Sodium-ion batteries in the USA. Beating China at their own game!

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In twenty-twenty-three, the  Chinese car manufacturer BYD  launched a phenomenally good value little battery  electric town car called the Seagull. Now,   Chinese car companies are churning out good  value battery electric vehicles, or BEVs,   every week at the moment, aren’t they, so what’s  so special about this pocket hatchback. Well,   apart from the surprisingly high  quality and astonishingly low price,   the Seagull is NOT powered by the lithium-ion  batteries that you’ll find in all of its BEV   competitors. The chemistry inside the batteries  of this little power house is SODIUM-ion. You will no doubt have heard all sorts of  media buzz around this apparently exciting   new battery technology in recent months, and  we’ve done a couple of videos about it here on   the Just Have a Think channel too. So, you might  be forgiven for thinking it’s yet another example   of how our friends in the East are continuing  to steal a march on Western battery and vehicle   manufacturers. But maybe not, because sodium is  much more commonly available in the global supply   chain, and as a consequence, sodium-ion battery  manufacturing facilities are now springing up   in regions outside of China, including here in  Europe and over in the United States. We looked   at several of them in a video earlier this year,  but now there’s another one to add to the list.   They’re called Natron Energy, and they say they’ve  developed a unique chemical configuration to store   and release energy from sodium that gives them  a competitive edge over the rest of the pack. So, the obvious question is, what have  they found that the others haven’t? Before we get stuck in though, make  sure you stick around to the end of   the video to find out how you can get your  exclusive Just Have a Think discount on   tickets for the upcoming Everything  Electric LIVE event in Harrogate. Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think We’ll get to our friends at Natron Energy a  little bit later in the video, but it’s worth   recapping why battery developers are looking for  alternatives to lithium-ion in the first place.   One good reason is material availability. Sodium  is the sixth most abundant element on Earth, and   its availability in an already well-established  global supply chain means fewer potential   bottlenecks and price spikes that often come from  an over-reliance on raw materials that are only   available in limited geographical locations.  Just like lithium, sodium is an alkali metal,   and just like lithium it has a single electron in  its outer shell, which makes it highly reactive.   That means the basic configuration of a sodium-ion  battery is more or less the same as lithium-ion.   Charging the battery causes electrons to  be liberated from lithium or sodium atoms,   and the positively charged ions that are left  behind are attracted by electrochemical potential   difference, or voltage, from a cathode to an  anode where they’re stored until the battery   is in use. In a typical lithium-ion battery that  storage function is performed fairly well by the   layered hexagonal lattice structure of graphite. I say ‘fairly-well’ because although the lithium   ions sit nicely inside the hexagon part of the  structure, they’re actually a bit larger than   the distance between layers, so there’s a very  slight expansion and contraction in the graphite   material on each charge and discharge, which  contributes to eventual battery degradation.  Sodium ions have an even larger radius  than their lithium counterparts though,   so they just don’t work at all in a graphite  anode. They’re also about three times heavier   than lithium ions, which isn’t ideal either. So, mainly for those two reasons,   lithium-ion chemistry has effectively  been the course of least resistance   for battery developers for many decades now. But lithium-ion batteries were originally only   conceived for use in small electronic  devices like the famous Sony Walkman.  Things have changed a bit since then though,  haven’t they? Lithium-ion batteries now provide   the power for just about every conceivable  application, from tiny medical devices like   pacemakers, right through to megawatt  hours of utility scale energy storage.   A typical modern electric car contains about  ten kilograms of lithium in its batteries,   and most of them also include cobalt and  nickel. Lithium iron phosphate batteries   have done away with the latter two elements, but  there is still that geographical limitation on   lithium that we saw earlier. The world isn’t  running out of lithium though, as some scare   mongers would have you believe, and in fact,  as the battery recycling industry ramps up,   we will reach a level of so-called circularity  that could see more than ninety-five percent of   battery materials being re-used in that way. But  it doesn’t hurt to spread your liabilities a bit,   does it? And price stability is still a very  strong motivator for product development.   Sodium-ion batteries have a couple of other  significant advantages over lithium-ion too.  Firstly, unlike lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion  batteries can be discharged right down to zero   volts without causing any damage. That makes  them cheaper and safer to transport. They can   also use aluminium instead of copper for  the anode charge collector, which shaves a   bit of weight and cost off the overall cell pack. So, if you could find a good working alternative   to graphite for your sodium battery anode, then  you could be in business. Which is why there’s   been an awful lot of research work going  on in recent years to achieve that goal.  The world’s largest battery maker, CATL in  China, and the Swedish battery maker Northvolt,   have both tackled the problem by using a hard  carbon material in their anodes. Hard carbon   has a much looser structure than graphite,  which means it can accommodate the larger   sodium ions without any significant degradation.  To achieve the potential difference across the   cell, CATL and Northvolt both use a material  called 5:44 Prussian White in their cathodes. So, what’s that then? Well, we took a brief look at this stuff in  our previous Sodium-Ion video. Essentially,   it’s a variation of Prussian Blue. You  probably know Prussian Blue much better   as a vibrant pigment in artists paint and dyes,  but as a chemical it has a high iron content and   offers very good stability and low toxicity,  all of which are very attractive qualities   for battery chemists. Prussian White is a fully  sodiated analogue of Prussian Blue, which in plain   English means it's had sodium ions inserted into  its structure where they intercalate themselves   within the existing framework of the compound. And that brings us nicely to the folks at Natron   Energy in the good old US of A. I suppose you  might reasonably view them as a start-up company,   but in reality, they’ve been developing their  sodium-ion battery technology since twenty-twelve.  What sets Natron Energy’s technology apart  from CATL and Northvolt is the fact that it   uses Prussian Blue for BOTH the positive  AND the negative electrode in the battery   cell. Now my limited layman’s understanding  of batteries is that you need two different   materials for cathode and anode, and there  has to be a potential electrical difference   between them so that you can induce a movement of  ions from one to the other. So how can Natron be   using the same stuff on either side of the cell? Well, the research team very helpfully published   this white paper recently to outline their  thinking. The paper explains that the atoms   in Prussian Blue particles are arranged in  large, cubic cages that contain empty spaces,   or pores that are larger than sodium ions. That  allows for very fast intercalation, or storage,   of those ions without deformation, and very  fast release when required. Natron Energy claim   its battery can be fully recharged from zero  to one hundred percent in under 15 minutes.  To achieve the movement of ions across the  electrolyte, the research team at Natron   have basically messed about with the chemical  make-up of the Prussian Blue in each electrode.  The CATHODE-grade Prussian blue is based on a  blend of iron and manganese, which gives it a   HIGH operating potential. Over on the anode side,  the Prussian blue is based on PURE manganese,   which means IT operates at low potential.  And, hey presto, there’s your voltage,   or potential difference across the cell. The  Natron paper also points out that both iron and   manganese are cheap and abundantly available  materials. In fact, iron oxide and manganese   oxide are both readily available as waste  products from other industrial processes,   which means there’s no need to start opening up  a bunch of new mines to obtain the raw material.  As a bit of icing on the chemical cake, as well  as improving longevity, eliminating the stresses   and strains of expansion and contraction in  the electrodes also means much less heat is   generated in the cell. That means you don’t need  the additional cooling systems that are typical   of a lithium-ion set up, and it also means you  can ramp up the fast charging of a sodium-ion   battery without the risk of lithium metal plating  and dendrite formation that can occasionally   result in thermal runaway and fires. The main downside of sodium-ion   though, is energy density. But then again, that’s only really   an issue if you’re trying to move something, like  a car or a truck, isn’t it? If the batteries are   used for stationary energy storage, then energy  as a function of weight isn’t of particular   concern. And that is indeed where the folks  at Natron Energy are targeting their product.  They say their Sodium-ion battery  technology is more suitable and more   efficient than lithium-ion batteries when used  for fast-discharge, fast-recharge applications   like the uninterruptable power supply,  or UPS systems in data centres, or for   peak load shaving and utility grid stability  systems, or in industrial power applications.  That doesn’t preclude them altogether from the  electric vehicle revolution though, because   they’re also an ideal candidate for stationary  energy storage at EV recharging stations. So, where is Natron Energy on the old  ladder of Technology Readiness Level,   or TRL then? Well, it looks  like they’re well on their way. Back in twenty-twenty the company received  a nineteen-point-nine-million-dollar award   from the US Department of Energy to  turbocharge their research work. That   brought in further investment from the likes  of Chevron, Khosla Ventures and Prelude,   and most recently the company secured a further  thirty-five million dollars of funding from   ABB Technology Ventures, NanoDimension  Capital and Volta Energy Technologies. In April twenty-twenty-four, Natron Energy  opened up a factory in Holland, Michigan,   representing the first commercial scale sodium-ion  battery production facility anywhere in North   America with an anticipated annual production of  six hundred megawatts worth of batteries aimed   primarily at servicing the explosive growth in the  data centre UPS market that I mentioned earlier.  The medium-term goal is to open gigawatt-scale  facilities in various US states to expand   the range outwards to include the  telecoms industry, EV fast charging   stations and industrial off-road vehicles. So, no shortage of ambition there then,   eh? And in my humble opinion, for what it’s worth,  this is a great example of upping your game to   confront the challenge of the energy transition  and compete with the market leaders over in China,   instead of whining about how unfair the world is. That’s just my view though of course. Yours   may well be very different, and if you’re  keen to share that view, or any other bits   of news or insight about sodium-ion batteries,  then as always the place to leave your thoughts   is in the comments section below. That’s it for this week folks, but before I go, I must just let you know  that we‘re already hurtling towards the   second Everything Electric show of the year!  How time flies! The next event is being held at   the well-established and much-loved Yorkshire  Event Centre up in Harrogate from Friday 24th   to Sunday 26th May. You never know, we might  actually be having some decent weather by then,   and the site has lots of outdoor space for  a wider range of new electric vehicles to be   on show and of course with the usual attractions  for families and space for the kids to run around   and have a bit of fun. I’ll be hosting another  six discussion panels too, so it’d be great to   se you if you can make it. The discount code  for Just Have a Think viewers is still valid,   and I think it’s being displayed on the screen  right now along with the website where you can   grab your tickets. There’ll also be a link to  that website on the end screen of this video   and in the description section below. Harrogate  is a popular one folks so if you are thinking   of coming along, I would recommend grabbing  your tickets early. Hopefully see you there. I must also say a massive thank you to the amazing  people who support the channel via Patreon and who   help keep the content completely independent, and  of course a big ‘thank-you’ to you for watching   up until now. If you liked this video and want to  keep up to date on new content, then don’t forget   to hit the subscribe button and the notification  bell. That way you don’t miss out, and you‘ll be   massively helping to keep the channel going,  for which you get my eternal gratitude. So, have a great week, and  remember to just have a think.  See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
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Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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