Glock 48 1000 Round Review: Not What I Expected

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[Applause] what's up guys this is the honest outlaw here and today we're gonna be talking about the all-new Glock 48 before I do that one mentioned my patreon supporters thank you guys very much because of all your support I'm able to buy guns and gear and ammo to fire those guns for you guys to see on camera so I really appreciate that and because of that I do a monthly giveaway for guns and gear related stuff like for example the k-bar a knife and the Ontario rat 3 knife I'm gonna be giving away this month so you want to be part of that giveaway all you got to do is be a patron I also want to mention you but I comm longtime support of the channel I leave a link in the description below my videos for a link to their website if you click the link you'll get $20 off any order of 200 bucks or more now we'll get to the Glock 48 what is the Glock 48 well it is a Glock it is a striker-fired polymer frame pistol like every other Glock made this is a unique lock in the way that it is some things people have been asking for for a long time it has a four inch barrel and it is a single stack that holds 10 rounds so imagine the gifted Glock 19 one on a diet like if the Glock 19 took Jenny Craig for three months or something like that so it's not quite as small as a Glock 43 the Glock 48 is just a hair thicker and obviously it has a significantly longer grip to accommodate that 10 round mags but even being a striker-fired polymer frame nine-millimeter pistol it comes with a couple of features that Glock didn't have before number one it comes with front slide serrations which should have came on all the guns but it has until recently a lot of them Gen fives have them now it also comes with this NVP whatever coating this is its silver coating basically its durable as the previous coating but now it's two-tone which is pretty cool comes with the standard checkering as you see right here standard magazine release which is swappable over here in case your left hand know ambidextrous control so you're gonna have to deal with that if your left hand and it comes with these standard sights which I have switched out for a mirror glow Spartans because they are shockingly superior as reliability goes the Glock 48 is pretty spectacular I shot a thousand rounds for this did have one failure however it was a light primer strike and I was shooting remanufactured ammunition at the time so I would have to attribute that to ammunition I also have clean it since then nor did I clean it a thousand renown shooting process so it went a thousand rounds with no cleaning whatsoever it had no problem until around nine hundred rounds or so when I had that light primer strike and that was I'm pretty sure ammunition related which I can't attribute that because Glock does have a reputation of reliability that it's pretty much second done they're not many guns gun manufacturers on the planet that can tote the same reliability reputation that Glock does now this does come with two 10-round magazines and it is 20 ounces with an empty mag that's gonna be two ounces heavier than the Glock 43 X and it's gonna be about three three or four heavier than the Glock 34 I actually have both of them here for representation the Glock 43 here is going to be its main competitor I'm gonna have a vs. video on this coming out here pretty soon between this the Glock 34 or the Glock 43 and the 43 X I'm not going to compare them too much but I did want to give you an idea of how much more slide is on the 43 around the 48 here so I just wanted to do a little visual representation I've seen change the sights and they're both identical so the idea behind having a longer barrel and why that would be superior to something like a 43 X is that it adds a little bit of velocity now it also adds a little bit of sight radius but I like the idea of the velocity a little bit more with smaller barrels especially the four to three inch you actually get more than just a little more power you actually get a more consistent hollow-point expansion most people who carry a carry gun carry hollow points right this is actually the magazine from my 43 X which is my carry gun so with a little more velocity you have more consistent hollow-point expansion you get a bigger hole and because on a small smaller size pistol that isn't 9 millimeter you're not going to get it a lot of hydrostatic shock so you're really working with the hole that you're putting in the guy so you want to put a big enough hole in the right area to make the guy stop doing whatever he's doing guy girl I don't wanna be sexist but the point is is that this helps you consistently make a slightly bigger hole because your bullets are gonna be expanding a little bit more beyond that cold hammer-forged four inch barrel you're also getting a little bit better sight radius and that does help you line up your sights a little bit better to theoretically give you a little bit more accuracy now the problem I have with that is I didn't really see a huge accuracy increase between this and the 43 X I also have a lot of reps behind firearms and I also shoot a lot of handguns a lot more than most so it does that mean that you will see an accuracy increase with the 48 I don't know a lot of people on my social media have said that they do believe the 48 is more accurate as I said I personally have not seen that I shoot them very similar and I shoot them very similar speeds so for me personally the 4-inch sight radius doesn't help me out that much the 4 inch slide should help decrease a little bit of the recoil as well but I also have not seen that I shoot the 43 X very similar in speed and accuracy to the 48 but there is no denying that half inch of barrel is going to increase velocity and it's going to help hollow-point expansion so that is definitely a valid reason to pick this gun up so accuracy is pretty good it's possible to hit a hundred yards fairly easy to hit at 50 yards with this gun and for a concealed carry gun of this size I found that pretty reasonable now that accuracy is extremely handicapped by the sights that come on the gun as you can see that's why I changed the sights because the high definition front sight allows you to focus on it and it makes it a little bit faster not to mention these are steel night sights so they are more durable more reliable and you can use them in all hours and people that attack you they don't just do it between 9:00 and 5:00 so sometimes it's nice to have night sights but what really hampers the accuracy in the firearm is the damn trigger now I had a significantly different trigger between the 48 in the 43 X I had around an 8 pound trigger with the 43 X and I had an 11 pound trigger with the 48 and Glocks if you've ever measured them are pretty famous for that I get some blocks that are 6 pounds some of their 7 pounds they're all advertised at 5.5 but 11 pounds is probably the heaviest and dirtiest and nasties trigger I've ever gotten for a Glock and that happened to be in this Glock 48 so it was actually pretty difficult to shoot and I fixed that in my 43 X by putting a Johnny Glock trigger in it you can't even tell but that decreases the pull weight a little bit and shorten is the reset and all that good stuff so I actually put this lower because they are interchangeable on my 48 slide and I did shoot the 48 much better so I really think a lot of the accuracy issues I had were just that shitty trigger that glock put Center from the factory alright so now we're gonna take the 48 and we're gonna shoot it at 50 yards one of the downsides of shoot in the 50 yards today is even with my blingy ass gold targets I'm having a hard time seeing because like I said we're in Sleepy Hollow so I'll do the best I can fairly white background whitish fog white sights it's one of the reasons why I really prefer a high definition front sight it really gives you that contrast that you're looking for for a good sight picture so we'll see how we do not too bad so far so accuracy is good if you change the trigger or if you just get used to it because if it's your only gun you'll definitely use it it won't be an issue the problem I have is I shoot a lot of custom guns I shoot a lot of different handguns so if I go from a three pound trigger to a five pound trigger not that big of a deal but if I move up to a 11 pound trigger in a small gun that's very easy to pull off target if you're smashing that trigger really fast it can be an issue with accuracy no get to the texture here and I think this is the worst texture Glocks ever put out it's not the Gen 5 texture which a lot of reviewers have said they said watch this the Gen 5 texture I disagree with that I have guns that have the Gen 5 texture and this is much smoother it's the same idea same pattern but this is so smooth in my opinion that it's just I really didn't like it no I like a lot of aggressive texture on all my guns I mean this is my wife's carry gun this is the Glock 34 but it was mine before hers and you can see there's some aggressive stippling this is my current carry gun it has rubber town rips on it cuz I haven't got stippling done yet you get what I'm trying to say I like a lot of Tex so take that with a grain of salt I think a lot of you will probably like this and I think it will be very comfortable for Kari especially if it's rub it on your stomach or your back or something like that all day but for me I would like a little bit more so it really glues in my hand because if I'm in a situation where I've got to pull this down and use it I'm probably not gonna be thinking tight grip all that good stuff so I want to make sure my gun works for me and I don't have to work around things I don't like with my gun so if it were me I would add a rubber town grip of some kind or get extend there so I originally thought this Glock had it like it's just a dead round just a light primer strike but I'm not really sure I kind of fixed it so fast I don't really know what the malfunction was but when I picked up the magazine look at that weird [ __ ] it wasn't ejecting well yeah I think the I think the firing pin hit the primer and just didn't go off is what I thought when I'll have to check the footage but then when I picked the magazine up I got this thing going on so I don't know if this happened when I dumped the magazine which is certainly possible or if it happened when I you know in the gun maybe weird another niche I feel this gun really fits in that some people aren't talking about is not only is it going to be a Glock 40 or a Glock 43 that's a little bit more accurate but it also is going to be a very good gun for people that have magazine restrictions so why carry a 19 when you can carry this which is smaller and lighter if you can only Terry 10 rounds in the first place let's say you live in New York and you don't want to carry a magazine restricted 19 because it is thicker for sure and it is a little bit harder to carry and those guns are gonna be a little bit easier shoot but you carry the gun a hell of a lot more than you shoot it and if you want something a little bit easier to carry but you want that longer sight radius and you work in a magazine restricted state I see this as one of the best options for care now probably not for California because I don't know if you use have got on your registration list yet think that for New York and for other states like that that have just a magazine restriction I think this is gonna be a really good choice for you guys to carry a slimline single stack full size gun basically kind of in the realm of a lightweight 1911 commander that's kind of what this reminds me of is it's obviously a lot lighter and obviously a lot smaller but it's kind of a single stack it's kind of a single stack Glock that people have been clamoring for for literally years the other thing I think is funny about this gun is for any of you guys that collect a lot of firearms does this look familiar at all because I did a review of a gun almost exactly this two years ago the XDS I think this single stack nine-millimeter Springfield XD now Springfield isn't very popular in the gun community right now and understandably they did a lot of underhanded stuff that I I don't appreciate myself which is why you don't see a lot of Springfield reviews anymore even though they do make some excellent products there's a lot of Palmer pistols that I would consider better than the XT but the XD did definitely make this gun several years ago I mean it was a 10-round single stack 4-inch gun that even had this color scheme I mean the one I reviewed two years ago even had a silver frame with or a silver slide with a black grip so I thought that was pretty funny because Glock guys go crazy about everything you know that the 45 and then the 90 necks were just revolutionary because they had a short slide with a long grip like the 1911 commander didn't do that before this is revolutionary because nobody's done a single stack four inch before except for 1911 s and X DS and all the other gun companies that came before it I just gotta throw a little shade at the hip the Glock fanboys because I love you guys no they're gonna exist besides Glock and I get that but it's a good gun it's very reliable it's very accurate it's not my personal favorite because I think the slide is a little bit longer than I need for a carry gun because I shoot the 43 X just as fast just as accurate so honestly that just gets in the way and you carry appendix this gets in the way of something that is pretty important and if you can even you carry 3 or 4 o'clock you don't need a longer barrel if you're not going to use it and it's not going to be effective but other than that I mean other people could have different opinions and I've seen different opinions other people have said that the 48 for them is more accurate and if that's for you then definitely get this gun I see nothing wrong with it other than the fact it's just not that perfect for me if you like this video please like subscribe please so by going homeless shelters and remember recycle I'll check you later [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Honest Outlaw
Views: 228,261
Rating: 4.9097009 out of 5
Keywords: g48, glock, glock 48, g43, g43x, glock 43x, glock 43, shield, m&p, 2.0, shield 2.0, sig, p365, p365 vs g43, g48 vs g43x, g48 vs g19, g19, glock 19, best pistol, best handgun, ccw, best carry gun, carry gun, g48 review, g43x review, g19 review, 1911, colt, sig p365 review, best of 2019, best guns 2019, pistols 2019, best pistol 2019, best handgun 2019
Id: o9X78YiI7cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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