Glowing Lance - Hutts Streams Noita Ep19

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all right let's go this game is just not not even and I can't even wanted to ride that lost without me relies then there was like 17 ones already every time I tap out he dies well then stop tapping on dude easy that was a rough I was like an hour and a half run how long were you tapped out every time I tap out for five days I come back and he's he died five days ago odd wand me I'm sorry get out of your call get more of its falling from above [ __ ] this literally five minutes aha yeah that's why I said five days hallway scare good it's good and I'm drunk I'm jealous of myself see those bank shots you can't handle this right now the club can't even handle me right now [Music] but can't even handle me right now cuz body chunks flying around sounds like a good time it's himself of his own bomb can I open this thing hey give me some more bows there we go drink up yo ho yo ho the pirate's life for me that that fire is gonna drip down into my whiskey isn't it nope fire new respectable fire makes your accuracy ass does that in real life too but it still I still have it look at it look at the keg up there it's partying it's so excited to be drunk drink and like woo somebody likes me pops open a whiskey barrel under a fire I was aware of the fire sort of a lot can you get less drunk if you dunk your head in water no maybe I made that up you okay gets drunk big surprise stop spreading the stupid fire water purifying a toxic sludge is just top-notch grand idea I'm fine [ __ ] though flasks wands nothing there's nothing here so I'm gonna fire would spread down there didn't work out that way it's not gonna make it all way over there no Fritz nerve prime sub what's up fritz nur read how drunkenness works like coding you wash dizziness off would that be nice if that's the way it worked in real life you got like smash at the bar and you just like poured water over your head and you're like good to go like in some ways you like throw a drunk guy into a shower right to sober him up but like scientifically it's not really how it works not sure I'm not taking any damage from that no money take a shower wash your hangover off best part is the the ragdoll physics any game that has ragdoll physics top top-notch what seed is this one zero seven zero eight three one eight nine nine pause it now if you want to see it and read it reptile fifteen they'd had nice jerky but the great work in greetings from Germany as Leo what up fireballs not that impressive though help me dad I'm osteo you mustn't [Music] you should go to the pyramid you want me to go all the way back up to the top then go to the pyramid really really this game worth the money all much do you like disappointing yourself go to the left to the egg at fifty six health I'm gonna pass on that one then all the way to the right not all the way to the left how am i doing damage to that skull okay bye dirty little [ __ ] I feel like we could keep going on level one but I took today's health on final cleaning 160 now is how do you like me now now that I'm on my way still thinking Prison standing here today what could we do differently you used to think I loved you and I always talked about it's pretty lame how fast is this thing shoot let's just say humor me for a second here if I drop this guy in this terrible absolutely terrible needs more of them and more chainsaws it can't be worth a damn what if I did this not bad not as good though maybe just odd fireballs are pretty worthless magic missiles it doesn't really belong here anywhere the moment so what I'm gonna do is just leave these to be get rid of these two wands here and I'm thinking projectile repulsion field is pretty nice for me mr. Rock wand yeah Rock Juan best want do arrows explode barrels check already heard it like the accuracy of this wand [Music] is it really a wand anymore it's a crossbow I mean it's materializing I'm not like loading these these things up materialize it's arrows out of nowhere still pretty magical my eyes will take my wands who's got it no no get out of here Oh goof seriously though were the fix my wand couldn't have gone far not that powerful seems like all we got just takes more skill that one makes a nice beat though burning trail with an egg what a stupid wand this is better in every way besides the amount of recharge even want it takes it man acidflask flaccid ass Jacob a thousand bits while you're down there will you pick me up some ice cream thanks dad where's the ice cream thanks to the thousand bits friendo corn and the Jacobo and jacob was his name-o and he demanded ice cream van done man unmod 'add unmanned can't wait to see huts get that one day Lowell the man's yeah you've been a forceful and [ __ ] place I've already been called don't worry craze corn on the cob it's like children the corn with more ice cream this could be fun you [ __ ] [Music] would you move so just as like a big lump now huh I feel like it should turn into a thing and I should actually be able to open it now stupid stupid stupid stupid I asked you if you would while you're down there now I demand blood for the blood god see I knew it was coming that Jacob character he never asked for nothing be wary it was tactless I need something better if I'm gonna brag to my mom you didn't even shoot me though why I like it that ooh don't you get lost in it there we go still didn't make it through hmm so still full bomb so great I forgot that I even had that still wonderful more eggs wait a second they're not even real eggs summon hollow eggs with 25 damage scratch it cast a spell upon cracking open does it not say any spells being cast [ __ ] I don't get any money for that that's bogus I'm stupid cave triggers the next spell and the wand so what would be good to have with that nuke put a nuke in the hollow egg unless the egg broke and then it launched the nuke at that point I'm back towards your own face jumps into the lava still concerned about shooting me in the face stupid caveman this is dumb how do you like me now bombs AoE would it trigger the next thing as in like if I had a limited bomb spell would it use up my bombs or would it still just use the egg egg with sea of lava Oh bro is it a free cast or not like Robin Hood right now a magical Robin Hood that fire potion and I don't want any of it did that to yourself bud where did you even come from nothing is free cast oh there's some precast Nerdist pawns hunter bits is he up all night to beat the final boss not a chance no I'm up all night to get lucky this is the to complete its a complete that it's a complete dead end it's [ __ ] I hate this cave it's the worst around in circles are you stoked about it that's just a little pocket of dudes a damn it's stupid dude pocket nothing's free casts up for the free cast stuff where's my shirt wet the hell is on my shirt that was gross or something on my shirt you droolin have I look been seen in like I'm drooling I don't think so spit from when you're aged guess we're going through the blood I got there's nowhere else to go this whole thing is literally just a dead end back when you died I think I spit on myself I think I want to realize that all right stats a good cassoulet with the light I could be a good dig wand may be always cast drop its balls now I hate all of it I'll try this for dig [Music] it's still terrible though you know terrible that is can I put him on something else it's got a better recharge time or what what's the deal with you it's better besides the fact that it's easy how about Man Man huh what if I did a triple scatter that's gonna be the slowest dig ever it's terrible as hollow legs can go away fireballs but magic missle on that one maybe it's look a terrible man of Max Scott damn it's I hate everything guess we'll keep it just in case we really really really really need to dig somewhere double spell also that wouldn't do anything I don't think toxic sludge immunity boomerang spells or worm detractor toxic sludge we're just we're not gonna last because we still have this garbage BS spell you're gonna increase them they do less and less damage subpoena take single sheet of paper and throws and as a paper airplane back to Chino so out of it what would I do to kill him one of these two of these three of these are you like that guy trapped in the snow you're stupid I've never been trapped in snow or dust or anything like that before haha flask and I'm not sure I really care just go with the tablet throwing for the rest of the game oops whoops-a-daisy okay that cold piece though knew where it was going [Music] this is just chaos Acuras on this thing is [ __ ] ass like ass qxe got my tablet back that's all that matters what is this glowing Lance on a good good good good stats thingy don't try it no more no more first accent dad who are the rest of the gold go it's my money Bron look at that [ __ ] not too shabby well I got rid of my cutter though nice sweet cave dude glad we went Lance Opie seems pretty good doesn't crack ice though melts it a little bit [ __ ] a headshot [Music] toxic mist well am i immune to toxic mist yes I am could come in handy doesn't do that much damage though does it snipe squeak yeah peace on earth I was close tested by standing in it honest the surefire way to test it isn't it for science or get into that other wands by finding a different ones oh hi [ __ ] campers goddamn campers it's pretty decent as good as the Lance but its stats [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me whereas all these enemies coming from man they just keep spawning helped stuck stuck in the ice help ah what the hell did I mean hot there we go they don't spawn let's spawn at all there's a wand that way and I want to get to it but I don't freaking know how I don't need diggy things do we no no I need a bunch of glowing Lance's to put on that wand I'll just swap them let's put the Lance on there I made the shade what the hell man I'm not even gonna try to get to that one I don't think squeak [Music] satis satisfying for you guys when I cut a icicle off yes so flasks in there stupid idiot I can cut through snow I got it it's one of those two slaughters though ish another glowing Lance though better cassoulet I'm kind of thinking that it would be nice to have two Lance's but does that mean it's gonna get a plus two point three three and a plus point three three cassoulet stacked because that would be pretty [ __ ] missed is probably just not gonna be good I'm not impressed we did get into the cave though all right I think I'm gonna leave we've been here too long tired of this place they won't stack I'm pretty sure the plus 0.33 doesn't stack to under from White Ryder finally caught a stream hope things are going better dude your videos have helped me keep help keep me sane in bad times of chat taught you proper wand crafting it are they still giving you terrible advice probably still terrible advice coughed chat I'm gonna chat 0.33 only applies to a spell not the entire wands I got you rocked still got 100 for health so you know there's more I'm gonna be gone but I also want to not die do i Splore or not Splore just cuts her would to like butter like [ __ ] butter like if I was to [ __ ] butter can I even get in there don't you look at me can't get in there man so we go for the long dig hey Chanel just leave it this weirdly cutout area I'm out tired of this place tired of it I want something exciting to happen I mean I don't want to die more glowing Lance's is that better worse than a little bit but having more glance spells would be good well it's actually it's yeah I know it is a little bit better than this one else we got we got some things and stuffs some more things and stuffs some more stuff and things spell cast - is that a good thing you bet your sweet ass that's a good thing look at all these Lance's look at all my Lance is all my Lance up so that should be two at a time right that's a double Lance and they're just stacked [Music] if I even doubled it got a three in there and it's recharging so quickly that it's yeah it's good a double double trouble double double toil and trouble it's uh seems like it's increasing my cast delay though somehow with the double but it's shooting like three times sometimes maybe even four that's gonna be some good damage output I think some pretty decent damage Bob do say so myself just keep on the Lance's for myself what else was I gonna do swap like this maybe very similar doesn't really matter I don't think since got better cast delaying capacity and stuff but no whatever let's just pick two to keep pick two to get rid of probably gonna only shoot one anyways shuffle one so you never know which one fires tighter spread electricity electricity gives me automatic immunity to electricity no now Sookie 11 months whose man's is this some no Sookie Snake Eyes double ones electricity I don't have any electricity stuff so so close to a year electricity is really good for the his base oh my [ __ ] Jesus why am i dead already what the hell man the hell did I do to deserve that besides fire blindly into a cave other than that is that gonna explode barrels and stuff if they get shocked thing exploded because electricity oh my goodness I don't feel safe okay I just cut that cut it in half just dunk it I'm out nice cutting heads off split them in half you guys see this literally cutting their heads off like a real more Hollow eggs what is up with you and your hollow eggs hard-on for you're a hollow egg personal gravity fields certain don't ask questions really good luck healing I'm one shouting everybody my healer electricity is kind of fun low in a super dangerous way I'm like it's fun to die kind of way blowing Alliance is kind of fun he's shooting my wand that's mine sir fire bolts pretty decent wand it seems like capacity 15 is that it no wrong wand all I get not as good as my glowing Lance probably though maybe it is morse bloats marsh floaties why is everything on fire like I took my other wands I just gone mad look at this thing holy [ __ ] capacity 20 spells cast eight increased man a critical plus digging blast magic bolt with time or energy orb ground to sand matter eater lava to blood large splitter ball a timer hexa confirmation spark bolt with trigger odd fire bolt gravity chainsaw electric charge bifurcate double scatter spell using it now fight me damn it o slime flash broke it's terrible hail that's and though though sandy plays ashtag worth it not it's awful I didn't enjoy any of that besides Trident I'm just gonna I'm gonna use it just to grab spells from kind of nice little body size chunk yep cutting heads off left and flip and right that's more crotch level but more acid not amino acid I mean a toxic sludge careful not to drown and sans yeah I'm about just not gonna shoot that thing anymore although turning you know ground into sand shouldn't be that big of a deal we're gonna try to get to this cave this way we're gonna stoop this low looks like very familiar suffocating help I'm suffocating that's never happened you guys are silly never happened making things up white rod art winner bits before are never bullet before the inevitable happens watch out for the floaty white headed things in the temple area below the forest they won't attack you if you don't attack them they do insane damage have crazy damage resistance if they do a gross stick to melee if you have a chainsaw or similar spell floating white headed things okay I felt really good in my face oh I was like this thing didn't light a fire and then it totally did oh my goodbye that thought that blowing up in my face how is that even working such a little [ __ ] why would you explode there we go 23 health I'm thinking we just run close our eyes and dip through done how's that working boom no the fish the fish no more glowing Lance it's even Lance e'er than before what can be used in this chainsaws what else could be used from this electric charge electric charge seems pretty freakin lame though if everything's not covered in water possibly better to do a triple spill way better way better how he shocked the fish didn't like the electricity I just you know what nerd not everything has to make sense yeah jerk how did you not understand this simple concepts you dub dub you're stupid I'm gonna tell you what buddy I don't want to you this energy orbs are good though I do want the increased mana that could be real tasty it could be an arson tae stay well if I did this I didn't even throw that let me back that arrow how many room for the arrow for time arrows you're garbage you are just a garbage pile you are heaping pile of garbage what if they were electric eels and probably still died fireball thing too because we care about that one toxic sludge to acid that sounds terrible for me water to poison no more electric charge with this much capacity of like we should be able to do something funny but I just don't think it's gonna work out it seems like a better wand here no because this has got a spell cast to on it okay let's just leave this at B it's good it's a good one now I like it didn't take the drill that was a drill in here wasn't there that's so much [ __ ] on me you know get out get out get out get out get out digging blast that's not really what I wanted more powerful digging it is a projectile in and of itself is it sure about that I wouldn't just be better to use the orbs both that's my dagwon's all right big blast with chainsaw big boss with chainsaw though chainsaw makes this one much better we need something way more powerful and we don't have it so I I think I need to be able to shoot these faster just gonna go say it nuke nuke wand I don't know these are giant fire bolts yeah I can't even I can't buy cuz I can't afford it can't even look at it new cryptic don't have explosion immunity all-seeing eye faster movement I think an all-seeing eye here so I can sear on corners reduce recharge spell could be handy yeah I don't have one though gonna increase mana that I didn't put on anything didn't really need to it's nothing that's really running out it's just a spider [ __ ] over here it does like 20 damage within you go to take certain enemies and it just doesn't do any damage at all I'm confused as to how the damage just stacks up and adds like that was 35 against that guy 35 against that guy but +7 against the spiders poking me one likes that rip chests is I'm not gonna get that wand right there wowzers let's just let them Duke that out somebody stole the wand too great for killing Hornets dig back up to the chest come on fire okay there's a there's a wizard right there that's got the water and he's teleporting all over the place what an [ __ ] there's another thing here - oh is it the barrel yeesh I almost didn't see it what is this dynamite I hate it on five had cast six spells and reduced charge the 104 sail okay I don't see my wizard anymore they take off took the money and ran tell us somewhere above you you missed it triple spell fireball giant fire bolts - point O seven cast delay or the 2460 manna max pretty toasty you just died too just the guy that was looking for whoa maybe it's a lot of digging blasts but it's very slow it's not the worse nurse is poison coming from oh that's a bomb 24 Alf run we're dying we're just [ __ ] dead doesn't matter guys camping a wand it's a trap oh it's another guy right here no nineteen other ones oh that's it's tricky I just heated them toxic mist 273 men recharge though reduces recharge time - what does Wow 2 point 4 K mana which never seen so much recharge time but it increases cast delay so if I put that on this guy this could be a pretty spicy wand here if I can survive so what was this thing gun no one cares no one cares bush green senior hunt sets up Shama sore and get as much money as I would like but always casts up I get the most [ __ ] always cast stuff are you perk lottery breathless glass cannon blast cannon is what like larger explosions but I have less health electric arc [Music] I thought it was gonna do something more than that projectiles of arcs of lightning between them I need a projectile it's not arcing no crease radius 5 times damage limited health the 55 times damage take lottery I could reroll I got my got money more missiles with that see my recharge time goes up though this is the problem the electric arc is is not working this guy do recharge time - 0.17 without adding on anything to my castle a unimpressed [Music] it's almost better when I said one [Music] it's almost better when I just had one pledge 40 total what's up welcome back pledge back Potter well that's fine when I get it triple in there but what about a triple triple [Music] triples just don't rock anymore what the hell man lottery if lucky glass canon actor why don't I just read all right now you guys Jane Soph first then arrows then multicast to wrap around what if I tripled on this guy oh the triple needs more arrows to shoot otherwise it's just rippling out the digging blasts worthless that's a consistent triple well it makes sense to do that like this trying to no shuffle none of it's very good I feel like this is probably the best here probably the best right there and that's the best I can do and then see here I could reduce the recharge time in this bad boy man you don't have many spells to cast at the same time in that wand it plus its shuffle this guy was good because cast two spells at once right oh no shuffle one dig one one damage once I think we're [ __ ] regardless I don't think we're gonna live very much longer chains off first then multi near the end multi is in like a triple shot like this doesn't make any sense to do a triple at the end of a no no shuffle right it's not doing the triple one crafting is a science don't think the drill works like chainsaw does it adds plus 2.0 to cassoulet but minus 0.1 seven recharge time which is exactly this minus 0.1 seven recharge time yeah just do one Lance with the triple it seems like the three is faster three three seems faster put the modifiers before lances the triple just adds on delay I'll stop back sitting Wells's block death I think this is good right here that's just as good as this gonna get you do uh we don't need to the mana cuz it's not burning up very much man at all it's not recharging very fast either though but 2460 man I it's gonna go a while this one was just not worth doing that [Music] good big ones it's gonna be a good dig ones I don't even need the energy orbit that point and get rid of maybe like one of these like things out of its triple cast the next three spells in the sequence near the end it forces it to wrap around to the starting chainsaw meaning with just one chainsaw you get the point one seven cast like twice but when I put it on the end I didn't notice it doing anything at all remember when I did that it looks the exact same to me Tommy three months welcome back help me help me understand what I'm missing here you guys that that looks the exact same if I were to triple at the end too many spells for a triple cast too many spells so double cast triple cast the next three spells in the sequence read that again simultaneously cast three spells so it casts chainsaw digging blast glowing Lance you removed two of the Spears you're saying go like this move the triple cast back to places okay so okay so help me understand exactly what the hell just happened then with that because if it's there it's garbage here it's going one two three it's giving me a double chainsaw recharge time down but if I was just add when one more thing it's just casting the first spell but I'm hungry I'm not gonna be able just later because I have no idea what has happened because how would that be any different than just adding another chainsaw how is it like speeding this up so much faster so instead of your say instead of getting a point one seven damage or a recharge time we're getting double that per cast triple cast cancels the recharge kinda well then I should be able to just put the triple spell in the end and just cancel it all the time right what it's doing is the chainsaw is being cast first in the new triple cast cast the two spells and chainsaw again because it wraps around so it's doubling the point one seven recharge time reduction what happens if I just took off digging blast then and are these not stacking like what if I did like a double there it seems like they do stack it's tacking huh is there even a better way I could do this then I'm gonna be better to put the triple cast first no cuz then it wouldn't it wouldn't wrap round and double the chainsaw alright well I'm just gonna go with this done permanent shields Lukie mutation saving grace and a mathematical thing I mean it's I wouldn't even say it's a mathematical thing it's just understanding exactly how it doubles something and then not other things in a wraps around this time but not the other time and it somehow cancels it this with it this way and not that way like I said like if I was to just take this off right and do a double I would think that it would cast you know I whatever cuz it's stacking the stuff but then if I but at a quad would it do even more he who has never seen this game before what the [ __ ] this isn't a Sookie shield shield perma shield mutation is cool but underwhelming chill chill chill chilled got repellant and shields now I don't get ones now enter the vault oh man the knock back though is gonna really throw me for a loop alright there's some health let's let them Duke it out maybe a little bit first its hide munch munch munch munch that little ro body crawl a guy snuck up on me before and one shot at me so I'm gonna do thinking that we don't [ __ ] with him they see me where is he why'd they leave black stone 21 months love these noise streams it's a black stone well I mean let me play among I'm dying oh my god I'm on fire thanks shields took away how like [ __ ] quarter my health absolute [ __ ] balls how's the dig wand it digs alright more health no I get to it though goodness gravy dude stop this thing needs to recharge faster destron came out today and he plans in a youtube series I'm not even sure what the game is are you sure the game is trying to understand a game a bit better would you recommend it not sure I'm understanding this game better I don't know in any game no games makes sense any a [ __ ] break on my own fire again he needs a recharge faster [Music] I was a lot of gold all nestled just way here for four years I've bought this game and I'm trying to understand that I don't know [ __ ] it's just basic stuff yeah right we're gonna be here all day unless I'm a genius I'm like dead dull how the [ __ ] that I just lose like half my health right there nothing happens you hit yourself with acid a little bit maybe kind of but not really while holding an acid container hurts you for half health on Wednesdays you should not be alive sir thank you thanks for the money - slippery man oh I did not know you had tentacles so it took he grabbed me I froze in place but solid and then he just went poop oh god no it is so much fun hey the super amazing overpowered weapon that you just made oops you accidentally touched a lantern and now you have half health what's that you looked at that purple thing ah you should have done that shouldn't look at that thing really was your mistake for looking I didn't even I literally didn't make it like 10 feet from the [ __ ] door no no no
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 14,140
Rating: 4.9406528 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, noita, roguelike, roguelite, rogue-like, rogue-lite, pixel graphics, physics, indie, adventure, action, 2d, rpg, difficult, magic, simulation, spell, secret, gameplay, footage, walkthrough
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 25sec (4525 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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