Glock 17 vs Glock 19: Is There A Difference?

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hello everyone this is Steven from the even Steven Channel today look at my throat we have a little bit of a comparison video We compare my glock uh my glock 19. versus Glock 17. is there a difference is it a big deal so first open up the boxes oh I'm a little zoomed down more than I thought it was like it shows at the same time so this might be a replacement I'm not sure about that I'm not sure when I got that piece so we have two guns here Glock model 19 Glock model 17. both are nine millimeter Striker Fired polymer framed semiomatic handguns they're quite similar however this is the compact or the midsize gun and this is the full size gun so we'll explore the idea of is it a big difference or not so it came with the gun both guns they both came with gun locks they both came with the MOs plates these are the both the MOs variants so I I couldn't have made these two guns any more similar besides being without being the same model they both came with three magazines they both came with some kind of magazine loader notice how these are a little different over the years Glocks just use different variety I think this is an older one that I picked up as a replacement and this is the one this came with kind of cool both literature these both came with back straps and I I ding the Glock 17. my Glock 19 came with four back straps you know basically uh the moment without the backstrip at all is considered small and you have a you know a medium and a large and you have medium width or without the beaver tail they're large without beaver tail the Glock 17 and I couldn't find it only came with two back straps either the medium or the large only with the beaver tail and this piece right here this kind of thing that kind of holds again all together was kind of just smaller it was just a smaller piece it wasn't really designed to hold the back strap like this and I I simply couldn't have found I simply can't find that both come with brushes both come with pull through rods so they are pretty similar in how they're packaged with the exception of this only come with two back straps where I feel like it really should have come before should we uh should we get rid of these boxes I guess so so we're gonna we're gonna I guess stay with the idea of having the Glock 19 on the left and the Glock 17 on the right she has my camera should kind of pull down anymore no that's it and that's what the table is Glock 19 versus Glock 17. we'll just take a look at them if you line them up by the trigger guard I'm gonna show this as best I can on camera you can see that there is a actually a substantial difference in the grip of the guns and you can see that the grip of the Glock 17 kind of Curves more where the Glock 19 kind of has a little more of an angle to it a little more of a steeper angle with the clock 17 kind of flattens out and going this way do that properly this is about looking at it and trying to show as best I can this is about half an inch longer in the slide in the barrel I don't think it's a full about half an inch falling apart so we're gonna go compare these bottom to top start with the bottom so start with the magazines so the standard capacity for the Glock 19 is 15 rounds standard capacity for the Glock 17 is 17 rounds however these are both reduced capacity magazines for the reduced capacity politicians that run the state of New Jersey and notice how I talked about how this has kind of a more squared off or more flatter bottom to it compared to the Glock if you actually line these up you'll see that they don't the Glock 17 goes forward more you can see it there as well if I try to line up from the bottom now Glock 17 mags will fit in the Glock 19. but again you see how that almost curve to it where the Glock 19 is it has a little more of a sharper angle where the Glock 17 kind of flattens out more uh is more parallel to you know to the floor to the ground interesting wise you know with the exception of that weirdness of the of the bottom you know they they are pretty much identical these are both Gen 5 magazines with the follower and you know the Glock 17 whole 17 around the clock 19 holes 15 rounds the grip I'll save the grip of the Glock 19 kind of just feels better in my hand it's just big enough to fill my hand and kind of no bigger than it needs to be so the the appeal of the Glock 19 is that it's you know big enough to handle like a full-size gun let's put some stuff on here I don't know I want to fill up this uh fill up the space with some stuff I don't know this is Buckshot it's even part is even part of that go with that uh the Glock 19 is big enough to handle like a full-size gun but small enough to maybe Flex into like a concealed carry roll I think it's still a bit thick for a concealed carry gun these are both 1.2 inches wide both of them but there's something about the Glock 19 grip that just does it for me and when I hold the Glock 17 it just feels like a substantially bigger gun it doesn't fit my hand as well I can get I've shot this gun plenty and I've I've shown on camera I've shown Targets on on camera of me shooting this I can shoot this gun fine however there's something about the Glock 19 grip it just does it for me personally if I uh someone asked me to mention this I have large size hands if I was going to wear a mechanics mechanics brand gloves I would buy large size mechanics brand gloves and just personally this just seems a little bit too big for me it doesn't quite fit my hand as well for whatever reason you know we're all individuals you know if I was a soldier or a police officer and I was just giving this gun hey this is your gun I don't care if it fits your hand or not uh screw on the back straps if it still doesn't do it for you I don't care it's your gun but as civilians we can kind of pick and choose what we want so I'm going to give the Glock 19 heads up on ergonomics and which Glocks aren't super great about that anyway although the Gen fives have gotten better in that regards they both have you know the texturing all around these are both Gen 5 MOS Glocks the Glock 17 seems to have a little bit more of a pronounced hump there just a little bit more I will say that I noticed that it's easier for me to actuate the magazine release in my glock 19. then on my Glock 17 strangely enough somehow it just I have to push hard I have to push deeper on this it's noticeable when I do this that I had to push much harder on this magazine links are much deeper on this magazine release to get the magazines to come out I don't know but you know they both have the same slide release on both sides of the gun they both have the same slicerations in the rear forward both of the MOs cuts um these both have the same Truglo night sights I put them on both guns and this one has I think a four inch barrel and this one has like a four and a half inch barrel now I did weigh them that was interested I think there was a point where Glock claimed that these two guns weighed the same and I actually checked glock's website they don't say it anymore but I have the Glock let me get like I have a wrote down I have a Glock 19 weighing uh 24.69 ounces I have a Glock 17 weighing 25.93 ounces so about an ounce and a quarter heavier on the Glock 17 which is that a big deal for most people probably not an ounce and a quarter probably isn't the end of the world however I think there was a point where Glock said that the Glock 17 o'clock 19 weighed the same and both of those measurements that I had are heavier than what the what the clock website says I guess it's possible if you take off this rail and these back straps you could save an ounce I think glock's website said that Glock 19 weighed like 23 ounces or 23 point something ounces so uh there's some discrepancies there maybe I took off this I took off the back strap uh maybe I could get to glockstated Glock stated uh weights see the trigger is something different shouldn't it really should be the same gun seems fine clock Gen 5 triggers are okay but nothing spectacular [Music] the same just relax the slides a little bit see if anything seems to be different there this this kind of been shut a lot so this one seems a little bit smoother um but this gun has been shot substantially more than that gun so um it might just be individual examples of guns let's take them apart I was gonna put these magazine back Sigma apart real quick see what I mean jarringly different and honestly they really shouldn't be because it shouldn't be all that different look the frames let's see do these so notice how these lugs um say look I'm having trouble lining these two up okay notice how the uh slide rails here are not spaced the same way having trouble uh angling this correctly but in the back looks more the same then as you go forward you see how things are spaced out it's a little bit differently okay well interesting there and the slides we got those look a little more similar I got the recoil springs you see if they're sized differently should be yeah I want just a little actually one substantially from the other barrels yeah right all right I actually have never really done this myself so I'm I'm kind of looking along with you but [Music] there's nothing ground breakingly different about these guns foreign I haven't really shot either of these guns together in a long time so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to pause for a second I'm gonna take both guns to the range maybe I'll do a little bit of side by side shooting I'll shoot them together um maybe I'll get some test targets together and I'll see if there's any noticeable difference in the accuracy which I wouldn't expect but hey let's do it so I'll be back in a minute and then we'll come talk about this some more and we're back now it was interesting for me to actually shoot these guns side by side because I tend not to do that because they're you know they're kind of so similar I tend not to shoot them at the same time so it was interesting for me to not only shoot them together but also really pay attention to how they were shooting and honestly I have to say that the Glock 17 while I said hey you know what um this grip doesn't quite fit me as well I don't quite like it actually shooting the rip didn't seem to bother me and actually shooting this the fact that it is one ounce heavier Maybe and the fact that it is physically a bigger gun uh made it a little easier to manage that recoil a little easier to get those follow-up shots now the Glock 19 is still fine I still I still like a lot um but it was interesting how there was just a little bit more snap in the gun and the Glock 17 seemed to seem to do a little better as far as just kind of managing recoil and getting good follow-up shots and well I just I just before said that the [ __ ] didn't quite fit me as well as I the Glock 19 does actually shooting it the Glock 17 was kind of fine however did a couple of 25 yard shots and I felt that still as much as I felt like that Glock 17 was shooting better my groups were Glock 19 were simply better so on the left is the Glock 19. no more uh this is 25 yards so one two three four five 25 yards this is a Glock 17. one two three four five a lot more spread out in fact I'm a little surprised maybe I was just having an off day I don't know but uh you usually get a little tired of that 25 yards but this is still combat accurate this is you know however like the size of my hand two hands whatever it is I'm hitting tripods I'm trying to do this uh however big this group this target is it looks like it's about 10 yards tall it's like 10 inches tall um that's still combat accurate another Target this is Glock 19 25 yards one two three four and I knew I pulled one off the left when I was shooting it's only a four on here it's a little bit tighter but still it's a little bit tighter than this now that's a little better so that's Glock 17 now so this is Glock 19. Glock 17 25 yards that's a little bit better maybe if I uh worked on that over an extended period of time I could tighten these up because again uh that was my first 25 yard shot the Glock 17 and that's my second so that's tightening up a little bit and it's a little more uh what I was expecting but I would say that while I thought I was shooting the Glock 17 better because it seemed like I was managing The Recoil a little bit better and the follow-up shots came a little faster um I actually shot the Glock 19 better so that kind of surprised me I was getting ready to give the Glock 17 the the nod there however um it might just be because I'm very accustomed to the Glock 19 I've had this one for several years I owned one before um I've simply owned it longer than I own the Glock 17. I meant the Glock 19 I didn't play misspoke there I I've owned this Glock 19 for a long time and I'm it's possible I'm just more accustomed to it kind of surprise me be honest I was expecting Glock 19 is better so are there any conclusions we can draw from this well there's a lot of factors that go into certain things like this you know the individual shooter individual guns either individual examples of guns um and I I was when before I started this video I was ready to say o'clock 19 is better you don't need it you know you don't need actually you don't need the exercise you don't need a gun this big I was ready to say the Glock 19 is just perfectly fine however after shooting them side by side I'm kind of surprised I guess that's why you actually do something you do something to know it and my final conclusions are a little more inconclusive and I think what it comes down to with the Glock 19 the Glock 17 and what size gun in general you want really depends on what you want to do you know if you could only have one gun that had to flex into a bunch of different roles like Home Defense concealed carry range gun you know Glock 19 might be a better all-around gun but if you wanted something specific for competition or home defense and who had other guns to go along with it in your inventory then maybe a Glock 17 would be a better choice or maybe you have extra large hands you know even with my large size hands my hands just barely yeah you know with the Glock 19 was a lot more exaggerated the Glock 19 my my hand is basically extending over the frame just barely and even with the Glock 17 there isn't a whole lot of space here so it really might depend on your hand size your preference and exactly what you want to do with the gun and I guess that's about it it really depends on what you want and what fits you best which uh they really shouldn't be surprised uh and at this point I don't think I have anything else to add to the conversation uh Glock 19 versus Glock 17 Glock 17 verse 19. it's really what about what you want to do with it and what gun seems to fit you best so if you have the opportunity to try to shoot both if you have the opportunity to shoot both and and then see which one bets best fits you so this will be Steven from the even Steven Channel please do all that like sharing subscribing I will see you next time thank you and goodbye
Channel: The Even Steven Channel
Views: 37,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glock 17, Glock 19, Glock 45, Glock 22, Glock 23, Glock 34, Glock 17 vs. Glock 19, Glock 17 vs Glock 19, Glock 17 versus Glock 19, Glock 19 vs. Glock 17, Glock 19 vs Glock 17, Glock 19 versus Glock 17, 9mm, shooting, home defense, range gun, Glock, Glock 17 vs 19, Glock 19 vs 17
Id: Uq3gXmamXgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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