The Veteran | Full Movie | Action Crime | Toby Kebbell | Adi Bielski

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] okay foreign don't worry about the enemies can you go inside I don't want to go inside have you seen what time it is you know my dad said don't tell me what to do in it when that sales you're dead I don't care think of your family yeah because my family in it this is your family yes it is almost what do you think this is huh I don't care what what come home hey come off me man call me man five yo Bobby you're safe man you know me man is so blessed your family issues yeah he's youngest so how long you back for oh I'm out what's up ow yeah for real yeah what happened Taliban don't blowing you up again where are you joining them now this is so you're gonna do now man I have no idea no idea two years [Music] he said he did it because I want to give him a job oh a lot of jumping like [ __ ] flies out here nobody gives a [ __ ] we're totally [ __ ] redundant you know no purpose dream about time I'm getting hit in the hip with that 40 pound except in a dream I saved the rest of us I mean the grenade still don't explode when it hits him still kills him now is that even possible did you get any of them cheers [Music] the real cheers this is our end to get me [ __ ] buried man it's a bit late for you boys isn't it the [ __ ] off you're [ __ ] dead man Miller thank you [Music] so you're the real life Call of Duty and you tried to teach my little man not to play well you know you should have taught him if he's going to play with guns you should learn how to use one I'm young as I they all want that rep do you think it's a strap that gives them enough power no respect don't worry I got 10. I'm not saying look for you you know I instruct and I could use my lucky of operation school might be put them in some other combo teach them how to shoot properly I don't think you want to turn your home into a water yeah look around you if you think this place isn't let me tell you something you already been working for me they don't put the drug treatment before 9 11 . you don't fight in a drug trade you're protected I'll be brainwashed you manage to believe in the invasion was about [ __ ] up Al-Qaeda capturing Mr Bin Laden yeah sorry to verse your bubble Soldier it's all about protecting supply lines making sure that that Afghan opium finds his spirits and the Russians and then they get the killer lead to bring it in an old team is protected by the CIA the government need my product see the only thing generating proper cash for them Banks nowadays you understand liquidity I mean all that money It's gotta go somewhere trillion Banks there there's always a whole party waiting to ambushing me come on you should note that anyway foreign [Music] [Music] thank you Johnny why don't you go get the man a drink thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] please [Laughter] man his youngest Vic Jones is such a bad man or because he marked Daryl Cox for the estate and they're always a [ __ ] psycho you get me Jones gonna [ __ ] my little brother up you know we didn't come to this country for this [ __ ] [ __ ] it maybe I should just note Jones myself man what you need to do get Ryan off the estate and then the pair of you get far the [ __ ] away from here as possible out there how do I survive out there man how many Taliban you can Afghanistan will be hundreds all right give her a go five hours Abdullah is a UK National Saudi origin came to school here and had the time of his life screwed to anything that wasn't nailed down and drank his way into the OR then he goes home finds God to live with the thrive in the Lucas stand region of Pakistan a spiritual pilgrimage to the birthplace Ramsay Yusuf you went through the madrasas in Pakistan I will call you the training camps in Afghanistan in the 90s completely committed he has The Barking of any number of Rich Saudis who are sympathetic to his cause highly organized and very disciplined a few years ago he disappeared into peshawa and two years ago he turns up here in London I'm looking for a reliable man I can trust well I appreciate the offer I'm offering you the chance to get the job done right this time so what would I have to do Delta Bravo check that's right Kate Bravo okay stand by standby two Targets moving towards a black jaguar registration r282 282 facing up the hill up the hill targets are on the move [Music] it's only left off the main close it up [Music] stop stop stop on the right 200 off the main changing vehicles to a black X5 last three Victor Tango Lima on the move to the main repeat on the move to the main [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Bobby Target is on the move Roger that let him go stick with their contact what are you doing he's not the priority negative trust me on this then do you have the eyeball Roger that new Target it's turning right off the main [Music] stop stop stop he's out in the car walking away [Music] taking you foreign time is it midnight give it a couple hours there's no movement I'll go in foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] at least [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] idea to follow the blood done I need you to take care of that thing for me all right yeah see you later yeah is that it not quite come with me foreign Jerry's of the home office nice to meet you Chris tells me you're served in the Paris I heard about the Ambush at Jackie very heroic well that depends on your point of view sir very confusing this war on Tara our enemy does not make the distinction between civilian and competent there are over 2 000 suspected terrorists operating the UK alone and that number is increasing daily please sit down thank you sir contest 2 program government initiative 60 000 civilians being trained to deal with the terrorist threat everyone from shopping center managers to security guards Chris and I act as Consultants to the program no due respect I put my time in sir sir you did without reservation and I'm going to ask you for your help once more this is the business we've chosen Connolly's great game is still being played we need men with your particular skill set until today we had no idea that the plot you uncovered even existed but we should have do you recognize this young woman her name is Elena Wallace yeah I saw her with Abdullah she's uninformed Foreman we were told that Al-Qaeda never used women every parasite adapts to its host and evolves it's only a question of time why why is she so special because she Bridges Two Worlds east and west and she can move freely in both she met Abdullah at the University of London as a student he wanted to radicalize her instead she came to us we've been unable to make contact with her for the last three months we think there's another plot but what that is exactly we we haven't been able to ascertain what does she do for Abdullah whatever he requires do you trust her we want you to make contact with her and find out what's going on foreign thank you [Music] it's a big order my friend I'm not planning a ball it's necessary trained up what are you doing here this [ __ ] hope grandma stay away from Jones [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you oh are you upset wasn't some success about Warfare never that your enemy imposes will on you you need any help mellow let me know this track is magnetized so it's great for using old cars just pop in the SIM card and call it for your mobile [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Indiana you're one of Turners man that's right what's your name Bella sting meeting please y'all can hang around woman's toilets yeah what do you want information about Abdullah your people seem to have a good enough handle on that tell Turner I don't know anything mellow she's terrified for security too because I have a bunch of churches they're not here for the Jihad they're here for the money also we have to consider the possibility that she's been feeding us false Intel maybe even from a start you don't trust it um Trust what does she gain by feeding us false into she came to us two years ago since then she's been working with these people non-stop who knows what effect I could have and she's perfect cover for him she came out of and I'll hallway it's a refugee camp in Lebanon that's a tough time she's dual nationality her father was a British Aid worker speaks five languages that's perfect cover hey you know you're the first blue Captain who she didn't tell to [ __ ] off good job stay honor [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign over here three minutes ago near the road Junction and looks like two dead but the medium [Music] [Music] processible zero jump test for allocated with June 5. it tells him of the problem 300 meters [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] otherwise I'll be able to help you out with this bird I had this much excitement since good Jackie just make sure we don't let this one end up with a sign on her come on let's do our job though I don't get so cute man you're gonna [ __ ] I'll take this first one foreign [Music] impatient make contact foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] I'm going to ask you some questions if you answer truthful no more pain you understand you understand yes I understand all right good [ __ ] what is your name Dave my name's Dave you'll lie to me again I'll open you up Robert O'Neill see what do you do a little bit O'Neill do you mean what do I do unemployed all right I don't do [ __ ] but today you do something well you follow that couple because they look like they had money foreign that's redundant now you have no business in this country so you steal from people are your troops serve in Iraq Afghanistan Afghanistan stupid War so I've heard you want me to kill him [Music] I think oh yeah done I've had [ __ ] Nightmares come and get me will you I'm down by the water some [ __ ] place I'm going to stand on the main road oh my God oh [ __ ] okay come on [Music] pressure [Music] okay that's good mate I need to lie down okay all right on the front up okay [Music] okay bye [Music] I'm off [Music] thank you thank you foreign foreign still an ugly bastard was it Jones what about you was it Giant it was Ryan any suits bastards you could go up there with a strap blow his [ __ ] head off you could do that you've killed people yeah I got money foreign you can go hold on thumbs up foreign easyness yeah some early jokes [ __ ] blood Marchman into death that's power well I need something so you're in a favor now let Ryan go why would I do that because I've asked you oh negotiate come on God give me something in return you get to feel good about yourself I come on drop me off my channel is sophomore making me feel well choked up you don't need him the right action I don't need him mom is older I'm the one he looks up to me I really think you're missing a point you know or somebody's [ __ ] even you Soldier into that [ __ ] fad you don't have a brother well you can do any pull this [ __ ] all down where you gonna go then ah a year ago I arranged arranged for 12 Muslim men from across the country to go to Pakistan I recruited them indoctrinated them jumped them off to the training camps I brought them back to the UK and turned them loose why remember Mumbai for three men teams we they were assigned designated locations the targets they selected for themselves and think for sure it's high value targets tourist locations it's totally to develop I was assured that it would be stopped at the 11th Hour everything turn asked why not shut it down now Turner didn't tell you about the plot did he did he tell you Abdullah is an asset of the Pakistani isi the intelligence service they finance this operation I was there when it was given the go-ahead it's gonna happen for the weapons to arrive how do we know when the weapons arrive all I know is they're being brought in by boat I don't know times or dates what's gonna happen very soon does Abdullah know where they are no one knows where they are they become ghosts all we know is where to drop the weapons where's that should have been told Chris you're right I'm sorry again the trust that's what muscles she's talking to you she doesn't know where the cells are so it's not your job to save this ghetto mother she knew where she was getting into Afghanistan she knows believe me she knows that's why I want you to bring her in that's a good idea I'm not asking you Chris listen no you listen do you honestly want the death of hundreds of civilians on your hands because that's what this is so why haven't we shut this thing down we would have if we knew of the cells were [Music] foreign [Music] whether you know where the cells are or not I need to be thinking about it hello Aliana you're aware of why we asked you here today find new other cells were don't you think I would have told you but we're here to find out I thought your men were watching them why the silence your men were becoming sloppy I couldn't take the risk after all I'm the one with everything to lose tell us about the weapons when and how are they being brought in they're being brought in by an xkla gangster costume where's the weapons drop I don't know is there anything you do now I know that the head of the isi can only be appointed with the approval of the CIA what Abdullah is an isi asset if they are funding this operation who sanctioned it who gave the order the fact that Al-Qaeda might have infiltrated the Pakistani isi is irrelevant not infiltrated the isi and the CIA is Al-Qaeda what exactly do you hope to achieve a cheap we are neither isi or CIA you knew where the cells were when they were brought back to the UK you could have arrested them but you didn't why why didn't you warn us about the bomb Factory I didn't know find the cells and we'll put an end to this you know what I realized today whatever the outcome is I'm easily disposable do you know where the shells are Eliana you can trust me you know you can the war on terrible escalate Al-Qaeda defines our very existence now we're the enemy at war with ourselves where do you say served Afghanistan Iraq bugs and you know that the only option we have in Afghanistan is pull out or negotiate all over here figure out a way I promise you're not alone all right foreign he ain't dead where is he gone man gone away but just look at them you get me why what happened [ __ ] two Chatters associate Tyrone man he's a dead man same as you'll be pow pow foreign s are being delivered tonight by the kosovan yeah almost where come with me Eliana this is done we serve together how's it going all right okay then I'll look after you I don't need babysitting I know be back in a while yeah you sure about this Jesus Bobby didn't even tell her your name find the weapons he sent foreign thank you [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] s right let's have them then so what do we do now we check out the cells killed him got him on his boat I care about it I'll be taking care of you go home and get some rest I won't forget where you're dead bye take care of yourself you too foreign why didn't you tell me it's Chris's brother trust them with my life but I don't trust Chris let's not do this now Eliana okay foreign [Music] foreign I have to put it right I've located one of the South one [ __ ] never changes foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign read it let's just do it read it you [ __ ] read it read it [ __ ] I'm gonna [ __ ] it if I win go ahead and [ __ ] saw it then pull that flap yeah oh my God I know him he's one of Turner's men cowboy [Applause] just breathe just breathe in and out you're all right okay you saved my life Aliana [Music] listen I'm going to take you to the train station you get on a train and disappear you know how to do that they wanted the attack to happen the whole time I was just put there to make sure that I carried out their orders did what you had to things are only sold one way Chris used us both he's running the cells don't worry about me goodbye Robert [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign don't know what you've been doing they're all over you they picked up early on I'm sorry where is she [ __ ] no I I swear on my life I don't know they don't tell me [ __ ] I was just ordered to tell you ordered the mercenary now that in the army I won't ask you again Dan she's gone all right she's gone and there ain't nothing you can do about it is she dead you need to walk away because I gotta [ __ ] [ __ ] so cheap but did you understand that where is she all right you give them a message from me Bobby as your friend I'm telling you to get as far as [ __ ] away from here as possible my trip is that time they reorgan now you can [Music] foreign foreign where is she we put her on a plane this morning to the Lebanon that's where she wanted to go [ __ ] is the gun really necessary where is she the organizing principle of any society is for war the basic authority of a modern state of which people resides in its War Powers today it's all tomorrow water it's what we like to call The Garden business guns oil and drugs but there's a problem I don't give a [ __ ] my way of life it's over it's unsustainable and in Rapid decline that's why we Implement demand destruction we continue to make money as the world Burns but for this to work the people have to remain ignorant of the problem until it's too late that's why we have triggers in place 911 77 wmds a population and a permanent state of fear does not ask questions our desire for war becomes its desire a willing sacrifice you see fear is justification fear is control fear is money you're a brilliant Soldier and I could still use someone like you I'll ask you one more time where is she do you know the term train tracking and Battery perhaps you should look closer to her the young men of your estate services foreign [ __ ] foreign [Applause] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 365,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, the veteran, Toby Kebbell, Adi Bielski, Brian Cox
Id: HTyQrdC8wSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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