When Tesla unleash M3P batteries it could be GAME OVER...

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this video is not hyperbole it's just simply true once these new batteries structural pack and the cells that will be used go into Tesla's model 3 and model y being made in China it's game over it really is there is just nothing you can do Tesla already make 10 000 US dollars per car competitors for twenty thousand dollar loss per car four they're not the only ones they're just the only ones telling you the truth but Tesla's costs on its battery packs are about to go down way down its efficiency is about to go way up it's the range of the TVs is about to increase by probably 10 to 30 percent how on Earth do you possibly compete with this I just don't see a mathematical way for anyone and the fact that no one is talking about this that the media has not even seen it coming is shocking catl and likely their biggest customer by a million miles Tesla are about to launch a new battery on the market this year not this year in fact within the next two to three months the competition should be very concerned I'm talking about everyone I'm talking about Hyundai I'm talking about Ford I'm talking about Volkswagen I'm talking about Neo I'm talking about well everyone because if you combine the world's biggest fully electric car manufacturer with the world's biggest battery company with the world's best battery yes I think it could be better than the 4680 cells themselves then you have a formidable Empire this is almost like the death star shooting a laser beam onto whatever that planet is that it just destroys if you are competing against Tesla if you are competing against catl well I feel very worried for you hello my friends welcome to the channel I'm the electric Viking my name's Sam Evans I'm coming to you from Melbourne now I'm not coming from Melbourne I'm coming from Bangkok in Thailand as you can see here by my change in location in fact if you guys are interested I'll do a tour video of where we're staying here um if you're interested let me know in the comments hope you're all doing amazingly well welcome to all the new subscribers to the channel it's great to have all of you welcome back everyone else if you're new we've done more than 2 800 videos in fact this year very soon we'll hit 3 000 videos since we started the channel less than two years ago it's been wonderful to have all of you come on on board at the last just under 24 months I've reported on the m3p battery a number of times but people have forgotten all about it it's strange they shouldn't have because Tesla hasn't in fact I believe Tesla been preparing for this battery pack for quite a while it's a structural battery it fits Tesla's Vehicles almost perfectly and as far as I can tell this battery we made in the factory that's exactly three miles in fact it's less than three miles away from Tesla's Factory in Shanghai it'll be manufactured in chl's new batter facility that produces that produces 70 gigawatt hours of batteries per year 70. gigawatt hours of batteries and here's the thing here's the thing lithium prices this year are down lithium price in fact the spot price is down more than 50 this year battery pack prices have come down at least 20 catl is renegotiating battery deals with everyone that includes Tesla but no one is really quite prepared to have the power to negotiate in the way that Tesla is and that's what happens when you're the biggest fish you can pull the bigger strings catls say that they have just begun Mass producing and delivering the m3p batteries to some of its com and delivering the m3p batteries to car companies the m3p battery will perform better and cost less than the current lithium-ion phosphate battery cells that Tesla use and that catl you use for other manufacturers as well said it's chairman in addition to that apparently they'll have better performance than the current nickel and Cobalt based batteries that while everyone else is using better performance lower price Mass manufacturing world's biggest battery company lowest costs this is actually a big problem if you're competing against Tesla this is a big problem one of the things that Tesla seems to be able to do is just use other people's battery packs really really quickly I mean look at the byd blade battery because I just put that in their cards really quickly look at the lithium-ion phosphate cells that Tesla started using from catl they put those in their cars really quickly I mean how slow are the Legacy auto companies that they have to wait years to make this happen they have to wait using go oh yeah no no that's yeah we're doing that too but I mean we're talking two years after the fact two years after the fact by the time they do that Tesla's moved on to something else that's what's about to happen m3p batteries will have greater energy density and perform better than lithium-ion phosphate cells a market that's catl currently dominates they will also be cheaper than nickel and Cobalt based batteries said the CEO say just catl disclosed in August of last year that was working on m3p technology which can enable an electric vehicle to run 700 kilometers or 430 miles per charge when combined with chl's Next Generation battery pack Tech now the truth is that's not actually correct that was reported by Automotive news and Reuters and everyone just copied that what they said without actually doing any research on this the truth is there's already cars right now that have just been released from zika they can do a thousand kilometers of range using this battery pack thousand in a big car it's bigger than a model y what range might the model y get now I want to point out that's a big battery pack in that car Tesla will not use a battery pack of that size you're not going to see a thousand kilms of range but you're going to see more than what Tesla are providing now more I should also point out catl's marketing director has been fired apparently he's not bringing in enough contracts this is the biggest battery company in the world they want to continue being the biggest year they'll be very aggressive they made billions and billions of dollars in profit last year this year they can afford to go for market share and to reduce their margins significantly considering the price of the raw materials has come down so much Zhang said catl was finding it difficult to come up with a technologically feasible and competitive product based on solid-state batteries which I've been saying now for a long time it's still mythical a competing technology that has been researched by Japan's Toyota Motor Corporation and Germany's Volkswagen Group Well Germany has been a bit smarter about it well Volkswagen has been a bit smarter about it they've invested in companies that they think have a good chance of producing solid state batteries particularly us-based solid-state battery companies they've also invested in Chinese ones whereas Toyota have said no no we're all the best engineers in the world they're working for us this is what they've said I can quote this exactly on at least 50 occasions where Toyota have said this all the best engineers in the world are working for Toyota they're working on solid state batteries they have been since 2012. Toyota said in 2014 15 16 17 18 19 that those solid state batteries would be in Toyota vehicles in 2021 and not just intuitive EVS but all of the rubies would have these solid state batteries Toyota said they had a prototype in 2015 which worked they had to just commercialize it that was eight years ago the future of batteries at least in the next five to ten years is not solid state not mass Market it is doing what catl is doing taking existing batteries and improving them reducing the cost increasing the energy density increasing the pack density that's the future of mass Market commercialized EVs and Battery Technology solid state yeah it will happen eventually but it's not as it's not that relevant and it's nowhere near as relevant as what Toyota said it would be and what Toyota predicted keep in mind catl their batteries are in more than one third of all EVS produced worldwide and the company's market dominance has attracted attention from China's president who said he was pleased and concerned by its hegemony by just how powerful it had become last year some of chl's customers complained about its Market position some opting for alternative supplies or choosing to develop their own batteries including Neo I believe that was a big mistake from these companies I don't think they have the amount of money profitably invest in new battery technology I think it's a a losing battle I mean it's like a little Burger Joint trying to compete against McDonald's very very tough asked on Friday how these Revel batteries from other manufacturers like Neo like a Volkswagen who plan to have a battery IPO for their power code battery company by the way if you don't know about that I'll put a link in the description to my video Zing the company CEO said that he expected them to have more impact on second tier and third tier battery makers meaning the smaller mid-sized battery companies in China in particular and the CHL would remain the primary battery supplier and he's right CHL are actually the most advanced battery manufacturer in the world when you combine the fact that they can actually Mass produce products like this he said that new energy vehicle sales in China have recently been affected by inventory clearance efforts by car makers with combustion engines which is true I told you they're dumping them because they can't sell them after the after July while they can but with massive massive punishments basically they've got to give billions of dollars to EV companies like Tesla to take their carbon credits away just isn't worth it for them they might as well just dump their cars on the market so they're dumping them at incredibly low prices because China has a new emissions Target it's basically Euro seven emissions close to it coming into play in July of this year so things right the market is being artificial manipulated by these gasoline-powered companies Legacy automakers just dumping their cars onto the market but the problem is there's now four million cars from these Legacy companies Toyota Volkswagen group Etc just sitting in parking lots doing nothing so more will be done for the market the only thing is a lot of customers don't see these vehicles as being a smart buy even if they are really cheap so catnr's president rightly remains confident in the future of the ev even in the short term more than 40 Brands EV Brands included mostly have slashed vehicle prices in China in recent months deep hitting a price war that many believe was ignited by Tesla in January the truth is actually a number of automakers slash their prices well before January Tesla was just one of many but it's the one the media talks about so the basically manipulated the story now the real story here is this and the media has said nothing about it CHL and Tesla are inextricably tied this is like this is like a marriage they need each other CHL wants Tesla to succeed Tesla wants catl to succeed at least in the short term they will combine just Implement to put these battery packs into Tesla's new cars the cost of these batteries will be similar to lithium-ion phosphate cells currently being used in Tesla vehicles however the energy density will be around 35 percent higher therefore the pack weights will come down probably 150 to 200 kilos meaning maybe 300 pounds Tesla's energy Tesla's efficiency in their cars is already leading and that's with lfp packs imagine what they're going to be like with these new batteries which have a structural pack reducing weight which have a smaller pack because of the higher energy density reducing weight that is scary that is unbeatable if you think I'm wrong tell me why in the comments thank you for watching
Channel: The Electric Viking
Views: 206,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electricvehicles, evs, #electriccars, electricfuture
Id: su8pA9tqA6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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