YMS Watches: American Psycho 1 & 2

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hello everyone you might be wondering why some parts of this video are pixelated why some parts of this video are also in black and white it's because if I didn't do that then YouTube would say that this video is inappropriate for advertisers and although I may not agree with that this is the only way this video can be monetized so if you wish to see the uncensored and ad-free version of this video along with many others please go to patreon.com YMS for as little as a dollar or you can click the join button underneath this video thank you hello hello everybody American Psycho the uncut version all right ready spaghetti everybody I love this song this is like one of the best opening monologues my name is Patrick Bateman my experience with this movie was that I loved it and I kept watching it over and over and I never understood the ending and I would always forget how confusing it ends until the morning I get there you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable I simply am not there yeah Christian Bale's awesome in this movie Just to you yes dear you're gonna have the peanut butter soup hello oh yeah Jared Leto call me the sound effect I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Halen's card to mine the voiceover makes it so it's much better let's see Paul Allen's card that shot this is this is a great movie just for like a type of character study get a goddamn job the way he speaks reminds me so much of Nick Fuentes just this like so much inauthenticity like everything's a constant performance would you like to hear the specials not if you want to keep your spleen but they don't have to kill you so unimpressed you have a dog chow or something Chow in 87 Huey released this four it's the most accomplished album I think they're Undisputed masterpieces it's so comical and satisfying it's just iconic scene after iconic scene it's crazy Batman [Laughter] where'd the blood go continuity error this is my very good friend Patrick Bateman he reminds me of Paul Dano if you mix Elijah Wood and Paul Dano where did you get that overnight bag yeah I think that's part of the point that they're ignoring what's going on there's some Mr Donald Trimble here to see you Kimball Kimball yes I know how busy you guys can get he's so well cast for this dude everyone's really well cast I hope I'm not being cross-examined here you feel like that no not really every scene is yeah Bam Bam Bam like just I've seen this movie so many times but it's just been I haven't seen in the last 10 years for sure well I'm so perfect for this role Texas Chainsaw all he does is exercise watch porn and watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre I want you to clean your business [Applause] adaptation I don't know dancer in the dark oh yeah she's the husband of uh the cop thank you that's why I recognize it did I say husband girlfriend what wife that's a very fun Chardonnay you're not drinking it's funny that he's trying to like impress the with this status [ __ ] is if they care that it's a fine Chardonnay like get down on your knees so Sabrina can see her Sabrina don't just stare at it eat it he's just looking at himself the entire time [Music] laughs don't touch the watch wow he's a real or if ever got [ __ ] he does kind of remind like the way he talks is kind of yeah there are no girls with good personality high five Bros it's my business card oh oh no the sound effect love it [Music] [Laughter] because like I can't kill this he's too precious now where are you going I've gotta return some video today gotta return some videotapes it's like the worst nightmare who gets kissed by a Gable [Music] not a big music fan huh he's too black sounding for me black sounding yeah I didn't notice the black standing line until now either but it was the first time I'm watching it as a real adult and also with subtitles oh the cats she was just pretending we're like halfway through the movie this [ __ ] flies by could you keep it down I'm trying to do drugs can you keep it down I'm trying to do drugs so funny you can only imagine just how many people he's killing every week you know meat bones need any help great shot love that Gene the way he's sitting on the couch looks exactly like Paul Allen looked earlier in the film I think he's probably wearing glasses because he was strung out on coke his hiding his like hangover or he's probably up really late the night before what a wonderful View Gene that's funny for a long time I was too focused on my work but I love it all the power tools did you know that uh Ted Bundy's first dog a collie was named Lassie who's Ted Bundy I like how nobody knows who the serial killer is he's talking about right he's just obsessed and nobody else's what's that duct tape I like how that says other excuse the videotape and then duct tape what no put it in the cart it's not gonna ruin your [ __ ] glass table idiot it's a GL you could just wipe that off with [ __ ] Windex don't forget you have a lunch date tomorrow with Donald Kimble at Smith and walenskies I can't hear the last name Kimball she's thinking of Kimba and also kindergarten cut because isn't he named John Kimball I haven't even seen Kindergarten Cop all the way through where where's Marcus the acting I love it is like sweat and anger and that gif I love I love like conceptually this movie we're following this Maniac like it it's almost stressful as to whether or not he'll be caught but we're seeing it through his perspective it's not we're not seeing the movie through the cops perspective like the cop is almost a villain in a sense I like movies like that it's so much more of an interesting way to tell a story eight bergillion dollars Robux I like how the driver is just doing this too like he's not the one driving Paul Allen I want the number idiot anyway I'm at Paul Norman's and I'll try him again later did you know constantly talking about musicians but the Greatest Love of All is one of the best most powerful songs ever written it's impossible to empathize with other you can always empathize with yourself wow the way he interpreted that a lot of crazy a pizza box completely naked and the shoes love it foreign yeah [Laughter] [Laughter] videotapes it's so much fun it's a fun movie I really relate to the main character I think it's literally me oh Kitty nice well if you insist get in there [Music] so good [Music] can you just like start driving like is he trying to get inside and just hide or did he forget what card he had [ __ ] [Applause] am I a video game is this free guy is free gay a less Psychopathic free guy hey now don't forget to sign in oh it's so good he panics and he's like I got to kill everyone yeah that expression was fantastic I guess I've killed Maybe 20 people maybe 40. imagine being his lawyer I love this performance people does this movie Project a Corona virus yeah I'm like I'm waiting for the part where I like lose the ability to comprehend what the [ __ ] the movie is doing but we're gonna see if I get it this time as a real adult so this is him like back at his place or what he thinks is his place so the same things we saw the Paul Allen's Place yeah okay though are you sure because I thought oh Allen's playing he thinks okay sure why is he there you saw the ad in the time yeah there was no ad in the times she's great I feel like I've seen her somewhere too she's such a short character but she does it really well Downing all the pills Patrick Bateman's office name Patrick benzo's office where are you I don't know if he's experiencing guilt I don't know if guilt is what I would call it he's like clearly concerned about himself he thinks because he's killed too many people that he's going to be in trouble that's not guilt he's constantly talking about like how he doesn't think he's going to get away with it and that's what makes him upset yeah the paranoia hey look Bryce is back and he's drinking mineral water yeah what a queer mineral water sounds like such a scam yeah natural Bateman killing Allen and the escort girls that's fabulous nobody ever believes him why isn't it possible it's just that why not faster there's a meme it's crazy how little there is left in the film such a weird structure he presents himself as this harmless old Cotter but inside but inside political life but inside doesn't matter his confession has meant nothing yeah that's incredible I love it still a 10 yeah it's a 10. I remembered the ending being a little different I uh Mandela affected myself because I thought that the ending was like them saying he was Paul Allen or something but it doesn't really change the way I interpret it like he really is like kind of faceless and they keep calling him different names throughout the movie when he's checking in they were saying like how's it going like Mr Smith or something burning the midnight oil Mr Smith the fact that they are constantly giving him different names it's almost kind of like the two characters in funny games uh except in this one I think the Thematic purpose of it is the way the film opens up like the end of the monologue he says like something bizarre like behind the makeup and the expression on his face he says I simply am not there and I think the movie is trying to get at the idea of him not even existing as like a person but more so like a concept I I interpret like every kill killing and how he gets away with it is kind of like a heightened satirical version of reality and not like a literal sense so so you can't really be asking questions like how come nobody caught him doing this because that's kind of the point I should make it clear to people who might not have like heard this interpretation before like this is less about killing people this is less about murder and it's more about like American consumerism and status and privilege and just like the sociopathic quest for wealth above all else this whole Elite idea and how he's constantly comparing and trying to like do the social status thing with others and that's really all that matters to him it's trying to communicate this idea of like when you are your status when you are your physique there's some people where that's all you are and like the more obsessed with it you are the more that is you and the real you isn't there like I don't remember the exact quote he says I simply am not there and then at the end of the film he literally says but what's inside doesn't matter like that's one of the last things we hear him say there doesn't have to be a what happened in the film's universe thing I don't think that what's happening is literal anyway it's late I gotta pee I gotta sleep I gotta sleep in my pee stay two all right everybody American Psycho two All-American Girl in the year 2002 so two years after the original and it's directed by Morgan Freeman but not the Morgan Freeman a man called Morgan J Freeman someone else oh boy the frame rate you know how some babies are just take you to the movies or rollerblading in the park shut up Meg all drugged up and tied to a chair I like how they had him wearing a mask so they wouldn't have to get Christian Bale again what the [ __ ] [Music] that was not she didn't look like she was exerting much force there yes everything's fine the audio mixing [ __ ] don't ask for me I was never tied to the scene how are you never tied to the scene if that was your babysitter did no one know that that babysitter was babysitting you I silently vowed to devote my life to stopping other psycho Killers devote your life to stopping psycho Killers now so you are I don't remember much of it this movie clearly I was very confused when I watched this the first time so yeah what's funny is they are trying to go for like kind of a comedic tone with this and I think it's based on how they interpreted the first movie this is incredible and this soundtrack is horrendous especially right after the first film I'm glad we're watching them back to back it's always great to have that perspective problem is I don't have time for games this voice over this narration compared to the original film what's funny is there seems to be some social commentary missing it's like the most important part of the first movie is this a commentary on women serial killer Patrick Bateman good morning it's him William Shatner the biggest red letter media hater of all time there was a lot to think about with the dialogue in the first film not so much here is she wearing a shirt that says All-American Girl because that's like the subtitle of the movie nobody comes close to my rock solid GPA I don't like how she's saying any of this and I do have some competition Mila Kunis was well cast for That 70s Show I loved her in Black Swan she doesn't have a lot of great roles but she's done some good stuff like this obviously yeah she's like 10 when this movie came out 2002 how old was she she was born in 83. so she was 19. when this movie came out oh yeah how could I forget Jupiter Ascending [Music] the [ __ ] is this soundtrack also you're 19 now Patrick Bateman when what year did you kill him was that supposed to be the 90s like he was killing people for like another decade after the first movie filling out the application is a mere formality she is wearing a shirt that says All-American Girl yes there may be a few more Hoops left to jump through I like how often she is like reaffirming her very clearly stated goals it's for the people that walked into the theater like eight minutes late after the movie's already started so they can be like oh this is direct to DVD well it's for the people who walked into their own living room late it's worth two in the bush Gertrude this is set in 99 okay we actually use my GPA after my cousin hacks into the Mainframe hacks into their main frame oh here we go this is so obvious I could have guessed I'm on the wiki the screenplay for the film entitled the girl who wouldn't die originally had no association with American Psycho after production began the script was altered to connect the film with the original yeah I think that's how I described it without even knowing that fact I'm like it's a movie that has nothing to do with the original and they just slapped the title on it it's such an odd franchise to attach yourself onto somehow there's a commentary with Mila Kunis on it on the Blu-ray apparently damn I want the Blu-ray I want to hear this [ __ ] commentary if it wasn't called American Psycho 2 I think it would be at least two points higher on IMDb people love dumb horror movies it's weird how like goofy the tone is when that was not the original Little hilarious I don't think it would last I don't think it would last 20 seconds in a microwave I think microwaves [ __ ] you up that obvious ketchup like that's the shittiest fake lid This song reminds me of another song it's like they use temp music or something else that's a strong ass frame this is hilarious oh my God what's funny is I'm pretty sure I watched this movie more than once when I was younger I don't know why I don't think I rented it more than once I think it was back when I burned DVDs I was running an illegal operation in my junior high where friends would pay me to burn DVDs for this I have a paper to write her motivations are very [ __ ] and so far there's no connection between what she's doing and what the beginning of the film shows she said she wanted to like kill serial killers but then she's just like trying to get like a good spot at the FBI now she's trying to get a good grade I just throw stuff out there I wonder if she's gonna wear that shirt the entire movie God I can't believe you're actually going out with Brian I know really no not really this writing is so [ __ ] the A and B camera shot reverse shot also is just like close on their face zero created like it's just so it's the most boring way you could possibly film that scene in terrible dialogue oh look American Psycho is classic scene after Classic scene it was such an enjoyable exhilarating watch this is a slug to put it nicely this is an insanely boring movie there's no [ __ ] I only remember like the ending typically if I don't remember much about a movie in my childhood I'm like oh I want to revisit it so I can figure out what happened typically it means it was boring as [ __ ] and I just didn't have the ability to remember that it was boring as [ __ ] reminds you of may may I remember me being a lot better than this I should watch May and may even though it's a Halloween movie I'll let you be my dreams if I can be in yours this is insanely bad nothing's happening and it's so boring the music is she also supposed to be drunk this is very bad acting for whatever the [ __ ] happening this is so bad why how much how long do you need that scene to be there were so many Cuts they cut it down and it was just them like going in the like that was the most awkward thing like that was the result of like no direction that was the director saying like Okay now like pretend you like got the wrong door and like pretend they're like drunk and you're trying not on to make any noise and then they just winged it and they went on for like a minute and they cut it down if you want all right we're gonna see full penis are we gonna get a brown bunny I haven't even seen that movie yet I should watch that on stream see now she's wearing the same hoodie as whoever killed the previous character so it shouldn't be it's not gonna be a Twist right it's heavily implied it's her right that sound effect ah she's sleeping on a bed made of Doritos is that a video gone from YouTube by the way Doritos [Music] sheet exhilarating put your hands somewhere else what are you doing you can turn around [Music] yeah got him I just killed Brian yep I just killed Brian this is crazy yep I just killed Brian one to the FBI I'll be in the position to stop doesn't okay yeah it's not a Twist she's just killing people this is supposed they probably think this is such a compelling character study of how she's justifying it oh my God and together we ask the questions that will lead you to your answers I don't think any psychiatrist would ever say that you're not selling them on the idea that they're getting answers that's a [ __ ] way of oh my God I'm gonna give you answers yeah this is like Dexter season eight it's crazy that William Shatner is in this I think I've identified this person as a textbook sociopath this is crazy that they're having this this is that's unethical by the way if you're a psychiatrist you can't do this that that goes against the code of ethics that they have well you know I can't do that I've already broken the law by placing this call yeah you did you broke the law this is crazy why would you do this she's already identified three of her peers Daniels this is so stupid you know I am such a textbook in that case sometimes the way she enunciates is like she just read the lines for the first time like there was no rehearsal how old is she she's slurring her words like all the time I'd be lost without subtitles like some of the words just like blend into each other was she not able to actually Rachel we're divorced the music's like destroying any tension that could be here you know what if it was if male they wouldn't be playing this music I think it's the fact that it's a female serial killer they're like oh it's funny now I think that's part of it it's a silly serial killer I want to be Dressed to Kill get it this music is so weird now I'm late this is a disaster [ __ ] why'd you come by my room last night to borrow a rubber he went home right after dinner I like how they had to explain where she got the condom from why'd you come to my room last night to borrow a rubber like she couldn't have just lied and had one they had to explain that so you're not even here it's like you're not even here like the original American Psycho remember the line there's nothing not here inside doesn't matter I am simply not there this is funny bad it's very boring but it's funny how bad it is you don't want anyone to know about you and Bobby shot reverse shot close face whatever like stop doing it this way Morgan Freeman you are annoying don't let me down don't worry and also did the background check okay it's later like why that's a weird transition just [ __ ] kill everybody she's trying to get the TA job for William that nerd so that she can be in a better position to kill Siri she's killing her competition yes I think she's murdered three people in the innocent people she murdered Catwoman boy baby and girl bus a game very famous serial killer this music is insane it's it's funny to pay someone to make your movie worse you have the film and you pay a musician to make it worse please make this movie more [ __ ] they said I'm not jumping to any conclusions here she can't speak properly she speaks like Derek Savage in this movie She's she has a problem have a good day she reads her lines like characters and Megan is missing how was he perceived why is he a Nazi you don't agree Muslim she's still wear it that person behind her is like 40 or on meth and he littered The Dumping size with evidence using the almost caution almost caution what is the casting here I don't know why they would cast me like like it's like it's kind of an annoying choice you know unfortunately in this class we stick to the facts and these facts don't care about your feelings [Music] why this music is trying so hard I definitely saw this movie like more than once when I was younger you know it probably happened I probably saw it when I was 13. forgot all about it and then saw it again when I was 14 or something I remember watching this for a second time somehow I wasn't about to watch years but it was time I would not use music like this for my videos it's so [ __ ] with their apps me why is everyone in the class dying there doesn't seem to be any like investigation happening actually that's kind of what's missing from this movie where's Willem Dafoe you know oh boy gee whose name we agreed not to say aloud jingpin Gigi ping crazy okay well I'm sorry you disagree Bob well I'm sorry you disagree I know there's a dead girl but like whoa I don't know why you stop arguing to me geez I'm not wrong you weren't sleeping over there so if you're confused William Shatner said she called herself because he thinks the psychiatrist never said which student just that it's a female that's being crazy and they're both being vague and so he thinks the one who herself who didn't is the one he was warning him about no I want Valium hello oh benzodiazepines are so useful you just have to not abuse them in other words there'll be no ta position for next semester no one's talking about how two or three people in the class have been murdered surely they had to find the library guy's body in the original American Psycho they're at least aware of the lack of consequences this film doesn't seem to be implying that [Music] angry I believe I am the most qualified for this position for this position for this position there's nobody knows it especially Mila like just can't say their lines properly I thought this part was happening at the end of the movie but it's not just relax Bobby maybe I just stopped watching maybe I didn't finish the movie the other times I watched it I thought this was the ending Bobby what's wrong William Shatner has he been good ever or is he just like a like people like him because he's been around for a while like you know he's always kind of [ __ ] isn't he is there a good performance from William Shatner Miss Congeniality okay we'll see you're confused how do you think has anybody there's there's musical albums that Shatner released are so weird where he just like talks instead of singing It's like would you like me to speak popular songs [Music] Rocket Man six years ago oh why are they saying six years ago how old was she oh it was in his apartment how come nobody knows that Clara was babysitting you how come nobody knows this how come she wouldn't have been connected to the crime scene who hired her to babysit where are her parents the frame rate is so funny the sound effect every time it cuts don't you threaten my family your family please no more what what he just fell she she saw that he was off balance and went just just to be cool he fell on his own and she noticed it with her hyper uh balance noticing skills you can see a person in the reflection oh that was him okay never mind sweet dreams she's just killing people for no reason really you're gonna you're gonna get that ta job still whoever allowed this to be called American Psycho so okay how did she do that how did she do that how strong is she he's a little out of it tonight what the [ __ ] just happened did she just disappear in front of him what like but the camera cut it did a straight The Strangers it cuts and then they're gone even though the character is still looking it's Eric I felt bad about the other day I just wanted to call you and say I was sorry and I hope you got the prescription filled okay it seems like nothing's happening outside of the very strict narrative you know I love screenplays where it feels like the the characters have more to do than what we're seeing on screen but it's so funny like cut to this guy he's like oh I hope you got your prescription filled that I was talking about in the last scene I was in it's like nothing else happens in your life you're just exclusively concerned with basic things that the script told us [Music] Rachel Newman are you sure but I thought she called herself because we never said anyone's names because it would be illegal even though it was already illegal for me to talk about it and I wanted to warn him but I didn't I wanted to be very vague about it it's crazy bye bye bye Mary bye good that's crazy I swore that that was the end of the movie from the the other in my memory that's two we're two-thirds through the movie I think I might have just stopped watching yeah her dad looks like that porn actor that got canceled run Jeremy yeah a more tall run Jeremy he looks like a Mario well is this restaurant reasonably priced what was the restaurant in American Psycho called started with a d dorsche's dorsia yeah you really gotta get maintenance up here well with the Cloverfield sequels at least it was like a producer attached to the original movie that made that decision this is just like the studio I think it was just Lion's gate Lionsgate has made a bunch of [ __ ] decisions the last two saw films that they greenlit like abysmal decisions like you're insane either make a better movie or just don't make it saw X I do have some hope for because it's Kevin gruder I trust Kevin more than I trust Chris Rock and the spearg brothers stainless steel it's me Mario anyway I know we're gonna eat dinner now where's my steak Knife where's my steak now she couldn't have taken someone else she couldn't have taken her own knife she had to steal her I like how we needed an expression for that explanation look at the font on the restaurant look at that fight that's that's no restaurant would use that but not even in 2000 not even in the years of 1999 with it like that is a shitty like that was oh that's like an arcade fund uh steak night okay it looks like a young Jerry Seinfeld I'll need some water so I can take my pills I need pills yeah you must realize that I can't let my mother get the best oh this is just like when Patrick Bateman stared in the mirror and tucked in his head ready to order I need my pills that shitty plastic straw in that drink holy [ __ ] it it's so funny that in the context of this film it's supposed to be a fancy restaurant but like clearly the director's never been to one like the props Department got confused I I just love that hat I like this psychiatrist is so hopeless she's walking all over me I can't do anything I can't report her to anyone there's been like I don't know five people directly associated with her that have died mysteriously now I guess they haven't found any body except the one they explicitly showed that they found we have one and like five missing people at this point like the library guy they never found I guess could I have a word with you for a moment reporter she's hella size she's an amongus I know it let's just say a mutual friend told me that he found you hanging why would you say this he found her who her who it's not that important the music is some of the worst [ __ ] ever it's fascinating just how how badly they wanted this film to be ruined further from what it already was a boy a boy yes it's a boy to me Mario Bobby starkman that's the name of her professor whoa it's crazy how I even remembered that what what happened in that scenario like I almost I almost just didn't even react to it because it's just this movie is so stupid he's she stabbed his hand like what I want to see how that went down this music doesn't stop it's a [ __ ] shirt like I said it was a false alarm well how do you know it was the right girl we don't ask for ID there's only one Rachel Newman registered at West Washington I had the beer because we're cops you know people could just say who they are and we believe them I hate how they're just like they paid the composer to make like I don't know 20 seconds worth of music and they're just looping it hey Bobby it's me this small town has no ethics they have one psychiatrist and like a couple cops and they're all corrupt flies but actually I like your name too you used a coat hanger why is this even a Twist like she killed someone stole her identity why does it matter like it's not how is this a reveal just some random woman I don't know why this is considered like any kind of a reveal this is just it's no wonder I forgot about the whole last third of the movie because it's like the plot we were following just kind of ends she just does random killings for the last half hour of the movie for no reason even if her goal was silly in the first two thirds at least there was some sort of goal she was following and then it just like she kills William Shatner and then it's like okay now what the body in the library disappeared because the this is an old video game and it despawns oh she's listening to the best music on the radio I'll hit you up real good [Applause] [Music] okay and just be careful she's a loose cam just be careful she's a loose cannon why how did the car chase even start they happened to be driving while she happened to be driving foreign I can't believe that they made the music diegetic it's to represent the craziness in our head sheets she keeps playing the same music because she likes it the song's over imagine what it would be without me like it would be not as bad it would still be a bad movie but it would it would be like much better without the music you could have like actual scenes where the heck our lady or heck's our lady friend ah don't shoot or anything that wow wow that's some real maps to the Stars fire that's crazy I like how it was like I like how it was like 50 transparency you could see like two layers they were both like 50 transparency layers for some reason [Laughter] was that Ronald Reagan checking the dumpster as a case study oh Newman was as rare as they come she was more obsessed than Dahmer more obsessed than Dahmer certainly more faceless than Bateman more faceless than Bateman why perfect world oh they're bringing it back one in a billion I mean the sequence of events is very unlikely if that's what you mean I wish I had a chance to study her mind more yeah but we only had 10 minute sessions because she was weird I don't charge by the hour Rachel Newman is one in a billion why not really one in a billion yeah that's your title huh say it again she's in the league of her own you can't enunciate properly is he Scottish is his accent coming through he's like Irish or something the people aren't always what they seem to be people aren't what there's a bit of his accent coming through can we somebody edit in the scene from Saw seven where jigsaw gets his book signed it's a pleasure who should I make it at John [Music] laughs your work is so inspiring if you could be anyone in the world beside yourself Elizabeth McGuire obviously Elizabeth McGuire remember I said that what Eric one in a billion she doesn't even want to kill him she just wants to intend intimidate him a little and leave Elizabeth McGuire you mean agent Maguire no one no like okay she was still attending classes after like in the news or something she just goes back to class like I'm a different person now actually she's got a fake mustache which is ever so flawed slide Everest which is ever so flawed aren't you gonna get investigated for this why are you here at daytime I've done nothing at all [Music] that sound effect was like a [ __ ] casino slot machine [Music] directed by Morgan Freeman yes vagina thank you Craig laptop hope you never meet Neil Breen done a Wong anybody okay this was one out of ten yep I'm glad I got to experience it again because this was something that I watched several times when I was younger and there was a weird sense of nostalgia at least for the idea of revisiting it it wasn't like a nostalgic experience revisiting it but there was a sense of nostalgia attached to the idea of revisiting it very bad I don't know what else to say [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: YMS
Views: 319,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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