Glock 48 MOS, First Shots

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hey guys what's up today we are out here first time shooting the new glock 48 mos um nothing special i know nothing more about this thing necessarily so we're just going to shoot it and i've heard some people say that after five rounds the extractor blew out or whatever different things so we're gonna shoot more than five rounds just to function check this guy and kind of get my first rounds off on it and kind of see what we think so let's do it okay so yes the glock 48 let's look at this little beautiful little fella right here um but not just the glock 48 but the glock 48 mos and the main things about it being at mos it's modular optic system i think is what they call it and i don't really remember and i'm not as excited about this little cut out thing they have right here it's so beautiful and things and people have ideas about it and whatever yeah that's cool and i do have an optic coming that hopefully will fit that and we will run it on this but i am more interested and more excited about this rail except that the more that i'm looking at it the more i'm realizing yeah glock and surefire sure do know how to put together a little product and and make people buy their stuff i still have not given in to trying to get one of the surefire lights but i'm just holding out for stinking streamlight make a tlr 7a c right compact whatever to all you've got to do i had a buddy out here today i should have taken a picture of it all you have to do is modify that mount streamlight please just modify the mount a little bit and stick that tlr-7a straight on this guy you would have the bomb the most awesome thing in the world it's be perfect perfect in my opinion that's perfection schlog perfectan schlog whatever that is perfection in a in a concealed carry edc kind of gun that size is perfect everything else is great that light would be great i mean obviously be great you know with a thousand lumens instead of 500 but i would still take it i'd still take it at that size with a yeah you get you got i got rambling i'm sorry but that's how i feel about this this is what i want right here this this rail sorry i get off on tangents and stuff let's shoot this guy real quick um he's not suppressed he's not threaded or anything so i'm not gonna use my uh suppressor on it right now um yeah and my headphones just went out so there you go i can't hear anything but uh let's just shoot it real quick and we have not changed out the uh the magazine release we've changed nothing in this i'm keeping this completely stock for now at some point i'm sure we will throw some different stuff in but since it's not i know you do excessive way or whatever on your magazine release still functions still functions fine you're just gonna excessive wear on it but we're not shooting that much of it so let's do just a magazine worth and see see how this guy runs so the first shots let's angle y'all over here a little bit and let's just shoot some steel let's just see how the gun rocks y'all want to see steel sometimes nobody just likes to watch people shoot nothing here you go yeah you can still see the gun and you can still see me kind of moving a little bit here we go [Music] there you go let's do the heavy hitter well there you go that's it that's first shots with the glock 48 mos whoa big ol stinkin bugs wow um i think it's shooting a little bit to the left a little bit shoot a little low left no but i think it is shooting a little bit left from what i could tell um but it's fine trigger seems to be fine the sights on this guy are actually pretty sticking nice um they sit up a little bit higher which is going to be really cool i think with this how deep this cutout is so it is cool i'm not saying i'm not excited about the uh i think i probably did earlier said i don't care it is cool that that glock came out with their with with a factory cut slide even though it's got some weird cuts in it dude it's got the weird angle or a little divot back here in the back why do you got to make stuff only work for your companies i don't get it it's money and it's greed and it's capitalism and we still pay for it so it's cool support it that's why you still buy the products anyway anyway we're getting off on a tangent that worked out pretty good these did not drop free um i haven't now but i haven't modded this thing at all oh now they're working fine yeah okay but now they're not yeah the magazine is empty and the slide is back they're not wanting to fall out not the biggest deal in the world we've done a video on that i know how to fix that and i'm not really worried about it at all but there you go that's this little guy um i'm not gonna put him on paper today um maybe i will maybe i will in a little bit oh what the crap let's put it on paper okay so here we go glock 48 mls and we got wonderful sunlight so i'm completely washed out and you can't see anything but this is just to show that it is on camera and it is for real so we got a clean target we're going to try not to shoot my bag we're going to put five rounds in the middle at 25 yards try to all right let's see if we can do that let's go check it okay so like i said off of a rest um yeah not that great one two three four five they're a little spread out yeah and they are all low now given the fact that those are really high sights that has probably something to do with the fact because i was trying to split this guy right here in the middle sorry i can't see anything i was trying to split it right here and they're all hitting down here so that's interesting um but this is just a way bigger than the fifth size group i was gonna say a fifth size group but if you threw one of the flyers out it is but with all five of them that's actually pretty pretty wide granted it is a brand new gun so there is that to be said about it and granted i'm the one that was shooting it so there's that to be said about it too um i'm gonna mark that real quick and i'm gonna shoot that one more time and see if it was a fluke or if that's repeated okay so about the same kind of thing you've got one two three four five uh no one two three four one way down here five this is five down here you see that one two three four five and if you look at the average of the first group if we're aiming in the middle that's about a pins with down now we're aiming up top and that's again about a pins width down about about give or take some so i would have keep that in mind that's still a pretty large group so what i want to do is i want to go i'm going to shoot this with my 48 2.0 with the red dot and c with the same ammo and see if it's just my eyes being stupid and i'm not using the irons correctly or something or if a red dot will help actually get something better results or if it's just a if it's a barrel thing so let's check that out real quick all right five rounds again this time out of the 48 2.0 with a red dot see we have a red dot in there and same thing off of a rest everything's marked down there so we should be good let's just go straight for the middle here we go all right locked open and everything from what i can see down here that looks really good so let's go check it out okay so that is better in my opinion it's still not the very best i know this is my very first shot because i saw it happen we have one two three four five you see that one two three four five so they're in a string which i tend to do that because i pull and i jerk my trigger i know i'm working on it i'm not perfect okay but when you do that i'm pulling and jerking down if that makes any sense i'm very consistent when i do that and it's very bad and it's a bad habit don't do that don't do as i do learn from my mistakes but that being said you look you got three rounds right here one two three and then four or five yeah technically it's a little bit smaller than the other groups um but it's more right on where i'm trying to aim at i mean my very first shot cold bore was right there in the dagger middle can't ask for better than that at 25 yards off of a bench so sorry you can't see my face off of the bench so yes that should be really good should be better than that i was actually thinking all of these shots were the same thing but then when i came up here that's why you have to mark your shots if you're going to do this because these aren't marked so all of these are right there anyway that was interesting so what does all this mean i'm sorry just spun you all around like a merry-go-round what does all this mean um i've kind of gotten distracted on what this whole entire video was about but we're talking about the glock 48 um and accuracy wise actually i think it's probably fine if i was to put a red dot on that which i will here before too long um i think accuracy-wise can be fine i think it's gonna be great i have no problems with it at all i think it's gonna be perfectly fine no issues so that's that's an exciting thing i think i think it's gonna be really cool to see as this guy develops as i'm able to put more rounds through it no functioning issues i'm i didn't expect any functioning issues i know by as far as i can tell they didn't change anything about the gun except for the optic cut and the and the light cut or the light rail accessory rail whatever you want to call it so i wasn't expecting anything grandiose right the trigger feels the same as that trigger that trigger stock this trigger stock it's all working the same um but to stack them up against each other it's really kind of stupid because they're the same gun pretty much i mean technically they're different barrels and you do have different optics right but uh yeah we'll put optics on this thing and do that so anyway guys if you have any specific questions about the glock 48 mls hit me up let me know i will try to figure out the answer for you i do know as of today um i know surefire x300 big old moth or whatever it's fine around my camera i know the surefire x300 will not fit the streamlight tlr-1 hl will not fit the streamlight tlr-7a almost does but it will not fit um last one i have yet to try a buddy of mine has it is the olight uh mini pl2 valkyrie or something like that i think is what it's called little bitty light kind of modular kind of thing 600 lumens that's my best bet i don't think it's gonna work uh i think for the same reasons that the uh the streamlight tr-7a won't work just will not clamp down hard enough it just they didn't make that into the system to be able to overly tighten on a regular rail which is fine because you know normal people would use the normal rail instead of a proprietary thing so you have to get a proprietary light unless you're some people trying to make money anyway i have yet to test that one out but i'm going to here before too long so yeah if you have questions about that let me know um otherwise we're going to keep booking on with this thing truck it on booking on whatever and i've got a a swamp fox sentinel coming out pretty soon to try to mount that to this guy and i think that'll be pretty cool um and then i gotta get holsters and all the whole nine yards this is an entire it's almost like starting over because you got to get a whole new thing because this won't fit a regular holster it just doesn't fit if the rail's too big ironically enough anyway thank you all for watching subscribe and everything i'm going to shut up you'll be good to be safe and hopefully we'll catch you all in the next video
Channel: Caleb Downing
Views: 34,386
Rating: 4.8166385 out of 5
Keywords: Garage Gunsmithing, Glock 48, Glock 48 MOS, Glock MOS, Accuracy Test, Function Test, Glock Slimline, Glock Slim Line, First Shots, Railed Glock 48, Glock 48 2.0
Id: 12mz1XUDnJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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