Gloomhaven Digital STRATEGY GUIDE For Beginners and Intermediate Players / SPOILER FREE

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you've picked up gloomhaven digital and you've picked up gloomhaven digital and it's time to level up your strategy it's time to level up your strategy it's time to level up your strategy these 10 tips will help you improve your these 10 tips will help you improve your these 10 tips will help you improve your game right away I'm Flash and this is game right away I'm Flash and this is game right away I'm Flash and this is legendary tactics these 10 ideas will cover placement these 10 ideas will cover placement tactics card management situation tactics card management situation tactics card management situation specific hints the math behind the game specific hints the math behind the game specific hints the math behind the game and the overall strategic principles of and the overall strategic principles of and the overall strategic principles of gloomhaven digital gloomhaven digital gloomhaven digital number 10 there's no time to waste in number 10 there's no time to waste in number 10 there's no time to waste in this game the minute you enter the this game the minute you enter the this game the minute you enter the dungeon the clock is ticking you can't dungeon the clock is ticking you can't dungeon the clock is ticking you can't hear it or see it but every card in your hear it or see it but every card in your hear it or see it but every card in your hand is like a grain of sand and a timer hand is like a grain of sand and a timer hand is like a grain of sand and a timer once your cards are spent your crawl is once your cards are spent your crawl is once your cards are spent your crawl is over this means you don't have time to over this means you don't have time to over this means you don't have time to waste if you hold your position too waste if you hold your position too waste if you hold your position too frequently you just won't have the frequently you just won't have the frequently you just won't have the movement cards you need to get through movement cards you need to get through movement cards you need to get through all the rooms so dive in be aggressive all the rooms so dive in be aggressive all the rooms so dive in be aggressive and start bashing some skulls and don't and start bashing some skulls and don't and start bashing some skulls and don't be afraid to LEAP right into battle be afraid to LEAP right into battle be afraid to LEAP right into battle on to number nine one important decision on to number nine one important decision on to number nine one important decision for a player is how to use initiative for a player is how to use initiative for a player is how to use initiative this Choice controls much of the flow of this Choice controls much of the flow of this Choice controls much of the flow of the game including a whether you or the the game including a whether you or the the game including a whether you or the monsters move first B which abilities monsters move first B which abilities monsters move first B which abilities trigger first C where characters will be trigger first C where characters will be trigger first C where characters will be when attacks are activated D who will when attacks are activated D who will when attacks are activated D who will absorb the damage and E with future absorb the damage and E with future absorb the damage and E with future initiative will remain perhaps you need initiative will remain perhaps you need initiative will remain perhaps you need to save High Initiative for when you're to save High Initiative for when you're to save High Initiative for when you're in close proximity remember that going in close proximity remember that going in close proximity remember that going first is not always advisable early first is not always advisable early first is not always advisable early initiative is great for activating power initiative is great for activating power initiative is great for activating power such as invisibility but in a subsequent such as invisibility but in a subsequent such as invisibility but in a subsequent turn you want to go late so that your turn you want to go late so that your turn you want to go late so that your invisibility remains active across two invisibility remains active across two invisibility remains active across two turns after all conditions like this turns after all conditions like this turns after all conditions like this wear off at the end of your next turn so wear off at the end of your next turn so wear off at the end of your next turn so in essence you get a two for one deal in essence you get a two for one deal in essence you get a two for one deal using an early then late Rhythm will win using an early then late Rhythm will win using an early then late Rhythm will win you all kinds of advantages conversely you all kinds of advantages conversely you all kinds of advantages conversely Summoners want to actually summon late Summoners want to actually summon late Summoners want to actually summon late since they don't actually appear since they don't actually appear since they don't actually appear immediately and then they want to act immediately and then they want to act immediately and then they want to act early in the next turn so that your early in the next turn so that your early in the next turn so that your Apparition gets to attack first so find Apparition gets to attack first so find Apparition gets to attack first so find a temple that maximizes the effects of a temple that maximizes the effects of a temple that maximizes the effects of your particular cards your particular cards your particular cards number eight there will be plenty of number eight there will be plenty of number eight there will be plenty of time for you to rest when you beat the time for you to rest when you beat the time for you to rest when you beat the level no matter how tempting it is to level no matter how tempting it is to level no matter how tempting it is to cycle your best cards back into your cycle your best cards back into your cycle your best cards back into your hand it's best to play through all of hand it's best to play through all of hand it's best to play through all of your cards before you reset no matter your cards before you reset no matter your cards before you reset no matter how terrible they are don't forget you how terrible they are don't forget you how terrible they are don't forget you can always default to the basic can always default to the basic can always default to the basic abilities on each card to attack or two abilities on each card to attack or two abilities on each card to attack or two movement movement movement if you like gloomhaven content and want if you like gloomhaven content and want if you like gloomhaven content and want to see more stab the like button it to see more stab the like button it to see more stab the like button it really helps our Channel out a lot really helps our Channel out a lot really helps our Channel out a lot number seven each mission is unique and number seven each mission is unique and number seven each mission is unique and it requires the right tool set if you it requires the right tool set if you it requires the right tool set if you aren't having luck with a particular aren't having luck with a particular aren't having luck with a particular scenario be sure to identify your scenario be sure to identify your scenario be sure to identify your objective and choose the right cards for objective and choose the right cards for objective and choose the right cards for the job just because you've leveled up the job just because you've leveled up the job just because you've leveled up your cards doesn't necessarily mean your cards doesn't necessarily mean your cards doesn't necessarily mean they're the right ones for each Mission they're the right ones for each Mission they're the right ones for each Mission you can always go back to previous cards you can always go back to previous cards you can always go back to previous cards this is an especially important this is an especially important this is an especially important consideration when you have a new consideration when you have a new consideration when you have a new character join The Fray they bring a new character join The Fray they bring a new character join The Fray they bring a new set of abilities so think about what set of abilities so think about what set of abilities so think about what your parties lost when a character your parties lost when a character your parties lost when a character retires and fill the gaps rebalance retires and fill the gaps rebalance retires and fill the gaps rebalance because balance is absolutely crucial because balance is absolutely crucial because balance is absolutely crucial heavy attacking tanks aren't as powerful heavy attacking tanks aren't as powerful heavy attacking tanks aren't as powerful if they aren't supported by Healers if they aren't supported by Healers if they aren't supported by Healers number six remember this is a number six remember this is a number six remember this is a Cooperative game it sounds obvious right Cooperative game it sounds obvious right Cooperative game it sounds obvious right but often players prioritize the needs but often players prioritize the needs but often players prioritize the needs and desires of the character they and desires of the character they and desires of the character they control and they forget to benefit the control and they forget to benefit the control and they forget to benefit the greater good if you're playing with greater good if you're playing with greater good if you're playing with friends remember that choices should be friends remember that choices should be friends remember that choices should be made to help the team rather than the made to help the team rather than the made to help the team rather than the individual while it might be tempting to individual while it might be tempting to individual while it might be tempting to take an extra turn to get a pile of gold take an extra turn to get a pile of gold take an extra turn to get a pile of gold ultimately that greediness might ultimately that greediness might ultimately that greediness might endanger a vulnerable Ally to maximize endanger a vulnerable Ally to maximize endanger a vulnerable Ally to maximize the greater good talk to the other the greater good talk to the other the greater good talk to the other players after your initiative is players after your initiative is players after your initiative is revealed you're free to chat as much as revealed you're free to chat as much as revealed you're free to chat as much as you need to then before anyone rushes to you need to then before anyone rushes to you need to then before anyone rushes to act see how your abilities will match up act see how your abilities will match up act see how your abilities will match up and be flexible with how you execute and be flexible with how you execute and be flexible with how you execute number five it's not a great idea to number five it's not a great idea to number five it's not a great idea to open yourself to attack prematurely if open yourself to attack prematurely if open yourself to attack prematurely if you open too many doors too quickly you open too many doors too quickly you open too many doors too quickly you'll die but when you do need to open you'll die but when you do need to open you'll die but when you do need to open a door a door a door sure to do so with a tank who can absorb sure to do so with a tank who can absorb sure to do so with a tank who can absorb the damage that you'll inevitably suffer the damage that you'll inevitably suffer the damage that you'll inevitably suffer from the hidden ranged creatures if your from the hidden ranged creatures if your from the hidden ranged creatures if your tank is too low use invisibility you tank is too low use invisibility you tank is too low use invisibility you should also be sure to have a room well should also be sure to have a room well should also be sure to have a room well in hand before you unleash a new horde in hand before you unleash a new horde in hand before you unleash a new horde of enemies to deal with just don't stall of enemies to deal with just don't stall of enemies to deal with just don't stall too long or you'll run out of turns too long or you'll run out of turns too long or you'll run out of turns before you can get through the scenario before you can get through the scenario before you can get through the scenario while timing doors can be tricky just while timing doors can be tricky just while timing doors can be tricky just focus on moving quickly without over focus on moving quickly without over focus on moving quickly without over committing number four in gloomhaven one committing number four in gloomhaven one committing number four in gloomhaven one of the most important decisions you have of the most important decisions you have of the most important decisions you have to make is where to place your hero to make is where to place your hero to make is where to place your hero always know how far your foes can travel always know how far your foes can travel always know how far your foes can travel and who they'll be targeting studying and who they'll be targeting studying and who they'll be targeting studying the enemy abilities may feel a little the enemy abilities may feel a little the enemy abilities may feel a little bit like meta gaming but this bit like meta gaming but this bit like meta gaming but this information is public and you should information is public and you should information is public and you should make use of it in order these are the make use of it in order these are the make use of it in order these are the considerations that you need to make a considerations that you need to make a considerations that you need to make a can you lure a foe into a trap or funnel can you lure a foe into a trap or funnel can you lure a foe into a trap or funnel enemies into a Kill Zone B can you set enemies into a Kill Zone B can you set enemies into a Kill Zone B can you set up a crushing multi-hex attack C can you up a crushing multi-hex attack C can you up a crushing multi-hex attack C can you get an enemy to come to you so you don't get an enemy to come to you so you don't get an enemy to come to you so you don't waste movement going to them waste movement going to them waste movement going to them D which character will have initiative D which character will have initiative D which character will have initiative and consequently soak damage it's often and consequently soak damage it's often and consequently soak damage it's often wise to spread the damage across wise to spread the damage across wise to spread the damage across multiple characters by separating the multiple characters by separating the multiple characters by separating the creatures e can you use ranged creatures e can you use ranged creatures e can you use ranged characters to your advantage into your characters to your advantage into your characters to your advantage into your foe's disadvantage foe's disadvantage foe's disadvantage and F can you block a summon by and F can you block a summon by and F can you block a summon by occupying adjacent spaces pay really occupying adjacent spaces pay really occupying adjacent spaces pay really close attention to your tactics they close attention to your tactics they close attention to your tactics they really matter really matter really matter if you've gotten value from this video if you've gotten value from this video if you've gotten value from this video please take a moment to subscribe please take a moment to subscribe please take a moment to subscribe our number three tip is based on the our number three tip is based on the our number three tip is based on the statistics gloomhaven isn't a dice vest statistics gloomhaven isn't a dice vest statistics gloomhaven isn't a dice vest but it does use a system that you can but it does use a system that you can but it does use a system that you can take advantage of early in the game take advantage of early in the game take advantage of early in the game you'll only have a general sense of what you'll only have a general sense of what you'll only have a general sense of what attack modifiers are likely to be drawn attack modifiers are likely to be drawn attack modifiers are likely to be drawn from your deck but as you burn through from your deck but as you burn through from your deck but as you burn through the deck be sure to count your cards and the deck be sure to count your cards and the deck be sure to count your cards and keep track of which ones have been used keep track of which ones have been used keep track of which ones have been used having awareness of your odds of success having awareness of your odds of success having awareness of your odds of success when you really really need to have that when you really really need to have that when you really really need to have that success can be a real benefit if you success can be a real benefit if you success can be a real benefit if you burn through a dozen of your modifier burn through a dozen of your modifier burn through a dozen of your modifier cards and still haven't pulled a two cards and still haven't pulled a two cards and still haven't pulled a two times modifier you know that times modifier you know that times modifier you know that statistically your chances are much statistically your chances are much statistically your chances are much higher of achieving that if the null higher of achieving that if the null higher of achieving that if the null card hasn't been drawn consider card hasn't been drawn consider card hasn't been drawn consider strengthening so that you'll bypass the strengthening so that you'll bypass the strengthening so that you'll bypass the null attack if you're smart when you null attack if you're smart when you null attack if you're smart when you upgrade your modifier deck you should upgrade your modifier deck you should upgrade your modifier deck you should focus on removing as many negative card focus on removing as many negative card focus on removing as many negative card effects as possible the more streamlined effects as possible the more streamlined effects as possible the more streamlined your deck is the more predictable it your deck is the more predictable it your deck is the more predictable it becomes number two next we'll discuss becomes number two next we'll discuss becomes number two next we'll discuss hand management it's imperative that you hand management it's imperative that you hand management it's imperative that you don't exhaust your characters before the don't exhaust your characters before the don't exhaust your characters before the end of the scenario to avoid this don't end of the scenario to avoid this don't end of the scenario to avoid this don't play your burn cards too early in the play your burn cards too early in the play your burn cards too early in the scenario or you place a limit on the scenario or you place a limit on the scenario or you place a limit on the maximum number of turns you disposal the maximum number of turns you disposal the maximum number of turns you disposal the Temptation will be strong to do some Temptation will be strong to do some Temptation will be strong to do some huge damage early on but this is a game huge damage early on but this is a game huge damage early on but this is a game of slow attrition and you can't afford of slow attrition and you can't afford of slow attrition and you can't afford to lose your abilities too quickly to lose your abilities too quickly to lose your abilities too quickly remember that cards are your stamina remember that cards are your stamina remember that cards are your stamina if we map this out when your brute if we map this out when your brute if we map this out when your brute permanently Burns a card before they're permanently Burns a card before they're permanently Burns a card before they're first rest you'll decrease your maximum first rest you'll decrease your maximum first rest you'll decrease your maximum turns by four the earlier you burn them turns by four the earlier you burn them turns by four the earlier you burn them the more turns you lose this is the more turns you lose this is the more turns you lose this is especially true for a character like the especially true for a character like the especially true for a character like the tinkerer who has 36 maximum turns but tinkerer who has 36 maximum turns but tinkerer who has 36 maximum turns but also High number of burn cards don't be also High number of burn cards don't be also High number of burn cards don't be tempted to burn a card in order to tempted to burn a card in order to tempted to burn a card in order to negate non-fatal damage the card is negate non-fatal damage the card is negate non-fatal damage the card is almost always more valuable than a almost always more valuable than a almost always more valuable than a temporary Shield temporary Shield temporary Shield when it comes to short and long rests when it comes to short and long rests when it comes to short and long rests rests will vary depending on what class rests will vary depending on what class rests will vary depending on what class and scenario you're playing The Brute or and scenario you're playing The Brute or and scenario you're playing The Brute or item heavy classes for example might item heavy classes for example might item heavy classes for example might benefit from a long rest so you can benefit from a long rest so you can benefit from a long rest so you can refresh those items whereas the Crag refresh those items whereas the Crag refresh those items whereas the Crag heart and the spell Weaver should heart and the spell Weaver should heart and the spell Weaver should primarily use short rests the downside primarily use short rests the downside primarily use short rests the downside to a long rest is that you aren't to a long rest is that you aren't to a long rest is that you aren't contributing for a turn this isn't too contributing for a turn this isn't too contributing for a turn this isn't too serious though if you stagger long rests serious though if you stagger long rests serious though if you stagger long rests across your characters at different across your characters at different across your characters at different times the cost to a short rest is that times the cost to a short rest is that times the cost to a short rest is that you don't get to choose which card you you don't get to choose which card you you don't get to choose which card you lose and this becomes very important as lose and this becomes very important as lose and this becomes very important as you get better cards in your hand and you get better cards in your hand and you get better cards in your hand and you don't want to lose those killer you don't want to lose those killer you don't want to lose those killer cards and killer combos for characters cards and killer combos for characters cards and killer combos for characters with fewer cards long rests are with fewer cards long rests are with fewer cards long rests are preferable because you don't play a card preferable because you don't play a card preferable because you don't play a card which lengthens your turns and gives you which lengthens your turns and gives you which lengthens your turns and gives you more longevity in the scenario if you're more longevity in the scenario if you're more longevity in the scenario if you're right in the middle of a big fight right in the middle of a big fight right in the middle of a big fight though you really don't have the option though you really don't have the option though you really don't have the option to Long rest so short rest it is number to Long rest so short rest it is number to Long rest so short rest it is number one the most important piece of advice one the most important piece of advice one the most important piece of advice that I can offer is to be adaptable that I can offer is to be adaptable that I can offer is to be adaptable you'll often go into a round with a plan you'll often go into a round with a plan you'll often go into a round with a plan in mind based on where your initiative in mind based on where your initiative in mind based on where your initiative lands what cards the other players lands what cards the other players lands what cards the other players choose and what the outcomes are before choose and what the outcomes are before choose and what the outcomes are before your turn you may need to adapt your your turn you may need to adapt your your turn you may need to adapt your plan on the Fly it's this part of the plan on the Fly it's this part of the plan on the Fly it's this part of the game that makes it so interesting to game that makes it so interesting to game that makes it so interesting to play You're not locked into your play You're not locked into your play You're not locked into your original plan a strong gloomhaven player original plan a strong gloomhaven player original plan a strong gloomhaven player will adapt on the Fly pivot to what will adapt on the Fly pivot to what will adapt on the Fly pivot to what benefits the whole team take advantage benefits the whole team take advantage benefits the whole team take advantage of unforeseen opportunities you may of unforeseen opportunities you may of unforeseen opportunities you may realize that one enemy is more dangerous realize that one enemy is more dangerous realize that one enemy is more dangerous than another and needs to be dealt with than another and needs to be dealt with than another and needs to be dealt with because you're incompetent Ally muffed because you're incompetent Ally muffed because you're incompetent Ally muffed an attack stay on your toes and play in an attack stay on your toes and play in an attack stay on your toes and play in the moment if there are other valuable the moment if there are other valuable the moment if there are other valuable strategies we should have included strategies we should have included strategies we should have included please add a comment we appreciate when please add a comment we appreciate when please add a comment we appreciate when viewers add to the conversation thanks viewers add to the conversation thanks viewers add to the conversation thanks for your time and good luck with your for your time and good luck with your for your time and good luck with your crawl
Channel: Legendary Tactics
Views: 5,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 gloomhaven tips, gloomhaven strategy guide, top 10 tips for gloomhaven, gloomhaven strategy tips, gloomhaven tactics, gloomhaven, gloomhaven initiative, gloomhaven hand management, card management, short vs long rests, gloomhaven short and long rests, gloomhaven tips, legendary tactics, top 10 gloomhaven strategies, top 10 tips gloomhaven
Id: U8hxFFH5GsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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