Why This 17-Year Old's Electric Motor Is Important

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2023 🗫︎ replies

Ysk, a 100 years ago, inventions were a common hobby, for some reason, its a good time for that, once again.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/elwoodowd 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2023 🗫︎ replies
A portion of this video is  brought to you by Surfshark.  Where there’s tech, there’s magnets. The strong  magnets that generate their own magnetic field,   AKA permanent magnets, aren’t only on your fridge.  They’re in multiple places _inside_ your fridge,   and in your cell phone, headphones, and hard  disk drive, too. Permanent magnets are also a   critical resource for renewables, because  the generators in some wind turbines and   motors in electric vehicles rely on them to run. This is far from ideal, though. Most permanent   magnets are made of what we call rare-earth  metals, and these elements are difficult to mine,   expensive, and not widely recycled. Processing  rare earths creates radioactive waste. Plus,   the vast majority — over 90% ⁠— ⁠are sourced from  China alone, creating supply risks. As a result,   the elements most crucial to clean energy  are ironically the most unsustainable.  But what if we could avoid using them  altogether … and potentially make a better   electric motor? With his design for a  permanent magnet-free electric motor,   a Floridian high school student has just  shown us how. Another company is using   cloud computing to try to improve electric motor  performance. There’s   some exciting advances being made  when it comes to electric motors,   but how much of a difference can they make? I’m Matt Ferrell … welcome to Undecided. In his own words, 17-year-old Robert Sansone  of Fort Pierce, Florida has “a natural interest   in electric motors.” While researching electric  vehicles one day, he learned about the negative   environmental impacts of the rare-earth elements  used in the permanent magnet motors that power   them.This sparked his interest in developing an  alternative type of motor without rare earths.  But first, what are these rare-earth elements, and  why are they so problematic? Well, 17 elements of   the periodic table are considered rare-earth  elements or rare-earth metals, AKA REEs. To   clarify, rare earths aren’t really “rare” in terms  of crustal abundance so much as rarely found in   quantities large enough to justify mining.However,  we’re surrounded by rare earths every day. These   elements are highly conductive to electricity  and used in a huge number of technologies,   from fighter jets to fiber optic cables. Glass and  ceramics are another primary application, and they   represented about 10% of the end-use distribution  of rare earths in the United States in 2021.  Rare earths are used extensively in the  automobile industry, whether in the catalytic   converters of cars or the rechargeable batteries  of hybrid vehicles. Some act as stabilizers in   the process of turning oil into gasoline. And  when it comes to permanent magnets, neodymium   and dysprosium in particular are vital. In fact,  according to the United States Geological Survey,   neodymium-iron-boron magnets are the most  powerful we’ve got. These magnets can withstand   temperatures as high as 230 C, and they’re  especially advantageous in clean energy tech   because they allow gearboxes to be eliminated in  wind turbines and electric cars. To put the use   of neodymium into perspective, a single 1 MW  wind turbine needs about 700 kg of it for the   turbine’s magnet-based generator to function. As the demand for rare earths continues to   skyrocket, their concentration in the hands  of a few suppliers is becoming more and more   of a concern. The CEO of USA  Rare Earth, estimated in a 2021 interview   that the United States would need to produce  around 20 to 25 times more rare earths than   it already does to lessen our near-total  reliance on China between now and 2050.  However, rare earths production is a costly,  difficult process that has serious consequences.   Rare-earth metals never occur as free elements,  but instead as mixtures in ores. They have to be   purified to be used, and the process of separating  rare earths can involve thousands of steps and   massive amounts of harsh chemicals. This is made  even more complicated by the fact that all rare   earths require different chemical techniques for  refining.Also, the ores and minerals that rare   earths are primarily sourced from naturally  contain uranium and thorium. This means that   producing rare earths creates a significant  amount of toxic and radioactive wastes.  To make matters worse, products containing  rare earths (like smartphones, monitors,   and LEDs) are usually dumped into the trash,  not recycled.Attempting to salvage valuable   metals from this e-waste can be extremely  dangerous to human health anyway because   consumer electronics typically contain  harmful substances like lead and mercury.  All these factors translate into the priciness  of rare earths. Some elements, like neodymium and   gallium, go for hundreds of dollars per kilogram.  Others, like hafnium and germanium, will run you   _thousands_ of dollars per kilogram. Meanwhile,  copper hovers at about 8 bucks per kilogram.  So, despite their usefulness, rare-earth  elements complicate our relationship to   renewable energy. If the permanent magnets that  set EVs in motion come at such a high cost,   then what are our other options? When Sansone  continued his research to answer this question,   he discovered that synchronous reluctance  motors don’t use permanent magnets. The   thing is, synchronous reluctance motors don’t  provide nearly as much efficiency or torque,   so they normally wouldn’t work in an  EV. Motivated by the opportunity to   use this research as a project for school,  Sansone began a yearlong quest to fix that. But before we get into what this ingenious high  schooler did, I’d like to thank Surfshark for   sponsoring this portion of today's video. I always  recommend using a VPN when using public Wifi,   but VPNs can be very useful even when you’re  home. A lot of online services use some pretty   sophisticated commercial tracking and machine  learning to apply very targeted advertising ... a   VPN can protect you from some of that. SurfShark’s  CleanWeb does a great job blocking ads, trackers,   and malicious websites making it safer to  use the internet even at home.--> <!-- And   you can even make it look like your IP address is  coming from a completely different country. This   can come in handy if you want to stream a video  that’s only available from a specific location. One of the best parts of SurfShark is that  it’s easy to set up on all your devices,   whether that’s iPhone or Android,  Mac or PC. SurfShark is the only VPN   to offer one account to use with  an unlimited number of devices.  Use my code to get 83% off plus 3 extra months  for free. SurfShark offers a 30-day money-back   guarantee, so there’s no risk to try it out for  yourself. Link is in the description below. Thanks   to Surfshark and to all of you for supporting  the channel. Now back to Sansone’s discovery.. To understand what Sansone eventually  accomplished, let’s lay out what an   electric motor is and where permanent magnets  come in. Electric motors are everywhere:   if an object moves, chances are an electric motor  is driving it. That’s why it’s no surprise that   electric motors are responsible for 43% to  46% of the world’s electricity consumption.  An electric motor works by converting electricity  into mechanical energy. When an electric current   flows through a coil within a magnetic  field, a force is generated that in turn   produces torque.Torque is what causes an  object to rotate about an axis, and when   torque is applied to a motor, it spins.This  rotation is then transferred from parts like   gears to whatever needs to move, like a fan’s  blade, a car’s wheels, or your vacuum cleaner.  The core of an electric motor is its  electromagnet. It takes the form of a   metal loop called an _armature_, which, once  connected to a current, essentially becomes a   big flat magnet. Like any other kind of magnet,  it has a north pole and a south pole. These can   be flipped by reversing the polarity, which really  just means some control electronics are swapping   which wires are charged to the positive and  negative ends of the battery. In a direct   current or DC motor, curved north and south pole  magnets on opposite sides of the armature make   up a stator, or static permanent magnet. The armature will spin to align with the   stator’s magnetic poles, but when we reverse  the polarity, it continues spinning to align to   the new north on the opposite side. Reversing  the polarity back and forth causes magnet to   keep spinning as it tries to stay aligned,  which in turn creates mechanical energy.  DC motors have been in use since the mid-1800s,  but alternating current or induction motors are   preferred in 70% of industries.In DC motors,  flip-flopping the polarity of the inner rotor   causes it to spin. In an AC motor, made famous  by everyone’s favorite scientist, Nikola Tesla,   power is sent to paired coils positioned along the  stator to produce a magnetic field in the rotor,   which is affectionately referred to as a _squirrel  cage_.These coils are charged in a rotating   phase sequence, essentially creating a swiftly  rotating magnetic field. The magnetized rotor   then spins as it tries to “catch up” to the field  flowing around the stator. This can be measured   as the saliency ratio, which is how efficiently  a rotor aligns with the applied magnetic field   before the coils change their charge. Enter Sansone, who zeroed in on synchronous reluctance motors (syncronous reluctance motor) which create an exploitable difference in magnetic reluctance. Magnetic reluctance is equivalent to magnetic  resistance. Metals with high magnetic   reluctance move more as they try to resist  a magnetic field. Per Sansone’s description,   maximizing the difference between the low  magnetic reluctance of the steel rotor and   the high magnetic reluctance of the slots  cut into it increases the motor’s saliency   ratio. Higher saliency means higher torque. Still, neither the torque nor efficiency of   synchronous reluctance motors, or syncronous  reluctance motors, are currently enough for   EVs. Therefore, Sansone’s goal was to improve upon  these relative weaknesses in hopes of designing a   syncronous reluctance motor that could compete  with permanent magnet ones. Then, by switching   to these motors, we could theoretically make EVs  both much more sustainable and cheaper. Armed with a 3D printer, steel, and copper,  Sansone spent a year optimizing his concept for   a novel syncronous reluctance motor.Over  the course of building 15 prototypes,   Sansone developed his motor without air gaps,  instead incorporating another magnetic field in   their place. This one tweak gave the exploitable  resistance and saliency ratio of the motor a big   boost, producing 39% more torque and operating 31%  more efficiently at 300 revolutions per minute.   The efficiency jumped to 37% when the motor  ran at 750 RPM, but any higher and Sansone’s   3D-printed plastic parts would overheat.  One prototype actually melted on his desk.  Fortunately, this loss was not in vain. In May,  Sansone received first prize at the Regeneron   International Science and Engineering  Fair for his syncronous reluctance motor,   heading home with $75,000 for his efforts.  He hasn’t stopped, either: as of October,   he was still working on the 16th iteration of  his motor, with plans for version 17 underway.  We can only say so much about the viability of  Sansone's design for two reasons. For one thing,   he intends on patenting his syncronous reluctance  motor, so he hasn’t shared specifics about how it   works. And as Sansone points out himself, a  Tesla motor can reach 18,000 RPM. It simply   isn’t possible for him to test the relative  power of his heat-sensitive prototypes with   the resources he has.In any case, Sansone’s  story is an impressive show of what’s possible.  Synchronous reluctance motors are an upcoming  potential pathway to addressing the sustainability   issues caused by rare earths. _Switched_  reluctance motors, however, are already   in motion. Like syncronous reluctance motors,  switched reluctance motors, or SRMs, sidestep   magnets entirely. They both start with the same  letters and lack permanent magnets, so it’s a   little confusing, but they work differently. On a superficial level, SRMs function similarly   to three-phase induction motors, a type  of AC motor. An SRM works by  wrapping magnetic steel in copper, with   a similarly magnetic steel and copper-coil rotor. That might not sound like it makes a difference,   but it does. The magnetic forces exerted on  the iron in a SRM’s rotor can be up to 10   times greater than the magnetic forces  on the current-carrying conductors.   that on some significant drawbacks, including  how loud they are. Though SRMs are powerful,   they’re not very efficient. They aren’t as smooth  as three-phase induction motors. They vibrate,   and they display more severe torque ripple, or  variations in torque as the shaft rotates.And   managing the charged steel components also  requires more advanced control and monitoring   methods than other types of electric motors. With all these issues in mind, Turntide   Technologies is attempting to tackle our need to  reduce energy consumption through its Smart Motor   System. Using SRM technology, the company’s system  is made up of a motor, its controller, and the   cloud. The system collects data from the different  parts of the motor to determine the ideal   motor speed, and stores analytics for both the  controller and the user in the cloud. The idea is   to ensure the motor operates at optimum efficiency  at all times so that no power is wasted.  That’s a big deal considering the sheer number  of electric motors running at any given time.   According Turntide CEO Ryan Morris, if we were  to replace the motors in every building on earth   with smart motors, we could reduce global  carbon emissions by 2.3 gigatons a year,   or what he calls the equivalent of growing seven  more Amazon rainforests.That’s a bold claim,   and one you should take with a giant  grain of salt, but the smart motors’   performance in the HVAC system case studies  available on Turntide’s website is promising.  In one pilot program, Canadian real estate company  Ivanhoé Cambridge retrofitted the HVAC systems in   two malls with Turntide’s smart motors. These  locations saw 38% and 35% in energy savings and   79% and 64% decreases in motor energy usage,  respectively.The British retail chain Wilko   similarly tested 800 motors across 400 stores.  The company saw 40% in energy savings alongside   an additional 20% in savings when coupled with  building automation.Overall, when used in HVAC   systems, Turntide’s smart motors promise to  pay for themselves in less than three years. Sansone’s synchronous reluctance motor and  Turntide’s switched reluctance motor are   great examples of “when there’s a will, there’s  a way.” And in Sansone’s case, it gives me a lot   of hope for the future of budding engineers out  there. Even as we face the destructive effects of   manufacturing permanent magnets, we have pathways  ahead of us to help fix that problem. Rare-earth   elements might be ubiquitous in the clean energy  sector at the moment, but may not have to be. So are you still undecided? Do you think electric  motor innovations like these will make a big   difference for the future of EVs and renewables? Jump into the comments and let me know. And be sure to check out my follow up podcast Still TBD where we'll be discussing some of your feedback. If you liked this video, be sure to check out one of these videos over here. Thanks to all of my patrons for your continued support and a big welcome to new Supporter+ member Winfried Theis. You’re helping to make these videos possible. And thanks to all of you for watching. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Undecided with Matt Ferrell
Views: 603,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ac, ac motor, dc motor, electric, electric motor, electric motor project, electric motors, electromagnetism, engineering, induction motor, magnet, magnets, rare earth, synchronous motor, undecided with matt ferrell
Id: 35JuW3bcp04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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