Gloomhaven - Favorite House Rules Round 2(IT'S NOT CHEATING)

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hey everybody it's james here from neural net games and today we're talking even more amazing fun great helpful uh solving problems type of house rules what i'm saying is that there's no real theme they're just house rules i like i think are useful for a variety of different situations and for those of you who haven't watched my other videos i've got my five favorite gloomhaven house rules i'll put a link down in the description make sure and go and check it out and also number one on this one i feel like it's almost necessary if you really want to experience all of the content in gloomhaven and so make sure you stick around to that part i think and maybe this is gonna be controversial i don't know but i think that there's a mechanic in the game that just does not work well at all and i'm gonna recommend you essentially skip that mechanic alright that's enough that's enough teasers let's get started let's get to number five [Music] at number five we have nerf invisibility so for those of you who don't know you can go and block a doorway and that stops you know regular monsters non-flying monsters from being able to find a focus because they can't move through invisible characters this is a very powerful way of safely opening doors all the time and it's a mechanic that gets abused a lot so for those of you who are a little further into the game you're finding a little bit easy maybe you've already cranked up the difficulty and it's still too easy you can nerf invisibility with one kind of simple tweak and that is invisible characters are considered obstacles and obstacle rules state that you can't block off a portion of the map with an obstacle and that stops you from block uh you know going invisible in a doorway and you know making sure the monsters can't find a focus unless they're flying so this really helps nerf invisibility to a reasonable degree probably not quite far enough still but i think if you start doing more than just this one simple rule it gets a little bit complicated and it you know gets a little bit convoluted so i would recommend just treat invisible characters as obstacles and then invisibility still has the rest of its amazing benefits like monsters can't attack you and you're 100 safe and all that good stuff at number four we have don't reshuffle city and road events so when you do a city or road event when you complete it you have two options there's a little tare card symbol and that means get rid of the card do not tear the card up i know some people have done that they must have pandemic legacy habits or something don't tear the card it's removed forever then if there is no tarot card symbol you are supposed to put the card on the bottom of the deck and then when you add city and road events via retirement or whatever you're supposed to reshuffle the deck this means city and road events you've already played can be reshuffled my group we never wanted to do that we're like there's enough events that we want to experience something new every time and not have this weird looper deja vu kind of deal where we know the outcome of the card because we've reshuffled it in so i would recommend you just keep those in a separate section and if you ever run out of cards you can reshuffle it and play it again that never happened to us we never ran out of cards and so we just had two separate piles the discard forever and the discard probably forever at number three we have retire any time after you reach level nine exact numbers up to you i've seen a bunch of numbers thrown out there i just think this is a nice quality of life rule for two reasons one there's a bunch of personal quests out there that you can't really do sometimes you may be at a certain point in the game where you have not seen a certain enemy type and the personal quest is like kill these enemies and so you get stuck with a class for far too long and you're at level 9 for like 10 15 scenarios crazy stuff like that and so you don't really want that to happen one of the best parts about gloomhaven is the is the fact that you can unlock all these cool new classes and try new things and just that excitement and then on the flip side you can have a guy who you know has that personal question is like i'm cool with that i just want to play this class until the end of time and other people are like no i would like to play that class too and so you can be like no you can retire don't worry about it it's all good you don't have that excuse anymore at number two we have allow enhancement stickers to be removed and there's no benefit and there's no penalty to this it's just get your fingernail out and slowly peel it off so you don't wreck the card why would you want to do this you're thinking why why would i want to do this well sometimes people want to enhance cards a certain way and let's say somebody's enhanced the top of a card and it's a loss and it's a nonsensical plus one you're like why would you enhance a loss with a plus one well you were a complete noob or the person who did the enhancement was a complete noob at the time and that happened in my campaign for sure i go back and look at some of our enhancements from year one i'm like it makes me wanna cry maybe i'll go i'm gonna go back and look when i edit this video and we'll see if i can flash uh the occasional one up here or a couple off or something like that so you know you may want to remove them because they don't make sense and they're they're impacting the next person's enjoyment of the class there is a maximum number of enhancements right so you know some crappy enhancements could be blocking you from actually enhancing other cards because you're up against that limit or it could even be costing you a bunch more like you know like i said you've got a loss on the top and it's enhanced with a plus one well you may actually want to do something else with that loss that actually makes sense so it's a bit of a later game house rule but one i think that at a certain point a lot of players are actually going to find useful at number one we have cheat once you open envelope x and i won't go too far into spoilers here but essentially there's a puzzle in bloomhaven it's a puzzle that you have to solve and it's a puzzle that is laid out very poorly everyone knows i love gloomhaven and i think isaac childress i mean he's clearly a genius designer not facetiously at all like he built this game almost all by himself and it's a massive feat and it's so well designed for one person but this is just one of those mechanics or one part of the game that just doesn't make sense it's a poorly laid out puzzle you can easily easily miss parts of it and you play haven for like years to finish it at any sort of reasonable normal rate and you can't just go back and finish it for most people you can't go back and figure it out you just can't it's not a it's not a possible thing to do so do not feel bad go and cheat google the solution and just go with it and you'll appreciate it because you'll get to experience more content in gloomhaven that's it that's number one i think that one's just so important um that people don't feel guilty about that and aren't like well i should have been able to figure it out no no you might have done nothing wrong and you would still have a very difficult time if you just got unlucky anyways thank you so much for watching the video and a special thank you to my subscribers and my patrons i couldn't do it without you you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 1,672
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, rtfm house rules gloomhaven, gloomhaven house rules, best house rules gloomhaven, common rules mistakes, gloomhaven gameplay, gloomhaven review, gloomhaven tier list, gloomhaven best class, gloomhaven rules, gloomhaven tips, rage badger gaming, mandatory quest, gloomhaven digital, gloomhaven helper app, gloomhaven how to play, gloomhaven enhancements, gloomhaven invisibility, gloomhaven hard, gloomhaven too easy
Id: 9Trd4cSNwqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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