New Year's Eve Service- December 31, 2021

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welcome welcome to our new year's eve celebration 2021 going into 2022 it is good to be here it is even better to be alive hallelujah i said hallelujah god is worthy of our best praise and that's what we're going to give him right now come on before we sing any song before we sing any song before we do anything else let's just make this atmosphere conducive for the holy spirit to have his way i'm talking to you at home as well wherever you're watching from come on just begin to thank him just begin to praise him for another day for seeing you into another year you have one more year to manifest god's goodness in your life one more year to manifest his purpose one more year for his glory to be activated in your life hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah everybody didn't get that chance but you're still here i said everybody didn't get that chance but you're still here that's reason enough to praise him that's reason enough to celebrate his goodness come on let's celebrate him let's celebrate him let's celebrate him hallelujah hallelujah you're in the land of the living hallelujah you're in the land of the living you're breathing you're moving hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you have food on your table you've got clothes on your back hallelujah hallelujah no disease overtook you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god glory be to god god's your good lord you are good and your mercy endures forever it endures forever your mercy endures forever god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] if we have ten thousand tongues now we couldn't praise you enough we couldn't thank you enough we couldn't say enough about your goodness about your mercy god because you've been that good to us you've been that merciful to us god hallelujah thank you for your mercy thank you for your grace thank you for your loving kindness hallelujah hallelujah we thank you that today's mercy doesn't look like yesterday's mercy and tomorrow's mercy won't look like today's mercy but we thank you god that you are merciful we thank you that we have brand new mercies every morning new mercies every morning every morning your faithfulness to us brain is your faithfulness to us god hallelujah you're great and you are greatly to be praised hallelujah [Music] come on let's put our hands together hey hallelujah [Music] hallelujah yay come on look at your neighbor say neighbor say you're right where you're supposed to be now tell that same neighbor say neighbor i'm right where i'm supposed to be hallelujah hey lord you're good good at your mercy say lord [Music] [Music] [Music] people from every nation in tongues [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah for who you are you are good [Music] [Music] and your mercy endures forever come on sing it again lord you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] from generations [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we don't ask anything we worship to god hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you are [Music] [Music] [Music] you are good time all the time you are good all the time [Music] [Applause] you are good all the time all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen [Music] been so good to me been so good to me you've been so good to me yeah yeah been so good drumming helped me [Music] you've been so come on put your hands together [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] repeat after me repeat after me i will bless him i will bless him i will bless him at all i will bless him i will let him i will bless him [Music] at all oh [Music] him [Music] it's all right to praise him this is his atmosphere this is the lord's atmosphere this is his church we are his church hallelujah do oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i will praise him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we were hallelujah [Music] game to you this is the day of the truth we will rejoice do you [Music] let us praise him let us bless the lord bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me praise his holy name bless him [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] listen so i believe that i'm in front of a people the ones here in the building and the ones that are watching we're prophetic people right that's right right right so what i want you to do is i want you to grab a promise that you're believing god for in your mind right in your mind something that you're waiting for god to manifest in your life you already see it by faith but you're waiting for the physical manifestation whether it's something regarding your family whatever it is you know the petition that you have not to the lord but what i want us to do right now is i want us to dedicate a time in our praise to where we praise god believing that what he promised us is already done because again we are prophetic people we don't have to wait to praise him until we physically see it we can praise him when he promises us amen so whatever it is we're going to praise god i'm not going to tell you what to say i'm not going to tell you what to do but i want you to praise god in about 10 seconds okay are you ready [Music] okay here we go here we go one two one two one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're still praising them [Music] i have no christ praise is nothing you can do silently praise is nothing you can do quietly hallelujah hallelujah people from every nation in time [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah who you are who you oh [Music] for who you are you are [Applause] good [Music] forever forever forever forever forever forever forever forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on let's put our hands together like this come on i know you agree that we serve an awesome god almighty god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] help me lift him up help me [Music] help me [Applause] [Music] higher so [Music] he's high [Music] he's high and lift it up [Music] is say hi [Music] i [Music] [Applause] so he's highly hallelujah do you believe he's high and lifted up hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] isn't it good to serve a god who is above you above the world a burro above the situations of the world god is not trying to figure anything out all right [Music] it's already figured out and the wonderful thing about god is that he reveals it to his people amen hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hmm this song is from psalm 18. [Music] i love you oh lord my strength i love you let's pick it up oh lord my strength i love you oh lord my strength i love you oh lord my [Music] lord is our pillar my fortress [Music] with my delivery my god my rock hey the lord is my pillar my fortress my who might take refuge he is my shield and the horn of my salvation he is my shield and the horn of my salvation he is my shield and the horn of my salvation he's my tower he's my strong tower i will call on the name of the lord who is worthy to be praised i will call on the name of the lord who is worthy to be praised i will call on the name of the lord [Music] who is worthy to be praised i will call on the name of the lord [Music] who is worthy to be praised help me say i will [Music] i will call [Applause] [Music] [Music] who is worthy i will call on him who was worthy to be praised [Music] who is worthy to be praised [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey maybe y'all didn't hear me the first time hey i would say i will call on that name [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] yay oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] i will [Music] call on the name of the lord [Applause] he hears you when you call him he hears you when you call up he hears you when you call them hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hold on hold on hold on let me give you a secret it's not really a secret but some people may not know it you won't know how to get god to hear you [Music] speak his word [Music] [Applause] you want to know how to get god to respond to your situation declare his word [Music] so literally if you want to see more of god activated in your situation more of god activated in your life speak his word declare his word the bible says that the angels of the lord hearken to the voice of the word of the lord hallelujah the bible says that he watches over his word to perform it so if you want more of god in your life speak his word declare hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] uh [Music] [Music] come on help me sing it [Music] come on come on hallelujah come on come on give him some praise bless his name for he is worthy to be praised hallelujah good evening good evening and welcome to our new year's eve service the renaissance yes indeed 2021 is out of here and 2022 is gonna be marvelous for you oh my god what god has in store for you and for me in 2022 i've seen it i've been there and it's good concerning you and concerning me in his house and his people oh he's got a show out in 2022 come on somebody thank him in advance for what he is doing well we thank god for you and welcome welcome welcome here again to the renaissance service here at the place of grace yes indeed you are welcome i like to say welcome as rain in the desert after a 10-year drought but it's been raining here in southern california we know a little bit about it right over the last couple of weeks but we thank god for why it's it's just a sign of what's to come why because the latter rain has began to fall god has something purpose for you and for me for his people this day again welcome welcome here uh for the you the pec the prophetic e community we welcome you on behalf of the prophet bishop clans from clinton and the place of grace as a whole welcome again to you you know who you are you're those that have determined to connect with the man the assignment and the ministry not only just connect watching every week but you have put your money where your mouth is you help to make all of this possible the tvs the monitors the what is that the cameras and all of that all of your sewing and this thing is reaching all around the world i was just upstairs talking to some of our guys and he was saying that a lady just texting or was saying that she was tuning in from belize police hey man you this is what the bible means when it says to go out to the other parts of the earth in the world this is it this is a part of it it's not in its entirety but it is a part of it how else are we going to reach them i mean even from where you are you're being reached from this place we're reaching all of the continents man this signal goes out all over the world and it's because of you those are the that have determined to connect with the man of god to support the man to support the ministry amen and we thank god for you and for those if you have not become a part of the pc let me encourage you to do so go online at click on that menu button to the left there scroll down about two or three levels and you'll see pec it's just short information they'll last you it's just a way to stay connected that the prophet can stay connected with you and that's it it's just that simple amen there's things coming down from the heavens and the man of god has that information for us amen we want to stay connected in that manner so click on the menu button scroll down a little and you'll see pec fill out that information and you can stay connected with the profit and for those that have not made the decision to connect in that manner you can always stay connected through all the social media outlets facebook twitter instagram youtube all of them at bishop mclendon facebook twitter instagram and youtube also you can download the bishop mclendon app do that if you haven't go to your play store your app store and download the bishop mclendon app those are all ways to stay ways good ways to stay connected with the prophet and if you have not subscribed to the youtube channel please do so subscribe to the youtube channel it's a good way to get all of the latest information and staying connected in that manner and then your prayer requests are wanted did i segue that right i kind of went right on into it this is however your prayers are wanted we want to pray with you the man of god has determined that we be a house of prayer so we're going to pray with you we're going to pray for you send us your prayer requests let us connect with you the bible says where any two of us shall agree concerning anything we ask it shall be done for us by the father in heaven this is a way we can connect together this is a way we can agree with you for what you're believing god for what you want to see god do in your life so call you can call 310-323-2600 [Music] 310-323-2600 there's someone on the phone waiting to take your prayer requests or you can go online at and submit your prayer requests there as well watch all prayer requests will be prayed over for 30 days they'll be placed into this prayer altar yup still there that prayer out there right behind me amen and we will see a manifestation of what you're believing god for why because we're going to believe together and he is going to do it he's going to provide we know it we know him to be a man a god of his word a man of his word jesus who is the man and god who is god will do it for you and for me we thank god for that so submit that prayer request 310-323-2600 or go online at amen testimonies as well we have a few testimonies that have been coming in concerning you know things that people have submitted their prayer requests for but if you have a testimony we want to hear that as well maybe the prophet will read your testimony off here you know one day here so if you send it you can't read it off if you don't send it in so we want that testimony as well you can submit your testimony in the same manner by dialing three one oh three two three twenty six hundred or going online at and submit it that way as well so please do that those prayer requests and your testimonies are wanted as well hallelujah hallelujah for those of you that don't know the digital download store is open again you can get all of your uh this is a i'm sorry the digital download store is open it's a way to get all the latest updates all the latest messages um one of the messages 12 things that you can be absolutely certain is happening when you pray in the spirit that's a good one we're always told to pray in the spirit but what it what happens when you pray in the spirit so the prophet has put together a package that says 12 things that you can be absolutely certain are happening when you pray in the spirit this is a great series to have another is getting to the place jehovah jireh jehovah jairohu jehovah gyra our provider those things that you might need that you're in need of those things that you want and don't don't necessarily know you need possibly getting to the place jehovah jireh another download of course you can there are books there that the prophet has written beyond personal power the cross and your healing all of those things are there on the digital download store so please go to the digital download store and download whatever it is that you might needs are of course available at the digital download store also are the psalms 91 hoodies are available there as well the black ones hey man hallelujah those are nice they are really really nice and for the young people that like to wear hoodies that's it it's a it's a it's a nice um piece of apparel to add to your collection amen the psalms 91 hoodies they're available in black purple well black and white i believe purple is available now right so it's three colors available hey man get yours today by going to the digital download store hallelujah i think that's it for our announcements of course they're all at but what we want to do now is prepare our hearts to receive the word of god i know the man of god has a message for us tonight a word from god for our lives i always say one word from god will change your life like none other but you have to be able to receive that word first one word from god can fill your entire six months your next two or three years but are you ready for it will you be ready for when he speaks that word that word's coming to you tonight so let's prepare our hearts let's prepare our minds to receive the word of god coming through the prophet the man that we have in bishop clarence e mcclendon so close your eyes if you will wherever you are take your prayer position if it's standing walking around down on your knees prostrate whatever it is let's focus our hearts and our minds towards the heavens so father we thank you we bless you we give you all the praise all the honor and the glory holy spirit we set you for we give you free reign we ask you take your place at the forefront you lead us you guide us we know that you are jesus in the now for us so we ask you have your way with our hearts our minds and our spirits we actually wear us as a garment where you go we go what you say we say thank you lord for all things and in all things we give you praise and glory for all the praise and honor is do you now we ask you touch our hearts touch our minds touch our spirits strengthen us lord god give us the will to move forward and go forward you said it is you in us that is willing and to do so thank you god for the willingness thank you lord for the ability to do and we'll bless you with it father we pray for our prophet as he comes we pray your heads of protection cover and keep him lord thank you that you've covered his mind you've covered his spirit that you've taken control of his tongue we thank you lord that he speaks your word and he speaks it boldly today lord we're excited for what it is that you have for us for what it is that you want for us lord and we receive it now in its fullness and in its manifestation we pray your heads of protection cover and keep each and every one of us every household father and we always pray your full armor your helmet of salvation the breastplate of righteousness lord we declare that our loins are girded inside and that our feet are shot and we're walking on your path of righteousness lord we thank you for the shield of faith your word tells us that you have dealt to every man the measure of faith so lord we know we thank you that we've received that and we thank you even more so for the sword of the spirit which is your word concerning all things and everything we thank you lord we give you praise we give you honor for it in jesus name someone shot a good amen amen hallelujah can we receive well before i say that we did this song for the uh christmas celebration we have this year and technically you could still do christmas songs until new year's right some people they have that tree up and they take it down the day after new year's eve right or new year's day or the day after whenever but so can we receive our jaden and our kennedy as they sing anyway we're singing about our lord and savior jesus we can sing christmas songs technically all year round [Applause] because the in the life of the believer christmas and easter we sell it we celebrate resurrection and the birth of jesus all year round amen i know i do all right so let's receive them [Music] and she's [Music] and can you hear the angels singing [Music] to the the light of the world is here [Music] come down [Music] he peace is come he has [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the light of the world for all foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the amen of the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] the world waits for a miracle the heart longs for peace on earth [Music] hallelujah glory to the king of kings and the lord of lords who in here came to worship the almighty god that sound a little dry tonight who in here came to worship the almighty god who came to give god some glory in this place for he is worthy of the glory he's worthy of the honor father we come to worship you we come to bless your holy name god because you've been so good through 2021 you brought us through so many things and 2022 is going to be a successful year for us it's going to be a year of joy of prosperity of favor and we thank you god right now hallelujah [Music] [Music] can worship you for me for all the things you've done for me [Music] [Music] all of my worship [Music] all of my [Music] and no one can work [Music] for all the things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] here it is [Applause] [Music] love [Music] and i [Music] of you [Music] [Music] always [Music] i will not be is [Music] [Applause] i will not i'm gonna give you glory [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will always worship [Music] i will always worship you can you say that and i will not be silent [Music] you as a lord [Music] say it again [Music] [Music] no matter what the situation looks like god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] all of my words [Music] [Music] god receive our worship [Music] god receive our worship we lay everything down we hold nothing back from you god we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you god we give you praise again god we give you praise god we give you worship yeah yeah god we give [Music] [Applause] [Music] see sometimes in the midst of when you're going through some things all you have to do is lift your hands and god say here is my worship god i can't do nothing about this problem i can't do nothing about this situation but if i call on the name of jesus if i call on the name of jesus i know this problem the situation will turn around in my favor everything the enemy stole from you and you are gonna get back nothing can be taken from you because god is god all day long just call on this day jesus jesus jesus [Music] nobody like [Music] jesus christ [Music] we call your jesus jesus [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift your hands in the presence of the living god come on lift your hands everybody lord to you honor belongs to you praise is due there is no god like you in heaven or earth there is no god but you you are the true and living god thank you for your goodness for your mercies that are new every morning and for your faithfulness toward us that is great lord we stand on the precipice of a new calendar year and we acknowledge that it is you and you alone that have sustained us that have favored us [Music] covered us protected us thank you that your word is forever true [Music] that your spirit is forever present thank you now touch every life and minister to every circumstance and situation speak lord for your servants are listening for like no other time we need a word from you touch your people individual by individual person by person grant solutions directions insight jesus you said that the holy spirit would show us things to come we ask for that tonight believing we receive it and we declare that we shall go up from here better prepared empowered for having been with you in the name of jesus and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so now say amen clap your hands and give praise and thanksgiving to the lord our god come on open your mouth clap your hands and give one good shout of praise unto the king amen god bless you you may be seated if you're here live in the tabernacle and certainly if you're watching us live streaming we greet you in the strong name of jesus reminding you that he is lord and welcoming you to this great celebration service we call it the renaissance renaissance means rebirth of course and every time we come to the close of one year and the beginning of another it is a fresh opportunity a fresh season of renewal and rebirth and we pray that god would grant us not only that anointing but that grace tonight as we cross over from 2021 into the year 2020 how many of you are glad that you've made it thus far let me see oh wait a minute that's about seven of you let me see how many of you are glad you made it thus far and we are certainly grateful and dating and expecting that uh this year will be a great time in the presence of god and even tonight we are believing the lord for great things as his word comes to us let me add my salutations and greetings to all of those of you that are joining us live streaming as a part of our prophetic e-community we thank the lord for you and we you are going to be richly edified and increased by say that because we know what god's word does one word from god can make all the difference in a life one word in season can cause a turnaround in a life come on somebody has experienced this and we know that the word of the lord is coming to you and again we encourage all of those of you to follow us on all of our social media platforms and so forth and so on we want to make sure that you are prepared and that you are doing that i want to just greet a couple of our sons and daughters in ministry that are here pastor charles and lady mew and some members of new covenant ministries are here god bless you the views are here i see bishop and lady princeton allen also a part of our network let's thank god for bishop and lady alan as well and i know that you have been greeted if you are visiting with us tonight and you made the trek to be with us here we encourage and we are encouraged by your presence and we know that you are going to be richly blessed i'm getting a little feedback guys in the monitor so i know you will fix that for me expeditiously amen uh let me just call your attention to a couple of things that are very very important as we approach the brand new year of course we have consistently and regularly engage in a time of consecration uh after the first of the year and we'll be sharing with you more about our uh corporate consecration that will begin on wednesday the 5th of january it's going to go through january the 16th 12 days the spirit of the lord put upon my heart to call you and i to a time of fasting prayer and consecration it's going to be a very specific time of seeking the lord and of course if you're a part of this ministry if you're connected to this anointing that should not be a surprise to you in any way and of course after all of the christmas celebrations uh looks like all of us could use a bit of consecrating amen uh so uh but of course we encourage you that if you are under a doctor's care always to consult your physician before you make any significant changes in your diet uh but we will be engaging in that consecration i'll share with you more about it on sunday it will begin on wednesday the 5th it will end on sunday the 16th we're going to consecrate from midnight until 4 pm midnight until 4 p.m after that of course you can eat what you want but again the spirit of the consecration is not to have six or seven meals after 4 p.m uh you know most you don't want to break your fast at fat burger amen so we want to make sure that you engage in the spirit of the consecration we'll give you some guidelines if you haven't consecrated before i believe it will not be a tedious thing for you and again remember that fasting and consecrating does not make you holier it does not uh cause god to move what fasting and consecrating does is it quiets the body and the soul and puts the spirit again in the posture of ascendancy god created man as spirit and the soul the mind the will the emotions the attitude and the physical body are to be under the dominion of the spirit but again you know the more you feed your soul your body the more it tries to control you there are times you need to shut things down and reverse that and consecrating and fasting does that we'll share some more with you about that on sunday but i want you to be prepared for it now also i just want to set this in motion very quickly because i want to get to the word of god i want to make sure that we get done what we need to get done before uh the 12 o'clock hour and then immediately following 12 o'clock we will conclude with our first seed on the new year our heave offering and then communion but i want to just encourage you one of my spiritual fathers dr mark hanby is going to be coming through here very shortly he was supposed to be with us supposed to be with us uh before the conclusion of last year but some things transpired so next sunday january the 9th and those of you who know papa hanby you know he comes fully loaded and he's going to be sharing with us and some leadership things i've been wanting him to come and he's going to be here sunday january the 9th during our worship experience and then a special time with our leadership with our presbytery staff leaders workforce and of course our global grace network pastors will be also available to that and we'll be sharing details with you concerning that but i want you to be in prayer concerning those things now turn with me very quickly in your bibles to exodus chapter number 23. i want you to go there because uh at the conclusion of this time of ministry tonight and as we move into the new year we will lift what we call a heave offering unto the lord it's one of the three times during the year here in this ministry where we present something very specific to the lord and i have shared with you now for years since the lord sent me to this region when he first sent me here and i did not know all of the ins and outs of old covenant understandings and laws and the type and shadow of the old covenant but i've always been able by the grace of god to hear from god and he said to me there will be three times during the year where i'm gonna have you to have the people of god to present something before me in exodus chapter 23 verse 14. now again i'm reading out of the old covenant we are not under the old covenant we're in the new covenant but the scripture teaches us that these things in the old covenant are written for our admonition the word there is instruction upon whom the ends of the ages have come there's a place where the apostle paul says that you and i are to keep the feasts not with the old leaven in other words not according to the law but there are principles everybody say principles there are principles that go from the old covenant into the new i have seen and we have evidenced this over the years how god specifically responds in these times when we lift something before him exodus 23 and verse 14 says three times you shall keep a feast that word feast there literally is the hebrew word appointment it's not a time of eating it's a time of gathering with god three times a year you shall keep an appointment to me in the year you shall keep the feast of unleavened bread you shall eat unleavened bread seven days that's passover verse 16 and the feast of harvest and then he says the feast of ingathering at the end of the year when you have gathered in the fruit of your labors from the field look at verse 17 three times in the year all your males shall appear before the lord now again male in the old covenant represented headship and or leadership so it was not a gender specific instruction it was a representation of household wave at me if you understand what i just said look at verse number 19 he says the first of the first fruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the lord your god and then god said in verse number 20 behold i send an angel before you in other words the dispatching of angelic assistance was a direct response to these three times in the year where god said i want you to bring something before me and look what he says he says behold i send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which i've prepared so there was something of ordering of the year ordering the steps of the people as a response to their obedience to god they're believing him 21 beware of him and obey his voice not provoke him for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but if you will indeed obey his voice and do all i speak then i will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries god goes on in verse number 25 and he talks about the fact that he would bless their bread and water and take sickness from the midst of them all of it was in response to an act of believing everybody believing and so the spirit of god has directed us over the years that all new year's eve and going into the new year of the three times during the year that he's directed us that we should present something before the lord and come into agreement everybody say the word agreement no you didn't say that strongly enough say the word agreement the greek word is symphony oh when jesus says if any two of you shall agree as touching anything he the word he uses there is symphony oh from which we get our english word symphony it literally means to sound together i was an instrumentalist i was a musician growing up and i played in the orchestra i played in the symphony one of the things you find when you play in the symphony is that you can all be playing the same piece of music but you're playing different of the same piece of music you can have a second trumpet first second third oboe they're all the same instrument but they're playing a different part and when it comes into agreement something supernatural happens a sound sound happens the same is true when god's people come into agreement and everyone does their part there is agreement that occurs and there's something powerful about agreement so when we move into that time the worship experience after me the spirit of god is going to give us direction and share some things with us concerning this new year that we are going to come into agreement on and we are going to see the end of god work on our behalf lord spoke to me different levels this is something we seek the lord specifically and will share those things with you as we cross over into the new year so i want you to be prepared can you say praise the lord all right i want you now with me in your bibles i want you to go to the isaiah the book chapter number 44 the book of isaiah chapter number four and i'll begin the reading of the word of god in isaiah 44 at number 21 isaiah 44 and verse number 20 make sure that i share as much as i possibly can one of the things i have consistently found when we come to this renaissance and i share with you i believe the spirit of the lord has given us for the upcoming year one of the things that i have consistently found is i never uh on new year's eve and generally i have to uh uh some of that message the following sunday worship experience and so i don't doubt that that will happen again tonight but i want to share a couple of things with you that i believe is significant for you and i to know as we come into this new year 2022. now i'm going to share a couple of things with you that i shared previously because once again uh it is important that we recognize a couple of things and i want to get to this as quickly as i can first of all we have to remember that god is not a god who operates by our calendar uh he is not a god who operates by years although he is a god of times and seasons everybody say times and seasons uh again in the old covenant we're told of the men of the tribe of issachar the bible says you had understanding of the times and knew what israel or knew what the people of god the covenant of god should do so there is a significance to understanding times and cooperating with the spirit of god as relates to what is on god's agenda wave at me if you understand what i just said however we've got to remember also and we bring this to bear because of what i'm going to read to you here in just a moment we've got to remember that our western calendar which you know in a few minutes we will go into the year of our lord 2022 uh but it and but that is again the gregorian calendar the western calendar the hebrew calendar is a different calendar and that is the calendar that god goes by in relation to the scripture now why is that important because in september of last year 2021 on our calendar was rosh hashanah which literally means the head of the year it is the head of the jewish civil year in the hebrew calendar there are two new years actually some people say more than two but one is a civil new year the other is the ecclesiastical new year the civil new year is rosh hashanah which generally occurs september in our calendar and then the ecclesiastical new year is passover or pisa the hebrew sages believe and they accredit the civil new year as the initiation of creation they believe that rosh hashanah commemorates the day in which god created the heavens and the earth wait many of you understand what i just said and of course the ecclesiastical new year is marked by passover at which time uh israel becomes a nation after they are released from the captivity of egypt and so in the hebrew calendar you have a civil new year rosh hashanah and you have an ecclesiastical new year psoc or passover and between rosh hashanah and peacock or passover is a time of transition are you still here according to a hebrew doctrine and so what you find is when we come into our new year on the gregorian calendar the western calendar again it's called gregorian because it was instituted by pope gregory a catholic pope who began to order and structure things and so the western world goes by that calendar so it is 2022 the year of our lord coming into on the gregorian calendar but it is the year 5782 in the hebrew calendar and that turned i believe it was september 7th or 8th of 2021 now why is that important because during that time as a prophet of god i have found the spirit of god always begins to deal with me about that time about the coming year and before i knew all the things i'm sharing with you this was a spiritual reality god would always start dealing with me in september october about the new year and i always thought why are you talking to me about this now because i didn't realize the things that i have come now to understand and so it was october the 1st uh 2021 at 508 a.m when the word of the lord came to me i was awakened i shared a portion of this with you before i'm going to read it again in its entirety because it is connected to what you and i have to know and anticipate about this coming year it was i it was uh 2021 again october the 1st i was awakened at 508 a.m i remembered it very vividly because the moment i opened my eyes the spirit of the lord began to speak to me and he told me he said to me the words the conspiracy is broken he said to me the conspiracy is broken and he instructed me immediately said go and read isaiah 44 and 45 in its entirety i went and i read isaiah 44 and isaiah 45 and as i read the word of the lord came to me and this was the word that came to me on that morning god said if now my people will pray and pray to this end there is an entire wing a portion of people and politicians that i shall begin to use to turn around and reverse policies and ideologies that have prevailed for almost four decades says the lord now he was speaking specifically in this nation i am a watchman in the united states of america i am sent to the nations of the earth i am a prophet to the nations but i have a watchman assignment in my nation and and and when you understand these things prophetically then you understand that god will speak to you about your spheres of influence now why is that important because you will hear different men and or women of god say different things about the year one will say it's the year of this another will say it's the year of that another will say it's the year of this and you're well which year is it it's all of them it's all of them because just like the military you have the army the navy the air force the marines god has generals and lieutenants that have different spheres of influence and operation this is the church militant are you still here we are the army of the living god and so god will give various generals and lieutenants and admirals uh various instructions as to what time it is for the constituency to which they are sent so if you're connected to this anointing if you believe that the voice of the lord is heard from this place for you then the instructions i'm going to be sharing with you are keys to your operating and cooperating with the spirit of god over the next season wave at me if you understand what i just said and so when god told began to speak to me about ideologies and policies that had prevailed for almost four decades almost 40 years he said some things are going to begin to turn and there shall be a measure of return and respite in the nation and the nation says the lord that my people may know that i am the lord who has heard them and hears them you shall see it spring forth here and there at first and then a swell and men will say what is this and from whence did it come that god is speaking about a season of restoration and respite of awakening and renewal when he said conspiracy is broken he was dealing with me about some things in the heavenlies over the last 18 months with this pandemic and with this global shutdown and and parliamentarians and prime ministers coming together to attempt to determine and make policy that will bring the entire world order in a certain direction there were certain things that the enemy and the adversary was trying to move forward we've dealt with this in our series on the ends of the ages and what is coming satan knows according to the scripture he has but a short time he is attempting and he attempted to join his time to manifest greater evil but there was a people of god who knew what time it was who would not allow him to prevail now much of the church island much of the church was cooperating with the powers that be but there was a portion of the church the remnant church that was hearing the voice of the spirit of god and recognizing a number that were being put in operation were out of order now why is this important uh let me read on he says but i am the lord who hears and answers the cries of my people who put me in remembrance of my word and have my covenant in their mouth shall refresh them and encourage them in these days and give to them the tree of life the fruit of accomplished desires watch this that they may be strengthened for the days ahead for my people shall need this strength and before many realize it there shall be a revival and a renewal in the land but for a moment it shall be a strong moment says the lord for my people for i come quickly says the lord and my reward is with me now the lord told me to declare that to his people in 5781 last year we talked about the that that would was going to be an initiation of kind of a new season it was very interesting as i began to seek the lord about this coming calendar year i didn't get any sense of newness please hear me i didn't get any sense of newness about the year 57 82 or about the year 2022 what i began to sense and it was very interesting because usually the lord would speak to me very clearly about some things and he would say it'll be the year of this it will be a year like this but he didn't really name this year for me he more gave me characteristic characterize the year i need you to pay attention to what i'm getting ready to say uh we talked about this as we looked at these numbers god is not a numerologist but there are certain things that are significant relative to numbers 5782 5 is the number of grace seven is the number of maturity and completion and for the last several years we've been talking about the fact that on the spirit of god's agenda there are some things that are being completed or brought to maturity in grace in other words uh the revelation of the grace of god is increasing people are understanding more about grace but we're also at the end of the gentile age or the end of the day of grace so there are things now that are wrapping up in grace to begin to bring us into another age we've talked about that so five the number of seven is the number of completion maturity eight the number of new beginnings and 5781 we saw that two is the number of authority dominion it is the number of agreement it is also the number of establishments so this is going to be a season where authority dominion agreement is going to be key and critical i need you to write this down agreement is going to be key and critical as we move into this next several months and i'll talk to you about the significance of that agreement and the establishment of things this year will not be marked so much by newness as much as by a continuation of things it will be follow-up follow-throughs gathering of conclusions of determined directions the lord said to me one of the things that will characterize this year is it will be a year of solidifying a year of solidifying things are going to begin to be solidified and the direction of that solidifying will be determined by which direction you're going uh stay with me now i gotta i gotta i gotta get into this and the lord said to me he said it will be as in the pouring and the hardening of concrete he said it will be as if if you're if you've been out in this area things are going to begin to stiffen and harden in that area if you're in the wrong area you need to switch because you don't want to be stuck in the wrong place when things begin to solidify and when things begin to harden are you hearing what i'm saying to you now let me show this to you in the word of god go to isaiah 44 very quickly and i've got to hurry isaiah 44 and i'm going to begin reading at verse number 21. man i'm not going to get anywhere near what i want to get to but i'm going to hurry isaiah 44 and the isaiah 44 verses 1 god is speaking to his people and he is identifying himself almost reintroducing himself as the god who is not to be trifled with the god who is god all by himself who does things that nobody can overturn if you read the first 15 or 20 verses he's flexing he's like i'm god all by myself i don't consult with anybody when i determine a thing it happens he he he's talking as if he needs to reintroduce himself to a people who may have known him but haven't seen him in this particular way are you still here now go to verse number 21 and this was where the spirit of god began to speak to me about the conspiracy being broken and begin to talk to me about the things that need to occur in the earth he said sing o heavens for the lord has done it he has done it done what he has broken the conspiracy now again you've got to understand some context here i'll try to give it to you in a moment single heavens for the lord has done it shout you lower parts of the earth so the the first thing he showed me here was that there must now come an agreement on earth with what is determined and happening in the heavens notice he says sing o heavens for the lord has done it in the heavens it's done but i need some shouting in the lower parts of the earth in other words there are some things that are established in the heavens that i now need some people on earth to get a hold of and comprehend and begin to cooperate with because the polarity and the dissonance that is existing is not going to break unless some people on earth get the mind of god understand some things are done there and begin to declare them stay with me break forth into singing you mountains or forests in every tree and for the lord has redeemed jacob that's the people of god and glorified himself in israel notice he says i have redeemed you not i'm going to the word redeemed means to rescue from lost god says i've done this and i need you now to see i've done it not i'm going to do it not i'm getting ready to make changes not i'm getting ready to reverse things i have done it now what do you say are you still here i said are you still here he said break more than the singing mountains uh uh oh forest and every tree in it for the lord has redeemed jacob and glorified himself in israel now look at verse 24 thus says the lord your redeemer and he who forms you from the womb i am the lord who makes all things who stretches out the heavens all alone get it he's flexing who spreads abroad the earth by myself who frustrates the signs of the babblers and drives diviners mad now get what god is saying he's saying i'm the god who establishes and determines things times and seasons and when i establish a thing and when i determine it doesn't matter what the babblers say it doesn't matter what people on the news say it doesn't matter what presidents and prime ministers say when i have established a thing god says i do it by myself and i do not consult with them now why is that important because god is telling his people i know what i'm doing and they don't you are supposed to know what i'm doing and cooperate with it so you are going to find yourself at odds with babblers notice what he says who frustrates the signs of babblers and drives diviners mad diviners there are people who are prognosticating things but not based on the spirit of god they are using their intellectuality their intelligentsia they're using their theorems and their algorithms and their processes to try to tell you what's going to happen and god says all of their data and information is foolishness if it is not in agreement with what the spirit of god is saying watch this now who frustrates the signs of battles and drives diviners man who turns wise men backwards and makes their knowledge foolishness but look at verse 26 but who confirms the word of his servant and performs the counsel of his messengers and get what god says he says you are coming now into a season where wise men prognosticators diviners babblers newsmakers pundits are going to be telling you this this is coming that's coming the other thing is coming god says i have broken their conspiracy i have already settled the way things are going to move here but the reason things keep going the way the diviners and the babblers are saying it will is because i don't have enough people in the earth who are hearing me and saying what i'm saying [Applause] are you still here and notice what he says i'm the god who confirms the word of my servants and performs the counsel of my messengers why because ultimately it's his word that his true servants and his messengers are speaking see we got to get to the point where we stop being surprised when the words of prophets and divine messengers come to pass [Applause] oh god i don't have time to get into that why because if they are a messenger of god if they are the prophet of god it wasn't their word to begin with it was god's see the bible says god will do nothing in the earth except he first reveal his secrets to his sermons the prophet so if the man or woman is a man or woman of god and they say something from god we shouldn't be surprised when it comes to past it wasn't their word it was god's word are you there see the problem is we have not had enough men and women who are actually hearing from god and saying what he says to watch this he confirms it why because he originated he said i confirmed the word of my messengers this is a very interesting word because it speaks to the time in the season that we're coming into the hebrew word here is malacca it literally means those dispatched deputized as messengers it can be an ambassador a king an angel a priest or prophet or a teacher in other words god says i'm getting ready to use non-professionals you're not listening to me i'm getting ready to use anybody who will hear my voice and say what i'm saying they don't have to be professional prophets professional pastors professional teachers anybody who is tuned in and who says what i say i'm gonna confirm their word i'm gonna back them up i need you to i need you to hear me there's a move of the spirit that's going to take place in some very unusual ways oh god help me here uh everybody say confirms say it again confirms now the lord said to me he said this is going to be a year of solidifying in other words i'm going to begin to confirm what is said and on the prophetic side on the spiritual side of things if my people will decree and say what i'm saying they're going to see a solidifying there but if they keep silent and let the babblers and the diviners run things then what you're going to see is that's going to solidify no no you need to hear me you need to hear me see we've got to understand some things that the scripture reveals to us about our god you remember when god came down in genesis 11 when they were building the tower of babel even though it was a thing that was not in agreement with his will he said because the people all have one language in other words they are decreeing the same thing they are in agreement about what they're doing he said because the people all have one language now this is what they begin to do he said i got to come down here and stop this because if i let it go on nothing they imagine to do will be withheld from them why not because they were doing the will of god but because they were in agreement about it see even the enemies camp if they get into agreement they can push the egypt away and see we with our theological num nums we were well god is in control god is not in control god has given man dominion in the earth and he has given man his word to decree and if we are going to see a change we are going to have to decree some things and they will be established unto us wave at me if you understand what i just said so when i talk about agreement it's going to be a time to be in agreement with god's word a time to be in agreement with god's voice a time to be in agreement with god's purposes and watch this a time not to get into disagreement with your fraternal brother i have to get to that i'll have to get to that in just a moment this is a time where you're not going to want to be in disagreement with anybody who's a covenant child of god oh i'm have to get to that next week i'm going to get to that next week are you still with me i said are you still with me he said i'm the god who confirms the word of my servant and performed the counsel of my messengers in other words god says if you hear me say it say it if you hear me speak it speak it out loud if you know it's me say it if there's nobody but you in the kitchen if you hear me say it say it from the kitchen and the angels will go to work on it and turn things around are you listening to me i said are you listening to me somebody say i will say so [Applause] he says i confirm the word of my servants i perform the counsel of my messenger watch this he says who says to jerusalem you shall be inhabited to the cities of judah you shall be built and i will raised up her waste places who says to the deep be dry and i will drop your servant who says to cyrus my shepherd and he shall perform my pleasure i talked about cyrus cyrus was a political figure who was not a man of the covenant he was not an israelite but god said i'm going to use him to work my will for my people in other words god was saying this is an hour where if i say something to you no matter how ridiculous it looks no matter how crazy it sounds no matter how impossible it may appear to you i want you to say it because i have established what i'm going to do but i need somebody to say it in the earth i don't have time to get to this he says who says to cyrus he is my shepherd go to second chronicles 36 22 second chronicles 36 22-23 because this explains to us who cyrus is though remember what he just said i'm i'm turning the corner here i'm giving you highlights i'll have to break it down are you getting it i said are you getting it he said i'm the god who says to jesus shall be in heaven who says to julia will be built who says to the deep be and who says i will dry up your in other words i'm the god who says stuff that possible when i say it i'm the oh god help me i'm the god who's going to tell you to speak that will make you look like a confounded idiot it comes to pass in about 24 or 4 hours and then people will be looking at you like something that they don't know and you do but you're going to have to say so are you still here no notice he says who says to cyrus what is he speaking of look at verse 22 of second chronicles 36 it says now in the first year of cyrus king of persia that the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah might be fulfilled the lord stirred up the spirit of siren cyrus is a king of persia he's a pagan he's not a jew jeremiah is a jewish prophet who has prophesied something that cyrus never heard no you didn't hear me cyrus didn't hear jeremiah's prophecy but jeremiah prophesied what god said though what had jeremiah prophesied jeremiah had prophesied according to the word of the lord that there would be 70 years of captivity in babylon and then the children of israel would be restored after nebuchadnezzar and the persians had gone into jerusalem and wrecked it jeremiah by the word of the lord said god has appointed 70 years and after 70 years there'll be a restoration so at the end of this time this is about 67 years into it god begins to deal with cyrus the king of persia a pagan king who didn't hear jeremiah's prophecy and begins to move upon the heart of cyrus to cooperate with the word that the prophet had spoken even though it looked impossible watch this that the that that that the word of the lord by the mouth of jeremiah the prophet might be revealed the lord stirred up the spirit of cyrus king of persia so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom and also put it in writing saying all the kingdoms of the earth the lord of heaven has given me and he has commanded me to build him a house at jerusalem which is in judah so now this is a pagan king financing the building project of the people of god lay your hands on yourself and say you've got help coming from outside resources but you're gonna have to say some stuff in the living room you're gonna have to say some stuff in the bathroom say it in the car wherever the word of the lord comes to you decree it watch this all the kingdom of the earth the lord has given me his commanded me to build him a house in jerusalem which is in judah who is among you all his people may the lord his god be with him and let him go in other words cyrus cooperates with the word of the lord with the mind of god because some prophet dared to speak it amen ah you're not listening there are some things that are on god's mind but they are not going to happen for you unless you are bold enough to say so they are god's will they are his plan but somebody's got to say it go to 2nd kings chapter 3 i got to hurry with this second kings chapter 3. the lord said this to me he said this is going to be a year of agreement when you get in agreement with my word when you get in agreement with my prophetic instructions when you get in agreement with my purposes and say so you are going to see things impossible things and he said it's not going to have to look like it's going to happen to happen write this down god said this is going to be a season marked by wonders without warnings write it down wonders without warning somebody say wonders without warnings no no no say it out say wonders without warnings if you're next to somebody you trust tell them it's not going to have to look like it can happen for it to happen look at somebody else say as a matter of fact there will be no evidence in many cases that it's going to happen until it happens watch this whoo [Music] oh i wish i had time to elaborate on this but i don't go to second kings chapter three second kings chapter three now let me tell you what happened here in second kings chapter three in second kings chapter three uh jehoram who's the son of ahab uh who was king over israel is going to war now against the moabites with jehoshaphat the king of judah jehoram jehoram is not a good king he is kind of the offspring of ahab and jezebel so he's kind of walking in the same way he did he made a few reforms but he is not a man who's got the favorite of god now jehoshaphat the king of judah the southern kingdom is a man of god and so what happens is after ahab died who was uh jehovah's father the king of the moabites changed policy with the king of israel because ahab was dead there were certain tributes and things he would give to israel but when ahab died he changed his mind you understand what i'm saying and so jehoram gets upset and he's getting ready to he goes to war he calls jehoshaphat to ask him will you go to war with me and then he got gets the king of edom to go so it's jehoram king of israel jehoshaphat king of judah and uh the king of the going to war against the moabites they go to war and as they go to war uh they are on a journey and they run out of water they run out of water because there's been drought in the land are you still here now we're gonna drop in to verse number nine look at verse number nine it says so the king of israel went with the king of judah and the king of edom and they marched on the roundabout route seven days and there was no water for the army nor for the animals that followed them and the king of israel said alas for the lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of moab now again that's really not what happened but he had made a decision to go look at verse 11. but jehoshaphat said is there no prophet of the lord here that we may inquire of the lord by him so one of the servants of the king of israel answered and said elisha the son of shaphat is here who poured water on the hands of elijah and jehoshaphat said the word of the lord is with him so the king of israel and jehoshaphat and the king of edom went down to him then elisha said to the king of israel what have i to do with you go to the prophets of your father and the prophets of your mother meaning ahab and jezebel who serve the baals he's basically insulting him the prophet is saying i ain't got nothing to say to you because you're a pagan unbelieving king so watch this then elijah what do i have to do go to the problems of your father in the prophets of your mother but the king of israel said to him no for the lord has called these three kings together to deliver them into the hand of moab and elisha said as the lord of hosts lives before whom i stand surely were i not word not that i regard the presence of jehoshaphat king of judah i would not look at you or see you in other words he said if joe joseph that wasn't with you i wouldn't prophesy right because you're ungodly but jehoshaphat's a man of god so i'm going to promise i watch he says so now bring me a musician to watch it then it happened when the musician played that the hand of the lord came upon him watch it and he said thus says the lord make this valley full of ditches in other words go dig ditches now remember they're out of water and they've been looking for water for six or seven days no water has come watch he said make this valley full of dish of ditches look at this for thus says the lord you shall not see wind nor shall you see rain yet this valley shall be filled with water so that you and your cattle and your animals may drink you didn't get it he said you are not going to see wind and you are not going to see rain there is going to be no signal that a miracle is about to happen here there will be no prerequisite there will be no change in the atmosphere it's not going to look like it's going to happen but it's going to happen anyway i don't know who i'm preaching to look at your neighbor and say it may not look like it's gonna happen no no no no look at your names it may not look like it's gonna happen so you're not going to see wind you're not going to see rain but the miracle's going to manifest anyway nobody's going to come tell you it's about to turn around no you're not going to get a dream in the middle of the night no angel's gonna come to the house but the word of the lord is gonna come to you and if you dare to say it god's gonna turn the thing in your favor lay your hand on yourself and say i shall see wonders without warnings no no no no no say it again i shall see wonders without warnings say it again wonders without warning [Music] god said tell the people in this season there will be wonders without warning signs with with signals before the healings without harbingers he said there will be determined and purpose things that i will do without showing my hand before time he said tell them decree it declare it and whatever he tells you to do do it without hesitation there will be invisible miracles on the other side of visible actions [Applause] hey excuse me you say bishop mcclendon why is god going to do that because he's not going to tip his hand to your adversaries [Applause] [Music] no you're missing it he's not going to tip his hand to your adversaries he's going to let them think they got you boxed blocked back and then he's going to beat him down by the word of the lord that he may demonstrate elaboration whoa watch it watch that watch what oh watch it look at verse 21 he said when the moabites heard that the kings had come to fight against him all who were able to bear armed and older gathered and they stood at the border then they rose up early in the morning and the sun was shining on the water and the moabites saw the water on the other side as red as blood and they said this is blood the kings have surely struck swords and have killed one another now therefore moab to the spoil so when they came to the camp of israel israel rose up and attacked them so that they fled before them and they entered their land killing them all by don't miss this what just happened an optical illusion no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you missed it an optical illusion god is going to cause your enemies to view you wrongly no no no you're no no you're missing it you're missing it see when the valley got filled with water the bible says they looked at the sun shining on the water and thought it was filled with blood so they thought the three kings had had beat each other killed each other so they thought the army is gone the spoil is there let's go get it it was an optical illusion god is going to cause your enemies to view you wrongly to see the wrong thing about you to view you in an improper light and therefore under evaluate your ability to win look at somebody say they're going to get you all wrong they're going to get you all wrong they're going to think you're backed in backed up back down being quiet don't know what to do [Music] look at your neighbors just cause i'm flexing don't mean i'm not ready to fight look at your neighbor say just because i'm not you know uh talking loud to you i was talking in the bedroom i was talking in the living room i was prophesying in the car i don't have to say anything to you the angels heard me [Music] hallelujah [Music] i said hallelujah [Music] lay your hands on yourself say agree with god's word say agree with god's voice say agree with god's purpose and don't get in disagreement with any brother or sister upon whom the anointing of the spirit of god is [Music] [Applause] yeah i don't have time to finish this go to go to ayah go to first kings 18. [Music] somebody's here solidifying somebody say wonders without warning now now go to first kings 18 and i'll be done with this uh and then we're gonna pray we're going to pray and calab we're going to pray and come into agreement i am prophesying to some people that are going to see miracles in the next 24 or 48 hours some of you been waiting on stuff to happen over the last two or three months it's gonna happen in the next few days there'll be no warning but it's going to happen as surely as i'm talking to you [Applause] [Music] are you ready for this are you ready for this are you ready for a wonder with no warning are you ready for a breakthrough with no visible sign that it's coming watch this watch i gotta now you know allah [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] car let me show you two things that i got to stop in first kings 18 go there quickly in first kings 18 you know the story there have been a season of drought and god says to a to god says to elijah the prophet go and show yourself to ahab and i will send rain upon the earth there has been three years of drought at the word of the lord but what does that mean that means that there is an outpouring that is prepared to come there is a renewal and a refreshing and a restoration that god has now purposed to come and he tells elijah go and show yourself to ahab go and present yourself to the political power in other words you prophetic people don't let anything shut you up now no matter what they're saying no matter what they're doing he says go and show yourself to ahab stop hiding ducking being quiet go show yourself to ahead and i will send rain upon the earth i don't have time to get to all this god tells elijah to go and do it and it came to pass after many days of where the lord came to elijah go present yourself to ahab and i will send reign upon the earth so elijah went to present himself to ahab there's a lot there that i don't have time to get into but here's what i want you to see i want you to see something because when you see it it will never again leave your your understanding so elijah goes and he's getting ready to present himself to ahab the king obadiah the king's servant finds him and he says listen go tell ahab i'm coming to see him and obadiah says listen he's been looking for you everywhere trying to kill you and i know you you're led by the spirit of the lord he says i'm gonna go tell him that you're here and then the spirit of the lord's gonna tell you to go somewhere else and then he's going to kill me because i told the king i had you and when he comes the lord's going to tell you to go somewhere else and elijah said no no no no he said go get him tell him i'm going to show myself to him today now here's what i want you to see god told elijah show yourself to ahab he'll send rain upon the earth so when elijah meets up with ahab watch it verse 17 says then verse 17 says then it happened when ahab saw elijah that ahab said to him is that you o trouble of israel and he answered i have not troubled israel but you and your father's house have in other words i'm not the problem you're the problem the church is not the problem you're the problem king watch this you have forsaken the commandments of the lord and follow the baals now therefore send and gather all israel to me on mount carmel for the 450 prophets of baal and the 400 prophets of ashura who eat at jezebel's table so ahab sent for all the children of israel and gathered the prophets together on mount carmel and elijah came to all the people and said how long will you falter between two opinions if the lord is god follow him but if baal follow him but the people answered him not a word now what here's what the spirit of the lord showed me he said son don't miss this i told elijah to go and present himself to ahab and i would send rain i did not say anything to him about confronting these prophets no you missed you missed it i didn't tell him to go to mount carmel i did not speak and there's nowhere that you hear me say anything to him about confronting the prophets of baal and asher i told him go show himself to ahab and i will send rain but because elijah is a prophet and he understands spiritual things he understands there's not going to be any rain until this of witchcraft is confronted until this devil that is holding things back is dealt with he understands if rain is going to come somebody is going to have to stand and declare what god has said in the face of the opposition so there's no directive of god to tell him but this is what the lord said to me he said there must be a summoning now of god to demonstration he said my people are going to have to summon me they're going to have to call on new things that they haven't seen me do no you missed what i'm saying it's going to require a boldness go to isaiah 50 go to isaiah 45. did you get what i just said everybody say a summoning of god to demonstration no no okay i got i got to take about two more minutes a summoning of god to demonstration elijah says listen you tell the prophets of baal and asher to do this and i'm gonna do this there's no instruction no word from god he just knows there's going to be an outpouring if there's going to be rain if there's going to be a refreshing and a restoration somebody's gotta deal with this witchcraft spirit that has arrested the atmosphere are you still here so he comes up with this he comes up with okay tell them to get uh they're bull i'ma get my ball put no fire under it he says and the god who answers by fire let him be god in other words the prophet comes up with a solution that god says okay i'll back up what you say no you missed it no no no i'll back up what you say now because i have put you in authority here i have given you responsibility to shift the atmosphere i have given you the ability to change things so uh isaiah 45. let me just get done with this and i'll pick it up uh isaiah 45 watch it watch it watch it watch it watch it did you get this did you get this whoo go go go go go go to verse uh number five isaiah 45 5 i am the lord and there is none other there is no god besides me i will gird you though you have not known me now again he was speaking to cyrus he said i'm going to use you even though you don't know me i'm going to use you even though you don't know me like that because it's time for some things to happen if you'll just do what i say i'm going to use you even though you don't know me look verse 6 that they may know in other words i'm going to use you to show them that from the rising of the sun to the setting that there is none besides me i am the lord and there is another watch this i form the light and create darkness i make peace and create calamity i i shared this with you before in each case one of these is the product of god's presence and the other is the product of his absence he says i form the light and i create darkness he doesn't create the dark because there's no darkness in him to create so he didn't say i create the dark he said i uh he he he said get it i form the light and when i form the light darkness shows up because darkness is where i'm not and light is where i am i'm not making it dark it's dark cause i'm not there you're not listening i'm gonna demonstrate where i am and where i'm not and wherever i cause light to come you will see the difference between me and them are you still here are you still here he says i form the light and create darkness watch this i make peace and i create calamity i'm not the author of calamity but when i decide i'm going to reside here then where i'm not calamity breaks out i want you to hear me there's going to be calamity where you're not but when you show up peace will come there's going to be darkness where you're not but when you show up light will come don't be afraid to go into the dark it won't be dark once you get there [Music] watch it i the lord do all these things are you in are you are you with me let me finish it rain down you heavens from above and let the skies pour down righteousness [Music] let them swing up together [Music] thus says the lord go to verse 11 the holy one of israel is maker ask me of things to come concerning my sons in other words if you're one of my sons and you want to know what i'm going to do ask me i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to reveal it to you other people won't know but you'll know ask me you want to know what i'm going to ask me and then he said watch this if you're one of my sons concerning the work of my hands command me oh lay your hands on yourself say this is not to be done if you're not in relationship but if you're one of his kids he says once you know what he's doing declare it [Music] let me tell you what god's going to do in the next few days in my life [Music] how do you know because he told me let me tell you what's going to happen in this situation in the next 30 days you know cause he told me let me tell you i'm gonna come out of this situation in the next few days how do you know because he told me lay your hands upon yourself [Music] he says if you're one of my children and you know what i'm going to do stop waiting for me to do it [Music] if you're one of my children and you know what i have planned stop waiting for it to happen summon me like elijah did summon me god says i'm gonna back you up in ways you have not imagined you're going to be standing in a situation something's going to come out of your mouth and you're going to wonder where did that come from [Music] lay your hands upon yourself [Music] if you pray in the holy ghost i want you to begin to pray in the holy ghost god said you're going to see a solidifying you're going to see wonders without warning he said you're going to see me show up where you summon me [Music] lay your hands upon yourself and pray for those come on open your mouth i need to hear you the spirit of the lord [Music] said i want you to come into agreement now with my word i'll say this out loud say lord i shall agree with your word whatever it is whatever you say when you send your word i say yes i'm in agreement with it say lord i am in agreement with your prophetic instructions whatever you say whatever your voice utters as one of your sheep i will hear and know your voice the voice of strangers i will not follow say lord i'm in agree with your purposes whatever they are as you reveal them i know that everything is working together for my good because i love you and i'm called according to you and say this out loud lord i will not get into disagreement with my brother or sister you said agree with your adversary quickly i will not allow disagreement to prevail not in this season and i want you to lift your hands and begin to pray in the spirit come on begin to pray in the spirit as the anointing and the spirit of agreement begins to flood this house begins to flood your home as this year goes away and a new season comes in in the name of jesus we've got 40 seconds pray in the spirit receive receive receive the anointing wonders without warning [Music] come on for you and your house in the name of jesus in agreement with the word of god with the will of god 14 seconds 10 9 [Music] 5 4 3 2 there it is somebody lift your voice lift your voice and thank him supernatural favor supernatural agreement hallelujah somebody lift your hands and lift your voice and begin to bless [Music] happy new year [Music] [Music] [Music] lay your hands upon yourself in the name of jesus of nazareth i am in agreement i am in agreement with the word of god i am in agreement with the instructions of the spirit i am in agreement with the purpose of god i will not be in disagreement with my brother or my sister [Music] that's it that's it solidify in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] i [Music] [Music] i agree with your people [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] lay your hands upon yourself [Music] put up matthew chapter 5 verses 25 and 26. [Music] matthew chapter five [Music] let me read a few verses above that started verse 22 23 let me read into 26. [Music] so but i say to you that whoever is angry with his brother without a cause [Music] shall be in danger of judgment and whoever says to his brother raqqa shall be in danger of the council therefore if you bring your gift to the altar and they remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there before the altar and go your way first be reconciled to your brother and then coming off of your gift verse 25 do you see that he's talking about your brother [Music] see when the bible says agree with your adversary quickly he's just not talking about anybody who's opposing you you don't have to agree with the world quickly you don't have to agree with politicians quickly you don't have to agree with edicts and mandates that are against the will and the plan of god when he says agree with your adversary quickly he's not talking about the world he's talking about your brother one who is carrying the grace and the anointing so when he says agree with your adversary quickly your adversary that's your brother or your sister the one in the kingdom in other words he's saying don't let adversity come between you and a kingdom brother or sister don't short circuit your power not now [Music] agree with your adversary quickly while you're in the way with him that's your fraternal adversary let your adversary deliver you to the judge [Music] the judge hands you to the officer you'll be thrown in prison i say to you you will by no means get out of there until you paid the last penny in other words he's saying your disagreement with your brother can keep you out of the move and you'll be watching while other people pass by are you there i said are you there go to first kings 17 once again i'm first kings 18 once again go down to about about verse 20. then it happened when ahab saw elijah that ahab said to him is that you trouble originally answered i've not troubled israel but you have now watch this now therefore send and gather all israel to me on mount carmel the 450 prophets of baal and the 400 prophets of asherah who eat at jezebel's table so ahab sent for the children of israel and gathered the prophets together on mount carmel i'm reading on and elijah came to the people and said how long will you falter between two opinions if the lord is god follow him if baal follow him but the people answered him not a word and then elijah said to the people i am left alone a prophet of the lord but baal's prophets are 450 men i'm reading on therefore let them give us two bulls and let them choose one both for themselves cut it in pieces [Music] somebody say there's a lot of prepared bowl watch this but put no fire under it and i will prepare the other bowl and lay it on the wood put no fire under it then you call on the name of your gods and i will call on the name of the lord watch this and the god who answers by fire he is god i want you to get it elijah came up with the conditions you're missing this elijah came up with the conditions he said since you can't agree who god is let me tell you what's going to happen but god who is god is gonna answer by fire and i'm sure god is in heaven going we all heard what elijah said he's ready to respond when his men and women summon him i need you to lay your hands upon yourself because there's another level of authority you are moving into now you have been waiting on god to show up and settle things and he is waiting for you to summon him [Music] he said if you're one of my sons tell me what you want me to do [Music] are you there i said are you there [Music] it's time to summon god into your situation [Music] it's time for you to tell him god this is what i want to happen here your will is i know what you said you're going to do i know you said you're going to bring me out of this now i'm summoning you [Music] i hear the spirit of god say if you're one of my son if you're one of my children you know what i've said command [Music] you got it lay your hands up on yourself father in the name of jesus i thank you that this grace shall rest upon your people from this day forward and that every man every woman every boy every girl who has heard this word and will agree with it shall begin to see the results [Music] starting now i decree in the next 24-48 hours there shall be wonders without warning there shall be healings with no harbingers [Music] i declare in the name of jesus that there shall be signs where there are no signals and that people will know that your people are walking in another level of authority and agreement with the god of heaven and earth in the name of jesus your hands before now i want you in this room and i want you that are watching me live streaming i want you to get ready to offer to the lord this first fruit seed on this brand new season the word of the lord has declared [Music] the bible teaches us that when that word comes to us we are to sow to the spirit the heave offering is a specific time of sowing into the prophetic word into the word of the lord the holy spirit said to me tell the people come into agreement with my word come into agreement voice [Music] come into agreement with my purpose refuse disagreement with your brother your sister and watch what i will do in this season he told me very specifically and he said this was not for everyone but he said i want you he said offer up a seed he said of 782. it's the year 5782 on god's calendar and there are some things please hear me that i know and there are some of you you know there are some things that god has purposed and determined for you to walk in and to possess for you to break into or break free from [Music] in 2022. [Music] he said but it's divine purpose and he said so i want you to sow a seed of 782 god said to me and he said when you say it there will be several others who will hear it watching streaming and who will be there who will so that's he said but what i want the majority of the people to do is so a seat of two two two it's 2022 two number of agreement it is the number of authority it is the number of establishment in genesis 41 and i believe it is verse 32 when joseph interpreting pharaoh's dream he says and the the dream occurred twice because the thing is established and it will shortly come to pass there are some things that are established by god for you that are going to come to pass shortly somebody say shortly [Music] and the spirit of the lord ministered in my spirit he said tell the people to come into agreement there are things that they know i have purposed and planned and this is a it's a type it's a there's no magic in the number it's the power of agreement but the lord said to me he said as they agree with my word as they agree with my voice as they agree with my purpose as they make a determination to not be in disagreement with their brother or sister there's a grace of agreement that's going to come upon every area of their lives some of you would say bishop mcclendon what if i don't have either one of those then the bible says to you sir says to you ma'am if there first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according what he has this is not a game this is not a gimmick and this is not a coercion if you feel coerced dismiss me altogether but those of you that understand the significance of these times and these moments and you know when we come into agreement something supernatural happens i want you to get ready to offer this first seed on this new calendar year before the lord we're gonna do it together we're gonna stand before the lord and do it those of you that are watching me live streaming those of you that are watching me wherever you're watching me from happy new year to you and i want you to come into agreement with us on this matter there are several of you that are going to agree with me where the spirit of god directed me that's not everybody but there are some of you and when i said it the spirit of the lord bore witness with your spirit that was for you everybody else who are things that people know that i have purposed and planned to do to break them into to break them out of to bring to pass in this season and then the lord said agree agree with my word agree with my voice agree with my purpose somebody say purpose god said i want you to get into agreement with my purpose so there are some things in agreement with purpose that are going to make shifts this way and that way but if you're in agreement with the purpose of god whatever happens you're going to come out on top do you understand what i just said and then he said there's a grace there's going to be a grace on you this year to stay in agreement with your brother sister i said agree with your adversary quickly that doesn't mean i have to conform to everything you think it just means i refuse to be in disagreement with you i'm just going to keep walking focus do you get it if you are one of those i want you to get that gift ready if you're watching me live streaming right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a way for you to sew there's a donate button you can click it or you can text cem to 41444 there's a number on the screen 310-323-2600 you can call that number someone is ready to agree with you in prayer maybe the word of the lord that came to you maybe it wore witness with your spirit to the degree you said yes i know that's for me call the number 310-323-2600 agree with me right now let us pray as you sow your seed i'm talking to you if you've got the bishop clinton app you can do it that way or you can bring the gift at any time but however you do it do it in faith now if you're in the tabernacle here and you're making out a check make it payable to see emm if you're giving cash use the envelope if you want to do it on a bank or credit card there's someone to my right someone to my left ready to assist you but however you're going to do it let's do it in faith how many of you tonight you say prophet of god i'm in agreement with the word of the lord i'm sewing come on let me see your hands let me see your hand let me see your hands let me see your hands we had people already when i announced it on sunday they started sending seeds in from all over the place we got them online we got why because god's people know that when we do this something supernatural happens and so i want you to agree with me we're going to pray in just a moment we're going to pray in just a moment and then we're going to take communion did you receive the word of the lord was it clear to you will you clap your hands and thank him for it come on lift this up before the lord it's a new season it's a new day [Music] it's a new day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and prosperity it's a new [Music] season it's a new day [Applause] is [Music] come on say it again [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a new season it's a new season [Music] [Music] it's a new day fresh and prosperity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] scripture says my hearts thou it's a new season it's a new season [Music] it's a new season yeah clap your hands and bless the lord everybody people are yet and still giving i want you to lift your hands before the lord and say these words out loud say in the name of jesus i declare i am walking in agreement with god's word with his voice with his purpose and with my brothers and sisters in the name of jesus i receive this grace and i boldly confess in favor in finance in things being added to me i am abundantly blessed i am favored i am prospered in the name of jesus lay your hands upon yourself father i pray over this household over the business over the family over the plans and purposes that you have for this my brother my sister over this next 12-month period lord i set myself in agreement with them today that nothing [Music] they shall lack that they have need of and i speak not only in relation to material things but i declare every word from you that they need shall come every idea every concept every inspiration every impression every bidding every prompting of the spirit that this man this woman requires to walk with you they shall have it and i remind you sir that you said your sheep know your voice and the voice of strangers they will not follow but they shall hear know and follow the voice of the spirit of god this shall be the portion of every man woman boy and girl that's in agreement with me today i declare it done and i know that you hear me when i pray and therefore i know that we have what we've asked you for in the name of jesus look right up here at me this has been a very significant year of walking in the word of god i want to thank god for you for allowing us to serve you and for receiving his word you have been a people of amazing capacity this year you have been a people of amazing strength and the thing about the word of god [Music] is the word of god is one of the only things that the more you eat of it the greater your capacity to receive it so you're going to start hearing things on a whole nother level in the next several days and months you're going to be hearing on a whole other level i want to thank god for you for allowing us to minister the word of god to you i pray that you've been edified and strengthened and we believe that this shall be another year of the supernatural revelation of god coming to his people amen clap your hands and give god praise [Music] we're gonna minister communion we want you to partake of this with us if you're at home i want you to get if you don't have juice and crackers get bread and water we're gonna bless it we're gonna pray over it reminding you that the apostle paul [Music] said the bread which we bless the cup which we bless this is how we partake and commune i was reflecting over this past week i was reflecting on the protection that the lord has given us over this past year of his supernatural favor and grace of divine strength and health his word works [Music] and we shall see even greater manifestations [Music] of those who are walking in the word of life doesn't mean you don't get hit doesn't mean the enemy doesn't attack it means that he's defeated before he comes [Music] and we overcome [Music] by the blood of the land by the word of our testimony the bible says the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy one of the ways you overcome is by the spirit of prophecy by declaring and decreeing what god's word has said concerning you [Music] you've got to become your own prophet in your own prayer time not everybody stands in the office of the prophet but all believers are to prophesy [Applause] i'm gonna pray for you as we take communion tonight that the spirit of prophecy shall rest upon you in a whole nother dimension a whole another level you're going to find yourself in prayer prophesying your future there will be times when you'll be praying and the spirit of the lord will take over [Music] oh if that hasn't happened to you yet i pray it does soon and you start uttering things in prayer that you know did not originate with you i call it getting alone with god until you're no longer alone [Music] he takes up residence [Music] do you understand what i'm saying i want you to take the bread in your hand and lift it up [Music] and remember that jesus said this is my body given for you and that when we take the bread we are receiving the body that took our sin our sickness our poverty the bible declares that we were with him through the entire process and heaven has it registered that you have already passed from death to life heaven has it registered that the sickness that the enemy says will kill you you've already recovered from [Music] heaven has it registered and it is illegal for satan to charge you twice for that which jesus has already paid for once [Music] and then the bible declares that the cup is the new agreement in the blood he didn't say it was his blood he said it's the new covenant it's the agreement that agreement is recorded in hebrews 8 god says i will be merciful to your unrighteousness your sins and lawless deeds i will remember no more here is the reality that there is nothing you have done know where you have been and nothing you can do that can separate you from the love and the goodness of god if you determine i am not trusting in my performance i am trusting in jesus finished work that's what i'm trusting in and when you do that [Music] people who thought you should have died will be amazed you're still alive people who thought you were out of the race will be amazed you're still standing they'll scratch their heads and wonder why you and you'll just say because of his grace [Music] because of his grace father in the name of jesus we bless this bread we bless this cup and we declare tonight as your people partake of it that every blessing every benefit every goodness of the new creation flows within my father in the name of jesus i pray tonight that the past of this man this woman will now appear like it belonged to somebody else [Music] as the miracle of newness of life is theirs by reason of the finished work of jesus say these words out loud say lord i receive your finished work i declare my sins are remitted i am recovering from every illness and malady i am blessed and i am prospered more and more and i declare i shall lack nothing i have need of i have enough and something left not of works which i have done but because of what you have done jesus i thank you for it let's all eat together lift the cup remember jesus said this cup is the new agreement in my blood i want you to say this out loud lift the cup and say out loud say lord jesus every benefit every blessing every asset of the new creation and the new covenant is mine there is nothing standing between me and your goodness not because of my flawless perfection but because of your finished work i trust you for my acceptance and i am accepted by the father in jesus name let's all drink together [Music] and the people said if you're next to somebody you trust and you don't mind them breathing on you tell them happy new year you new creation you [Music] happy new year you new creation you come on clap your hands and give god praise you made it [Music] if you have never accepted christ jesus as your savior and lord i want you to lift your hands before him if you're watching me live streaming if you're in this tabernacle i want you to lift your hands before the lord as well everybody lift your hands and say these words say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one who has made me one again with god my sins are remitted you paid in full your sacrifice was accepted and your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence i am accepted as i believe in the name of jesus i am saved in jesus name it is so clap your hands one more time if you prayed that prayer with me whether you're here or there go to and let us know by god's grace we will see you on sunday as the word of the lord continues to come thank you for being with us tonight from our house here and our household to yours we wish you the very best new year in christ jesus and the people said father in the name of jesus i pray now a hedge of protection in the north the south the east and west around this people their households their families their goods and all they have on every side i declare that everything their hands touch prospers i declare in the name of jesus they continue to increase in the land which you give them and we boldly declare the angels of the lord and camp round about us and they deliver us i declare on the way home no mishap shall befall them supernatural protection around them no stray bullets no madness shall befall any of these i speak peace and blessing and it shall be in the name of jesus and the people said happy new year the lord bless you amen [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i wanna wish you a merry christmas i wanna wish you a merry christmas i wanna wish you a merry christmas from the bottom of my heart i wanna wish you a merry christmas i wanna wish you a merry christmas i wanna wish you a merry [Music] [Music] is [Music] from the bottom of my heart [Music] [Music] merry christmas from the bottom of [Music] heart [Music] i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart [Music] is [Music] i want to wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year i wanna wish you a happy new year from the bottom of my heart oh
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 11,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lw4DdxM6nRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 24sec (11244 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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