What God Told Me About Pastor Chris Part 1 with Prophet Uebert Angel & Bishop Cei Dewar

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welcome to god's heroes with me your host bishop kaid you are joining me in the good news studios for an incredible revelation our highly esteemed prophet hubert angel prophet is wonderful to have you back yes thank you thank you so much and i am truly blessed not only to have you sitting in front of me but because i get to ask you a very very important few questions i want to start by saying this i'm a well-traveled man like yourself i know been to over 50 countries traveled around the world preached to tens of multiple tens of thousands of people and everywhere i go one name keeps coming up whether it's pictures billboards churches ministry in fact to the best of my knowledge at one point over two billion people were connected to one man of god pastor chris yeah yeah now i know the relationship that you have with him so i want to ask you as we get things going can one man really have such a global impact thank you so much i think the the the biggest issue with a lot of people is when they hear those numbers because they are so astronomical yeah they can't quite uh really really get to that number in their heads you know they're thinking what is happening but the reality is when when one man has the ability to touch so many people at different levels you're talking about uh across the divide uh different social stratifications and he is the word that resonates with everybody so the the men of god has actually managed to reach everybody whatever age is a message for them but but that's very very but let's look at britain because britain pays for me plays a very key okay structure in this pastor chris has reached every everybody from here even here from the average person in the street to the queen of england and had everybody from those levels in his meetings in the united kingdom i think when when you say that when he said can one man change the world let me just explain this can one man change the world it is actually uh who pastor chris is you know the answer is in who he is you know when you are around him you kind of have this sense that if i can only love jesus the way he does yes i would have done what i i came here to do you understand and and he is a man of one thing and it is only men of one thing that overcome the world that actually take over the world one thing can you explain that a little bit more for us for for example jesus said for this reason was i born yeah uh one thing uh when when they tried to make him king he ran away why it was off what he was called to do that one thing paul says for one thing i desire i do to pursue this thing and focus on one thing forgetting everything and focusing on what is ahead so it is one it is it is these men that are that have one focus that changed the world and it is possible to really change the world with one man i think if you if you look at um what we have here in britain um i think it was descending into paganism we're talking about ten thousand prostitute plying playing the the streets of london uh widespread i'm talking about widespread moral decadence and and immorality it was all over london london life was actually licentious and and decadent is as william hagg said in um he's a biographer of william wilberforce but then rose a few people you you won't say wesley was there and all these guys really really did a lot the angling church actually congregants were actually going down the congregation was going down uh 250 years prior to that the whole thing was going into paganism yeah and two names wesley came in whitfield came in oh as they want to call him whitefield came in just imagine in the 17th just late 17th one one one seven eight hundred one came in who actually did uh studied 300 or so uh cell groups and church groups uh children's church and then came this uh wesley whitefield we're talking about at one time after they came in when a nation was now descending into chaos into paganism we're talking about six million children in britain when sunday school so so we're talking about just imagine yeah we're talking about just a few names yeah three names that i've just mentioned so far all right and they were changing the whole of of the the fabric of the community in britain changing from paganism and back to to to christianity so pastor chris is a force right this minute pastor chris is a force he's an army so let me know chris is like it's like a majority on his own okay that's true yeah but let me kind of put it into context so because we see such a global decadence are you saying that because he's a man who's truly identified the one thing that's why he's able to have such a global impact that plus the message he's sent to minister you know it is so simple but it is a powerful or uh it is a powerful revelation it's a powerful revelation that you can't deny if you hear it you'll be like where have i been all along now that's one thing but you see one thing you can copy past the chris from one to z from a to z you can copy him you can even have his mannerisms but if you don't have his spirit you can produce what he's producing right now so there are a lot of people that are copying him they they see people they lay hands on people they blow on people just like pastor chris and with different results why because the spirit of the man or what drives him is not what drives others i'm by no means saying he's the only man of god on earth he himself would not even uh love to hear me say that and remember i'm not a spokesperson nor is representative well i'm glad you said that and the reason i'm glad that you've said that is because we know you are a man who has identified the one thing that he was created to do you are a global force in yourself the evidence is documented on social media on youtube around the world newspapers have written about you the press have have followed you good and bad forbes magazine identified you as a man who has presidents national leaders celebrities on speed dial you are a global force unto yourself for what a better term and yet we had an incredible opportunity to witness you submitting yourself even to the point of kneeling to pastor chris in a truly remarkable defining moment for everybody watching i want to ask you what brought you a man who wouldn't need to surrender himself to anybody to the point of surrendering to pastor chris as your leader as your man of god i think the um let me deal with the kneeling down part i never nailed down to pastor chris not even one day i've never done it i think you've seen photos of me doing it yeah but but i wasn't kneeling down to pastor chris uh one corinthians 14 25 tells us something says if the secrets of your heart being revealed will you not lie down on your face yeah and say surely for and worship god and say surely god is inside you notice you're not kneeling down to the man you're kneeling down to the god inside the man sorry sorry and and listen you can kneel down to the men it doesn't matter it doesn't matter why most people have a problem they think worship is nailing down you can kneel down while this your heart is tending you can actually be standing in your heart while it's kneeling down yeah so it's not the posture it's not the position of your legs and the position of your knees and the position of your hands is simply the position of your heart yeah what really are you honoring the men for i knew down before my mother-in-law nobody says i'm worshiping her yeah i knew down i think you don't have that culture in the british system uh you know in the british society but in africa it's common i can kneel down before my teacher i knew down before my my mother uh you know who is alive right now i knew down when i see it that's not worship it's taken as our culture we honor like that yes all right but when it comes to the men of god suddenly people say oh he's worshiping that's worship it's not worship i've managed to recognize the god inside the man and the bible even says don't kneel he says lie down on your face now i knelt yeah i i i i'm sorry to interrupt you prophet you said something and i think people missed what you said you knelt to the god in him can you call up can you can you explain that just a little bit more because i think people are not quite getting that and that's a very powerful point because of it truly is honoring both pastor chris and the christ flowing through him yes that's why i said um that's why i say them i have to kind of go back to to one corinthians 14 and uh kind of explain that um that that we can kneel down yeah before a man of god because we have recognized the god inside them we've actually seen god all right like moses would look at the benin bush and he does what he removes the shoes all right that's not uh kneeling down before the bush yeah no no no no he's before the bush but he's not kneeling down to the bush no or because of the bush kneeling but because of the god inside of course the bible tells us when you get to uh the book of um i'm that's generically speaking yeah of course i understand the revelation actually when paul comes in he says it was the angel of the lord burning in the bush not god per se as god god god yes yeah so i understand that part i just wanted to to clear that part so so your audience actually know that i'm i'm very very uh knowledgeable when it comes to who was in the bush so then what brought you to the point of making that decision that like i said when you know i am i'm going to submit to pastor chris i think when when you when you get to to a point where you meet a man and his spirit drops off on you and let's let's go back to uh way back when i was growing up uh in in the lord with my wife and and god ministered to me that he was my my spiritual father yeah all right that was way back but i had no access all right and i thank god that i didn't go at that time i really thank god that i didn't i didn't get access at that time because if i had gone at that time my pampers were going to fall off i was too immature yeah you know for what i found i was too immature for the word that i found there was too immature and remember i you know i had reached the heights also at one time i reached the heights yes of what i would call what people would call success in ministry and where everybody's screaming your name and you're filling up stadiums and you're going to a place and everybody's mentioning you in peppers and newspapers and prisons are calling you and heads of state are calling you and we're talking about celebrities are calling in fact i would go to at one time i was with um pasariki and we went to hollywood yeah and i remember that night we went to this awards ceremony and we had all these these celebrities there and they knew my name and they were nicodemously asking for prophecies you know and you'd stand there and give them this god is saying this and this happened yesterday and you dreamt this and this means this and i was so excited and that night i remember we then ended up at somebody else who if i mentioned the name here people were like no way and i was there and you get all these celebrities in one place and and they are known everywhere you talking about ladies men everyone and just imagine that's your name going up there so your head can actually go up there you understand so i saw so there was a need yeah for me to reconnect but god told me something about pastor chris that in this i don't think i have time in this interview to actually tell you all of it so maybe another time we'll do part one maybe and and i i'm sure that they we could record until we run out of tape as we used to say in the old days and still not cover everything but in everything you've said what what was the defining moment that brought you to not just knowing he's my man of god but actually getting you to the point of the gift of access that was given to you for you to begin to understand who he is on a more personal level i would say um when the ground under you start shaking it's god's way of saying it's time to move yeah so some people will never you see there are miracles all right that are only possible at the age of the red sea yeah well prophet i think that is the perfect opportunity for us to pause for a moment whilst we take a short break and we will be right back after these short messages genetics of words and amazon best seller by eubert angel learn how to recreate your world through the supernatural power behind your words get your copy of this riveting book that will transform your language available now at www.youbertangel.org or get a digital copy on amazon kindle how to hear the voice of god by hubert angel learn the secrets to hearing directly from god from this latest edition available to order now from the good news store app order your copy now from the amazon kindle or www.ubertangel.org welcome back to this special edition of god's heroes with me your host bishop kaidua prophet before we took a break you were sharing with us about the global impact of pastor chris the importance of who he is both in this time and this generation but that hasn't fully explained what i really want to know um what makes pastor chris so important to you i think with um uh the question is why pasir chris um i think i would say i am because he is yeah so listen i was um what you call sedentary out of shape and i developed what i would want to call sedentary body fat spiritually so i needed a little bit of uh uh you know gym time yeah spiritual gym time you see i kept late hours and and um and really for non-entities you know when you become too busy doing god's work you don't even have time for god yes i've been there i know that you've been on that feeling a lot of people don't understand that until i heard god say go back to the genesis go back to the beginning understand when you were um like like what i have been you know you see pastor chris becomes very very special to you um i got in too busy too busy with what i would call that god's work until i realized no it wasn't really god's work it was actually me working and thinking god is approving of my working this hard trust me i wasn't doing any other thing that somebody might think it was simply church you know what you do church so much that you forget god yeah i call it churchianity that's different from christianity yeah we become so busy in churchianity yes so i needed that i i i had this this kind of spiritual baggage that i needed one meant to and clogged so to speak yeah you understand yes sir and and puzzle chris was actually the the midwife to that so with with that said then could you i'm not quite sure you could quantify it in words but how would you define pastor chris's impact on you personally and the change that has happened in your life since that connection the change is very astronomical and like i said you know pastor chris i always say it even to my kids pastor chris was needed for me i just needed somebody to you know i realized i had strings in need of mention you understand i was out of tune in certain parts says the singer says i was out of chill in certain parts and you know it's you know that kind of out of tune you know as a man of god that i'm out of tune it's not something like you're going to the pub and you're clubbing no it was just i'm was out of tune in a lot of parts and and i just needed somebody to strum these chords and you know and mend them so that they can produce this the sound that god wanted them to produce so it was more of a refining than uh i think a lot of people don't understand the the the necessity of the mentor mentee relationship that is obvious between yourself and pastor chris and as we come towards the close of part one of this interview i would like to ask one final question and that would simply be in the final few moments can you give us a little snippet of what god has shown you about pastor chris i think the like i say the the things that god would allow you to speak at a certain time so even if i'm going to really give you uh what god said to me about pastor chris today i would not really exhaust everything you you you can understand that there are times i would try and get to little little like you order but uh it's like you you have to try and understand that this is something that god spoke to me yeah um i believe uh you can say it this way the things that if they are saved when people have not matured yeah all right like brother kenneth hagin came one time in uh talking about dying spiritual gifts he wasn't wrong yeah all right that was the time at that time god allowed it to be taught like that because of the growth the church was at that time the level that it was at at that time then of course you read the book of corinthians and then you read the book of romans and realize no there are not nine spiritual gifts they are more yeah it's clear but when brother hagin spoke it he said nine so some people say oh kenneth hagin was wrong he wasn't it was at that time so revelation is progressive yes sometimes if i mention exactly what god told me about pastor chris somebody who has got his own church will be like what are you saying what do you mean who has got their own spiritual father black what do you mean what are you saying yes whereas i'm just talking about what he showed me all right so the things that i would not really go into depth when when when we're really talking but it was um uh way back in in 2008 uh december of 2008 and and it was a time when god was really working with me with regards to to a lot of this uh sedentary body fat that uh i refer to early on and i was really really deep in the things of god just praying trying to kind of you know unclog myself you you you talk about self-deliverance yeah you get the point getting deep into things and trying to bring myself back by force you know as kenneth again used to say if you can study in the spirit set up in the flesh it would wind up in the spirit so so you see your spirit is in the wrong direction and really really getting very clogged and you're trying to get the flesh to force your spirit back there but you were in a unique position because you recognized that there's a lot of people that don't recognize it yeah because when you are so busy doing god's work you think you're actually talking to god yes because i would go to stadiums healings will take place prophecies god will still speak through me and i would pray that prayer that you would need to pray when you were going to a crusade and then god wanted more time with me yeah and i didn't have more time with him but i had more time for him you see see a lot of people just missed what you just i didn't have more time with him i had more time for him in other words i was so busy working in church having programs teaching visitors around the world people would visit around the world to the extent that even the minister of tourism in the country that i was in at that time said i was one of the biggest uh tourism uh enders you understand enes when it comes to to tourists in the country just imagine how it become uh a tourist attraction yeah you get an appointment you had a huge economic impact on them you have yep still have yeah yeah just now in many nations now but still have uh but nothing changed trust me things have gone they've grown we are now watch this we are over 150 branches now you understand every continent we are there that's right so you're saying every sunday we watch it by 14 to 17 million people that's not a small thing it's a big thing yes now so so it's not that uh but i wasn't getting those numbers i was getting a certain number but i was really really i think uh looking back i think you you become big headed without knowing you're big headed yeah you're getting the point so so with that in place i thought let me bring my flesh rain in my flesh and then force myself in the spirit yeah you get the point you know i would say okay you you do this for me i'm talking to god so you identified a need within yourself to to to reign in everything that was going on exactly get yourself under subjection get yourself back under god yes and move things forward not that i was outside of god i was just too busy that i didn't have time with god so the shift was more a personal relationship with him reducing my forward to with yeah so so less of the work more of the intimacy intimacy with him more time with him he needed more time with me and i thought i was actually giving more time by giving more time to his work you know where everybody was coming i would bring them in and what do you want don't sit here i'm going to do this i'm going to prophesy to you tell you what god is saying everyone people were visiting and i would sit down with them you're getting the point it still happens here and there but uh now i give more time to god you see even when i'm doing a service i think you have had when we are live and i would say i need to go yes we have our time i i've been in the service yeah you've been here so i fully understand and and you are very much a man that is focused around your relationship with god your intimacy with him which is really where as we kind of draw to a close in this first part and i hate that our time is so short on this but i would hope that so it is in that time i understand what you're trying it is in that time that i received a vision from god okay can you explain that vision just a little bit the vision i i had was to deal with um oral roberts all right of blessed memory who who passed away december 2009 i believe uh and this was a year before that see when i received this vision december in fact the actual debt uh that he then passed on the following year getting the point for exactly a year a year before so and i'm talking about exactly a year before and um and i'm in in in my house in in newark and i'm seeing this you know my previous home in new york and i'm seeing this vision and i'm sitting there and it's an open vision all right open vision some people don't know what open visions are and we can get into details it's just like we're sitting here and and i can read uh um the the newspaper like i i'm seeing it in the natural yeah and your eyes are open and you see it then i'm seeing this call box i don't know what you telephone booth when you say a telephone booth do you mean like the old london telephone box yeah i think you you in wells you have yeah yeah you have it you know we still got a few of the old ones yeah you know in these places we are done with them they are obsolete now but in worlds you still have them uh that's why i love words we always believe that we're 50 years behind the times but uh so so you have this vision of the callback time travel for me coming to england is always a journey into the future um so here you are december 2008 you see this call box so what's the significance of the phone box here's what is happening and i get this call box and i'm thinking wait a minute what is this in the vision and i know it's a vision because it's an open vision and i see this receiver dangling it wasn't on the on what it was supposed to be it was dangling and i'm thinking somebody left the phone like that yeah but this is a vision why does that what does it mean maybe god wants me to rush and listen it's something you know i've been envisioned a lot of times and so have you um you you can question those things you know and i've god has given me the ability that i can actually come out of a vision and take my notebook and write notes and then go out of the vision and come back so i thought let me go and i said no no i'll wait let me just rush and answer that phone before i did that i realized before i got to the phone book there was brother or roberts of blessed memory and he's holding that phone and he grabbed that phone and he listened to that phone and he began to speak some words that i couldn't hear and i'm thinking that's brother or roberts i have my my idea was you know i do a few months and i fly to america uh i just go to oral robots go to all these places visit uh brother kenneth hagin's uh house in texas where he saw a lot of visions and just just not to gain anything just just just to put geography under my feet yeah so to speak but there was a significance and i wanted to also visit uh the brother branham's church and and stuff like that just to see where he was just for i'm interested in those things and i'm seeing brother oral roberts and i'm like wow i need to see this man and as i watched i see him being swooned into the you know when somebody turns into like glory smoke like white smoke and then gets swooned through those you know these perforations literally on the sucked into the sucked into the phone and i could see the heavens open like the clouds were opening it was like they were running out of skeleton like something had happened that the clouds themselves became alive in the way conscious of what was taking place and it opened up and light fell on that telephone booth and i'm thinking my god where did he go and i looked again and back to no more and the phone is dangling i'm like i'm not touching that receiver you know i don't know where oral roberts went in the vision though but i know he's a vision so you know he's not gone he's somewhere there and i something that i know is the holy ghost told me go grab that phone and listen in and listen and i'm thinking i'm going to talk to or a robot yeah and i'm listening in listening in and i hear this max no hello no good afternoon angel how are you how are the kids nothing that's why i always think you know when people talk they they have all these pleasantries that are just nonsensical how is the weather how are the kids are you a doctor yeah you know you can tell you can tell we just need to say those things and i hear this this man marks the generation that wanted to hear from me directly yeah now watch this and i'm thinking no no no no no i want to hear you know i'm just thinking it i'm not saying it you know you know when god speaks sometimes it's a problem you can't you can't you know try and argue sometimes you know you don't know why you didn't even give an argument oh you know oh you know so i'm thinking oh my god what about the other men of god what is taking place yeah he said and these ones did not want to build their own empires they took ministry as my ministry it was their ministry but it was only their ministry as chewers no matter who said what about them they were concentrating on heaven said but there is another one man this one man is still in this generation but all robert max or roberts marks the end of the generation and i'm thinking robots marks the end of the generation but there is a still another man who is in the generation i'm thinking what is taking place and in my spirit i'm starting to search in my spirit who can that man be who can that man be so i had two names that i had in my spirit like maybe this one maybe that one maybe this one maybe this one and boom it came morris cyrilla and i think that marks the perfect point for us to take another short break and when we come back we will dig deeper into the vision that you had and what god spoke to you in that moment we'll be right back after these few messages how to hear the voice of god by hubert angel learn the secrets to hearing directly from god from this latest edition available to order now from the good news store app order your copy now from the amazon kindle or www.ubertangel.org genetics of words an amazon bestseller by eubert angel learn how to recreate your world through the supernatural power behind your words get your copy of this riveting book that will transform your language available now at www.youbertangel.org or get a digital copy on amazon kindle welcome back to god's heroes well i i hope you've been watching the first few parts of this interview this has been mind-blowing from my standpoint but we're not finished on this journey prophet before we took a break we were talking about you standing in a phone booth talking to the voice and the holy spirit drops a name into your spirit maurice cirillo let's pick up at that point and what did god speak to you by the spirit about the late dr cyrillo he then told me that uh the he told me oral robbers he's gonna go home to be with him so i knew exactly when he was going to go home to be with the lord and i really announced it in church that's how i knew that roberts was going you made this public prophecy idea yeah it's public but of course you understand that when you do such a thing uh people are like why is god showing you dead people people dying you know people don't know the difference between death and sleeping yes all right so so so now i hate that i'm thinking i need to see my mind at that time wasn't even on the things that god was talking about yeah it was simply the issue that i needed to see this guy so there was another one arranged yeah 12 months now that i get left yeah yeah now 12 months left for me to see this man did you do it no i did not okay i couldn't find a way at that time you know that was way back i was even trying to find my way to my own spiritual father okay you understand the point that so it's it it's and you know i had no way of doing so um maybe i had but you know when you are when you're also rising and people are also finding it difficult to get to you yeah you also think it's also difficult to get to other people yes it just happens like that in life it happens like that in life so i didn't get the chance to meet him but i i then studied some of his books trying to figure out what he was all about and stuff like that and just to see what the impact he so you indirectly had a relationship directly of course and also some people that are yeah that are around the men yeah all right so so i i would know you know and they would tell him that i'm you know that kind of thing so it's it's not i wasn't looking for a relationship i just wanna i'm i'm fascinated by god's generals fascinated by god's heroes very very fascinating that's why i like the the program god's heroes i'm fascinated i like to see what god is doing with a man because imagine the creator of the universe the one who sits in the circumference of himself yes uh the august the one who is really who we can't outlive and can't live without that same god chooses a man human flesh and say you i want to use you yeah i i i it fascinates me it blows my mind that god would choose it blows my mind that god chose me exactly see when when we talk about it humbles us people think oh you're just kind of you know uh trying to you know play a trick on us the reality is to think uber angel uh can speak to the creator of the universe the one who said let there be and it was who reached out into nowhere and kept something that was not there because there was nothing that was there to carry it from and then told it to stay there and called it earth and it stayed obeying his word that same one who created adam and eve that same one is the one who speaks to me that that's i'm speaking to every believer that's that's crazy that's crazy yeah i'm just talking about me you understand just me but for everybody watching they have that same thing i have the same ability there's that same opportunity to have a relationship with him but i don't think they really got deeper to say god who created the universe talking to me he came down to die for me forget about other people you so the moment you say we you lose it yeah so just on that point and i i don't want to linger it because i want you to finish what you're talking about the vision and i'm trying to run away from it i'm going to keep pulling you back we'll get this vision out of you tonight uh today i mean i'll be the midwife and we'll we'll birth this for the people watching that relationship is open to every one of us and we simply have to acknowledge the majesty the magnitude and the marvelousness of the creator with whom we are invested in relationship is that what you were saying to us yeah so you you have this august moment and take us further on that journey of the vision in those regions like i told you i can't go deep on it for reasons that i'm best known to myself and some of the things that i mentioned some of the reasons that i mentioned but i would say this he began to talk to me about dispensations and of course i have had people talking about dispensation this dispensation this disposition you know it's used loosely in the in christendom yeah but when god begins to actually explain what a disposition is i had no idea that when he put the fivefold ministry in place he actually put his own five-fold ministry himself yes in every disposition in other words in every dispensation there is what is called the main apostle in that disposition it has nothing to do with age and there is a prophet for that dispensation i'm not saying they are not other prophets there are many other prophets many other apostles but god in every dispensation has an apostle for the dispensation so you you're talking about uh let's use the the prophetic as you and i both know it um and we know you to be the godfather of the modern day prophetic movement you're saying that in a dispensation with a multitude of prophets god raises a singular one peasant and human apostle you might even say oh i know a better prophet than this one i know a better prophet than that one that god doesn't matter about doesn't care about that he's talking about what he said this one is so this is god's choice this is god's choice i'm saying for this dispensation i have five pillars that i call the main ones then i have many other ones just like in the days of the like where you was told i have 700 in other scriptures say seven thousand yeah uh other prophets that have not knelt down the guy didn't they know they were other prophets but who was the main one so so the the five significant voices of the five-fold ministry rise up as five pillars that basically support the dispensation and work exactly exactly that means they become the standard for what god is doing so if we were to say that um prophet hubert angel is the the dispensational prophetic voice what you what we're saying is through your voice in the prophetic god sets the standard for a dispensary for this position that you will find that everybody who starts prophesying they will copy the way you do it and then so the same then you realize wait a minute why are you copying this guy yeah so it would be the same with pastor chris kind of in the apostolic mandate in a dispensation i think you were explaining my vision well i i i hope that we i'm trying to draw it out of you um you know you and i have shared in our private conversations we both saw something prophetically by the spirit concerning uh dr cyrillo it was a year before yeah a year before you died we were in the same building um although not talking to each other at the time when i turned to another friend of ours and said to him within 12 months dr cirillo will have made his transition home 11 months to the day dr cyrillo left the earth exactly now no just imagine that that what you when you told me there's something i was shown about mauricio i told you immediately that oh that the guy is going yeah but there's something that i added in that conversation and that we both had to agree on on what god had told me about the disposition uh that time and the year before the death he also told me and said that time is about to come yeah but hear this said i am skipping a generation this is what we talked about now watch this and i said degeneration you said a dispensation yep now news is i'm skipping a disposition in other words between maurice cerullo dispensation and the makkah who was oral robots yes right all right there is a dispensation that god left yes i did not say god says is they're not my people yeah he did not use that disposition yeah so he said the time is so short just skip the distance he skipped the dispensation because we we look across the world now and there are for want of a a church term spiritual fathers within a generation above ours we've of similar age that it seems to all observers god has still continued to use them they're being used but they're not the dispensation exactly you skip that dispensary there is a greater dispensation in the generation immediately our generation so somebody who hears me talk will know somebody like that yes and be like what are you talking about but what about this one what about this in their head but that's a dispensation that god told me i've skipped yes i said i skipped the gen generation i skipped the disposition and i've come to a disposition that the apostle in christianity of christendom is pastor chris yes now i told you so just imagine imagine this is a repeat of what he had told me that back then yeah now that repeat now is something that is repeated and when i'm already there but before i got to the second rows of of person chris and knowing uh uh him in the in the way i know him now okay uh and remember he's not my friend all right uh he's friendly uh he's not my friend of course people may argue those things but he's not my friend a friend leaves you the way you are a father and a mentor is like a fire under your feet he's not a brother he's not a friend leaves fire under your feet put fire under your feet so you can move now you can say yeah but he's a brother so since we're all brothers that's him that's nice brother uh branham we call him brother branham because he wanted to be called brother branham yeah but don't be stupid there has to be a dis you don't have to be stupid follow the humility of the man and start calling him by the title he uses when he's humble see my spiritual father addresses me to his other people as my friend sometimes he refers to me as my son in the lord i've never once thought i am his friend i know the distinction that's my mentor my pastor my father whatever term you want to use so you acknowledge that with power i acknowledge that and a lot of times pastor chris even when he's talking to me he will say prophet angel uh prophet angel and i say oh you mean you've been angel yeah and then you repeat prophet angel's like you mean you're an angel you understand that you understand so so don't get confused by that and a lot of people have a problem pride gets us confused when we hear a man of that uh of his caliber saying it yeah and then think yeah he's my friend he's my guy you know it's my brother but your firm you're firmly rooted in the knowledge that you're the mentee he is the mentor oh definitely 100 i cannot be confused i cannot be confused others may but i won't be confused and why because when god started telling me that watch this that's like um her brother over roberts died in 2009 then in 2010 i'm now really on the years trying to find pastor chris yeah so the the transition of of dr roberts begins a journey towards relationship yes but what's this i was already a son and a mentee yeah way before this but now we're talking about the personal connection but that personal connection for me to hunger for it more was not because i had been told that this is your spiritual father i was told way back before i got the vision of oral roberts what pushed me was the dispensation issue i realized by the holy spirit that i needed to be on the right side of history so you aligned yourself i wasn't in the wrong side of history no by the way but i needed to align perfectly with god's will i needed that i realized wait a minute this is just not my father this is just not my mentor it's not just my life coach i've just been told about a dispensation here being skipped and this man is the apostle of the dispensation and i'm thinking wait a minute i need to do anything uh if if it meant burning all bridges i would bend all bridges to just get to the lead of the dispensation that's all i wanted you shifted yourself for a supernatural shift that's it that's a good one and i'm going to use that i won't cut you you yeah that's fine well you know all preachers say the first time we repeat something we say so and so said then the next time i was like i heard it somewhere then god's told me so so in this in this transition can you take us a little bit i mean we don't have enough time to describe the whole journey take us the the journey from knowing i've got to make the shift to the first time you stand face to face let me say let me say to to cut the long story short uh or the short story long uh to be to to the point i was tired of me yeah i just wanted to be uh a better husband a better teacher a better christian i just wanted to be a better person um around others so so and pastor chris has made the difference so so i'm i was tired of me i didn't want what i had seen i i didn't want anything like that so i wanted a difference so aligning yourself making the decision to now pursue relationship with pastor chris and not from the point of you weren't already in a relationship but to deepen to strengthen to widen that relationship the result of it is his impact has a huge personal impact on you a massive impact on your ministry and from what i know about you both as my friend and from the things that we've read there's a unique moment in all of this transpiring where the hubert angel i knew of many years ago suddenly becomes the hubert angel i know today a man of global vision and global impact can you kind of elaborate and define that personal impact and the change that has given you this global vision i would say like like you already know i was on tv um i had my own still have now we have five channels now and we now have a secular television as well but before that you know we had only one channel miracle tv and we were also on faith uh as we think it was faith world at that time so we were already going around the world but i didn't have a global mindset all right yeah i was too local to be global all right that's good so yes i knew this one knows me this one knows me i would see visitors coming from all those countries and stuff like that but like i said i was tired of me possibly gave me a kind of global mindset to realize that we can disciple nations is written in the word imagine we can disciple nations to actually say uh uh britain is my soul group do you understand do you understand how how that you see when you read some things in the bible and when you see one man actually doing it two different things reading about it and seeing another man doing it two different things was that the catalyst for you that was kind of leading this seeing seeing a man exercising his faith yeah i didn't go there to see a man just flying and on you know above clouds and and uh you know walking in the air no i saw a man exercising his faith and then i realized wait a minute the global impact you're talking about over two billion people watching it once now some people are like oh it's not possible because they have not seen it possible all right they don't even have 100 people yeah so they're thinking how can you get to billions it's so easy to calculate those things because you can see the number of gadgets that have actually tuned in you can tell like this and we have sometimes when they're doing like healing school uh like registrations they get up to about 200 million people registering that's not that and pastor chris is not even preaching yeah and the people that are registering no he's not preaching do you understand that that's the impact you're talking about a membership that is over 50 million membership people that have managed to go and sign up and say we are part of this you understand how difficult it is to sign up on something and feeling fill up your form and you're not receiving a gift yeah you understand so christ embassy's pretty much become a nation unto itself it is that's why it's called love world because they i mean they're bigger than a lot of smaller countries in the uh i'm telling you bigger than south africa yeah bigger than zimbabwe and combined but that she so you can take zimbabwe and south africa and just put pastor chris then we're like and they could take over yeah it's like you know you understand what i'm saying i'm talking about population here but that means some political opponent might not even hear what i just said like oh so he's just saying you take over i'm talking about the population yeah talking about zimbabwe is what about 13 million uh people south africa 40 million that's like 53 million and the membership of christmas is bigger than that yeah so so his impact on you is is more a mindset shift as well as the spiritual development and the growth and first spiritual yeah first spiritual and then when i started seeing things happening remember i knew already as a young man uh new email words with my wife we knew pastor chris is our father we had seen it in visions we'd seen it everywhere now the only problem that we had was how do we tell him we just want him to know and we couldn't get the access we wanted to get we didn't even know that you need to get access through the messages he preaches yeah because if you see the man and you see the message trust me when you talk to me to him you'll not see the difference see there's a lot of people just miss the power in what you said because they think the only way to have a relationship is the gift in fact the only way to have a real relationship is to listen to the message yeah you don't need a phone call the moment you have a phone call every time you meet somebody your their level of integrity goes down yeah in your head so so you don't need to meet a man of god you need to meet him through his messages and i had no idea i needed the physical touch see when i when i connected with my spiritual father before i made that physics yes sir um before dr murdoch and i became acquainted in a personal relationship i invested almost a thousand hours of my life watching his messages learning his learning his message learning his flow his anointing what god was saying through him so that when the opportunity arose for the personal relationship i was already fully in tune and connected to that ministry that anointing that man of god so you kind of did think i had a mindset to do things the other way around and god takes you through a shift to say no let me let me build relationship between you and pastor chris differently to how we would normally go about it yeah exactly so so i got to to meet him um but remember it is more spiritual because what pushed me see all this time when i was not finding access i just felt like it's not going to happen so but i i know he's my father i know he's my mentor and i told everybody that i was connected with at that time that's my father that's my mentor but i didn't have access and and i didn't even bother going to his meetings i didn't want to i was like you know you should just know me you get you know it happens a lot you know yes sir and the minutes but millions and millions of people who follow and then billions others that are listening and you're thinking you should just call me say i know you you you said and then when you were young in appeals and and immature you think angel should call you just one phone call yeah let him answer on instagram and then you're thinking wait a minute our last um uh the one we did before this one uh this one is still kind of gathering information with the census we did the previous one was over two million people that said they are spirit embers just imagine yeah so just out of those two million somebody can just send a message to facebook and i don't even check the direct the messages there is a team that does that and they're thinking you should answer they'll even say prophet angel answer me please this is my number call me back that's exactly what i thought it should happen you know the only difference was i wasn't sending messages but i just felt like he needs to know i'm his son you know that kind of thing but i got to a point where i got tired of it i'm not doing this anymore i'm not looking for him look if god wants me to meet him he will get me to meet him so i don't want and god directed me to somebody who mentored me for a season at that time and i mentioned to him exactly who pastor chris is and he confirmed it um i think if you know uh some time uh he had to confirm it but watch this i i was pushed mainly by this thing the dispensation issue this threw me off do you understand when you have always wanted to meet somebody you called your father your mentor you watch the videos you watch the messages and all of a sudden god said wait a minute you think he was your father just just your father your mentor let me tell you what he is i skipped the generation i skipped the dispensation to get to his disposition and he's leading that dispensation as an apostle to the dispensation now just imagine not now now just imagine the day i'm like baby we need to look for this man now yeah we need to do anything i remember a brother called mike or paula in in nigeria uh visited my church and i was in um in birmingham and i'm ministering then i'm seeing him and i'm like you come here and i begin to prophesy to him and i said today you'll be in my in my house like what he's he just came from nigeria he doesn't even know that i'm looking for somebody who knows about christ numbers and who knows about pastor chris who i can sit down with and i've been looking for that person and it happens to me that by he's just telling me about pastor chris he starts telling me about the the spiritual side of him and you know you know when we talk about when when men of god talk about things they talk about he's supportive in healing his support no i needed to know the character of the men the way the man the the way the man functions you understand his sunnis he's his his way of thinking his um his quickness of apprehension he's his his doctrine is his mindset i needed to to know the man i needed to know his hunger for jesus i needed to know his relationship with jesus i didn't listen i'd seen the miracles that that's that's not the thing i wanted him to know what is in this man well see i could put that into context between you and i um i knew of you through we mixed in the same circles knew the same preachers but i had heard things about you um fortunately not some of the junk that most people have said about you and so when people don't say anything bad about you be very angry yeah yeah be very sad yeah why because the bible says they have said all good things now watch this says be excited when they don't say good things about you for if they say good things they also said it to the false prophets yes so false prophets receive good things every time uh only good prophets have people dedicating their time going on youtube taking time to talk about one person yeah because if they talk about themselves nobody would listen so i am fortunate that god opens a door to relationship and from our very first conversation that came through a mutual friend bishop mclendon you and i became linkman straight away um you were our first conversation you asked me about something i knew somebody that could help you with it we made it happen first conversation and then i got to know you and the man that i knew that i've come to know now for those watching i call you my friend they don't understand i consider you to be my family you are you know you're my younger brother because i am slightly older than you and you profit you are actually double my age but anyway let's let's go let's go let's go ahead but but but you said jock is a joke in the joke he's right but what people don't understand is in building that relationship the character and the integrity that you have outside of the pulpit to me speaks far more than the ministry you deliver from the pulpit and it sounds to me in what you're saying this is the hunger that you had against knowing pastor chris exactly exactly because most people when they talk about maybe prophet angel be like oh he's so sharp he can prophesy he can do this you get a point those things fake prophets also are sharp you know you can't compete with a fake prophet no you can't fake prophet you can't commit no you can't do you know why because they are faking things yeah they have details before they prophesied how can you compete with that exactly so you cannot then concentrate on talking about somebody's abilities you want to talk about what he likes what is he like does he love the lord jesus the way i see on videos is the character different to what he speaks now that's the point i'm not trying to go into your character i'm just trying to say does it match is there a mirror yeah does he believe the same things that he believed off stage and on stage does he believe the same things you know or is he always in hospitals trying to get healed when when he's claiming that i i don't get sick all right and if he gets sick does he uh rush to get medication or he goes with jesus see there's a difference there's a difference so i then realized this man started talking very well about pastor and you know the things that that that that he loved about the men and other things that i loved about the man and we started saying look and he had not met him and he had stayed there for 20 some years so in the same position you were in yeah but he comes from there yeah he's been he's been in there uh and he's on the inside he's on the inside and he's so excited wow you understand he's not even thinking of let's go and meet him now i'm like no i need to meet him you understand and i'm mature now yeah but at that time i you know stadiums full uh you know heads of state uh you know uh appearing on all these other you know this this this these um these platforms uh like i said one minute i have people screaming my name uh another minute i'm in hollywood with the a-listers and the b-listers and sometimes c-listers and then the next minute i'm feeding the hungry in in punjab i'm feeding the hungry in africa and then the next minute uh i'm crying uh god please touch me yeah so you you had a it's a roller coaster i was on a roller coaster and and it's something that uh when you're live you see you see my life was just a roller coaster you know and it's like i was crying for somebody something i was at the end of my rope wanting somebody to cut me loose yeah you understand yes sir it's like spiritually you want you you can see you want to make ends meet and nobody's making the ends yeah available to meet and and then you realize wait a minute there is a vacuum here but that vacuum can be fed through the woods of the man yeah but i don't have access then god blows your mind and says there is a dispensation i'm like what you mean the dispensation and there is an apostle for their dispensation he said yeah then there is an evangelist for the dispositions like yeah and then there's a prophet with the dispensation yes teach your pastor for the dispensation yes and there are then other pastors very important but in a dispensation have somebody will leave their dispensations angular voices yeah now just on that dispensational issue does god link those five voices in a relationship or do they stand alone in that they can stand alone or one person can have all the offices okay i said a lot you you said something that just i think we just lost about 90 percent of my viewers with that one because for most people it's hard to understand that god could invest so much in one person what about moses look at moses in the old testament he had enough anointing to fit 71 people and remember 71 is actually the number of the sanhedrin yes sir so in one man he had the sanhedrin in one guy until he took the spirit from him and put it to more than 70 people one guy and we're talking about five yeah so god god is speaking to us now we know that it's we're seeing those five individual voices rising yep so we we can say in this dispensation god has selected five individuals exactly but he yes a lot of other other ones but dispensation in a disposition he can go and say you yeah say it this way if you look at what person chris does he can say a lot of things that when you hear them if you're not schooled in the things of god you'll be like what did he just say you can even oppose him for two weeks yeah then the third week it gets to you like oh he was right well he you were oh he was right i've been there you've been there because my first experience of sitting under pastor chris in the flesh happened when we were all together in london he ministered on the saturday night and most people would be unaware but saturday night through till sunday morning whilst you were all enjoying the rest of the conference i had to drive to edinburgh and that thing weighed on me the whole trip i drove through the night to get rid of but when i got to edinburgh the holy spirit moved on me and i was like my word this man just spoke truth but all that time you were like yeah i'm obviously joining this vest and now yes i'm i'm and remember what then happened the following uh yeah uh with uh wuc with yeah morrison he quickly stood up and mentioned the things i'm saying in a different way yes he did and i was just sitting there with my wife going like that's that's that thing that thing that one thing we said in the dark yeah 2010 this is it god is saying it and it was like he was saying bye to the world and he explained exactly actually explained that this man has been chosen by god around the whole world to do this yeah he mentioned a lot of things there a lot of things that people did you know when when you ain't a prophetic and you know what god is actually saying through the man who is speaking although he's not saying it in the words he gave you but you definitely feel oh he's just touched it see that's that's the fulfillment of let he that has an ear to hear what the spirit is saying it's not what the man of god is saying it's what the spirit is saying in what he's saying that we must accurately interpret yes and i think we were both agreed that dr cirillo in that final appearance in london spoke to me the next dispensation into its birthing process it that the the few months following that was the transition almost of the the midwifery phrase from the embryo to the the dispensation being born at his eternal transition and and and you see and when you when you can go back and rewind and look at what he said you'll be like okay now i understand what angel is saying but angel said it in a different way it was talking about the disposition all right and that's a powerful moment for us to pause for a final break and we'll be back after these few short messages i remember some time back when person chris prayed for revelation of the word to increase in me it was a simple prayer simple prayer the revelation of the word will increase the lord granting you a greater understanding of his word a greater level of wisdom that which you have desired give me your hand but from this day that grace you'd be able to use it you will use it for his glory that's it suddenly my spirit pop into it scriptures begin to run towards my spirit words came to me and demanded to be spoken simple prayer no sweetness spiritual warfare by the best-selling author of supernatural power of the believer eubert angel this book will show you how to enforce your god-given supernatural authority to neutralize demonic activity how to overcome demonic strategies and deal with the devil get an expose of satan's lies and trickery in this book spiritual warfare by eubert angel available to order now at www.ubertangel.org genetics of words an amazon best seller by eubert angel learn how to recreate your world through the supernatural power behind your words get your copy of this riveting book that will transform your language available now at www dot or get a digital copy on amazon kindle welcome back to god's heroes this has been an incredible interview prophet you have taken us on such a journey we have covered so much ground in such a short space of time i think most people watching have had their minds blown by both the revelation and the understanding of the journey that you've been on in getting to know pastor chris his impact his influence his position in a generation in a dispensation in the few moments few minutes that we have left there's two questions i need to ask one is where does your relationship with pastor chris go from here and where does the dispensation go i think that's a very good question but i think you should be asking the man that is leading the disposition i'm i'm i'm i'm following the revelation the revelation is what changed my life i'm following the revelation it actually changed me like i said before it is something that i managed to recognize or recognize rather uh by myself and say look i needed a change like i told you i would be in um a-listers houses you know um shocking them with shop prophetic uh acumen so to speak that should have been used to edify the church yeah do you understand yes because i was getting all relations and clap of hands and and all that and and trust me hollywood was brilliant yeah you get everyone is calling you this one is saying this one is saying this one is saying and and and while he said other times sitting with heads of state trying to solicit uh one or two prophecies for election victory so you also so you understand so i was using it for uh uh for for a lot of things it is still to glorify god but i called that success but your it was accurately opened huge doors for you exactly but it wasn't it wasn't success i walk from my stupor if you might say i walked from my stupa and and discovered i was self-serving uh an income published at times and i needed someone as serious as pastor chris somebody who could get me deeper into the things of the of god of the lord and and persecution was just there when i met pastor chris i recalibrated i was still working for god i was still hearing from god even the prophets was giving they were actually given by the spirit of the lord but it was like i was just too successful in the sense of see the bible says they shall therefore if you meditate on this word you will have good success you understand so the meaning of success the meeting between the two of you was a truly defining moment it was a defining moment it was a defining moment trust me i'm no longer what i used to be here and we are we are beneficiaries of that moment happening because of what god has led you into yes where do you see it going from here upwards upwards that's it listen there is there is absolutely there is absolutely no way you can be a failure when listening to me yeah because i listen to pastor chris says i don't know if you understand there is no way there is no way i uh you know before the broadcaster remember i was talking to to my team here and i said to them if money walks in yes it will come to you straight for me and you do ask me who are all these strangers yes you know then i will introduce money to them i remember a preacher i remember a preacher standing on a stage in hollywood funnily enough and saying i love money and money loves me and the world celebrated him and the church tried to crucify him for it oh yeah because they have no understanding of what he actually just said yeah because everyone listens with the ear that says i want to correct somebody yeah you know everybody listens to preaching in order to preach to someone not to preach to themselves you know i would say one statement that changed my life when i met him was he mentioned something that is so i remember when i was when you talked to mr christian you're sitting like this face to face like this and he asks you a question right and if the answer involves mentioning somebody's name he turns his face into a pocket face it doesn't happen trust me you you've been around man of god the moment you mentioned somebody's name men of god be like i know him uh somebody told me about him about this about this person chris will tell you all i care about is what god says about you i don't read what another man says about you oh man that changes everything yes that changes everything because when you when when you get to those circles the the the main um the main duty of haters so to speak is to try and say why is he there why is he doing this maybe he's there because maybe he wants this i went to persecute when i didn't need a platform i have the platform yeah i have five television channels i don't need another television channel i think that's where most people are confused i didn't need money by your relationship with him because you had all of this going on let me correct you it's too heavy forgive me then at the time that you made the they knew you for what was happening i i wouldn't say still have because you have a whole lot more since then exactly it's increased and grown but at the point when you had all of this stuff happening all of these things going on you made that conscious decision i made that conscious decision and and and remember when you say where he gets into a poker face yeah and i i noticed it you know i'm very very i'm a little bit uh intelligent you know um um i didn't fail at school you know uh two degrees in finance universal southward uh one uh postgrad university of bolton um and masters in entrepreneurship university of edinburgh so i'm i'm not i'm not i'm not dumb you know but when i so when i see something i can quickly get it forget about the spirit the spirit is obvious hundred percent trust me i'll catch you but the point is i i could tell this man does not want to talk about nobody and we're not mentioning him and i'm expecting his response he will not respond yeah so he and i noticed immediately he just exhibits this otherworldly level of integrity yeah that i'm not going to talk about that if you know what you know about that person it's you talking yeah i'm not getting involved and try a misstep and mention something that that person did that is uh in somewhat you just tell you that god will help him if ever that happened could you help him you will change him god god god is so messed up i'm like no no god is messed with that guy that guy i'm thinking and he mentioned something he said i don't have anybody i hate i'm like look i've got you know i'm thinking in my head i have 25. i need to i need to i need to remove you know i left that room with five you know i i i had to remove to 20. so you get you get some people that um are really really full of integrity because of the spirit not because they they practice it just to to to to to to pass over some kind of genius or or or general in the kingdom no i came out of that meeting you know what i said he said something he said sin is not compulsory now say that again sin is not compulsory now you have to explain that for us a lot of people just they think that we're just born to sin no no no never said you can actually live a sin life like a sinless life it's it's possible to live a sinless life yeah that's a phenomenal statement to make but true i came out of that place i remember i got out a place like this and i called um i called um my wife and i said she was like i'm what was it like what was it like and i'm saying i said i met a christian and then you know uh pastor chris is actually called a christian yeah so uh i said you said you met a christian but but there's a lot of christians i said no no this time everyone yeah i would say it was one of my first times to meet a real real real christian i'm not saying i had not met christians i met them but when you meet the one practicing the real thing you look at it and think i need to love god just like this man loves god you know you're saying that reminds me of muhatmas gandhi that said i would have followed christ had i not met his followers yeah i said you know that that statement was just something it blew my mind when when he said uh i love christ but i hate his christians for they are not like their christ that's a telling statement when what christ represents is not represented by the christians and and i remember sitting there and somebody told me said pastor chris has built this one's churches this one's changing telling me all these charity things so the moment he gets in there you you get in there you will see what you ask you you say is there anything that i can do for you and sure enough when i was about to stand up to go he said is there anything you can ask me anything you want me to do for you or for your church i'll do it trust me i had a building that needed 5 million in london it goes through my mind and immediately i turned back and i said can you do me a favor pastor you said anything i've already told you i said don't call me prophet just call me you better angel because i'm your son now just imagine the the shift in my mind i wouldn't call i wouldn't receive a dollar from him i don't want that see but that takes the wisdom of no i don't want that because you see yeah i remember um uh my my mentor had um in a situation that i had also had to repeat the uh in another situation where he's on mental broad a bottle of oil what's this a bottle of oil right anointing oil after administration anointing oil and hundred thousand and said choose yeah and a guy had beers and beers and beers and beers and god took him outside and said go back and look through the glass of anointing oil the bottle of anointing oil he looked said god said what do you see said i see money he said now look through the money if you can see the oil said i can't see the oil said if you take the money you miss the anointing but if you take the anointing you'll always get the money i would that's power so immediately i said nope i don't i don't need nothing but for you to call me your son that's it that's all i'm here for i already know i'm your son but i need you to say it and that's it i don't need all these other things now if somebody had gotten in there would have gone for money would have said some few things that they don't have maybe they didn't pay rent maybe there is a bill maybe there is something so my relationship with pastor chris is definitely mentor mentee life coach and the coach you know dr murdock my father says the anointing you sow into is the anointing you are you're attracted that's sad so you have invested your life into the anointing but it's not like i even took millions to him you get the point a lot of people feel like angel went there with a bag full of money and laid it on the feet of passer chris and basically like i have no option but to love you you know the man is so blessed that even millions won't mean anything to him he's not moved by your money so i didn't go there with money but even i was just accepted yes and watch this there's another thing that i i didn't mention i was thinking a few years prior to that i was in nigeria and um this small stadium that is there feels like 50 000 60 000 we filled it to capacity with another man of god that invited me there and miracles were taking place everywhere and i remember going to the hotel and the angel of the lord visited me and said on the in march of 2017 2018 i don't remember the actual deck uh i'm changing the dispensation to a teaching disposition the prophetic will still be there yeah but the disposition that is in operation in this age is led by a teacher as i've told you before and i'm changing you not from a prophet to a teacher but your concentration to the word of god my gosh watch this i was on my way from here going to nigeria when i got a call to say come you were ministering here i said wait at christmas i'm like no no no no no i've been trying to get to this you know and i remember getting in there and i just told a few people that i was with there and they wrote in their notebooks including my wife and uh the pastors that i had i was within um in nigeria when we attended another conference and brother mike that i was talking about that we had to go around the world looking for pastor chris we went around the world literally went to america went to this country the men is nigeria we're going around you get a point just trying to find access you made a global show trust me trust me and and i remember they broadcast this small service which turned out to have thousands upon thousands of people i don't know maybe five hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand people uh watched that service they broadcasted to their centers and i didn't know and i mean they're just ministering and they tell me prophet's like pastor is not even there yeah and pastor then walks in i hike past i tell you you're my father he comes towards me and hugged me and i told you you are my father and he stands in front and these are the words he says now watch this this a few years prior to that people have it in their notebooks the word you are changing to teach of the word at a higher level because i was already a teacher yes but the word is increasing over your life and the year is mentioned the month is mentioned march the debt is mentioned did you get this i get it this is this is powerful and pasta stands in front and says prophet angel what you have come here for and i'm thinking i came to be your son that's all i just wanted to tell you i'm your son it's not like i'm i came to be your son i'm already your son but i want you to know it that's what i'm thinking it says the word the revelation of the word is increasing oh my god i'm thinking this is what god told me in nigeria but i haven't even gotten into when was it said we're getting out of the of the of the the church service pastor had already gone and the pastors who watched it in zimbabwe and then my wife here and the team that went with me to nigeria a few years prior to this out texting sending screenshots of their notebooks guess what the prophets that i said right it was on the same debt so pastor chris became the prophet to the prophet exactly sam i'm not talking about two days uh off no the same debt that they wrought is the same it was happening and that's powerful yeah well prophet so i the other dispensation issues and and you understand there are deeper things that uh at another time let's just say we have part two if you allow it we have part two then we can go deeper into what a dispensation is what it means so that uh people would understand what uh what i know because my next question to you was will you please come back so we can talk deeper about the dispensation but as we end this part one of this interview my final question simple yes or no is pastor chris the leading example of jesus to a generation hundred percent yes were we examples did we save millions then yes we did did we help millions yes we did um was that fool a potential god granted me not by a long shot was i paid not even a dime but pastor chris came in and made all i was doing valid valuable and gave me value and managed to make me a man do you understand there's there's a there's a difference somebody who he is this would be like oh oh you know so you are not the man you get the point i was the men but which men so he makes you a better man yeah but but which man was i was i being used by god yes but was was this something lacking yes did i change the first day i met pastor and changed and completely gone or flawless no it took years it's still taking time i changed a lot it's important but the point is i'm still learning i would never get to a point where i now i know everything no the more you know god the more you know you don't know him the more yeah so so it's like um chris took me from uh from the flawless public facade uh them that must my dip uh you know spiritual needs you know and the spiritual despair and took me to a ped store where he says look this is what you are in christ wow and while you are a prophet like this there is another dimension of a relationship with god you can get to because when you hear god you can get mistaken to think you are so close to him that's why you hear him whereas that's just your office so he you know if you a follow-up foot you know mobile phone that works yeah it doesn't mean to say you hear a lot no it's just your phone is so good and so clear yeah you might be half deaf without knowing and the telephone is actually on loud volume yeah so god my gift was loudly speaking but i was actually deaf and dumb when it comes to the things of the spirit in me because i had more time doing church than more time being with him so we can say he is my example for christ when i look at him i see what christ would look like if he were here in flesh he's still here he's here he's never gone anywhere there's a man walking the earth but there's a man that he's using yeah all right i'm not saying he's not using men of god i'm also a man of god you're a man of god we are being used yes sir but there is a dispensation that that that thing needs to be really really uh uh uh explained and all right we will but profit on that bombshell it's time for us to end i want to thank you for watching god's heroes it has been my honor and my privilege to have you here and explaining your relationship i really i really appreciate uh this is a very very this was a very very important message for me and and i would want to say part two let's deal with the dispensations and you know how deep that disposition is and and out in in honor of everyone that has been watching us we are praying for these people so that they understand what it is to have a man of god in your life all right to the man of god who loves you without judging yeah and that's who he had seen yeah and loves you and patient without compromising i wish we could all get to an understanding so we all enjoyed the benefits of that exactly relationship and be able to declare sin as a non-option yes and still tell you i love you that's powerful and say i'm not listening to anybody i'm just listening to what the bible says about you not what anybody says about you that changes you immediately that gets me not to judge anybody and i love the man of god i love pastor chris so so so very much and if i can only love him and love jesus the way he loves him trust me i would have changed my life well my prophet i can say that after listening to the way that you have described your man of god my love for you has increased immensely thank you and my love for pastor chris a man that i have never met has grown exponentially to see the impact he has had on your life and the love that you have for him thank you again so much for being with us i cannot wait for part two where we go deeper into the dispensation and thank you so so so much
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 249,522
Rating: 4.8546042 out of 5
Keywords: #thegoodnewsworld, chris oyakhilome, pastor chris, pastor chris live, pastor chris live service today, pastor chris oyakhilome, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, prophet uebert angel live, ubert angel, uebert angel, uebert angel 2020, uebert angel and pastor chris, uebert angel live, uebert angel pastor chris, uebert angel what god told me about pastor chris, what god told me about pastor chris, what god told me about pastor chris by uebert angel
Id: r66Zmols1L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 6sec (5526 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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