Gloomhaven Ultimate Cragheart Guide

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the craigheart everybody's favorite trickster he's one of the funnest classes to play in gloomhaven but he's also one of the hardest because he does a lot of crazy things he jumps around and hurts allies he has bad initiative he makes obstacles he does all these really cool neat things but they're very hard to do properly because of that initiative and just the nature of you know where do you place obstacles stuff like that so in this guide i'm going to go through how you can make the craig heart really really effective how to use his obstacles properly how to make sure that shielded enemies aren't causing you problems and how to mostly stay away from damaging your allies although once in a while they're definitely gonna get in the way and they're going to be taking some damage so despite all those things i just talked about the credit card is really good and can do some really cool things but he's got a lot of what i would call trap cards and so in this guide i'm going to talk a lot about trap cards and these are cards like backup ammunition that appear much better than they are and have a high potential for being ineffective and so later on we're going to talk about that so stick with me but just before we get there go ahead like the video subscribe to my channel and turn on notifications so that when i make content you're notified creating obstacles is one of the unique abilities of the credit card that make them really cool and really fun and there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with them first of all though you cannot put obstacles in doorways to block rooms so that you and your buddies can hang out and shoot ranged tax at them all day long without any you know worries so not allowed to do that but you can go invisible and block doors just just a reminder you can go invisible and block doors and that's going to help you a lot so now let's talk about obstacles so obstacles are great but make sure you check whether the enemies that are coming through the door are going to be flying or not i can't tell you how many times i've seen a craigheart lay a sweet obstacle course and then oh the enemies are flying and it was all wasted and for nothing you wasted those cards you wasted your time setting up an advance is key to obstacle usage let's call it so lots of times there's a lull in gloomhaven where you've killed all the monsters in the room you're currently in but you haven't opened the door this is a great time for the craigheart to set up an obstacle course however you've got to know your enemies in the scenario like i said lots of enemies are flying so based upon what you've seen so far make a determination whether you want to do that or not if you've got a lot of melee enemies in the scenario go ahead and set up that obstacle course in the room and then funnel the enemies through and this is really gonna mess with melee enemies as well if not you know just wait till you see what's in the room and go late allow somebody else to open the door you go late you know and have a backup plan if it's full of flying enemies don't you know don't have an obstacle play locked in fully you want to make sure you've got cards that are going to allow you to do something else if there's flying enemies and it's not going to work out for you so the next piece is traps traps are going to be great for obstacles enemies are going to find a focus on you and if the only way they can get there is through a trap they're still going to go through it so make sure you lay obstacles around traps in narrow corridors so that melee enemies have to funnel through and go over the traps the other thing you can do to melee enemies is and mostly this works where it's narrow and use other obstacles that are already part of the scenario as well but you can lay it out so that melee enemies have to go around and just math it out and see you know based upon their average move whether or not it will cost them an extra turn to get to you and if it does everybody can just lay back and the melee enemies are going to waste a full turn while you plug away on them and by the time they get to you they're going to be totally weakened and you'll be able to light them up pretty easy so middling initiative something the craig heart shares with the brood and something they both struggle with because you'd never know what's gonna happen and i think the craigheart's actually worse than the brute just so much in the middle that's gonna make it tough for you so how do you get around that well you make plans that aren't necessarily based upon you going first and lots of times it's easier to go late and i think a lot of people get caught up in the game of you know gambling to go first they've got a card that's at 28 and they make a plan to hope that they go first and then they've got enemies that go before them and the plans are dashed and you become ineffective so don't be afraid to go late a lot of the time because you know you're going to be laying obstacles you're going to be doing all kinds of cool things but you're going to have a hard time consistently going first and so if you're trying to go first all the time you're going to lose that game your plans are going to blow up in your face a lot trap cards there are cards that look really good but can cause you to have a lot of ineffective turns or can be used up without them really being very effective and the first one is going to be backup ammunition and this card looks great you think oh at a target that's amazing first of all as a clarification something like dirt tornado you only add one hex to it you do not recast the entire spell and hit another group so clarification number one next is if there's only one enemy in range you waste a charge of backup ammunition it's going to be wasted it doesn't proc only when there's two enemies so one guy left you fire off a shot at him there's a charge of backup ammunition gone and it did nothing for you what it does work well with though is it combos well with massive boulder so let's say you've got a group of three enemies you're gonna hit one with the main attack and it you're gonna suffer one damage to the other two and then you're gonna hit the other with the target from backup ammunition and then the other two are gonna suffer so you're gonna do an a total of four extra damage and massive boulder with one charge of backup ammunition is going to be six attack plus 4 suffer damage and it's going to be a great early combo for you but just be very careful of using backup ammunition when there's only one enemy so talk to your team and be prepared sometimes to use a melee attack so you don't use up that charge of backup ammunition a really cool combo i like to use early on is unstable upheaval top and forceful storm bottom and just to clarify this is a first edition card you're seeing for unstable upheaval the top is changed to all melee attacks after the first edition so that's why forceful storm bottom works with it and it's a really powerful combo make sure you've got earth to consume and that's what really takes this to the next level and you're going to be able to attack five on all enemies within range two and you're going to easily do 15 to 20 damage and you'll be able to wipe out large groups of enemies and also this has initiative 13 which is you know i believe the fastest card and so you're actually going to be able to go quick on this and you know really thin out some enemy numbers before they get an attack on you opposing strike is actually a really great card and i'm talking about the bottom the top can be useful too in certain situations but pretty tough to pull off and here it means you're going to be right in the middle of a bunch of enemies but the bottom is great because retaliate has two problems the first is that if you're playing a card enemies can a go before you right so on that turn if you're playing a retelli they can go before you and then it doesn't proc on them two is if they decide not to attack and they shield up or they heal or do something else your retaliates wasted and then three retaliate doesn't have range opposing strike fixes all those problems by automatically procking each time you get attacked by a melee enemy so if you play this early this is going to consistently do 12 unblockable damage and it's actually a really good card for the credit card especially at lower levels where it's going to do a lot of damage to enemies attacking you and it's going to be really really effective coming up we're going to talk through each level card by card so you have a good understanding of which cards are going to be the best for your build but if you could go ahead please hit that like button subscribe to my channel turn on notifications so that when i put out new content you're notified and i've also created another video which i really think you're going to like i've ranked all 22 gloomhaven classes including forgotten circles and including jaws of the line of the lion so go ahead and check that out and find out which of your favorite classes are the best and how they rank in the gloomhaven universe at level two things are a bit sad for the craig we've got sentient growth and sentient growth is awful it's a positioning nightmare bottom end top most the time it's going to be ineffective at level two we've got explosive punch and at 28 it's a pretty good initiative for the credit card it's the second fastest card up until this point a little bit sad but true top is not that great i mean avalanche and forceful storm are both better lost cards than that most of the time but the bottom four is pretty decent and at 28 initiative our second fastest card so once in a while we can use that to try and go fast so at level two i'm taking explosive punch although you don't need to take either of these really at level three we've got clear the way and we've got blunt force clear the way top is pretty good especially if you consume earth but it's a bit of a pain positioning wise because you've got to get next to an obstacle before you actually use it it's a common theme with the craigheart you're always going to need positioning and that's one of the reasons why it's so difficult to play but one of the reasons why it's also so rewarding to play and then blunt force top not a great card eight damage is okay at level three for a loss but you've got a consumer so decent but not great the initiative on this card though is really good it's gonna be our second fastest card here up to this point and the bottom move to retaliate one if you're playing a more melee focused crag it's going to be a very good card for you so at level three you can take either i think clear the way is mostly going to be better for you but if you are really melee focused and and you want to try and go quicker then you can take blunt force as well at level four things get way better we've got rock slide we've got kinetic assault rock slide top is one of the best actions in this game you're going to be able to create three single hex obstacles within range four and any enemies adjacent to those obstacles are going to suffer two damage you can easily get 8 or 10 suffer on this when you've got a decent amount of enemies and it's repeatable and it gives you an experience and it creates earth and then the bottom is ok it's going to be useful if you want to catch up because you can only move in a straight line so you know pretty tough to use sometimes but can be useful for getting you a place quick if you're too far behind and then another good card is kinetic assault it's move one attack for top and that's going to be really good utility-wise for you and then the bottom retaliate3 range three yeah you're probably not going to use it a lot for that but it does have initiative 19 so if you've got some slow enemies and you know that they're rarely going to beat a 19 initiative you can use this card to get a pretty good retaliate going but most of the time you're going to be using it for the top however nothing can basically beat rockslide i think pretty much you have to take rockslide every single time at level four because it's so awesome at level five we've got petrify and we've got stone pummel the top of petrify is pretty decent you know kill one normal enemy within range four and then create an arms to obstacle the obstacle is going to help us and then we also make earth and get two xp so especially at higher levels this is a pretty good card it can be easily worth 10 to 15 damage on a fresh enemy at higher levels and then the bottom move three is really good too move in three immobilize all the melee enemies there and then use a top move like kinetic assault to get out and with kinetic assault you're going to have 19 initiative and so you're going to be able to do this fairly quickly now i told you to take rockslide last time so you may not always have kinetic assault but maybe you can take it later on when you're just a little bit higher level and then we've got stone pummel the top looks good it looks like it has a lot of potential but you've got to be in a group of enemies to do this and so you better be ready to heal you better have some shield up or or something along those lines because you've got to be right in the thick of things and you're going to be taking a ton of aggro and then the bottom you can take this but don't take this if you've used backup ammunition you don't really want to use both of those losses at level 5 i'm almost always taking petrify but you can go back and take the level four card you didn't take most likely kinetic assault at level six we've got cataclysm and we've got dig pit the top of cataclysm is really powerful especially when we consume earth and we make a lot of earth so it's not usually that hard you can do a ton of work with this card you hit three four enemies do you know 18 to 24 damage and then immobilize people as well fantastic card and the move when we consume earth is our best non-loss move and then initiative 26 sad but is good for the craig heart and then we've got dig pit and somebody should have dug a pit and then put this card in it because dig pit is terrible the top it's just not good traps don't hit flying enemies blah blah blah it's not good the initiative is terrible at 78 the move to invisible on the bottom can be useful in certain situations but a hundred percent of the time i'm taking cataclysm and not digbit at level seven we've got meteor and we've got brutal momentum meteor the top is pretty decent but it's actually hard sometimes to lay down a three hex obstacle because it has to be empty hexes and so sometimes you can get caught in a situation where you can't put it down just because of enemy positioning and things of that nature the initiative at 23 is pretty good and the move for jump is also good i mean that's good utility brutal momentum though the top is actually quite good against shielded enemies and higher on you're very often going to be able to use this to get some extra damage on enemies and so i like it a lot i like being able to push into traps and then you know being able to push into walls and obstacles is just an added bonus and then the bottom is really good as well to add some power to your ranged attacks so even though brutal momentum has brutal initiative at 52 i'm going with brutal momentum almost every time at level eight we've got rocky end and we've got lumbering bash rocky end is just a weird card first you've gotta consume earth to get its range up to three which you will need to do to get a reasonable amount of obstacles like to make this card good you have to have five obstacles try and get five obstacles within range three it's not going to happen a lot and so this card is not very good the initiative is bad as well at 37 but the bottom move is pretty good even though you have to end up near an obstacle you can do that a reasonable amount of the time so you can have some good move utility out of this card and then we've got lumbering bash the top is really good move to attack five top creating earth and getting an xp is very very powerful now the initiative is a bit tough to deal with but pair it with something faster and you're going to have some really good utility and then the bottom of lumbering bash is decent i guess you're not really going to use it a lot you're mainly going to take it for the top so every time i'm basically taking lumbering bash and i'm taking it for the top level nine we've got pulverize and we've got blind destruction pulverized top is okay if you've got lots of obstacles and enemies and traps but it's not great and then the bottom same sort of thing you can move around make sure there's not a bunch of shielded enemies or it's going to be really ineffective but you can output some decent damage and then we've got blind destruction and blind destruction top is almost game breaking it's very very powerful when used in conjunction with a couple other cards so once you get to this level you've got to make sure and take up take back up ammunition with you and then if you've got three enemies and you use the bottom of brutal momentum and the top of blind destruction you're gonna be able to do 36 damage to three enemies because you're going to be attacking six and then everything nearby is going to be suffering six and you're gonna do that twice so three enemies you attack one six damage that one enemy suffer six on the other two then you attack again six on that one and the other two suffer six it's to be a massive combo for you and it's actually repeatable and so once you get there make sure you take blind destruction it's got to move and it can do stuff on the bottom but i don't even care use the top and you're going to be able to wreck groups of enemies especially shielded enemies because you're going to be using stuff damage suffer damage so take blind destruction 100 of the time never take pulverize it does not exist now that you've made it this far please go ahead and like the video it really helps me out a lot and we've got enhancements so the first enhancement you're going to take is the bottom of rumbling advance and you're gonna go move plus one this is gonna give you a ton of utility and it's gonna allow you to you know get that suffer one damage on more enemies and it's gonna add up a ton over the scenario the next is the heaving swing and we're gonna upgrade the push plus one and this is also only gonna be 30 gold and you're gonna be able to push enemies into traps and obstacles a lot easier and it's gonna you know push the damage of heaving swing up quite a bit on average great investment for 30 gold and then the one that gets a bit ridiculous the curse nato you're going to put curse on dirt tornado and you're going to curse three to five enemies per cast and you're going to trivialize some scenarios especially scenarios that have a lot of enemies you're going to be able to trivialize them because you're going to fill up their cursed deck really quickly so those are the three enhancements hope you enjoy for perks it's a little bit all over the place if you're going melee focused make sure you get ignore item effects perk so that you can wear armor without you know nerfing your attack modifier deck and then i like to take the pushes because the credit card immobilizes a lot and it's really nice to melee attack a melee enemy and push them back one and it also synergizes nicely with heaving swings so you can get some extra damage in and just a public service announcement heaving swing actually works on flying enemies read the text carefully and you'll see exactly why but just so you know it will damage flying enemies even though they normally you know don't get hit by traps and that sort of thing and then i like to take out the negative one modifiers and the rest is up to you depending on how you play items are going to be fairly basic but take eagle-eye goggles if you're using a lot of range especially if you're using backup ammunition and sometimes i like to take the iron helmet if i'm really going melee focused it's not a helmet i use very often but if you're really melee focused and you want to use retaliate cards and you're going to be right in the thick of things taking the iron helmet can save you from some huge damage attacks and then height armor make sure you've taken the ignore item effect first then you've got piercing bow and if you're doing lots of range piercing bows is going to be really good and if you're doing melee you want to take warhammer so that you can stun and control and do cool things like that especially when you're mailing lots of enemies your use of a warhammer and stunning two three enemies is going to be really awesome for you and then take a power potion usually especially if you're using dirt tornado or using backup ammunition stuff like that power potion is going to be really good for you at this point go ahead hit that like button we've come to the end of the video so make sure you subscribe now to my channel turn on notifications so that when i'm making new content you're notified neural net games is a participant in the amazon affiliate program any links you click i may get a commission for
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 13,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, cragheart, gloomhaven, cragheart guide, how to play cragheart, is cragheart good
Id: Ej8HDSo7n5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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