Gloomhaven DIGITAL vs CARDBOARD Board Game / Top 10 / Which is Better?

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So here's the problem: Gloomhaven is a  really great game designed to be played   with physical components, but now we also  have the option to play the digital port of   the game. So which one is better? Today I'll  take you through the relative strengths of   each and I'll score them to help you figure out  which one is better. This is Legendary Tactics. my goal is to give you a little sample of each  version of this game and put them side by side   using 10 different metrics i'll tell you my  opinion but i also want to leave room for you   to score this differently from me make sure  to tell me if you scored this the same as me   or differently in the comments below yell at me  for my ignorance or praise me for my discerning   taste if you think i deserve it i'll put a poll in  the community tab as well so we can quantify our   scores you can vote on that we'll see what other  people think let's get right into it number one   learning the game first we should look at which  version will give players a better experience   when they're learning it this is a heavy game  so necessarily there are more complex rules and   interactions to learn and i confess that there  is a barrier to entry with this game as a result   it's also a game that you need to get to the table  frequently to remember the rules between plays   the mechanics are unique or at least they were  when it first came out so the physical game is   challenging to learn the digital game while it  uses all of the same rules offers tutorials to   play through so that you can learn each character  individually it's a soft introduction to the game   there's also a guild master mode to ease the  learning curve so i give the first point to the   digital game that teaches the game on a need to  know basis and lets you get right into the action   it's got lots of examples and it's really well  illustrated so start your own score sheet now   and either disagree or agree with me but for  now it's zero to one for the digital edition   number two this leads naturally to the question  of rules enforcement when i play complex games   such as root i struggle to remember all  the rules and i'm fairly laisse fair when   it comes to pedantic rules i play to have fun  not to ensure that i follow letter of the law   once you get to know all the rules they're fairly  intuitive but mistakes will happen if you don't   pay attention in the digital game all the rules  are enforced there's no cheating or bending the   rules and that works really well for me may not  for everybody but i confess that i don't really   know the rules as well as i should and that's why  we have nato on our channel there's another point   for the digital game it's zero to two now number  three next on the list of important features for   a game is what the experience is like what kind  of interaction is there between you and the game   in the tabletop game you open the box you discover  a trove of smaller mini boxes characters maps and   surprises and it's a very tactile experience  there's a joy in playing the game and i really   mean playing with it because it's like being a  kid again and getting a new toy except for adults   i love that feeling and i don't get it as much as  i'd like to in my busy adult life with the digital   game i'm reminded that i've got a mouse in my  hand not the deck of cards i'm reminded that i'm   at my computer a place that i spend way too much  time and it's limited to the size of my monitor   the physical game spreads out over my whole  table the miniatures alone are a vital part   of the experience and a digital rendering is just  well it's flat so this point goes to the cardboard   for me scores one to two number four storage if  we're looking at the practicality of the game   there are other considerations too something that  becomes more apparent to me as my collection grows   is that the space is a limiting factor i can't buy  new games my cupboard is full unless i a build a   new cupboard b start a second secret cupboard that  only i know about c dedicate a room to games or d   and i have sequenced these in the reasonable way  that any gamer would get rid of another game and   in the case of gloomhaven i would actually  have to get rid of two or three games to fit   this massive box in my cupboard during covid my  game collection has actually begun shifting to   digital platforms more because it's easy to store  them on my computer so this is one point for the   digital game that brings us to a score of one to  three for the digital game if you're finding this   comparison helpful if you could take a moment to  like the video it really helps our channel out   let's go to number five the mechanics after  all this game is designed as a tabletop game   not as a video game so how well does it port what  settled this point for me was the moment when i   was playing the digital game and i found my crag  hearts surrounded by skeletons and they were just   standing there staring at each other while i was  formulating my strategy as a turn-based experience   that's just a little bit weird for me my  unconscious mind was just asking why aren't they   fighting so seeing static miniatures on the board  in real life doesn't feel weird working your way   tile by tile across a digital screen feels  a little bit clunky but it feels natural   when you play on a board game so the mechanics  point goes to the cardboard that's two to three   in favor of the digital game number six a major  challenge with any game is getting it to the table   what good is a game if you never pull it  out regardless of the reasons for that   this might be an unfair comparison during coven  but extending beyond covid perhaps the biggest   obstacle to working through the entire gloomhaven  campaign is gathering a core group of players   regularly everyone's busy it's really hard to  meet in person enough to finish this entire game   this is not the case with the digital game  once the kids or significant other are in bed   you can hide in your gaming room and play until  the wee hours of the morning if you're in the   middle of a mission and you run out of time the  physical game is more difficult to hold over   until the next session not so with the digital  game that's two to four for the digital game   number seven aesthetic and sound as you know  different mediums bring different elements to   the mix to be fair we also need to acknowledge  these the two categories i've paired up here are   artwork or visual design and the sound in the live  game sound is entirely generated by the players or   in their imaginations in the digital game the  ambient sound sets the tone and increases the   presence of the game but the board game's art  is very flat once you compare it with the depth   and the gorgeous renderings or the animations  and the sound tapestry that's unleashed when   you cast a spell summon a rat or wreak havoc on  your unwitting opponents another element of the   digital game that i absolutely have to mention are  the cut scenes the beautiful imagery comes up on   the screen you get a question you have to choose  one path or the other there are consequences   if you choose the wrong path rewards if you choose  the right one i just really love this new addition   to the digital game so i have to give this one  to the digital game taking a commanding lead   at two to five number eight multiplayer like  family feud i'm going to offer double points   for the category that's the most important to me  that's this category the multiplayer experience   the reason i play games is to have fun and  the times i have the most fun are when i'm   playing with friends the human experience is  really foundational for my enjoyment of a game   who i play with actually matters more to  me than what i play it's about connection   with people and creating shared experiences like  going to the movies i don't go to see the movie   instead i go to see a movie with a friend or  a family member while there are always ways to   connect with friends through voice chat though not  in-game nothing compares to the live experience   seeing people's reactions slamming down the  card at a crucial moment laughing together   this is an easy two-point win for the cardboard  and that brings our score to a very close four to   five the digital game is in the lead number nine  the solo experience and setup with two metrics   left this one is going to come down to the wire  for me if you're not a solo player you may not   be concerned with this element but gloomhaven  is a game that really plays well as a solo game   i'm what you might call a lazy gamer i really love  the game axis and allies but i hate setting it up   the same is true here for solo gaming i don't  enjoy the laborious part of building the maps   placing the characters and controlling the ai  so for me having all of that done for me in   the digital game makes me enjoy the surprise  of discovery when i open a room and suddenly   a horde of baddies has me surrounded the same can  be said for the multiplayer experience in my case   i prefer having the game developers do the work  for me when it comes to populating the missions   the digital game takes a strong lead for me or to  sex now number 10 replayability and the enduring   quality of a game my final consideration is how  replayable or enduring the game is a game is no   good to me if i find myself not wanting to play  it or feeling satisfied well before the full   experience is over i haven't played either of the  physical or digital games all the way to the end   so i'd be really keen to hear from someone who  has this is the most difficult category for me   to score because i can't look back on both  experiences and make a fair comparison but   if i had to project forward which of these two  games will i give more of my time to i think   it's going to be the digital game it just looks  like the kind of game i want to play a lot of   so that's four to seven the digital game wins  it for me if you like this kind of comparison i   did the same for my favorite board game chemet and  its successor kemet blood and sand the link is on   your screen as ever we appreciate you subscribing  and coming back when you can stay a little longer
Channel: Legendary Tactics
Views: 28,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloomhaven, gloomhaven digital, gloomhaven cardboard, gloomhaven physical, digital vs. physical, digital vs. cardboard comparison, which is better?, gloomhaven which is better?, gloomhaven comparison, gloomhaven top 10, cardboard or digital gloomhaven?, is the digital gloomhaven good?, legendary tactics, gloomhaven board game, gloomhaven physical vs digital game
Id: 8PX-fHWXbT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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