5 small Gloomhaven rules you might not know

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hey everyone and welcome to today's video i've got a nice quick one for you today sorry for the lack of uploads in the last couple of weeks if you do follow me on stream then you will know that me and my girlfriend we've been trying to buy a house which has been a little bit tricky uh this year we've actually been trying since january basically to get a house but we've had two houses fall through and we're now on to house number three so things have stepped up to house number three so i hope to have some good news soon about that but we are basically we are not having a great time of it but in the grand scheme of things it's quite a minor inconvenience to the rest of the world right now so you know i still consider ourselves very lucky in that respect but apologies for the lack of uploads because of this so this is going to be a nice short sweet video something a little bit simpler than the guides and things i've done before so this is just going to be about five rules for gloomhaven that you might not know or perhaps maybe you've been playing wrong so a nice short video for you today guys hopefully you might find some of this information useful so every tip in this video is going to be applicable to both the tabletop version of gleamhaven and gloomhaven digital i am going to start moving my content towards focusing a little bit more on gloomhaven digital because i feel like that's sort of the new kid on the block and that's what a lot of people are going to start playing soon and want to start playing and perhaps that's going to be your first introduction to gloomhaven now and i think that's going to be the case for a lot of people with the lower price point and the ease of kind of accessibility of getting into the game and while gleam having digital does a fantastic job of implementing the board game it does sort of automate a lot of the rules for you so there are going to be some things that perhaps you don't understand or you've never seen before because hey you've never had to pick up the rule book yourself read it and actually play it out on the tabletop yourself so some of these rules are going to be based a little bit around that um but again i will always try and make my content to work for both versions of the game so if you have any interest in that content please do subscribe to the channel if you'd like to see more and of course hit that like button if you do enjoy the video if there is anything that i've missed out here that you'd like to see me talk about then please put it in the comments below and of course if you want to ask me any questions you can always catch me live at twitch.tv slash manage request i stream gloomhaven there every week three days a week every monday wednesday and sunday so come hang out and say hi okay so rules number one is refreshing item card so when we talk about refreshing item cards some items that you can get in the game will have the little symbol where you can sort of turn it horizontally exhaust that card and then essentially you can once you long rest you can then turn it vertically and refresh that card so that you can then use that again throughout the rest of the scenario until you use it again and then you long rest to bring it back again these are different to the lost ones that you get which have the little x on that you can only use once per scenario so some of these cards mainly the armor cards actually have a number of charges on them so every time that you use it you use a charge and then once all of the charges have been used that's when the card would be turned horizontally exhausted and then it will be ready to be refreshed again now the rules difference that i see here and i've seen some confusion is whether or not if you long rest and you still have charges left on this item can you then refresh the charges or can you artificially exhaust the item so that you can get all your charges back well no you can't so tanks out there if you're using these items to tank all these armor items to tank then you do need to make sure that you've actually used all of the charges and you've exhausted it properly before you can then refresh it and get all of your charges back so long wrestling when you've only got one charge left on that plate armor is not particularly a great deal sometimes you'll be forced into it but this is definitely a small rule that i see people get a bit confused about and also something that in the digital version of the game it automates all for you so sometimes you will actually have to hover over your items to check to see how many charges are left before you commit to that long rest okay so quick rule number two is about cards in your active areas so pretty much all of the characters in gloomhaven aside from a few will have cards maybe they're summons but the ones that go into your active area which is essentially if you're playing tabletop you put them above your player board if you are playing uh digital then they just sort of like integrate within your character and they're usually on your character icon on your ui and also they show up at the top of your card list in a little white kind of bordered format so you can see that they are sort of active and that they are in play if you will so the confusion that i've seen with some of these is some characters the mind thief in particular is one from the early characters the starting characters in which you can actually cycle these so some people have had some confusion as to whether or not you can discard forcibly these cards that you have in your active area and yes you can you do not need to play a card in order to swap them out so if you're playing the mine thief and you have an augment out you don't need to play another augment in order for that augment to go away you can actually just voluntarily discard that from your active area if you want into your discard pile or if it was a lost card it would then go into your lost pile and there are a few reasons why you'd want to do that so for the mind thief it's usually so you can get extra cards into your discard pile for your long rest and you can also get the additional experience point for replaying the augment and also you can actually sort of stretch out your turns because that's going to give you another card in your discard pile to long rest so then you've got another perhaps a whole other turn that you can play because you can now sort of play two cards in a turn which you couldn't do before another starting character who can take good use of this is actually the spell weaver so when you play a summon for the spell weaver that card goes into your active area and it just stays there now when you want to use your reviving ether card to get back all of your lost cards you can actually discard the summon so you can discard that into your lost pile so then actually you can then use reviving ether to get the summon card back which means you can get the extra 2xp from playing the summon again or you can actually then just you know start using the other side of that card if you want so again the spell weaver can take really really good advantage of this small rule so just bear in mind that is a small rule that any time you can actually discard from that active area into your discard pile or your lost part whichever way it needs to go though small rule three four and five are actually all to do with combat so they're pretty similar but rule three we're going to talk about how you calculate your final attack value because this is something that gloomhaven digital does behind the scenes and something you may not be aware on how this actual number is calculated in gloomhaven it's actually quite a simple step-by-step process that you can follow for calculating this the first step in the process is looking at your card that you played so you find out your base attack value from your card that you played let's say we're playing the scoundrel we're playing flanking strike we have an attack value of three and we actually are going to use the adjacency bonus here that we have because we have an ally adjacent so we have an attack value of five so step one find your base attack value step two is to use any active bonuses that you might have in play any items that you wish to use and also to count poison if the enemy is poisoned any negative effects that are affecting the target if you have multiple things here you can actually use them in any way you want and you can count them in any order that you want most likely the first thing you're going to do is you're going to count poisonous plus one there's no reason why you would not use the poison plus one first the next thing you're gonna do is use your items or anything other that you may have so let's say i had a minor power potion for example things like that the last thing i'm gonna want to do is gonna use smoke bomb so if i was invisible here this would give me the times 2 bonus with smoke bombs so that can be a good way of you to increase your potential damage here is to wait until the very end new smoke bomb is the very last thing that you use if you're playing digital it's this takes care of most of this for you you don't need to worry about it but if you're playing tabletop the order that you resolve this can be sometimes quite important the next step in the process is actually drawing your attack modifier cards this is where if you were to draw your times two you would get to multiply things again or if you had your plus one minus one whatever it may be also your advantage and disadvantage anything that would happen there this all happens in this step the next step is to look for any defensive values that the enemy may have which is going to be shield so if they do have a shield value of 2 for example you would then deduct that 2 from your value after this the next step is to just do damage so you do your total value of damage to the target if that value is dead great this is where the process stops and essentially they will drop a coin if they were not a summoned enemy otherwise if they are still alive you move on to another small little process at the end here which is where you're going to add any negative conditions that you may have applied to the target so if they did survive next you move to adding negative conditions so this may be poison this may be wound this may be um curse anything like that but only if the enemy actually managed to survive if the enemy does have retaliate on their card and they have the ability to do retaliate damage to you they would then do retaliate damage to you importantly if you were to play any push cards you could push them away so they don't actually get to do this retaliate damage to you as this final small little section however if you do not then they will still do this damage to you also um if you manage to play any pull cards that actually bought potentially uh retaliate enemy towards you then it's important to realize that that may have brought them into retaliate range so just worth checking just quickly to add to that point it is important to clarify that you do do this calculation for every single individual figure in an attack so if you have an aoe attack if you have a multiple target attack it may end up that certain enemies take less or more damage than others you do need to do this calculation for each individual target in a attack so that leads me actually quite nicely onto rule number four which is to do with the terminology entire attack action versus just your next attack so your next attack just simply mean the next figure that you attack so even if you have an aoe attack or a multiple target attack that will only affect the first target the next thing that you attack from that point so don't make mistakes by playing this and then thinking you're going to use an aoe this is why cards like smoke bomb for example for the scoundrel are very good at doing single target damage so you want to be using those with your single target attacks don't use them with throwing knives and think oh i'm gonna get some extra damage out of this doesn't quite work like that unfortunately however entire attack action does work like that so if you do have a card or an item that gives you an entire attack action that will apply the benefit across absolutely every target that you choose within that attack so if you play an aoe or a multiple target attack you will get that benefit this is particularly why certain items like eagle eye goggles are really really good on aoe style characters because you can ensure that you do the maximum amount of damage that you could possibly do hopefully to the enemies okay and finally rule five which i mean i couldn't do a gloomhaven rules video without talking about this and talking about combat and that is rolling modifier cards and how they work when you have advantage and disadvantage now this is a rule in which i have played wrong in my groomhaven campaign for years it took me a long time to realize that i was actually playing it wrong and it wasn't until i started playing gloomhaven digital that it brought my attention to it then with further research it turns out it's actually quite a common house rule so it feels like perhaps thematically it should work in this way but it doesn't and that is important to know because if you want to play the game by the book and if you're playing gloomhaven digital you have to play by the book you have no choice it's important to know how these rolling modifiers work when you have advantage and when you have disadvantage so if you don't know what rolling modifiers are these are the cards with the little arrows on them that when you draw them you actually draw another card and you unlock these through unlocking your perks with your character so how these cards usually work is that when you draw them you would then draw an additional card afterwards but they actually function slightly differently when you have advantage and disadvantage so when you have advantage you still just draw two cards if the cards were rolling modifier cards if one card was a rolling modifier or if both cards were rolling modifier you add the two cards together you always only draw a maximum of two cards that's the important takeaway here so if i had advantage and i drew a plus one rolling modifier and my next card that i drew was actually a miss i would need to plus that plus one modifier to the miss card which unfortunately results in a miss and this is why thematically for me i actually ended up playing a slightly different household which i'll explain in a minute but that is essentially how that by the book will work now this can actually work slightly in your favor the other way with disadvantage because with disadvantage you actually ignore rolling modifiers completely so if i was to draw that plus one modifier and then i was to draw let's say a times two from my disadvantage i would actually have to take the times two card you don't plus the rolling modifier you just ignore any rolling modifiers and you'd have to take the times two so it can actually help you a little bit when you have disadvantage but it can hurt you a little bit when you have advantage if for disadvantage you were actually to draw two rolling modifier cards you would then continue to draw until you drew a card that wasn't a rolling modifier and then that card would be your result the house rule that i liked playing is actually we create piles using the rolling modifiers so if i was to draw a plus one modifier to begin with i would then add another card to that until basically i stopped drawing through the rolling modifiers and that would create pile one and then you would move on to pile two and draw again for pile two so you could end up with there being three cards in each pile for example and then you would pick the best one the way this gets slightly strained though is with disadvantage because you could for example have an attack that actually gives you minus one but it has a stun in it and you may have a pile that has plus zero and no stun so which one would you take well the minus one is definitely worse from attack value perspective but the stun is actually very valuable so how do you value that that is worse or not so it does become a little bit trickier to use this rule alongside disadvantage but it can be done and i mean a lot of these times it's very corner case stuff anyway if somebody's maybe the one in 100 000 times that you may draw this it's very unlikely that you come across a situation like this but there is a household to use if you like it and who knows perhaps you've even been playing it by this household like me by accident anyway there you have it guys five very quick gloomhaven rules perhaps you knew them perhaps you didn't perhaps you're playing households around these perhaps you'll not if there's anything that you think that i missed please chuck a comment down below or come visit me on twitch.tv mandatory quest i stream there every monday wednesday and sunday so if you've got any ideas i try and respond to all comments down below but if you want to ask me anything alive then you can always catch me there if you are a gloomhaven digital player i do think that some of these rules are quite nice to give you a little bit more insight if you haven't played tabletop gloomhaven i'd be interested to know if there are anybody watching this video who hasn't played tabletop you've just gone straight into digital that would be interesting to know because i think the stuff like this it kind of goes on behind the scenes and perhaps you weren't aware of exactly how the game works so hopefully this has helped to maybe add a little bit of context to what's going on in your game as always guys if you did enjoy the video please do toss it a like it helps me so much on pushing my videos out there to more gloomhaven players so i really appreciate it and if you enjoy the content then consider checking out some of my other videos i've got class guides i've got other videos about gloomhaven digital in my channel description below but also consider subscribing if you like to keep up with all of the content that i'm doing i've got plenty of plans for more gloomhaven content coming soon so that's all i have for you today guys thank you again so much for watching have a great week i'll catch you soon bye what happens no no soy sauce dipping [Music] robot whoa
Channel: MandatoryQuest
Views: 32,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven, Gloom haven, Tutorial, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How to, Rules, digital, steam, early access, attack values, combat, items, abilitys, abilities, mistakes, rules, errors, wrong
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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