Half in the Bag Episode 158: Glass

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half in the bag jy is it us that has to clean up all this glass it was mr. Plunkett that did the stupid bird box challenge the what the bird box challenge you know where people wear blindfolds and try to do everyday things uh oh I remember that old fad that is so first week of January 2019 but you know Mike if we don't clean this up it's just gonna sit here and eventually we're gonna cut ourselves I mean mr. plink it's not gonna do it it's just so weird for me to be doing work hey maybe we could take a break from this and go see a movie that's a great idea J what movie would you like to watch you know for some reason I'm really in the mood to see a dogs way home I'm really excited to see Bryan Cranston play a in the upside how about replicas how about Bohemian Rhapsody and won all those Awards even though I directed it anyway how about a scape room how about vice I'm the basis of sex it's Beale Street could talk there's always bumblebee it got pretty good reviews for a Transformers film but what about second act welcome to Marwin Mary Poppins spider-man into the spider verse mortal engines but mule wait a minute the answer has been in front of us this whole time why don't we see greenbook dad I've got that act on but oh my god I thought you were gonna say glass after all that build-up and it wouldn't be a bait-and-switch double reverse trip the bank [Music] and lush has changed over the years M night Shyamalan's new film glass proved to be a split decision with critics and moviegoers however it's doubtful it can top the Six Senses unbreakable box office record if you've seen the film you don't need a description if you've seen the trailer you get the premise if you haven't seen the film or the trailer then why are you watching a review for a movie you know nothing about peace out bye Mike what did you think of M night Shyamalan 's unbreakable 2 : split - you split your unbreakable : and - with a piece of glass J I love this film until I didn't really I think I might be um I didn't love any of it but I think I might be on the opposite as far as which part I actually liked well this movie has bad critical critical ratings but good audience ratings according to the Rotten Tomatoes calm and I was watching this film and I was loving it about 75% now so what's the problem here but then you know I thought the ending was a little over bloated and kind of like dissipated a lot of the goodwill that came from the first three quarters of the movie so it's a it's a complicated answer see I'm kind of on the opposite end where you see the trailer for this movie and for most of it you're getting exactly what you would expect for the trail from the trailer which was kind of surprising to me because it's like even for better or worse M night Shyamalan movies are very distinct and usually sort of weird and there's some something like like he always has like bizarre dialogue that sounds unnatural and that's not even really a criticism it's just sort of his style and this felt so normal it felt like exactly what you would expect from like if someone else that isn't him were to make kind of a traditional sequel combining split and unbreakable it's like this has all those things that you would expect from it you got Sam Jackson kind of pulling the strings and you know manipulating things because he wants to get things like they are in a comic book storyline so it felt very very normal and as like when gonna get not normal and then it gets not normal and it becomes interesting but still kind of a failure so that that's kind of like most of the movie I just kept it felt like he had the kind of conclusion in mind and was like oh how do I get to that I guess I guess I'll just have a bunch of wheel spinning until we get to the third acts yeah I'm definitely in the opposite camp because everything in the hospital the wheel spinning as you call it I found to be the best part of the movie the best stuff in the movie because I enjoyed split a lot of course James McAvoy is excellent at doing all these different voices and impressions and actions character types I mean magnificent brilliance so much so that they give him multiple scenes in this movie that kind of just exists for him to do it sure there's there's a lot of repetition in the first hour or so this movie he's he's in a film with a man basically pretending to be in a coma and another man in a coma so Bruce Willis is is a wooden block with with a head on it I mean it kind of works for this movie you have to grade Bruce Willis his performances on a curve these days or it's like oh he clearly doesn't care - oh he probably liked the filmmaker so he's trying a tiny bit he cared a little this comes this goes on that under but but the end of split when it had the true M night Shyamalan twist that that the beast and that whole film existed in the universe of unbreakable was like wow yeah and then when I saw the trailer for this I was like oh neat all three characters are together and then the trailer sort of you know you have Sarah Paulson by the way you've got your Sarah Paulson fix yeah she does not get hit by a bus film it's much farther than I thought yes much more involved in the film I thought she's going to be the therapist in the beginning in the first 15 minutes that kind of helps them and then they break out yeah and then the rest of the film is like like running around and then and she's gone yeah but she's integral to the storyline um but so you see the trailer and you know mr. glass is going to become the the mastermind beast will be his henchman and they will fight Bruce Willis and so going into the movie I was like I get it that's what's going to happen and I think the first 75% of the movie in the hospital where it it brought up a lot of interesting ideas and and and concepts about like are these guys really superheroes or not is it just a mental condition and I thought all that stuff was fascinating I did like that there's the big scene it's like the first scene in the trailer where it's all three of them lined up in that oddly pink room yeah and then she starts making them question I wish they played that up more of Bruce Willis cuz there's like one tiny moment after that where he's like maybe we're not superheroes yeah but it wasn't that didn't feel like I was flushed out enough at that part but uh yeah that entire concept I thought was interesting mmm and it was all very well well done I love to look at the movie yeah well there are so many and I don't know if this is an M night thing but there are so many different ways that he shot stuff there's a scene like there with several characters appear and it's all shot from a window upstairs there's traditional like back and forth shooting then occasionally there will be some kind of like dolly shot it so looks like stylized like like 15 different directors yeah with different visions or making this and I always like catches you off-guard like the way yes it did feel like a hodgepodge is that actually all kind of load together I mean it which is surprising yeah I mean interesting visually like it in and that opening to when Bruce Willis is chasing like the teenagers or young guys that trying to make a viral video they punch a guy on the street and and then it's just kind of what goes into slow motion and there's a music and it was really like stylistically very nice and a really great looking movie but but then you come to that that midway point and I didn't hate it I just felt it became too bloated and full of itself that's when we enter night Shyamalan territory and spoiler territory well you said it's about the midway point it's more like the last 15 20 minutes right which is I was hoping it would get because I kept waiting I was like what's what's there wasn't anything terribly intriguing to me for the first hour or something aside from Sarah Paulsen trying to put into their heads that maybe they're not really superheroes which is a very small part of it there's a lot of stuff with them just kind of in hospital rooms and it felt kind of tedious and repetitive to me but we get to the revelation that Sarah Paulson is in charge of an organization that is meant to suppress knowledge of people with superhuman abilities secret society a secret society and is like oh that's interesting and then it gets very dark all of her characters die but then we take this weird turn where all the peripheral characters from all the other movies are now kind of the central force the driving force of the story for the last five minutes of the movie we got Bruce Willis his son which was neat to see him back by the way yeah I wasn't expecting that they didn't show him any of the trailers or anything but it's the same actors like oh cool and it but it's mr. glasses elderly mother and then the girl from split I was like this is bizarre the actress playing his mother is younger than Sam I'm not kidding was it the same actress from the first movie because she plays the mother in the flashbacks and unbreakable but yeah in in sort of comical old-age makeup so then you have the three of them team up to take down this organization that has meant to suppress people with superhuman abilities but this all happens in the last like two minutes of the movie and I was like am I supposed to be happy that they took down this threat that I didn't even know existed until five minutes ago yeah or this threat that was was probably useful like yeah it was odd it was it was an odd wait like once when Sam Jackson's talking about this they throughout the movie they're referring to this like new skyscraper that's being built in Philadelphia right and his he's like I'm gonna blow up the skyscraper with their chemicals and you guys are gonna fight on the rooftop like just like a typical comic book smells like snow yeah I'm like I can't picture that in this movie they're not making it to that building and then that sort of ends up like they clumsily like them fighting in the parking lot yeah of the psychiatric hospital I was like okay this is good because the whole movie were questioning their superhero Ness right and they're not going to make it - for the world to see and everything that's basically happening could kind of be explained like banging into the car even when the Beast flips over a cop car because like there's always those stories like like a mother of trying to save her child will suddenly have superhuman strength yeah so it's all like relatively possible to where so long ago yeah so I was like okay cool they're all just gonna like this is just gonna end here in the parking lot and it's still gonna be a question of whether or not superheroes are real yeah and I'm okay with in some ambiguity in the end of a movie especially like this and then like this the secret society he that hides superheroes and then like he does an email blast to everyone showing like security camera footage like with this like and I'm sure everyone was in real life would go fake yeah you know and it's like superheroes are real and then it's like the other they're waiting in a train station at the end or three peripheral characters that was so bizarre and we're gonna tell the world superheroes are real and it's like you're not taking down the matrix you know like we've been building towards yeah three films to take down them and that's the thing is like this has all been introduced in the span of like ten minutes and then oh good they resolve that threat that I didn't know they had until a few minutes ago it was weird what do you want I am here to see if tales of the extraordinary being are true may I meet the beast the individual character stuff was was neat mainly for Bruce Willis and glass mr. glass yeah Sam Jackson and that's the thing is like you think he's building up this whole thing where he's getting Bruce Willis to fight the beast cuz that's sort of how the first movie ends the unbreakable movie that's like I've discovered my purpose on you know the evil villain - your superhero and to find out that he has a larger plan that is actually a little more humane or a little more about something larger than just this specific character in this situation it was a nice twist that the glass character yeah the Bruce Willis angle of him being fearful of water was that in that was an unbreakable yeah yeah we did introduce like the drowning part yeah and with the raincode being a wonderful costume yeah to protect himself from from water I didn't I don't remember that but that's great that's a great little backstory Sam Jackson on the tilt-a-whirl like that was just a really great scene huh not great for him the movies context is a great powerful scene and then the backstory of the beast and then tying it all with the Train and then it becomes like oh he was also on the train and Sam Jackson become like like twists and then another twists another revelation he's such a mastermind I don't know if he was just bullshitting or if he like he's like I created you like like your father dying like he caused a series of events yeah unknowingly but it's like yeah that whole aspect of it also kind of like like I was saying how this this feels like a very kind of traditional sequel to unbreakable in a lot of ways and that that stuff especially reminded me of that because it's like oh this is basically the exact same thing he was plotting and unbreakable I was waiting for some new interesting to it like the idea that there is this organization that's trying to suppress knowledge of people with superhuman abilities is interesting that to me that should have been the movie but then you don't have the twists so instead you have lots of scenes in hospitals and then the twist in the last you know yeah corner of the movie so it's like most of the movie there is no and it didn't feel he was building towards anything so didn't feel like there was any sort of threat until their finally was and then it's resolved right away well I mean it was building to the fact that mr. glass and the beasts were going to break out sir but I didn't know would you hear about that well I mean they're your villains and they were going to get out and do you know super villainy things and I think that that was his like way of pulling a twist on you yes I was the front is that you think it's gonna be completely they're gonna get out and the Beast is gonna wreck the grand opening of this high-rise kill a bunch of people and glass is gonna so when you realize that's not what it is said to me it's kind of like the ends didn't quite justify the means not a bad movie by any means I was like miserable watching nice to see some of these characters again I really enjoyed the the three characters in the hospital stuff like I thought that was the best all the best stuff well I kept waiting to with all the the peripheral characters I mean they ultimately did serve a purpose but like they introduced the girl from split never seen the trailer and it's like why does she need to be in this thing who really cares and then Bruce Willis's saw and like they have a lot to do in the first half of the movie and then they kind of disappear for a while and then they show up again and they're just kind of on the sidelines of all the final action and then they have something to do but I was I was just waiting for it to be like revealed that the the Anya Taylor joy the witch girl I kept waiting for the revelation that she has superpowers I was like they're gonna do it but they didn't do it so that would be in a Marvel film instead she she uploaded videos to the Internet she had I like the little I guess Stockholm Syndrome ask connection with her and what was his real name Kevin Kevin yeah that was a nice like those little character stuff like the people that connect to the superhero Sam Jackson's mom so the witch girl and Bruce Willis's son they're all need that superhero character in their life for some reason they're connected to them and then the superheroes trying to decide whether or not they really are superheroes or they're crazy all that stuff was good and it was well-written and it was well shot and I loved it and then the kind of yeah like I gotta have that twist I gotta have this muddled ending and they and the ending itself was muddled not just in the plot but but in the spatial relationships of what's happening because at some point like SWAT teams show up like the police are there and then they're kind of not for a while and they're not for a while and she like you don't get those you don't really get a big picture of what's happening it's like where's Bruce Willis I don't know she's she's talking to James McAvoy and then a sniper shoots him like what yeah well and then they reveal the arm of the sniper he's got that little tattoo I was like what is that gonna be is that gonna this gonna but really I went down yeah never I miss I don't know that's a setup for some other movie or what because they don't really reveal who that is but they make a point multiple times of showing that test it's a little over yeah cool you wanted to say Cloverfield I did yeah it's part of the Cloverfield you know I didn't know and then yeah I guess that shot implied that Sarah Paulson gave the order to kill Sheriff because in a few scenes later one of the guys is holding Bruce Willis's head in a puddle of water that's the guy with the tattoo yeah yeah and so they're all actually part of the surahs other people where are the cops yeah like the real cops what are they like okay with this man drowning this other man yeah in broad daylight right there was I think the idea is that they're all Sarah Paulsen's people but they make a point of all the inmates of the the asylum they say go to the other end of the building we don't look out the windows she's trying to erase all the evidence yeah but if you have to orchestrate all this every time you have a situation where you have to suppress the knowledge of superheroes it's a little and it's not like men in black or you can just point a thing and make everybody around you forget so yeah cuz how often does this happen and those SWAT guys got there real fast yes yes so do they sit in a warehouse in in Swat gear just waiting yeah for the one in a quadrillion chance that three superheroes will fight with each other in a parking lot yeah well that'll be what the next movies about just waiting yeah I mean I say anyone said you know this movie 90% of it is just people sitting in hospital rooms the next one I got to make more boring yeah because really like I mean I think that's where my confusion comes in because they she calls emergency services and so I need police and you know and it's not code speak that's not Cova field cloverfield society we have we have a I guess she says we have a code three at one point but that's not clear we have a we have a super super situation and three one eight six nine two X J situation like super code yeah where you know there's something fishy about that super cold I don't know yeah she just kind of talks into a phone it wasn't any sort of like I need police and emergency services here but maybe that's how they're so secretive they're really you know they have their meetings in restaurants yeah they own the whole restaurant even the waitstaff is in this society apparently because they heard it all but they still allow random customers to come in and they just act like they're chattering until those customers leave oh yeah they closed the door it's very weird why not just have a meeting and in a warehouse somewhere because they're so secretive Master I was satisfied with it up until the very end when I was this thing and so some ending like I said that was just simpler now would have Buddhist satisfied me and definitely the email blasts informing the world well it was played so emotional too but the music was building or like yeah they got him I didn't know they were a threat until just now but they got him it was bizarre and then you cut to the end credits and it had that weird music that was so repetitive it's just dead that that dead that that like over and over from ten minutes the Society of suppressing superheroes isn't the threat to regular people I mean I guess I guess well all they're doing is revealing to the world that these people exists and they don't need to hide anymore but they didn't know they needed to hide mr. glass didn't know and rage monster certainly didn't know who's just doing this thing the only one was Bruce Willis that's why it's so weird that you would introduce this this organization out of nowhere that's an okay idea it's it's the only interesting idea in the movie for me because all the lead-up mean I guess you could say it's all character-driven but all the stuff with them in the hospital I was just waiting is like when is something gonna happen I mean it's basically the premise of x-men yeah I was thinking about that too was thinking about x-men as like this is a more boring exponent but the idea is interesting of doing like a super stripped down version of that where everything's really grounded and real but I rated that was unbreakable I think that's why I split work because it was just a simple movie yeah well and then I think we even talked about this and we talked about split but the the Bruce Willis reveal at the ending it's like oh that kind of recontextualizes the movie and that's neat that's all we need we don't need this glass of movie we got it it's okay but I liked it I like I like the idea of the three of them in a hospital yeah together and and a breakout at the end and a fight in a parking lot and then some kind of conclusion yeah that's it yeah it just got a little clunky at the end a little over over over stuff yeah that's all they didn't introduce something from another I'm night Shyamalan movie thankfully Mark Wahlberg shows up the planets trying to kill us you guys uncovered this organization but now we got to worry about the plans oh no what no so Mike would you recommend class probably so despite the the bad twist ending the overall film itself I think the three lead performances I thought were great you know especially James McAvoy doing his thing and Bruce Willis dealing with his past trauma am i a superhero I'm not good stuff and also dealing with his desire to take a nap and that's why they put that hood on him so he can cover his eyes so in wide shots he can just be sleeping on strings [Laughter] yeah yeah mild recommendation I mean if you liked unbreakable and split you get more good character stuff with all those characters like I said it was nice to see Sam Jackson back in this part if you liked unbreakable and split you gotta finish it you like gun bullets but you gotta finish it it's the last film and you saw the first two so why not see the third if you like unbreak bullet split well then you gotta finish it bomp bomp that's that that's the TV commercial do you think we can get them to use this in the marketing for the film we're gonna make our own ad okay what how did my course go if you like gum break bullet split will then you gotta finish it it's the last film and you saw the first two so why not see the third if you like break bullet split well then you gotta finish it it's the last film and you saw the first two so why not see the third if you like unbreakable split well then you gotta finish it all bomb good for you rated pg-13 [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 1,112,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, glass, m. night shyamalan, shyamalan, unbreakable, split, samuel l. jackson, samual jackson, bruce willis, james mcavoy
Id: GTklK82aaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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