The Ends Of The Ages Pt 3 - January 28, 2022

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hello [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to night three of the prophetic encounter 2021 november it is approximately what six days before thanksgiving but we're always giving thanks every day of our lives we don't wait for a holiday to give thanks something trying to attack me up here it's not the devil it's not the devil it's good to be here tonight well let us rejoice in the lord and let us be glad let us rejoice in the lord and again i say amen let us rejoice in the lord and again i say [Music] again i say [Applause] again i say rejoice [Music] rejoice [Music] what hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] resort [Music] is all that men would praise him all that many [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh is [Applause] [Music] hey all that men would praise his name praise his name to the ears of the earth all that men would praise his name praise it till the end of the earth [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] can i take can i take oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rejoice rejoice let us rejoice [Music] hallelujah our god reigns so [Music] [Music] with power and majesty [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] authority [Applause] [Music] my god [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god over my circumstances [Music] hallelujah [Music] sing it again [Applause] [Music] one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah over my circumstance [Music] giving me another chance you reign [Music] over my [Music] over circumstances circumstance giving me another tattoo ring all the bad circumstance giving me another chance you raised help me say all of my circumstances [Music] oh oh [Applause] help me hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus in majesty you reign in authority with our power in your head jesus [Music] [Applause] you run yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] you're right [Music] hallelujah he's still raining he's raining over he's raining over he's raining over he's ringing all the dead he's reigning over he's ruling over he's still god all by himself hallelujah he's still gone and he's still good he's still gone and he's still good he is still gone he is still gone he's still good he's still good yes he is yes he is [Music] he reigns over believer's circumstance [Music] it's not everybody's circumstance he's reigning over oh my [Music] he reigns god our circumstance he's given us chance after chance after chance after chance why because he's merciful and he's god and he's good [Music] he reigns in power and majesty dominion authority he reigns power [Music] he's still right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's great oh my god it's great oh my god he's great he's great how great is our god mama clara said he's greater than great amen he's greater there's something in the english language it's called comparative and something that's called superlative when it's comparative it's in comparison to something so i could say that oh he's great he's greater and he's great ass right but we serve a superlative god he's in a class all by himself there's no one else that we can compare him to who can you who are you gonna compare god to when he created all of this by his word hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so he's not a greater god he's not a greatest god he's the only true and living god amen he's the only true and living god he's the only god that was able to create everything that we see by his word amen so let's just praise him for that and let's receive our sister cc hallelujah how great [Music] oh we'll see how great how great [Music] [Music] with me is great is our god oh we'll see how great how great is our god [Music] is [Applause] is is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all you are worthy [Music] oh [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i [Music] higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher [Music] i [Music] how [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on rocking this way [Music] hey [Applause] higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher i am higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher higher i god sing with me how great i got all will see how great how great i want you to sing all over the room how great sing with me sounds so good oh we'll see [Music] yes let him hear you say it again you sound so wonderful come on sing with me [Music] [Music] [Music] sing [Music] oh [Music] how great how great [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's great he's great he's great and because of who you are we give you glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] come on we know what to do right here we know what to do here we know what to do here we worship you father we bless you we glorify you you are great you are greatly to be praised the name above every name all power all authority is in your hands there's nobody greater than him there's nobody greater there's nobody greater come on can you just tell them there's no one greater there's no one greater than you no name above your name there's nobody greater than god nobody greater than god [Music] come on can you open your mouth and just tell him there's nobody [Music] can you just lift your hands all over this world no matter where you are in your homes in the car don't lift your hands if you're driving but lift your heart in worship in reverence and respect and adoration to our father [Music] there's nobody great nobody greater than you [Music] there's nobody [Music] thank you [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] come on let's get that in our spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the testimony climbed up to the highest mountain looked all around couldn't [Music] i find down into the deepest valley looked all around down there couldn't find and i went across the deep blue sea couldn't find one to come here to your love your grace your mercy nobody greater nobody greater than you [Music] still confined nobody there's nobody great nobody great nobody greater than you oh lord [Music] nobody greater than you come on let's just say that together [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody can heal like you care there's nobody greater than you come on [Applause] [Music] nobody [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] of your head hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i am every day of my life mighty all the works of your hands in your head the works of your hands [Music] [Music] [Music] there's nobody great there's nobody great [Music] nobody or nothing greater than god [Music] [Applause] no [Music] there's no sickness nor disease hey there's nobody great there's nobody greater than you cancer sickness diabetes disease they are all names that have to bow to the name of jesus nobody greater than yours [Music] [Music] hallelujah come on and lift your hands in the presence of god how many of you know there's nobody greater than our god there's no situation no circumstance no no problem anything that tries to present itself anything that tries to masquerade itself as trouble it cannot touch it cannot even get close to it cannot compare to the greatness of our god and how many of you know just when we lift our hands and worship towards heaven and and engage with that truth everything that's not like god has to change it has to conform it has to restructure itself if it's sickness it has to leave if it don't if it's darkness it has to go whatever it is nothing is greater than our god you may be seated in the presence of the lord this evening and we're here at night number three of this prophetic encounter come on clap your hands and thank god for this is exactly what it has been advertised and declared to be this is exactly what god gave the prophet and the thing about the man of god there's a lot of ministry that goes forth but every every endeavor every service every academy every every conference anytime we gather together concerning the word of god and coming to receive the mind of god the man of god has specific instructions and these nights of meeting consecutively the spirit of god gave it to him several a couple years ago as we were transitioning in ministry that we were to do uh these prophetic encounters and that's exactly what it has been if you've been with us since wednesday night if you were with us on last night it has been nothing less than an encounter it's an exact encounter what god has been saying what god is doing for the new creation child of god man of god woman of god wherever you're watching us from god bless you there's so much goodness and grace and power and favor and angelic assistance that is on its way to you right now that is moving in your midst that's moving in and on your behalf so we're excited about what we've received on wednesday night last night and tonight the prophet is going to come and lay the final stone uh of these nights of meeting over the truth of the ends of the ages and that apostolic and prophetic grace is going to be released in this house tonight so we want to encourage you to text someone let them know to tune in that they don't want to miss this knowledge you don't want to miss this information you don't want to uh uh fall short of any of this revelation and it's it's our prayer and we believe god that everything that the spirit of god is saying to the church through the mouth of his prophet that his people you and i and those who make up this global community of partners around the world are receiving the truth of the ends of the ages so we want to extend greetings to you and say god bless you from our bishop and prophet bishop clarency mcclinton and all of clarency mclenton ministries we want to greet the prophetic e community let's clap our hands those of you who are here in the tabernacle let's thank god for the prophetic community that logs in with us that flows with the prophet that tunes in whenever these cameras are on they're ready locked in and ready to go to receive this grace and and it's a blessing to know that this ministry is being able to touch nations around the world and that's because of you wherever you're watching us from wherever you're viewing from you're a conduit you're a window you're a door for this grace to flow to wherever it is you're watching us from because the pec makes up members and problems from all over the world and say god bless you on this evening you wanna let anyone know as always if you haven't joined the pec don't wait don't hesitate to join tonight sign up it's free join and be a part of this exclusive prophetic community and in in the times and in the seasons that we're living in and all that's going on in the world and the things that have come upon the earth it's important to be a part of a true prophetic community and a lot of people this and people say that and and and and instagram says this and youtube says that uh uh it's not about what the the the instagram profits and what people who with conspiracy theories are trying to come up none of that is enough to hold water it is about being a part of a community of truth where the prophetic word of god can hit your spirit and you can take it and run with this vision so that's what happens when you join the pc it's not just a sign up for us to say look how many members we've got this is about raising an army of prophetic children who can run and know because they know what time it is in the spirit and hear what to say and see the word working for them and beloved we happen for you so if you haven't signed up if you haven't joined sign up for the pec put in your information and the moment you click and you accept uh you're going to receive prophetic downloads from the prophet whatever god gives him whatever god puts in his spirit to minister directly to the pec you are going to be a part of that and you will be blessed forward we want to encourage everyone as well to make sure after you sign up for the pec make sure you continue to follow the profit on all platform facebook twitter instagram youtube if you haven't how many let me do this because i do this uh anybody in here has anybody been on the youtube page who who has checked out the bishop mcclinton youtube channel praise god man see hands of ghana praise god now those of you who make sure you subscribe now don't just watch make sure you click subscribe so let us know you're watching let the prophet know that you're subscribing and those of you watching at home wherever you're viewing is from at if you're watching on the app make sure you check out the youtube the youtube channel this weekend there's messages there's prophetic encounters there's worship experiences there there's ministry there's something for you and there's something for somebody who knows you and that you know someone who needs the word so you can send it to him you can uh dm from something that god has ministered to you and we want to encourage everyone just to continue to keep this grace keep letting this word brush up against you and you can do that by staying connected and painful on all platforms that are out there again facebook twitter instagram and if something comes up next talking on tick tock yet maybe we'll talk a minute to do a couple tick tock videos you never know but if he does we'll let you know to follow him and be blessed by because the word of the lord will be in his mouth for sure also we want to encourage everyone who hasn't downloaded the bishop of a clinton app receive uh messages a word and this grace what god is saying and the ministry that's coming forth from this platform can be going directly to your device your smartphone or whatever device you watch the profit on through so if that's the easier way which it is there's all kinds of information and the ministries right there so you can download the app wherever you get your applications from make sure you upload and download the bishop mcclendon app it is free and you can be running in that vein with the profit as well on your smartphone tonight is the final night of this prophetic encounter have you been blessed since wednesday night i know i've been i've been extremely uh just revelating and revolution profit has just been laying out has been powerful so we don't want you to miss tonight so pull up a chair get some coffee get some tea get something to munch on but don't let that get in the way of your receiving because the word is coming strong and he's gonna tie this thing up tonight in the holy ghost next week is thanksgiving giving is next thursday let's thank god for that we made it to another thanksgiving day and we know with family friends relatives and loved ones somewhere wherever you're at but we want to let you know that our annual thanksgiving outreach is coming up on us as well so this tuesday yeah let's thank god for that it's something we're excited about that we love to give we love to be a part of our outreach we have our regular outreach ever and we've fed thousands hundreds of thousands of families even be before the pandemic god ministry and the prophet talk about what happens when we're philanthropic when we give it when we just be a blessing to the community and help out uplift and encourage and actually feed and clothe i mean you know it's not enough to preach to them and teach to teach them people in their stomach and clothes on their back so we've picked that up and so we want to be a blessing to our community we do that every friday but this tuesday tuesday from 9 00 a.m to 5 00 p.m you have the day off because you have the week off and if you are available you can come place of grace anytime between 9 a.m and 5 p.m and just say hey i'm here to help and we will put you to work you can break a sweat being a blessing to a car passing out food praying for people doing whatever is necessary because we're going to have boxes and boxes of food we're going to be uh unstacking and and taking down pallets and putting them in cars and being a blessing to our community blessing to anyone that shows up so if that's you and you want to be a part of our thanksgiving outreach come on this tuesday from 9 00 a.m to 5 00 p.m you can volunteer at the table outside and uh in the foyer if you're here in the tabernacle or if you're not here and you're watching but you know you can get here tuesday get here and let's do the work of god together it's going to be powerful it's going to be exciting and we always have a blast doing it bring the children out it's good we see people with their children you see children even though we got we got a mask on and everything we're following protocol and keeping safe we don't want to scare nobody but we're doing the work so we want to be a blessing to the community so bring children out let them get involved as well but also finally everyone is watching at bishop mcclendon dot com right now though in the tabernacle we have an opportunity to be a blessing to a family over this thanksgiving holiday for twenty dollar donation you can go right now at bishop that you're watching on right now and you can donate twenty dollars feed a twenty dollar donation that twenty dollar gold thanksgiving there's all kinds of people been hit who have been struck who have gone through hardship and difficult times past couple of years and the holidays seemingly have just come upon them and prices are going through the roof but that doesn't stop the grace of god's that's what we're here for and your seed and my seed and our seed can put food on the table and cause them to not even have to think about where from because we can a blessing to them so you and you say you know what i want to be a blessing for this just a family for thanksgiving at right it you just click and when you give you just designate for the cmm food outreach it's right wanna click on it it's the ce food outreach and whatever you donate whatever you give that amount is gonna go towards being a blessing twenty dollars will take care of a family and anything above that is gonna be a blessing and a help to someone so if that's you we wanna encourage you we wanna push you let's cheer you on let's cheer each other on let's blow the doors off of somebody's household and their life with goodness and kindness and love and turkey and everything and grains and man yeah mashed potatoes and corn bread and corn and everything that is going to be uh partaking of over the holidays so let's do that also if you want to do it in the house there's a table out back in the foyer where you can sign up you you can designate and donate that house as well but let's be a blessing to someone again if you know someone else that wants to is looking to to to help out for thanksgiving let go they can go to bishop and twenty dollars will the family and they'll be blessed and will be blessed for it too because it is always best to give that it is to receive and we a blessing to anyone out there in need amen amen well we're ready to receive tonight i'm going to turn you back over the hands of these amazing voices and these anointed musicians and we're going to go higher and the capital revelation is coming tonight get ready to receive the prophet this is the final night of this prophetic encounter the ends of the ages god bless you [Music] praise the lord [Applause] yes so we're gonna worship him because of who he [Music] of is you are i give you glory it's all right because of who you are i give you praise [Music] because of who you are i will lift my voice access [Music] lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] who you are [Music] jehovah's see [Music] my [Music] because of who you are i worship you because of who you are are i give you glory because of who you you are [Music] of who you are [Music] lord i worship you because of who you are you because of who you are [Music] please [Music] [Music] worship you you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] because of who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because of who you are because of who you are i give you glory [Music] because of who you are [Music] [Music] because of who you are [Music] lord i worship you because of who you are lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] oh lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] lord i worship you lord i worship you i worship you lord i worship you i worship you lord i worship you lord i worship you because of who you are [Music] lord you are good [Applause] you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than good [Music] i can't praise you enough i owe you [Music] so good [Music] to me [Music] lord you are good you've been so good lord you are good you've been better than good i can't praise you enough i owe [Applause] so god [Music] [Music] as [Music] i can't praise you [Music] so [Music] [Music] so many times [Music] [Music] so many [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] many times [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] when i think of your goodness and all that you've done when i think of your goodness and all that you've done how you brought me all this way in my right mind when i think of all the things you've done colby couldn't thank you when i think of all the things you've done how you healed me delivered me you're strengthening me you were there for me you never left me you never left me you never [Music] you never love me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you've been so good [Music] you've been [Music] so good everybody me [Music] hallelujah hallelujah in that same spirit in that same posture in that same position in that same attitude we're gonna take a season and a moment to pray can we do that the prophet is pulling up in just a second but he's gonna finish this tonight and we want to pay and declare that as we pray we believe god that our hearts will receive all that the spirit is saying to us tonight but also those who may not be here who may not be watching but that we pray and the prophet has said the angels of god are being released on behalf of the new creation and the sons and the daughters of god for whatever work needs to be done and there's some people there are some relatives there are some loved ones there are friends there's co-workers who have been seemingly being hard cases and the prophet declared on sunday there are no more hard cases of souls that have been resistant and have been resisting and have tried to turn away from the spirit of god but we're gonna pray and believe that as the word goes forward tonight that not only will you and i receive not only will you and i be blessed but those who aren't hearing those who haven't seen those who the minds and the eyes that the enemy has attempted to blind will supernaturally be opened by the spirit of god so let's go into prayer as the prophet comes before he takes the pulpit father in jesus name come on pray with me those of you watching at home you know what to do if you pray in the holy ghost pray in the holy ghost if you pray in the understanding pray in the understanding lift your hands whatever you want to do whatever posture but just agree with us just for a moment as we take time to pray father in jesus name we bless you we glorify you we lift you up we declare that you are good we declare that there is no god like you there is no other god beside you you are high and you are lifted up and father in jesus name as the word is coming forth tonight this apostolic and prophetic grace we declare in the name of jesus that we are not just hearers of the word but we are doers of that which you have spoken it is your will your word declares that you would fill us with all wisdom and knowledge concerning the will of god you said that we might be filled with the spirit of god within in all wisdom and understanding so we thank you that all wisdom hallelujah all wisdom all understanding all knowledge belongs to this people to this family to this company of believers and in jesus name come on let's pray in jesus name we declare that the wisdom of god is overtaking those of our loved ones our relatives and our friends those who we've been believing for those who we've been standing in agreement for those who we have been called to intercede for we declare in jesus name that the spirit of god in wisdom and revelation and knowledge and an understanding would divinely arrest them father we declare that you are authorized holy spirit to go into cars go into household go on jobs wherever you need to go whatever you need to do to surround our relatives our loved ones with this same grace come on family with this same anointing this same power this same glory this same understanding in the name of jesus we declare tonight that as we hear the word tonight as we are ministered to tonight from the mouth of the prophet of god we declare that we are going up as a people who walk in the fullness of understanding of knowledge of wisdom and revelation in the name of jesus of nazareth we are those we declare we declare we are those on whom the ends of the ages have come you have been looking for a people you have been looking for an inheritance the spirit of god the eyes of the lord have run to and fro throughout the entire earth and father we declare lift your hands tonight those of you watching lift your hands father we declare that we are those that you have been looking for and father as the ends of the ages have come to us and upon us we declare we walk with our hands high and our heads lifted high because you have informed us you have given us insight you have given us your knowledge we have we have we have the mind of christ even in these last days for you said the day of the lord is not to overtake us and the days that are coming on the earth are not overtaking the sons and the daughters of light and father we bless the prophet tonight come on let's pray for the prophet god as he has been faithful on his post on him where you set him as a watchman on on his post in his place in the office of the prophet god we thank you that he has spoken every word every oracle every utterance that you've given him to impart to decree to declare to teach to the people of god we thank you for his faithfulness to your presence his faithfulness to your mouth his faithfulness to ear we thank you that he hears as the learned and he declares and speaks the word of god in season that the people of god can run with this prophetic grace just like elijah ran for 40 days ahead of ahab's chariot god we declare that as the prophet decrees this entire family this entire ministry those watching wherever they are at home and abroad we are running ahead of the world system we are running ahead of natural time into purpose into destiny in the name of jesus of nazareth [Music] illuminate minds illuminate hearts and souls in the name of jesus and we agree for total victory for everyone connected to us in the name of jesus of nazareth we agree we receive it and everyone who prayed and everyone who agreed said the prophet is here he's coming down in the second night number three god bless you [Music] [Music] hallelujah i love you i love i love you lord today because i can't that's it for me it's not a concert such a special way and yes i praise you yes i lift you up i magnify your name [Music] that's why my heart filled with praise can we sing it again said i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you lord today because you can [Music] [Music] [Applause] i lift you up [Music] come on come on and praise him let the praise that's in your heart spilt outward let it spill outward hallelujah we praise you oh god we praise you oh god hallelujah we bless you all god we bless you all god we bless you oh god highest praises to you king highest praises to you we sing highest praises highest praises and highest praise jesus [Music] have your way in this place holy spirit speak oh god through the prophet bishop clarity mcclendon have your way in this place oh god oh god we worship you oh god oh god we are joy oh god oh god we magnify you oh god oh god we worship you oh god oh god you rule in this place you reign in this place oh god oh god foreign and to let it be your sweet sweet sound and let it be our sweet sweet and let it be [Music] sweet sound in your ear [Music] hallelujah let our praises let our worship be a sweet sound let it be a sweet sound for weather help me out saying we [Applause] is [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] your name we forever pray [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the lord [Applause] make it stronger [Music] [Music] [Music] god we lift you up god you're worthy of our best praise you're worthy of exalting you are the god you are the god you are the god events [Music] yes [Music] for you o lord are my strength my shield is to you oh lord doth my speech [Music] for you oh lord are our hearts desire and we long to worship thee i'll sing it again for you oh lord on our strengths to you oh oh lord john the spirit [Music] for you oh lord oh our hearts yes jesus [Music] [Music] what's on my soul longest after longer than every say you alone on my hearts [Music] you're my heart you're my heart's desire and we long [Music] you're my [Music] say you aloud one more time [Music] you're forever [Music] you alone [Music] say that line one more time you alone are my heart's desire and i long you you are alone on my strength [Music] you alone is put your hands together open your mouth declare a praise to the lord come on in the tabernacle watching me live streaming lord to you alone our spirits yield to you alone praise and honor is due there is no god like you in heaven or earth there is no god but you you are the true and living god thank you for the revelation of your person by the holy spirit and through the word you have shown us who you are what your mind and purposes are you have revealed to us the riches of your grace and mercy thank you tonight for access by the blood of jesus into the holiest of all thank you for the integrity and the infallibility of your word for your word is truth thank you for the intelligent holy spirit sir we acknowledge you you are the great teacher jesus declared that you would lead us into all truth show us things to come we ask it believing we receive it tonight and then father we thank you for your people person by person individual by individual you know them you know where they are what they need speak to every heart minister to every life and grant us tonight that we will be edified and strengthened illuminated revelated inspired lifted encouraged because we have been with you we vow to give you praise and glory for this and we thank you in advance that we believe we receive it but now we release the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge in the anointed jesus and in his anointing and we decree today tonight that a door of utterance is open to us that we might make known the mystery of the gospel and speak boldly as we ought to speak satan we serve notice on you your contracts are cancelled your power is broken we command you to cease and desist in tactics and maneuvers against this people under the sound of my voice and we declare victory belongs to him by reason of the finished work of jesus and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say thank the lord clap your hands and give him praise in his presence and then you may be seated and thank god for each and every one of you we bless you by reason of the anointing and we thank god for you thank you for your steadfast faithfulness first to the lord and then of course to us according to his will and all of those of you that have been sharing with us once again we greet you on this the third and final night prophetic encounter that we have been teaching on the subject of the ends of the ages and if you have been with us this wednesday and thursday night either live streaming i believe you have been blessed that you have been edified and you have been informed come on let's thank god for his word that's the right thing to do for it is he that speaks and we are better for it and so tonight we will move to the last installment of this particular time of teaching can you thank god for the singers once again i bless you preach come on show them some love and the musicians can't forget the musicians they are talented uh talented and anointed and we thank the lord for consistently using them to bring us into his presence and his presence to us and so once again as we conclude the this third night it is my prayer that we shall get to at least a place of conclusion closure and finality that will give you some not only insight but hope and faith for the days to come for all shall be well with the righteous amen and it is important in these hours and these times that we understand and have a greater understanding of these things that we might know how we should govern ourselves now once again i just want to remind you because we're a week away from our thanksgiving holiday just about of course tuesday of next week is our give thanksgiving food giveaway and that's already been spoken about but i want to also encourage you to be with us on next wednesday night the spirit of lord spoke to us about a very special praise giving service and i'm encouraging the family of faith i'm encouraging the children of the vision to come almost like a homecoming for many of you may not have been to a worship experience during this past era uh where covet and all that was happening i believe it is time for a special praise and for specific deliverances and that god has given us he spoke to my heart about this a couple of weeks ago two or three weeks ago and um began to deal with me about his goodness and his protection his shelter over the last 18 months over my own life and over yours as well and i believe it's right for us to give the lord a praise again we are following all of our protocols and you can distance and you can win a master not whatever it is but i'm telling you it's going to be powerful the lord spoke to what out of second timothy 4 17 says but the lord stood with me and strengthened me and then he said also i was delivered out of the mouth of the lion man that thing hit my soul and the lord began to deal with me about what the apostle was speaking about you're going to be enlightened and you're going to be blessed as you come so i'm encouraging you to be with us live if you can't live streaming it'll be there but i believe there's something that's going to happen in our corporate gathering on that night and so i encourage you to be a part of it can you say praise the lord all right let's get to it shall we i want you to open with me once again in your bibles to the book of first corinthians chapter 10 first corinthians chapter 10 we shall begin the reading of god's word once again at verse number 11 which has been uh foundable for us in this time of instruction and it is uh in essence the uh key scripture from which the spirit of grace spoke in my spirit that we needed to look into these things and so we have been doing so since wednesday night and by god's grace and i say this i say that with a great appreciation to the lord for his grace you know the bible paul talks about the grace of god that was given to him laboring he said i labored more than all the apostles and he said yet not i but the grace that was given to me uh there he is referring to god's grace not just as an undeserved favor but as an enabling power the word grace not only means the undeserved favor of god but it also means the enabling power or the supernatural ability of god and paul was acknowledging that the ability that grace had given to him had granted him access to various things that otherwise he would not have known or had access to and so we thank god for the grace that he has given us to share these things and we are certain that it is him and we are praying that you are edified thereby so we began in first corinthians 10 11 and over the last couple of nights we have established some very powerful truths concerning not only the time that we are in but the times to come in first clinton's 10 11 the apostle paul again is writing and he is referring as we have said uh the last couple of nights to the things that he has articulated before which are directly related to god's dealing with the children of israel and moses specifically and he says now all these things happened to them as examples and were written for our admonition once again that word means instruction upon whom the ends uh plural of the ages plural have come everybody say the ends plural of the ages plural so so the s on each of those words speaks to a certain uh truth that is being articulated that you and i are those people who are participating who are uh are living and operating at the ends plural of ages plural and we are those upon whom the ends of the ages have come and we talked about and shared with you how that the apostle paul in his writing and by the spirit of revelation talks about that there were ages before this one that we are in and also refers to and we showed you that as well that there are ages to come and so we are participating in the ends of the ages and we looked then at matthew 28 go there very quickly and one of the things we said uh last night and we made a very certain point about it uh uh undergirding it with the scriptures revealing it and showing it from the scriptures go to matthew 28 that the age in which you and i have been living the only age that we have known and been conscious of has been the church age the church age again also running concurrently with the gentile age or what's called the times of the gentiles that age began with the resurrection of the lord jesus and with his commissioning of his apostles after that resurrection uh i'm not sure that they were aware uh as many people are not aware when ages when ages shift these things have to be revealed to us by the holy spirit and you have to be dialed in to know i'm not sure that those apostles recognize that the age changed with that commissioning in fact i'm certain that they didn't completely comprehended or else uh peter would not have had to give an explanation for going and preaching in cornelius's house that's all he that has ears to hear let him hear and so when jesus uh talks and commissions these 11 uh apostles again judas has fallen by transgression matthias has not yet replaced him until acts chapter 1. so in matthew 28 and verse 16 it says the 11 disciples went away into galilee to the mountain which jesus had appointed for them and when they saw him they worshiped him but some doubted and jesus came and spoke to them saying all authority once again that is legal right to display power has been given to me in heaven and on earth go therefore and make disciples disciplined followers of all nations the word again nations ethnos of all ethnic groups we pointed out to you yesterday that in his initial commissioning of these apostles in matthew 10 he told them specifically do not go into any uh do not go into the way of the gentiles and do not go into any city of the samaritans why because he was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of israel now this is something i did not say last night but i will say see oh goodness uh the the jewish up until that time the earth had been functioning in the jewish age it was the age of the israelites the the operation of god was focused and functioning around activities among the seed of abraham according to the flesh people did not understand that the initial incarnation of jesus was signaling i need somebody to hear what i'm getting ready to say to you was a signal that the age that abraham isaac jacob uh ezekiel jeremiah daniel and all the prophets they did not realize that when jesus came the first time in his incarnation they were 33 years away from their age closing i need you to pay attention to what i'm saying the lord said he showed this to me today that that the apostle paul the apostle paul said in the book of colossians that god has chosen by him by this jesus to reconcile all things to himself every time he shows up he's changing an age he's the one i need you to understand what i'm saying he's the one when he came the first time the jewish age was 33 years from from coming to a close when they kill him and he's resurrected the jewish age closes and the church age starts when he comes back in the rapture the church age will end and the tribulation age will begin when he comes back at the end of the tribulation age in the second coming the tribulation and the gentile age will end and the new millennium the thousand-year reign will begin every time he shows up he's closing in age because god has chosen by him to reconcile everything change everything to shift everything i need you to hear me in no uncertain terms this jesus that we preach is the singular most important individual in the universe and in all creation he is god's chosen man he is the atoning victim there is none like him nor shall there ever be another like unto my lord and my savior and you would do good to serve him while you can hallelujah glory to god i'm preaching i'm supposed to but there it is and so when he comes now and he announces this uh that that now this age that they were accustomed to has ended and a new age has begun he tells them which is a signal to the shift of the age before i told you not to go into any way of the gentiles before i told you not to go into any of the samaritans now i'm telling you all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me so now into all nations to every ethnic group and make disciples now notice what he says and here's the key indication he says baptizing them in the name of the father son of the holy spirit teaching them the nations all the nations you go to to observe all the things that commanded you and oh i am with you always even to the end of the age in other words i am kicking this age off with you and i will be with you to get this accomplished until this age is but this age will end and see you and i have been living in the church age or in the gentile age again gentile means those without covenant outside of the covenant that god made with abraham and with jesus we talked about this and those ages the gentile age and the church age have been functioning concurrently and which one you're in depends on what you have done with this jesus who is called christ if you have accepted him in this age you are functioning in the church age and the rules are different for you if you have not accepted him you are still in the gentile age which i showed you yesterday paul articulates and says meaning you are without god and without hope in the world because you are aliens from the covenants of promise you remember that yesterday i can't go back over it because it's very very uh lengthy to make the point and we made it last night and so the church age that you and i have known once again remember this word age the greek word aeon a-i-o-n it literally means a period of time a course of things or a course of events connected to a specific period or purpose so things are functioning in connection with god's purpose for that age are you there everything functions in that age according to god's purpose for that age and the bible says this god that we serve is the god who works all things according to the counsel of his own will in other words he has determined he has purposed so you didn't he has purpose there was a purpose he has purposed to accomplish certain things in certain ages and in that age that purpose is being accomplished that his is his emphasis we are living in the church age the gentile age the age in which the emphasis of the holy spirit is to make sure that every individual who is not a jew according to the flesh of abraham has the opportunity to come into the covenant that god made with abraham and jesus through christ and the gospel that's the only way in if you're not of the seed of abraham according to the flesh in this age wait if you understand what i just said so in this age the purpose of god is that see when the age shifts one purpose of god replaces another purpose of god in priority it doesn't mean that any of god's purpose is ever in [Music] what it means is the emphasis is on this now and not this and favor is on this now getting done and not this it'd be like a a parent with five or six children you know you got to emphasize your focus on certain children at certain times it's not doesn't mean that you have forgotten the other children come on say amen to this it means that right now the emphasis is on this one because this one needs the attention this one needs the help god has done that with all his children and he functions age so why is this important because the church age is coming to an end the rapture will signify the end of that age and jesus begins to speak to this reality in luke 21 go there very quickly go to luke 21 very quickly we've got a lot of ground to cover tonight luke 21 and i shall begin reading let me see where do i want to start because i'm going to have to do a lot here in luke luke 21 let's start with verse 24 first and then i'm going to go up and read in verse 24 from verse 20. so let's read verse 24 first and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led away captive into all nations and jerusalem will be trampled by the gentiles notice be trampled by the gentiles until the times of the gentiles be fulfilled so jesus says before he left planet earth the first time he said there is a time when the gentiles or the gentile age which has been running concurrently with the church age will be fulfilled do you see that do you see that now i need you this because we're going to go into some depth here look at that chart that i showed you before the lord gave me to help you understand understand this the rapture of the church is the signal the church age is over and what it literally means should i need you to pay attention is what we have been used to will be done there are not going to be church services the week after the rapture there is going to be no place to go the week after the rapture people are going to be looking for some news then because they are going to see us leave i want you to understand it i said it before and we've misinterpreted this the bible says we should all sleep we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and we have conveyed this idea that we are just going to vanish and disappear no bible says we are going to be caught up to meet him in the air there will be a meeting in the air that will be visible by people on the ground so you are not just going to vanish if you're a believer you are going to levitate now see people say do you believe that no i know it i believe it i'm certain of it why because this celestial will put on immortality see the reason it is recorded that jesus left his cloud is so you and i can understand and have faith to believe that if his body could go up [Applause] god was showing you an example of something that was going to happen to you he's the first fruit if you believe it happened to him you have to believe it will help you that's why i see paul says we should but we shall all be changed why the change is what is going to allow you to leave when the natural body becomes still body yes sir wait if you understand okay so the rapture of the church glory to god is the signal of the church age being over and us being up to meet him in the clouds is the initial signal that now we are completely [Music] oh my he that has ears to hear let him hear so so jesus and jerusalem will be trampled by gentiles until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled now watch it see when the times of the gentiles are fulfilled then he says at that time there will be signs in the sun in the moon in the stars and the rest of nations with perplexity sees the waves roaring men's hearts failing them for fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth for the powers of the heavens will be shaken then they will see the son of man they will see they will see the settlement coming in a cloud that's the same cloud you and i are going to be caught up to meet him together in they will they will see the settlement coming in a cloud with power and great glory now this is not the second coming this is the rapture now let me show you how we know that then they will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory now look at what he says look at verse 28 now when these things begin to happen in other words when this happens when the time of the gentiles is up when the church is caught away now he speaks to these jewish converts to christianity functioning if you will in matthew 24 and luke 21 which i'm going to show you in just a moment and this is where we've kind of confused it because we've lumped all this stuff together they are functioning both as representatives of the church and representatives of the jewish nation because they are jews that have been converted to christ this is why the lord told them themselves that they were going to have thrones next to him in heaven because they were the representatives of both the church and the jewish nation they didn't realize how specifically chosen they were oh i don't have time to get into that and so and so so he says now when this happens he says now he's speaking to them he says now when these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your redemption now he's talking to the jewish nation because the church age will be over now your redemption as jewish people is going to begin to happen the emphasis will change i'm going to show it to you you say bishop mclennan where are you getting that notice what he says in the very next verse then he spoke to them a parable look at the fig tree the fig tree through scripture represents the nation of israel are you here throughout scripture the fig tree represents the nation of israel that's one of the reasons why one of the and this is all throughout scripture which is one of the reasons why right before jesus goes to the cross remember that incident where he curses the fig tree he does it naturally to demonstrate a point but he is also speaking to what is happening to israel because throughout its age of of being under the law they were fruitless as relates to righteousness and he had come to give them righteousness by accepting him and they thought the fruit that they were bearing was acceptable the fruit of performance and works and so before he goes to the cross he curses the fig tree because he was saying your law your covenants and your temple will be gone in 70 years throughout the scripture the fig tree represents israel so the very thing he says after this he says now your redemption is drawing now and he says look at the fig tree and all look at the fig tree and all the trees see the fig tree is israel all the trees are the nations when they are already budding and you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near so you also when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of god is near wait a minute the kingdom will have already come for the church because jesus said the kingdom of god if you accept me the kingdom of god will be in you so if it's in you it can't be coming to you still so he's not talking to church people here he's not talking to christians here he's talking to the jews now let me show you let me show you how you can know this of a certainty in luke 21 luke 21 verse number 7 and matthew 24 verse number 3 equivalent verses they are luke and giving an account of the same incident matthew in this particular case gives a bit more insight into the questions everybody say questions into the questions that jesus is answering 21 and matthew 24. and the problem is throughout luke the problem for the reader for the christian reader the problem for the christian reader is that in luke 21 and matthew 24 jesus is answering three questions some of those answers pertain to you and others of them do not are you there did you understand what i just said did you understand what i just said he's answering three questions and some of those answers pertain to you as a christian others do not they have nothing to do with you they have to do with the jewish nation before the church is raptured and then others have to do with the jewish nation after the church is raptured let me show you let me show you verse number 7 of luke 21 i need you to pay attention stay with me now we got to connect this watch it so they asked him well uh let me let's go up to verse 5. luke 21 verse number 5 i'm going to read in to verse number 8 luke 21 5 8. then as then as some spoke of the temple how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations he said these things which you see the days will come in which not one stone shall be left on another that shall not be thrown down now again that historically we know now in retrospect was going to happen some 70 years after jesus spoke it are you there that temple would be destroyed so what jesus is getting ready to do now he's about to step into a whole prophetic realm he's about to start prophesying and if you've ever been prophesying you know you say what you hear no matter how it comes out and sometimes you're speaking to this and sometimes you're speaking to that and sometimes you're speaking to another thing and it shifts from this to that but you are following the flow of the spirit that's what's happening in jesus name he is under the unction of the spirit of prophecy stay with me are you there so so he he says he says no he says the days will come which not one show me that one upon another look at verse seven so they asked him saying teacher but when will these things be now when will these things be is a reference to what he just said not one stone here will be left upon another well when is that going to happen jesus and then they ask another question and what will be and what sign will there be when these things are about to take place so luke says there are two questions here when is what you just said going to happen about the temple being destroyed and what are we the signs when that happens but now go to lu go to matthew 24. well well hold on let me keep reading so so i'll get you into it and he said take heed or pay attention that you were not deceived for many will come in my name saying i am he meaning they are me the time has drawn near therefore do not go out there now what is he responding to he's not responding to the last days of the church there he's responding to the days before the temple is torn down are you there are are you there let me prove it to you let's read on just a minute i said i would stop but i'm going to read on just for the sake and then we'll go to matthew 24 am i boring you okay stay with me the time has drawn near therefore do not look at verse nine but when you hear of wars and commotions do not be terrified for these things must come past first but the end will not come immediately the end of what the end of the temple verse 10 then he said to them nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be great earthquakes in various places and famines and pestilences and there will be fearful sights and great signs of heaven but before all these things to watch it they will hands on you and persecute you delivering you up to synagogues no christian is going to be delivered to a synagogue are you reading your bible with me right now no christian is going to be delivered to a synagogue to be judged so he's not talking to christians there he is talking to these jewish apostles who have been converted to christianity about what will happen before their temple is torn down do you see it you will be brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake which actually happened but it will turn out as an occasional testimony there therefore settle in your hearts do not meditate beforehand on what you will say i will give you a mouth and wisdom that all your uh adversaries will not be able to get this if you go down verse number 20 then you but when you see jerusalem surrounded by armies then know that its desolation is near see if you know anything about the second coming when jerusalem was sounded by armies in the second coming it's not going to be demolished its desolation is not going to happen the lord is going to come and break that up that's what the second coming does it stops the plans of the antichrist and the nations on destroying jerusalem so this is not about the second coming are you there and let me show it to you but when you see jesus around by armies didn't know its desolation is there then that those who are in judea flee to the mountains let those who are in the midst of her depart these are the days of vengeance these are the days of vengeance the days of vengeance for what for israel rejecting me when i came to this are you there now stay with me and if you go down then to verse 24 and jerusalem will be trampled see that's gonna once that temple is torn down that will be that that will be because the gentile age is functioning and the sacrifices are no longer necessary because i made the only one that needs to be made and during the church age jerusalem will be trampled because it will have no significance other than it being a historical holy city because no sacrifices will need to be done there [Music] no temple will really be required there you can have one but it won't be necessary because in this age i am pointing people to the sacrifice that was made that all the ones y'all were doing in the jewish age are you there now let me show it to you in matthew 24. go there quickly allah let me show it to you in matthew 24 hallelujah we're getting there do i really only have 16 minutes to teach oh my goodness oh goodness okay i'm gonna do the best i can okay you with me you okay are you okay okay stay with me look at matthew 24 are you getting this look at matthew 24 and verse number three now as he sat on the mountain on the mount of olives his disciples came to him privately saying well oh goodness in verses one and two jesus says the same thing about predicting the destruction of the temple so in verse three matthew records the same thing that luke records in luke 21 7 which we just read now as he sat on the mountains with the mount of olives the disciples came to him privately saying tell us when will these things be number one these things referring to the destruction of the temple which you just spoke of in the first two verses are you still here and then tell us what will be the sign of your coming so he deals with that as well in this prophetic discourse and then what will be the sign of the end of the age do you see the three questions and so jesus is prophetically dealing in his answer here with the things that will happen within the 70 years after his ascension he's then dealing with what will happen when he comes and then he is also dealing with what will happen at the end of the gentile age wait if you understand now if i had the time which i clearly do not i would take you through this uh but let me just take you through just a couple things look at verse 4 because there he picks up in the same way that he did in luke and jesus answered said take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying i am the christ will deceive many you will hear wars rumors of wars but the end is not yet for nation lies against nation kingdom against kingdom so forth and so on if you go down to verse 14 he speaks again to this fact that this is in relation still to the church age and the gentile age and he says and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all ethnic groups and then the end will come the end of what the end of the church age not the end of everything are you there because we are those upon whom the ends of the ages plural have come are you still with the preacher or what now real quickly let's let's do this then let's do this all right show you how to do this let's do it so so let's go through this real quickly and these ages put up the the graphic that i gave you and you can take shots of this or write it down the rapture of the church which i have distinguished with i have distinguished through the word of god over the last two nights from the second coming the rapture marks the end of the church age the church age and the gentile age have been happening concurrently or simultaneously which i have already articulated to you once the rapture occurs the church age is over now what does that mean the course of events the modality the stuff we are used to and i'm not just talking about having church i'm talking about the favor the grace of god being on the gentiles in order to bring them to christ that time will be over and the emphasis then will shift immediately after the rapture according to second thessalonians uh first thessalonians ii thessalonians the man of sin who is revealed after the church is taken out of the way begins to manifest his age it is the anti-anointing age and i have been living in the anointing age now there has been resistance to the anointing age but in the church age that resistance cannot prevail as long as the church stands in its authority that is what happened in the last 18 months the anti-anointing spirit was attempting to hurry its time and that's why what you're finding now is certain things are being dismantled you found even ocean now is not supporting certain things why because the church some people said no no no say this is not your time you're still here you cannot set up your system until we are out and see if you don't know what time it is you will go along with that madness because you don't know your authority but now here's the point there will always be there has been resistance but you have been living in the anointing age where satan cannot prevail over you if you know your authority and the word of god but the moment that age is over he is given his moment and in that moment he has he has been given space to prevail over the anointing i need you to hear why because the age changed and now it's his hour he that has ears to hear let him hear so in that age you will stand on the word call on the word pray and be martyred i'm going to show it to you from the word why didn't take advantage of the day of grace and every knee is still going to bow including your stay with me so the rapture having a curve the gentile age will still be happening there will still be gentiles in the earth during which some gentiles will be converted but they will then receive their appointment with wrath which i talked about uh yesterday number three go put up third once the church is out of the way the seven years of tribulation that is the antichrist age he's got seven years god has given him seven years according to the scriptures the seven years of tribulation begins the tribulation age but this is also the conclusion of the gentile age those ages will be overlapping during those seven years why because there will still be gentiles in the earth who are coming to christ after the church age and i want to show you something in your bible because those seven years of tribulation begin the tribulation age go to revelation chapter 13 verse 1. revelation chapter 13 verse 1 okay are we okay i got to get through this revelation chapter 13 and verse number one are you still here oh goodness revelation chapter 13 if i keep saying it maybe i'll get there watch now this this speaks about this time when the antichrist is able or the man of sin is able to come to power and authority because again 2 thessalonians 1 he uh goodness i want to read it huh okay thank you second thessalonians allah second thessalonians chapter two i you've heard this before so i'm gonna read it real fast look at verse number five he says you do remember that when i was still with you i told you these things and now you know what is restraining meaning this man of sin for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work only he who now restrains that is the church will do so until he is taken out of the way and then the lawless one will be revealed okay now the church is already gone so he's gonna be revealed but the lord is gonna consume him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him in the brightness of his coming which is a reference to the second coming after the end of his seven years now how do you know he's got seven years now go to revelation 13. glory to the lamb of god the revelation of the of john talking about this time then i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising out of the earth having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns this is about the conglomerate of nations that come together under the antichrist we've talked about this are you still there go down to verse four so they worship the dragon who gave authority to the beast and they worship the beast saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him this is about the time of the antichrist when he comes to power remember the church has been taken out of the way look at verse 5 and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority he's given authority exucia he is given during this period legal right why the church age is over it's now his time remember when jesus was getting ready to go to the cross and they came to try to stop him he said he said uh don't you think i could call 12 leaders of angels this me stop he said but this is your hour and the power of darkness he knew then god had given satan an hour see god does that and here god gives the enemy seven years why because in that seven year period he is exacting wrath and judgment on the gentiles who did not accept the anointed one during the church age that is their appointment with wrath their appointment with wrath is in the seven years of the antichrist reign now watch it and he was given authority to continue for 42 months 42 months is exactly three and one half years will you stay with me for 20 good minutes go ahead do the math put your calculator out okay so he was given authority to continue for 42 months that's three and a half years okay then meaning after three and a half years he opened his mouth in blasphemy against god see in the first three and a half years he comes smooth he's a deceiver he tells you to get vaccinated ain't nobody's saying nothing he puts the entire globe under the same authoritative activity he mandates and edicts things he declares things that all the nations must do and it's subtle he's seen as the answer he's bringing solutions to problems and the governments are yielding to this organization this conglomerate and he's like that for three and a half years according to the scripture but after three and a half years which means once in three and a half years is over his attitude shifts watch this now then he opened a video of his mouth and blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven he's talking about us because he saw us leave no you're not hearing me he saw us leave verse seven it was granted to him this is his hour it has granted him to make war with the saints and overcome them so if you become a saint during that time he has authority to overcome you now you are the overcomer in the church no you're not listening to me that's why jesus said behold i give you power over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you why because you are functioning in your authority in your age but once that age is over he has the right to overcome you he is the overcomer during those seven years [Music] he that has ears to hear let him hear the elaborate side it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority was given him over every tribe that includes israel see so the jews will be a part of this tongue and nation those are gentiles all who dwell on earth will all who dwell on earth will worship they will so you will have two options to either worship him or to become one of the saints who he has power to overcome i told you yesterday don't you don't want to be here watch it all who dwell on the other will worship him whose names have not been written in the book of life the book of ayah zoe that's us that's reasons stay with me all right whose name have been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world now watch this if anyone this is this is not a job under a prophetic function if anyone has it here to hear let him hear now watch this he who leads into captivity shall go into cabinet or what's he talking about in that time if you participate with him in bringing people into captivity you're going to he who kills with the sword will be killed with joy if you participate with him in what he is doing you will be slain just like he will be slain look at what he says here is the patience and the faith of the saints because if you're around at that time you're going to have to have great patience and great faith because you will be standing on the word and of this time is not the purpose of the time before the rapture the age changed are you still here i said are you still here now bishop mcclendon uh that first three and a half years is the beginning of the tribulation it doesn't look like tribulation to people who are here because they're going along with it because it's all smooth but then the bible says after 42 months did anybody use their calculator did anybody check it out you did who did it in their head so you know three and a half years okay so so so after that after that are you still here after that he opens his mouth and blasphemes god and after that he's granted authority to make war with the saints are you still here so how long will that happen well in order for that to to be understood you've got to go to daniel 9 24-27 go there very quickly daniel 9 24-27 how do you know how long he's going to have that authority watch this are you are you are you tracking me or what are you really yeah okay because i want to get done with this as quickly as i can but i i i am responsible for delivering this and i have to sleep so so so so watch this oh he that has used to hear let him hear daniel chapter 9 verse number 24. now this is daniel this is the interpretation of daniel's vision that he saw concerning the end times when he saw the statue that represented the kingdoms that would come and the angel of the lord comes and gives daniel uh uh understanding and this is actually gabriel look at verse 21 of daniel 9 yes while i was speaking in prayer the man gabriel whom i had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly reached me about the time of the evening offering so this is daniel the prophet having an angelic encounter with the angel gabriel and he informed me verse 22 and talked with me and said oh daniel i have now come forth to give you skill to understand so the understanding that daniel is given is given to him by an angel a spirit of understanding an angel comes and gives him understanding and revelation into what he has seen are you still here i've now come forth to give you skill towards at the beginning of your supplications the command went out in other words the moment you started asking me about it the command went out and i've come to tell you so i want you to understand see this is the part of the angel activity that's happening even right now there are angels of wisdom and understanding that are giving insight to men and women of god so they can understand these things and tell god's people watch it and i have come to tell you for you are greatly beloved come on lift up your hands and say i am greatly beloved for you are greatly beloved therefore watch this consider the matter and understand the vision now watch this this is what is called daniel's 70 weeks prophecy which you'll you hear referred to in eschatology i'm not going to try to break it all down i just want to get to a couple of important points he says 70 weeks are determined meaning they are set for your people now that those weeks 70 weeks are determined for your people talking about the jews and for the holy city that's jerusalem and those 70 weeks are determined in other words they are set in the mind and the purpose of god now he's talking about the jewish age that will come to an end with the resurrection 70 weeks to determine for your people for the holy spirit that is judah why to finish the transgression in other words to settle all the sin debt to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy now all of that is done in the time that christ comes and makes his sacrifice up until from daniel to that time until that sacrifice is made at calvary that's when reconciliation is made for iniquity that's when everlasting righteousness is brought in are you still here and and and from there vision and prophecy will be sealed and the most holy will be anointed not just as savior but as king of kings now watch this know therefore and understand from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince now jerusalem had been destroyed by babylon and nebuchadnezzar are you still here the temple had been destroyed then it was destroyed again uh 70 years after jesus day that was herod's temple don't have time to go into that now therefore understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince that is jesus there shall be seven weeks and 62 weeks seven plus 62 is 69. so now we have an understanding if you do the math of what the weeks are 69 weeks or 483 years they are weeks of years not weeks of days because if you do the math you'll understand what kind of weeks god is referring to a week is not days it's a set of seven anything did you hear what i just said it's a set of seven so it could be seven days it could be seven weeks it could be seven millennia so the the weeks that gabriel is talking about are articulated because if you do the math it was approximately 490 years from the time the temple is rebuilt until jesus is born so there were seven years in there which give account for the difference in the jewish and the gregorian calendar 490 years an hour 483 in the jewish county are you there now why is that important because now we're talking about weeks of years so 69 weeks or 400 years that leaves one week seven years stay with me there are whoa there are 70 weeks determined to do this now it doesn't mean 70 successive weeks see this is where prophecy lecturers have not gotten if he doesn't say 70 successive weeks he says 70 weeks are determined the first the first 69 were set between the building of the temple and the incarnation of jesus the messiah the prince from that time their age stopped and the gentile age begins which is not a part of the 70 weeks because it's the time of the gentiles are you there so there is one week left to seal up the prophecy to make an end of all things and to anoint the most holy king of kings and lord of lords that is the seven years of the antichrist reign watch it i'm going to show it to you it's going to be so clear you won't be able to misunderstand it there should be 70 weeks and 62 weeks the streets shall be built again and the wall even in trouble time so look at verse 26 and after the 62 weeks messiah shall be cut off after this so the 62nd week messiah is cut off are you still here are you still here now it doesn't say it doesn't say at the end of or after 62 weeks but after 62 weeks he's actually cut off in the 69th but he says after 62 62 will happen before he's cut off at least 62 will happen before he's cut off there will be seven others to get to the 69. you see you can't impose ideas on scripture you got to read what it says he says after he said after the 62 weeks in other words something will be happening out of these 62 weeks and messiah will be cut off watch this so the end of the season will say it doesn't say at the end of 62 weeks it doesn't say at the end or after 62 weeks it says and after 62 weeks he'll be cut off so this is a reference to the gentile age the time of the nations to recognize the anointing that was on jesus god's anointed stay with me and the people of the watches and after 62 weeks messiah will be cut off watch this but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come that's the antichrist shall destroy the city that's jerusalem and the sanctuary the end of it shall be with the flood until the end of the war desolations are determined that's what jesus talked about in matthew 24 to watch this verse 27 then he shall confirm the prince who is to come the android then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week now we know what a week is it's seven years now we're told in revelation 13 that after three and a half years he'll break it watch it look what it says then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week what is half of 7. he that has ears to hear let him hear for just as all the things that the spirit of god and the prophets have prophesied up till this point have come to pass concerning jesus the messiah so shall these things that you read and hear even tonight says the spirit of god come to pass exactly as i have told you that was what i just said in other tongues i just interpreted the prophecy stay with me then he shall confirm a covenant who the prince who is to come the antichrist then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week in other words he will come into agreement with the nations to do this this that the other thing everything will be groovy smooth oh isn't everything wonderful everybody's vaccinated no diseases wars are coming to an end the governments are all cooperating one with another global ism has come national boundaries are destroyed and we're just all one big happy family we are the world we are the children we are the ones that make a brighter day so see people didn't understand that was of the spirit of the age to come it wasn't it was it was an anthem of the antichrist popular nice melody but you got to know what you're hearing music is spiritual it comes from sources there's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives really you can save your own life see y'all just let that let that pass [Applause] i was listening with a prophetic ear years ago let me hurry i've then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offerings now i don't have time to get to this but he's going to make a covenant with many many israelites of jews will be in that the nation of israel will be a part of that covenant because the messiah has not been revealed to them yet he will allow according to the scripture to allow sacrifices to continue to be reinstated in a rebuilt temple and three and a half years into that agreement he will break it and that's why jesus says in matthew 24 he makes this statement speaking now to this because he was talking also about the time before his coming see because that was one of the things he said and that's why he says and when you read this and you and now when i say this you understand he says and therefore when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place and then in parenthesis let him that reads it understand which means this is not as obvious as it appears you've got to think about this he says when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy pl when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place and then he says let him who reason understand he said get ready because it's about to go down i'm coming now what is the abomination of desolation this is uh this is a statement of double reference there are double references in the scripture which means sometimes things happen as a foreshadowing of something that is to happen later the abomination of desolation was with antiochus epiphanes yes uh the the the the emperor came into jerusalem having been angry with jews for their resistance to his lordship and allowed a pig to be sacrificed in the temple and desecrate the temple it was called the abomination of desolation are you still here this happened uh some you know just before the temple was torn down after jesus had resurrected and ascended some 78 years about 83 a.d i think it is so jesus is speaking to that which is going to happen but he also says let him that reason understand because the antichrist is going to do the same thing three and a half years into his reign he's going to break covenant and he's going to allow abominable things to happen to the nations and to the jewish nation don't have time to get to at all are you still here are you still here now that seven years will happen that is the seven years of the antichrist when the nations who have rejected christ during the church age are being judged some people will be converted some jews man some jews will come to christ it is also called the time of jacob's trouble that last three and a half years it's called the time of jacob's trouble that's spoken of in jeremiah chapter 30. don't have time to go to that either end of that seven year period when the antichrist has caused all the world to go into turmoil and begins to make war against the nations and bring all the nations against jerusalem to destroy the holy city then the son of man is going to come and according to second thessalonians destroy that antichrist with the power of his nostrils and his breath now zechariah 14 tells us his foot will strike the mount of olives and the mountain will be split into and a valley will go that's that's zechariah 14 verses 1 through 4. so if your foot can break a mountain surely your breath can kill a man he's coming in that kind of glory and he's coming in that kind of power and during that time those last three years three and a half years will be happening throughout the seven years but during that last three and a half years according to the scripture the jewish nation is going to come to recognize their messiah in the same way that during the church age jesus was revealed to the gentiles during the last three and a half years of that tribulation period there is going to be a global unveiling of the messiah to the jewish people go to romans chapter 11 and i'll be done romans chapter 11 and i'll be done that seven year period will end the antichrist seven year period will end with the coming of the lord put up number five there boy i don't have time to get to all this jesus that seven year period will end with the coming of the lord signifying the end of the gentile age of the end of the time of jacob's trouble and the end of the great tribulation period you can look this up that's second thessalonians 2 3 through 9 luke 21 24-33 and zechariah 14 1 through 9. i don't have time to get to it all but i want you to see this in the mind of the spirit so you understand god working through the ages look at romans chapter 11. and i'll close with this remember paul is writing he is a jew that has been converted to christianity and he's dealing he's dealing with what is happening during the church age and how it appears that israel has been cast off and he's dealing with gentiles now that have come to christ who are now beginning to feel superior to the jews because they've come to christ just like the jews were feeling superior to the gentiles when they had the covenant of abraham and so paul writes and he says i say then has god cast away his people meaning the jews certainly not for i also paul is writing am an israelite the seed of abraham of the tribe of benjamin god has not cast away his people from whom he foreknew or do you not know what the scripture says of elijah how he pleads with god against israel saying lord they've killed your prophets torn down your altars and i alone are left they save my life but what does the divine response say to him i have reserved for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the need to bail in other words he's saying that is a type just like you think now that israel all of israel has rejected god god says no no no i've got an elect group that i'm going to gather to myself don't be fooled watch this watch this even so then verse five at this present time see that he's talking about in the in the gentile age in the church eight even so at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace i have elected a remnant in grace but the reason you don't see them coming to me now is because this is not the age in which they are ordained to come this is your age to come now watch this verse 6 and if by grace even so then at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace it is no longer works meaning if they're not going to get to me through the law they're going to have to come through the messiah look at verse 7 what then israel has not obtained what it seeks what was it seeking it was seeking right standing with god through keeping the law and through performance but it didn't get it that way israel does not obtain what it seeks but watch this but the elect have obtained it so now we've got a difference between israel and the elect see the jewish nation is not the israel of god i'm going to say that again paul says as he talks about the israel of god the jewish nation is not the israel of god [Music] those who are the faith those who are of the faith of abraham are the israel of god get in your concordance and google or get in your cars and look up the israel of god see paul talks about there is a nation of jews and then there's the israel of god watch what then israel does not obtain what it seeks five but the elect have obtained it that that is the israel of god if they have obtained it even though they don't have it yet it's done in the heavens there is a remnant just it is written god has given them a spirit of stupid eyes that should not see and ears that they should not hear now go down to verse 11 i say then have they stumbled that they should fall certainly not but through their fault meaning through their rejection of the messiah during their age to provoke them to jealousy salvation has come to the gentiles so through their rejection of the messiah in their age god brought in the age to bring jesus to the gentiles [Music] literally he says to provoke them to jealousy see god's idea was you and i be so blessed so prosperous so anointed so building communities so that even the jews according to the flesh would look at the church and say wait a minute those people are onto something [Music] and when they see us in the clouds they're going to know there really was something to those folks watch this now but through their fault to revoke them into jealousy salvation is come to the gentiles that's the gentile age now watch this now if their fault is riches for the world for the nations and their failure riches for the gentiles how much more their fullness in other words what's going to happen when they come what's going to happen when they join the family for real not in abraham but in christ now watch this for i speak to you gentiles remember he just qualified himself as a jew but he's a christian for i speak to you gentiles and as much as i am an apostle to the gentiles i magnify my ministry if by any means i may provoke to jealousy those who are my flesh meaning jews and save some of them for if they're being cast away is the reconciling of in other words they rejected so there would be this gentile age where the nations could come what will their acceptance be but life from the dead now watch what paul says here oh there's so much to read he says well let's just go [Music] verse 19 watch you will say then branches were broken off that i may be grafted in well said in other words they were broken off to give you an age watch it do not be hardy but fear for if god did not spare the natural branches he may not spare you either therefore consider the goodness and the severity of god watch this and they also if look at verse 23 and they also i'm getting to it if they do not continue in unbelief we'll be grafted in for god is able to graft them in again and during that seven year period many of them are going to start to be grafted in and many of them are going to divide man i didn't even get a chance to get to revelation 20. i'm going to show it to you i'm going to show it to you i'll finish many of them are going to be grafted in and many of them are going to be preserved when many of the gentiles will be put to death because this is the time of israel's gathering watch it now verse 23 and they also if they do not continue unbelief will be grafted in for god is able to graft them in again and many of them are going to be being grafted in during that seven year period watch this for if you were cut off if you were cut out of the olive tree see israel is a reference to the olive tree do you see it do you see it so if you for if you were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree in other words there's a time when i'm going to get them now watch it look at verse 25 here's what i was getting trying to get to for i do not for i do not desire brethren christians that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own opinion that blindness in part has happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles comes in until the church age is over and once the church ages over i'm gonna start getting them are you still here now look at verse 26 and so all israel will be saved not all jews the israel of god the elect that he has chosen out of israel just like there is an elect he has chosen out of the nations there is an elect he has chosen out of israel those are the two that he's building into one spiritual house in ephesians now watch it for and he will turn and so all this will be saved as it is written the deliverer will come out of zion and he will turn away ungodliness from jacob for this is my covenant with them the jewish people when i take away their sins when are their sins taken away when they meet the messiah not by sacrifice and burnt offering so concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake but concerning election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers for the gifts and callings of god are irrevocable for as you were once disobedient to god yet now have obtained mercy through their disobedience even so these also have now been disobedient that through the mercy shown to you they also may obtain mercy so god's going to have mercy on them during that seven year period revelation 20. quickly play something so they know i'm done now watch it this is what happens at the end of that seven year period revelation 20 then i saw an angel come down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand he laid hold on the dragon that serpent of old who is the devil and satan and bound him for a thousand years that's the thousand years that you and i are reigning on earth with the king of kings and the lord of lords when he comes at the second coming at the end of the seven year period are you here and he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him i love this jesus has jesus has already defeated the devil so he's not even going to deal with him he has delegated it to an angel i ain't dealing with you i defeated you at calvary i'll let my boys handle you gabe mike get him watch i'm almost done cast him in the bottom was pit watch it and he cast him in the box pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished but after these thousand years he must be released for a little while man i want to talk to jesus about that that one i don't get let's go again so there's another age watch watch and i saw thrones and they sat on them and they that sat on them and judgment was committed to them that's us by the way paul said don't you know you will judge angels watch talking about in the millennial wait watch then i saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to jesus and for the word of god watch this who had not worshiped the beast or his image so this is not all the souls that died all the martyrs throughout history john right here is seeing those who came to christ during the tribulation period who refused to take the mark of the beast who refused to bow to the antichrist in his age are you there in that seven year are you there i saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to jesus and for the word of god who had not worshiped the beast or his image so that's happening in that revelation 13 time period that seven years where he breaks the covenant in the three and a half years of the seven halfway through wave at me if you understand are you tired there you are you're tired of me i'm done watch here we go watch watch watch who had not worshiped the beast and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands now watch this and they lived and reigned with christ for a thousand years so even those that died during that time if they accepted christ they reigned a thousand watches but the rest of the dead did not live again [Music] until the thousand years were finished [Music] so there's a group of us that accepted christ in our age who shall reign with him for a thousand years but if you accepted him and missed the age you'll be dead for that thousand years [Music] are you there watch but the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished this is the first resurrection meaning the ones who get up and reign with him for the thousand years they're part of the first resurrection they're part of the first load that went up [Music] come on lift your hands and say i want to be in that group now watch this blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power but there are but they shall be priests of god and of christ and shall reign with him a thousand years [Music] lay your hands alabasa lay your hands on yourself [Music] this age is coming to a close there are ages yet to come i don't want you to miss it i don't want to miss it everybody talks about being on the right side of history but i'm telling you you need to be on the right side of calvary this jesus he is christ he is savior he is lord he is king of kings and lord of lords and there is no other he is the atoning victim he is the one that god the father has chosen and through him to reconcile all things to himself and he will do it and he shall do it and this age my friend is coming to an end and in this age you have the privilege and the opportunity to accept this jesus who is called christ and in the ages to come be with him and reign with him you don't want to be here every time this jesus comes the age changes every time he shows up when he came through mary's womb the jewish age came to a close 33 years thereafter and the church age began the gentile age and the church age have been running concurrently and things as you have known them have been a product of this age but this age is coming to an end and we know it because satan is trying to jump start his time the bible says he knows he has but a short time he knows the time he has and he wants to get as much as he can because he wants to destroy as many as he can but i have come in the name of jesus to say not so not you not you and your household not you and your family not you and those that you love and believe god for and pray about not you you're going to be one of those who meet him in the air i know it because i've prayed for you there's so much more of this i didn't get to but i got to enough to help you and i understand oh the wisdom the knowledge the love of this god we serve and his jesus christ this is why paul would sometimes just stop and say all the unsearchable riches that god should even allow us to be a part of this mystery is a magnificent miracle in itself i'm grateful [Music] that i'm saved today i'm glad about it and even though you and i have not been flawless not been perfect not been without failure or flaw he still has chosen he chose you [Music] your name is written in the lamb's book of life i want you to lay your hands upon yourself and i want you to hear me by the spirit of god god sent me these three nights with this anointing with this word to share this with his people he has been downloading revelation now i know beyond the shadow of any doubt and i do not say this for self-aggrandizement or to make me appear more than i am because i am simply a man called of god but i know beyond the shadow of any doubt in the last few weeks i have been attended by angels who have been sharing truth and wisdom with me things that i had not seen before things that the spirit of the lord opened it to me and i know he opened it not just for me but so i could share it with his people that we would know what time it is so i want to thank you for allowing us to share with you lay your hands upon yourself by your head the lord sent me with this word and sent me with an anointing and a directive just like he sent the prophet elijah to the widow woman whose house was uncovered and it was susceptible to the events and the atmosphere that was going on everywhere else but when the prophet came and spoke the word and the widow moved on the word her house got covered while everybody else was subject to the elements of what was outside i know beyond the shadow of any doubt that this is such a moment and the spirit of the lord said to me he said son over these three nights i have spoken to 30 people many of whom are sensing the very same thing you're sensing he said many of them are pastors and preachers others of them have responsibilities in business or have a dream the vision that they are believing god for there are things that they know are supposed to be happening for them in these times some of them are miraculous supernatural things beyond their ability but they know they've heard from me he said i want you to go to that 30. he said i want you to sow the first two and then there are 28 more who are going to sow a seed of 714 714 a one-time seed no game no gimmick it's a connection of faith in matthew 13 and 39 jesus says at the end of the age which is harvest time he's going to send the angels out to do the reaping and the lord said i have anointed you to announce to my people that there is an increase right now in angelic activity on their behalf concerning whatever it is they need to harvest whatever i promised them whatever it is that's supposed to come into their hands it says i'm sending you to them with this word and then he spoke to me out of second chronicles 7 14. that's what the 714 is it's a point of contact if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray humble meaning surrender your ideas to my time and my purpose surrender what you're thinking to what you know i'm doing and watch what i will do hear me and hear me very clearly if you are one of those many of you made a commitment another night you're sewing tonight i want you if you're watching my live streaming or you're here i want you to get ready to sew then the lord said to me he said son that's 30 he said thousands will hear this but that's 30. so you're not talking to everyone he said tell everybody else to get the very best seed they can and tell them to get at least if they can a seed of 71 40 71.46 you say bishop that's kind of strange yeah but it's my point of contact for these three nights and as i was praying i heard it i know it sounds strange i know it sounds odd but prophets are strange people sometimes god told ezekiel to shave half his head and walk through the streets he told jeremiah to put on a dirty sash and wear it around and walk and prophesy he sent me to you with the word i want you to lay your hands up on yourself i pray now for every individual you said to me that there's a harvest of souls connected to these seeds their friends and family and loved ones that your people are praying for you said there was a harvest of goods of lands of houses of finances and favor that is to come into the hands of the righteous before the catching away of the church there is going to be a strong witness of your goodness in the lives of your people i pray for every person you've spoken to that they will sow this seed and i decree miracles of favor of finance of soundness of recovery of salvation of family members and friends i set myself in agreement with you for this in the name of jesus now if you believed the word that i have preached over the last hour and a half or so is from god then i tell you to believe this word as well for it is from the same god who has spoken to me no games no gimmicks if that is you i want you to respond right now right where you are i want you to get ready if you're watching me live streaming right where you are there's a donate button on the screen i want you to click it and so as god has directed you or you can text cement to 41444 just follow the prompts give as god has directed you there's a number on the screen 310-323-2600 some of you really really really need right now to call that number and agree with my prayer partners concerning the need of your life get us your prayer requests let us put it in the national prayer altar behind me and let us pray and agree with you but sow your seed now do it now i'm talking to you mama i'm talking to you sir preacher i'm talking to you for some of you it's a stretch maybe you should sow it from your ministry some of you been hearing the very same things i was teaching over these nights and the grace of god is being imparted to you to take parts and share do it three one zero three two three twenty six hundred if you've got the bishop of an easy way to sow or you can bring the gift live here we'll be here sunday too but however you do it do it in faith and let's believe god if you're here in the tabernacle and you're sowing i want you to get an envelope if you're selling in cash if you're making out a check make it payable to cemm clarencia clinton ministries and if you desire to do this on a bank or a credit card i want you just to go to the aisle right now and so as god has directed you if it's 714 if it's 71.40 if it's seven dollars and a penny do it whatever the spirit of god is directing you to do it the bible says if there first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has let us agree with you tonight and let's believe god for miracles and lives and circumstances and situations right this moment as we worship i want you to get your seed in the ground and if you've already made out your check if you've already gotten your electronic giving together or done it then i want you to lift your hands and i want you to agree with me if you sowed a night before or the night before if you sowed that 7 14 lift your hands with me if you haven't finished your seed yet tonight i want you to lift your hands i want to pray come on let's agree together say these words out loud father i sow in faith at your word you said believe in you and i'll be established you said believe your prophets and i will prosper i am acting on the word of your prophet and i declare prosperity in favor in finance in things being added to me in things money cannot buy i release my angels the reapers to bring in the harvest of souls connected to me and of things connected to me it's my season it's my time in the name of jesus it is so amen and amen give as god as directed as we worship get your communion elements we're going to take communion real quick over these truths and seal them and we're on our way home it's a new season is coming to me everybody say it's a new season it's a new day [Music] it's a new [Music] [Music] [Applause] let them hear you through the apartment is coming to me it's a new season it's a newsies [Music] if you've got the bread lifted up if you're watching me live streaming you can do it with bread and water i say oftentimes you don't have to have crackers and grape juice the bible says the bread which we bless the cup which we bless and here's what i just want to do i want us to agree because all the things that i have taught are ours because of the finished work of jesus you have access to all of this and you are to participate you're to be a part of god's end time culmination of the ages and so as we minister communion tonight we're going to agree that god keep us strong sound healthy alert active that we will be those who watch and pray and are alert to the times and the seasons can you agree with that and that the harvest that you and i are to receive in every realm and endeavor i want you to go up having received everything you were supposed to have i want heaven not to be a shock to you [Music] because life has been that good amen come on lift up the bread and say these words out loud say lord jesus your body you gave for me i receive that body and i declare as you are so am i in this world i thank you that this mortal is putting on immortality that this corruptible is putting on incorruption and as i have borne the image of the earthly man i shall bear the image of the heavenly man right up to that point where i am changed caught up to meet you in the air i receive this and everything that goes with it because of what you have done let's all eat together hallelujah lift the cup and say these words out loud after me say lord jesus your blood remitted my sins paid in full i receive that reality and i am i am worthy not by my works but by your blood of every benefit every blessing every promise that you made to abraham and to jesus it's mine i receive it and i walk in it until you take me from this planet i thank you for this in jesus name let's all drink together if you have never accepted christ jesus as your savior and lord don't miss the moment this is the time today now you understand it even more is the day of salvation now is your appointed time there's nothing you've done and know where you've been that god has not forgiven i want everyone to lift their hands and say these words after me if you're watching me live streaming do it if you're here do it say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the savior you are the king now but you're coming to rule in the earth i shall reign with you i accept your finished work on my behalf i receive the salvation army that you died and rose again to give and i declare your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence your sacrifice was accepted by god there's nothing else to do to make me acceptable but to accept what you did i do that and i am a child of god saved in this world and in the age to come in jesus name [Music] it is so amen and amen god bless you thank you for sharing with us these three nights thank you for being with us these nights and if you receive from the lord just clap your hands and thank him right now father in the name of jesus we pray a hedge of protection around your people around their goods their families their households and all they have on every side we declare that everything their hands touch prosper we decree that they continue to increase in the land which you have given them and we boldly confess that the angels of the lord are kept round about us and they deliver us because we are those who fear the lord and everybody said the lord bless you we'll see you sunday by his grace [Music] you
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 2,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ALLmsYgWs98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 20sec (13100 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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