Glass Review - YMS

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so I just saw the new M night Shyamalan film glass and it was [ __ ] garbage no I wasn't exactly expecting this film to be very good sure M night redeemed himself recently with split but not many people know that that's a script that was written back when he was still making good movies now that he's back at directing his current scripts he is back at making terrible films I expected this film to be bad but I did not expect it to be this [ __ ] bad this film was legitimately upsetting and infuriating the vast majority of the acting was atrocious James McAvoy is the only actor that actually did a good job Sam Jackson was mostly held back but the few moments where he wasn't were just bizarrely comical as for Bruce Willis it's clear that he'd given up on showing emotion over a decade ago their points in the film where they show footage from the original unbreakable and during those clips it's so jarring to see Bruce Willis actually emoting like oh yeah I remember he could actually act at one point couldn't he Anya Taylor joy doesn't really do much at all because she's not given that much to work with and then Sarah Paulsen was just bad I did not believe a single word that came out of her mouth and she took up quite a lot of the film they also brought back the kid from unbreakable unfortunately he wasn't very convincing performance wise but he also looks distractingly creepy as an adult if you look cute as a kid you might not look so cute as an adult I learned that one from The Happening should be more interesting science Jake you know why because your face is perfect one of the other jarring aspects towards them showing footage from the original unbreakable was the cinematography I mean they didn't even show anything close to the film's best shots and yet somehow the difference in the level of professionalism between these two films is just night and day there is so much careful thought and purpose and creativity in the original unbreakable and in this film it's mostly just face close-ups sure there are a handful of shots in this new film where you can tell he tried to do something interesting but the end result comes off is more of an attempt than anything there's something there but it's just not quite there you know and like I said there's only a handful of these shots so it didn't really help out the film much at all the score was all right I guess it wasn't exactly cliched but it didn't sound really interesting or memorable to me and for a film that aims to tug on the heartstrings of people that love the original unbreakable so much you'd think that the soundtrack would at least try in some way to be a little bit reminiscent of that film it wasn't anything like it and that doesn't exactly make it bad but it personally feels like a huge missed opportunity especially when the score for the original unbreakable was genuinely powerful and memorable and it's strange because there are ways in which this film did try to be reminiscent of the original and it just [ __ ] up in its attempts what the hell were those opening titles all about during the opening scene of the film which is something that the tone is implying that you're supposed to take seriously these insanely distracting titles show up that look as though they're trying to mimic the aesthetic of unbreakable but after seeing unbreakable recently there was nothing nearly as distracting is that every few seconds a new title would show up and take up the whole screen for like two frames before resting in the corner with some sort of broken glass font and every time a new one showed up it was just so jarring and distracting I'm trying to watch this scene you wrote M night what the [ __ ] is this despite the implied serious tone the film is just so [ __ ] goofy from the get-go the story structure was very poorly thought-out just because there are two other previous films in the franchise doesn't mean you can completely ignore structuring the opening of your film by the beginning of the movie it felt as though we were already 15 to 20 minutes into it it felt like there was a serious lack of plot and character development early on in the film M night shows up with his most obnoxious cameo yet alright maybe not the most obnoxious but certainly the most unfitting and distracting he just inserts himself pointlessly into this film and stays there for way too [ __ ] long I thought serious things were supposed to be happening M night why are you here this is unfortunately also one of the most boring films he's ever made when you're watching the trailer for this film it feels as though the psychiatric setting is something that would just take up the first act of the film to set up the next two but it's the whole [ __ ] movie this whole film felt like one unbearably long first act close to the end of the film Kame unbearably clear that they weren't going to do anything with any sense of scale but this film felt infinitely smaller scale and less professional and less effective than split even though this film had over twice the budget by the end of this film I realized that 18 million out of the 20 million dollar budget probably just went to Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson because this whole thing felt like a 2 million dollar movie it felt like there were only 2 or 3 people in any given scene I think the most we ever got was like 5 or 6 most of the film was dialogue and most of the dialogue was purposeless and boring the only points in which the dialogue was entertaining was when it was so poorly written that it was hilarious I [ __ ] you not there's a scene where Bruce Willis his son is explaining the salt Bay meme to him another great moment was when one of the staff members was talking about vitamins say men you know you should really get more vitamins in you I know you should get some more vitamin D do you drink enough water seriously the dialogue in this film is just [ __ ] terrible he's headed towards the Okinawa tower the tallest building the dialogue alone is some of the clearest evidence that current day M Knight wrote this topped with the fact that the plot doesn't make any sense at all all right I'm gonna talk about spoilers now so if you don't want to hear any spoilers for this film skip to this point in the video there's your warning three two one so basically these characters wind up in an institution for the insane who specifically believe they are superheroes Bruce Willis and James McAvoy are in the middle of a fight scene and the cops show up and arrest them and I guess that's just where they take them and as soon as they get there the institution is already equipped to deal with their weaknesses the room that they put James McAvoy in has these bright lights that flash whenever it detects that he is about to become one of the bad personalities so that the light flashes and then it triggers him to become one of the better ones I think they call them hypnosis lights or something but I just kept thinking man if you want to get out just take a pillowcase and wrap it around your eyes or cover your eyes why do you have to keep looking at the light it's pretty dumb and doesn't make any sense and I know that some people are gonna say well it's a comic book movie but let's not forget that the entire point of unbreakable is that it was a grounded comic book movie I don't know who they tested these hypnosis lights out on but they just work okay Bruce Willis's room has a sprinkler system that drenches him whenever he's being a bad boy and Sam Jackson's room has nothing special why is he even there in the first place his superpower is that he has a high IQ and that's it he's just a very smart [ __ ] at the end of the film they reveal that this facility was actually a part of some secret society that was trying to stop actual superheroes from being a part of society apparently there's a lot of superheroes everywhere and if they just started realizing that they actually have powers then it would be really bad for everybody else and the only thing that's preventing superheroes from taking over society is the fact that they don't know they're super so if the only reason Sam Jackson's in there is because you're worried that he might convince other people that they have powers and why isn't anya taylor joy also in there she clearly buys into this - why isn't she as much of a threat you'd think this secret society would just ban comic books or something because if superheroes are actually everywhere you'd think that they'd start realizing it when they're children kids are full of imagination all they have to do is read a comic book and think they can fly you'd think that this would already be a rampant problem without the issue of Sam Jackson suggesting that superheroes are real by the end of the film they treated as though their entire goal was just to kill them they tell each other that this is the most humane method for disposing of superheroes as though they couldn't have just killed them from the get-go yeah let's lock him up and toy with their emotions for a while that's the most humane method regardless of whether it's humane or not it just doesn't make practical sense why would you waste all this time money and effort trying to trick them into believing they don't have powers would all it have taken for them to be set free is just to lie and be like oh yeah whatever I don't have powers you're right if that were the case you'd think that Sam Jackson with the super IQ would have just done that but instead he goes on a suicide mission and livestreams the cameras to show that they're doing really super cool superhuman things something that would have been equally as effective without it being a suicide mission you could have just hacked the cameras and done super things that's it why did it need to be a suicide mission you'd think that this secret society trying to prevent the uprise of superheroes taking over the [ __ ] planet would hire more than one person on nightshift what the hell was that like for people that worked at this institution you'd think that it would be more properly guarded and staffed with the level of importance implied here I am still so confused as to why Sam Jackson's even there seriously hasn't he been institutionalized since unbreakable did they just decide to transfer him here there's not even much that happens in this film but every time something does I was just left wondering why for what [ __ ] purpose did you have all three of them in the same room for their quote unquote final test you'd think one of them would ask about doctor/patient confidentiality or something it's just one of many examples in the film where they're clearly trying to make the scene seem more important than it is like who man isn't this cool you got all three of them there at the same time it just constantly feels as though it's trying to manipulate the emotions of people that actually care about these characters and there's a lot of people that do because of the previous films and yet somehow it feels as though this film is written by somebody who doesn't even give a [ __ ] about these characters at all this film holds the most unceremonious ending to these characters stories I possibly could have imagined James McAvoy gets shot in the belly Sam Jackson comically falls off his wheelchair and dies and Bruce Willis drowns in a [ __ ] puddle what the [ __ ] it's literally just some random guy dunking his head and over and over until he dies I understand that water is his metaphorical weakness because he can't swim but I guess according to this film he literally loses all of his strength if he's just touching water which supposedly his body has made 66 percent of does Bruce Willis's character even drink water or what oh no my face is touching a puddle now I'm too weak to fight back or get out of it it was [ __ ] ridiculous it felt genuinely disrespectful to the characters in this film I am baffled that anybody thought that this was a good idea there's a moment where the random guy stops dunking him just long enough for the lady to explain the whole twist of the film to him and then they just dunk him in again and then he dies even ignoring the deaths the whole end fight scene was just so stupid and unintentionally funny he got James McAvoy roaring over and over and it's supposed to be scary but it just looks so stupid you got Sam Jackson making really weird faces at the camera none of the fight choreography feels tense or impressive it was all just [ __ ] anyway I think it's safe to say that M night is back on track I can't think of a single film that is more accurately described by the word pathetic it's a boring mess that goes on for far too [ __ ] long whatever miniscule barely redeemable qualities that this film has are drowned out by just how pathetic everything else is it's embarrassingly written poorly acted boringly shot and it feels downright disrespectful for this film to be canon in the trilogy it was a truly awful experience and I was genuinely surprised by how bad it was check this one out if you want but don't be surprised if this film just pisses you off and I'm giving this one a 1 out of 10 [Music]
Channel: YMS
Views: 909,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sMehBJcUb_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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