Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix

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reddit what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you've experienced i have a distinct memory of being in third grade and checking out a horrible harry book from the school library i like the library had a one-week rental policy which lined up with my classes schedule of visiting the library once a week a week passed and i grabbed the book from the side table to the left of my bed and brought it to school i returned the book and got a new one the next week i was informed i couldn't check out a new book because my horrible hairy book was late that night the book was once again on my side table i put it in my backpack and returned it again the next day then it happened again i returned the damn book three times each time finding it in the same spot in my room still not sure what happened there about 20 years ago nine-year-old me checked out a boxcar children book from my school's library i know i returned it but the end of the school year came and the library says i never returned it i searched every ducking ware for the book couldn't find it my parents had to pay the library for the lost book last day of school i come home and the book is sitting dead center on my desk in plain sight my kid and i were driving off an exit ramp from the highway and there's a light at the end of the ramp i was behind a heavy guy with a ponytail in an avocado green gremlin and he had a prison dangling from his rearview mirror that was flashing me in the eyes in a really irritating way my kid remarked that his car was ugly and i told her how those cars were popular in the 70s when the light turned green he went right we went left the next block down is another light and we pull up right behind an avocado green gremlin heavy guy driving with ponytail prism dangling from rearview mirror there is no conceivable way he could have gotten there ahead of us without pulling a u-turn and passing us there were no cross streets heading the other direction for nearly a mile and my kid and i both shouted no way when we realized he was somehow in front of us again he either had a doppelganger who drove the same car with the same prison or something was up with space and time we could have gone straight when the light changed and followed him but we turned off and went along the way home because we were really freaked out okay so i was bike riding one day and i messed with this couple real bad one time so if you don't know this particular trail very well you may not realize that you can go off the trail and ride around for a while on these mini trails i suppose you could call them i did this because i was using map my ride and i wanted to get more mileage in so i passed this walking couple on the main trail and then i go on one of those loops when i got back on the main trail the couple had passed so i ended up passing them again i did this two to three more times and i even overheard the guy say how did she get behind us again basically they thought that i just kept passing them every five minutes or so the main trail takes at least 20 to 30 minutes to get around it was pretty funny so i like to think they thought it was a glitch in the matrix so the guy in the car probably just went somewhat way that you didn't know about and looped around or it could be his twin driving the same exact car was in savannah georgia visiting my brother who is stationed there i was with my friend and my mom and we were going to this allegedly haunted restaurant called the old pink house well my mom tends to mix up words a lot and told me the restaurant was called the old pink lady so when we were driving there i put the old pink lady in the gps and we followed it we were almost at our destination and all three of us thought it was in a pretty weird location it had brought us to this pretty ghetto neighborhood with no businesses or restaurants in sight then siri tells us that we had arrived at our destination which was just this house in the middle of this neighborhood no street sign or anything with the word pink in it at all suddenly my friend goes holy duck look and points to our destination i should do not sitting on the porch of this house was an old woman in a bright pink robe it was incredibly weird and we were so confused because nothing in our vicinity had the word pink or lady so my mom calls my sister-in-law who tells us the restaurant was called the old pink house and not the old pink lady and my mom laughs at her mistake and we re-root and go to the restaurant it was probably the weirdest coincidence ever and made me and my friend feel like we were being watched or something super odd my mom continued to joke that maybe she's known as the old pink lady happened last weekend still trying to figure this out i'm working on my gas-powered leaf blower in the middle of my empty driveway i pop the back plastic cowling off to access the adjustment screws on the carburetor as the blower is idling and sitting on the driveway the little foam air filter falls out right next to my foot it's right there i see it i'll put it back in a second i adjust the carb go to pick up the filter and it's gone vanished diesel duke in p red no breeze no cars around me nothing but flat empty driveway all around me i did a grid search twice and even scoured the edge areas 15 to 25 feet away nothing i can only assume it is with some of my socks in another dimension that happened to me when i was a kid i was sighting on my sofa and i had just gotten this little ghost toy i dropped it and that's it never saw it again searched under the sofa between the pillows and everything interesting to read about someone else having this type of experience i've been lucid dreaming regularly for a few years now so i have a lot of odd experiences both in and out of dreams related to that one thing that sticks out in my mind is the dreams that last a really long time i'm pretty sure these only happen when i'm able to lucid dream what a little drunk but they can really make me question reality when i can have a full week in a few hours i stop trusting my senses and i get pretty spassy in the real world for a while after this one actually happened only last week i had a can of coke with my lunch but couldn't finish it so i left it on the kitchen counter top i know the exact spot then i got distracted and left it for about 20 minutes i go back into the kitchen to retrieve it but the can was gone i figured my husband had disposed of it so i got a new one from the fridge and went into my office with it we both work from home 10 minutes later my husband comes into the office and asks me why i'm drinking from a new can while the other half full one was still in the kitchen sure enough it was sitting there in the exact same spot i knew i'd post it after lunch when i was 16 i forgot my phone downstairs i knew it was somewhere in the living room but i wasn't sure where so i went to go look for it now the room was sort of like two rooms divided in half by a wall with a big opening in it so i come down the stairs into the first half turn left to walk through the opening into the second half as i cross the threshold i see my mom is sitting on the couch to the left reading a new book she got with the cat sitting on the radiator next to her and a glass of beer with a chip in the rim and my phone is on top of a small pile of books next to the couch as i step over to pick up my phone everything sort of flickers and i'm back on the stairs i'm a little startled but i go back down the stairs and stand in the first half of the living room i can't see the couch or anything from there but in my head i recite all the details i can think of sure enough when i go back everything is exactly like i thought it would be thoroughly weirded out like i hiccuped back through time or something the house i used to live in had a swimming pool nearby my family and i would go there a lot during the summer this was one of those days after swimming for a while i got out and was laying on my towel it was a mostly clear day with only a couple of clouds here and there in the distance i saw an airplane i was watching it and following its path when it flew behind the cloud above us it was a small cloud and the plane should have emerged within about five or six seconds i was waiting for it to emerge but about 15 seconds went by and there was no sign of it i watched it a little more but there was still nothing my eyes started darting around the sky looking for it but there was no trace of it i have no idea where it cold gone or what could explain its disappearance it remains the weirdest thing i've ever witnessed a similar thing happened to my friend and me when we were on a road trip i saw what looked like a plane without wings in the sky and it went behind a cloud but never appeared on the other side we had about 45 minutes of missing time on that trip that i never could account for missing time is the weirdest i used to have a commute that was a little over an hour every once in a while though it would take me more than two hours to get home the route was the same and i always left work at seven o'clock because that's when we closed obviously i was aware of traffic and massive slowdowns and i was on the interstate most of the trip so the cruise control was on i'd just randomly take an extra hour to get home once in a while a few years ago i started having weird dreams very vivid so realistic that i wrote them down and started telling family about them i would get like 15 to 60 minutes out of each dream and they were all different moments of the same event one day two months later the event from these dreams started happening in real life and i realized it and started predicting the future events based on my dreams it got to the point where i would tell my friend this random person we've never met is going to show up soon and she will say this and i will say this back and she'll hang out with us for five minutes and then leave and then five minutes later that exact series of events happened word for word afterwards i found my dream notes and they were spot on i haven't really had dreams ever since but i have very similar deja vu moments pretty much daily i cannot explain my brain is not the same ever since this happened maybe a few months ago i was lounging in bed with my cat sleeping on my pillow above my head i got up kissed my cat and said i love you so much i walked to the kitchen and my cat was already in there sitting on the counter top and eating out of his bowl he was asleep when i left the bedroom and definitely did not pass me in the hallway on the way to the kitchen it really creeped me out [Music] when i was 16 i had a dream i was riding my bike down an unfamiliar road with library books i had just checked them out from the library behind me near the baseball stadium there's a four-way stop ahead of me and my view of the road to the right is blocked by trees as i approach the intersection i don't really make much of an attempt to slow down everyone's got to slow down the only traffic on the road is going the same direction i am and even if there was they'd have to stop too by the time i noticed the olive green sub it's too late the driver and the light easily going double the limit they slammed into me pinballing me into a nearby pole then into a fire hydrant my bike is crumpled on top of me there's no question that i didn't survive and yet the most absurd thing is that just before the accident my vision stopped just before i crossed the road as my body was slung away i simply stood there like a neutral observer it was like watching the instant replay death cam and just waiting to respawn it was an odd dream to be sure but one i wrote off as having an overactive imagination after all that scenario just wouldn't play out i lived in the opposite direction and it was far enough away that i'd simply drive instead good attempt brain but you won't fool me i'm 19 attending community college locally my family had errands to do in that part of town and it wasn't anything i could really help with after half an hour however i'd recently taken to checking out cds from the library to burn to my collection later and since my bike was still in the van i might as well bike the mile or two down to the library i hadn't found anything worth listening to that i didn't already had but i did find a few books to my liking i rode my bike back the library behind me the stadium further back the only traffic was going the same direction and there's no one else on the road not that i could really tell there were trees blocking my view and i couldn't really hear anything over the cars passing me i came to the intersection and the wave of terror just hit me with full force i slammed on the brakes at that stop sign for a split second i wondered what the hell i was doing then an olive green sub easily going 50 in a 25 zone roared out past the trees thanks to the sudden stop they barely avoided clipping my front tire i damn near fell off my bike shaking i dragged it to the sidewalk sitting on the grass watching the cars go by and just waiting for the adrenaline to calm enough that i could get back to cars come to the stop sign the first one passes the intersection i saw my body crumpled by the fire hydrant the second car passes in front of me it's gone my cat was curled up sleeping at the end of my bed and so when i lay down to sleep i had to lay diagonally she was in line with my pillow i was lying there trying to get to sleep when after a few minutes i felt her slowly walk across my feet her pores pressing on my ankles i waited for her to get across before moving my legs to the right where she had been sleeping there was a block something in the way of my feet i was confused because she'd already moved across me so i sat up and turned on the bedside light there she was asleep where she had been before i turned off the light my cat is slow she's always been a bit dottery since a young age rescue cat i know she couldn't have moved across me and gone back to curling up on the other side of my feet that quickly i held my breath to listen in case there was something else in the room i was scared but then realized my cat wasn't concerned and if there was something malicious surely she would sense it so i uneasily lay back down and it was a while before i felt safe to turn off the light again i know something crossed my ankles that night i was even glad when i felt it as i thought i can move back to normal now me and a buddy of mine went to go see i think it was hercules in theaters and he always puts his phone and keys in the cup holder in between us the movie ends and we can't find his phone in the holster on the floor or really anywhere in that row or the two in front slash behind it we go and search his car nothing head back into the theater and have the lights turned on so we can find them and it turns out the keys and phone were in a cup holder on the furthest back row opposite side of the theater when we were the only ones in there this happened a few months ago my english class had pen pals with some kids from an elementary school nearby my teacher handed out the last letters they would send us for the year and i looked mine over and read it or whatever then i put in a way a few days later my teacher passes out the last letters our pen pals would send us for the year mine was sealed and it was identical to the one i received in the past i looked inside it still had the grammar error the kid wrote in the last letter it also came with an orange cross the kid colored and a bunch of other subtle details that were identical to the first letter i received i looked in my accordion file and couldn't find the first letter another one one morning i was looking out the truck window and everything moved in slow motion for a second the birds were flapping their wings like they were flying through molasses it was weird yet another one when i was like 10 i found this scrap of paper that had this series of words in my handwriting i still have it memorized because i guess it freaked me out a lot it went omg shut what this is is up a diary my planner a dollar no idea what it was i don't remember ever writing that a friend of mine had this big long-haired cat named lee mook's back when we were around 14 or so we were sitting in the basement playing video games with our backs against the wall wendy mooks walked out of the bedroom on the opposite end of the basement from the stairs crossed in front of us and then headed up then 10 minutes later lee mooks walked out of the bedroom on the opposite end of the basement from the stairs crossed in front of us and then headed up neither of us knew what the duck happened when i was maybe 10 years old i remember vividly getting up and going about my morning routine for about an hour then when i was in the kitchen eating breakfast i abruptly woke up in my bed again i was really confused about the whole thing the rest of the day it all felt so real and to top it off everyone i saw when i got up the first time was wearing the same outfits the second time [Music] when i was a young pup in college we had a pay phone in our small dorm marcus was in the common room with a couple of us watching tv marcus was waiting for a 7 p m call from his brother phineas back home four states away not real names the phone rings at seven sharp and we turn the tv down and hear this hey finis marcus here yeah i'm marcus who are you finish you you don't sound like my brother what no duck in way dude seriously put finis on this ain't funny no man this is chico california not las vegas we're all listening to this confusion totally wondering what the heck is going on marcus hangs up after a few minutes and tells us the story someone named finis was calling his brother marcus a freshman at unlv and got marcus a freshman at chico state waiting for a call from his brother finis this happened last year and is quite easily the most insane thing that i have ever experienced in my life besides tripping on lsd when i was about 20 i'm now 25 i work at an international race track just north of pittsburgh we have a nationally renowned karting track and a huge racing organization was there for the weekend doing a national title race usb ks i was actually off that weekend and the karting director called me at like 6 30 that morning on saturday and asked me if i could pick up a shift because someone called off so i did and i came in to work the track as a flagger i never work for the karting really i'm the race control for the road course so i know how to use the flags and rules etc i'm on a sheltered wooden platform near the back of the track and turn 12 got my radio on me and my flags race is going on and i'm just hanging out watching carts fly by me at like 50 miles per hour making sure no one gets ducked up or goes off the track i see a cart coming out of turn 11. it's a slight right hand bend and then goes 500 feet into turn 12 which is a mean right hand turn my platform is directly in between these two turns and off the track another 50 feet so if i'm staring straight i can easily see the section of track from 11 to 12 as soon as the cart comes out of 11 maybe comes another 50 feet it literally skipped to turn 12. it teleported there was no linear movement or increase in speed i did not blink or close my eyes it was at 11 and then suddenly 12 even if i did blink there is absolutely no way the cart itself was moving fast enough to cover that amount of distance in the time my eyes would have been closed what's even more ducked up and also backs up if i did happen to blink is that the sound of the cart teleported as well i started to faintly hear it coming up to 11 and then it was the distinct engine breaking of a two stroke when it came to 12 to break hard and take the turn in a matter of a mere millionth of a fraction of a second i couldn't believe what happened and my heart felt like it literally stopped and it almost triggered a full-blown panic attack i have moderate anxiety i couldn't stop thinking about what the duck just happened i didn't tell anyone no one would have believed me and i still have never told anyone this before because it just seems to outlandish and unbelievable i know what i have seen and the cart absolutely went through some sort of time and space warp or i don't even ducking no i really don't and i'm very glad other people have seen weird [ __ ] like this before fyi no drugs alcohol sleep deprivation heat exhaustion nothing i was percent 100 conscious and clear-minded when this happened i have seen hundreds of thousands of laps completed and this has never ever happened once once i had guests at my apartment and i gave them the bed for the night and i slept on the floor it took me a while to get sleeping and i remember that i checked the time omg it's already 12 15 and i'm still awake couple minutes later some bright white light was piercing my eyelids i opened my eyes and there was the full moon just sitting on the window like in the middle of it i checked the time it was 12 17. no way that the moon crawled that distance in two minutes there was no clouds near and far that bastard just popped into existence or something i was at a very large zoo with my daughter who was five at the time we wore matching outfits so she could be easily identified if something were to happen we were in the petting zoo petting goats together when i look over and see my daughter taking an older man's hand and walking away with him i took off running you never know your true abilities until you fear for you slash your child's life only for my daughter and the man to be nowhere in sight i had only run maybe 50 feet in a very open space i was immediately crying and hyperventilating for fear that my daughter was gone but suddenly i felt a little hand grasped mine and my daughter's sweet voice asking me what happened everything was fine and we enjoyed our day at the zoo but i can't seem to wrap my mind around the experience the little girl had on the same shirt same shorts same shoes same pigtails and the same large birthmark on her neck as my daughter still gives me chills something tells me that's not your real daughter anymore possibly essence i definitely still have my little girl she's sweet as a sugar cube and always has been it was almost like i seeing a possibility of sorts it was definitely something i saw with my own eyes but when i ran after my daughter that was leaving with the man i left my real daughter sitting by the goat she was terrified that i took off running it was overall a very odd experience friend and i were driving towards stephen's pass ski resort in washington state there's only one highway to get there followed gps and kept going and going decided to turn around and found it no ducking way we passed the ski resort without noticing it tall mountain with multiple ski runs that was three five years ago we are still scratching our heads about how that happened you're not alone i'll try to find some links but other people have experienced exactly that trying to find stevens it's kind like a urban legend for those of us that live near hwy 2. thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 4,102
Rating: 4.8989897 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the materials horror stories, glitch in the matrices r/askreddit, glitch in the matrix, glitch in the matrix reddit, reddit glitch in the matrix, glitch in matric stories, glitch in matrix reddit, glitch in matrix reddit stories, glitch in matrix askreddit, glitch in the matrix reddit stories, reddit paranormal, glitch in the matrix stories 2020, creepy glitch in the matrix, glitch in matrix, glitch in matrices, gitm stories, GITM
Id: lE_ens4nrdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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