Glitch in Reality Stories | Reddit Glitch in Real Life

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what is the creepiest glitch you have experienced in real life school let's out at 2 45 and it's about a five minutes drive to my grandmother's house who was supposed to pick me up from third grade i was waiting outside my classroom for half an hour and nothing so i went to the office and called her she said a was on her way an hour and a half later i call again to find out that she said i was already home swimming in the pool but i hadn't left the office she came and picked me up from school at about five and told me on the way home that the kid she let in the house was the neighbor i went to check the backyard for whatever reason to find a weak old dead cat in the bottom of the pool lost my keys while over at a friend's house and was using a spare for almost a week found them sitting in the driver's seat when it was parked at my own place miles away from where i lost them my poor poor died three years ago while picking the last outfit he would wear my dad bought a brand new watch for him he put batteries in it and set the time to the time he passed i think it was like 3 12 or something it was put it on him and the watch stopped moving immediately sometimes a moment or two before something happens ill remember i dreamed what was about to happen then it happened this whole thing happened so fast it's freaky edit whoa this blew up thank you guys i've never gotten so many upvotes [Music] one night when i was a teenager i got up to use the bathroom and i looked down the stairs from the hallway and i saw my then 14 year old brother walking past the downstairs corridor from one room to another i knew it was him because of his long ish hair that he had at the time and his gate i even saw his baggy jeans shape it was the mid-zeros i thought it was out of character and weird for him to be walking around in the dark and at that hour and they clothes but i thought nothing more of it and went to the bathroom the next morning when i asked him what he was doing last night he said he never went downstairs as far as i know he doesn't and never has sleep walked edit to everyone suggesting i saw him sneaking out and he lied we were boringly well-behaved homeschooled kids and we told each other everything we were on the same side and we weren't really into lying about stuff i could ask him now if he ever sneaked out he's 28 now so i even more doubt he'd lie since it happened so long ago i think i was about 19 hopped in this girl's car i was dating at the time and i started singing a song she started her car and the song was on the radio at the part one was singing it kind of freaked her out writing more about it now since i haven't thought about it in years but i had a series of dreams when i was 10 i swear in the last one i got shot in the head and then didn't dream for nearly 15 years and i never had an internal monologue after that so that sure felt like a glitch in the universe when i was about 12 to 13 i was laying in bed reading one night when i looked up and saw what looked like a man's head and neckline into my room from near the ceiling on the outside wall i say it looked like a man because it looked like really bad nine to cgi the skin was smooth plastic looking and too orange his eyes were hollow making it look mask-like but there was a deep red light that you could see through the eye holes it very mechanically panned at a slow even rate from left to right and then back to center before leaning back out through the wall needless to say i had a really hard time getting to sleep that night i probably only slept for a couple hours before i heard my parents stirring around in the kitchen the phone was also ringing way too much for how early in the morning it was so i left my room and asked what was going on apparently my uncle had gone missing the previous night after coming out to hunt on our land his body was found hanging over a barbed wire fence at the back of our property later that morning in retrospect the weird face to dearly resemble his i've never spoken to my family about it i was having these really vivid dreams each dream picked up where the last night's dream ended these dreams were so real i told my parents about them i wish i had written them down in a dream journal and dated them weeks later i was at a concert and started getting deja vu it was my dreams happening in front of my eyes i turned to my friend and said i've been here before man seriously in like five to ten minutes a girl with blonde hair will come by us crying because she lost her friends in the crowd i will calm her down let her hang with us until she feels better then she will go on her way five minutes later that exact thing happened she looked exactly like my dreams the words i spoke were exactly from my dreams she stayed for a few minutes calmed down and stopped crying then moved on into the crowd and disappeared afterwards my friend who witnessed the entire event was too freaked out by this premonition and asked if we could leave the show early i still get deja vu every few days but i've never predicted something successfully again i'm not sure i believe in special powers but that event has changed my entire outlook on life i think there is a glitch in my dream program that lets me see the future i was taking my car down the driveway a few years ago to head into town it was a long driveway since i lived out in farmland at the time and it was shared between a couple houses about halfway down are my neighbors with their small kids sitting still in a couple of power wheels i wave to them and keep going until i get to the road i pull out and immediately remember that i forgot something back at the house and so i swing my car around to head back up the driveway somehow the neighbors and the kids just completely disappeared i'm talking straight up vanished from the middle of what is essentially a field they're slow plastic cars and all it confused me to the extent that i stopped my car and looked around for a second no idea how they managed it the only way it could have happened is if they hauled ass with two toddlers and power wheels and tore the 300 plus feet back to their house the moment i got past them even then i'm not sure since they were out of my sight for maybe 30 seconds maximum my running theory is that the simulation wasn't accounting for me going back and s borne them to save some memory i was at my grandmother's house and she has this rugged by the fireplace my dad was standing there and started to kick it about to try and straighten it out seemingly by instinct i said why are you always kicking rugs about i got puzzled looks from everyone you see at that moment i had a distinct memory of him doing it only very recently before it felt like hours ago not days or weeks or whatever i can even see the rug that he was kicking before blue with white squares and circles on but for the life of me i can't remember where or when it happened i even asked my mother and she hasn't got a clue it's like i've generated a false random memory but it felt feels so real i'm not even the confronting type so it was unusual just saying something about it but it was so compelling not sure if this is a glitch or what but it kind of freaked me out it sounds so innocent but the idea that i might not be able to trust my memory is terrifying i can't describe how real it felt but i also know that it never happened at least not in the way i remember when i was two or three my family lived in a single-story house with a basement i remember the basement stairs were carpeted and orange one time i thought it would be cool to jump from the top to the bottom now to put into context there was about 25 stairs and they were really steep i emilio two two three i got a running start and jumped about halfway down something grabbed me and carried me to the bottom like grabbed me under my arms and carried me didn't think about it four years after thinking about it now yeah wit when i was in elementary school fourth grade i got very mad at another student during recess for calling me a name so i chased after him to tackle him another student from my class came up to me right before and said actions can lead to unexpected consequences this was super weird because i never really talked to this student i ignored him and tackled the other kid aggressively told him he was a jerk i went home that day to find out my dog got bit by a rattlesnake and died i always remember that kids words this was about 20 years ago back in sixth grade i went to grab my friend's wrist i don't remember why when i went to grab her wrist i went through her i felt her hand and i felt her skin but i went smooth through her she never noticed i touch her and i think about it a lot really ducks me up when i think about it i was driving on a tulane road speed limit was 45 and i was going about 50. i had to turn right in about a one quarter mile but for some reason i just got over in the left lane and remember thinking why tf i would get over just then like three seconds after i got over some kid on a skateboard literally falling the middle of the right lane happened really really fast i would have had zero time to react and would have 100 killed him i honestly can't explain it the universe is weird man when my dog was younger he was a destroyer so he always had only one toy and i bought another one once this was broken beyond repair i also make a point in buying distinctly memorable toys so every time he loses it a neighbor can recognize it and it is brought back to us this time it was the form of a lighthouse my dad took the dog hiking i put the dog in the car threw his toy in with him and off they went after they came back my sister mom and i played with the dog we made him fetch his toy throwing it between us the whole thing a day later my dad came by and gave me his toy he said he just found it under the car seat where it must have dropped i checked and no toy was at our home i also asked my mom and sister if they bought another one they had not there is also no way it could have gone back into the car since my dad is the only one using it i still don't know what we played with that day tldr played with dog toy that wasn't physically with us i have airpods that i use often when i was going out somewhere right when i was leaving one of my pods slips out from my hand while i'm putting it in it falls bounces once and i can see where it bounced but not landed i looked all over the floor and practically turned two rooms upside down in order to find it but i never did i ended up getting a new airpod and i still check occasionally in that area to see if my old one has reappeared it still hasn't i guess my airpod fell into the void where all the left socks are kept this is kinda mild i grew up in this town and know that where i've built my current house used to be a farm for cattle it's now a housing development just after i moved in a week maybe two i had gotten up to use the toilet at this stage there were no fences the lots around me were all empty and aside from the infrastructure it was still pretty much paddock as i'm hanging a leak i'm looking out the window and see a shadow cast in the moon the sound of a cowbell rings impossibly loud in my ear and then a moo could be heard in the distance now i think i'm haunted by a damn cow guess i'll deal with it like all my hauntings stand naked in my doorway backlit by my computer monitor and flex while telling them to duck off works every time i've had dreams of myself dying for the last 10 years at least but the weird thing is i always end up in the situation i had dreamed of with nothing happening every so often though i don't dream of dying where nothing happens but then something bad will happen in real life it's like i'm connected to a bunch of met in other dimensions once me and my friend bought this toy from my room where i kept old toys it was like a furby but of bad and not useful or fun at all it just said random stuff after listening to your request so we took the not furby and make a charlie charlie game thing with like the pencils and the no yes so we asked the furby if charlie charlie was there and the pencils don't move but the not furby it started glitching out and making strange noises me and my friends ran and called for my dad crying my dad took the knot furby and said we needed to change the batteries there was no batteries in the toy though it was empty i couldn't sleep for a while i'm very good at chess and have no memory of ever learning how to play it i remember learning every single game i know how to play from monopoly to backgammon but chess i just know how to play it and i never remember being bad at it and practicing it's like i started out good and am not even a fan of it those birthday cards that play the happy birthday tune when opened i had one forgotten in the back of the kitchen cupboard from 10 years prior late at night the card starts playing but the battery is almost dead and it plays in the creepiest out of tune manner house is pitch black the household wakes up this was the night before my daughter's birthday i had a dream when i was very young the details described here are slightly embellished for storytelling purposes however the bare bones of the dream are exactly the same trigger warning suicide i was meandering around my neighborhood when the mom of my best friend came jogging towards me weirdly she wasn't wearing any exercise clothes instead she wore a slim white dress blue floral trim was stitched along the hem collar and sleeves this is one of the few details about the dream that i remember clearly she jogged by and said hello i kept walking my neighborhood was normal enough aside from some construction that was going on in the middle but instead of building up they were digging down a massive pitfall nearly a kilometer deep the bottom of which was riddled with dismembered and mangled the corpses of people who had fallen in limbs fractured and twisted at unnatural angles some of their blank pale faces i recognized my grandfather and aren't even my dog others were lacerated beyond recognition the bodies were not what struck me as odd it was the fact that every single one of them were wearing a white dress the same white dress that i had seen my friend's mother wearing earlier my blood ran cold at this realization and i quickly began a desperate search for my friend's mum i don't remember this part of the dream the last thing i remember is that i did finally find her hanging from a rope halfway down the pit swaying side to side in an invisible wind keep in mind i was nine when i had this dream the first time this dream was reoccurring each time slightly different sometimes the people in the white dresses were sharper-shifting aliens but the ending was always the same my friend's mum hanging sparse at first but as time went on it happened more and more frequently a few months later when i was 10 my friend's mum hanged herself from the fan in her flat my friend moved away after that the people who i recognized in the pit also died my dog my grandpa my aunt i guess nine-year-old me subconsciously noticed some of the psychical signs of depression in her and expressed them via dream or maybe it was something more tl doctor friends mum hanged herself and i predicted it this happened to my sisters and i we were making a target run before my middle sister a bachelorette weekend which was 40 minutes away and the target we went to was in an outdoor mall we got the stuff back to the car and decided to go to nordstrom's to look at some matu when we returned to the car we couldn't find the car keys in my oldest sister's purse wouldn't even call it a purse more like a clutch with like three pockets she dumped everything out and put it back in i dumped everything out and put it back in my middle sister and sister-in-law did the same we looked around the car around target and nordstroms and no keys were to be found my middle sister freaking out because we were already late for her party yuba's back to her house to get her car meanwhile a technician comes out to make a copy of the key using the lock so we can at least get our stuff out of it my brother-in-law comes to drive it home once the spare is made and we go on our way in my middle sister's car fast forward through the bachelorette weekend and we are all home my oldest sister calls all of us and says the key was in my purse the whole ducking time i'm like there's no way because we all checked your purse she was transferring her stuff into her bigger everyday purse and stopped dead in her tracks took a picture and called us definitely a glitch but in our family we say everything happens for a reason and there was a reason we weren't supposed to be on the road just then we could have been in a bad accident or something idk something the four of us who were there can't explain it all i once spoke for 30 minutes to someone who i thought was a girl i liked and had no idea liked me back things got somewhat intimate found out next day it was a wrong number that neither me nor the girl ever realized whoever was the guy who sounded like me got lucky and had no idea why you're welcome mid 30 here i was 27 or about that lost my job in a shitty apt with my gf i had weird feedback on the subtitles on my tv kind of responding to what i said earlier in the day and what knit even my gf saw it too and didn't understand a thing i could talk aloud and the person in the tv would respond to it or acted like i told him searched everywhere for a camera microphone or anything related never found any while i searched subtitles would go like are you searching for a camera behind this for real that was creepy as duck couldn't care less if you think i was paranoid though p but then my gf would have been in the same boat as me anyway moved and it was all gone thankfully thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 3,782
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in reality, glitch in real life, glitch in life, glitch in reality askreddit, glitch in reality redditors, glitch in real life reddit, glitch in real life stories, glitch in real life story, glitch in real life askreddit, glitch in real life redditors, glitch in reality stories, glitches in real life, lag/glitch in real life, r/glitch, glitches in reality, Glitch in Reality Story, Glitch in Reality stories, Glitch in Reality Reddit, Reddit Glitch in Real Life
Id: zc0UVeenxqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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