8 Beginner Tips and Advice for Gloomhaven Digital and Tabletop [Guide]

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àyou thank you for clicking on this video if any of the information here was useful please hit like and subscribe for more cool and Pavin content I'm just starting out here on YouTube and on Twitch so any help that I can get will be much appreciated you can find me on twitch at twitch TV slash mandatory quest stream every Monday Wednesday and Sunday we're a nice fun community in stream so come along and say hi or if you've got any gloom Haven questions come and ask me in person to preface this video a little bit I filmed all of this using gloom Haven digital early access footage I have tried to keep all of the information pretty neutral across both so you should find the information helpful regardless if you're playing the digital version or if you're playing the physical tabletop version there are no major spoilers in this video just a few item cards that maybe aren't unlocked at the beginning of the game so if that's a problem for you the section to look out for is the item section skip that section if you are worried at all but any very minor spoilers about items alright let's get started number one party composition it sounds obvious but your party makeup and difficulty will really affect your progress in gloom Haven in tabletop gloom Haven you can increase and decrease the scenario difficulty as you go but in digital Adventure mode it is fixed don't be afraid to play on a lower difficulty level to get to grips with the game and then try harder difficulties later but party makeup try to pick complimentary mercenaries a common solo or 2 player mistake is to pick two low health mercenaries with little to no synergy at all these parties are possible but stick to a tanky character and a damage or support and you'll find progress much easier with four mercenaries party makeup becomes less important when playing on lower difficulties in general I would always recommend one tanky mercenary then just pick what you like the importance of good synergy becomes more important as you slide down the number of mercenaries as some lower health mercenaries can make up that difference with crowd control heels and items if you want to experience gloom havens campaign content a decent rate I really recommend doing some research on the classes before committing especially in the tabletop version trust me nothing hurts more than finding out three scenarios in that your team doesn't work when choosing your cards to take on a scenario but evaluation becomes really important are you gonna use this card for its top action are you gonna use it mainly for its boss emotion are you gonna use it as a combination of both if you're gonna use it as a combination of both that gives the card high versatility so it's gonna have a lot more value in your hand does the card have specific set up requirements are those requirements easy to set up if they are not then perhaps that card has low versatility and actually won't be as valuable for you over the course of a scenario another common mistake I see happen all the time is people not bringing enough movement movement cards often aren't very exciting but they are necessary to complete the scenarios do not underestimate the importance of even a move 3 card in your hand when you're trying to finish a scenario this is gonna become even more important in the tabletop and campaign versions of gloom Haven where your objectives are not going to be just kill every monster in the dungeon do not be scared to bring movement cards even if the top action is not particularly useful for you one of the great things about this game is the fact that you can have different builds and you can play around with the different cards and every card does have a situation in which it is good so although there are guides out there that can tell you some good builds and some good ideal starting hands and strategies and cards that you should employ I encourage you just to mess around a little bit and learn what's good and enjoy the game you have to be even more critical if you're playing a character with a small hand size because every single one of those cards matters so if you're playing the spell Weaver using your cards effectively is really really important in playing that character well if you do get stuck and you really want to be able to pick a card especially when you're leveling up and you're not sure about which card to take just evaluate that card just have a look and see are you gonna use it for the top are you gonna use it for the bottom are you gonna use it for bow for trying to evaluate it in your mix of cards another common mistake I see all the time is people bringing too many burn or lost cards and then losing because of exhaustion try to understand what your character does on the role that it fulfills in the party the more you play the more experience you'll get of this and you'll start to get a general feel of what kind of cards you should bring and when is a good time to do this to burn or not to burn evaluate when it's a good time to use your big impact burn cards if you are under pressure and you can deal with the problems you have without burning cards can you how far are you into the scenario are you close to completing the scenario or are you far away likewise can you get high value out of the card for example the spell Weaver can you get the max number of targets or if you're playing the tinkerer can you fit three things you need to delay a week for ink bomb or net shooter for example do not be afraid to change your cards to the default movement to and the attack two on the top and the bottom in a pinch if things do change perhaps you are planning on a big AoE attack of the monsters of sin shielded or perhaps they've moved away understanding the best time to use these cards will come with experience keep track of your hand size and keep an eye on the scenario wing condition understand how you win and lose this scenario I don't want to label this point too much but it becomes pretty obvious when to use your cards so just keep that in mind don't start burning cards just for the sake of burning cards especially early in this scenario for XP bloom Haven is a game of give and take you're gonna take damage you're gonna deal damage and sometimes when the cards were revealed things don't quite work the way that you want them to work so just don't be afraid and keep in mind that you may need to kind of change your plans depending on what the enemies do initiative is king this is especially true if you're playing solo understand how important initiative is not just in relation to the monsters but also your own party going on a low initiative is great as you get to act early but it does leave you open to attacks and monster focus later in the round once you become more experienced you will also start to understand the different monsters and their potential initiative draws if using support abilities such as tinkers enhancement field make sure you are earlier than the other players to benefit from that effect for heels either go early if needed immediately or go late and preempts and damage later in the round going early when playing negative effects allows you to see the monsters actions and plan according if those cultists are gonna be summoning living bones again stun them if not stun a high attack night demon perhaps instead if dealing with melee monsters you could go late allow them to act first and move closer towards you to make your turn easier however if you're dealing with ranged enemies you may need to take the fight to them do not underestimate the power of going late in one round and then going early on the following round this allows you to build up some combos and allows you to essentially act twice in a row you can also use this to abuse things such as invisibility go early turn invisible and then go late the following round this means that you're going to be invisible for almost two full rounds which could help save you some damage and also set you up for a long rest in safety use line of sights traps and obstacles to your advantage certain characters can place more obstacles go invisible and push and pull enemies around all of these things can be used to help spring traps and keep melee enemies out of range or even stops summons from happening understanding and abusing a line of sight can make ranged monsters move closer to you and can help Bunch monsters together for future big AoE attacks positioning is also important for dealing with monster focus so make sure you're aware of what monsters are gonna attack which cares are in each round and position yourself accordingly for how you want to deal the damage around your party I encourage everybody to learn about monster focus and I'll put some links in the description to some great tools that you can use in order to determine monster focus easily in your games you can use invisibility to block pathways since you will be considered a obstacle for enemies so melee enemies will not be able to find a line of movement and perhaps have to go through a trap or if you go in this of a lot of door they won't actually be able to move at all and this is a great way of scouting a room put somebody invisible on a door it'll open and any melee enemies in that room won't be able to move towards a target because they won't have a legal line of movement be careful of flying enemies or enemies that have flying though because they can always go through obstacles or stay on top of obstacles so flying enemies are a lot more difficult to position against and they also don't spring traps so bear they might it is always better to long rest than short rest disregarding any battle goals because you get to choose the car that you burn can refresh your spent items and also you can delay the game slightly if you can synchronize your entire party to long rest at the same time this is optimal a good strategy is to clear a room long rest then open a new door ready to face the new room you will inevitably need to take short rests in fact you will probably end up taking more short rests than long rests especially when dealing with large rooms or tough enemies but be aware you could lose an important card so try to minimize the odds of this if you really can't risk losing a card then perhaps you should long rest characters with higher hand sizes can generally more easily afford to lose cars through short resting you will need to take calculated risks with all characters do not worry about resting with 3 4 or even 5 cards left in your hand although slightly inefficient it helps prepare you for the challenges ahead and if you can synchronize with your team then you'll all be ready for the next room you can also short rest to get an essential card back allowing you to play in back-to-back rounds this can be very very impactful for a card that has a stun for example you can also buy stamina potions to get these cards back or to delay your rests a potentially lethal mistake you can make is taking fatal damage on a long resting character this means that they can't burn a card from their hand so they have to burn two cards from their discard this mistake could straight-up just end your scenario don't get greedy I see players all the time wasting turns running after loop or opening doors with only a few cards in hand don't rush the primary objective is just to complete the scenario however there are reasons why players may want to get loot for battle goals or perhaps the personal life retirement quests in digital gloom havens adventure mode gold is actually really easy to come by however in the campaign gold and Luke can be a lot harder to gain also chests chests don't always hold just Lou so it's actually worth going after chests my honest advice here is just to play the game how you feel comfortable however if you are unhappy with your speed of progress or if you're often losing scenarios due to exhaustion perhaps look at how much looting is being done and see if you're wasting turns between rooms do not forget you can always go back and loot at the end of a scenario once success is guaranteed and you can also farm XP this way through your cards it can be frustrating or leaving lots of loot on the board when you finish a scenario but just don't worry about it it happens to everybody loot will be left at the end and you will not get to loot everything in my opinion the order importance should be complete the scenario gain XP complete your battle goal then get looped honestly you will just pick this up over time but just don't be that guy who makes the entire scenario fail because you had to get your three gold just so that you could maybe buy yourself an extra potion [Music] this is kind of self-explanatory but I'm gonna touch on it item selection is important if you are using lots of different a are we attacks perhaps consider using eagle eye goggles and power potions if you're a tank then you're gonna want health potions and you're gonna want armor or shield items boots are always going to be great on every single character and I would say every single character will need to get boots and as the starting point boots is always just a good addition for every character stamina potions are also great for every single character however they do differ in digital gloom Haven so that is a difference in the two versions right now so with stamina potions you may not actually want to pick them up in digital I don't want to spend too much time on it so just use whatever feels comfortable for you and for the way that you play but understand that a lack of items will not stop you from winning it's actually very easy it's very very possible to play an entire campaign of gloom Haven we have next to no items and still do very well although items can make it easier for you to play they are not the bill or end-all of your play later on in the game you will unlock enhancements which allows you to upgrade your cards and this can actually be a much better use of your gold you can also of course just find good items ancient drill in digital adventure mode I really recommend the warhammer if you are struggling with the crack heart and with the brute even at level one they have some pretty ridiculous combos they can pull off using this item to essentially stun pretty much everything in a room to allow you to have a free turn which can be a massive thing especially when you're playing a higher difficulty levels and that's it thanks for watching the video guys I really appreciate it if you found any of this information useful please hit a like and subscribe for more gloom Haven content I couldn't cover everything I want to do in this video cuz I wanted to keep it fairly short so I will be covering more topics in the future regarding gloom Haven if you're interested in seeing more from me please subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitch www.twitch.tv/sonictrent nice dream Mondays Wednesdays and Sundays and catch you guys again soon thanks for watching bye it's gonna be like a neverending story no I do like I'm flying
Channel: MandatoryQuest
Views: 108,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven, digital, guide, tips, tricks, scoundrel, brute, spellweaver, cragheart, beginner, campaign, adventure, gloom haven, mind thief, mindthief, board game, boardgame, mandatoryquest, mandatory quest, early access, tabletop, table top
Id: qMc6H1nvS0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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