Girl Talk Ep.5

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get your popcorn ready put your PJs on because it's time for another episode oh girl girl talk it's been so long since we've been here on this couch just relaxing you know chilling with the girls or the guys I know that the lighting sucks okay do you need to hear about it in the comments there's nothing I can do about it at this time so we're gonna just have to have poor lighting but you know what when you're chilling out of sleepover you don't even you never have good lighting duh I did this on purpose if anyone is new here Girl Talk it's basically just like me being a girl talking to you guys helping people out I ask people on Twitter about things they need advice on and I try and give it to that I'm not you know a professional but I try and use my own life experiences and help out my people and it's basically like we're all just chillin out of sleepover eatin snacks and our PJs and hanging out and having the best time so wrap snack get comfy and let's get this Girl Talk started first question I'm extremely shy and introverted and want to be more outgoing because I feel like I'm missing out on a lot but I'm really scared to go out and do things outside of my comfort zone I need advice on how to be more outgoing I feel like you've already conquered the first step because you need to just recognize that you want to be going out and trying more things like I think a lot of people get comfortable where they are and they get scared to branch out and so they don't even acknowledge it they just stay where they are and that's it but I think the fact that you already have the desire to want to be more outgoing and to want to do more things is like great the next kind of event or whatever it is that you are that you have an opportunity to go to might be out of your comfort zone and might scare you just try it out as scary as it might be just go for 30 minutes a I'm gonna go to this thing for 30 minutes I'm gonna see if I can talk to a couple people and keep pushing yourself even if it doesn't go exactly the plan even if you felt like people were being weird people might have been being weird but not everywhere you go organ is gonna have weird people 30 minutes here 45 minutes the next time keep pushing yourself just a little bit at a time and saying okay I'm gonna talk to at least three different people this time I'm gonna talk to at least four different people this time and then just push yourself a little bit more and more and start a conversation compliment someone on their jacket Oh where'd you get it you're having a conversation now you know just try it it's gonna be hard at first it's not easy it's always like very scary to just put yourself out there and do something that you're scared to do but it usually always benefits you in some way whether that's learning that you don't like doing that thing or finding out that you had a great time at least you know now how to keep things fun and exciting in a long-term relationship I say just like don't let the things that used to excite you when you were first dating become just a thing of the past like try and go on a date maybe once a week or watch new shows together that you like and just try new experiences together maybe if you're going on a date like try and look a little cuter than you normally would cuz like I know once you get in a relationship you kind of like you're like I don't need to do my hair you knows what I look like or this and that but like don't treat it like it's old just treat it like it's still as exciting as you first thought it was I've been talking to this time for a while he likes me and I like him back but we don't have very much in common we don't text really I see him at school and walk with him and eat lunch with him and he waits for me to get out of class I've been over to his house multiple times and he's been to mine a couple we have been on one movie date they were all good experiences but the most we have done is saddled and watched the movie together I have a hard time making conversation with him I just feel like it's very superficial and I don't know what to do at all I mean clearly you have some sort of conversation with this guy you don't just sit in silence like all of these times that you hang out if you feel like things are being superficial you can take the lead and you can ask a question that's a little bit more than an on the surface question you know you can dig a little deeper try and get to know him more don't just accept the superficial conversations as it and if it doesn't work you have to be honest about that because you don't want to just be with someone to just have someone to be with you want to be with someone who you actually enjoy talking with every friendship whether it was a longtime friend or not I've had has always ended badly I've been ghosted by friends I had for four plus years used by friends who only wanted to talk to me when they want to and thrown away for other friends I've been in college for a little over a year I started a community college and I'm about to transfer to a university I'm seriously worried that I'll never make any friends or keep them for that matter one part of me wants to socialize and have fun but the other part of me is like why I try to make friends if they're all going to leave me I have my dog and she's great and I love her boat WTF is life without other people to talk to besides your parents at home well please help you're starting a new page you're starting at a university you could be surprised at what you find it takes moving away from people and friendships ending and certain things happening for you to find even better friendships and even better experiences so don't let the people who aren't worth being upset over affect your future happiness just move forward go to these social events have fun like you're always gonna encounter [ __ ] you're always gonna encounter shitty friends it's just like a part of life I feel like but the friendships that aren't shitty make all of the shitty friendships worthwhile and you know what now you know what to look for in friends but keep trying I don't give up my boyfriend just broke up with me because he needed to find himself but then unfollowed me on Twitter what does this mean is he lying are we broken up for good I'm losing my mind definitely doesn't mean he's lying maybe is really committing to this finding himself thing and he needs a full distance he doesn't want to see any of your post he doesn't wanna see in your stuff he just wants to try and do his thing so you got to like let it happen you know it don't take it it's probably just something in his mind um I can't answer if you're broken up for good or not you know finding himself may mean moving in a different direction than a relationship with you or finding himself may mean then he realizes that he does want to be with you but I don't think you need to sit around and wait for him I don't think you need to stress out about him following you on Twitter or not I think you just need to keep moving forward with your life too and if you guys are meant to be you will leave take a seat so while ago I broke up with this girl but then my friend started to date her ever since then it's always been weird between the three of us during the summer one of my ex's friends usually party throws a party that everyone is invited to do you think it would be weird if I showed up it's been about a year since we broke up but I haven't seen her since and have completely disassociated myself with my friend but we all share the same friends I just don't want it to be awkward I think a situation that you're scared is gonna be awkward the best way to make it not awkward is to just push through it but if you keep avoiding these situations that you're scared are gonna be awkward you're gonna have this looming feeling constantly that it's awkward so if you have all the same friends as these people don't let their relationship keep you from experiencing your friends parties in your life it's been about a year you distanced yourself from both of them clearly I think you just go to the party and you say hi to them you don't have to be nice to them you don't need to be like mean just hey guys that's it you enjoy the party with the all the other people like you know there are all the other friends that you have there do your thing you want to go to the party you go to the party right before my last relationship ended my ex-boyfriend told me he wasn't attracted to me anymore and that really [ __ ] me up and I can't seem to interact with people much anymore any advice on how to move on from that comment it keeps me from getting out there listen your ex-boyfriend is stupid you can't let someone else's words just completely knock you down when they have so many issues going on in their own self that they're projecting them onto you and they're taking them out on you and they're trying to make you feel the way they feel don't let them you need to start accepting yourself for what you are and love within yourself and don't let someone who is a significant other who is a friend who is whatever have that much control over how you feel about yourself say okay if that's what you think that's what you think but you're missing out on someone great and then move forward and find someone who loves you for every piece of you and the person that should be the first person to do that is yourself and that's that I'm 23 and I'm in an amazing relationship with someone who I think might be the one but I feel like I'm not letting my whole self be in this because I'm so [ __ ] up for my last relationship that I'm always on guard to get my heart broken again so even though I truly believe this guy is different I can't help but be on edge what are your thoughts I think that this is something that a lot of people understand including myself I think it's hard like once you've been hurt to open yourself up again my best friend Isabel on once told me I asked her how is it feel easy for you to trust your boyfriend and she said he has never hurt me and he has never given me a reason to believe that he would hurt me so why would I treat him like he's going to and it's it's true you know it's hard to move past getting hurt and to move past trust issues and all of that but if you're in a relationship that you feel is so special and so great you can't stunt its growth by comparing to some [ __ ] who didn't treat you right you have to look at each relationship separate from the last and that is like the hardest thing in the world to do and it's something that I struggle with myself you have to just be all-in because that's the only way that you experience like the most the best kinds of relationships I think it's hard you got it though you got it my boyfriend bought us tickets to a concert of a female singer that he has a massive crush on I'm not into her music but I don't want to seem ungrateful for the present I don't want to feel insecure as he is gazing up adoringly at her either what should i do should I go he bought the tickets because obviously he wants to go see this singer and it's okay if you go with him it's obviously still gonna be fun it's still gonna be like a fun date night you guys I wouldn't compare yourself to someone just like standing up on a stage with thousands of other adoring fans okay for example I can invite Cody to come with me to a Shawn Mendes concert do I think Shawn Mendes looks nice standing up there playing the guitar yes am i 100% happy that Cody is the person I'm gonna be going home with that night absolutely Sherman is cute and yeah he's a great singer and whatever I'm just gonna show Mendes is Shawn Mendes but like I see Cody in such a obviously bigger way so your boyfriend as much as he has a crush on this girl who's singing like you're who he chooses to be with and it's okay that he is like a crush on a celebrity that happens it's fine it doesn't make you any less he loves you more obviously than that person it's just like someone who he has like a crush on don't waste your time comparing yourself to someone that he doesn't even know so I hooked up with my best guy friend all semester and we just went home for the summer we live a plane ride apart so I won't really see him but I definitely have feelings for him and don't know what to do from now until August do I try to hook up with other people at home what expectations should I have going into next school year he said he didn't want to date but I don't know what to do if it continues in the fall if he said that he doesn't want to date he's clearly like doing his own thing so over summer just do your own thing and if you want to hook up with someone else go for it do whatever you want to do pretty much because you're not dating and maybe the distance could make the heart grow fonder in his case and your case and you could realize when you get back to school that you want it to be more than just hooking up or you could get back to school and it could just be hooking up we can't tackle what's gonna happen until fall until you guys do go back to school so for now just take it literally as what it is don't try to dissect it too much your best friends who are hooking up he doesn't want to date and so you both went home for summer so you're not dating you were just hooking up so do whatever you need to do over summer obviously keep in touch with him over summer when you get back to school then see how things are handled in the fall all right you guys I hope that helped I don't know I tried to answer as many as I could I love you guys all I know I need to do this more often because there's so many questions but you guys are the best bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 306,888
Rating: 4.9799232 out of 5
Keywords: advice, love advice, life advice, kelsey kreppel, girl talk, girl talk kelsey, friendship advice, q&a, break up, relationship advice, relationships, relatable, cody ko, shawn mendes, twitter, secrets, love life, help, storytime, vlog, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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