Wonders Without Warnings: Entering the Elisha Era

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he's saying territory is first taken by praise it's first taken by worship it's first taken in the heavenly and so there are songs and words that have to be released by the spirit of god and sunk by the church so that things move if you keep singing the songs of a previous generation you will keep having the signs of a previous generation internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace here's what i want you to see if if you know anything about the ministry of elisha second kings chapter three is the first public and political miracle that elisha does elijah just left in second kings chapter 2 which we will go to in just a moment so this thing that occurs let me i'm ahead of myself verse 15 he says bring me a musician look at this then it happened everybody say then it happened come on send out that then it happened say it one more time then it happened when did it happen when the musician began to play and the spirit of the lord said to me there is now music new sounds new words new anointing there are psalmists and singers and musicians that are going to come forth for this era of the church we had an era previously where songs were lifted and we've been singing those but you've got to understand something oh god don't make me get into this today i'm going to teach on this later but you have to understand something when when the directive comes when joshua inquires of god as they're taking territory and he asked who shall we send first into battle and god says send judah first judah means praise and so when god said to joshua sin judah first this was a this was a type it was a shed and it does not mean please hear what i'm about to say it does not mean that praise and worship is just supposed to be done at the beginning of a church service or a worship service now that's good and it's proper to worship god the bible says enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise but that but the instruction is deeper than that god is not just telling us you need to praise before you preach no he's saying this he's saying territory is first taken by praise it's first taken by worship it's first taken in the heavenlies and so there are songs and words that have to be released by the spirit of god and sung by the church so that things move if you keep singing the songs of a previous generation you will keep having the signs of a previous generation you didn't hear what i just said i'm going to say it again if you keep singing the songs of a previous generation you will keep having the signs of a previous generation you will go no further now once again there are anthems that are beyond time oh god now i'm into something i'm supposed to preach in about six weeks there are anthems that are beyond time they they have not almighty fortress is our god a bulwark never timeless but then there are other songs that are full of time these are the days of elijah no those are gone are you there and now it's going to take discernment what are you saying i'm saying that god is going to begin to raise up and use and shift anointings and graces on musicians and singers and psalmists and he's he's going to begin downloading words of songs and music that are to take territory in the heavenlies so the church can follow and so ah i'm ahead of myself again but the lord said these are going to be songs from the third dimension you remember paul said he was caught up into the third heaven just so there are three dimensions of heaven just like there were three uh stages in the tabernacle outer court inner court holy of holies i'm going to teach on this in about six weeks don't miss it and paul said oh please hear me paul said there he heard words in that third heaven i'm in first corinthians 12. he heard words that were unlawful for him to utter it doesn't it didn't mean he couldn't speak them it was he was saying they had not been expressed in this realm if you study it out in the original greek he's not saying they're unlawful to speak they could not be released at that time in the realm he was in there was a time there is a time for the release of certain things certain sounds certain songs certain words certain declarations and one of the things the spirit of the lord said to me is the praise and the worship that's going to come up that has to come up now is a praise and worship from the third dimension a praise and worship from the finished place not the fixing it place god i gotta that's another time but notice that notice notice he says when the musician played when the musician got in position i promise i am the name of jesus there are musicians that are getting into position there are some of you you've been writing songs you've been hearing music you don't have the position yet but you've got the ear you've got the grace god is going to move you into position and anybody who resists your rising is going to be in danger because what we're dealing with now is not just who's going to be the choir director or the md we're dealing with who has the sound that will take territory let me get back to this i haven't finished reading the scripture he said verse 15 but now bring me a musician and then it happens somebody say then it happened and then it happened when the musician played that the hand of the lord came upon him oh i got to deal with this in a couple of weeks and he said thus saith the lord so when the music got in position and was right the prophetic unction was stirred this is a part of the elisha anointing and a part of the elisha era there will be music there will be sounds that will release words from god this is where we will get to where the glory of the lord will fill atmospheres and temples to the place that the ministers won't be able to minister why because the word of the lord will be coming to people as they worship he that has ears to hear let him hear this is why they didn't want us gathering this is why the edicts against corporate worship were throughout the whole globe why because the enemy doesn't want this sound to hit the earth you're not hearing me he does not want the corporate worship of thousands of saints declaring what god has said do you understand there are certain things the devil simply cannot do when the people of god have the word of god in their mouths and one of the quickest ways to remember words is through song i wish i could preach this tonight i can't let me finish verse 17. so when the musician played the hand of the lord came upon him oh see the word of the lord was already in him but the hand of the lord had to come upon him for the word to be released and the atmosphere had to be right for the hand of the lord to come along i ain't got time for that verse 16. and he said thus saith the lord make this valley full of ditches for thus saith the lord now god is speaking for thus saith the lord but here's where we get warning uh uh wonders without warning here it is god for thus saith the lord you shall not see when nor shall you see rain yet that valley shall be filled with water so that you and your animals may drink look at verse 18. and this is a simple matter in the sun this ain't hard for god in other words he said when you get the atmosphere right when you get the anointing in place when you get men and women who have the word of the lord in their mouths and the spirit and the unction and the anointing of god comes upon him this ain't hard for god it's not hard for god to do anything in that atmosphere but watch what he says and here's where the spirit of god spoke to me somebody say wonders without warning say it again wonders without oneness notice what he says the situation is bad he says but thus saith lord you shall not see when nor shall you see rain yet the valley shall be filled well in other words there will be no precursor there will be no signal no sign there will be no indication about what i'm getting ready to do there'll be no warning but it's going to happen anyway it won't even look like it could happen you'll go to bed wake up and it'll be done god i preach it better than you're shouting because this is the era that you and i are coming into now what era is this this is the elisha era the the the era of wonders without warning is the elijah you said bishop mcclendon where do you get that once again this is the first public political miracle that elisha performs he had performed the miracle uh in in second kings chapter two uh the miracle of the new bowl which i'll speak and prophesy about in a few weeks because god said something to me about that but this was political this was this is elisha and this is the first miracle in the political public sphere it's his second miracle of his ministry after elijah departs but it is the miracle that signifies please hear me that elisha is now the premier prophet in the land occupying elijah's prophetic place if he'll oh somebody hear me if elijah had been alive they would have called for him but elisha left in the previous chapter oh i wish i had time to talk about the men and women the generals who left in the last few years the major apostolic and prophetic voices in this nation that had ministered to the nations of the earth many of them were gone and they didn't die because of something wrong they did many of them left because their season was over their assignment was finished and another anointing now is being released he that has ears to hear let him hear and so second kings chapter three begins the elisha era now we gotta somebody say the elisha era say it again the elisha air see wonders without warning are a product of the elisha era oh they're a product of the elisha anoint now so now we gotta now we gotta find out who is elisha who is he go back to second kings chapter number two are you still there i'm almost where i need to be go back to second kings chapter number two everybody say i am in the elisha era say i am a part of the elisha era said i am a part of the elijah era and i shall see wonders without warnings glory to god this is the elijah era who is elisha look at second kings chapter 1. i want you to see the sequence here because glory to god because second kings chapter 3 elisha performs this miracle this wonder for god says you're gonna see a wonder with no warning second kings chapter two elijah is still on the scene look at second kings chapter two verse one and it came to pass when the lord was about to take up elijah into heaven by a whirlwind that elijah went with elisha from gilgal glory to jesus then elijah said to elisha watch this stay here for the lord has sent me on to bethel and elijah said as the lord lives and as your soul lives i will not leave you so they went to bethel now the sons of the prophets everybody say the sons of the prophets now the sons of the prophets who were at bethel came out to elijah and said to him do you know that the lord will take away your master from over your from over you today and he said yes i know keeps on i want you to get this elisha is following elijah elijah says god has called me to bethel you stay here but elijah says no no no no no as your soul lives i will not leave you now remember elijah's mantle had brushed upon elisha some chapters before and elisha once the mantle of elijah hit him he he taught up the ox cart left his family kissed everybody said i'm following the man of god so he's been following elijah now for some time and now god is getting ready to take up elijah but he's also getting ready to shift errors oh god hear me see the exit of elijah is a signal of the shifting of an era i don't have time to go into that but think about the apostles and prophets that have left here in the last several years not just in covet beginning with dr graham the lord showed me when dr billy graham when dr all roberts left and then dr billy graham and then you had brother kenneth hagin uh uh and dr maurice cirello and then you you had reinhard bonke these evangelists these men of god that have shaken nations that are the major apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and here a few months ago i said when uh when dr young eat show who was once paul young uh then became david yangicho uh the pastor of the largest church for many years in south korea and was known as a fat that man was a pastor when he left the spirit of the lord said to me the era is over it's over the major apostles the major prophets the major evangelists the major pastors the major teachers now again i'm speaking as an american and people say well those that's just america yeah it's happened in other nations of the earth but for the last several years america has been the major bastion of prophetic and apostolic evangelism to the nations of the world that is shifting too god help me but for that many major employment so what is the signal an error is over now elijah is leaving he says the lord has called me to bethel elisha stay here eli said no i'm going where you're going and when he gets there the sons of the prophet say hey don't you know the lord's going to take away your masterpoint with you today and elijah says yes i know keep saying and basically he said yeah i know shut up i don't have time to talk to you i'm focused on something see elijah doesn't know when whatever is going to happen is going to happen he just knows it's going to happen watch this verse number four then elijah said to him elisha stay here for the lord has sent me to jericho. and he said as the lord lives and as your soul lives i will not leave you so they came to jericho now the sons of the prophets who are at jericho came to elisha and said to him do you not know that the lord will take your master from you he said yes i know shut up verse 6 then elisha said to him stay here please for the lord has sent me to jordan and he said as the lord lives and as your soul lives i will not leave you so the two men went on look at verse 7 and 50 men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing them at a distance while the two of them stood by the jordan now elijah took his mantle rolled it up struck the water and it was divided this way and that so that the two of them crossed over on dry ground now why are you reading all this bishop mcclendon we're talking about the elisha era but you got to know who elisha is because only elisha's can participate in the era pay attention pay attention verse 7 and 50 men of the sons of the prophets went and stood facing them at a distance while the two of them stood by the jordan now elisha took his man to rolled it up and struck the water and it was divided this way and that so the two of them crossed over on dry ground and it and so it was if i say so it was say it again so it was say it again so it was and so it was when they had crossed over that elijah said to elijah ask what may i do for you before i am taken away from you children that is so vital we'll get back to you in just a moment elisha said please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me and i want you to look at that very clearly because it's not a double portion of the holy spirit that comes upon elijah see everybody we need the double anointing but we need the the double portion of the holy no no it's not the double portion of the holy spirit he said let a double portion of your spirit be upon me see that is something that only a son can ask for and if you are in ministry with no father you can't ask for that uh that's another message altogether but we're gonna deal with who the elishas are because the men and women who are going to be functioning in this realm of glory and power the lord said to me many of them will be new voices to you but they're not new to me god says i have been preparing them they may come on the scene and become prominent and popular to you but they have been learning my voice for years and more than that they have learned how to submit to sonship boy it's quiet who was elijah i'm going to get to watch this and so it was verse 9 when they had crossed over that elisha said to elijah ask what may i do for you before i'm taken away and elijah said please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me so he said watch this you have asked a hard thing nevertheless if you see me when i am taken from you it shall be so for you but if not it shall not be so i want you to get something here because this is something that a lot of people miss elisha asks elijah for a double portion of his spirit but what elijah actually says to elisha is it really is not up to me whether you get it or not it's up to you no you didn't get what i just said he no you missed what i just said elisha asks elijah please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me but the answer elijah gives him is that's really not up to me he says he says but you've asked a hard thing but here it is if you see me when i'm taken from you you'll have it and if you don't see me when i'm taken from you you won't so really it's not mine to give it's up to you whether you really want it or not but here's what i want you to say are you there but here's what i want you to see watch this now he says nevertheless verse 10 if you see what i'm saying it shall be so if not it shall not be so then it happened as they continued and talked that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and separated the two of them and elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven and elijah saw it somebody said elisha saw it and elisha saw and cried out my father my father the chariot of israel and its horsemen so they saw him no more and he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in pieces he also took up the mantle of elijah that had fallen from him and went back and stood by the bank of the jordan here's another key and essential point that is often missed elijah's mantle doesn't fall upon elisha it fell to the ground he had to pick it up that's another message altogether verse 13 he also took up the man of the light that had fallen from him and went back and stood by the bank of the jordan then he took the mantle of elijah that had fallen from him and struck the water and said where is the lord god of elijah and when he and when he also had struck the water it was divided this way and that and elisha crossed over now when the sons of the prophets who were from jericho saw him they said the spirit of elisha of elijah rests on elisha so he got it but now who is elisha we're coming into the elisha era this is his first miracle who is elijah notice once again elisha is a prophet who knows who his spiritual paternity is and he has honored it he has been prepared in a previous season and submitted to the previous prophetic era waiting for his time he has not gone out into ministry because it's popular he has not gone out into ministry and tried to start something because he's gifted i don't care how gifted you are your gift is not a is not a a a credence to go do something oh god and one of the reasons that the church especially in america lacks power is because we have too many bastards in pulpits and not enough sons men and women who cannot trace spiritual paternity and have learned no allegiance to spiritual headship and authority and they're wanting to move in power it won't happen and one of the things that must happen if you are if you are going to participate in the elisha era you got to know who your daddy is you got to know who your mama is and you got to get in proper alignment because even in old covenant type and shadow one of the things that you understood is inheritance was by the tribe of the father that's why if the jubilee in leviticus 25 one of the blessings of the jubilee is each one of you shall return to his family and to his possessions why because inheritance was according to the tribe of your father what are you saying bishop mcclendon notice notice who is elisha elijah is someone who knows who his father is and refutes he knows his spiritual paternity and he refuses to break it until it's time elisha has legitimate reason to leave elijah elijah told him stay here get it did i just stay here god has called me to jericho but what does elijah say he says ah as the lord god lives i'm not leaving you god has assigned me here i won't leave even though elijah is telling him to leave he won't leave i said god what is this he said some every son who has spiritual paternity at some point will have a legitimate reason to leave a father the ones who refuse to leave are the elishas [Music] what separates believers from the rest of the world is our faith in god so it is important to know what god has said and how he operates based on his word in this dynamic teaching bishop mcclendon unlocks astounding biblical truths that will change the way you think about your salvation when you are indoctrinated with religion you begin to think your ceremonies make you acceptable your performance makes you acceptable so i don't do this and i don't do that and i don't do this and i don't do that and i stay away from this and i stay away from that and now i am acceptable to god no your ceremony your performance can never make you acceptable to god and when you understand how free the son has made you you will never again try to become acceptable to god by your performance be prepared to be released from years of guilt and condemnation for your mistakes and flaws this eye-opening revelation will help you see that you were created to live free and walk free available now in our digital store how are you and i gonna see miracles in greater dimension than the men and women who came before us that we've read so much about how can we possibly see that how are we going to see wonders without warning i'm not as great as billy graham i know reinhard bonke i'm no mauricio but it wasn't them it was their god and it was the season in which they functioned they knew what season it was and they functioned i as a prophet of the most high are telling you you're now in the elisha season you're in the elijah you're in the era where the power of god is increasing and intensifying and god is looking for men and women not just in pulpits but in pews to understand it's not by might nor by power it's not by our excellence or our human perfection it's by the spirit of the lord get it now get it don't miss this
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 3,015
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Id: tl0ZB9iDVNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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