Glock Gen 5 Why Bother?

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the new Glock gin.5 let's check it out [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now a lot of people seem to be underwhelmed with the changes on the new block Gen 5 what I find funny is is when the FBI took on the 17m everybody was like oh I hope Glock releases that to the public and then of course with the military trials which there are a lot of cues from this pistol taken from that even though it's not quite the same you know everybody was kind of on the bandwagon of let's see what's going on you know I'd love to get a hold of one of those and so I think lock listened and they've introduced the Gen 5 this Gen 5 is really close to the FBI contractors in fact it may be identical I haven't had one to compare but there was a lot of excitement and you know what guys I'm glad they did now are these changes drastic you know do we want drastic changes to the design or do we want incremental things that just improve and I mean there's a lot of things in this pistol that are different and it's not just the removal of the finger grooves the new Glock gin.5 with your Glock lover or you hate them the Glock Gen 5 is here and a lot of people have looked at this pistol and again have been just underwhelmed you know it's like Oh big deal they took off the finger grooves on the front strap and kind of dismiss it for that but there are a lot of changes to this pistol that warrant the new gen 5 I'll tell you Glocks not gonna introduce a new generation pistol without making some changes some significant changes just like they did from the gen 3 to the June 4 typically it's about a 10-year period that they introduce new generations but with this one it's only been 7 years a lot of people were looking at those new FBI pistols and saying I would love to get my hands on one and so Glock said here it is at first off I want to thank gun prudence calm for sending the pistol for this test & Evaluation and I appreciate their sponsorship of the channel it's great to be able to request different firearms and they'll get them out to me it's a great source great prices in fact I purchased this from gutting Pro deals and we're going to talk about the reasons first thing I'm going to do is make sure the gun is unloaded magazine out and the chamber is clear one of the things we will talk about first is the magazine this magazine has some different designs to it one of the big ones is the orange follower or one of the most obvious I should say and it definitely helps when you're at the range you can just look down you see the gun is unloaded without too much trouble another bonus of the orange follower is you can see the orange through the witness holes and that way the round counts that much easier one other thing is they've changed the geometry of the base plate it's actually a little longer and it kind of curves up in bevels this is going to help when you release your magazines now one of the big things also is a beveled mag well which is very helpful getting that mag up there one thing to the kind of benefits is that it actually rides out a little bit and it you can feel it on the grip you don't feel like you're going to slip off so be honest with you I really like this mag well now one thing they did was is put a cut right here in the front of the grip and that's really to facilitate being able to pull these mags if you have a stoppage you can get this mag out much easier if you have to and then of course with this back at the back which that's always been the way Glock is designed it a lot of gun companies now are making mags where you can pull them out this way but here we can get it this way through the Glock now obviously one of the big changes is the finger groove removal which most of your guys that are doing a lot of custom work we're removing these finger grooves already that's one of the big popular things to do and so Glock just went ahead and trim that up now I've heard a lot of guys say well just might as well go ahead and just buy a Gentoo and you know it doesn't have the finger grooves there are so many changes to this pistol that that's just ridiculous I mean it's it's hilarious but you know you have your texturing here that gives it a lot more texturing than obviously - gin - gin three very similar obviously to the gin for one really cool thing is you have four different back strap options other than the small which the gun just comes as the small without a back strap you have a medium/large for your beaver tail or you have medium and large just to expand the back of the grip and I thought that was a pretty cool addition one other thing which I failed to mention is that you get three magazines just like you do with your gin for another big change is in your slide release now not only is it ambidextrous they put it on the other side but it actually comes out just a little more than your standard which you know can be a little difficult to get a hold of it's minimal I kind of like that but this gets it out just a touch more then it makes a world of difference now the mag release is still only one side but you can switch it to the other side which a lot of guys were complaining about that but that may change the whole configuration of the pistol because it's set up this way another big change and to me a very important change is the trigger it's definitely a smoother trigger one of the things that's always been with Glock triggers is that spongy kind of bringing sound with the new trigger definitely a more crisp and definite snap yes there is some pre travel and it starts to stack just a touch but compared to your standard Glock pistol it's really excellent in fact here I have a gin three you hear that echo that's typical for Glocks I mean I've got a bunch of Glocks and that's why they all sound it's it I'm telling you guys it is a much more improved now is it fantastic yeah I mean it's not bad it would probably keep me from running out and buying a you know aftermarket trigger unless I just wanted to now I like aftermarket triggers and you know I'll probably put one of the wheaton arms trigger sets in here but this is acceptable I really like it much better than the standard Glock trigger from the past camera check trigger pull weight six pounds one ounce that's a little bit lower than what I was getting pretty much I was getting just under the six and a half pounds six and a quarter mark and so that's what you're getting I know typically Glocks have that five and a half pound trigger pull but because it's crisp it's not bad now let's take a look at reset right there not too bad not bad at all now one improvement to me is that they beveled the front of the slide and it really looks nice more like the g20 60 27 which I've always preferred and I think it makes the pistol look a little better here's your standard Gen 3 model you can see that it's just cut straight off and so this to me is a big improvement now one thing that a lot of people have pointed out is right here at the frame the bevel doesn't match the frame and this is true it doesn't it kind of pokes out just a little bit I think block could've done a little better job with that I'm not really sure though how much of that could be beveled I think just that corner if they would have pulled that down and I feel that there's enough room in there to do it at least blend it in but you know guys honestly that is not the end of the world but I do understand that you know it does show a little bit of lack of detail agent five over here on the left and then the Gen 4 you can see there's a definite difference between the two this is widened out it's got a larger gap in the back of the sight and you know just makes a big difference the Front's the same you know there's just the one dot and obviously there's still polymer but supposedly the new gen 5 has a stronger polymer a lot of guys switched those out anyway but I've used these sites for years and they work just fine but you know if you want to get night sights or in there they are offering some different night sight options which i think is pretty cool but you know as far as this sight it works it works well but when I first got this pistol this site was moved far over to the right now the back sight was moved over to the right what's really funny is I've seen two other reviews we're the exact same thing was present we had a model 17 that came in at the same time and actually its site was lined up so I just thought that was really kind of weird but it is what it is so we're gonna move this over I mean here we can see from the backside it's definitely over to the right now one of the big changes was they went from the 3-pin as we see here in this gen 3 to a two-pin which follows more toward the line of the Glock 43 and I think there's a lot of cues with this pistol that go with the Glock 43 we'll look at more detail on a later video which we're going to get really down into the nitty-gritty of the differences now because of the lighting you may not be able to see this as well but the new gen 5 slide is darker it's more of a black color from what I understand they're still using the tenifer like finish on these slides just like they do here on the June 4 but then they add what they call the N DLC coating which is just a really nice finish that is diamond light coating and to me it's almost like nitride I mean it's a really nice smooth finish and it's supposed to be even more durable and I think it's more pleasing as far as the way it looks one thing that's big for Glock is they've gone away from their polygonal or polygonal barrel one of the things about that is that lead could build up in the grooves and especially if you were shooting reloads or lead bullets it could cause a catastrophic failure they put the new marksman barrel in here which is a standard landing grooves barrel system and so that's going to give you more advantage and they say that it's actually more accurate one thing they've done is a recessed crown which to me it kind of stabilizes the bullet plus it keeps it from getting damaged right along the edge I want to thank freedom munitions for supplying the ammo American steel and the pro match we're also shooting some blue lake ammo is there X 10 nine millimeter and some old hbr jacketed hollow points we'll try some different things in here you get a 5 percent discount using suit zero zero and you check out at Frieda munitions we're also going to be using some block P mags and some Glock mags from ETS [Applause] [Applause] one of the turning points for me and really getting turned on to this pistol was at the range I liked the way it looked it actually pretty much just look like a regular Glock without the grooves the finger groups so I wasn't all that excited about it once I got it in my hand though one of the things is the grip just feels more ergonomic typically the Glock is what a lot of people like to call it the block and it is kind of thick in the hand this is definitely a little bit blocky I've been shooting them for years so my grip is adjusted to it and I can shoot it very well with the mag well being flared a little bit kind of rides in the hand nicely kind of Nestle's your hand that's my hand now I have medium sized hands just seems to fit really well I can get to the mag release a little easier than I can in the previous models with the magazines though being able to insert them easier I really like that and with this little lip with it extended a little bit I feel like I can really grab that magazine and pull it out if I need to but one of the biggest things I think about this pistol was the trigger you know typically with your regular block triggers it has that kind of spongy spring sound and that's one of the things about this trigger see it's just more crisp there's just no doubt about it so I really prefer this trigger for sure and of course there are a lot of aftermarket triggers that are out there that you can put into your guns not necessarily on the gin.5 yet but on the gen three and four you know a lot of guys have changed it but I think they're gonna be less people changing their triggers with the do Gen 5 than they would with the 3 & 4 3 & 4 those triggers were terrible again I was accustomed to using him so it wasn't a huge deal to me but I think with the new advent of a lot of these aftermarket triggers I think that's one of the reasons why Glock was able to kind of crisp in that up a little bit and it's it's definitely effective their sight opening up kind of changed things a little bit it didn't seem so crowded kind of opened up things a little bit now one of the problems with that is if you're looking for really extreme accuracy you there's a lot of leeway in between on that back sight so but the guns seem to be fairly accurate regardless and of course block claims that these are this is a match barrel of course with the crown crown the barrel which is going to help keep that protected and kind of stabilize your bullet there's just a lot of cool things about this pistol that I do like so now at the range no malfunctions I know with the original Gen 4 there had been a few but with the Gen 5 it's looking really good I mean very reliable I'll have to admit I like the orange follower it definitely signals you that the gun is unloaded so as soon as you finish you just look down and there you go it's bright and orange so I really like that feature even though that's just a small advantage with this magazine the glock grip has typically felt a little thick but again guys without these finger grooves it just seems to be more ergonomic it fits my hand a little better the flared magwell makes mag changes really quick I like that and again I don't like this front part where it kind of sticks out you could really pinch yourself if you're not careful but all in all guys it's still a Glock it's a Glock 19 a Glock 17 they kept the model because pretty much the design is the same a few refinements and which I really like some of the refinements they've added makes it just a little more suitable but all in all it's again still a Glock 19 and if you like Glocks you're gonna like this you don't like Glocks you're not gonna like this either because it's pretty much the same pistol we had disassembled the gun make sure the gun isn't loaded and so we're just going to pull our tabs down there are some changes inside the interior of this pistol that would lend to a Gen 5 model without any of the external so I think one of the big things they've done is the barrel has changed somewhat and they've gone from the standard polygonal or polygonal grooves they've gone to standard lands and grooves and from what they say it makes it a lot more accurate they have retained the dual recoil spring which I really like this that definitely adds in softer shooting of pistol' now we see the slide release is just a one piece deal and this actually fit through with the trigger pin in your locking block but there are some changes here we're gonna sit down in fact Robbie Klayton and now we're talking about all the internal differences there are a number of things and we're not going to get into all that yet but there's a lot of cues from the Glock model 43 and so we're going to check that out coming up very soon one change has been which probably adds a lot to the trigger pull is the firing pin safety has been beveled on either side instead of just a round smooth dome now your standard Glock model 19 barrel will fit in the Gen 5 and this is a wheaton Arms threaded barrel he makes really good barrels so it just fits well and that's one of the things that you're going to be able to change but on the model 17 the configuration is different in fact the model 17 barrel is exactly like the 19 barrel just longer so that is going to be one difference I think in the past the model 17 has been a little different so just make note of that if you're looking for an you know aftermarket barrel for your model 17 Gen 5 but for the 19's you're ready to go of course reassembly is the same as your old Glock pistols all generations now as far as pros and cons of the Gen 5 one of the big pros for me is the removal of the finger grooves it just really makes the gun a lot more ergonomic if you want to feel that hand you have your four different back strap options other than just the small that's a big plus the flared magwell thumbs way up that is a great plus trigger pole is actually better it's smoother a little heavier but definitely imperceivable as far as just because it's so smooth the finish on the slide which glock pistols have always had a really good finish but with the improvement i think it's nice with the sights as far as the cut the new cut in the rear sight I like it you know it works well yes I'll probably replace those with some night sights but for now that works well going from the polygonal grooves alike because if I want to shoot reloads which I typically don't I can but for the market itself I think that's a big plus you don't have to even be concerned about it the addition of the ambidextrous slide release is a big plus especially for those who are left-handed and I really like the bevel right here on the slide I think it looks nicer just kind of trims it in a little bit not so blocky so coming into that let's look at cons you know with a slide you know the frame doesn't really made up to that right here is it a big deal I can take and just blend that in without any trouble and you know it's a shame that you have to do that really but that's just what it is it's it's more cosmetic than anything functional the sight being candid far to the right and I think mr. guns in gear had one that was like that Yankee marshal had one that was like that that's kind of weird because the model 17 was lined up just perfectly when I went about Wheaton Arms to pick this one up so I'm not really sure what's going on with maybe their automation that are whoever is inserting these but definitely it was just kind of funny of course a couple of things that were lacking that I think would have been an improvement is maybe some front cocking serrations that would have been nice especially with this finish it's a little bit slick but not too bad and really not a deal-breaker for me I like the looks actually without the slide serrations but of course with function slide serrations can come in handy other thing that I wish they would have changed maybe is the polymer sites to steel but these have worked for years and a lot of people use them but you know I've seen problems with them but I've seen problems with steel sights one thing too which is a con is the sharpness right here of this cut in the front of the front strap and it's kind of large I think it may be a little bit large and it's a little bit sharp I'm gonna end up kind of trimming that down a little bit another problem could be is inserting a magazine you could possibly get pinched so that's just one thing I don't think it's the end of the world but it would be nice to kind of bevel that out just a little bit so as far as what I personally go out and buy this firearm absolutely would I trade in my gen 3 and chin 4 for this power yes because this gun has a lot of great features that I like their incremental they're not massive changes but what they've done with the front straps I love that just being gone the finger grooves it just gives it a really good solid feel to it the grip feels more small more ergonomic than the blockiness to me of the previous models if you have bigger hands you have four different choices of the magazine upgrades I like the just the way it feels the smoothness the trigger is better out of the box there's just a lot of great things that they've done to this pistol and so while I love my Gen threes I like the chin fours I think the June 5 is gonna be my new carry and with the beveled slide not mating with the frame and with my rear sight knocked over to the right considerably those aren't game changers for me in fact I really could care less it was super easy to move that sight over yeah I mean I would like to have seen things a little more straightforward but overall this is going to be a great pistol I can tell you already and I'm just excited about getting it back out to the range now whether it tops my CCP 10 see that remains to be seen and again I want to give a big thanks to gun Pro deals calm for sending the gen 5 o'clock you know it really helps for me to be able to get different firearms to bring to you guys and to show you and I really appreciate their support and help making this video possible so check out gun Pro deals calm the prices are great and they do a lot of specials and so a great source for new firearms be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Music] there's a lot of internal things that are going on that we don't even freaking know about another big change is you have another big change is your slide release and as far as the front slide mating with the frame and my sight being a little bit candid that's no big deal to me and it's one of the reasons why I love working with these guys because I can bring that back to you and it just really helps and I really thank them and they're really cool and they're just really awesome so thumbs up gun Pro deals yeah really great pistols to bring to you for video for video let's bring it for video and they are a major player in the world of firearms used especially in the US by the majority when the magician did it I did it in two days already
Channel: sootch00
Views: 1,526,907
Rating: 4.7629609 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Review, Glock, Gen 5, Glock 19, G19, Model 19, Model 17, 9mm, Handgun, pistol, CCW, Perfection, Upgrades, Carry, EDC, CZ P10C, S&W M&P, Gen 4, Gen3, Gen 2, Glock 43, Pistol, New
Id: zrHyZwo6ueQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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