Gloomhaven Six Starting Classes (Which Class Suits Your Playstyle?)

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are you starting a new gloomhaven campaign are you a bit confused out of which starting characters of the six you should pick depending on your playing style well not to worry we are here to help you with that to give you a light overview of each of the six starting characters and help you choose which one to continue with remember guys if you're liking these videos please don't forget to like and subscribe as it helps our channel grow but for now six characters coming up first up is the brute now he has 10 hit points um he carries a hand of 10 cards and we class him really as difficulty easy he is a simple character to play with now his role is melee tank so if you like getting up and personal in these scenarios we might be on something here so as i mentioned he is melee and he does have a couple of range cards but that is all really um he same as healing he has minor heels but he's not classed as a healer so you do want to pair him with someone in your team that you're playing with that can support him um he has a couple of aoe target multiple enemy cards so he can create uh he can create damage to more than one enemy which is great his initiative is medium to late so you will find in most scenarios he will be going around that time frame there is a couple of exceptions where he does have lower initiative cards to kind of get in there first but essentially if you want to be a quick character don't go for this one he's got a few defensive abilities so he can shield which is great and also he can manipulate enemies using abilities such as push and pull so he's a bit of a bully really but essentially you don't need to plan ahead with him he is really easy to use he takes damage he deals damage but um yeah he needs a plaster once in a while but we would say if you prefer a ranged character bruce is not for you next we have the crackheart one of my personal favorites the cracker has a health of 10 he has a starting hand of 11 cards and he's kind of easy to play i'd say our classroom is an easy level um so he is a multifunctional character he's got it all he can be a bit of a tank he can be a bit of a range damage dealer melee damage dealer he can even heal and he's got a few aoe attacks as well so you'll be having a blast if you pick him he's got a bit of everything um so he works well with the earth element so if you've got a friend that can create this element during between rounds you'll be having a blast with him uh he also does deal damage to allies careful not to be standing in the firing line when the credit card goes because the chances are he might end up doing some friendly fire here he has the opportunity as well to manipulate obstacles and also create obstacles so what the crowd heart can do is quite unique you can create an obstacle and throw it around the map may be useful to damage deal damage to enemies or it may be useful to kind of hold enemies off and manipulate the map a little bit so you're hiding behind cover his initiative is sort of slow to middle he does have an opportunity with a few early cards but again just like the brute you're not going to be going very quick with the crack up but i feel like his role kind of makes up for that so if you like a strategical character and you like to kind of create your players before they happen kind of recommend the crack heart for you i mean he's got a bit of everything so if you're indecisive about what you want to play and what role you want to take on i mean crackheart's your man he's got a bit of everything next up is the mind thief now he has hit points of six so he is one of the lowest starting uh characters with with lower health um he does hold 10 cards but his difficulty is definitely one of the hardest starting characters but if you can nail it good for you so here's a melee class character um you ideally want to use him for hit and runs so he needs to go in there attack and run away because he is a little rat for a reason now he does have the ability to summon so essentially he's got to rely on someone else because he just can't deal with it but um it's fine it's fine he does have an augment system where you can plan in advance so essentially you can set an augment which can do things such as extra damage and things on attacks in further rounds to come and that augment doesn't exhaust until you swap it for another one if that's what you choose to do he can mind control enemies which is good so he although he's a rat he is smart um his initiative is pretty early it has to be for him to actually have a chance now ideally you want to pair him with essentially a tank because they're going to need to take the damage while this little rat is trying to deal some from left and right um but yeah if you like the idea of a challenge again he's strategical you need to plan ahead with him and to be honest he will take some getting used to but once you're used to him he's interesting to play so yeah up next we've got the tinkerer he has hp of eight he has a hand size of 12 so one of the biggest and the starting characters and i class him as medium to easy to play to be honest so his role is a support and a healer so don't expect to do massive damage with this guy or tank so one of his main abilities is to buff himself and allies around him so he can do that with shields or damage which is quite useful in scenarios he has many ranged abilities now this is a good thing because if you get him close to enemies he's going to disintegrate very fast however his range of abilities are pretty useful and he's got a lot of different varieties that can apply conditions as well which make it very effective he does kind of hang back from the danger so you want to put him at the back behind everyone else maybe hide behind a crackheart or a group ideal his initiative is early to medium he does have a few opportunities to go very late but mostly you can go medium too early with this guy you kind of want to get in there buff or heal your teammates and then get out of the danger zone and let them take care of everything else he is weaker in smaller teams so if you have a two player game don't really recommend him unless you want a challenge he can't buff people very well though so again if you like a challenge and you like that sound of this guy what he can give you go for it so to round it up his play style is very strategical you're gonna plan to help your allies heal your allies and maybe apply some conditions to the enemies again to assist your allies and taking them down but don't expect to do big damage with this guy however keep them alive place your keys you call you've got a winner on your hands so next up we have the scoundrel now she has hit points of eight she has a hand size of nine cards and her difficulty is easy slash medium she is classed as a melee rogue character um good use of poison she has a few cards that allows her to poison enemies which is really good when setting up these characters for your fellow teammates to attack her initiative is pretty quick to be fair which is another benefit because this allows her to swoop in there poison these enemies first and then get away and watch the rest of her teammates attack these enemies with a condition on them already she does have a couple of ranged abilities but essentially she is just a melee character class um a lot of her cards rely on either the presence or absence of allies so she can do extra damage to a monster if that monster is adjacent to any of the monsters allies or she can do damage if the monster is adjacent to any of her allies in regards to you know your other players in the campaign uh so plan where to move with this character because it will really depend on how much damage you're actually capable of doing with her um so although we do classrooms easy she can be quite challenging as you have to have more strategy when moving her around but to be honest stick with other players stick with your team members um and hopefully this will be an enjoyable one for you last but not least we have the spell weaver so she has a hp of six and a hand size of eight the lowest out of the bunch but she has that for a good reason so let's get into it so i class her as a hard character to learn to be honest uh one of the more difficult ones out of the style and six um so she cast spells that affect multiple enemies with most of her cards which is pretty good so she's got the aoe thing going there she does have good range damage abilities so even if it's a single target the output of her damage is pretty high for a starting character she plays with all elements so if you've got characters that can create these elements for you and she can use them to benefit her attacks then you've got a good thing going there so keep it up she does have low health so you do want to avoid the front line of course being a wizard spell weaver they're never going to be a tank you want to keep them behind and shoot from far away she does have slow initiative a few cars they can go quite quick however you don't really want to be going early anyways you kind of want to be going last staying at the back and hitting picking those enemies off that your teammates are leaving now the unique thing about the spell weaver is a lot of a card you do have to burn them after you use the good abilities on them but she does have a card that allows her to get all of her burn cards back which is really useful so if you play effectively and use all your burn cards in a certain order save that last one to the end you'll be able to get that whole pile back and have another whole turn without losing um without resting so the kind of breakdown for the spell river is just kind of complex to learn um i don't recommend it if it's your first ever time play in this game however once you've used a few other characters definitely give it a go because it is very fun once you get used to it so yeah i'd say it's very complex you need to plan ahead plan your cards and how you use them and kind of stay behind your teammates giving them the support that they need but make sure they create those elements for you because they'll benefit very well so there's a very quick breakdown of the starting six characters in gloomhaven now if you're new to this game and you struggle to pick which character to use in this video has helped you or you have a different opinion please let us know which character you went for uh we always love to hear from you yeah and remember to like and subscribe if you're enjoying this kind of content we have just recently placed a very bulky board game order so stay tuned subscribe hit the notifications because a lot more games will be coming your way we'll be bugging you soon see you guys take care
Channel: GroundHog Play
Views: 36,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven starting class overview, Gloomhaven starting class guide, Gloomhaven starting classes, Gloomhaven Help, Gloomhaven
Id: 27wSROf0DdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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