A Quiet Place Review - YMS

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(Spoilers, but you probably shouldn't be reading this thread if that worries you)

The guns didn't work previously because the monsters have a hard outer shell made up of individual plates. The plates separate when the high frequency noise starts up, which gives Emily Blunt a clear shot at the gooey parts of the head. And yes, sometimes the plates open up on their own, but even if you manage to shoot one of them through the plates the rest will come looking for you, and you might not get so lucky with those ones. With the high frequency mouse, ALL the monsters will have pretty much fully exposed gooey parts.

I was really surprised Adum missed that, because I felt like the movie actually did a really good job of telegraphing it...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 317 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMonotoneDuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

They show the monster in the basement with her before it goes underwater. That's the entire reason she went to grab the baby

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 196 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WaltLongmire0009 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Also, the epiphany about the implant didn't come out of nowhere, the effect showed itself I think 2 times before then? She noticed it in the car I believe.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 199 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eureka60 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not going to argue that you went into it with an open mind, however, it's very interesting what things you decided to focus on.

Seems like logical holes in the universe break the reality of the film completely for you. That's reasonable, if that's your experience when watching a movie, that is fine.

But what I can't understand is when you treat flaws in character logic with equal weight to 'physical' inconsistencies, especially when some of them are very subjective. And even as for the ones that aren't subjective, I usually find the excuse that 'humans fuck up constantly in real life' to be very reasonable. An additional point of the title cards with 'day 90' and 'day 470' is not only to display basic information, but also to imply that between those days they never fucked up and we're only being shown the more eventful bits of the timeline. Wrong decisions don't make characters unrelatable to the point that you can't even feel basic empathy for another person about to die. Again, if they do for you, that's fine.

Something I would consider a legitimate flaw of this film is why all the blame for the plot device kid's death was put on the daughter and none on the father for leaving the toy with the batteries on the table for anybody to reach them. That kind of undermines the dramatic dynamic between the two characters for the rest of the movie.

I guess what I'm saying is that I find this 'movie try to conjure fear, but movie realism machine broke, therefore bad/10' approach to film criticism a little shallow. Movies are capable of more than one emotion and most films attempt more than one simple emotion, even when they're studio horror movies. It's your channel, you shouldn't change your viewing or reviewing habits because of some bloke on the internet, but ye.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 135 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dikmason πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought the soundproof basement thing was supposed to be that it wasn't finished or tested yet (which is why they have a scene of the kids paper mache-ing the walls). I may be misremembering but when they get down to that basement when shit's goin' down, I thought only then the characters realized the plan and soundproofing the basement worked. Might be wrong though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Papatheodorou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought it was obvious that the reason why they go barefoot everywhere is for because they become far more aware about their placement of their feet are and something like socks and shoes would desensitize them for being aware of that. He talks about it here from this comment. That’s basically how I’d imagine them not living near the waterfall so they wouldn’t be so desensitized

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PM_me_ur_FavItem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you lay flat on grain it creates a larger surface area which means less weight in a certain spot. That's how I took that.

If you just play a song or some shit on loop the monster would just come destroy the speaker/Ipod/whatever it is using. It's been shown pretty much every single time there is noise that is just sprints and fucks up whatever it is.

By the end of the movie her ear piece had gone haywire with them around 3 times. The first she doesn't even know it's there, the 2nd she does, and the 3rd she does and turns it off.

It was assumed the creatures weren't around when she was in the showers because there was you know a whole damn display of fireworks going off. I think it's safer to assume they are over there?

The shotgun worked because the noise had opened up it's armor plated head that they obviously showed multiple times.

Some of the critiques I understand but some of these are just really odd nitpicky things that you would notice if you paid more attention while watching the film.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 178 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GryffinDART πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The nail thing is actually something that makes sense. My parents and I do a ton of renovations over the summer and last summer we redid our stairs going to the basement. Our house isn't a barn like the one in the film, but for the purposes of this post I'm just gonna assume stairs are built fairly similarly across different domiciles

I think the nail that was used wasn't meant to be fully up and down but rather went in perpendicular, like some of our stairs have, and then got caught by the potato sack laundry bag and bent up.

I never really understood the "bring a tent and live near the waterfall" thing. Obviously I get the logic but I think the character's plans weren't as short lived as that. Them living on a farm gives them access to vegetables, grains and most importantly, a chance at a "real life" as evidenced by the parents teaching their kids, Emily blunt gardening and the kids playing monopoly.

"but the river has fish and the waterfall will deter them from the audiophobes"

These are true plotholes but I made peace with them by thinking that Jim wanted his kids to be accustomed to the world they now live in. Living quietly allows the kids to understand the constant peril they're in. So when they go out into the world, they'll know how to fend for themselves.

Adam also doesn't get weight distribution which gave me a chuckle as he then went off on a tirade of "not using your head" and then I laughed again when he was like "I can't shut off my brain" but missed the couple of times the daughter used her cochlear implant to deter the monster.

My gripe with the movie is Jim's unnecessary suicide. You got an axe, just throw it at the shed or somewhere else ya dummy. Also every time Jim talked I could only think of Jim from the office and no one else. Or the fact that Jim should've taken the batteries at the start.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Turjiinator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like the argument of Adam not wanting to like the movie going into it is a bit silly, but when he ends his review with complaining about how guns work it is hard for me to believe he wanted to enjoy it.

I have SO many problems with this movie. I enjoyed it (see my other comment, or not), but it was pretty obvious that the high frequency made it bug out and exposed it's flesh under its shell. They established that guns didn't work early on because they were impossible to injure. Some times when it was hunting for people it would expose the head a bit, but I doubt it was doing that when being attacked whenever they first arrived.

I went into it wanting to love it, but I left with tons of issues, so I believe he did the same, but holy shit this does not help the argument.

Also he didn't mention all the fucking corn. Fuck that premise destroying corn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 141 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mikesicle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so I just saw John Krasinski's a quiet place and I didn't really enjoy it all that much which is apparently an opinion that I'm not allowed to have and I'm not saying that based on the film's overwhelming amount of praise I'm saying that because there have been several people who have looked at my IMDB rating for the film and are convinced that I only didn't like the film because I wanted not to like it as though this film is somehow beyond criticism in my opinion couldn't possibly exist Adam you made up your mind as soon as you saw the trailer I saw that tweet from you where you said that you probably wouldn't like it based on your own personal preferences and what you expect out of the film based on the marketing material you're not allowed to have a good understanding of your own tastes and preferences no I know what you're supposed to like like sure I didn't expect to like it but I wanted to like it I also didn't expect to like the lego movie and it was one of my favorite films of that year I also didn't expect to enjoy the new it movie and I was pleasantly surprised but yeah whatever you need to [ __ ] tell yourself to invalidate my opinion because I didn't enjoy the film that you did somehow despite apparently wanting to hate it and not giving it a chance there's actually a few things that I liked about the film the film was for the most part competently directed I never found myself getting distracted by poor camerawork or terrible framing choices there was nothing really spectacular in that sense but I'm giving credit where credit is due the acting was fine for the most part usually child actors are terrible but they were actually pretty good for most of the film most of the film meaning the scenes where they are not actually speaking because as soon as they started talking they kind of sucked so yeah they only sucked for a small part of the film and the rest of the movie they were fine the music was decent although I kind of wish there was less of it I like that it makes sense that the daughter character is deaf because that explains why the family knows sign language the creature design was actually pretty cool I wasn't actually expecting this film to have a production budget high enough for how often they showed the monster my expectations were that they wouldn't really show it much as soon as the credits rolled and I saw that there was Michael Bay money behind it it all started to make sense the creatures were obviously computer-generated but they didn't look fake in to take me out of the movie because of it and that's about it for the positive things I have to say about this movie I know it's not much but it's there now here's what I didn't like when it comes to horror films I would argue that the film is much more effective when it's actually scary and I understand that quite a few people found this film to be scary and so I'm definitely not arguing against your own experience or whether or not you were scared of it but for me personally I find it pretty [ __ ] difficult to get scared when I'm distracted by why these characters are taking such unnecessary risks does anybody else feel that way like there's parts of the film where I really want to experience some kind of emotion other than confusion or laughter I am really trying to feel the intended emotion when the kid goes back for the [ __ ] batteries for his dumb noisy toy but I can't help myself from asking basic questions like why did the parents just leave without him we're in this post-apocalyptic world and you just casually leave your children behind and forget about them I mean it's obvious why they went so far ahead it's so the plot device can be forced in there but if his parents are this careless with him then how did he survive 90 days it's been 90 days and this kid still doesn't understand that noise is bad and you can't even try to claim as though the kid does no noise is bad and that he just didn't know it would make noise because when he starts using it and making noise he doesn't go oops I'm in trouble or oops they're gonna get me or oops this is bed and this is something I was taught not to do he just [ __ ] plays with it as though he didn't even know that this was an issue but yeah whatever kids are dumb they can be used as literally whatever plot device you want and it's totally fair no matter what they do it would kind of make sense if this kid was their second deaf child but the movie didn't really present it as though that was the case with in the first scene of the film we get a pretty [ __ ] clear indicator of who's deaf and who isn't when we're shown a close-up shot of the girl character the audio in the film gets incredibly muffled and this was very clearly a way to communicate that she is a deaf character but it only ever happened with her and it never happened with this kid so how the [ __ ] has it been 90 days and he still doesn't understand that sound is bad yet and if his character is genuinely supposed to be that stupid then why do you all just walk away without him I don't know call me crazy but I feel like the stupid kid horror movie plot device is a little [ __ ] stale there's just so much that they do in this film that only seems to be for the purpose of putting themselves in danger there's a scene where John Krasinski takes his kid to the river the kid makes some noise while trying to catch a fish but he freaks out because he's like oh no I made a little bit of noise they're gonna come get me now but then John Krasinski explains that since the river is making a decent amount of noise they don't actually have to be quiet at which point he yells as loud as he can right next to the waterfall just to prove it is that really worth the risk for a guy with at least one dead kid you seem to be pretty [ __ ] confident in how far you can push your luck but the bigger question here is why don't they just live near the river the home you have doesn't seem to be fortified enough to prevent them from getting in any way even just having a [ __ ] tent out there seems like a better idea than living in your home where if you drop something they come kill you all so by this point in the film well over a year had passed and this kid is just now learning the concept that louder noises help dampen softer noises is this not something that you should have tried to communicate to him at any earlier point in the film has there not been one single day in the film where it's rained you think that there would be at least some point where he'd be able to whisper that information to him but nope he's learning about this for the very first time apparently also why do you all walk around outside in bare feet clearly it's supposed to be seen as some sort of clever way to show that they're trying to make as little noise as possible but could you not just tie some towels to your shoes you know literally any kind of soft fabric attached to the bottom of your shoes would do the job just the same without [ __ ] up your feet it's kind of difficult to believe that they've been doing this for over a year and haven't figured that out there's another scene where the kids are playing a board game but instead of using plastic pieces they're using little bits of fabric instead which is also clearly supposed to be seen as some sort of clever way to show that they're making as little noise as possible hell they even have a dinner scene where they show that the only food they eat is soft and not crunchy but then later in the film they reveal that there's this other basement through a hole in the floor that you just have to lift up a mattress to get into why don't you spend any time down there why are you spending all of your time hanging out on the main floor when John Krasinski and his wife are down there later in the film they are talking to each other and he says the words don't worry they can't hear you down here why didn't you play board games there why was this space completely unutilized for the first two-thirds of the movie it would have solved quite a lot of your problems but nope apparently it doesn't matter if characters are constantly putting themselves in much more danger than they should be in cuz this is a horror movie and they're supposed to be in danger and it doesn't matter if there are incredibly easy solutions to the problems that they are putting themselves into and apparently this kind of [ __ ] does not distract anyone from being able to feel scared for the characters I guess I'm just crazy then they've got this other basement that's accessible by stairs to be honest the layout of the property is a little confusing I think this is actually a different building but I'm not sure how far away it is because otherwise these stairs would just lead to the same soundproof basement within this basement they have a radio scanner in a microphone they also have a whiteboard where they've written very basic and surface level observations about these creatures things like confirmed blind and attack sound no idea why they don't use this whiteboard for something more useful if you brought it out of the basement you could use it to communicate with your family I have to assume that the American Sign Language vocabulary is at least a little more limited because why else would over a year pass without your child understanding how sound works now you might say that they wouldn't want to risk bringing it up the stairs because it could make noise if you drop it which is a reasonable thing to assume but it's kind of difficult to believe that the same characters that would think that are also perfectly comfortable having the character that is nine months pregnant carrying [ __ ] up and down the stairs by herself I guess if your only goal in the film is to have characters constantly putting themselves in danger then you did a good job but if your goal was also to have it not seem incredibly [ __ ] forced then I can't really say you did well with that one all right I'm gonna enter spoiler territory now so if you don't want to see spoilers for this film then just click to this part in the video there's your warning three two one so as the nine pregnant woman is walking back up the stairs her bag somehow gets caught on a nail as she's walking up the stairs and as she continues walking it somehow bends the nail upwards like holy [ __ ] are you ever strong but unfortunately just like every other plot device in this film that exists to put the characters in danger this one doesn't make any [ __ ] sense either first of all why was there a nail hammered into the step from underneath it at what point was someone laying on their back underneath the staircase hammering a nail upwards into it what the [ __ ] is that all about apparently somebody did that and then hammered the nail to the side and this pregnant lady managed to bend the nail back upwards without even noticing alright so obviously the next time she goes down the stairs she steps on it and dropped some [ __ ] but not before we get another completely nonsensical scene John Krasinski and his son are walking back from the river and apparently the kids not even looking where he's [ __ ] going and just walks into his back at which point he looks up to see why his father has stopped walking and they see an old man with a dead body next to him that is assumed to be his wife's John Krasinski gives him the shush sound as though to imply like hey don't I know you really feel like screaming over your wife's dead body right now but don't make any noise because that would be very dangerous but you'd think that if the guy was gonna scream he would do that before they got there was he literally just waiting for someone to come along so he could scream at them did he conveniently just discover the body at the exact same moment that Jim and his son were walking by I wanted to feel fear but I felt confusion and amusement it is so incredibly cheesy and strange so when the wife steps on that inexplicable nail sticking up from the stairs she drops her [ __ ] and it makes a lot of noise so now the things are after her and she hides upstairs in the bathroom but it's really unfortunate because she's also going into labor so she really comically has to give birth as quietly as possible she's in the bathtub trying not to make noise while the things walking around the bathroom the scene cuts away to show Jim who makes his way up there and when he gets there she's no longer in the bathtub and he gets really sad because there's blood in the best he thinks that she's surely dead at which point it's revealed that she had moved to the shower and they reveal this by having her slam her [ __ ] hand against the glass as a jump-scare like that [ __ ] was undebatable allowed and the movie has very clearly communicated that these things are somewhere close by if they could hear you dropping something then they'd also hear you slamming your [ __ ] hand against the glass but for some reason the movie doesn't even treat this as though there's any sense of peril at all like gotcha jump-scare but she's fine and that's all you're supposed to pay attention to right now don't worry they're not coming it doesn't matter so meanwhile the kids are at the designated meetup spot on top of a grain silo and we get yet another dumb convenience that puts the characters in peril somehow it turns out that where the one kid was actually standing was actually on top of the hatch and it just gives away and completely falls apart at that very moment that he's standing on it is this the first time anyone's ever stood there is the designated meetup spot a place where the dead has never actually been so now there's kids inside this grain silo and he starts drowning as though it were quicksand and right away that seemed a little weird I was kind of under the impression that grain was grain and not quicksand that perhaps you might get stuck in it and have difficulty getting out but not have it behave like [ __ ] quicksand but since I'm fair I thought you know what perhaps I'm wrong and even if I'm not if it just behaves this way in this universe or whatever that's totally fine as long as it's consistent so the girl jumps down to save him and climbs on top of one of the door pieces that fell down this metal door that she has now climbed on to and is using to reenact the final scene from Titanic so she reaches down and grabs her brother and pulls him up and now they're both on top of this door raft completely safe from drowning in grain but then the monster shows up and they hide by going underneath the metal door raft at which point the monster steps on the metal door raft so these two kids are underneath this metal door that has this giant monster on top of it and they're now not sinking for some reason and it's not even like they're hanging on to this metal door raft with their fingertips as they dangle far underneath it no instead their bodies are forming a layer between the grain and the door raft which now has a lot more weight on it why aren't you sinking anymore is the grain quicksand or is it not I don't really care which one you decide but you have to pick one of them if you're going to have it behave in a certain way for the sole purpose of creating more peril for these characters than [ __ ] stick with it why only sometimes screw me for wanting to have a story where things happen for actual reasons other than just simply to put the characters and more peril at any given moment screw me for wanting any sense of consistency oh I know what you want me to do I should turn off my brain but wait I can't because my brain is what I use to experience and appreciate film if you go into every movie with your brain turned off then what do you even like about them I guess the purpose of making a film isn't for it to be appreciated no it's to help you fall asleep so the mother is in the soundproof basement with her newborn baby and the entire basement is flooding from a leaky pipe now just because she needs to be in more peril and no other reason so as she quietly steps through the chest high water making her way out of there it turns out that there was a monster underneath the water the whole time how did it get there was it there the whole time like when John Krasinski was talking to her and everything I guess it just snuck down there so Jim finally finds his kids and he tells them to go to this truck at the top of a hill but I can't for the life of me understand why he asked them to do that why don't you just walk back to the house that you can see from here like it's implied that they're going in the truck to get back to the house what the hell are you thinking isn't that gonna make a lot more noise what's your plan here so the kids somehow get into the truck without making any noise I guess Jim's outside grabbing an axe and then one of the things attacks him but then his son sees this and starts screaming inside the truck so the thing starts attacking the truck and [ __ ] it up it looks like the kids are done for but then Jim decides he has a great idea he makes eye contact with his kids who are in the truck as the thing's attacking the top of it and then he signs I love you and it's so cheesy and overdramatic we get a close shot of the kids looking at while they're in the truck and the trucks just not moving anymore like we're supposed to forget but the things still on top attacking it now don't think about what the scene just set up this is their moment and that's all that's important so anyway Jim saves them by reenacting the ending from the descent part two and it was just as funny [Music] so the kids escaped by putting the truck into neutral and having it roll down the hill quietly I still don't [ __ ] understand why they needed to be in the truck at all but okay it's not like they had very far to go so now the two kids in the mom are back in the basement past these stupid nail stairs and one of the monsters comes down and it's about to [ __ ] them up but then the girl has this crazy [ __ ] epiphany that comes out of nowhere she looks at the whiteboard where it says what is their weakness and she's like I know it's my cochlear implant so she takes her implants thing from her ear and holds it up to the microphone which for some reason is attached to powered on speakers and the monster is clearly being hurt by this frequency being emitted by her implant thingy I can understand the microphone being there so that you can communicate to other people if you find them on a radio frequency but why on earth is it connected to powered speakers you'd think that that would just create more unnecessary risk for noise also how did you know that the monsters don't like your implant thingy the only other time in the film when this was referenced was when one was sneaking around behind her and she didn't even notice it her implant made a weird kind of noise and then us as viewers got to see that the monster didn't like it but she never did the whole scene was trying to go for this kind of oh she's deaf she doesn't even know it's behind her oh no what's she gonna do kind of feeling so she never noticed it so how the [ __ ] would she know that her implant is something that it doesn't like and also if you have these gigantic loudspeakers laying around connected to a microphone then why have you spent this entire film not using that towards your advantage we were very clearly taught earlier in the film that the monsters don't give a [ __ ] about noise as long as it's constant why don't you just connect to that iPod that you had earlier to it you can have a song that loops forever just hang out by the river for a couple of days if you're concerned about the monsters checking out the initial noise and then you can make as much noise as you want because there will be other louder noise that drowns it out this is a concept that you taught us in this film these are rules that you set up and explain to us hell if there's some strange reason why looping a song wouldn't work then why don't they just record sound of the river they don't really seem to have any shortage of electronic devices or electricity I'm sure one of them's got a smartphone they can charge and bring to the river and press record why don't you just bring that back and connect it to the speakers and play the river sound at your home if the constant sound of the river is something that they don't give a [ __ ] about and it's an added benefit because it means that you're able to make noise and that you are safer then why don't you do that why don't you do any of the dozens of things you could be doing to make things easier on yourself why does everything you do in this movie result in you being in more peril than before oh yeah because it's all just shitty [ __ ] plot devices so the monsters in pain because of the frequency from the cochlear implant apparently while John Krasinski was trying to fix it earlier in the film he accidentally invented a new frequency I guess if it's just high-pitched noises that it doesn't like you'd think that the rest of the world would have figured this out there are quite literally areas in the United States right now that have installed high frequency sound devices with the aim of keeping away bugs and rodents and also young people these things already exist and it would be pretty [ __ ] easy to figure out that the monsters don't like them this is called a mosquito it emits a high-pitched sound designed to keep loiterers away but the question is does it unfairly target young people it's not like there isn't any other information about them that people figure it out there's a scene in the movie where they're walking by an abandoned newspaper stand and the headline reads it sound do news paper printing machines not make sound it's my understanding that they're actually pretty [ __ ] noisy I guess it's pretty convenient that that information was properly distributed and not the fact that they really obviously hate high frequencies unless Jim actually invented a new frequency by accident so anyway the monsters in pain and then the mom decides to shoot it with a shotgun which seems to kill it instantly meaning that bullets work on them is this an alternate universe where the United States military was never a thing apparently guns work just fine what's the issue here Oh the sounds going to attract more of them that I can shoot this is set in America right if guns can kill them just fine then these things wouldn't stand a [ __ ] chance I am trying my very hardest to appreciate this film but unfortunately the device that I use to appreciate films is called a brain which I'm apparently not allowed to use when watching this movie is this seriously the film that everybody thinks I'm not allowed to dislike this is the film that you've decided is only possible to dislike if the person watching wanted to dislike it seriously now if you enjoyed this film I think that's perfectly fine just because you have an opinion that I don't doesn't mean that I consider yours to be invalid and it's kind of [ __ ] embarrassing that some people have created an environment in which I feel as though this still needs to be said to everybody who is not a [ __ ] I apologize for explaining what you already knew you're not wrong for liking it and I am NOT wrong for disliking it you are however pretty [ __ ] wrong if you think that I'm supposed to like it I really wanted to enjoy and be scared by this film but there wasn't a single [ __ ] scene that I was able to take seriously for the many reasons that I explained in this review in my opinion this movie fails in almost every way what the hell is the point of a horror movie if I'm not scared and I don't give a [ __ ] about any of the characters maybe if they didn't act like idiots that were only concerned about creating new plot devices the entire [ __ ] movie that I could have so yeah I didn't like it and hopefully now some of you at least understand why and I'm giving this one a three out of ten [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,486,679
Rating: 4.3965015 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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