The Worship Experience - February 27, 2022

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internationally recognized for teaching and preaching the uncompromised word of god bishop clarency mcclinton answers the prophetic and apostolic call upon his life by ministering the healing grace and miracle anointing of jesus christ around the world [Music] by his preaching and teaching the uncompromised gospel of jesus christ bishop mcclendon the teacher the preacher the apostle and an anointed prophet sent to the nations being used by the power of the holy spirit has led to the healing and deliverance of millions around the world during his healing crusades and conferences if you want to experience another level of worship witness the healing power of jesus learn the uncompromised word of god confirmed by notable miracles then we invite you to partake in the overwhelming power of the holy spirit by the moving of god's transforming grace prepare to receive today's word with a recap from the prophet's recent messages john chapter five verse number one it says after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem now there is in jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool which is in the hebrew bethesda and again bethesda means place of grace or house of grace or house of outpouring meaning the name of the place was indicative of god's purpose for the place it was ordained to be a place where the grace of god again grace the heat the greek word is charisma which means the undeserved favor and the enabling power grace is favor you don't merit it is favor you don't deserve and it is ability that is beyond your natural ability so the grace of god gives you is designed to give you favor that your performance doesn't merit you it's beyond what you can perform to get you got it paul says so now brethren i commend you to god and to the word of his grace everybody say the word of his grace said again the word of his grace say it again the word of his grace so it is the word of undeserved favor it is the word of enabling power stay with me it's the word of his grace grace is undeserved favor and enabling power so the more of the word i know the more undeserved favor i will walk in [Music] [Applause] oh oh that ought to do something to the inside of you but the the more of the word i know ah the more i will walk in favor i don't deserve and see the more of the word of you know then people start looking at you and they think you know what is he what is she how did she get that how did he get that i know he's not perfect we both know it that's not why i'm receiving i'm receiving because i'm walking in the word of his grace i never told you i was perfect and guess what i stopped trying to be now wait a minute see that doesn't mean i'm satisfied with what i am but i am released from the performance [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh once you get released from the performance on children once you get released from the performance and you realize i don't have to please you you you you or you and no matter what opinion you have of me you can't stop me from getting anything going anywhere doing anything god tells me to do [Applause] oh you don't like me so it's not going to stop anything why because i'm walking in the word of his undeserved favor you remember when jesus is baptized of john in river jordan he has he has done no ministry work none his ministry has not begun he is baptized of john in the river jordan remember what happens the heavens open a dove descends and a voice comes out of heaven and says this is my beloved in whom i am well he hasn't done anything no no no no no you missed it he he hadn't done anything yet he he he hasn't done anything yet he hasn't even begun his ministry but he begins knowing that his father is pleased and when you know your father is pleased it empowers you to do things [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so before anybody could tell him he was disqualified before anybody could tell him he didn't earn it before anybody could tell him he couldn't do it he have this assurance dad is pleased with me dad is plea my father is pleased [Applause] the lord said to me he said son of you can wake up every morning understanding i'm pleased with you before you ever do anything before you ever make a move i'm pleased why because jesus pleased him for me [Applause] [Music] stay with me stay with me now see i can i can hear it i hear it already i hear it again so i can hear it but what goodness if that's the truth then we can just live any kind of way we want no no no no no no no no no see when you get that truth you can't live anywhere you want when you know what jesus has done for you and you know no matter how much you blow it how much you fail how much you mess up he is still being gracious you don't want to live any kind of way you want to live a life that is a worship it's a life of appreciation that says thank you for doing this for me oh but see this is the difference if you keep preaching to people you can't do this you can't do that you can't do this you can't do that you can't do this what you're actually doing is empowering the very spirit you're empowering the very spirit that makes them do what you're telling them they can't do that's what the bible teaches the bible says the strength of sin is the law the law is what gives sin its strength ayah i'm in stuff again are you still here do i need to show that to you so you know what's in the bible for you okay thank you uh if you can there it is the sting of death is it and the strength of sin is the law the more you tell people what they cannot do the more you empower the spirit that causes them to do it and what you don't understand is you're dealing with an ontological issue which is that god gave to man dominion he spoke dominion into him so the moment you tell a man he cannot do it he wants to dominate what you told him he cannot do [Music] i i don't know [Music] which is if you read your bible carefully which is the very deception that satan used against eve because if you read what god told them god said of every tree you may freely eat when the enemy comes to them he says did god tell you you couldn't no you didn't get it see god had told them what they could do of every tree of the garden you may freely eat when satan comes he says did god tell you you couldn't do you see that you see that you see the deception god was empowering them with what they could do and the enemy came to them with what they couldn't do i saw this as i was meditating in the last couple of weeks that it's interesting in john chapter 5 and i saw i saw something i'd never seen before it's interesting in john chapter 5 jesus heals that man and tells him to carry his bed on the he gives him a word which is the word of his talk to me which is the word of his and he tells him to walk in the word of his on the sabbath the legalists the religionists who are trying to be accepted by their performance tell the man who's walking in the word of grace carrying his bed you're violating the sabbath watch hebrews chapter 4 verse number one watch this therefore since a promise remains of entering his rest let us fear lest any of you seem to come short of it for indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them but the word which they heard did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them who heard it no watches for we who have believed do enter that rest as he said so i swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest he's quoting psalm 95 although the works were finished from the foundation of the works were finished from the foundation world for he has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way and god rested on the seventh day from all his works god rested on the seventh day from all his works god rested on the seventh day from all his works so god's rest is doing no more of his works stay with me so i swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest although the works are finished from the national world and he has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way and god rested on the seventh day from all his works and again in this place they shall not enter my rest since therefore it remains that some must enter it and those to whom it was first preached did not enter it because of disobedience again he designates a certain day saying to date saying in david today after such a long time as it has been said today if you will hear his voice do not hurt your hearts for if yeshua that is joshua of the old covenant had given them rest he would not afterward have spoken of another day look at verse 9 there remains there for a rest for the people of god for he who has entered his rest that is god's has himself also ceased from his works ah as god did from his so god ceased from his works and to enter his rest you have to cease from your works like he did from his works and that's how you enter his rest [Music] so so watch this i'm actually at rest when i have stopped doing what i think makes me acceptable and only do what he says because what he says is the word of his grace are you still here almost there watch for he has entered his rest has also himself ceased from his own works as god whom his let us there therefore be diligent to enter that rest lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience look at verse 12 for the word you missed it for the word let us enter his rest for the word so when you walk in his word you have entered his rest you are at rest when you are walking in his word when you are believing what he has said you are at rest so watch it the man who is carrying the bed is actually the one at rest [Applause] right no no you did you didn't get you didn't the one who is carrying the bed is the one who is actually observing the sabbath [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the rest of the religious people who are trying to be accepted by god on their performance they are not at rest he is the only one who is keeping the sabbath do you see it [Music] hello this is the prophet bishop clarence e mcclendon and i want to invite you every friday to come and be a part of our food and clothing giveaway here at the place of grace and clarity mclendon ministries we want to minister to you we want to uplift you we're going to do it with dignity we're going to do with a smile you're going to go away blessed to [Music] [Music] [Music] the academy of healing and wellness convention returns with fresh revelation about the grace and power of jesus christ an essential resource for every believer especially in these challenging times in these extensive sessions bishop mcclendon teaches how the word of god is the new creation's medication how the power to heal is always present using god's kingdom principles and how god doesn't punish us with sickness because we did something wrong the ministry of jesus is a teaching preaching healing ministry he heals all kinds of disease and he heals them which means no matter what kind they come up with he heals it if you desire to walk in divine health make the academy of healing and wellness your center for disease control and turn on the flow of god's healing power today now available on the bishop attendant digital download store what separates believers from the rest of the world is our faith in god so it is important to know what god has said and how he operates based on his word in this dynamic teaching bishop mclendon unlocks astounding biblical truths that will change the way you think about your salvation when you are indoctrinated with religion you begin to think your ceremonies make you acceptable your performance makes you acceptable so i don't do this and i don't do that and i don't do this and i don't do that and i stay away from this and i stay away from that and now i am acceptable to god no your ceremony your performance can never make you acceptable to god and when you understand how free the son has made you you will never again try to become acceptable to god by your performance be prepared to be released from years of guilt and condemnation for your mistakes and flaws this eye-opening revelation will help you see that you were created to live free and walk free available now in our digital store hallelujah praise the lord hallelujah welcome to the place of grace where whoever can be healed of whatever unlimited the unlimited god is here [Music] to heal and deliver we've come to worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah welcome to the place of grace where whoever can be healed of whatever [Music] you know sometimes we're coming to worship and maybe there was a traffic jam a little road rage or maybe someone bumped your shoulder the wrong way and your disposition changed a little but right now cast all your cares your worries your troubles to the lord in exchange for peace in exchange for joy and let us worship the lord because this is another day the lord has made command yourself to be glad to rejoice in it hallelujah why are we here why are you tuned in we are here to connect with our maker with the one whose air we are breathing yes turn to your neighbor and say why are you here tell them why you're here i came to worship the king of kings i came to worship the lord of lords i came to give him honor that is due his magnificent mighty great name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in psalm 42 david said why are you cast down o my soul why are you disquieted within me hope in god for i shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance for the past few weeks in our worship exhortation we've been talking about the the benefits of worshiping winning with worship and we said remember what he has done so that you can worship in spirit and truth right he said oh my god my soul is cast down within me therefore i will remember you from the land of jordan and from the heights of hermann from the hill bazaar remember what the lord has done and let us give him the praise that is due his name this morning how many of us are ready to worship the lord how many of us are ready to be in posture to worship the lord hands raised on our knees bowing our hearts before this god who is great and mighty is he awesome is he awesome is he really awesome praise his name give him a high praise hallelujah give him the high praise give him the high praise command your soul say worship the lord this morning ask the holy spirit to help you worship the father amen as the musicians play let it be like david playing the harp and being a relief and casting away distressing spirits amen as the musicians play let it be like the musician when the musician played that the spirit the hand of god came upon elisha and he began to say thus saith the lord hallelujah as the singers raised their voices this morning and it's not just us here everyone in this room let all our troubles let all that besets us be ambushed like when the singers raised their voices in second uh chronicles 20 and the enemies that were before them were ambushed and there was so much spoil that it took days to gather let our worship bring forth much fruit and much plunder this morning hallelujah let us worship the lord worship the king cast your cares on the lord right now and worship him think about it think about it [Music] think about it i was a couple weeks ago i was i was feeling anxious and and and and it was because i had multiple things that the lord had put in front of me that i need to take care of um projects major major things that would for me they were their major and i said this is the time allotted for this i'm not done and i have to be at this location for this project what do i do and i was worried i was anxious and then immediately i remembered maybe a couple weeks before bishop was here right before offering and he was saying i don't know who this is for but don't be anxious don't be anxious and when he said it i grabbed that word before i had to leave and in that moment i could see him and i'm like don't be anxious don't be anxious i'm repeating it to myself and then i remembered another scripture that says the blessing of the lord it maketh rich and it added no sorrow and i said if you have given this to me to do o god it is in your hands so i went to sleep because i needed it was either sleep or stay up all night and not be able to function for the next thing that he's called me to do and if i would have responded to my anxiety i would not have been at the right place at the right time but i decided to say it is in your hands i've been doing my best in this moment and i and i rested i woke up and i was refreshed and when i got to the next destination lo and behold i received an award i was honored something unexpected but if i was not at the right place at the right time i would not have received what the lord had for me so what i'm what i'm trying to say right now is that we we have to worship we have to throw off whatever besets us and give him the praise because in response he gives us instructions so that we can be at the right place at the right time so that we understand not to respond to our emotions but respond to his word hallelujah how many of us want to worship the king how many of us want to join together in unison and give praise to the god so that his glory comes down in this place the musicians playing the singer spring our hands lifted before our king and in response he gives us peace he gives us instructions he raises our horn like that of the unicorn that is your portion this morning hallelujah renews your youth like that of the eagle that is your portion heals your body [Music] [Applause] [Music] i what i'm seeing or it's kind of like uh the scripture where your your your he gives you your ankles he gives you hinds feet but strengthening your ankles strengthening your feet to set you where you need to be the the feet of brawn some someone needs that whatever is broken he can mend it he will mend it just worship the father this morning oh god you're so awesome you're so awesome so when we read some psalm 33 we're going to read psalm 33 really quick [Music] rejoice in the lord oh you righteous for praise from the upright is beautiful praise the lord with the harp right here make melody to him with an instrument of 10 strings sing to him a new song play skillfully with a shout of joy let me tell you something i heard a worship leader say that she said where's your ten strings and she said lift up your hands wiggle your fingers those are your ten strings if you don't have hands wiggle your toes stand on your feet and dance i add to that that is your ten strings and if you do not have certain limbs you have a mouth you have two lips you have a tongue you have eyes that can blink you have a nose you have a head you have a neck you have shoulders move your limbs before the lord and let those ten strings give him praise let your lungs expand and contract and give the lord praise this morning let's lift our voices praises what we do praises what we came to do praise is what we do praises what we came to do we worship you we worship you praise is what we do praises what we came to do praise is what we came to do we extend our lungs for you we praise you our mighty king you are worthy of all the praise praise is what we came to do praising what we do [Music] come on praise is what we do marvelous king we worship you praise is what we do hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise it luckily [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we came to praise your name oh praise is what we came to do praise is what we do praises what we do praise is what you do command yourself praise is what we do tell yourself praise is what i came to do come on lift your voice and praise the name call out his nature say he is good he is great he is magnificent he is perfect he is excellent his loving kindness endures forever his mercy and grace endures forever [Music] now sing to him a new song okay our musicians will play skillfully but some of us just need to make a joyful noise until the lord lift your voice into the lord when i say praise the lord i want us to shout a glorious thunderous praise unto unto our god can we do that together it's not religion it's it's just giving him a corporate praise that he responds to amen let the frequency that is in this place giving him praise ignite through the screen and touch those at home or at work amen praise the lord giving my voice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] it's all i know how to do god i can't do nothing else but praise him because god has been so good he's been so good has he been good to anybody in here has he been real good to anybody in here didn't he wake you up this morning did it start you on your way somebody need to give god a prize hallelujah [Music] arise oh god and take your place god let your kingdom be established father hallelujah [Music] is [Music] come on [Music] [Music] your name [Music] that sounds very good [Music] [Applause] we are standing jesus yes it does come on let's take it up again [Music] [Applause] we've come to give you praise [Music] good yes you have you've been so good you are good so good hey is that your testimony [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so good [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] still [Music] is [Music] yes i give you glory when i look back over my life he is still good when i look back over my life he is too good he made a wise [Music] yes yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] our god is awesome he's awesome oh yes yes he is there's no better words to describe an awesome magnificent glorious we give you all we have we give you the fruit of our lips [Music] [Music] oh [Music] lord you're so awesome [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't know [Music] [Music] every hour [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you received oh [Music] oh just worship them give them the honor give them a praise hallelujah [Music] [Music] you are [Music] oh each and every day lord i love you oh [Music] oh bless the lord just keep blessing the lord hallelujah [Music] we thank you we honor you welcome in this you are place lord you're so welcome lord hallelujah thank you jesus [Applause] hallelujah said if it wasn't for your grace if it wasn't for your love i don't know where i would be hallelujah i don't know where i would be does anybody know where they would be and then that god has shown up showed out and he's he's healed over and over again he's he's a promise keeper i said he's a promise keeper has he lied to you yet no no because he's a promise keeper right and i can declare that in today god is making a way for everybody even though we're going through these terrible times and things are going on around us we are still to stand still because we know who is god we know who is protecting us and who is leading us and who is guiding us and we will not waver in our stance amen god because he is a waymaker he's proven it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again just think about that one thing that you taught you weren't gonna get out of did you get it in your mind did you get it in your mind now i need you to lift your hands and say thank you jesus god because you brought me through something that i didn't think i could make it out of god you changed my mind on how i thought about people you changed my mind you changed my heart god or how i felt about people who have abused me and who's misused me and mistreated me god you changed my heart you changed my walk god and i thank you right now father cause you've never left me alone hallelujah [Music] standing here trusting that we'll get through this test [Music] holding on to faith you know can catch you by a surprise you've got this figure out and you're watching us now and when it looks as if we can't win [Music] you have to see in your arms and safety oh you showed us grace you showed us mercy god [Music] and you you made a way [Music] [Music] and we're standing here only because you make it away you [Music] you made away [Music] now we're here [Music] looking back at where we come from it's because of you and not what we've done you showed us grace the mercy you showed your grace was strong enough to pick us up [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're standing here [Music] and it looks as if it was [Music] and we're standing here only because [Music] it looked like it was over [Music] we're standing here [Music] [Music] [Music] out caught you when i didn't know where to go you made a way going right all the way well i didn't know what role to go [Music] when the doctor said you're not gonna make it god no matter what it looks like i know you're making a way god [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i'm so glad [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] yes i am yes i am yes i am yes i am yes i am yes i am [Music] [Music] do i have any grateful people in here today [Music] and i'm standing here only because you made and we're standing here only because you're made and we're standing here only because you made because you move mountains you cause a wall to fall with your power all over miracles there is nothing nothing nothing nothing that's impossible and we're standing here we're standing here we're standing here putting armor of god on we're standing here encouraged encouraged we're standing here by your goodness and your mercy god we're standing here [Music] only because [Music] you made a way [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he keeps on making ways and it keeps on making ways and it keeps on blessing and it keeps on blessing and it keeps on blessing and it keeps on blessing hallelujah we're standing here god we're standing here we're standing here humbly before you go to humbly before you go to bowing down at your brother's guard with standing here god [Music] because your grace and mercy it follows us it follows us your grace and your mercy it follows us god hey god we're standing here only because you made a way hallelujah oh praise the name of jesus oh bless the name of god he's a word a god oh is it's worthy hallelujah come on and give them some praise come on and bless his name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on this is your time to praise him this is your time to think about those things that god has done for you this is that time to tell him how much you love him how much you adore him how much you worship him how much you honor him how much you thank him hallelujah gloria gloria have your way in this place oh god hold me away in this place oh god have your way in this place oh god it is to you we give you glory it is to you god we give you all the praise god hallelujah oh bless the name of god [Music] oh bless the name of god [Music] oh bless the name of god [Music] yes we love you yes we love you and we leave you god we adore you god we worship you we exalt your name daughter yay [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah our soul cries hallelujah [Music] god we just thank you we thank you god for making us better than we were the day before [Applause] can somebody say god i thank you for making me better today than i was yesterday because somebody in here wasn't good yesterday but we thank god that we are better today why because we have new mercies every day the ones yesterday don't stay in yesterday but we we have new mercies we have new grace every single day and we thank you god for that hallelujah oh hallelujah bless the name of jesus oh father you are such an amazing god [Music] hallelujah oh my soul will sing hallelujah oh my soul will sing i love oh my soul will sing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] say hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] say you rain forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hallelujah say you reign forever [Music] your glory reigns forever [Music] and [Applause] say hallelujah [Applause] you [Applause] let's try that again [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah good we give you the glory oh hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] you keep on making away [Music] [Music] yes hallelujah [Music] [Music] every day we give you the glory we give you our prayers we will serve you every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] every day [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh hallelujah god we can't stop praising you we can't stop giving you glory cause you've been too good god you've been too good god you've been too good god we can't stop praising you we can't stop dancing god we can't stop giving you glory because you've been too good god we can't stop praising we can't stop dancing we've been you've been so good god you've been so good god yes hallelujah [Applause] [Music] my soul [Music] it doesn't have to feel right but i command my soul to sing hallelujah it doesn't have to feel good but i command my soul to sing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on now don't stop uh you can't stop right there you're right in the middle you're standing right before a breakthrough somebody somewhere in here and at home come on praise your way into that breakthrough hallelujah hallelujah come on two or three more thank you lords i'll get you there thank you thank you [Music] thank you hey [Music] one more thank you holy ghost have your way lord touch them lord god heal them lord god right now in the name of jesus jehovah rapha you're the healer heal that situation heal it now lord god [Music] that difficulty between the son and the father the mother and the daughter we speak peace in the name of jesus come on now push push push healing in our body we speak to every joint every limb soundness of mind [Music] we speak to every muscle every vein article in the name of jesus the blood of jesus [Music] hey yeah yeah yeah yeah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory be to his name [Music] we speak to every demon every devil we say lose your hold on god's people let his children go free for freedom and dominion is theirs and it's theirs to have the name of jesus jesus paid it all there's nothing they owe and you cannot and will not charge them twice glory be to his name [Music] holy holy holy is he and he reigns forevermore that was good hallelujah come on man somebody put your hands together for this worship team [Music] see this is where it starts starts here and they get us together and so that we can come into the presence of the lord even for you there at home god isn't just here with us but he's there with you his presence is there and wherever his presence is he's there to heal to set free to break every bound and every yoke every chain shall fall to the ground and you shall walk free from all and everything and in his strength hallelujah somebody give god a good amen praise right there clap your hands why because you're not bound you're free to clap lift them in the air why because you're not chained to any table or anything but you're free to raise and lift your hands and surrender us to him we bless your name and we thank god for each and every one of you here in the tabernacle and you there at home we welcome you on behalf of the prophet bishop clarency mcclendon first lady priscilla mclennan and the place of grace as a whole welcome welcome welcome here today hallelujah god has something good for you this day i promise it is already don't you feel it already there's something on the inside of you that little tingling you feel that's not gas but that's the holy ghost welling up on the inside of you now coming up on you to do whatever it is that you need for him to do to you for you today if you're a part of the pc the prophetic e community you know you are welcome here as well do you know who you are you know what it is those of you that have determined to connect with the man of god with the assignment on his life and with the ministry to help push this thing forward yes there's some there lift your hands in the house pc members in the house where are there you are there you are there you are at home as well lift your hands and we thank god for you again on behalf of the prophet welcome here today we thank god for everything you do you're not just sowing in prayer you're not just sowing in time but you are sowing in finance and in money to make sure that this word of god gets to all the nations why people need this one word from god yes that's okay go go ahead and clap one word from god will change your entire life's direction and lead you on a path that you never knew was possible we say god again for you and all of those those of you that have not determined that made up your mind that you want to be a part of the pc but let me encourage you to stay connected with the man with the ministry and the assignment you can stay connected on all the social media outlets facebook twitter instagram and uh youtube as well facebook twitter instagram youtube all of the social media outlets at bishop mcclendon and if you have not done so at this point download the bishop mcclendon app easy to do go to your play store app store and download that bishop mclennan app it's an easy way to stay connected again god has a word for you sit through the man that we have in this prophet this apostle bishop clarence e mclennan and it will make your life better i know mine is better for connecting with this man it seems like it gets better and better and better and better it's no stopping it once you connect with the anointing of god through any man or woman of god but i know this man is one he's a real one he is a real one amen amen even just recently here he made a declaration from this pulpit saying that there would be there was before we saw all of this russian stuff connection and invading oh he spoken from this pulpit that there will be an invasion i it was going to be and the united states would be attempted to be pulled into or seduced into it watch watch this he is a seed not only does he speak the word but he's a seer of what's to come amen you're in a good place if you're connected with this ministry because you won't be fooled you won't be seduced into something where you have you've been getting into things you have no business getting into but yet we're staying on our knees we're praying we're staying before god and we're believing and we're trusting him that he is going to work it out for us and he already has we thank god for that bless god thank god for you and your family for all of you let me just remind you of a couple of things our our food outreach our food distribution outreach hallelujah amen every single friday here at the tabernacle 2543 west manchester boulevard we are feeding families from this place those that are in need if you're in need and you're anywhere close to this place 2543 west manchester boulevard here in the city of inglewood in the greater los angeles area come by stop by pick up something it's here for you god has already made provision for you come get the provision that he's made for you and if you know someone who's in need and they're close by send them this way we're more than happy to do so amen that's the work of god jesus didn't just preach amen but he fed the multitude as well amen so we're commanded to do so and we thank god for all of you that have been connected in this matter some so seed and finances some so in time coming down to to prepare the bags and food for the families in need we thank god for you hallelujah yes amen come on somebody put your hands together for the volunteers it doesn't just happen you know manna fell from heaven but this food it's gotta be prepared somebody has to put their hands to the plow and it's being done every day here at the place of grace and thank god for all of them and all of those that have done so i just wanted to uh thank god for all of you just last night i personally thank god for each and every one of you that came out yesterday to celebrate our brother and our own elder glenn led amen it was a tremendous tremendous uh ceremony a a it really was a thanksgiving it was a celebration of life and we just celebrate the life of our brother that we have an elder glenn led he was definitely dedicated to this ministry and dedicated to the man of god and i tell you he was not taken out of this world early but it was on time in time and it was god's will that he is with the father right now so we again weeping may endure for a night i know all of us he made a connection and he touched every heart in this house he was just that type of person so yeah we're gonna miss him but just know that we will see him again on the other side amen he's just gone before us to help pave the way we're all we all look to get to that place so thank god for each and every one of you that have come out but again you know you've been directed if there's any cards or flowers or anything to be sent you already know where the senate that information is also outside in the 48 anyone need that amen amen so let's prepare our hearts really quick give me two minutes we're gonna pray we're gonna thank god for the man of god and again he's as he's he's on his way out this week we we allow him amen to go freely because why he's not just sent to this house but he said to the nations so the team is flying out tomorrow to be um in a conference or if you will so we want to make sure we cover the team amen and prayer we want to cover the man of god and again did this word be dispensed not just here but throughout our nation and throughout the world so stand on your feet if you will wherever you want to be whatever your prayer position is if it's standing sitting on your knees laying on the floor prostrate all around this room and around that room right where you are in your house we're going to take a couple of minutes here and thank god for what he's doing praying for our travel team praying for the prophet and as as and praying for the assignment the assignment that's the most important thing the assignment and that the word of god be dismissed so all around this room focus your hearts and your minds father we thank you now lord we bless you we give you praise we give you honor and glory you are the king of king and the lord of lords there is no other god none like you father none stronger than you none more glorious than you lord none more kinder than you are thank you father for everything lord we pray that your word be dispensed throughout this week we pray for the man of god that you have given us in bishop clarence mclennan we pray strength in his heart strength in his mind strengthen his spirit and his body lord god every attack of the enemy we declare fall to the ground and it bear no fruit your war your word tells us that a threefold cord is not easily broken lord but we thank you for it lord we thank you that we blind we connect arm and arm linked together in this thing so with our faith the faith that you've given our prophet and the faith of the holy ghost inside of us that's the threefold chord come on now open up your mouths around this place is this just me hold on come on let's lift up your voice father thank you we bless you we glorify you lord for all things and in everything we stand together in unity lord god for it's your grace and your mercy and your kindness lord do this thing for us we ask and we pray strength now lord god lord we pray no incident or accident would befall the travel team but they'll go to the destination and return home safely and above all of that lord we release them into your hands for we know they're better with you than anything that we could possibly do the lord concerning your word of this house and those connected to it speak to us now lord we submit and surrender to you our hearts our minds and our spirits we say touch us o lord make us a new refresh us revive us in all things and in everything we'll give you praise and honor and glory in jesus name somebody shout amen amen hallelujah can we just keep standing and just lift our hands wherever we are and just bless the name of the lord the bible calls us worry all priesthood worship is our job worship is what we do for relieving hallelujah so just open up your mouth right now and bless the name of the lord call him beautiful names he is holy he is the great i am the one and only god alpha and omega the beginning and the end the one who wears is and is to come the creator of the cosmos is the monarch of the universe at the mention of his name every knee bows every tongue confesses that he is lord he is the great i am no one can be compared to him mountains will bow down seas will roll at the sound of his name he is seated in the heavens and yet the earth is his footstool a dimension of his name just his name there is no other name greater than the name of jehovah the angels cry holy holy holy holy holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth is filled with your goodness the whole earth is filled with your goodness open up your mouth bless the name of the lord i will say of the lord he is good he is good and his mercy isn't just forever he is good my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will come and somebody my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord my soul will bless the lord [Music] my soul will bless the lord my soul bless the lord my soul will bless the lord i come boldly to bless the name of the lord i come boldly to bless the name of the lord for your name is holy holy lord oh for your name is holy holy lord can we put that in the airports before your name is holy for your name is holy holy your name is lord we'll leave your name high where they cleanse your name is holy for your name is holy holy for your name is holy for your name is holy oh holy yeah lord we'll enter high we'll lift your head for your name your name is your name is your name is lord one more time all over the building for your names [Applause] [Music] your name is holy your name is somebody who knows your god lifts your voice between the angels the choir for your name is harold for your name is holy for your name is holy your name your name your name your name for your name is holy [Music] your name is holy your name is your name is your name for your neighbors [Applause] [Applause] everybody lift your voice before your name is [Music] for your name is whole for your name is holy holy lord [Music] somebody bless the name of the lord come on come on do not wait for another son bless the name of the lord [Music] for the lord god mighty way oh yes [Music] [Music] for the lord god of mighty ways [Music] [Music] are you lord god almighty and worthy is the lamb and worthy is to leave everybody [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the word [Music] [Music] everyone you are holy is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] are you [Music] [Music] what is holy [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] glory lord we've come to [Music] you deserve the glory you deserve you wanted to be glorified you are one here men are made of it [Music] jordan [Applause] [Music] you [Music] hey we praise you hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] we praise you we praise you so we praise you so we praise you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah somebody go ahead and give a price [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign floyd [Music] heavenly [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the only living [Music] you're the only living god says you're the only you are jesus [Music] this is not before you yes [Music] [Music] god foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no better [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] nobody likes [Music] nobody [Music] there's nobody like you [Music] cause nobody like you [Music] there's nobody [Music] nobody [Music] nobody like you knows [Applause] [Music] [Music] just lift your hands on come on lift your hands wherever you are lift your hands wherever you are lift your hands wherever you are we know who we worship lift your hands wherever you are we're not confused as to who we worship we know who we worship carbohydrates [Music] we worship you for who you are we worship for who you are we worship you we are your people we worship we are your people we worship [Music] [Music] oh our heart connects to you right now [Music] yes [Music] oh believed [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and we worship [Music] [Music] we lay our crowds one more time we lay our crowns [Music] [Applause] we lay our crowns sing all glorious god say glory to god [Applause] you say [Music] we praise your names [Music] yes god replace your name somebody go ahead and bless the name of the lord all glory of god we praise your name god yes we praise your name god we lie we lie we lay we lay we light we lay our crowns we light your crowns somebody give you glory [Music] [Music] oh glorious god we place your name [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on lift up your hands praise the name of the lord your god he is god he's your god lift him up bless his name worship him for he's god and god alone there's none like him look he's been good to you and i know he's been good to me so come on let's bless his name he's given us a word he's been speaking into our lives and we know that his word is better than any contract his word is better than any amount of gold or silver his word is more precious than any ruby diamond or gym but the word of god concerning your lives and my life that has been coming from this pulpit over the last two or three months look wonders without warning are coming to your house wonders without wanting a searching for you there's a beacon on your life and it's here it's holding in now on you the wonders of god is overtaking you and is overtaking me come on lift up your voice come on the bible says that my people who are told by my name would humble themselves and pray and seek my face what face the face of god the face of his word says then will i hear from heaven he says then will i hear from heaven and he'll heal your land what land the land of your household your family the land of your body your joints your bone your mind your memory come on seek the face of god right now lord it's your word that we seek it's your face that we seek lord not of our own fruit and not of our own joy but it's you god touch us oh god change us oh god lord give us ears to hear we submit to you this day god come on lord take control in this house all over in the homes that are connected and connected over [Music] so we're connecting with this person in prayer each and every one lord it's a finished thing lord we ask manifest your healing power in and over that situation lord manifest now grace grace we declare we move from grace to grace lord god there was a time we were under mercy lord we were in our junk lord we were so thrilled with everything else we couldn't even see our way out but you lord god you showed us mercy mercy thank you lord for mercy but we declare now we move from mercy to grace why because we receive your son jesus as lord and savior so even in that we receive the grace grace for what grace for all things grace for everything [Music] [Music] lord we know now your word cometh this day we thank you for your word lord god that word you're giving us that you're given to us through the man through the prophet bishop clarence mcclendon thank you lord thank you father we receive it all lord from the beginning to the end we know lord you start a thing from a finished place so this word is finished and we declare it's finished and done in our lives lord we stand in grace we stand in the finished work thank you lord and we rest now in your word we bless you we give you glory and praise and honor for it is do you thank you lord holy holy holy are you lord god righteous and wonderful are you father your name be praised in this house your name be praised all over this earth lord we declare a rock will not cry out in our place father but we'll give you the praise we'll give you the glory we'll give you the honor thank you lord thank you god come on somebody lift up a great thank you right here in this atmosphere right there thank you lord [Applause] [Music] lift your hands thank you lord all over this tabernacle and at home lift your hands right where you surrender it all to him now it's all he needs is you to surrender so he can move in and move forward he's already determined that the battle is yours you've won it the battle is the lord's but the victory of me is yours he's given it to us now lift your hands and receive the victory in whatever it is you're believing him for in finance healing in your body healing in your mind for friends and for families receive it now right here in this atmosphere you can get that it's available everywhere jesus went says his presence was there to heal and to save and in some places he could do no good work but right there why because nobody would receive it just receive it now from the tip of your fingers fill that thing to the sole of your feet down to your inner core of your heart will your spirit meet your soul receive that thank you lord thank [Music] lord with all that is in us father we say thank you [Music] thank you lord it's done it's finished and we rest lord god in your finished work concerning our state our families our cities and counties concerning this nation lord thank you thank you lord lord we pray for all those that are in leadership from the top the president lord god down to our households we pray thank you for them we thank you that they're making godly decisions concerning your word thank you lord lord we pray strength in their minds and in their bodies thank you lord sound minds nobody makes a stupid decision without thinking it through without receiving your word concerning effectual and all of these things going on along around the world these wars nation against nation lord god we speak peace to it now and victory in the name of jesus lord be praised in it all be praised and be glorified through it [Music] peace now peace nothing missing peace nothing broken and pete nothing black in jesus name hallelujah come on receive that hallelujah hallelujah praise be the name of god always [Music] hallelujah [Music] makes [Music] [Music] strengthen and keep me [Applause] god in prayer sometimes my burdens they get so heavy [Music] he will take my gloom and sorrow i he already done worked it out i know without a doubt my god gonna work it out [Applause] he breaks up my day [Music] i can i can go to god in prayer [Music] don't waste no music you know you can go ahead and get your shot on no matter where you at cause i know he doesn't answer your prayers i'm looking at you [Music] oh [Applause] i know i know i know we have [Music] he done he brightens up my way oh each and every day oh i can call him whatever i need i say father in heaven he's right there [Music] he is yes he is i know it for myself [Music] [Music] and he answers he's not a god that he don't hear he's not a god that he don't care i know he cares when you're thinking about him when you just pondering he comes and answers you oh my god my god my god he's my friend he's my friend he's my friend i can call them when i need them i can call them when i need him he's right now he's right there my god my god my god my god my god i can talk oh i can call you you can call him whenever you need him no matter what it is he will answer you my god my god my god my god no i can call i can call him whenever i need him [Music] hey [Music] hey there's no conversation that's lost with him anytime you got a conversation with him it's not lost he heard you hallelujah we ran out of songs [Music] can we give this praise to him in this choir and musicians at hand [Applause] awesome job today awesome job awesome job amen now can we give the congregation a hand the praises and worshipers [Applause] praise god uh yesterday was our elderly funeral as the pastor said and i'm only bringing it up is because we did a song yesterday in that funeral and i think it would be fitting for today it was jesus jesus there's something about their name but we did it in the key of something about the name jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] that's it sing along there is something about that name master savior jesus master save your jesus like the fragrance like the fragrance after the rain after the rain sounds good say jesus jesus so jesus jesus let our heaven let our heaven and earth proclaim and earth proclaim make this strong say kings and kingdoms huge and kingdoms shall all pass away but there's something about to trust in jesus just to take [Music] to rest are you resting upon his promise testify just to know the same the lord jesus jesus how i trust him it's jesus jesus praises jesus oh for grace are you trusting in him to trust him more let's sing it again jesus oh grace [Music] to trust him one more time [Music] now if you are trusting him i want you to clap your hands and bless him for he is worthy of our highest praise lord jesus there is power in your name your name is great greatly to be praised the word declares [Music] that the father has highly exalted you and given you the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and tongue confess of things on earth above it and beneath it that you are the christ to the glory of god the father bless your people today minister to every life bring answer solution clarity purpose understanding thank you for the integrity of your word for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us spirit of the lord divine have your way in the midst of the inheritance of the great god jehovah we bless you now in jesus name and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so say amen now clap your hands one more time and give jesus [Applause] [Music] praise in the house and you may be seated in the tabernacle and those of you that are watching us via live stream we know that you have been greeted and we thank god for each and every one of you especially those of you that are a part of our prophetic e-company our pec i know you have been greeted but we love and appreciate you you are in our prayers and constantly on our minds and we pray that you are receiving if you're a part of the pec you're receiving those letters that we write that share prophetic insights with you i want to thank all of those of you uh who participated in the celebration of life of elder let on yesterday it was a wonderful celebration and we thank the lord for it again to the family our prayers are yet with you and we know our brother is with the lord jesus even now and we ask for your prayers uh as we've had a very very uh uh aggressive week and next week will be no less aggressive of course we did the services yesterday we'll do today and then we have to be in houston this next week with pastor benny and pastor chris and dr avanzini and bishop payne and preaching you'd be you know that's like six hours a day of live tv pray our strength but it's a magnificent time and we're in and we're eager to go so we'll get on the flight we'll do that we'll be there all this week and they asked me to make sure of course we love pastor chris and what he is doing and the opportunity we have to share and they've encouraged me to encourage you the ways to watch if you have alpha tv if you have of the live tv mobile app if you haven't downloaded the live tv mobile app you need to do that you can get all things love world on that app and it will bless your heart and life or you can go to and you can watch it's a powerful powerful time that ministry reaches literally billions of people during that time of ministry and it's a magnificent opportunity for us we sow into that consistently and we reap from it as well and so i want to encourage you to be a part amen turn with me very quickly in your bible i want you to see something turn with me in your bible quickly to matthew chapter 6. this past week i was reminded of the lord how many of you know that there are things you know that you need to be reminded of from time to time come on come on let me let me see your hand uh i think it is peter that talks about stirring up your mind uh reminding you of certain things because one of the things that i found about life in the kingdom of god now pay attention one of the things that i've found about life in the kingdom of god is that the power of god is not just released by what you do but by what you know you're doing when you do what you do did you hear what i just said it's not just released by what you do but it's released by what you know that you're doing when you do what you do see faith is we talk about faith as an action and it is it is an action in the three-dimensional material world but faith is a force of the kingdom of god it's a spiritual force it's as real in the spirit as my fist hitting your stomach it's that real it is a force of the spirit are you listening to me and so when jesus says the kingdom of god suffers violence the actual translation there is permits extremity that's what it actually means the kingdom of god permits you to be extreme are you there see violence is not just combat violence is extremity which is why when someone does something we call it a violent act because their anger has gone to the extreme are you there but violence isn't just a negative thing when jesus says the kingdom of heaven suffers violence it permits you to be extreme you can be ex as extreme about the word of god as you want to be see and what you missed what i just said and see what what happens is there are levels of extremity there's some people who you know i like the word and the word is good and it's it's encouraging and that's all they get they're of the people who look at the word as as a weapon [Applause] you understand i'm not i'm not in this just to feel better i'm i'm in it to get something done to get some territory taken come on say amen to this and so you need to be reminded about certain things and principles upon which this kingdom operates why because when you put when you make an act of faith and the force of faith is released then something supernatural happens as a matter of fact i was i was you know i was riding over here and i pray in in the spirit oftentimes when i'm being uh driven which is one of the reasons why i am driven two reasons i'm driven is because i need to pray and and the second one is because uh it's not good for me to be driving when i have to preach it just isn't it's not good it's not good i remember i remember once i remember once years ago years ago this was years ago when we were on la brea and we were doing four and five services and you know i would do a 7 30 9 30 11 30 1 30 and then i'd do seven o'clock jesus what was wrong with me i did that for several years and one day i was i was a little tardy getting to the 7 30 and i was driving myself and there was this car you know in front of me and i was getting ready to exit and i'm honking at the person they're slow getting out the way they come round the curve and i'm honking at them trying to move either way i pulled along side i'm at the light and they pulled down the window said bishop mcclendon [Applause] i said no more driving for me on sunday i can't do it so anyway anyway you know i was i was being driven i was being i was being driven this morning and as i was praying in the holy ghost the these words came to me and i didn't realize that i was gonna share them so soon but now i understand why they came to you the lord said to me if you can see what you say before you say it i'm praying in the spirit i'm praying in the spirit and this was the interpretation what i was praying he said if you can see what you say before you say it you will see what you've said after you say it some of y'all some of y'all that just went right over your he said if you can see what you say see jesus said you'll have what you say but the reason a lot of people aren't having what they say is they're not seeing what they say before they say it now that's one of the reasons why saying it is important because the more you say it you'll see it and as a matter of fact there's a point at which you may not be seeing it while you're saying it [Music] that's what uh that's what meditation on the word is for because when you meditate on the word you s [Music] and then there's that point when you say what you see and that's when the force of faith is released let me have you understand so see even in your sewing even in your giving you need to see what you're sewing sowing toward a lot of people's seed isn't producing because they're not seeing anything are you still here now look at look at look at luke 6 38 let me hurry with this because i didn't want to go the luke 6 i'm sorry yeah luke 6 38 go there very quickly and it says this as a matter of fact let me let me start at verse 37 judge not and you will not be judged condemn not and you shall not be condemned forgive and you will be forgiven give and it everybody say it say it again it and it will be given to you good measure press down shake it together and running over will be put into your bosom the king james says shall men give into your bosom that's important for with the same measure that you use the same measure that you use in what the same measure that you use in whatever the seed is you're sowing see this this is a principle of the kingdom of god and jesus is not just talking about money or finance here he's talking about he's reminding you and i that this kingdom of god that we live in is a kingdom of seed time and harvest and that you lay your hands upon yourself and say me that i determine my harvest by what i sow and what i expect to receive what i see here's he is speaking about the seed but he's saying this if you sow judgment judgment will be your harvest so watch what you sow because if you go around judging people you are sowing a seed that will come back in judgment on you a lot of people don't like you because you don't like anybody see you sow a seed of dislike and so you get a harvest of hate come on say amen to this it's seed see now you say wait a minute bishop uh you know even though yeah the righteous will have haters too you know even if you sow kingdom you're gonna have some haters but see the bible says when a man's ways please the lord he causes even his enemies to be at peace with him so there's a seed you can sow i got lots of haters but they don't get anywhere near me because my ways please the lord nobody's saying nothing to me now watch this he says so if you judge that's the seed you're sowing it's going to come back to you in a harvest of judgment if you condemn if you walk around condemning people that's the seed you're sowing and in this kingdom you'll reap condemnation he said he's not talking about from god he's talking about from men are you there he says now if you forgive now i said you know he's talking about men because you don't have to forgive god for anything [Music] he's never done anything that you need to forgive him for he is perfect in all his ways so this is jesus talking about your and my interaction with men and women and how the kingdom of god works he says if you're a judgmental person you will continually reap judgment from people if you're a condemning person you will continually reap condemnation from people if you're a forgiving person you will reap forgiveness from other people and then he says so give and it now everybody lift your hands and say i determine my it. see in other words he's saying in this kingdom this principle works on whatever you sow and see the lord said to me remind the people they're in a seed time and harvest kingdom i have made it so that no one can determine what comes to them above what they determine no you missed what i just said god says i have no you've got to listen to what i'm saying now because when you understand this you can no longer have a victim mentality in any area of your life you can no longer blame people from keeping anything from you that you need and this is why a lot of people don't like this because it makes us responsible for how we're living they say how are you living how you living well let me say this to you if you're in the kingdom of god how you're living has something to do with how you're giving whatever it is love work condemnation judgment jesus says i want you to constantly remember you have the power to determine your it give condemnation and it give judgment and it give money and it will come back to you look at your neighbor and say you determine your it not god now this is why paul says go go over to uh second corinthians chapter nine go there real quickly go to second corinthians chapter nine verse number seven so paul understanding what jesus has taught being an apostle of jesus truth and kingdom he says but this i say now the reason i'm saying this is because jesus already taught us give and it shall be given to us and jesus already taught us with the measure that we give it it'll be measured to us again so paul is saying i'm not giving you new information i'm just applying it to something you may not have thought about are you there but this i say he who so sparingly will reap also sparingly and he who sows bountifully will read also bountifully watch this so let each one give as he purposes i want you to lay your hands upon yourself and say my giving should be purposeful say it again my giving should be purposeful but what does that mean it doesn't just mean it should go towards some purpose of someone else i should assign purpose to it that word purpose there prothesis in greek which means that which has been determined before god says you make a determination of how you want to receive and you give that way you make a determination of what you want to receive and you give that lift both of your hands and say this is not a stick up this is the way up [Music] say i determine my it and my that every time i sow i am determining what i want to receive and the measure that i want to receive it in if i want to receive on another level i must at some point increase my measure god is not determining how i receive i am keep your hands lifted keep your hands lifted i heard this in the spirit in my spirit this week the lord said to me there's some areas i want you to up your measure i said lord what do you mean and he began to point out to me some areas where i'd been saying you know lord this is not happening this is not happening and the lord said you determine what you received [Music] you want some more help help some more people [Music] you want some more love love some more people on purpose do you want some more mercy be merciful to more people on purpose do you want some more cash give some more cash on purpose lift your hands father in the name of jesus i thank you for your word which teaches us how to live life and what life actually is you said a man's life does not uh consist only of the abundance of things but you also said that you know we have need of these things and you have given us the ability to determine how we receive now in the name of jesus lord as we sow into the kingdom as we tithe as we sow our first fruit as we sow our prophet seed however we do it i declare in the name of jesus that the harvest on this seed comes back in the same measure that it's given someone the moment this my brother this my sister releases into your kingdom someone is a sign to give into their lives and i set myself in agreement somebody say i agree i set myself in agreement with this my brother my sister this woman that is watching me this one that is here that nothing they have need of will they lack as they sow as you lead and guide them to do it in the name of jesus and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so come on clap your hands if you receive the word of god if you're watching me live streaming right there on your smartphone right there on your computer screen there's a way for you to sow you need to do it and you need to do it today well as god is blessed and prospered you if you're a tither you know what that is a tenth of everything that comes into my hands and yours belongs to the lord if you're sowing in the first fruit you're sowing in the prophet seed then you know what to do but whatever you do i want you to do it in faith and do it seeing that there's a harvest coming back to you based on the word of the lord right there on your computer screen you can sew or you can text give everybody say text give you can text give cmm to 41444 just follow the prompts and give as the spirit of the lord has directed you you can call the number on your screen 310-323-2600 i've got trained prayer ministers waiting to agree with you perhaps you need agreement in some area of your life jesus said if any two of you shall agree that's touching anything that they ask it shall be done and my prayer ministers are fully loaded they're trained you're not calling some sinner somewhere you're calling right here men and women under the anointing of god sow your seed and let us agree with you three one zero i'm talking to you somebody who just this morning said god i need an answer you just got one now act on it three one zero three two three twenty six hundred and so as god has blessed you or you can bring that gift live here if you've got the bishop mclennan app you can give that way it's a very easy way to give and i encourage you to do it you can download the bishop mcclendon app from google or itunes and give as god has blessed you if you want to bring it live here you can do it anytime during the week we've got people here 11 to 3 to agree with you and god is sending people all the time to sow seed into this place why because we're praying for you all the time and we're believing god that every need in your life be met if you're here in the tabernacle you know what to do if you're making out a check make it payable to c-e-m-m clarence e mcclendon ministries if you are giving cash please use the envelope that enables us to keep a record of your giving and proper accounting for it if you want to do it on a bank or credit card go to my right go to my left there's someone ready to assist you you don't need to fill out a whole bunch of numbers they'll assist you with that they're standing there with smiles ready to greet you so go ahead and do that but however you do it let's do it believing god let's do it acting on the word of god and expecting i'm expecting good things for you i'm expecting a harvest for you and i'm believing god for it in the name of jesus if you agree with that say amen i said say amen now once you've got your gift prepared i'm going to lead you in a confession of your faith i'm going to lead you in a confession of your faith remember we have learned here that we've got to sow seed in both worlds god's word is seed and your gift is seed and so the scripture teaches that you and i have not finished giving as we ought until we have spoken over our seed so if you have given i want you to get ready to declare something along with me if you are in the midst of your giving i'm going to tell you right now stop what you're doing i believe you'll finish it but i want you to get in on this and if you haven't given yet i want you as well to do it lift up both of your hands and say these words out loud say in the name of jesus i am a sower and according to the word of the kingdom i have the authority to determine what i shall receive and how i shall receive it lord i ask by your spirit keep me mindful of the sea that i sow let me know when i need to increase it and i boldly confess as i do it somebody somewhere is released to give back into my life you are the source but they are the delivery system and i thank you for it in jesus name i want you just to lay your hands upon yourself and tell yourself you will lack nothing you need this week say it i shall lack nothing i need this week in the name of jesus now if you believe it shout about it it's the truth come on let's worship god [Music] [Music] and he knows what you're going through oh [Music] oh [Music] upon the lord [Applause] and do it he cares for you thank you why don't why don't you [Music] [Applause] hallelujah glory to god isn't it good to know he cares [Music] that everything that concerns you concerns him nothing too great nothing too small thank god bless the lord for these singers and musicians god bless you [Music] oh my open with me in your bibles to john chapter 5. the gospel as john records it chapter number 5 and i shall begin the reading of god's word today at verse number 5 of john chapter 5. now once again we are in the conclusion of what we call here at clarency mclendon ministries and the place of grace we're at the conclusion of what we call vision month each february is the month that we designate as our vision month and we focus on the vision of the house what god has told us that we are to be and do from his word and by revelation of the spirit of god we have addressed the reality uh that when god sends men and women to do his work he gives them vision he gives them an assignment something specific that they are responsible for and responsible to do and that is why for every man or woman that god has sent there are distinctives relative to that ministry and that's why all churches all ministries are not the same because god has given different men and women different aspects of emphasis of the character and person of christ to reveal wave if you understand what i am saying and so john chapter 5 is the story out of which not only the vision but the name place of grace is taken the bible says there there is a pool by the sheep gate called in the hebrew bethesda beth has said beth is house and has said is grace or mercy or loving-kindness it literally means the place of grace the house of grace or the house of outpouring we've dealt with that and the specific aspect that happens there where this place that is supposed to be a place of undeserved favor again the word grace the greek word is charis from which we get the word charismatic charismata is the greek for the gifts or the manifestations of the spirit the word charis gifts or grace means undeserved favor and enabling power so the grace of god is god's undeserved favor it is favor that you and i cannot deserve and or merit but we receive through the finished work of christ jesus what the spirit of the lord revealed to me years ago in 1999 was when this revelation began in me what he revealed to me years ago was that john chapter 5 was a picture of the church of the lord jesus christ as god intended it to be he intended it to be a place of grace a place where the undeserved favor and the enabling power of god was available and poured out to anyone and everyone who would come to receive it but he also revealed to me back then that in john chapter 5 that the place had been turned into a place of merit because the bible says that the one who stepped in first the bible says an angel would come down at a certain time and stir the water and then whoever stepped in first everybody say first whoever stepped in first was made well of whatever disease he had so it had become a place where you had to be first meaning you had to merit your healing by being first when it was intended to be a place where you didn't have to merit it but it came to you undeserved because of the goodness of god wave at me if you understand and what we see is that what has happened there is an atmosphere an environment has been created at that place where you have to be first and if you're not first you get consistently kicked to the back of the line the bible says there's a man there who's been there 38 years and when jesus comes now remember put john chapter 1 verse 17 up on the screen it's important i'm going to read john chapter 5 but i'm bringing us together so we can get to this without doing a bunch of reading because i've taught on this for now three or four weeks and i got to get done today and so and so the bible says that this man has been there 38 years and jesus comes by this place now remember it's called bethesda or house of grace house of outpouring so jesus comes by the place that is supposed to be a place of grace a place of the outpouring of undeserved undeserved favor and enabling power but has become a place where you have to be the best brightest or merit what you receive which is what the church has become through erroneous preaching and teaching and bad examples so the bible says jesus comes by and shows up now john chapter 1 verse 17 tells us that the law was given through moses but grace and truth everybody said grace and truth but grace and truth came through jesus christ and so years ago i was reading this and the spirit of the lord said to me said son that means everywhere you see jesus enter a situation grace and truth has just entered the situation if he says grace and truth came through jesus christ then whenever jesus enters a situation grace and truth has shown up you want to know what grace and truth will do watch what jesus does wave at me if you understand that and so here in john chapter 5 grace and truth shows up at the place of grace and finds out and discovers that it is out of order it is not functioning as he originally intended so he asked this man do you want to be made well and the man says sir i have no man to put me in the pool but every time i get ready to go into it somebody jumps out in front of me now that does not sound like a place where people care for one another hello but that is the environment of most of our churches where people do not care for one another and a part of that lack of care is because of the doctrine that has been preached to them because it is impossible to care about others when you are constantly concerned about you getting yours and when you understand that you have received yours not by your own merit but by the finished work of jesus you can chill relax and you not angry when somebody else gets there way many of you understand what i just said okay so here's where we are now jesus has shown up at the place of grace at the church and he is now dealing if you will with this man and the issues that arise from there are very very important for us to look at so now i want you to look at verse number 5 of john chapter 5. it says a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years and when jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been in that condition a long time he said to him do you want to be made well the sick man answered so i have no man to put me in the pool when the water is stirred up but while i'm i am coming another steps down before me jesus said to him rise take up your bed and walk and immediately the man was made well we dealt with this took up his bed and walked and that day was the sabbath we dealt with that the jews therefore said to him who was cured it is the sabbath it is not lawful for you to carry your bed so once again grace and truth has now encountered religion and legalism stay with me uh he said it's not lawful for you to carry your bed look at verse 11 he that is the man who was healed answered them he who made me well said to me take up your bed and walk now again there's every time i read that there's a little attitude in that you know verse number 12 then they asked him who is the man who said to you take up your bed and walk but the one who was healed did not know who it was for jesus had withdrawn a multitude being in that place now i want you to i want to stop right there for a moment i'm not even to my message yet but i want you to see that he that was made well he that was made well uh the healed man did not know who he was for jesus had withdrawn a multitude being in that place so what the scripture tells me now religion won't tell me this but what the scripture tells me is that a man can be actually healed before he knows the jesus who healed him that that the favor of god the goodness of god can be experienced before people even know the source of it are you there that does not sound like uh most of our churches where before god is good to you you have to meet certain criteria jump through certain hoops qualify for certain things before god can do anything for you [Music] this is the religion that we have taught preached and that which most people attending church have received and that doctrine is a part of the reason for the condition the mentality of the church and the problem is that people who are coming to our churches are encountering people with those attitudes and the attitudes are a product of what they have been preached so what is happening now is the spirit of god is bringing in the fullness of the understanding of grace and truth and what the finished work of christ jesus has accomplished so that people who have been touched by jesus but don't really know him can begin to walk in another dimension of fullness grace and truth say amen to me if you understand what i just said all right so now watch this verse number 13 it says but the one who was healed did not know who it was for jesus had withdrawn a multitude being in that place now look at verse 14 it says afterwards somebody say afterward afterwards jesus found him in the temple everybody say in the temple say it again in the temple so now he is in the temple with grace and truth jesus finds him in the tomb now this is very interesting because there's nowhere where we are told that jesus tells the man to go to the temple stay with me the man is already healed come on talk to me he's already healed so he's not going to the temple to get healed but there is something after he has encountered the goodness of this god that he does not know that directs him to the temple and the bible says there jesus found it notice it doesn't say he found jesus it says jesus found him oh i'm going to get into that in just a moment and afterward jesus found him in the devil and said to him see there it is see that you've been made well sin no more lest the worst thing come upon you i wish i had time to unpack that i won't have time to get that today then jesus departed and told the then the man departed and told the jews that it was jesus who made him well so somewhere glory to god in the temple he got the revelation of who it was that had done this magnificent miraculous thing to him now bishop mcclendon why is that important because the last few days the spirit of god has had me very reflective over his dealings and doings he's reminded me of a number of things and and one of the things he reminded me of and please stay with me here because i'm going somewhere and i got to get there fast one of the things he reminded me of is that several years ago was probably around 2014 2015 the spirit of god said to me that he was going to bring the church the body of christ globally back to a first century paradigm i preached it i taught it i said things about it he he said he was going to bring the church back to a first century paradigm now in understand to understand the first century i mean the first century of the church the church is worth by most historians agree in the book of acts acts chapter 2 is where the church is birthed and the book of acts and the epistles that are written kind of account what was happening in christianity in that first hundred years after jesus death burial resurrection ascension and seating and if you study the scriptures very carefully you will find that in the first century the church of the lord jesus christ was not some place that had a building and a gathering and a place to go it was a gathering of people who had believed on the lord jesus christ they did not have at that time a central gathering place but they actually met more from house to house than in any corporate large worship experience are you still here now there are those who have rejected in total the idea and the ideology of a physical gathering or structure or place where the people of god are to be that is erroneous and yet the genesis of the church is not connected to physical buildings it's not connected to physical gathering places and i remember when the spirit of the lord said this to me and he said son the time is going to come again when the weekend worship experience will not be the central or most significant gathering for the church at that time we didn't see a pandemic coming it was quiet in here the lord said to me he said the weekly weekend worship experience would not be the center of the church's vitality or its economy so you see in the first century church they had no they had no building the bible says as a matter of fact one of the first miracles they met at the hour of prayer when they would come to the temple the temple wasn't their building the temple was the building of the pharisees the sadducees the sanhedrin the religious people so they were renting or using it for their gathering but the proliferation of the church was going not by a weekly worship experience on the weekend but from house to house they were meeting and propagating the gospel and the lord said to me he said son i'm going to bring the church back to that not in the exclusion of a temple but to the foundation of its purpose and shortly after that 2000 what 1920 the pandemic hit and what happened the lord reminded me of this and suddenly even if you had a building you couldn't use it boy it's quiet and if you had two or three campuses there was so many people bragging about how many campuses they had we got five campuses we got seven campuses and you couldn't go in any of them [Applause] and if you were depending on your campuses for your identity for your ideology to be propagated and for the gospel you were out of business and that's what happened to a lot of churches they went out of business because their identity was in buildings and not in messages now the fact of the matter is that was a destiny correction that was a course correction not that the holy spirit did it the holy spirit did not bring the pandemic but the holy spirit utilized the pandemic to bring the church back to foundational ideological christianity where message and not men and not buildings were the key now god has done this before and if you trace his hand you can see even in the book of acts he did it years ago he showed me in acts chapter 1 and verse 8 he tells those disciples you shall receive power after the holy spirit has come upon you and you should be witnesses unto me in jerusalem and judea and samaria and then to the animals parts of the earth now when we read that because of our 21st century hindsight we impose our knowledge upon it and we say well we that was jesus promising that the holy ghost would come no that wasn't really what he was doing there because they didn't know the holy ghost was coming and their gathering wasn't to receive the holy ghost their gathering was in obedience to what jesus told them that they were that they were not to try to do this thing without power from on high and so they gathered now what those apostles heard now i need you to stay with me here because i gotta travel through something very quickly to get to where we've got to get to in john chapter five i'm talking about how the spirit of god corrects his church to bring them back in line with what god's purpose is and not what their purpose is so in acts chapter 1 verse 8 jesus says to them you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea and samaria and to the animals parts of the earth and what most of us miss there is that was jesus telling these apostles this is your vision this is your assignment you are to reach jerusalem then you are to reach judea then you are to reach samaria and after you reach samaria i'm going to break this thing open and the whole earth is going to be affected by your ministry if you follow my vision and pattern if you read the book of acts and i would urge you to do it one day just read just the first 10 chapters and you'll see this in acts chapter 1 jesus makes the promise in acts chapter 2 the holy spirit falls peter preaches acts chapter 2 3 000 souls gets saved [Music] right the man by the gate beautiful is after that the man by the gate beautiful acts chapter 3 chapter 4 is healed he's been there some 40 years and then peter preaches again and 5 000 souls get saved not counting women and children so by acts chapter 5 when ananias and sapphira lie to the holy ghost because at this point they're now in the equivalent of a fundraising campaign stay with me so now the agreement of a fundraising campaign acts chapter five when by the time that annas and sapphira drop dead and then the bible says they increase even more but by acts chapter 5 there's already 8 000 people in jerusalem in the church at jerusalem in acts chapter 6 they begin to settle into a maintenance-minded church rather than a military expanding territory-taking church what happens in acts chapter 6 is the greek-speaking jewish women are being overlooked in the daily distribution and so deacons have to be chosen by the apostles now what's happening is you've got a growing group of people settling in a place who are now meeting their needs met and somewhere there the church begins to lose its vision from going jerusalem judea and samaria and they start to get satisfied with a big deal in jerusalem which is kind of where the church got satisfied in the last 20 or 25 years we got big mega mega this mega that we started getting attention we got buildings and jets and networks [Applause] come on same hand to this [Applause] and we were getting you know asked to be on cnn big time and and we got product sales and record deals gospel concerts and ticket sales [Applause] [Music] and we got a big thing in jerusalem but the vision of reaching people has somehow gotten lost [Applause] acts chapter 7 the first martyr of the church stephen is stoned and the bible says saul is there and then acts chapter eight put up acts chapter eight verse number one remember in acts chapter one verse number eight jesus said and you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem judea samaria and then to the elements parts of the earth by acts chapter 7 there is a big deal going on in jerusalem but judea and samaria are unreached and the world is waiting [Applause] and so acts chapter 8 verse 1 i love the holy spirit it's the complete inversion acts chapter 1 verse 8 is this acts chapter 8 verse 1 is this it's like the lord is turning the thing upside down acts chapter 8 verse 1 look at it it says now saul was consenting to his death now remember saul is the man who is going to be converted and become paul and this paul is going to be the apostle to whom grace is going to be given to take the gospel to the non-jewish-speaking world he's the apostle through which the message of the gospel is going to go to the world he's there in jerusalem oh my god in this big deal church that's a big thing but it's not fulfilling its destiny it's not doing its vision the bible says paul was consenting to his death now watch this it says at that time a great persecution arose against the church maybe they had a pandemic we don't know what the cause of the persecution was what we do know is whatever was happening caused the government and the leaders in the society to say we got a shirt shut this church down we got to stop this thing we got to do something to stop this church that's going on in jerusalem from expanding and so the bible says at that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at jerusalem and they meaning the people who were attending the church at jerusalem and they were all scattered throughout the regions of judea you think that was an accident you think that was a coincidence or do you think that the holy spirit turned the salt shaker upside down and shook the salt out of its big deal religion in jerusalem and said you think you're a big deal but judea has not been reached and samaria has not been reached and i'm trying to reach the world not get your church on tv [Applause] watch it at that time a great persecution rose against the church which was at jerusalem and they were all scattered throughout the regions of judea and samaria except the apostles and and look at verse four therefore those who were scattered when they couldn't gather they were scattered and they went everywhere they went everywhere see they stopped coming to church and they went everywhere they start they stop depending on a physical structure for the gospel to expand and they just started saying what they knew where they were [Applause] are you still here so the persecution actually course corrupted the church and brought it to the fulfillment of its destiny now i submit to you by the spirit of grace as a prophet of god that is the hour the church of the 21st century is it we have been corrected so that our destiny can be fulfilled [Music] and we are not relying on big deal location church but we understand our dissemination responsibility to the world now and this is where this gets very interesting if you read on go to go to acts chapter go to acts 8 6. i mean i'm doing more of this than i wanted to then philip went down to the city of samaria and preached christ then where'd he go now who was this philip in acts chapter six he was a deacon oh i wish somebody would hear me in acts chapter oh in acts chapter 6 he's a deacon in the church at jerusalem serving widows food but when the thing breaks out he says wait a minute i'm not supposed to be serving food in church i'm supposed to go down to samaria and preach and the bible says he went down to some air and preached christ unto them and the people gave heath hearing and seeing the miracles which he did see if you want to see miracles maybe you need to go somewhere where they're needed no no no i can't get into that he went down to samaria watch this and preach christ to them and the multitudes of one accord heeded the things spoken to philip hearing and seeing the miracles which he did for unclean spirits crying with a loud voice came out of many who were possessed and many were paralyzed but the lame were healed and there was great joy in that city now you've got simon the sorcerer keep going go to verse 10. i want you to see it uh uh i don't i don't want to read all this but when they believed philip as he preached the things concerning the kingdom of god and the name of you both men and women were baptized so what has just happened jerusalem has been reached samara judea has been reached now samaria has been broken open watch it look at verse number 13. i'm reading on i want you to see this read look at verse 13 i'm reading oh come on come on hurry hurry that's 10 13. then no then you just expanded and went back give me 14 15 16 17 i'm reading on put as much of it up as you can i didn't give all this to you uh look at verse 14 now the apostles who were at jerusalem heard that samaria had received the word of god does this sound accidental or coincidental to you or is there strategy here then the apostles who will act they're staying at jerusalem they heard that samaria had received the word of god and they sent peter and john to them why because that was the territory of their vision they sent peter and john down there and once peter and john came down there and they received the holy ghost guess what happens in acts chapter 9. a guy by the name of saul [Music] is on the road to damascus [Applause] oh you're not hearing me a guy by the name of saul is on the road to damascus and now that the church has fulfilled its vision and is right in its right place the holy ghost is now free to start showing up where people aren't even present and start knocking people off the beast holy spirit goes while paul is going down the street minding his own business well i wish i could preach this see i need you to understand when the church gets in proper alignment the holy ghost will start doing things for it that it cannot do for itself it'll start arresting things in people that's why vision is important that's why fulfilling assignment is important because when you fulfill your assignment the holy ghost starts helping you in ways that you could never imagine starts bringing you things that you could never do by yourself the bible says acts chapter 9 this this guy oh god this man saul is on his beast and the bible says he sees a light knocks him off the beast hears a voice talking and sees no man and the voice says saul why are you persecuting me [Applause] i want you to get it jesus says when you persecute his church you are persecuting him he takes this personally why so why are you persecuting me this man becomes the apostle to the gentiles what happens in the very next chapter acts chapter 10 peter he goes up on a housetop [Music] i want you to see i want you to see the holy ghost now at work peter goes up on a housetop and he sees a vision and this holy ghost filled bigoted preaching jewish apostle finally gets the revelation that his racism doesn't fit into jesus's christian purpose more on that later [Music] and he gets a vision that causes him to go to cornelius's house a gentile where he never would have gone if the church hadn't been corrected if the holy spirit hadn't been loosed if paul had not been converted the holy spirit would not have been free in that region to start a message now why are you saying this because there has been a course correction i got 12 minutes and i got 65 minutes of preaching lit to do i will not do it today goodness i need to preach in the eternal realm where there is no time stay with me now what what happened the church is corrected now why is that important because when the church becomes corrected then the temple begins to serve as its rightful place and not as we have made it we have made it the place where god dwelt god never intended the building [Music] [Applause] to be the center of your ideology or your identity now it doesn't mean we don't need one it means when you have the right perspective then i can give you one and it won't impede your progress it won't impede your destiny it will serve as a tool [Applause] oh goodness i've got 11 minutes let me use them all god foreshadowed this with david go to second samuel go go there real quickly god foreshadowed this with david go to second samuel chapter seven verse number one second james chapter seven verse number i'm going all the way to verse seven so put it up so i can read because my minutes are leaving now it came to pass when the king that was david was dwelling in his house and the lord had given him rest from all his enemies all around that the king said to nathan the prophet this is david see now i dwell in a house of cedar but the ark of god dwells inside tent curtains then nathan said to the king go do all that is in your heart and the lord is with you look at verse number four but it happened that night that the word of the lord came to nathan saying go and tell my servant david thus says the lord would you build a house for me to dwell in see there's nothing wrong with building a house for me because solomon's gonna build it so god's not against the house but he says don't think i'm going to dwell in it the house is not for me to dwell in wait a minute would you build me a house to dwell in for i am not dwell in a house since the time that i brought the children of israel up from egypt even to this day but i have moved about in a tent see god never wanted to be stuck in a house he never wanted a house to be his identity he wanted to move around oh god i wish i had time to preach this pastor ruth he wanted to move around in a tent ah paul says and we know if this tent be destroyed see god wants to move around in a tent and what we did is we can find him in the church age to a house [Music] yeah god said y'all have locked me down so i'ma lock you down [Music] stay with me watch watch would you build a house to be the dwelling well i have not dwelt in a house since the time i brought the children of israel out of egypt even to this day oh children please watch this but have moved about in a tent and in a tabernacle watch it wherever i have moved about with all the children of israel have i ever spoken a word to anyone from the tribes of israel whom i commanded to shepherd my people saying why have you not built me a house he said did i ever tell anybody to build me one brother amen if i had the time i would i would i don't have it but i'll tell you there were years years years where people were following this vision and this business and they followed me wherever god took me some left because they didn't understand what god was doing and they were stuck in traditional religion i don't judge him i don't condemn him that's just the fact they thought i wasn't following god i had missed god we want to go somewhere where god is moving and i would go here and i would go there and i went to the palladium and i went here and i went to usc and then i went here and all that time people were looking at me well he's lost his anointing god's not with him they can't get a church but i got pastors that left here well we don't have a building and here's the thing i'm seeking god i'm praying i'm this one thing i've learned about god is if you spend enough time with him if he has something to say he'll say it and you don't have to ask him about stuff i mean and all the time all the time i'm praying seeking god preaching we went to that uh that that the cinema downtown i'm praying seeking god not once not once not once not once in like 10 years never did he say anything to me about a house now what i tried to get three because people wanted one and they said well if he doesn't have one god can't be with it and yet everywhere we went people got saved sick god healed eyes were open miracles were happening and many of you been in a building for 30 years and you've never seen anybody here we got people healed in tents in makeshift buildings any parking lots ain't nobody saying nothing to me sit down now i can tell it [Applause] and god never ever spoke to me about a house he didn't tell me to get one he didn't tell me to go after one i tried three times because of the pressure of people and i thought to myself god what is going on here and finally once he had done everything he wanted to do he said to me and who was it i can't remember who it was i wish i had the picture of it somebody sent me a picture was it mike was it mike that did the somebody sent me go get it i got i got to go get it run give somebody sent me that this is not scripted and somebody sent me i need 10 minutes can i have 10 minutes somebody sent me and we went here and there and some of y'all were there god bless your hearts your faithful hearts you followed me everywhere i went because it wasn't me it was a spirit of god because i know if the anointing and lifted y'all would have been gone i know that [Applause] because you were after god you won't have to be i know that but the power of god was there and some people who needed that they could and finally uh someone sent me mike sent me and he sent me this picture of all the places we had gone from la brea to uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and everywhere we go people are talking about me like i got three lit four legs and a tail i i can't hear god i've missed god and then somebody sent this to me and i'll never forget they said this to me and on the top on the top was a picture from the bible of paul's apostolic journey and all the places the bible said that paul went and preached and the places he opened and this this is in my office right now every time i come to church i see it i look at it and i'm reminded and somebody who was it mike who did it who did mike where's mike stand up well where are you i'm like anyway this was it and then he showed me this and this was our apostolic journey [Applause] are y'all here and he told me from la brea to the palladium to the boulevard to the union hall to the to the slicing to the regal centers and then i saw it god took me north south east west and then planted me right in the middle of the city and said call it the place and he said to me he said i told you when i first sent you here you weren't a pastor he said the problem was that those people were looking for a pastor and i was making an apostle now why why are you saying that i'm saying that because thank you i'm saying that because god now and just before the pandemic hit it was 2019 and i'd go on new year's eve 2019 18 2018 and the spirit we're going into 19. the pandemic hits at the conclusion of 19 september october 19 and god says to me in prayer that day he says now you go and tell the people you are not to pursue a building until a building pursues you i heard it as clearly i had no idea what it meant i've never seen a building pursue anybody [Applause] oh my god what does that even look like a building pursuing me i don't know what that means he said you say it i came under the anointing and said something i did not understand but i said it with power and authority and with confidence although i had no idea what i was talking about [Applause] i knew i had heard from god i knew his voice and i stood up and said god said we are not to pursue a building until a building was in the home talk to me about one don't ask me about london i remember i went back that night and i was like god what have i done it was a few months later four months later that a woman uh she's watching she's because she's always watching miss dijo who was the daughter of a woman who had been in the church on la brea and she's now a real estate broker and she calls one of the people in this ministry and this building had gone into foreclosure with the people who had it last the mother told the daughter that building that you have that church building the lord said to me it belongs to prophet mclendon go and offer it to him and tell him that this is the place that god wants to plant him [Applause] i wasn't looking wasn't praying wasn't asking what and they come to me and say god has said this and i was told to present this to you and the spirit of god said now a building has pursued you he said he said this is the one [Music] and then a few months later the pandemic kids [Applause] and i'm thinking to myself now jesus [Applause] we just got us a building and now we can't meet in it after a few months and they shut everything down and i meet with my elders in my presbytery and i say this is what i believe the lord is telling us to do and we got on because we've been on television because we had live stream because we had set stuff up we started and we continued ministering from this place no what would have happened if we hadn't had a place to do it [Applause] we were written every place we went having to pay for it and we were displaced when stuff was booked in places we and i said to the lord i did not plan to be this uh autobiographical today but obviously the spirit of god wants this out [Music] because there are some people watching and the spirit of god is leading you in ways you don't understand but you gotta understand we are in another season and god may be setting you up for the season that is to come which is why you never fit into the season that was stay with me [Applause] and the spirit of god he said said to me just keep doing what you're doing just keep doing what you're doing don't stop don't shut down don't do that you just keep going to the house and prophesy go to the house on sunday go to the house and even if the people can't come because it's not about the people gathering it's about the message going out from a place that you can manage and control it and it cannot be interrupted [Applause] and god bear me witness in the holy ghost it was like we didn't miss a beat it was like we didn't miss anything no i mean the the faces weren't there but in every area we began to increase every number began to increase the income began to increase the viewers begin to increase the watchers begin to increase i had pastors calling me how you doing mac how's it going you okay man we're doing magnificent we're doing great i got people on my staff asking me should we ever open the church again are you listening to me i said we're doing great and i and and there were four or five pastors who called me in a matter of you know about two or three months and they're asking me well what are you doing and one one very close to me and this is the one that hit me he was very close to me and he called me he said man i've been watching you he said what are you doing i said i'm just doing what god is telling me to do he said but it's so it's so on point it's so excellent it's a and i'm not even and and i hung up the phone and i said god what is going on here because we are not doing anything different we're just doing what we have been doing all the time i'll never forget the lo i love when when god he told me sit down he told me to sit down in my office i sat down and there's about three or four times he's told me to do that and whenever he tells me to sit down he's about to school [Applause] he said sit down son and he said let me show you what i have done and it was it was not what you have done he said let me show you what i have done meaning what i have done with you because you listen here's what he said let me show you let me show you what i've done he said for years i schooled you and your team and your elders and your workers and your ministry team about how to keep a ministry moving by vision and not by building i schooled you on how to keep a people connected when they didn't have a temple when they didn't have a tabernacle when they had no identity except for the message he said i taught you and i trained you and the people around you got it he said so when the building shut down i had already prepared you so that you wouldn't miss anything you learned how to move people from here to there when you couldn't meet with them on sunday and tell them what was coming next you you learned how to send messages out to them so that nobody missed he said now he said now when the churches reopen he said those ministries that are not identified with buildings and campuses who know how to minister by vision and message and not by physical identity he said those are the ones that are going to lead this next wave he said now don't he said don't let the people think that buildings and gatherings are unimportant watch this now i'm done i'm done did you get this i said did you get this go to hebrews chapter 10 verse 21. oh oh go to hebrews chapter 10 and verse 21 and having a high priest over the house of god see our high priest is not over a building he's over the house the people in whom the spirit of god dwells and having a high priest over the house of god let us draw near with true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts bringing from an evil conscience our bodies washed with pure water and let us hold fast to the confession or the profession of our faith without wavering for faithful is he you promise watch this and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the manner of some but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day with a capital d approaching meaning the day of the lord's return what is what is he saying he's saying see when the church comes into proper order the gathering of saints and the place of gathering will no longer be for you to get the word [Applause] it will know the objective will no longer be for you to get something for you because you will have learned now that you can get something for you at the house you can get something for you by live stream you can get something for you by mp3 you can get something for you by tv no now the gathering of saints is because now there is a group of people who know they can get theirs and now they are considering somebody else look at it and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works not for in other words the assembling of yourself in a place is not for you the assembling of yourself in a place now is so you can encourage one another so that you can strengthen somebody else now you are not coming to get fish you're coming to feed fish now you're not coming to get yours you're coming because you know you have yours [Applause] and you can begin to minister to somebody else go back to john 5 and i'm done watch this go back to john 5 and i'm done i have a lot more to preach and no time to preach it go back to john 5 and i'm done play something we're leaving look at verse 14. well let me read verse 30 it says but the one who was healed did not know who it was he didn't even know who did it in other words he has received this goodness and doesn't really know who did it for jesus had withdrawn a multitude being in that place and afterwards jesus found him in the temple watch this and said to him see you have been made well see the temple the gathering place is not a place for you to go to get well [Music] he was already well [Music] yeah yeah somebody's getting it the temple is the place for you to see how well you've been made [Music] it's a place for you to keep seeing how well he's already made you how good he's already been to you how healed you already are how prospered you already are how empowered you already are [Music] it's to be a place of seeing are you still here now watch what it says it says jesus says to him see you've been made with see it and the bible says in verse 13 watch this jesus found him it says jesus found him in the temple you still with me [Music] when the bible says here that jesus found him in the temple the word that is used there is literally the word that means to perceive you to get you completely in other words watch it jesus in the temple in the gathering is where you see that jesus gets you completely [Music] he knows who you are he knows what you lack he knows what you haven't got he knows what you fail at he knows where your weakness is he knows [Music] somebody lay your hands on yourself and say jesus gets me completely. [Music] no no no say it jesus he gets me completely he knows my ups my downs my habits my hobbies my tendencies he knows all that stuff and he refuses to reject you [Music] he refuses to turn you away he refuses [Music] to let religion damn you and religious people condemn you he refuses because the reason i want you to come to the temple is not so you can get me but so you can see how much i get you it's to be a place of seeing you begin to understand as paul said that you are complete in him not by yourself not on your own not through your own merit not through your own performance not through your own actions and doings but jesus gets you is it wonderful when you recognize that the god who knows you the most loves you the best that the one who knows all the secret places and all the secret things refuses to turn you away [Music] and he says i just want you to keep on seeing how well i've made you how healed you are how complete you are how delivered you are how free you are oh i wish i had time to get to it the more you see that he's got you the more you see what he's done for you and you realize that everything you lack he is and everything you need he has and everything you're pursuing he already got and as you stay connected with him all that is his is yours and you don't have to earn it you don't have to marry it you don't have to perform for it all you got to do is see it and accept it so god now is raising up men and women who are preaching and teaching you not to perform for the goodness of god but to see what he's already done for you and to receive it and to accept it lay your hands upon yourself it's a very interesting thing in the new covenant you are called a believer in the old covenant you are told to believe boy did you know you somebody missed what i just said in the old covenant you are told to believe in the new covenant you are called a believer in other words he has already made you a believer the reality is he that has ears to hear in this covenant you receive not because of your believing but because of your accepting what is already yours somebody's going to get that i'm already a believer all i got to do is accept what he says that's why the scripture says if you keep looking into the perfect law of liberty you're going to be transformed why because in this covenant your transformation is not a product of your doing but a product of your seeing oh i see i am the righteousness of god so i say i am the righteousness of god and when i say i am the righteous of god i begin to walk in the righteousness of god i see that i'm healed by his stripes and i say i am healed by his stripes and then i begin to walk in the healing by his strength i see my need is met i say my need is met and then i begin to walk lay your hands upon yourself say it out loud say jesus gets me he gets every part of me he gets every piece of me he knows all about me and he refuses to reject me [Music] father i pray in the name of jesus that this house and this temple this people who are your temple will consistently be places of revelation that you empower us to continue to see what you have accomplished for us in the finished work of jesus christ your son lord i decree and i declare on the basis of your word that your grace enables people who don't even know you to be healed by you [Music] to be favored by you to receive your goodness before they even know who you are [Music] but i pray in the name of jesus that this man this woman who is hearing this word and this tabernacle that you have given us physically will constantly and consistently be a place where people are seeing how healed they are how blessed they are how prospered they are i ask it and i believe we receive it in the name of jesus now i hear the holy spirit saying i am correcting and adjusting [Music] some things in the minds the hearts the perception the seeing of people who've already been touched by me there are people under the sound of my voice and i'm saying this by the spirit of god there are some of you and not only who are connected to this anointing but you're connected other places some of you were in states and even nations where coming to this place on a regular basis is not even an option but the spirit of god is telling me to tell you it's time to assemble now again it's time to show up you don't have to be there every week but you need to show up with your brothers and your sisters this is not about just what you can get it's about what you are to give it's about what you have to impart and something is going to happen in the places where people see and understand this i prophesy to you in the name of jesus that there are things that are going to begin happening for you that you have nothing to do with making happen that as you walk with god just like when that early church fulfilled its vision god was released to start doing things other places on their behalf the spirit of god is being released to do things on your behalf where you are not [Music] things my god i sense the holy ghost here things that will work in your favor things that in another state in another region in another area will begin to work in your favor and will come to you and you'll say how did that happen when did that happen who made that happen and the lord says it's because you're walking in the vision i've given you you're walking in the thing i've given you you're walking now as a place of undeserved faith bow your heads father to the best of my ability i have shared what you gave me i said some things i had not intended to say but i know that i was following the leading of your spirit and for someone who has heard these things their hearts have been encouraged their faith has come alive there are men and women under the sound of my voice who have not realized the degree to which you have been leading them things seem to have gone left or right or this way or that but i see it in the spirit that in the coming days you're going to do just like you did with me you're going to sit them down and show them how you have pieced together the movements of their life to bring them to a place of destiny fulfillment and completion and i pray in the name of jesus for every man woman boy and girl under the sound of my voice for whom that is to occur i set myself in agreement with them that they will see they have lost no time they have missed no opportunity that the very best you have is just ahead of them i decree it in the name of jesus if you are next to somebody and you don't mind laying your hand on them go ahead and do it if you're watching me live streaming and you're by yourself go ahead and lay your hands upon yourself if you're here and you don't want anybody touching you just tell them but my bible says and these signs shall follow them that believe they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover all sickness is not physical sometimes it's emotional sometimes it's situational sometimes it's circumstantial but wherever it is i sense the spirit of the lord ministering recovery and correction not rebuke adjustment pray in the holy ghost in jesus name just give me about 30 seconds of prayer in the spirit do it at your house do it in your living room [Music] yes [Music] i hear jesus i hear the spirit of the lord say i have adjusted you i have corrected you to fulfill your destiny i have adjusted you i have corrected you not in rebuke but in adjustment in course correction [Music] and you will fulfill my assignment on you you will fulfill your calling and purpose you will fulfill your destiny and you will see says the spirit of the lord my favor my undeserved goodness flow to you in ways beyond what you have imagined you will know says the spirit of the lord a supernatural ability from this day to do what you could not do to go where you could not go to receive what you otherwise could not receive in the name of jesus if you agree with that say it is so one more time lay your hands upon yourself if you're watching me live streaming if you're in this room the spirit of grace the anointing of god is flowing the word of god is bringing illumination and revelation there's so much more of this but you my brother you my sister are a seer [Music] you're a prophetic person you are going to see what natural eyes don't see on another level you are going to hear what natural ears don't hear and what is not yet even entered into the hearts of other men and women the holy spirit's going to reveal to you not just while you're praying while you're driving while you're walking while you're talking you will look at the television and certain people will see one thing when they hear the news and you'll see something altogether different my god i feel this the holy ghost wants you to start trusting that you are a seer that's the grace that's on you wherever you're set you're going to see on another level and on another dimension oh god i see it and like paul when he was on that ship he wasn't in charge of it he was a prisoner but he said the lord stood by me last night and told me what was gonna happen you may not be in charge of it but you're gonna see what the person in charge may not see you may not be running it but you're going to have insight and when the trouble hits and the answer is needed they're going to tap you on the shoulder and say what do you see [Music] i hear the word oh my goodness i'm trying to stop i hear the word promotion i hear it i hear the word promotion i hear the spirit of god telling me to tell you if you're listening to this you are being promoted in the spirit you are being promoted you need to take that somebody needs to receive it somebody needs to yeah he said didn't i tell you promotion doesn't come from the easter from the west or from the south it comes from me and so when i'm promoting you i tell you you are being promoted somebody lift your hand now i'm done somebody lift your hands and say i receive oh no you need to say it out loud i receive promotion from the lord say it again i received that some of you some of you there's some money connected to this confession for some of you there's some property connected for some of you there's some ideas connected you need to lift your head i feel the power of god lift your hand and say i receive promotion from the lord say it again i receive promotion from the lord now if you receive it lift your voice say i got it and shout about it [Music] lord we receive it even if this house we received [Music] thank you [Music] i want to let you go lay your hands upon yourself thank you for your patience and sensitivity in the holy ghost lay your hands upon yourself so we come to the end of this second month in this year 2022. [Music] i didn't realize what at that at the time the year started when the lord told me that agreement would be key in this year [Music] the 2 2 2022 57 82 in hebrew and he said to me he said agreement is going to be critical this year i haven't even gotten the chance to teach on that the areas that the lord said to me that i'm going to teach on it but it's important i didn't realize that this date 2 22 22 that only happens once a century would be in this year i didn't realize any of that i didn't realize when the spirit of the lord spoke to me and said to me at the beginning of the year that you and i were to come into agreement and that in the month of february every one connected this anointing at least once during that month the lord encouraged me to tell you to sow into the vision so into the anointing a 220.22 no magic in the number it's a prophetic utterance to bring a people into agreement just like god told moses to tell the people to get a lamb and slay it on the same day take it on the 10th keep it to the 14th and slay it the people moved in agreement something supernatural happened when god told moses tell the people that they're to go to the people that yesterday were their slave masters and ask gold and silver from them i'm going to give them favor and they're going to give it to him in exodus 11. when the people moved at the prophetic word something happened i want you to lay your hands upon yourself because as you come into agreement with me an agreement with the word of the lord in agreement with this vision if you're connected to it i tell you as a prophet of god there's a moment here that is significant for you and i as some things unfold there are so much i i was telling the lord this week i said god it's already the second month of the year we're going into march i feel like i haven't done anything yet i feel like we haven't even gotten started all the things you're telling me to do and all the things you're saying it's just i'm like where is it going and the spirit of the lord he said to me he said i'm going to do twice as much with not as much work from you you are now in the season of double you're in the season of supernatural favor there are some things that are going to happen and you're going to think you're not doing it [Music] but god's going to show you how good he is oh there's so much i need to say can't say it now here's what i want you to do if you are one of those connected this anointing if you're listening to my voice if you have not sown that seed this one i want to encourage you to do it today a 2 2 2 seed i don't do this all the time but god spoke to me and i actually missed a week and he rebuked me after the week and said i told you to do this and you didn't do it now that's not everybody if you've already done it you don't need to do it again if you haven't done it and the spirit of god has prompted you to do it then do it if you say you know what bishop mclennan i would love to do that but i can't do that today i can't sow that seed well maybe you can sow part of it so later or whatever the spirit of god directs you to do see the bible says if there first be a willing heart it is accepted not according to what a man has not but according to what he has and so if you would do it if you had it but you don't have then so the very best you've got but i want every person under the sound of my voice to come into agreement with the man of god right now right now i want you to come into agreement with me and i want you to get a seed and sow it if you can sow that two to two servant if not get a seventy dollar seed get a five dollars you get whatever the spirit of god tells you you do it [Music] and watch what happens on the other side of your coming into agreement the bible says believe in the lord your god so shall you be established believe his prophets so shall you prosper [Music] speaking under a prophetic unction right there on your computer screen right there on your smartphone there's a way for you to so all you've got to do is click the button and so as god has directed you or you can text cement four one four four four i sense in my spirit there's a number of you that through that mechanism of text you need to sew as i'm speaking to you there's some people listening to me some preachers some pastors watching me there's so many women of god watching me and some things have come clear to you and you know god's not done with you but there's another dimension of ministry that he's launching you into and this time you're gonna follow vision you need to do what the spirit of god is directing you to do 310-323-2600 there's a number on your screen i want you to call that number and let us agree with you in prayer there are times when you need someone to agree with you over a matter there are some of you you've been feeling like the resistance has just been great against you let one of my prayer ministers agree with you today sow the seed whatever god directs and let us agree with you watch what happens if you've got the bishop of clinton that use it you can sew that way or you can bring the gift live if god is directing you do it i had someone call me just this past week saying listen i'm sowing this i'm sowing that the spirit of the lord is dealing with me i saw a bishop stevens here who texted me a couple of days ago said he was coming down he said the lord told him to come here to be in this place and to sow something listen god leads men and women to sow at specific times in specific places because that is the anointing that they need boy you need to hear that there are times god will tell you to sow here and not there why because there's an anointing you need to connect to we do it in this ministry all the time i do it as a person all the time there isn't a week that goes by that i'm not sowing into some other man or woman of god's ministry or life why because god connects me to anointings are you there you need to do it 310-323-2600 however god is leading you do it if you're here in the tabernacle you're making how to check cmm if you're giving cash use the envelope so people are already in line to sew on their bank or credit cards i want you to lift your hands right now everybody and say these words out loud after me i have received no talk with strength i have received promotion from the lord i sow this seed in worship in thanksgiving believing the word of the lord and i boldly confess i am a seer walking in grace and truth and i lack nothing i have need of as i worship as i trust [Music] in the name of jesus it is so amen and amen if you are believing god if you are receiving the word of the lord then i want you to thank him while you sow for whatever it is your need just thank him count it done and watch what happens in jesus name finish your giving we're going to minister communion and we'll be on our way in jesus name i just want to praise you lift my hands and say i love you you [Music] [Music] lean if you know it all around the building say i just want to praise you just want to praise lift my hands and say i love you [Applause] my hands my hands and you are everything to me you are everything everything to me with your head it's [Music] oh [Music] get your communion elements if you're at home i want you to go get the bread and the cup if it's bread and water that's fine if it's cookies and orange juice that's fine if you don't have crackers in juice the bible says the bread which we bless the cup which we bless it's not the substance it's the blessing amen and in this dynamic in which we've been ministering as god spoke to us to do this in every service until he told me not to and he hadn't told me to stop yet i was reminded this past week just before the pandemic it was a week or two before the pandemic hit and i was laying on my laying in my bed i was laying on my pillow i was about to go to sleep and the spirit of the lord said to me was before the church is shut down he said i want you to begin to minister communion to the people every week until i tell you otherwise i had no idea what was coming but i know that i know that i know that i know that i know that god has kept us protected [Music] jesus [Music] that's all i'm saying about that lift [Music] lift your hands and say lord i receive your body given for me i receive it as my own for you have recorded it as my own and that jesus and i were together through the entire process of his death burial resurrection ascension and seating lord i thank you that through your work my sins are remitted and i accept that truth and i boldly confess it is illegal for satan to charge me twice for that which jesus has already paid in full overpaid and full for me once it is so [Music] in jesus name let's all eat together do you have any idea how loved you are by your father oh oh he loves you [Music] oh [Music] he loves you [Music] you are the apple of his i need you to understand this god loves you just like you are too much to leave you that way but just like you are the bible says get it the bible says what manner of love has the father bestowed on us that we should be called the children of god literally the word there is sons of god god says you have his nature and you have his character that's what god says about you now what are you saying about you he calls you his son and again son has nothing to do with gender in hebrew it means one with the nature and character of when the enemy accuses you god says not so she has my character [Music] not so he has my character and when satan says but you saw what they did god says ah but you saw what i did [Music] did you get what i just said see satan is accusing you based on what you did and god is telling him yeah but you saw what i did i paid for her sins in full i remitted his sins in full but here's what god knows god knows if you'll stop agreeing with what satan is telling you and start agreeing with what he is telling you that enemy will have no more ability to affect you [Music] a defeated enemy while he is lying sounds like a winner [Music] a defeated enemy while he is lying sounds like a winner until somebody who knows the score tells him no no no no you can't deceive me you lost you know it i know [Music] lift the cup [Music] say lord i receive every benefit every blessing of the new covenant i am loved by you i am accepted by you not based on my performance but based on what jesus has done i believe the winner [Music] the bible says you're more than a conqueror you understand more than a conqueror means you didn't get the victory somebody else got it and gave it to you [Music] so they're the conqueror and you're more than [Applause] i gotta go let's all drink together [Music] somebody say amen and amen if you have never accepted christ jesus as your savior lord if you're in this building or watching me live streaming i want to lead you in the prayer that reconciles the hearts of god the work is already finished jesus did that and so here's what i want you to do whether you're here or that i want you to lift your hands up and i want you to say these words out loud say lord jesus you are the reconciler you are the one who has made me one again with god i thank you my sins are remitted and your resurrection is my receipt it is my evidence that i am accepted because your finished work on my behalf was accepted i am saved and i shall forever be with the lord in jesus name it is so now smile because god loves you and so do we father in the name of jesus we pray ahead of protection in the north south east and west around this people around their goods around their families their households and all they have on every side we declare in the name of jesus that everything their hands touch prospers we decree that they continue to increase in the land which you give and we boldly confess to the angels of the lord in kent round about us and they deliver us because we are those that fear the lord in jesus name and everybody said god bless you pray for us this week we need it we'll see you next week by god's grace become a digital disciple of the gospel of jesus christ the word teaches that great grace comes with the boldness of spreading the gospel you can find our youtube channel by simply typing in on your search engine and there on your screen the message of grace and truth will be on demand will you have the boldness to subscribe and share be bold and share the message of the cross with your network [Applause] [Music] he loves us next year [Music] [Music] except the love of jesus i love hallelujah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] huh
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 5,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LVxK7fhQnFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 274min 55sec (16495 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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