Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix

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reddit tell me your glitch in the matrix stories when i was in my sophomore year of high school there was this cute blonde girl in my history class that quite a few of the guys were interested in there was nothing super unique about her she was just a fairly funny cute average girl anyway this girl was an exchange student from germany and after several months of being in our class she simply stopped coming it was odd for a week or two but after that i started to wonder what had happened to her i asked one of my friends if maybe she had moved back but he said he had no idea who i was talking about and i soon came to learn that no one did i still don't know if i had dreamed the whole episode and maybe my subconscious is playing a trick on me or if someone actually went missing from my history class who everyone spontaneously forgot when i was stationed in italy i had my own house in pordenone it was a three bedroom way too much space for a single guy like me i slept in the living room by my tv as the back bedrooms and hallway were always cold and always gave me creepy vibes but that's beside the point i had a dream one night of a golden-haired child he was running out of that back hallway into the living room for protection i scooped him up as demons lumbered from the hallway in the corners of the living room they had surrounded us i ran to my side door leading to the porch but cerberus was there then i ran to the front door but they were coming down the street as well at this point the child began to glow incredibly bright and the demon system disappeared i woke up a week later i found a golden hair on my uniform jacket that was hanging on the dining room chair i didn't know anybody with curly long blonde hair certainly nobody that came over forever alone but there lay this singular hair i ignored it but another week later i found another singular blonde hair on my couch pillow it made me pause but i still ignored it until a couple weeks later i was walking down that hallway and saw on a nearby shelf on my incense box a singular blonde hair curling out of the little hole for the incense stick i still find little golden hairs at random times to this day had a dream of a non-existent part of my house down to the closet and size of space in it in like the fifth grade a few years later we have construction done on our house and get an addition only it was exactly the same as i had dreamt it before freaked the duck out when i saw it for the first time i have never been able to explain this one and it still haunts me to this day not sure if it exactly fits is a glitch of the matrix but perhaps a past life type of thing i have only ever shared this with a few people in my life so here you go internet anyway when i was around five years old my father his girlfriend at the time and myself visited a theme park while we were walking around i saw this girl my agent instantly recognized her i didn't know her name or where i knew her from i just knew that i knew her and i had missed her the look in her eyes when our eyes meet instantly told me that she recognized me too we both ran towards each other and embraced in a tight hug in that cliche reunited way and started excitedly talking i remember looking up at our parents and they were talking to each other and shrugging and laughing like wtf our parents allowed us to walk around with each other for a while and eventually ride the tram thing to another part of the park i remember when we rode on the tram they let us sit in our own seat in front of them and we held hands i remember eventually our parental units made us part ways and the immense desire i had to not let her go we hugged some more and went our separate ways never to meet again that i know of as i said i have never forgotten this or found an explanation for it tl doctor at the age of five meet someone from a past life i got up in the morning saw the sun in a weird position checked compass it said west the sun rose from the ducking west that day i told everyone i knew but they all said east i checked three damn compasses that day damn it so this one is all about my brother first of all my parents named him samuel as in the prophet the guy who hears god calling his name there's a story behind this too but anyways on two separate occasions he has had really strange foresight the first was when my mom's brother died nobody in the family knew but when my brother woke up that morning he said to my mom somebody's going to die today my little bro is a really quiet kid and doesn't really say weird [ __ ] my mom was thoroughly freaked out and thought she had a crazy son later on we find out that her brother died the second was on the 9th of november 2001 little bro was for at the time and he also woke up that day and he said to my mom people are going to die today mom was really freaked and started praying for my brother thinking he was crazy beans and then 9 over 11 happens these may not be that significant but we all think my bro's a little psychic i can't explain this and i hardly believe it myself i've only ever told a couple of people all of whom refused to believe it could happen on two occasions i have breathed underwater with no mechanical assistance i was about 11 when it first happened i was swimming one afternoon in the diving well at my gym the pool is about 14 feet deep with a fairly small surface area i've always been a strong and confident swimmer and love to dive to the bottom of the pool and flip over open my eyes and look up at the surface so i dive down and sitting against the wall i have the overwhelming urge to breathe in i refuse this thought disbelieving and scoffing at my brain's sheer strangeness but the thought comes again and it is utterly convincing i can't explain why i decided to breathe in i just know that i wouldn't ever choose to do that but in this instance i did i took the most careful mincing breath in i could feel great pressure but i breathed normally it was air i breathed and not water i took four full breaths while sitting at the bottom of the pool and after each breath i became more horrified and agitated my disbelief was outstanding i kind of freaked and shot to the surface quick as i could after i rationalized a bit i calmed down my logical mind kept thinking that somehow i'd had a bubble of air caught on my face for how else could i have breathed like that but over the years of trying to make sense of it 30 years old now i recognize that air always finds its way to the surface expediently it won't just catch around someone's face i tried to do it again that day diving and diving trying to replicate the experience got quite a bit of water up my nose before i gave up it did happen a second time same pool four years later i took five breaths same feeling of overwhelming confidence that it would be okay to breathe couldn't explain it the second time either very strange glitch i don't know no one has ever believed me but i've only ever mentioned it to a select few i still can't figure it out does anyone have any physics logic thoughts on this has this happened to anyone else i remember being in japanese class with my friends we had just gotten out of calculus and were discussing random mathy stuff under the din of the rest of the kids waiting for the teacher eventually i asked my friend wait what would zero carat zero be at that moment the entire class goes silent for about a second then resumes like nothing happened nobody was listening to us or paid attention we always joked afterwards that i crashed the universe and it had to reboot this just happened a couple nights ago some friends and i were driving home after hanging out up at a cabin for the day we were driving into la so traffic was kinda bad as usual we had two cars full of people but we didn't bother trying to stay together on the road the other car in front of us called us at one point and asked if we had hit the traffic yet luckily we hadn't so we got off the next exit and took side streets an hour later we got home and checked up on the other car they said that nothing had moved all the cars were turned off and people were walking around on the freeway like some kind of zombie movie so they were already kind of freaked out the helicopters and hordes of cop cars didn't ease the tension either back at the house we were looking online to try to figure out what happened but couldn't find anything so we started joking about there being aliens and the government was trying to cover it all up eventually we found a report on cigalette an official california highway patrol website that a silver honda record had stalled in the carpool lane right where traffic was stopped we took a screenshot of it and sent it to the other car five minutes later we get a call from the other car did you see the report we sent you you see but did you just find that cause traffic barely started moving a minute ago but right after i read the report we were in the carpool lane and it suddenly stopped i looked up and a silver honda record stopped right in front of us then the guy got out and popped the hood and is currently trying to figure out why his car stalled we still have no idea what actually happened nobody reported it and it didn't get covered on any of the news stations that night link fwi 4d pngtl dr aliens crash on california freeway highway patrol tries to cover it up by causing cars to break down in the same area but post's accident reports too early and ends up predicting the future my university was bisected by a big lake with a wooden footbridge going across it and it had a gazebo island in the middle one night while walking up to the footbridge i noticed a guy in a grey hoodie with the hood up walking across the section of the bridge closest to me towards land but didn't think anything of him of course at that moment a big oak tree next to the sidewalk i was on cut off my view of the bridge for a split second when i passed the tree and looked back toward the bridge the guy in the hoodie was just gone he couldn't have possibly walked by me off the bridge because i would have seen him and he couldn't have possibly had time to turn around and make it all the way back to the center island either he was just plain gone into thin air and this gets better when my friend came back from abroad the next semester something in conversation reminded me of what i saw and i started bringing it up and said i saw something weird on the bridge his eyes lit up and he asked dude in a hoodie disappeared he said he saw something like that freshman year but never mentioned it because he thought his eyes were just playing tricks on him my dad told me a story of one time he went out with my mom his sister and her boyfriend at the time they had accidentally locked the cat inside the washroom and were gone from the house for a few hours when they returned to the house and someone went to the washroom they looked at the ceiling to find cat poop perfectly coiled on the roof as if it were the ground they had no explanation for it i have no recollection of this but my mom tells me that when i was about five there was a new story commemorating an anniversary of the attacks on pearl harbor after the story ended i turned to her and gave her this two hour long report about how i used to be a first mate on this ship and i listed off its location before it sank i described the crew many i listed by name the captain even described the sights and smells of the area later that day she researched it all at the local library and confirmed my story to this day i don't remember what happened but she continues to talk about that moment especially when i described my death when i was a teenager i briefly lived with my estranged father who i had never lived with before as i was having difficulties with my mother he had never been there for me as a child due to substance abuse but he managed to clean up his act get a job and join a a he loved antiquing and random crap gathering in general one day he found a painting on an old moonshine as jug sitting on a tree stump it was so clean that it was remarkable i even wrote a short story about it detailing the origins of how the jug wound up on the stump around nine months into living with my father he began drinking and using again are left after he stole my coin collection to buy us some drug or another he had already sold jugg on a stump and everything else of even slight value to support his habit shortly enough he found himself back in prison for ripping someone off to buy drugs and booze it's been 12 years since then my father got released from prison after serving two years and cleaned up his act for real this time he has been clean and sober for 11 years at this point our relationship has never quite recovered but it is not bad these days last summer i was looking through craigslist and happened upon a funny listing painting of crockery in brown 12 apostrophe i clicked on it and sure as [ __ ] it's jug on a stump i know it's my jug on a stump because it had a really unique frame besides no one would ever paint two of these hideous things i am allowed the poster but it was already sold i hope that whoever bought it would treat her right later that day my father stopped over for an impromptu visit something he rarely does i can't help but notice the large painting he carries as he walk in i shook my head in disbelief he had seen the listing just before i did and purchased jug on a stump for me i've never been one to sleepwalk but morning about 10 years ago i woke up and realized all of the light bulbs in my room had been removed and placed on my nightstand beside my bed later that day i discovered that my cousin had died during the night from a freak car accident to this day every time a family member dies i wake up with the light bulbs next to my bed the first time it happened i was still living with my parents so i assumed that someone else had done it but after questioning them i realized they hadn't since then i've lived on my own and it's happened now i'm married and it's happened and the ceiling in our room is vaulted and requires a ladder to change the light bulbs it would definitely have woken up my husband had i brought the ladder in the room in the middle of the night when i was in first grade i was taking a test when i noticed blood dripping on the desk it starts to gather and i touch my nose and figure out that i'm having a nose nosebleed by now there's a huge puddle on the desk and i'm so embarrassed that everybody will see so i asked the teacher if i could go to the bathroom while trying to cover my face she doesn't really seem to notice anything and says yes i run into the bathroom and go to wash the blood off my hands but as i put them in the sink i don't see anything i look up and there's no blood on my face i walk back to my desk and there's no trace of any blood at all i have yet to figure out what the hell happened to me that day eight years ago about this same time of the year i was reading a forum with information about john titter time traveler i thought the story was fascinating but likely complete bs i made a post on the forum telling future me to call me as soon as possible but i did not leave the number knowing future me would likely remember the number one had at the time i then clicked a link of that site to a really clunky site with more time travelling info that had the sound garden song black hole sun playing in midi format i closed the site and the phone rang with an unknown caller id i picked up the phone and it was sound garden black hole sun playing in midi format i said hello who is this no answer the line went dead tldr future me might have trolled me this type of thing happens to me all the time it used to feel like i was borderline precognizant way back in elementary school things tended to happen in such a way that what i did felt more right than it really should have i would have dreams of the most inconsequential things a kid in a blue shirt swings on a tire while the recess guards passed by talking about how a soccer tournament coming up next week and then i would sit down on a bench and just wait for no apparent reason then like a week later the dream would happen in real life 20 when i'm in rl and it happens it feels like i'm looking through my eyes but my body is taking cues from i don't know the universe but i'm not actually doing it consciously i remember the most dramatic of these was a dream i had when i was about four ice years old that came true 12 years later when i walked into the white room with the textured walls trimmed in green surrounded by people with instruments and then the large man with an unkempt beard walked in wearing a brown shirt and pants while the sunlight touches his podium i just about flipped my wig in band class in junior year because my prediction from over a decade ago came back full force and punched me square in the mind hole all the different dreams posted here made me think of a similar occurrence shortly after moving to a different town for college a good friend from home died i went back home for the funeral touched his hand in the coffin and said goodbye that night i was in the process of having a dream and he appeared he told me that he had something to show me he asked me what i knew of astral projection and explained that in the realm he's in now he can take me out of my dream to the astral plane we went all kinds of neat places and he then told me that he's safe and happy and that he had had to wait to tell me because he couldn't find me in my new town he stopped talking abruptly grabbed my shoulder and said 12 51 apostrophe and i immediately woke up to my mom yelling at me i looked at the clock and it was 12 51 my mom said she never said the time just to get up when i was around eight years old or so i was swinging on the swingset in my backyard as usual i was attempting to jump off as far as i could go most days i could go maybe two meters tops that day that day was special that day i jumped off and as best as i can describe it i glided across the ground about a foot above it i distinctly remember gliding about six meters before thinking okay that's far enough getting pretty close to hitting the garage now at that point i started to descend and landed at a perfect running speed to this day i have tried to replicate the event at every opportunity and have failed every time in my freshman year of high school a friend and i were walking to our lunch spot when we found a tennis ball with streamers attached to it i mentioned how cool i thought it was and without a thought my friend picks up the bowl and chucks it high into the tree branches above us we were right under a huge tree it is nowhere in sight but obviously didn't land anywhere nearby fast forward to senior year and my friend has transferred to the other local high school but i find myself walking by the same tree as i had every day right as i'm walking under it the exact same tennis ball with streamers falls down almost right in front of me after the initial freak out i thought it was too awesome and perfect that i was there when it fell for it to be coincidental was with my siblings on vacation ambling around a french town got distracted by something and when i rejoined them they told me about a guy who looked exactly like me walked like me and everything who i just missed having a theory about doppelgangers that they never seemed to meet each other i asked where he went they pointed to the shop he'd just gone into excited i went in but only the shopkeeper was there and the shop was tiny i have random memories passed through my head about random crap just like everyone else but sometimes usually between a couple weeks two months after having these memories these memories actually happen after i remember the memory it's always something boring though like being asked a certain question in the exact setting with the person wearing the exact clothes this happens all the time either i get really bad dj vu moments so bad my mind makes up a false memory from weak slash months ago to duck with me even more or i have the most boring case of esp out there i also once dropped a bowl of soup caught it so violently that it slipped out of my hands vertically a good half foot into the air then caught it again not a single drop of soup was spilled [Music] my sister was married in a city called hansi in the state of harana in india i went to visit her once and in the evening we were sitting in her home and chatting with her in-laws suddenly she asked me to note the constant noise that was there in the background it was like a mammoth windmill operational nearby there is no such thing there and as i noticed it she said the noise stops immediately when someone talks about it lo and behold it did every ducking time i tried to talk about it the noise stopped it scared the duck out of me [Music] not my story but what my grandpa once told me about three near-death experiences he had the first experience happened when he lived in a small town in greece which had been captured by nazis making my grandpa and his friends pow pretty much one day one of the nazi soldiers went missing in the end the other nazis assumed my grandpa and his friends had killed him and so they lined them up against a wall to shoot them just before they were about to shoot the nazis were counting down from 10 my grandpa suddenly got this feeling that caused him to yell stamita greek for stop which stopped the nazi that was going to shoot literally immediately after the missing nazi emerged from the bushes drunk and stumbling around there was apparently then some awkward laughter and apologies and my grandpa and his friends were dismissed the nazis were amazed at his foresight as all of them had been blindfolded too the second experience happened sometime later where my grandpa and his friends not sure if they were the same ones from before were in some clearing which had a large stone fence cutting through it being curious my grandpa and his friends decided to climb over the wall and jump to the other side and so they began to climb it my grandpa however again getting a bad feeling ran off to find a ladder instead to climb over by the time he got back and climbed up the ladder he saw his friends had been shot dead on the other side lastly my grandpa was a fairly religious man and attended church every sunday morning one morning though he slept in this was very unusual as he had never been one to sleep in any way he got dressed and rushed to church but upon arrival he discovered the church had had a bomb fall right on it killing everyone inside i apologize in advance for any spelling errors as this was typed on my phone i was driving home from college one day and i pulled up at a red light at an intersection the car in front of me was one of those aqua slash gel honda civics that were popular in the mid to late 90s i look to my right the gas station marquis says something like always be aware of your surroundings when you shift that's not verbatim but i remember shift being capitalized for some reason i thought it was kind of peculiar and that's when i noticed that the car immediately to my right was in fact another of the same colored honda civics okay interesting coincidence then i figure what the hell how funny would it be if and look in my rear view mirror yep aqua slash teal civic behind me so i look to my left sure enough same car i'm surrounded by them on all sides i chuckle to myself thinking it's nothing the light turns green and we begin to move three of the civics move into the right lane as they are traveling next to me i notice that they have no license plates there are drivers and the interiors are all tan or a crew they all merge onto a northbound route and i continue on my way for the past 15 years i've maintained that i somehow shifted hey the monkey's words not mine into a dimension other than the one in which i was born i bring this up when things seem really off in the world example rick santorum a viable presidential candidate i really need to find a way back to my home dimension edit just a quick note to everybody suggesting that the cars were headed to the dealership and such yes i'm well aware of the fact that this is the most likely reason for the situation but we are all trying to have some fun here the only real reason that it was kind of weird is that the marquee at the gas station said something oddly relevant right time right place for a strange coincidence but the story is a lot of fun at parties at the time i live to the north of washington d c and the northbound route that the castle exited onto would take them toward a small area called briggs channing this was the location of one of the larger honda dealerships in the area i have an overwhelming terrified reaction to any time i see footage or a recreation of the d-day invasion of normandy i can watch anything about any other type of war slash battle slash what have you but for some reason and i don't know why the d-day invasion strikes something in me the worst time was when i watched saving private ryan my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest i felt a sense of panic that i have never felt and tears started streaming down my face i was paralyzed in my seat i had the strangest you've been there feeling that i've never had before this is an old story of my family my great great grandfather was a devout quaker no one else in my family is in the middle of the night he said that he received a message from god to be at a specific spot at midnight of the next day and he rode off on a horse for 24 hours he rode off on the horse and sure enough at midnight he went to the train station and there was a man there that was dying patched him up and brought him back to the house to feed and cloth him our family is not sure if they found him like that or if he stabbed the man and then saved him when i was a child i had a lot of dreams about a cemetery with a huge cross in the middle of it the dreams always freaked me out in the dreams there was always something not right about the place not evil but something unsettling anyway fast forward a few years i would be about 10 maybe anyway i was out with my mom dad and sister we were visiting a german cemetery for soldiers that had been captured and bought to the uk soon as i started getting close to the cemetery i started to feel very uneasy and that something was wrong i remember walking through a small building what led into the cemetery at this point i knew that the cross was going to be there like it was in my dreams i remember seeing it abd that's where my memory stops nothing bad happened well not that i remember lol i had never been there before in my life and had never heard about it before then sorry for spelling and stuff typing on my phone this will probably get buried but here goes in fifth grade there was some rally to give prizes to the kids who sold the most stuff door-to-door we were all in the gym and it was over being closest to the door on the left side of the gym we were the first class to line up and start leaving i'm in the very back and i see my friend wesley towards the front of the line he hits his shoulder really hard on the middle part that separates the double doors so the line files out and then when i step outside there's only my friend who was immediately in front of me and three girls the five of us are entirely alone in the hallway our immediate thought is that they got ahead of us somehow but that shouldn't really be possible because it's a long enough hallway we go all the way back to class but the class all the classes in fact were empty one girl says wasn't up next maybe they went straight to the art room and so we went further turned left only to see the art room is empty someone then says well where did they go let's go back to the gym the girls start to go back the way we'd come and my friend and i go the other way it's a small school and the hallways basically go around a big square the art room is exactly opposite the gym so going either way is the same distance we reach the gym and so do the girls having not seen anyone and seeing that all those classrooms were empty as well so we go back into the gym the gym is mostly empty now a few adults are cleaning up one is carrying the big banner that was high up on the gym wall the very last class is filing out the other doors which lead into the same hallway so i turn around dan i'm at the back of the line my whole class is right in front of me filing out the doors at first i think wow how did i miss that i'm confused but then i see my friend wesley far ahead of me in the line as before hit his shoulder really hard on the middle part between the double doors and then i turn around again and see the adults before are just starting to clean up and the big banner is still high up on the wall i spoke with the other four we all agreed that this happened and we had no way of explaining it one of the girls was normally an extreme skeptic the annoying type that doesn't believe even mundane things like i lived in the same state that abe lincoln once did even she was completely baffled and willing to believe something weird was going on i never told anyone outside of that group and as far as i know no one else did but for the next several days it was all my friend and i could talk about to each other at a friend's party when i was 13 or so i went out to their driveway and looked up at the stars suddenly the brightest one just fell like it was glued to the sky and suddenly came undone it fell straight down behind the houses on the other side of the street it was surreal knocked out a baby front tooth early in elementary school adult tooth grew in knocked out same tooth a couple years later another adult tooth grew in clearly there is a tooth fairy and she likes me she gave me money and another tooth for free thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 3,394
Rating: 4.830986 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the materials horror stories, glitch in the matrices r/askreddit, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matric stories, glitch in matrix reddit, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in matrix askreddit, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, reddit paranormal, glitch in the matrix stories 2020, creepy glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix, glitch in matrices, gitm stories, GITM
Id: -dNM1EdTf5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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