Giving Advice in English - Top 6 Phrases for Giving Advice - English Speaking Conversation Practice

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hey everybody Chris americo's here and welcome to another video in this video I'm going to tell you how to give advice in English and really we can start by talking about words that help us give advice like the word suggest to suggest something or maybe to suggest something to someone and when we suggest or make a suggestion this means that we tell someone what we think is right or what we think is good to do so maybe your friend says where should we eat dinner tonight and you say I suggest the Chinese restaurant across the street right I suggest it and this is your advice you think that this place is good this is a good answer this is a good option for where you'll eat dinner tonight now when you suggest something it doesn't mean that you absolutely love that place it just means that this is your advice for this situation now another thing that you could say is you could say I recommend right if you say I recommend this place then this does mean that I think it's great and you know I definitely want to go there right I recommend it it means that I personally think that it's very very good overall not only for this situation but in general it's a great place I recommend it and to recommend means to tell someone else about it right that's what recommend really means for example you could recommend the restaurant to your friends so to recommend means that it's good enough for you to tell other people about it and suggest just means that we think it's good for this situation we think it's good as an answer or a solution to the problem or question that we have right now so suggest and recommend are two ways that we can give advice we can also give advice someone by saying should and the word should is different than the word must it's different than the word have to write two words have to but should also shows that we're giving advice it also tells us that we think something is good we think this is the right answer right like for example your friend says where are we going to eat tonight and you say if you like Chinese restaurants if you like Chinese food you should go to the Chinese restaurant across the street right you should I think it's good for you to do this right and when we say shouldn't it means that we think something is bad or that they should that we do not want them to do it right like you shouldn't smoke this doesn't mean that it's a rule it just means that I think is bad I think it's not good to do it right so should is also a word that we can use to give advice and it doesn't mean that it's a rule or a law if it's a rule or a law we should say must or have to but if it's just advice for just telling them what we think is good we should say should now there are some other phrases that we can use to give advice as well for example we can say why don't you like your friend says where should we eat tonight and you say why don't you go to the Chinese restaurant across the street why don't you and this means you should try it right it means you can do this why don't you do this it's a suggestion it's another way that we can give advice another good phrase that we might use is if I were you if I were you for example where should we go to eat if I were you I would go to the Chinese restaurant so this is a way to say that you know it's not possible for me to be you but in this situation if I were you then I would do this all right and yes it sounds strange right if I were usually we say I was so I were it sounds like a mistake right but this is a very special situation in English we don't need to talk about it a lot because we don't see it a lot but just remember that when we say this special phrase if I were you that we always say were if I were you I would learn more English grammar if you want more of an answer to that question great so the last phrase that that we're going to talk about today is you had better you had better and our example about the restaurant it doesn't really work here because you had better it means if you do not do the thing that I tell you then something bad will happen so it's a kind of advice but also it can be like a threat you know you're telling somebody if they don't do it something bad will happen and then they need to think oh does that mean that this person will do something bad or just something bad will happen in the future right we don't know for example let me give you an example right um I can say you had better pay for your food at the restaurant right if you don't pay your if you don't pay for your food at the restaurant something bad will happen the police will find you the people in the restaurant will I don't know how they'll get this money from you but they will right so you had better pay for your food at the restaurant you had better do it and this phrase had better you had better do it this means that if you do not do this something bad will happen so this is another way that we can give advice and so let's go back through all of the different ways that we talked about today in this video we talked about had better or you had better right we talked about if I were you we talked about why don't you we talked about you should we talked about you or we talked about I recommend and we also talked about I suggest right and I recommend and I suggest we used those examples about suggesting the Chinese restaurant or recommending the Chinese restaurant but sometimes after recommend and suggest we can also use a verb and when we do it has to be a gerund it has to have the ink ending so for example I suggest going to the Chinese restaurant or I recommend going to the Chinese restaurant so because after recommend and after suggest we have a verb we have to use ink going right we cannot say I suggest to go which we should say I suggest going all right well I think that's enough information for this video thank you so much for watching if you like this video then go ahead and press like press subscribe and write a comment down below and if you didn't like this video you don't have to write a comment but I mean you're welcome to it's YouTube and it's the internet and you know wherever you see this video I'm sure you can write comments so I mean feel free but you don't have to and I suggest not writing a comment if it's negative actually that's my suggestion that's my advice in this video about giving advice if you would like to practice speaking English with me and with other teachers then you can click on the link under this video to join our everyday English program and if you want to learn how to speak better English as fast as possible as quickly as possible I I will tell you how you can do that the fastest way in my free seminar and there's also a link for my free seminar under this video so click those links press likes subscribe write a comment and I will see you in the next video have a great day bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 32,248
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Keywords: giving advice, advice in english, how to give advice in english, english speaking practice advice, advice advise, best kris amerikos
Id: aDHmXN5Hhaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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