How to Backflip in ONE Hour

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i learned how to do a backflip in one hour and here's how you can too all my life i wanted to be able to do a backflip i imagined myself being in the center of a high school dance circle and just sending one to win the crowd as of today i still haven't been able to stick a backflip but after three years of living a sedentary life in college i realized i wasn't going to get there by sitting all day so i got up met up with my pt went to monkey vault and i would spend the next 60 minutes failing again and again and again but near the end of my session i finally did it [Music] performing a back tuck especially if you're trying to rush the process can be very dangerous many people not only get injured but they can even get paralyzed or die so there was no reason for me to do this alone this is arnold cuevas he's a personal trainer power lifter and like me he's an aspiring creator and an avid learner one of his first pieces of advice to avoid developing bad habits was to go step by step starting with preparing my stiff office chair body to get used to moving again we did laps around for a few minutes did some dynamic stretching and did some focused static stretching next we got into the four drills that would condition my body and mind for back tuck movements drill number one the rotation i needed to roll over backwards to get my body used to being upside down i had to roll over one shoulder first but to avoid building a habit of flipping diagonally i needed to flip over the other after which i couldn't do i used to be decently athletic and had good coordination growing up but after starting college during the covet 19 pandemic i was glued to my desk for hours my body forgot how to move not being able to roll over one shoulder doesn't seem like a big issue but this is the start of my mental block in getting my body to be mobile again the way i like to do all my movements in other sports as well is to have good form and finesse but now i feel fat and clunky regardless i needed to move on drill number two the tuck i conditioned my core to do a movement that no one really does in their daily life explosively contracting the core and raising my knees as fast as possible this part of the movement will help you thrust your momentum backwards and get you rotating fast the problem that i had with this movement was that i was relying too much on my core to tuck my legs up i could have instead used my hands to raise my knees higher faster and closer to my chest using your hands to assist that thrust will make your tuck much easier drill number three the jump i practice jumping as high as possible one of the most common bad habits people face while doing the back tuck is focusing on the flip but not the jump the jump is super important because the more air time you get the more likely you'll be able to land after a full rotation another tip was to squat just a little bit if i squat too low i may be wasting too much energy trying to bring my weight back up another issue i had was that i was also dropping my chest way too low this killed my upwards momentum and air time so instead arnold suggested that i squat to half keep my chest up and pretend i was jumping up to block a volleyball drill number four the land i would now be jumping and leaning back except arnold will push me back down to simulate what the landing would feel like without doing the actual flip although arnold needed to assist me i wasn't imagining doing the actual flip during these drills when i should have i was tucking too slowly and would potentially land on my head if i actually flip i needed to put more effort into these drills to prepare myself for the actual thing i couldn't keep thinking that i was going to keep practicing jumping into arnold shoulder forever so in order to develop my muscle memory properly i needed to jump higher and to tuck faster now that i had gone through all these drills i needed to put it together all right i think we're gonna start actually getting into it here's my first assisted flip with arnold spotting my rotations [Music] what we noticed was that i was getting a solid jump but i wasn't tucking my legs fast enough [Music] i really felt how weak my core was here i lacked muscle in my abs and my legs but i was determined to get the gears of my muscle memory turning again so we kept drilling it again and again and again eventually i was landing the flip more consistently but i remembered that arnold was still my crutch and was assisting me the entire time i started putting less effort into the flip got tired from drilling it so many times and my battery died it yes metaphorically i was low on battery but also my camera's battery died thankfully arnold also brought his camera future me bring extra batteries anyways i was jumping lower and lower and tucking slower and slower at this point i lost sight of my goal and was drilling habits that i wanted to avoid i knew for certain if arnold stopped spotting me i would fail and likely hurt myself i expended all of my energy and ended up needing to lie down because i felt like i was going to vomit in my head i thought i'm not gonna get there today maybe i should just give up [Music] and then it hit me i didn't want to leave there feeling failure and disappointment i finished my college life losing lots of muscle and gaining lots of fat if i was going to leave my first session back i needed to leave with an achievement i needed to prove myself that even with one simple thing i could be strong and mobile again so i said screw it i got up i drank some water i ate some sour patch kids and i ran it one more time it i needed to stop expecting to have a crutch to spot me forever i needed to attempt a full send every single time and to my surprise despite having no energy really sore abs probably a sprained ankle i put maximum effort into a flip and it felt really good i was almost there everything was finally coming together i had the jump i had a decent tuck and i landed the flip there was just one thing missing i needed to gain enough confidence to do it without arnold spotting me because i was way too afraid of doing it without assistance i told myself i needed to drill it dozens more times to gain that confidence but arnold told me to quickly do it again and i didn't notice that he had something completely different in mind [Music] what today i'm going to run him through a warm-up it's going to break it up we're going to drill each part and then we're going to build his confidence so i'm going to spot him he's going to jump into me and i'm going to spot him and eventually i'm just going to throw him without telling you oh crap this was the first time for certain i didn't feel arnold spotting me and i almost had a heart attack midair but that's why i needed to full sand it every single time all that overthinking and all that it took was for arnold to let go and for me to fully commit and after this intense struggle in nausea i finally landed my first ever backflip despite having only practiced the back tuck for one session i think he was actually looking pretty clean this is thanks to the fact that we went step by step instead of going in blind i knew what the deconstructed parts of the movement felt like so if there was a problem i knew what to fix that's why we drilled the rotation the tuck the jump and the land i was okay with the rotation and being upside down i was jumping high enough but my landing was affected because i was tucking too slowly all i needed to do was to fix the tuck and i'd be able to stick it another thing that was huge for my fast improvement was that i had someone telling me what to do instead of what not to do when arnold noticed that i was starting to develop a bad habit he wouldn't tell me don't tuck slowly don't squat so low or don't bail instead he would tell me tuck faster do a half squat and just full send if you tell a new driver not to hit the curb they're going to hyper fixate on the curb and increase the likelihood of driving into it but if you tell that driver instead to look far ahead and drive straight they're going to focus on driving straight this was amazing advice while learning the back tuck and is extremely useful in learning any other skill eventually i went back and got more confident with my flips i no longer had that fear and the more i did it each flip would just get better and better soon i would successfully and consistently land again and again and again sometimes i would linger and overthink it and when i did i would flinch making me perform poorly or even bail and hurt myself the best way for me to overcome that fear was to simply snap out of it and fully commit if i found myself thinking for more than two seconds i would mentally slap myself across the face and just jump now i successfully learned how to backflip in an hour but that doesn't mean i perfected it i still find myself talking a bit slowly and jumping backwards instead of up getting over that hurdle and landing the flip was a huge first step but mastering it is a whole different story one more for the road but remember as a reminder to you and me you'll never be great at anything unless you're bad at it first it's a million times better to be horrible at your first try than to never try at all if you want to try this yourself just make sure you have help and do it as safely as possible make sure you stay hydrated with lots of water and take lots of rest in between your sets of flips you don't need to rush the process just make sure you do it right thank you for watching this video my name is haru and starting from today i'll be pursuing new skills and hobbies with time at stake i'll also be pursuing old hobbies and passions that have dropped in the past and i look forward to making all my childhood dreams come true it'll start small for now like learning how to land a backflip which i did or learning a new language in seven days but in the future i do want to grow and do bigger things like creating a whole dance performance or trying to beat a pro at tennis all under the pressure of time if you want to hit me with a challenge for a future video make sure you drop it in the comments below lastly hit like and subscribe so you can join me on my journey in becoming the ultimate hobbyist see you soon [Music] me [Music] this way yeah after the first two times it's gonna be brick
Channel: Haru Quigaman
Views: 8,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: backflip, backflip tutorial, step by step, backflip training, backflip at home, backflip challenge, learn backflip, learn backflip fast, skills, learning how to backflip, backflip fail, how to backflip, back flips, tricks, i learned how to backflip, mike boyd, how to backtuck, how to backflip fast, backflip asap, how to learn backflip, how to do a backflip, backflip progression, i learned how to backflip in one day, learning how to backflip in one day
Id: Z692klboW14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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