GM invested its entire future in the worst battery company in the world

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in 2020 LG Kim or LG Energy Solutions as we know them now was easily the biggest battery company in the world in 2021 they were the second biggest but only just behind catl they had nearly 30 market share well this year market share has dropped to 14 percent here is a very compelling reason why that market share may continue to decline I think it's important to note this is the same company that General Motors has a JV with joint venture to invest billions upon billions of dollars into their Battery Technology now GM has already been burned to the tune of over 1.2 billion dollars in recall costs as a result of these battery packs and these designs question for you guys are you fully confident that this decision from General Motors to invest this much money with this company was actually the right move over the past year past two years past three years past four years there has been so many I mean a Litany of recalls of electric vehicles with these types of batteries in them hello my friends welcome to the channel on the electric Viking great to see you welcome to all the new subscribers welcome back everyone else thanks for tuning in and thanks for supporting the channel great to have you here I talk about Battery Technology on this channel a fair bit and it's come to your attention my attention the world's attention in fact why no one is pointing this out in the media I don't know they should be I mean as far as I know LG Kim isn't paying the media to stay silent but the media just keep on saying nothing I mean realistically right if Tesla was recalling all of its cars basically all of them using Panasonic batteries and all the other batteries were fine right wouldn't the media be saying uh there's issues with these Panasonic batteries but hang on a minute what about if this applied to other brands using Panasonic batteries what about if every single card around in the world that use Panasonic batteries was recalling their cars left right and Center constantly like every single model they've ever made were just like ah sorry you know there's another recall oh no no we fixed it now oh no no sorry another record uh another brand of Volkswagen sells EVS using LG cam batteries oh now they've recorded Hyundai now recall GM now recall so at what point in time will we all go uh these LG chem batteries maybe we shouldn't be buying cars with them maybe we should think about you know just saying why take that risk I mean it's not like it's not like it's just one model I mean we're talking you know the bolt and the bolt UV right and that would be bad enough that's cost General Motors and LG chem two billion dollars to make that recall and it's it's a very slow recall it's not happening overnight it's taking the months upon months upon months and then they bring in a brand new electric car right brand new one new battery cells they're meant to be new and better than the old version no don't worry guys there won't be any problems anymore with this it'll be fine guess what how my EV battery's already been recalled right these brand new models honestly I don't know when this is going to end is it going to end I have told people on this channel please please do yourself a favor buy a vehicle with lithium-ioned phosphate batteries in it you'll more than likely 99 likely avoid all of these recalls and be able to just drive your car worry free that's why I keep on harping on about this but I'm I'm actually pretty shocked here I'm sitting here thinking why why is the media not pointing out the obvious One battery company in the world is responsible for like 90 of the world's recalls of electric cars 90 how's that possible they only make about 15 20 of the world's batteries and they're responsible for almost all of the recalls Volkswagen ID3 been recalled I'm sure many of you have heard of this by now 10 000 Volkswagen ID3 and id4 electric cars using yeah you guessed it LG chems batteries have been recalled for a battery defect now Volkswagen have said this situation only applies at the moment until next year or until in a few months away sorry forgive me if you're being skeptical here but anyway you can see why I would be considering the insane number of recalls from this company apparently it only applies to European model ID3 and ID Force anyhow there is also a recall for id4 SUVs in the United States there these vehicles have to have their software updated because the software is rubbish and a new 12 volt battery installed now a recent report published by electrov says that there is an issue with the Volkswagen's high voltage battery packs in the ID3 hatchback and id4 SUV if you call it that the brand has put out a formal request asking some 10 000 owners of the two electric vehicles to visit a service center to have this concern addressed in other words to fix the problem it's not an over the air update software update you can't just turn the internet on the car and get it fixed you've got to go to a dealership leave it there for I don't know how long and you know actually it is a hassle in my view to have to do that it's not like it's something simple it's taking a minimum a day of your time to go and get this fixed I'm going to guess it's going to be long another day though we don't yet know I've tried to find out how long this takes to get this fixed I'm going to guess though it's going to take a little while to fix something like this because it's not really that easy to get to a battery pack in any car except of course if you have a Neo which has a battery swapping capability then of course they could just swap the battery out in three minutes and they'd be done give you a brand new battery that's not the case with most EVS so Volkswagen doesn't sell the ID3 in the US right now but it's a popular EV in Europe interestingly Matt Watson from oh well just compared the new mg Mulan or the mg4 versus the ID3 and he believes the Mulan or the mg4 is the significantly better car for the money so yeah like I've said on this channel right Chinese are coming mg that's a Chinese electric car now obviously the ID3 does compete with other vehicles which are bigger or which are different in size because EVS there's not a whole lot of models right now so they do compete with each other model 3 Model y Mustang Maki Nissan area byd 803 Nissan Leaf Etc so the report says that the electric vehicle cells could have a manufacturing defect that causes them to show an increased self discharge Volkswagen first learned of this potential battery concern from EB rental car company next move which is based out of Germany interestingly next move right they they have a id3s right they have ID3 electric cars they reported this issue trying to get Volkswagen to fix this issue you know what they did then they went and placed an order for 100 000 electric cars from byd using lithium-ion phosphate batteries is that a coincidence right is that a coincidence that it's the same company that owns these cars who actually reported this problem who knows maybe they reported a problem six months ago and it took Volkswagen a while to get things in motion I don't know but it does seem an interesting reaction that they went and placed an order for a hundred thousand electric cars from a totally brand new car company I mean byd only just launched in Germany on a very small level straight away within 24 hours of that happening next move went and bought a hundred thousand electric cars from them that to me seems like a pretty drastic thing to do but it is interesting reflection of where the market is going and where you know companies are thinking is Volkswagen is there EV better than byds probably not the next move they actually seem to agree anyway Volkswagen actually created edited next move the rental car company in its official Communications to its dealer Network electrov said that it has received confirmation from Volkswagen that there is a service measure related to the possible battery issue it explains that some 10 130 Volkswagen ID3 and id4 vehicles that were produced in 2020 have potentially defective battery modules Volkswagen steals will be reaching out to make impacted owners aware of the battery concerns and encourage them to make an appointment if that's a problem with the battery modules they will be replaced free of charge now apparently affected Vehicles were specifically identified based on dealer diagnostic data from customers prior visits so it looks to me as though Volkswagen is only recalling cars that have problems that seems what they're saying they've identified it through diagnostic data from customers previous visits in other words they've looked at the data and realized that there was battery problems in these cars pre-existing battery problems and they're only going to recall the cars that have shown these problems so if you're not one of those in that recall then it doesn't mean your car won't be recalled in the future in fact I reckon there's a pretty good chance it will if you think about that from like a logical way of reasoning every battle pack if they're the same packs right in different cars then you would think eventually that same issue would occur in all packs and I think it looks like Volkswagen is trying to only recall the cars that have already shown the problem occurring in them however if you're concerned that your ID3 or your id4 may have an issue and you haven't been communicated to from Volkswagen then you can contact your local dealer in Europe to find out now apparently Volkswagen said this if Volkswagen learn that your EV does have defective battery modules you'll be able to make an appointment and have them replaced so clearly right they're they're already admitting sort of tacitly admitting that there are defective battery modules in these cars it's not it's a a bigger issue than what they're letting on I believe it's going to cost probably a lot of money to do this recall so how long will it actually take well when I looked it up I thought you know maybe you take your car into a deal you wait a few hours you pick it up it doesn't you got to drop your car off and leave it there for two days minimum so that's quite a lot of time not to have your car now this experience is not directly comparable to the bolt EV all the bolt themselves and you know some other recalls that have happened for say the Hyundai Vehicles using these same batteries because it's not leading to fires so that's a good thing but that said there was very few number of fires with bolts I think there was like nine a very very small number so realistically it doesn't make a whole lot of difference does it you've got to take the card back you could have been driving a car with less range because there's defective battery modules and you didn't even know about it Volkswagen isn't going to recall every car that's made with these batteries because it's trying to avoid paying for that it's a lot of money to actually fix more cars they're just recalling the bare minimum from what I can tell from their press release and to me that just sounds a bit dodgy you know what I made a video only a few days ago saying Volkswagen spent 10 billion euros 10 billion dollars in 2020 on recalls that's more than any other company in the world by a wide margin well this seems to just add to that list Volkswagen right now they don't make really any cars with lfp batteries they are planning on it though which is a good move in my opinion if you go by a Volkswagen EV wait for the ones with lithium-ion phosphate batteries so you can avoid these kinds of issues to come full story back to General Motors General Motors and LG chem do not as far as we know plan on making any lithium-ion phosphate batteries at all in fact all the batteries they're producing now and as far as I have planned and we are aware of batteries that they'll produce in the future batteries from LG Kim using nickel and Cobalt and sure eventually they may get rid of cobalt and use Liquid Metal batteries but the point here is these are the same battery packs from the same company rebranded as Altium batteries for General Motors to make the public think this is some new product coming from a different company the truth is this is just LG Kim how are we meant to be confident in General Motors and its future when the batteries that will be in all General Motors electric cars will be just simply newer versions of LG chem batteries which have been recalled at a rate 10 times higher than any other battery company in the past three years now let me know your thoughts in the comments section below thanks for watching bye
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 142,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: Ab-j4z2xi4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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