GIRLFRIEND SHAMES Boyfriend's DISABLED BROTHER, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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who are you uh I I think I got the wrong house oh hey Quinn oh my gosh you look beautiful uh come on in these are for you by you by the way oh daisies I love them I can't believe you remembered I had to pick them for you sure did oh sorry this is Braden my brother the one I told you about oh I didn't realize that that he is my roommate yeah yeah he is not only that he's also my best friend so is this at a temporary thing him being my best friend no him being oh uh probably not I uh I'm his caregiver I see anyway uh do you want me to show you around no I'd rather just go all right yeah let's do it is he coming too yeah yeah I hope that's okay um did I not mention that ah Wednesday no dude it's fine it's fine okay and I'm sure that she'll warm up to you once she gets to know how awesome you okay don't worry buddy foreign thank you for getting the door for me of course sorry did I hit you you think oh shoot you know what I forgot to pay the parking tenant I'll be right back okay wait no don't leave me with him oh great are you excited for a date I was not anymore I'm sorry what's the problem and looking at it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hit you and I feel like I haven't seen you in forever yeah I've just been super busy with work same here we actually had time to go on a date today you remember Donnie we're on day two oh hi I'm Lisa nice to meet you I didn't make it to work don't take that the wrong way I'm not on a date with him I don't even know him we came together I'm not associated with him whatsoever she's uh just a guy that I had to bring along because I'm dating his brother trust me it's not my choice I see well it was nice seeing you bye call me sometime and we'll hang out uh-huh [Music] don't you ever talk to any of my friends or tell anyone that we are on a date ever again do you hear me parking's all paid for and is everything okay yeah yeah it's great Braden is everything okay come on babe we don't want to be late [Music] I can't believe how expensive this restaurant is oh don't worry about it I remember when we first met she told me you wanted to go here so I've been saving up order whatever you want and it's on me what's he doing oh he just gets a little nervous in public places it'll be fine hey Braden do you remember the self-talk the therapist said to try you got this buddy it's okay everything is going to be okay where's the food and have fun you got it foreign [Music] people are starting to notice is there anything you can say to get him to stop just give him a bit and he'll be fine okay Carter please you okay is there anything I can do for you no okay just let me know all right so uh the boldness sounds pretty good what do you think Brayden stop stop serious yell at him he's anxious it makes it worse that's it I can't take this wait Gwen no try to go along with this weird date but I can't do it you're just as crazy as him if you think I'm gonna sit through this with you and your brother hey don't talk to me that way it's okay I'm sorry that I put you through this when let's let's talk for a sec yeah [Music] look I understand that this may not be ideal but this is my it's either him or Braden is my brother and I love him I'm going to do everything I can to give him the best life possible which means that we come as a package deal well it sounds like you're going to be single for the rest of your life then Gwen I brought you flowers I I opened your door for you I even brought you to this fancy restaurant that you've been wanting to go to he really think that every guy's gonna treat you that way all right well I guess it's just like they say sometimes in life you don't realize what you have until it's gone yeah whatever I'll be fine good luck finding some girl who will put up with this nightmare bye Gwen storms out of the restaurant wanting nothing to do with Carter if it meant Braden would be in the picture too before long Gwen moves on with another guy however it doesn't take her long to realize that he doesn't treat her the way Carter did [Music] he never compliments her or gets her flowers he doesn't open the door for her or act like a gentleman [Music] and he doesn't even give her his full attention eventually Gwen starts to miss what she had with Carter months go by and then she happens to run into someone that she least suspects Carter hey Gwen how are you you look great thank you doing really well we both are it's nice to see you again Braden how have you been honestly um not great I started seeing this guy but things didn't really work out because uh he didn't really treat me right he didn't treat me like you sorry to hear that I guess you're right after all don't really realize what you have until it's gone [Music] so I was wondering you're not seeing anyone maybe so sorry I'm late hopefully you haven't been waiting too long no no you're totally fine we just got here we haven't even ordered so let's go find a table hi uh are you I'm I'm Krista I'm Carter's girlfriend oh I didn't realize that he had a new girlfriend [Music] it doesn't bother you you know what the Braden's always tagging along third Wheeling are you kidding me no I left Braden he's the best he's so sweet and honestly I feel like I won the lottery I mean if that's how he treats his brother imagine how he's going to treat his wife one day oh and actually he's not even third Wheeling we are on a double date [Music] excuse us [Music] hi guys this is for you oh so it's my favorite you guys so sweet
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 6,783,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Hs7JbnD6Pb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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