Global Communion Service - January 19, 2022

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hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] come on and put your hands together right there on live stream and right here in the tabernacle come on [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh but there's no other place say hallelujah [Music] sing praises and there's no other place hallelujah [Music] hello sing crazy [Music] hallelujah how many sopranos do we have in the building i know we got some live streams there but we're gonna have the sopranos to help you out and sing some words so we can have a collective worship here come on sopranos hallelujah [Music] come on out here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] let's go to the left [Music] now let's pray [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] hey [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] okay [Music] everybody oh yeah we give you glory god we give you [Music] come on let's continue to shout hallelujah hey come on come on come on [Music] we're taking it back to the to the late 90s can you hear me can you hear me [Music] the victory is ours as we sing unto jesus he rejoices when we give worthy praise with the shout and defense because the devil [Music] come on can you help me save the victory [Music] oh he [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] jesus i have been set free [Music] come on [Music] do your two steps [Music] do you really really love them if you love them come on [Applause] come on come on listen say glory lord [Music] we've got the victory in jesus [Music] i have the victory in jesus hey [Music] i [Music] i have the [Music] i am the victory [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] in victory come on let's crack inventory [Music] climb him victory in victory [Music] we're victorious people we've been terminus we have the victory we have we have the victory [Music] [Music] we have the victory [Applause] [Music] victory is ours victory is ours victory today [Music] victory today is mine do you believe it [Music] joy is my choice my joy today is my [Music] jesus gave it to me jesus gave it to me and jesus gave it and there's nobody that can take it away join his mind [Music] [Applause] [Music] kick rocks and get [Music] next week but today is mine not coming up but right now is mine it's not happening next year but right now it's mine joy is my joy is mine [Music] i don't know what camera to look into is this one on me or this one hallelujah joy it's yours joy is yours joy is yours hallelujah let's just thank god for his joy thank god for his peace [Applause] i said let's thank god for his joy thank god for his peace thank god for his victory we have the victory we have it we have the victory we're not waiting to get it we're not waiting to see it we have the victory we have come on say that say i have the victory i have the victory victory is in jesus right and are we in jesus name are we seated in heavenly places in him come on then if he hasn't we have it we have the victory hallelujah come on coco let's receive our sister coco [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah glory to the name of god hallelujah god we bless your name we give you glory we give you glory father thank you jesus you are amazing god none can compare to who you are he's so awesome right yes [Music] hmm [Music] glory to your name glory to your name [Music] glory to your name forever [Music] we bow ourselves before you giving you the glory that is to your name say glory to your name glory to you glory to your name glory to your name glory [Music] [Applause] worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on all over the building shake glory to your legs [Music] glory to your name glory to your [Music] [Applause] [Music] name oh god [Music] giving you the glory given come on [Applause] glory to your name [Applause] forever [Applause] oh you the glory [Music] your here glory by your name [Music] okay can you say that we met your dad [Music] oh okay [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] say we glorify your name god we worship you [Music] we love you god we love you god we love you god we love you we love you [Music] glorify oh [Music] [Applause] oh god come on glorify his name magnify his name glorify his name magnify his name come on let's do it come on do it [Music] with the fruit of your lips with the extension of your hands magnify his name glorify his name [Music] magnify his name glorify his name we magnify your name we glorify your name [Music] [Music] for you oh god [Music] we magnify your name [Music] we glorify your name for you are god [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you are good you are good you are good [Music] [Music] and your mercy into it forever [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good come on tell him tell me right now tell him he is good come on tell him in this atmosphere come on say you are good lord you are good and your mercy endures forever come on tell them in this atmosphere [Music] come on use your lips use your lips you don't have to sing it you can just say it but if you can sing then sing it hallelujah [Music] good you are good [Music] you are good [Music] [Music] it doesn't always take to say real big things you don't have to say fancy words all the time to god sometimes just saying that you're good i keep looking up but i'm supposed to be looking around here it's weird because nobody's over there you just saying that you are good that's good it's good it's not all about saying the big word sometimes just that you are good lord you're good there's a scripture that backs that up hallelujah if a word if the word backs it up go ahead and say it amen [Music] let's bless the lord o our soul worship his holy name let us sing like never before [Music] how do you sing like never before it's real easy to me i'm living in a day that i've never been in before so my praise and my worship reflects a time that has never been before i can't praise god the same way i praised him in 1999 he's done some more stuff for me since then i have a higher revelation of who he is and who i am in him so my praise will be different amen your praise will be different i guarantee you your praise would be different if you if you just say it back 10 years ago the greatest thing that you would overcome was probably just finding out trying to figure out where you were going to get another job right that's one thing while you were in it it was valid it was it was a pressing issue but fast forward 10 years later what if the other most pressing thing that you overcame was a life or death issue a health issue or maybe a loved one who had a health issue i guarantee you your praise that your praise would be greater than it was ten years ago because as you've gone on you've experienced more sides of god you've experienced more of his goodness you've experienced more of his healing you've experienced more of his provision you've experienced more of his grace more of his mercy you see we're going higher and higher amen so our praise goes higher and higher amen am i talking to myself i don't feel that yeah so as we ascend as we go higher and higher in him let our praise reflect that amen amen [Music] [Music] worship his whole name [Music] sing like never before oh my soul i will worship your holy name [Music] bless the lord oh my soul worship his holy name [Music] sing like never before oh my soul i'll worship your whole name can you help me say that say bless the lord sake the lord o my soul oh my shall see [Music] say [Music] come on sing it again with us [Music] sing like never before [Music] [Music] one more time sing it again [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on with your friend of your lips you see [Music] come on lift it up lift it up [Music] [Music] his home oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we worship his holy name you may be seated here in the presence of the lord here at the tabernacle and wherever you're watching us from wherever you're viewing us from we want to welcome you to these special nights of teaching here at the place of grace cosmopolitan center at clarence e mcclendon ministries we're excited about what god is doing in our midst and what god is saying to his prophet that is coming to us fresh from the presence of god and we just want to greet you and tell you to pull up a chair and maybe get a cup of coffee tea whatever you want to sip on but make sure you stay tuned because you're not going to want to miss tonight we're going to be here tomorrow night and friday night 7 30 p.m nightly here at the place of grace and if you're anywhere near the englewood area come on through uh you can join us live here in person at the tabernacle or if you can't be here don't sweat it don't trip make sure you log on on all the platforms on youtube facebook the bishop mcclendon app or at because you're not going to want to miss these special nights of teaching called uh entitled the final seduction and with all that's going on in the world with all that's going on in the nation with all that's going on in los angeles county come on uh there are things that we need to hear from god about we can look at the news we can watch uh what the pundits say what the so-called experts are talking about but the truth comes from the word of god and from the spirit of truth and that's why we're gathering these three nights this information this revelation you're not going to want to miss the prophet has been it's been sitting in his spirit it's been marinating and so that's why he called these knights together so that he can get to you this information this revelation what on the mind of god because no matter what's going on in the world no matter what the situation the circumstance the trial the tribulation the ups and the downs the economic uncertainty the social uh uneasiness there's always something good and better for the children of god for the new creation for the sons of god the sons and daughters of god are to always rise above no matter what's going on in the world so that's why we're here we're going to go up and we're going to be walking out higher walking in another dimension we believe once we conclude these nights of ministry so again we're going to be here tonight 7 30 thursday night that's tomorrow 7 30 p.m and we're going to conclude friday at 7 30 p.m nightly again in person you want to join don't wait don't hesitate don't think about it if you can get here if you're close to inglewood pull up 7 30 p.m you will be left better for joining us or if you can log on to one of the platforms and stream with us and receive what god is saying to us through the prophet for these next three nights of ministry we want to encourage you to direct you to the digital download store at uh and on facebook uh we always uh want to direct you on the holidays are right around the corner we can smell the eggnog and all the good stuff if you like eggnog whether you don't you can still smell it because christmas time is coming and you want to direct someone to download a message you want to put something in their hand you want to get it on their device we encourage you go to the digital download store at clarencey mclennan ministries at and on facebook uh there are messages like taking your spiritual territories series that the prophet taught the promotion the e-book some of you got to get e-books i i i believe in e-books now sometimes you can't you can't get to barnes and noble but you can download it on your device and that's what that e-book is for beyond personal power and when you pray those are two books that i believe every child every child of god every man or woman of god someone believing should have either in a hard copy form or on your device get it in ebook form and it's all available it's ready to go at our digital download store also the psalm 91 hoodies are back in the store you've seen bishop where have you seen uh some of us wear it here at the place of grace you know where a lot of people like to rep their teams you know to rep a brand well we're repping the word you know we want people to see us and when we're out and about they say hey i like that i i've tested you've tested positive for what for faith it's a psalm 91 hoodie it's cool it's not all jesusy but it will get the word and the message out to those who see you stepping out when you go out and about so we want to encourage you visit visit the digital download store the cement store and there's so much goodness that's going on we're excited that you're going to be joining with us the prophet is coming i'm making sure that i'm not missing any of these very special and important announcements oh also we want to encourage you if you haven't signed up and joined the pec the prophetic e-community here at clarency mclennan ministries if you're watching online if you're watching on the app or you're watching on facebook click and join the pec today we encourage you the prophet always brings it up why because there's a global community of men and women all around the world who partner with this anointing who partner with clarency mclendon ministries and this apostolic and prophetic grace and all it takes is your name and your information it is free and the moment you sign up the moment you put in your information you get put into a database of all kinds of people the the prophetic community of global partners all around the world that make up clarency mclendon ministries partners and so what that does is that when the prophet gets a download he writes faith building letters and he sends it to this special group of people who have decided to level up to where you're hearing this is what god is saying to the prophet so you don't have to wait on a sunday you don't have to wait for a special night of ministry or a conference or a crusade no you're hearing what god is saying to the man of god and you can take it and pray it and walk in it and run with it and strike the waters and see them part for you just like they parted for the man of god so if that's you we want to encourage you always sign up today and join the pec but you'll be blessed for it the word will come to you direct and immediate and you will be strengthened encouraged and edified knowing that you're walking uh at another level of this prophetic and apostolic grace and as always we want to encourage you whenever you're online find the prophet bishop clarency mcclinton is on all platforms he is on all platforms so he's on facebook he's on twitter he's on instagram he is on youtube go to the bishop mcclendon youtube page if you haven't checked it out there's all kinds of content there's good messages series teaching words there's all uh the choir singing on there we got all kinds of things going on at uh bishop mcclendon's facebook page excuse me the youtube page and so go on youtube click subscribe and check out what god is doing and it's done and it'll refresh you'd be like oh okay i remember that message or i remember that i was there for that but it'll continue to encourage your spirit it always is good to be surrounded by the word of god by the presence of god and just to fragrance your life in the times that we're living in keep your life fragranced with the presence of god and with the word of god so we want to encourage you to sit back call someone text someone let them know hey the prophet is going to be on they don't want to miss these nights of teaching again it's tonight 7 30 p.m tomorrow night thursday night 7 30 p.m and we're going to conclude friday evening at 7 30 p.m also uh tonight's message is going to replay tomorrow which is thursday at 12 noon p.m so if you uh some of you on the east coast or different parts of the country or parts of the globe if you are getting ready to go to bed don't worry tomorrow don't trip it'll be ready to go at 12 p.m uh that's 12 o'clock pacific standard time so that's when the rebroadcast will be so you have to cut out early tonight it'll be right there ready for you to go at and on the app so that you can go on and continue to get what god is saying to us because these nights of ministry are going to lift us and encourage us with all that's going on in the world with all that we're seeing and hearing on the news with all the restrictions and the shutdowns and the mandates that are going on and the threats and all the things that are happening in the world this is where the spirit of god tightens us up the new creation in the believer and tightens us up and locks us and fixes us into truth and that's why i i don't like to say i don't know about you because i do know about you that's why you're here that's why you're watching online because you want to be set in a fixed place in a firm place that no matter what happens you are set and assured in the truth of the word of god so i'm going to turn you back over to the hands of this anointed praise and worship to you in these great and wonderful anointed musicians and the prophet is coming on his way don't miss tonight tomorrow night and friday night and this is night number one of the final seduction enjoy the teaching god bless you welcome back to our praise and worship this song says just want to praise you forever and ever and ever for all you've done for me blessings and honor and glory they all belong to you thank you jesus for blessing me can you say that with us [Music] just wanna praise forever [Music] [Music] they all belong good time for thank you forever [Music] thank you [Music] forever foreign [Music] they [Music] blessings [Music] [Music] they all belong [Music] oh thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you for blessing us god thank you for blessing us father father we're here to worship you we want our worship to flow to you father we want our thanksgiving to flow to you we want our love to flow to you god you are worthy of it father we won't hold anything back from you god we give you everything that you deserve for you are mighty you are righteous you are holy you are loving and you are kind god and we just thank you [Music] to hallelujah let the river of my worship blow to you [Music] lord i pray [Music] like streams in the valley swept with the rain and the sun of our hearts rise to bless your name [Music] close to you lord let our worship love to you [Music] [Applause] you [Music] said lord i pray the lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] like streams let my words god [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let it [Music] let all my [Music] praise of god [Music] oh [Music] hey my worship [Applause] [Music] nobody [Music] [Music] [Music] let it flow to you [Music] [Music] let our praise [Music] let all my worship oh let it flow let all our worship let it flow to you god let all our worship receive our worship receive our worship receive our worship god we've come to give you glory we come to give you honor we come to give you grace [Music] [Music] we've come to give you praise receive our worship we've come to give you glory we've come to give you water we've come to give you praise receive our worship we've come to give you glory we've come to give you one [Music] we come [Applause] glory we come to give you honor we've come to give you praise receive our word we come to give we received [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] received [Music] [Music] okay we see [Music] hello to you [Music] hello to [Music] lord we pray and all we do let the river of our worship floating away [Music] flow to you [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and give him your words give him your words he wants to receive your worship he inhabits the praise of his people holy lord you'll receive your daddy receive a [Music] come on let's continue [Music] [Applause] and now let the week see i am strong let the pause say i am reaching because of what the lord has done [Music] for us [Music] and now let the weak see i answer all let the poor say i am rich because of what the lord has done for all of us we give things can we give things if you know it sing it give thanks come on sing a grace [Music] jesus christ [Applause] to the holy one [Music] all because of what our god has done say [Music] foreign i am rich the because [Music] [Music] give thanks lettuce okay now we've sung it now let's do it physically let's open up our mouth and let's give thanks to our god in heaven come on let's worship him and still with the fruit of our lips come on let's let's worship him let's bless him for his excellence for his goodness to us for his new mercies every morning come on let us give him thanks let us give him thanks let us give him thanks [Music] he deserves our best praise come on let's give him faith [Music] fill this room fill this room fill this room in this room fill this room [Music] you a good [Music] with its presence [Music] um is because of what [Music] hallelujah lord we love you we love you we love you lord we love you we love you god we love you yes we love you we adore you god we adore you come on i can't do this by myself yes hallelujah god we love you we adore you we worship you we praise you we magnify you we lift you god we say that you are the most important thing in our lives god you're the most important thing to us god we thank you for your word god we thank you for our lives we thank you god for health and for strength god we just bless you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on come on [Music] come on let's spend this time right now let's exalt him above how we're feeling let's exalt him above situation and circumstances let's exalt him above everything that's going on in our lives everything that's going on in the world god is worth our best praise come on let's take this time let's take this time let's make this time his hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] and i really love you just for who you are in all of the glory [Music] my heart sings holy holy come on help me sing all over the building said lord i love you i love you [Music] say i really love you i really love you just for who you are saying just for who you are in all of your glory in all of your glory my heart sings say my heart sings holy holy holy hope stay right there say lord i love you say lord i love [Music] i really love you i really love you just for who you all say just for who you want in all of your glory [Music] you are everything you are everything are everything i need you to be say you are the great i am you are the great [Applause] lord i love you yes i love you yes i love you how i love you oh i love you i really love you i really love you just for who you are [Music] my heart sees my heart i need you to be [Music] you [Music] i [Applause] [Music] say how i love you how i love you i really love you i really love you just for who you are just in all of your glory my heart is [Music] you are the great i am [Music] you are [Music] [Music] i need you to be [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah hallelujah you are the great i am [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the great oh yeah [Music] you love the crazy [Music] hallelujah he is the great i am [Music] we worship [Music] you know what sing it with us you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are worthy to be praised all around the building help us sing come on you are don't make [Music] [Music] you are [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] say we give you all give you we worship you [Music] we give you all [Music] [Applause] you are worthy to [Music] one more time come on it's worth it to be friends [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] we give you [Applause] you are [Music] we [Applause] [Music] you are [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are worthy to be friends you are worthy to be praying [Music] [Applause] to [Music] you are [Music] [Music] you are the two prayers [Music] you worthy to be great give away to be prized [Music] the praise word word word is [Applause] he prays we pray [Music] you are [Music] worthy to be praised [Music] [Music] from the rising of the sun to the selling of the same god you are worthy to be praised [Music] chilly praise hallelujah you are worthy to be praised [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] when the truth [Music] you want me to be praying [Applause] [Music] what almighty god we serve what a mighty god we serve what a mighty god we saw [Applause] what a mighty god we serve a mighty god we said what a mighty god what a mighty god what a mighty god angels spout before heaven and earth and joy what almighty god [Music] lift your hands in the presence [Music] of this great and mighty god father to you praise belongs you are great and greatly to be praised we thank you [Music] because your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness to us is great we thank you for your beloved son our savior jesus thank you for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us thank you for the integrity of your word lord thank you for the word and thank you for your people they are your inheritance in the earth we thank you for them whatever age whatever stage they are in in the knowledge of you we pray tonight that we would all grow in grace in wisdom in knowledge in favor with you and with men touch every heart and minister to every life tonight we release the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge in the anointed jesus and in his anointing and we declare liberty and victory belongs to the people of god we take authority over every spirit of fear intimidation confusion and in jesus name we declare light shines in darkness and father we vow to give you glory and praise for every word that is said everything that is to the glory of the name of jesus and we thank you in advance for the victory that belongs to us in jesus name and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen hallelujah clap your hands and praise the lord right where you are those of you that are here and those of you that are watching us we greet you in the name of jesus and we thank god for you person by person and individual by individual if you're here in the tabernacle you may be seated if you're watching me live streaming once again we want to welcome you i know that you have been greeted and saluted and i know you've also been encouraged to become a part of our pec our prophetic e community if you're not one already i believe even before this night has concluded you will see and know the significance of that connection and we want to welcome you tonight to night number one of our prophetic encounter a very special call prophetic encounter and uh the prophetic encounters are very very important times of gathering times of ministry uh here at the place of grace and clancy mcclendon ministries something the spirit of the lord directed us to do and the lord said to me that there would be times where he would share various things with me and i was to take two or three nights and simply instruct the people of god and immerse them in a specific area or subject matter that is pertinent and prophetic and of course we've had several of them but here just a little over a month ago as a matter of fact i had not really precipitated or planned this one but here just a little over a month ago the word of the lord came to me and the lord began dealing with me about some things and he said i want you to share this with my people and of course i work for him amen and so when he gives us direction and insight and uh gives us something to declare it is our responsibility to do it and so tonight tomorrow night on friday night 7 30 p.m beginning each night we're going to be looking into god's word in this area and i'm entitling this time of ministry we're entitling it the final seduction the final seduction now again while that may sound like an a um provocative title uh it is biblical and tonight we're going to begin to unpack it and i do believe with all of my heart and spirit that you are going to be impacted empowered and enlightened in the revelation of the word of god tonight i want to remind you uh however as we prepare for this tonight just in two weeks from this night beginning wednesday october 27 28 29 and then uh october 31st uh our academy of healing and wellness convention fall 2021 begins we have an academy of healing and wellness convention in the spring and the fall it is the evolution of our academy of healing and wellness school we have uh registration is available for you online and uh new students if you are a new student registration is available to you returning students those that are already in the credentialing press you can also register on those who desire and want to be assured that during the designated miracle service on that sunday we pray for you the preface for healing a physical body this is a ministry that believes jesus is still going on matthew 4 23 matthew 9 35 say the very same thing and jesus went about praying the gospel of the kingdom teaching in their synagogue all men of sickness and all manner of disease among the jesus still a healer and it is not men who work anointing see even jesus of nazareth the bible says did no miracle and was anointed with the holy spirit acts 10 38 says how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit in power who went about doing good and healing all the oppressed of the devil for god was with him jesus is healing today somebody say amen to that and you've come to me too everything in this ministry from the dead raised back to life to hiv aids cysts and tumors disappearing and blind eyes opening deaf ears unstopped and it's not over and one of the mandates upon this ministry the place of grace is one of the reasons why we call it a place where whoever can be healed of whatever we take that name from john chapter five um and so i want you to be ready in the academy of healing and wellness as it begins wednesday thursday friday october 27 28 29 and then a great miracle and healing service on the 31st of october and if you are in need of healing know someone who does and again it's not just miracle services but we're teaching in the doctrine what do you mean by doctrine what doctrine has to do with what the scripture teaches us about healing about divine health and about the lord our physician healer jehovah rapha means the lord your physician healer not just healer and so there are some things we're going to be sharing over those nights you don't want to miss it can you say amen all right i want you to open with me in your bibles tonight uh open with me first of all to the book of first timothy the book of first timothy chapter number four the book of first timothy chapter number four and i shall begin the reading of god's word first timothy chapter number four and i'll begin the reading of god's word at verse number one as a matter of fact don't leave me yet don't leave me yet laren as a matter of fact if you are watching me live streaming or if you are here live in the tabernacle i want you to lay your hands upon yourself and if you pray in the holy ghost i want the holy spirit just for about 120 seconds you pray in the understanding i want you to pray on the understanding for about the next two minutes i i've spent about five or six hours today in the presence of god in preparation these times of prophetic encounter these are not just times of teaching work a subject and just go at it i seek the lord i spend time with god over these times of instruction because i understand the possibility that has been given to us in this moment uh a voice in this nation and to the nations of the earth so i want you to lay your hands upon yourself if you pray holy ghost i want you just to begin to pray in the spirit if you plan the understanding i want you to pray in the understanding but let's agree tonight that exactly what the spirit of the lord wants imparted is imparted there is so much to share and i want to make sure i get to you exactly what the spirit of grace wants to talk about just begin to pray come on just about 30 more seconds in the spirit come on and pray for the holy ghost if you don't pray in the spirit just lift your hands and thank god for wisdom thank him for understanding thank him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus amen and first timothy the book of first a chapter number four and i shall begin the once again first timothy chapter four and verse number one now when the spirit of grace spoke in my here a couple of months ago and started dealing with me about this particular subject i immediately uh felt that there were various aspects of this that we had already addressed already covered already articulated i would bring to your remembrance uh teaching we did entitle uh what and who is coming up on the earth where we dealt with enough things regarding eschatology which is just really a rather error for study of the end times or literally as relates to scripture what the scriptures teach and speak about the times of the end and so there were several things that i i felt at least in my spirit that i had addressed at the direction of the lord but as the days that we are in continue to intensify and as things continue to be brought to bear uh that are not only in line with scripture uh but are literally fulfilling prophecy and as many of the people of god please hear what i'm getting ready to say to you as many of the people of god seemingly do not know or understand the times we are in it becomes incumbent upon those men and women of god to whom the spirit of god is speaking to address these things to do so and when so the lord said this to me he said i want you to deal with this because there are so many things going on in the earth so many things are happening in the nations the pandemic that swept the globe or at least uh allegedly swept the globe and again we're not negating the validity of the virus and the other things but there have been some other agendas at work and those of us who know the scriptures and are not just paying attention to natural things are sensing the timeline of god and are beginning to understand not only what things are going to happen but now it's becoming very clear how they're going to happen for for years preachers and prophecy lecturers and teachers have uh you know have taught and preached things from the scripture and you know as people would hear them the question would be well how is that going to happen how is this going to occur how are these things going to come to pass what if you've been paying attention it has become much more clear how these things can happen and what is amazing to me and i shouldn't say amazing because i do not want to come across in any way condescendingly our job and our responsibility in these times of teaching is to enlighten and open the eyes of as many people as possibly can no matter what level of christianity you're functioning in and when i say what level i'll speak to that in just a moment and and as i was praying about this and preparing about this i felt the heart of god again that he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth i want you to pay attention not just to salvation but to the knowledge of the truth now why is that distinction important we'll see it in just a moment well let's read some scripture first timothy chapter four and this is where literally the title of this teaching and this time of ministry comes up it says now the spirit expressly speaks or speaks very clearly and very definitively the king james says now the spirit speaketh expressly the word there means very clearly very definitively now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times everybody say in the latter times say it again but that's important now the spirit expressly says in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to i'm reading out the new king james giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy well that's very interesting speaking lies in hypocrisy i get it let me go back now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times some will depart from the faith now these that are going to depart from the faith are going to depart from the faith watch this not because they want to but because they will be giving heed or paying attention to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons now you know i you know i've heard these scriptures for years and and the the idea has always been that there would be you know false teachers and false preachers and prophets leading people astray leading them here and there and that has been the case all the time but what's being spoken of here is much more sinister than just fake preachers are you or or just false churches do you know there was a time where people were concerned about the church of satan you know and figured that would be a big part of that and what we're seeing now is the church of satan almost has nothing to do with anything that is happening in these last days what i mean is tangibly invisibly they may be you know doing incantations and sending curses but they don't work on the new creation amen i said they don't work on the new creation you send the curse against me it'll come back on you curses don't work on me amen so i want you to understand this it says giving he just to deceiving spirits and the new king james says deceiving spirits the king james there says seducing spirits giving to seducing spirits or deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own conscience seared with a hot iron we're going to look at that in just a moment because in order to really understand what is being said here there are some words we've got to break down and look at in the original language again the new covenant is originally delivered to us in the greek language and when preachers or teachers start speaking and breaking down greek it's not an attempt to look intelligent it's just that that language is much more colorful and there are things when they are translated into english from the original greek in many cases you know the connotation changes or the impact changes when the english ear hears the word seducing they immediately think sensuality sexuality and that's not what's being addressed here so i want you to pay attention it says giving heed to seducing or deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons speaking lies in hypocrisy having their own conscience seared with a hot iron go with me very quickly to first john first john chapter number two first john chapter number two now we will deal with both of these uh in greater detail but i just want to introduce them to you uh here tonight very quickly so that we can lay some foundation and see where we're going first john chapter 2 verse 19 says little children is the last hour now remember in first timothy he said in the latter days in the latter times so uh paul is writing to timothy under the spirit of revelation and here john the apostle is writing and he says literature it is the last hour you have heard that the and it is with a capital a and again anti-christ means anti-anointed or anti-anointing or against the anointed one and his anointing here as the word anti is capitalized it is referring to the individual which is also in first thessalonians to refer to as the man of sin or in other places referred to as the lawless one he is the embodiment of all evil iniquity and lawlessness in the same way that christ jesus is the incarnation of god all that holy all that is righteous this anti-christ is the embodiment of since gender and work in the earth so he said he says little children it is the last hour and as you have heard the christ is coming even now everybody say even now now even now he says many antichrists or many anti-anointing spirits many spirits that are the anointed one and many spirits that are against the anointing have come now john is writing uh thousands of years ago and he is saying already the spirit against the anointing is in the earth it's already here it's not coming later it's here but and it's been working since john's time wait maybe you understand what i'm saying okay so he's saying even now many antichrists have come by which we know it is the last hour pay attention to what he said he's saying the more anti-anointing the more and the more spirits against the anointed one that is jesus and against the anointing the more that begins to manifest the more you can be sure you are in the last not only days but the last hour notice what he says the last hour are you there he's saying little children it is the last hour and so he says even how many antichrists have come by which we know it is the last hound now pay attention to what he says they went out from us now who are they they are those who are being affected by these anti-anointing spirits that are already operating they went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us now what is he addressing here he is address oh jesus he is addressing the fact that in the last hour the activity of these anti-anointing spirits these spirits that are against the anointed one and against the anointing now remember the anointing was in the earth long before the anointed one was manifested do you understand that yes sir in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word was made flesh but before the incarnation of the lord jesus the spirit of god was moving in the earth coming upon men coming upon women wave at me if you understand what i'm saying so the anointing was moving before the anointed one was manifested even so the anti-anointing spirit is moving even before the anti-anointed one manifests wait if you understand what i just said so just as there is an embodiment here of of of the anointing in christ jesus but the spirit of the lord has been moving in the earth accomplishing purposes moving toward god's plan this anti-anointing spirit has also been in the earth subtly moving forward the satanic agenda but what happens now in the last days is that agenda begins to speed up and begins to be made more clearly manifest to those who have ears to hear eyes to see and hearts to perceive and to understand now notice oh jesus let me let me just read through this because i'm laboring here but i got to get to some things let me look at verse 19. they went out from us but they but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us so he's speaking there will be a division there will be a distinguishing there will be a separation of people even people in the faith are you still here allah says even people in the faith lines will begin to be marked out and distinctions of people even in the faith as the last hour escalates and as the anti-anointing spirits function in line with the plans and purposes of satan who is the power behind them now look at verse number 20. he says but you have an anointing ah so you have an anointing and the anointing you have should be able to distinguish you and help you discern the anti-anointing are you there are you there again uh but but you have an anointing from the holy one and you know all things now again that doesn't mean that you know everything what it means is you have an anointing and that anointing on the inside of you if you will pay attention to that if you will listen if you will father see the last days are days where you are going to to depend on the anointing that abides on the inside of you and that is why it is important thank you holy ghost that you spend time with god in his word and get to know the world why because the holy spirit jesus promised would bring all things to your remembrance whatever he has spoken to you whatever the anointed one has spoken to you jesus the holy spirit will bring to you remember but if you are not spending time with him allowing him to speak the holy spirit will have nothing to remind you of when deception confronts you now i'm go i'm ahead of myself but let let me let me read it but you have an anointing of the holy one and you know all things well watch this i have not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you know now how do you know it by the anointing he's not saying you know the entire scripture because he's writing little children okay whoo i've not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you know it and that no lie is of the truth who is a liar but he who denies that jesus is the anointed one he is against the anointed one and his anointing who denies the father and the son whoever denies the son does not have the father either are y'all here oh goodness he who acknowledges the son has the father also therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning if what you heard from the beginning abides in you you also will abide in this what does he say he said let what you heard in the beginning about any what you heard about jesus what you heard about those if you were genuinely born again let it abide in you because as all of this other stuff begins to come your way that is confusing that anointing will help you discern and delineate truth from life even if you don't know where the lie is coming from you'll know it's a lie because the spirit of truth dwells in use i i'm oh no let me not say that uh let me keep going therefore let that abide in you verse 24 which you heard from the beginning if what you heard from the beginning abides in you you also will abide in the son and in the father and this is the promise that he has promised us ayan nao zoe or unstoppable life or life that cannot be extinguished or life that cannot be put out he's not just talking about going to heaven he's talking about having the life of god on the inside of you that no lie no deception no darkness no devil no yoke no bondage can extinguish or pull you away from if you lay hold to it hallelujah somebody say amen to this now it is important it is important that we qualify a couple of things here because both john and paul which we read in first timothy paul was addressing his spiritual son timothy john is writing here and he begins in verse 18 saying little children it is the last hour now why is that reference important uh and it's so interesting i was listening and i don't get a chance to listen much preaching and teaching but i had a chance here not long ago to listen uh which there are certain there's only you know certain people i can listen to uh i love everybody but i can't listen to everybody especially as you become more discerning in what time it is you'll find there are less voices you can listen to uh some of you are experiencing that uh right now and i'll never forget when that began happening to me several years ago and people i i used to be able to listen to and enjoy i found myself i couldn't do it anymore i was watching and i said god what's going on to me and the lord said to me he said son it's like training he says when you're not training for anything you can eat anything you want he said but when you're training for something specific when you got a specific race to run if you're uh an athlete or in the you decathlon manage your diet because you can't consume everything when you're training for something specific when like you can when you're just generally doing nothing so many of you your diet is changing spiritually because your race is getting more specific and more distinguished even from other people in the face uh he that has ears to hear let him hear so what was i saying there i was talking about the fact i don't get a chance but i was listening to the man of god pastor chris here ago and he said something that confirmed something the spirit of the lord was dealing with me about that i hadn't said yet but it's very very important that you and i understand it now he didn't say exactly what i'm going to say but he said something that confirmed what the spirit of the lord was dealing with me about and so you've got to understand who's writing and who they're writing to the scriptures are written to three groups of people the scriptures are written to three groups of people it is written to israel the church and the nations three distinct groups of people the entirety of the word of god addresses the nation of israel god's chosen people the seed of abraham it addresses the church who are the ecclesia are y'all still here who through yeshua who is jewish come into the covenant that god made with abraham galatians 3 christ has redeemed us from the curse of law being made a curse for us that the blessing of abraham might come upon the gentiles in christ jesus christ jesus was to bring all the other people who were not jewish into the covenant that god made with abraham and with jesus again galatians tells us to abraham and his seed were the promises made and it does not say unto his seeds as of many but to his seed as of one who is christ so when god makes covenant with abraham in the old covenant he is making covenant with abraham and jesus william if you understand what i just said he's not making covenant with abraham isaac and jacob he's making covenant with abraham and jesus isaac and jacob get into the covenant when they meet the god that their father abraham met i come into the covenant when we meet the one that god sent to us who is jesus of nazareth wave of you wave at me if if you understand what i'm saying but the scriptures are written oh hear what i'm saying i'm not just talking but the scriptures are written to two to three groups of people israel the church and the nations so when the scripture talks about the last days it's the same period of time but the last days for the church are different from the last days for israel and the last days for israel are different from the last days for the nations are y'all here are you here because see the last days for the church are the days before the perusia the catching away but but when the church is caught away then the primary evangelistic force in the earth will be the nation of israel and their last days will be about seven years according to daniel 7 and 11 and revelation 13 longer than the church's last days are y'all here and the nation's last days will be at the culmination of those seven years because they will still be getting an opportunity to come in through the is through the jewish evangelist until the millennial reign at the end of that seven year period that is spoken of in daniel 7 daniel 11 and revelation chapter 13. are you paying attention yet so so whose last days are we talking about and see what the church must understand is we are coming into as we talked about before the culmination of the church age or the gentile age which will conclude with the rapture of the church are you still here i said are you still here so so if you're a christian your last days are a little shorter than everybody else's that's right come on lay your hands up on yourself and say we need to be alert we need to be alert we need to be paying attention so so now watch this watch watch watch watch because john also writes oh children don't miss this when john addresses oh goodness i'm not going to get as far as i want when john addresses here uh verse 18 go back to first john 2 verse 18 little children it is the last hour you got to remember that john in his letter addresses three different groups of people where do you see that bishop just a few verses up go to verse to first john 2 12. he says i write to little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake i write to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning i write to you young men because you have overcome the wicked one do you see the three little children fathers and young men are you there i write you a little children because you have known the father verse 14 i have written to you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning i have written to you young men because you are strong and the word of god abides you i want you to notice something here it goes down to verse 18 he says little children it is the last hour are y'all here no no what what does he say see he doesn't want anybody to be lost what he's saying is fathers should know what time it is he said and young men who have more knowledge of the word you have been overcoming the wicked one the word of god abides in you so you've been have a little more time to demonstrate the power of the word now what is being addressed here there are levels of believers yes are you still here absolutely uh uh now why is that why is that important because in an hour of deception the little ones are the ones that start getting plucked out right in in an hour of deception it's the baby saints don't know the word that don't know the holy ghost that don't know that will be more susceptible to deception and what we are finding now is because we have had about 50 or 60 years especially in america of mega church with many impact what do you mean by that big playpens but no young men or fathers we've had 20 thousand member churches but all of them the majority of them are children can't bind the devil can't pray a flea off skillful the bibles calls it unskillful in the word of righteousness why because they've been preached to platitudes and blessed me messages and god's going to do this and god's going to do that no responsibility and what we're finding right now is a lot of them are being picked off by the deception that is now sweeping the earth because we thought it was going to come through pulpits it's not coming through pulpits [Music] boy it's quiet in the house so so now watch what he says i write to you children because your sins are forgiven for they say see the little children they're saved jesus saved me i'm saved going to heaven don't know much about the kingdom of god dominion occupying till he comes penetrating satanic territory and planting flags so the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our lord and his christ we're saved and we're going to heaven and again i'm not ridiculing because john is addressing this he said i don't want any of you lost but if you're one of the little children you need to be paying really close attention because you're more open to deception he said i write to you young men because you have overcome the wicked one in other words the young men you have had some victories you you've seen the word of god work but then he says i write to you fathers oh notice both time he addresses the fathers he says because you have known him who is from the beginning in other words you have a grasp on purpose not just action you have some understanding of the mind of god and what god has been up to throughout this entire thing we call the church age which is coming to an end you understand that what is about to occur and the the antichrist takes his place when the actual anointed exit yes uh i'm taking you to first thessalonians 2 in just a moment it is difficult to pass off a counterfeit when the real is present are you there but when the real exits the counterfeit can pass for the reel what no let me let me say let me stay with it uh go back to first timothy go back to first timothy chapter four jesus help me here first timothy chapter four are you still with me now watch this ah well goodness am i going am i even going to get there i'll get there well go to go to go to second thessalonians go there go to second thessalonians 2. are you still tracking me second thessalonians chapter number two verse number one now brethren concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and our gathering to get to him the perusing the catching away we ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled either by spirit or by word or by letter as it as if from us as though the day of christ had come let no one deceive you by any means that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin again he's called here the man of sin this is antichrist the incarnation the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing that he is god see he cannot do that until the real exit look at verse 5. do you not remember now this is a part of what the enemy has been up to during the last 18 months because he knows his time is short and he knows that he has but a short time to do his work he would like to start early he'd like to start ahead of time and say what you will but this pandemic and the seizing of authority that has been happening to try to take away choice and freedom and liberty from nations and the peoples of the earth is the spirit of the anti-anointing that is to come and manifest himself so he says virtually that no one deceives you that means that day will not come unless they're falling away first and the man of sin is revealed who who opposes the exhaust himself look at verse 5. do you not remember when i was with you i told you these things now again paul is talking to people he preached to and he told them these things when he was with them look and and now you know what is restraining now how do they know what is restraining because he had preached it to them are you still here and you know what is restraining and again what is restraining is the church the church is what is restraining look the people in whom is the anointing remember he said you have an anointing from the holy one so the anti-anointing cannot manifest and pass himself off as the anointed as long as the real anonymity are here are you there because you have what he's faking see the final seduction will be when he is able to pass himself off as the anointed the bible says he will oppose he says he will exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worship so that he sits as god in the temple of god showing that he is god yes deception ultimate deception but he can't do it as long as the true anointed amateur anointing are here which is why you don't want to be here when the real anointed ones exit now why is that important because the end of the church age or the end of the gentile age are the final days when the church has the opportunity to bring peoples salvations into the covenant god made with abraham and jesus and when that day is done the church age is over you don't want to be here when there is no church here because he just told you that the church is what is restraining it's what is keeping all hell from breaking loose on planet earth it's not the holy ghost because the holy ghost is not leaving stay with me he can't leave people can't get saved if he leaves okay no man can come to the father except the spirit of god draw him so in the time when the church is gone and the jewish nation is being reconciled to yeshua see there's no church right are y'all here see there'll be no church the spirit of god will be dealing with but there'll be no centralized worship which is what the enemy tried to do in the last 18 months he that has used to hear let him hear now a few days ago the lord woke me up about at four in the morning and he said tell my people the conspiracy has been broken and i'll deal with that tomorrow or the next day but the deception is still moving oh i'm all over the place let me focus verse 5. do you not remember that when i was still with you i told you these things and now you know what is restraining that he may be revealed in his own time so he has a time for the mystery of lawlessness already at work what's it called what the mystery of what that's important for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way and then the lawless one what's he called what so notice he says the mystery of lawlessness is working so the spirit of antichrist anti-anointing that is already in the earth is the mystery of lawlessness oh i need you to pay attention now because we're talking about the final seduction see because the final seduction is not coming through the church it's coming to it to pick little children out of it oh god and it's already it's already at work while for the mystery of lawless is already at work only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out away and then when he is taken out of the way the lawless one will be revealed what's he called the lawless one whom the lord will consume with the breath of his mouth and destroy with the brightness of him of his coming the coming of the lawless one notice the mystery of lawlessness the lawless one the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan pay attention pay attention the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan with all power signs and lying wonders with all righteous with all unrighteous deception among those who did not love the truth so let's stop right here because now we're starting to unpack some stuff i'm almost where i need to get to tonight he says the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan so he is the long last one but his coming is according to the working of satan now what do we know about the working of satan well we know this go to revelation 20 verses 1 through 3. boy i am not in anywhere near where i need to be revelation 20 verses 1 through 3 you with me then i saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand he laid hold of the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so that he should deceive the nations no more until the thousand years was finished but after these things he must be released for a little while so the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan and what did satan do he deceived the nation so the coming of the lawless one is with deception let's go let's go a little further revelation 20 10 the devil who deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever deception again go to second corinthians 11 3 2 corinthians 11 3 i got to hurry second corinthians 11 3 but i fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived eve the coming of the lawless one will be according to the working of satan what are we seeing about satan's work it's what it's what what is it deception you still here i said are you still here go to second timothy 3 verse 12 12-17 yes and all who desire to live golly in christ jesus will suffer persecution but evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan satan's work is with deception and evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse deceiving and being deceived so satan's work is going to be being done through men of deception verse 14 but you must continue with things which you have learned and been assured of knowing from whom you have learned them and that from childhood you have known the holy scriptures so as deception and the lawless one and the antichrist spirits begin to roam free and more powerfully manifest you are going to have to hang on to the scriptures which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in christ jesus now he's talking to a born again man no you missed it he's talking to a born-again man so he said the scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation wait a minute i thought i was saved i thought i was saved are y'all here i thought i was saying he's writing to a born-again man why does a born-again man need to be wise for salvation because you can be born again and still fall to the last seduction that's right and your spirit born again but you going the way of the world and see here's the problem ah if you keep going that way it will only be a matter of time till you are numbered within this is what the bible teaches i'll get to it watch this verse 15 and verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god inspiration of god inspired in spirited by god has god's spirit in it the scripture has the spirit of god within it the scripture has the spirit of god within it which is why it's called the seed of the word the life is in the seed the more word you are getting in your spirit the more of the spirit of god you have which is able to discern truth from lie all scriptures given my inspiration of god is profitable profitable for doctrine for teaching instruction for reproof for that which which is rebuke or for correction and for instruction in remaining in right standing and right relationship with god that the man of god may be mature thoroughly equipped for every good work so i was not watching the coming of the lawless when again verse 9 is according to the working of satan well we've seen that that work is deceptive work and with all unrighteousness and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved they did not receive the love of the truth it didn't say they didn't receive the truth i need you to pay attention to the words they didn't receive the love of the truth what does it mean to receive the love of the truth see there's a lot who have received the truth but they have not received the love of the truth what is the love of the truth now i'm not talking about going to sleep hugging your bible love of the truth is the willingness to exalt the word above everything else including your opinion including anything anybody else says including any mandate any edict any directive any command that tells you to do something against the word or against your moral conscience i'm going somewhere with this i'm going somewhere i'm going somewhere with this the love of the truth means i'm exalting god's word above everything else even if i don't fully understand it the word says this so many christians have never read what jesus said when he said he that doeth my will will know my doctrine whether i speak of myself or no in other words he says there are some things that will not be revealed to you until you do them see there are there are some things the power of it you won't know until you say no to what you're being told you didn't hear what i just said there are some things in scripture that you will not know the power of it you will not know you won't even know that you've been wise until you said no you didn't hear what i just said i'm going to say it again you won't even know you were wise until you don't do it this is what this is what jesus meant when he said wisdom is justified of her children what does that mean children are the offspring of something in other words he said you will you you will obey my word you will act in wisdom but you won't even know you were being wise until other people start dying and you don't this is why he said you have an unction you have an anointing you don't have to know everything but if the spirit of god is telling you no even if you don't understand why he's saying no it's no yes sir yeah okay all right i was about to go somewhere but the lord said no maybe tomorrow okay say wait are you still here uh uh i i got just a few more minutes so give them to me worse because they did not receive literally said the coming ah the coming of the lawless one is with all unrighteous reception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might receive now watch this and for this reason what reason that they did not receive the love of the truth so now we're not talking just about sinners because sinners didn't even receive the truth are you still here and for this reason god will send them strong delusion now this is very interesting the the greek here is energione planet in greek it literally means effectual productive fraudulence you didn't hear what i just said and because are y'all here because because they did not love the truth because they would not exalt my word above everything else i will allow them to be subject to effectual productive fraud that is so effectual the word effectual means product producing the fraud produces a product you still with me i will send strongly to effective effectual productive fraudulence to get it i they did not receive the love of the truth and for this reason that they did not receive the love of the truth god will send them strong delusions effectual productive fraudulence so that they who did not receive love of the truth would believe the lie notice the fraud comes before the lie the fraud and the lie are not the same thing the fraud comes before villa and it's not a lie it's the lie if you look it up in greek it is the definitive article there is a specific lie that you will buy god said you'll buy it if you don't receive love of the truth in the time that is permitted are you still here how many of you wish you had left me about 20 minutes ago let me see no no no stay with i'm almost i'm almost done here tonight i promise you i am so now watch this that that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness now go back very quickly with me to where we started go back to first timothy 4. go back to first timothy are you still here now watch this it says now the spirit speaks expressly verse one that in the times some will depart from the faith so now we know what the times are they're the latter times or the last hour that was addressed to the little children which has to do with what jesus referred to in luke uh in matthew 24 as the end of the gentile age or the end of the period of time when non-jews are being brought into the covenant that is primarily through the church wait if you understand what i just said so now the spirit speaks expressly then in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to and again the knee the new king james here says seducing spirits the king james says says this i mean the the new king james says deceiving spirits the king james says seducing spirits literally the greek words here are pneuma and planos the word pneuma again the greek word from which we get the english word pneumonia having to do with breath when current pneumonia is a respiratory disease but it also means vital principles and mental disposition they will begin to give heed to principles and a mental disposition that is being projected the wind and breath and currents this word this word seducing here is a very interesting greek word it's the greek word planus which literally means roving like a a a hobo which has no particular place to abide stay with me it's movable see truth has a certain position but deception is movable it roves it changes five-year-olds don't need to be vaccinated 12-year-olds are immune oh wait a minute now we need everybody vaccinated it's quiet in the building and again and again and again and again i'm not pro vi i'm not pro backs anti-vaxx i'm above facts i've told you the word of the lord came to me god told me what to do and i understand there are people who are under mandates and this kind of thing but you got to start making decisions and once again i do not believe that the vaccination is the mark of the beast i have said it before all of this is a precursor it's a dress rehearsal it is an operational rollout i'm going to deal with some of this tomorrow i said i said some things to you a few months ago that the spirit of god said to me now they are very clearly happening and you need to know so watch this spirits vital principles mental dispositions that are roving like trance the word actually means imposters or misleaders in other words they will be principles and mentalities that keep changing keep shifting and mislead they are imposters they are fraudulent masquerading as truth are you still here and then it says and doctrines of devils which literally means instructions information and teachings from demonic beings now the concept that most people have when they hear things like that is that demons will be speaking ah but they will be using the voices of men and women people in places of authority are you still here watch this it says they will be speaking lies in hypocrisy now this is very very interesting hypocrisis in greek it means acting in a non-genuine part in other words they will be stage players like actors in other words they will get in position and a part will have been written for them that they will now have to play because they do not have the spirit of truth so they cannot do anything but yield to the part that has been written for them it's like if you you know it's like if you if if you are an actor and you get a part in shakespeare and you're hamlet you got to play hamlet you don't get to do what you want to do doesn't matter how gifted you are you got to play hamlet why that's the role oh god what is happening right now is men are being put in positions women are being put in positions of political authority and the anti-anointing spirits have already mapped out their role and if they do not know the truth if they do not have the spirit of god even if they are well intentioned they will be playing the role speaking lies in hypocrisy literally acting in a non-genuine part stage players acting under an assumed character are you there people are wondering well you know why is it that why is it you know i've i voted for so and so and they said this this this and this and the moment they got in office seducing spirit doctrines of devils still here speaking like it says it says uh oh goodness speaking lies in hypocrisy in the greek it actually says in hypocrisy speaking lies which the speaking lies means promulgating erroneous information uttering untruth watch this attempting to deceive by falsehood now here's here's here's the interesting piece you say bishop mcclendon i mean goodness what are we supposed to do about this tomorrow i can only get i can only get so much out at one time but i want you i want you to get this because this is very important it and then it says the the reason they'll do this the reason this will happen because what you've got to understand and i'll point this out uh more clearly tomorrow what you've got to understand this is why we have to begin to pray now no not yet this is why we have to begin to pray now there are some assignments in prayer that are going to have to now begin to be rolled out as a matter of fact the spirit of the lord spoke some things about me to me about this because see what's happening now is it doesn't matter whether people are well intentioned it doesn't matter whether they have good ideas and good thoughts before they get into positions of authority or power or influence especially in the political realm they can have really good ideas but the moment they sit in that seat the warfare that those demonic spirits and the anti-anointing spirit has been will begin to influence them and if they do not know the truth if they do not know the word of god if they do not have men and women praying for them and upholding them they will side with the anti-anointing because they have no anointing they have no unction they have no ability to discern it are you listening to me and and so it is vitally important and the reason that this will happen no matter what the intention is he says because they will have their own conscience is seared with a hot iron now please pay attention because this is powerful and this is what the holy spirit is telling the church is going to happen in the latter time in the last days he's saying they will have and the reason is what we have the reason you will see this flawed being perpetrated and people actually telling you lies not even realizing many times they're lying i mean listen there are stuff that's being said now no intelligent person could actually believe if they listen to themselves you have now a situation where although it is clear the vaccine doesn't keep you from getting cobit 19. if you have been vaccinated you can go anywhere and they tell you that cobit 19 is contagious if you have it but the vaccine doesn't keep you from getting it but if you've gotten it you can go anywhere but if you don't have it you can't go where vaccinated people can go even though they may have the virus and you don't which means they can be contagious and you're not but they can go something is wrong with that again whether you're provac or anti-vaxx something is wrong with the logic and and it's extraordinary but here's here's what the bible says he says this will happen because they will have their conscience their own conscience seared with a hot eye this word seared very interesting it means to cauterize or to brand it watch this it means to burn sear or freeze you know you can freeze burn things are you there it means to burn sea or freeze watch this using an iron or an electric current as a caustic caustic agent to make insensitive or callous to deaden feelings or morals now watch this it says they will have their conscience this is a very interesting word and i know i'm belaboring you with etymology but this is important pay attention they will have their conscience the word conscience here literally means co-perception or moral consciousness it is the prolonged form of the greek word sunideo which literally means to see completely and the verb is only used in past tense which means to understand post-facto or to be conscious of post-facto which means they will have been so affected by being seared that they will no longer have the ability after hearing or seeing to put two and two together in other words it means people who have been so effective that even though they can look at this and look at that they can't understand that this plus this equals this it'll be like putting two pebbles in front of a person and saying two plus two equals four and they go seven and you've got the two in front of them and they could just count them but seven is what they see it's what they perceive now what are you saying bishop mcclendon it says they will be called out burned seared have no ability their moral consciousness will have been so fried that they can't put two and two together they can't see that this plus this equals destruction that this plus this equals the loss of freedom this plus this equals the loss of choice they can't see it and you're sitting there wondering how can you not see this how can you and and what you don't understand is that thing that allows them to see it has been removed this is what paul meant where he says if our gospel is hidden it is hidden from them that the god of this world has blinded their minds he has literally taken from them the ability to put two and two together and see it clearly now why is that important go to matthew 24 i'll finish here matthew 20. oh jesus matthew 24 verse number 9 matthew 24 verse number 9 jesus is speaking about says watch it then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you or tribulation there the greek word eclipses it means narrowness they want you in narrow situations where you'll have to make decisions and you will allah and you will be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended again the greek scandal on trapped will betray one another and will hate one another very false prophets will rise up does not mean preachers in pulpits that means people speaking under divine inspiration demonic divine in other words you will have prime ministers the dense newscasters ain't nobody saying nothing to me speaking under the inspiration of these seducing spirits and they will be articulating the instructions of devils then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many watch it and cause lawlessness oh there it is the violation of law wickedness not merely civil or federal law but the violation of moral law freedoms and the right of moral choice because that what kind of law is this the violation of moral law freedom moral choice because that will abound the love of many will grow cold burned seared but he who endures to the end shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom i've said this for years i won't notice the shift it's not just the gospel of salvation it's the gospel of the kingdom it's not just the gospel that tells you you're saved i'm not you must be born again don't take away from what i'm saying but the gospel of the kingdom has to do with the gospel of the rule the dominion the realm of god what will happen to be preached and understood in this day is you are not just here to get to heaven you are here to exercise dominion until he comes you are here to say no to devils and demons when they're trying to push their way in jesus and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached as a witness it doesn't say it will be witnessed in the sense of being spoken it will be preached as a witness to all nations what does that mean it means that there will not be anyone on planet earth who doesn't know that there is this group of people who are walking in power and dominion and the things that are touching others aren't touching them and the things that are killing others aren't killing them and the things that are making others sick aren't making them sick and the economic downturn that's happening to everybody else it's not affecting them the same way there will be evidence that they are believing something and doing something that others don't know and don't have it will be clear what am i telling you i am telling you that as this final seduction begins to escalate the evidence of the goodness of god is going to be so clearly demonstrated on those who hold on to the truth that nobody around you will not know there's something different about you and i'm telling you i am telling you as a prophet of god they may run upon you one way but they'll flee before you seven ways and a thousand may fall in your sight and ten thousand that you're right you know what that means that means they're coming after you but they don't get near you [Music] it means even the attack will fail david said when the wicked and even my enemies came up on me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and fell gonna be a whole lot of stumbling and falling around you if you're standing on the word believing the word of god what are you saying bishop mcclendon i am telling you that if you are standing for god he will stand for you i'm telling you no matter what doctrine devil's seduction comes the spirit of god is going to uphold you and strengthen you ah but you're gonna have to make a decision to stand on the word of god you're going to have to make a decision please hear me to trust the voice of the holy ghost on the inside of you i can't i i can't say this enough i was when i was in prayer this afternoon and this evening the spirit of god said to me he said there are so many voices right now that my people are hearing in the earth he said tell them they're going to have to purposely monitor now the voices they listen to there are too many voices and you're going to have to turn some off and say no to this and notice this and notice this and let the word of god speak to you and trust jesus said my sheep know my voice the voice of strangers they will not follow if you are one of his sheep he said you know his voice so you know what you need to start saying i know his voice and you know what'll happen if you start saying what he said you'll know his voice and the voice of strangers you will not follow you'll know oh god help me you'll know even when you don't know that you know lay your hands upon yourself i got a whole lot more of this to preach and teach but i cannot get through it tonight my god [Music] lay your hands up on yourself i'm going to show you two more passages of scripture very quickly i'm not going to try to expound on them i'm just going to show them to you one of the things that daniel saw when the vision of this man of sin this antichrist was given to him in daniel 7 and 25 put it up daniel said he shall speak pompous words against the most high shall persecute the saints of the most high now watch this and shall intend to change times and law he's going to try to change law what does that mean he's going to try to remove things and impose mandates take away freedom that is the spirit of christ you still hear and it says then the saints shall be given to his head for time and times and i have time i will not go into all that but go real quickly to daniel 11. this is where i want you to see because as i was in prayer today the spirit of the lord said to me he said son make sure you say this to my people i said yes sir daniel 11 and 32 it says those who do wickedly against the covenant he that is this antichrist this spirit will corrupt with flattery but the people who know their god shall be strong somebody lift your hands and say i shall be strong say it again i shall be strong lift up both of your hands and say i shall be strong it says the people who know their god doesn't say they know all the scriptures they know their god and say they can quote every chapter and verse they know their god they are acquainted with that anointing they know that voice they are acquainted with the holy ghost god said to me to tell the people of god you've got to get acquainted with the voice of the spirit of god when you don't know chapter and verse he will tell you no don't do that don't do it no and you do not know why he's saying no but she'll know [Music] lay your hands upon yours the spirit of the lord said to me he said son my people that know me they're going to be strong i've already decreed it i've already accepted it i've already said so you tell them they need to begin to say so i shall be strong and do it lands upon yourself i heard it in the spirit whenever i come to these times of ministry i inquire of the lord i ask god what is it i'm supposed to say what is it that i'm supposed to do and how are the people of god to sow into these times a prophetic encounter these moments that you have established and i spend hours in the presence of god i'm not saying it for accolades i do it because i'm assigned to it's what i'm supposed to do but when i come i hear from god i need you to hear me [Music] there are seducing spirits doctrines of devils i'm going to get deeper into this and show you how it's manifesting how the enemy has devised it but the holy spirit told me to tell you you are going to be strong you are not going to bend and you're not going to bow no matter what comes against you the strength of god is going to be resident in you lay your hands upon yourself a few days ago as i was in prayer you know if you continue to let all this stuff assault your mind and assault your sins you'll start thinking well you know there's nothing wrong with doing that nothing wrong with doing this nothing wrong there are some of you and even your resistance to some things is beginning to wane i know what the lord said to me and i i mean there's there's no chance i'm going to do anything else but what he said but i was listening and watching all this stuff on television and it was like this spirit came to me and said you know there's nothing wrong with some of these things people are everybody's doing it [Music] now some of you are that way even with taking that shot it's becoming so pervasive and see there are people whenever i say things like that well bishop mcclendon fishing with enemy is an anti-vaxxer i have already established what i've said about this if you got here late in the game you don't understand how to read me the bible says the spiritual man is judged of no one you don't know what i think i know what god told me and i know what he told me to tell his people but i am telling you in no uncertain terms there is another agenda happening here and i'll be more clear about that tomorrow night i'm not saying if you've taken the vaccine you have the mark of the beast i don't believe that you have i do believe however there is data information oh i'm going to go deeper into it tomorrow that is being collected i'm going to say something to you tomorrow that you wouldn't even believe i would say but i'm going to say it you're going to watch my mouth said lay your hands upon yourself because otherwise to say but god told me to tell you if you are hearing this if you are listening to the voice of the spirit you're going to be strong you're going to do exports you will not be deceived you will not be moving i have prayed for you and i know what the spirit of the lord told me lay your hands upon yourself and when i was in prayer the lord directed me said go and find this in the book of daniel i knew the scripture daniel 11 32. he said my people are going to be strong and they're going to exploit yes sir he said i want you to agree with my people over these next three nights he said and i want you to instruct them to do two specific things he said tell them first of all they're going to be strong he said speak it to them and tell them to begin to declare it because in this hour you're not going to be strong by accident you're not going to be strong by coincidence you're going to be strong because you have decided to be strong and you know that god is back again and then he said to me and then you tell them that i want them to get three people in their household in their families that they're believing for to be saved to stay strong some of you have friends family loved ones people you're praying for these things that are happening now in the earth are beginning to divide households families husbands and wives sons and daughters beginning to divide and people are getting on this side of that side and the spirit of god has made a promise to you and i that both you and your household will be saved will be preserved the spirit of the lord said to me he said son i want you to declare daniel 11 32 to these people over these three nights he said then i want you to believe me for seventy seven zero seventy people who will stand with you he said the people that you're addressing he said number one they're understanding what time it is and they want to be strong they want to stand strong the bishop of glennon are you telling me a seed i said will make me so no no no what i am saying to you is the same thing the scripture tells us about cornelius in acts chapter 10 that because of his prayer and his giving the angel of the lord was sent to him and the instruction of the angel gave him direction that caused his whole house to be saved and him to be strong in the midst of a time where people were falling away after the messiah had resurrected he and his whole house and when the angel came he said your prayer and your giving see there are times sir there are times ma'am when that the direction of the lord god sends you a prophet he sends you someone speaking under divine inspiration and they minister to questions they give answers they get in and solution i may not be sent to everybody but i'm sent to you and if you know that i am you know the spirit of god is bearing witness with your spirit no game no gimmick i want you to lay your hands upon yourself the spirit of the lord said to me he said i want you to believe me for 70. that means he wanted me to ask him and to receive them now i know what's going to happen when 70 people respond over these three nights i know what's going to happen in your life i know what's going to happen in this ministry i know what's going to happen in this message god wants people all over the globe to hear this i was praying this afternoon and the spirit of the lord said he said i'm going to open ears all over the globe and you and i are to be a part of it i want you to lay your hands upon yourself and that's only 70 and there's thousands of people watching me so if you're not one of those i'm not talking to you but there are 70 of you i am sent to over these three nights i'm number one so there's only 69 others some of you may be here but most of you are watching me right now and you may not be sowing it tonight but over the next three nights the spirit of the lord is directing you to do it why are we doing this the lord told me two things number one we're going to believe and agree for you and i to remain strong in these days in this hour of the final seduction god is gonna have a voice he's gonna have some people who are standing strong and i believe you're one of them but then he also said to me to instruct you to please hear me to get and send three names to us that we can agree family friend loved one husband wife i sensed in my spirit as the holy spirit was directing me some of these people are saved but they're being moved as john was talking about the little [Music] they're being swayed others of them they're not in the kingdom yet but god made you a promise and i'm declaring in the name of jesus if the holy spirit is bearing witness with you if he's not ignore me but if the holy spirit is bearing witness with you then there's something on the other side of your believing that's going to cause a miraculous manifestation to come to fruition in your life lay your hands upon yourself [Music] in just a moment i'm going to instruct you what to do but if you are one of those 70 i want you to do these things right now number one i want you to get ready just [Music] if you're sewing tonight i want you to get ready to soak or number two i want you to call the number i'm going to give you in just a moment and let one of my prayer partners one of my prayer ministers know i'm one of the 70 i'm agreeing with the man of god and then i want you to send those three names we're going to put them in the national prayer altar behind me and for the next 30 days i and my prayer ministers are going to agree with you for your life and strength and for those three that you're believing for to stay strong or to come into the kingdom of god and i'm telling you as a prophet of god we're going to see miracles in every one of these situations you know how i know because i'm sent by the spirit of god to some people tonight here's what i want you to do if you're in this room and you're gonna so i want you to get ready if you're watching me live streaming and you're gonna sow i want you to get ready now there are hundreds of you that say bishop mcclendon that's not me i'm one of the three so i there's only 69 others but there are hundreds of you that say bishop that's not me god's not telling me to do that the spirit of god is not bearing witness with me to do that that's fine here's what i want you to do if you can i want you to agree with me and sow a seed of seven seven zero that's the impartation scene and i believe with all my heart by the covenant that god made with me that if you will stand and believe god with me right now there's going to be an impartation that's going to flow to you and your house god spoke to me years ago when this prophetic office came upon my life i was on my knees and he told me to receive the prophet's office and he made a covenant with me he said i will tell you to share and speak certain things and i will instruct you at times to have my people sow a specific seed he spoke to me from numbers 11. he said i will take of the spirit that's on you and put the same on them the same way i did with moses when i told him to get 70 of the elders of israel and have them come and stand and god said i will take of the spirit that's on you and put the same on them god has placed us here in this anointing in this ministry not just me but all the children that he has given me to impart a grace to people to pastors to leaders to saints all over the globe and tens of thousands of people are connecting with this anointing every week and that is not an exaggeration if you are one of them tonight the spirit of god is speaking to you somebody would say well you know what man of god i would give that if i hadn't have that then here's the word of the lord you the bible says if their first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has so whatever it is that the spirit of god is telling you to do you do it here's the promise of god if you do what he directs the same blessing the same favor will come up on you why because it's not about the amount it's about the believing it's about acting on the word of god if you're 170 you need to act on that if you're at another level you need to act on that but like mary said in the first miracle that jesus performed mary's mother said whatever he tells you to do do it that's the key now right now right where you are i want you to get ready to sew if you're watching me live streaming right there on your computer screen right there there's a donate button there's a way for you to sew i want you to get ready to sew into it or you can text give c-e-m-m to 4-1-4-4-4 once again c-e-m-m-4144 follow the prompts and give us god is directed or you can call the number that's on your screen now 310-323-2600 my prayer ministers are ready to agree with you if you need the prayer of agreement to remain strong and i sense this this afternoon there are people whose strength is wavering there are people who are being bombarded and god is going to stand strengthen and settle you today you need to call me 310. i feel the anointing of god 310-323-2600 let my prayer ministers agree with you and get those names to us and let us agree with you over the next 30 days all three nights we're going to do it but over the next 30 days we're going to be praying and believing god if you've got the bishop mclennan app that's a very easy way for you to so you can download it from google or itunes very simple way for you to so or you can bring that gift here over the next three nights we'll be here tomorrow night 7 30 we'll be here friday night 7 30. you can come anytime during the day there are people coming here every day [Music] but if you're watching live streaming somebody says bishop mclennan how do i get how do i get the the uh how do i get the names to the people if you want to get me those three names if you want to say to me just email them to contact us at bishopmclendon dot email it to contact us at bishop here's what's gonna happen when you do it it's gonna come into the hands of my prayer ministers and i'm going to lay my hands on them every single night as i pass coming here i pass through my prayer ministers i always bless them and i'm going to lay my hands on those requests i want you in the name of jesus to sow in faith and believe god now if you've already done it you've already sown i want you to lift your hands if you're in this one when you're making out a check make it payable to cem if you're giving cash the envelope is for it or you can do this on a bank or credit card there's someone in the aisle ready to assist you and ready to help with that transaction but however you do what you're doing no games no gimmicks we're walking by faith we're believing god here what i heard and i'm not confused i've seen too many times the power of god manifest when someone will dare to move at a word spoken under divine inspiration and if you've already given i want you to lift your hands if you haven't finished your giving lift your hands anyway we're going to agree father in the name of jesus lord you spoke in my spirit this afternoon and you said that the people that know you are going to be strong and you declared to me today to tell your people that they're going to be strong and do exploits no matter what spirits are assailing no matter what devils are attempting to deceive your people that know your voice are going to be strong and do exploits and father i agree with them over these three names that they are sending these men and women that they are agreeing with me will remain strong in these days or will come in to the kingdom i agree in the name of jesus of nazareth and i decree now the blessing of the lord if you're sowing i want you to lift your voice down and say lord say it out that lord in favor in finance in things being added to me in things money cannot buy i declare the blessing is working i am strong i am increased me and my house are saved in the name of jesus it is amen and amen now if you haven't finished giving do it right now and let's believe god together in jesus get me those names [Music] in jesus name [Music] about the seed of mountain it's a 3 20 3 2 0 3 2 0 the lord told me 70 people at 3 20. what's that it's daniel 11 32 you're marking a moment we're believing god that this promise of strength i want you to get that passage of scripture in your eyes and in your mind and i want us to be agreeing over it now there are some people god spoke to you to do something else do what he told you to do but there are 70 of you the holy spirit told me to leave him for that so along with me 69 other than me and i may have to sow two or three because i was thinking about more than three people that i'm believing god for and i'm just so one for all three but the lord was dealing with me some things but the amount the thing that the lord told me the spirit of god said to me to agree with him was 70 people sewing a 320 dollar seat one time for daniel 11 2 320. i want you sir i want you man no game no gimmick no corruption if you think i'm playing a game dismiss me turn me off but if you hear this within my voice if you know how the spirit of god works and moves and connect with my faith right now something supernatural is going to happen so if you're one of those don't miss you say bishop mclennan i don't have it i'll do it tomorrow didn't do it tomorrow or friday but if you're going to do it call the number on the screen 310. three two three two six hundred even do not do it if you're going to do it call the number on the screen and let me know i'm going to every day go before the lord and him for you and agree with him with you concerning what he said in the name of all right worship for just about a minute and i'm gonna pray thank you [Music] thank you lord jesus you always fill my heart with souls [Music] i will trust in you [Music] i will [Music] i'm trust in the strength of the lord will trust [Music] is you [Music] [Music] i will trust in you [Music] i want you to lift your hands where you are i'm going to release you in just a moment worship continues gave us in the presence of god as we were worshiping the word of the lord just came to me there are some pastors teachers evangelists apostles prophets men and women of god called to ministry listening to me i cannot fully express the the the weight that has been laid on me recently concerning men and women of god who have the responsibility in this hour to stand for god and stand with his word and tell the people of god what thus saith the lord there are there are some of you that are watching me and you listen to this tonight and you've been praying you've been watching your flock watching people making decisions going ways and you're wondering what are they thinking are they listening are they hearing and the spirit of god is imparting to you wisdom insight or revelation knowledge that you're going to be able to begin to share some things they're going to absolutely shift people's lives and destinies you've been wondering how do i do this how can i what can i say god's going to give you the words some of you been wondering what do i preach now what do i teach i'm telling you god's going to download things you're going to get six months of preaching in 40 48 hours you're going to know exactly what to say some of you the spirit of god spoke to you you need to sow into this anointing you need to do it now i don't know what god spoke to you to do but there are pastors watching me and you don't even have to like me that's not even the point the fact of the matter is there's truth flowing here and it hit your spirit some of you it's like something's awakened in you some confirmation some direction came you need to do what the spirit of god is directing you to do and a whole new dimension of things is going to open up to you in this hour this is what the spirit of the lord is directing me to tell you so whoever you are do what the lord is saying come on lift up your hands i want to encourage you if you have never accepted jesus christ as your savior lord now is the time to make sure you are in the safe harbor that god threw his son christ jesus perfected and finished for all humanity i want you to lift your hands and say these words out loud say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one who has made me one again with god i thank you that you died in my place and resurrection is my evidence it is my receipt that your sacrifice was accepted and i am accepted i am in the family of god i'm saved in jesus name it is so if you prayed that prayer with me oh you don't know you could go to bishop and let us know you can call the number on the screen we want to begin helping you walk with god tomorrow i want to pray for you now and i want to see you tomorrow at 7 30 as we continue in the name of jesus i pray now ahead of protection south east and west around your people around their household around their families their goods and all they have on every side i pray that everything the touch prosper i pray that they continue to increase in the land which you give them and we declare the angels of the lord and can't round about us and they deliver us those that fear the lord in jesus name amen the lord bless you we will see you by his grace tomorrow night right here at the place of grace good night god bless you [Music] then sings my songs my savior god to thee how great thou art [Music] to how great thou art [Music] [Applause] your god [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 4,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 30sec (13770 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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