5 tips to How to get the most out of your Gloomhaven Campaign! [minor spoilers]

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[Applause] [Music] hey everyone this is dork sent gaming I'm Richard and I'm bringing you five tips to make your gloom Haven gameplay experience just a little bit better first of all I would like to do a quick shout out my videos aren't sponsored not yet maybe not ever if you would like to help me make more videos that means more editing which means I might start releasing videos twice a week or more then I'd love it if you hopped over to my patreon that's patreon.com slash dorks ID cookies link is in the show notes below we give discount codes we give I do boudoir photography with like cosplay girls and stuff like that so if you want any of those things is a different tiers but I give out a lot of free stuff and also you can vote on which games I am gonna go through next so there you go I'd love for some help over there but otherwise let's get into it so we bought gloom Haven and it seemed amazing we loved it it was like wow this seems like the perfect game for my group which really likes legacy games really likes D&D doesn't have time for D&D but still wants kind that role-playing light experience glue maven done okay we played it once and then we didn't play it again for over a month played it again didn't play again for at least a few weeks what was going on well the game was frustrating to play fun game but it was just a slog to get through so we've really really optimized our gameplay optimized you know everybody knows the rules really well now and you can't I mean that you just get better at the game that's that's not from this video that's just automatic you will get better at this game and you will play better but there are some things we had to do before we were willing to play the game all the time and I'm gonna share some of those things so tip number one you have to put some effort organizing the game now as you can see I have chosen to organize the game using broken tokens organizer I know there's another organizer out there broken token doesn't sponsor me I'm not loyal to them but I do love their products and I love this organizer it's worked really well for me you don't have to buy an organizer you could figure out whatever way I think personally you could tear apart this box get rid of the box make another box and organize it with nifty boxes or you know any of the small boxes figure something out you've got to put some effort into it I posted a video of me building this organizer was not easy separating it wasn't easy but now that it's done it's so fast and so nice a little bonus tip so they give you this map holder which magically holds every single big map piece and they tell you oops they tell you to put tape on the bottom to hold it together because it will not hold together by itself the sides also will not stay on after you know they did actually they did for probably eight games ten games but ultimately I use black gaffers tape and I taped the whole inside and as you can see it actually kind of in my opinion kind of looks nice and if you're OCD level is higher than mine you can probably make it look beautiful at any rate gaffers tape this is just cloth tape that photography stores have our video stores anything like that and it's stretchy and it will last forever pretty much it's worked great for us it's holding it together well and I highly recommend if you have a laser cut wood solution like this to tape the inside of the box just from the beginning you'll be happier okay so this allows us just to pull all the pieces out of the box immediately and then all the pieces back in the box actually it's kind of like a jigsaw Rubik cube puzzle thing getting it back in the box but it's pretty fast once you once you know how to do it all right step number two I avoided this for like four games I really wish I hadn't you've got to get software I'm a computer person I use a computer during board games primarily to look up rules and to play music but for this game I use a helper in my case I use gloom gloom Haven helper it's free it does not work on iOS and we are almost exclusively iOS so that means we have one person on our TV computer one person on my laptop we've handed an old Android to another person and then one person actually uses Android so he's I mean it's usually disappointed but in this case it actually helps them the cool thing about the software number one you get rid of managing the attack cards for all of these monsters that is a huge help the software lets you just set the scenario like this see and then you put in your characters it puts in the monsters automatically and it manages their initiative and what they do and you also can put the conditions on it like so and then you can manage the mana that gets charged or depleted all automatically that has made our games tremendously faster it doesn't have to be gloom Haven helper that's what I'm recommending because it's both free and it works for us third now this is a little bit of a spoiler but I think it has to happen by blessings the end of the book it says for ten gold you can buy two blessing cards and when they're triggered in your and just normal attacks they go away so if you're like us you might avoid them you mate you not to buy them that was a huge mistake the I'm gonna reveal again it's a small spoiler contributing to the temple increases the prosperity of the town in the long run so you need to do it because there is nothing else in the game that reliably increases your prosperity level now you might say why spoil this why ruin the game Richard why are you making the game suck I'm not it doesn't suck to know this you need to know this because if you're like us and you choose to play hardcore mode where when you die you die and you have to make a new character when you make a new character the level of your character is equal to the level of the prosperity so if your prosperity is still at one because nothing else in the game reliably increases your prosperity except donating then you will be out of luck and you might have people who quit the game and I think the right to quit the game personally we had we didn't this didn't happen to us but it could have I was I was always worried I knew that if somebody died and had to late make a level-one while everybody else was being playing a level 3 level 4 now level 5 there had been there would been unhappiness I would have been unhappy personally it would have just been a garbage experience so increase your prosperity donate to the church not in real life just in the game it's gonna be good for society don't eat in real life too lots of charitable organizations donate to them help society helps you that's how it works alright fourth now this is a little bit hard and various times you're gonna get a city card and at various times the answers are gonna seem villainous heroic snobby humble be consistent okay the game does not reward boring people and if you if you didn't know neutral is boring if you're gonna be humble be humble all the time be a hero if you're gonna be arrogant be arguing all the time if you're gonna be evil be evil all the time you'd be good be good all the time because ultimately things affect your reputation up or down kinda randomly just to be honest it seems random but in general if you do heroic things your reputation will have an opportunity to go up if you do villainous things your reputation has an opportunity to go down a lot of cards will only happen you know the only you know the there's an option of either something will happen or something will not happen and a lot of cards will only happen if your reputation is either above a certain amount or below a certain amount and in my opinion if you go through ten of these cards and ten times or let's say nine out of ten of these cards nothing happens throw all these cards away just throw them away they don't need to exist the design ever watches this video that's my opinion if 9 out of 10 of these cards end up having nothing happen based off of the answer you choose and I get it I understand we chose the answer there was an ax there was a possibility of something happening we chose because of whatever reason the option that ended up with nothing happens that effectively means these cards are worthless it was a story for no reason and so that's why I figured out a lot of times we're basically punished because sometimes we were good because we thought our characters would be good in that scenario and sometimes we were evil because we thought our characters would be evil we're not playing humans so we made decisions a certain way well now we're neutral and here we are game 18 game 19 whatever and a lot of cards just don't do anything at all for us so be a hero be a villain choose a choose a path stick to it you're gonna have a much better gameplay experience all right tip number five all right this is a legacy game right things happen you rip up cards you have stickers you don't want to know what's going on that's part of the fun right it's just like old-school D&D hey I open the door and they're like a leprechaun is on the other side of the door what a leprechaun like this is crazy you want to be surprised that's why you play legacy games most of us that's why we play legacy games read the FAQ this game is hard this game is not like other legacy games there are so many things that we got wrong for a few times like we thought we were allies of ourselves so I was damaging myself every time that I you know use my crater or jump ability where it hurts everybody near me I'm not an ally of myself I'm me and I have allies it's just a small thing but the FAQ answers so many of these things I highly recommend just go through the FAQ and not just once go through the FAQ several times there's gonna be a link down below if you don't know where the FAQ is it's long there is so much to this game you can click for some of the spoilers or not click to for some of the spoilers do whatever you like there but I think that reading a lot of the scenarios have an opportunity to make you question yourself and say wait a minute how can this be what what is the consequences of this ruling on something else and then you might realize I saw somebody on the forums on bgg who didn't know that there was scenario and rewards the scenario and rewards I mean is the scenario level defines the amount of bonus xp you get at the end of a scenario I think actually even after he read it I think he thought that it was bonus gold and not bonus xp it's not it's bonus xp so read the FAQ several times it's gonna help I have found a lot of times that the things that make people frustrated are things that turn out not to be true in the game you need to play the game also like you need to play it the proper way when I say the proper way I mean like following the rules of the game designer because the game designer has built a game that is pretty well balanced and if you start running it more like a D&D game for example if the monsters are supposed to loot having the monsters move towards the closest loot instead of moving towards a villain or a me instead instead of moving towards one of the players it or just standing still however you want to do it it's gonna start making the game feel a bit weird if you start if you start making decisions for the AI it will break things because the monsters are supposed to hit traps usually they hit their own traps and if you start making decisions that oh the monsters would like walk around them it will mess up the game there is a large component of this whole game that's made around an assumed understanding of the pathing of the monsters and if the players start voting and saying well this is what the monster would really do it's not gonna work in the strategy of the game that's been balanced a certain way won't work so play the game however you like but knowingly play the game that way say I don't care if it makes the game worse and every time that you break the rules say to yourself this is more realistic if this sucks for the players if something else doesn't work it's because we chose to do it this way and that's fine I always say people can break the rules mangle the rules do whatever they want as long as they know they're doing it and then I find everybody could have fun otherwise people start complaining about the unintended consequences and I find that to be very unfair to the game designers that they broke the rules and now they're complaining at the consequences of them breaking the rules that's my opinion all right bonus tip number six these are the doors okay one side is open one side is closed we have a big table we couldn't easily see these things they didn't work well for us so instead what one of my player Steven did was he took a piece of cardboard and he drew little doors and we use the standees I guess it's the base for a sandy but we took a base and boom door it's awesome highly recommend having it you can see this from across the way if you have a 3d printer maybe you pray at doors or whatever but this is I mean these are beautiful look it's I think it's super cool you can turn them sideways to be open closed whatever you want to do that's what I recommend works for us and I think it worked for you all right with that that was my five tips plus a bonus tip for how to make your gloom Haven experience a little bit smoother and I'd love it if you commented down below things that you think would help people I think it's okay to be a little bit spoiler light at this point if they're reading this video they're already kind of accepting there's a gonna be a little bit of spoilers don't ruin somebody's day don't ruin my day I'm still playing I'm elating games in comment down below ask questions maybe other people will answer I'll answer if I find out the answer and I'd love it if you click like click subscribe click that little doorbell doorbell YouTube bill click the notification bill and I will look forward to seeing you guys later bye guys my office my gaming room room where we record everything oh there's all my games table I actually have more games upstairs that area over there the Muslim I can do the war is over
Channel: GreyWizardGaming
Views: 114,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cephalofair games, gloomhaven playthrough, gloomhaven board game, best board game, top board game, board gaming, role playing game, board game design, How to improve your gloomhaven, isaac childres gloomhaven, cephalofair games gloomhaven rules, cephalofair games gloomhaven rules video, cephalofair games founders of gloomhaven board game, cephalofair games founders of gloomhaven, cephalofair games gloomhaven removable sticker set, broken token
Id: jAM3WiXx0hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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