you're allowed to leave but if you're in your bad mood I would like to discuss the problems and help try to fix them okay bye-bye we okay oh you know K mood so I'm gonna head out good luck to everybody already see y'all later yeah I was in ok mood too so I'll just let y'all be already by this right sad what's wrong mr. cupcake mr. cupcake well I can't understand what you're saying so uh alright bye mr. cupcake mr. mr. cupcake mr. cupcake didn't get called on poor mr. cupcake Oh mr. mr. mr. mr. mr. cupcake alrighty so I'm assuming everyone here who is still left is not having the best of moods so well let's start from the back of the line actually is there anyone who wouldn't wants to go first y'all I want to go first we are ok what's wrong with you today foxy you're you're freaking that you freak I heard someone say something but then y'all all thought I said it when I didn't say it so I felt kind of upset about that ok you know what [ __ ] ok this is an easy fix it probably was a misunderstanding and I'm sorry I forgive you I am I guess you didn't say whatever it was you said I don't remember what you said cuz I was a while ago so I forgive you for whatever it was y'all thank you alright am I allowed to leave well that fixes your problem then yes you are alright she all played by Castro alright um whoops okay alright well there you go that's one problem fixed see we're here to fix all of your problems alright um what's alright let's let's go through alright let's start over here with the YouTube all right um shadow Freddy why you in a bad mood we called my best friend or my previous best friend thought I was cheating and I would never cheat and he knows that but he told me a cheater you said he doesn't want to be friends anymore okay well who is your friend and he was my friend was endo yeah yeah yeah he oh my god because she's you freakin erased my scores I did it risk your scores uh-huh well prove you did it well okay let's see how are y'all talking about the arcade games yeah well they probably just reset their data they probably do that every now and then because they're pretty old oh well I guess the good well I mean I guess that explains it all right fine I shouldn't have cues you of doing something like that we've been friends for a while so I'm sorry hoo-wee flinch OOP holy I can't I buy all right we go let's go play some video games I think just went to the bathroom that's not the video game area but okay whatever all right um there go see all right we're already halfway through our list okay all right let's see what is up with you with 2020 what is wrong with what why are you not in a good mood today yeah well because Dori buddy dropped me on my face and call me fat I didn't say that you just said it yourself Oh what is wrong with you Wow Wow all right 20 fine that's probably not the nice thing to say what all right but anyways toy buying sometimes it's nice to apologize for something you might not have even done okay I'm sorry if I made it seem that you were fat when you're not and I'm sorry I dropped you I guess I accidentally slipped on something I think so I'm sorry that's better okay all right y'all good yeah I'm fine all right okay good boy we o'c okay Floyd we'll go this way we already i buy all right there we go easy fixes easy easy fixes okay toy Freddy why are you not in a good mood because because body he accused me of taking his guitar when I didn't and then he punched me in the face ah now Bonnie what what you did tell you I'm pretty sure you took my guitar I'm a hundred percent sure he took my guitar no like didn't I do not take your guitar yes you did no I didn't all right all right all right everyone yell everyone relax everyone calm down all right mmm let's see how we try to fix this um all right um Bonnie are you sure your guitar you didn't set your guitar down next to toy Freddy or anything like that well I mean I'm pretty sure I looked like it oh wait that would actually make sense because I I could have sworn I left my guitar against the wall but I probably I could have put it against one of the arcade machines oh and then he was at your cage so it was probably right next oh huh I don't anything about like that um um um well then I'm I'm sorry then I'm sorry I apologized then if my guitar was truly right next to our tape machine I'm sorry I accused you well okay it's okay I guess I should have gotten all the fences and defensive and stuff no you're fine you have the right to okay already all right y'all you too good yeah I'm good I'm good already all right boy yeah okay all right thanks puppet you always make things better okay goodbye ha what another splendid easy fix all right there we go everything is good oh I didn't see you there Freddie okay Freddie what is are you okay what's up with you today I have to poop excuse me oh well oh wait what is wrong with me why I don't feel good yeah oh well that easy the reason why I'm not in the best of moods is because I feel like my pops doesn't want to hang out with me I'm sorry your white your pop-tarts white no I'm little but I'm not in the best of moods because I'll fill up my diet doesn't want to hang out with me and feel I feel really sad what I'm so confused well you know what your youthful thumb out of here well Freddie that's not nice you shouldn't call people that well screw you I'm leaving what okay I'll see I don't even know what he's talking about so uh I'm sure he'll calm down or something okay that's very interesting all right I'm off to my music box oh I don't know what to do I don't know what to do these people are dumb oh oh oh oh Billy Billy is bullying oh my god what do you movies can I hang out with you today just leave me alone please okay I'll stay here I'll go sleepy sleep no don't don't call don't sleep on the floor oh no he's gonna slobber all over the floor Oh God dang it God God the are you okay now I just really love having you here who you really do much being sarcastic who will stay here forever I want to die
Channel: Xman 723
Views: 211,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gmod, FNAF, Garry's Mod, Five Nights at Freddy's, Freddy, Son, Father, Father's Day, 2020, RP, Roleplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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