Pretty Girl FAKES NICE To USE BOYS, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann Studios

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Kyra check out this palette I'm going to wear this for the Romeo and Juliet audition nice aren't you getting anything um no look I know you're going for the nurse but maybe you can I don't know go for the hot nurse yeah very funny but no I'm just going to stick to my basic makeup routine for it a that's lame how are you going to be able to afford all that anyways you're more broke than me well the same way I always do with the pretty girl at discount what do you mean M hey over here watch and learn hey M hi uh did you find everything okay today we did Brad wow that's such a great name you're probably the cutest Brad I've ever met really well that's really sweet of you thank you all right that'll be$ 7598 7598 but I I don't have that much do you think you could help me out friend I'm not really sure if I could well you have employee discount don't you I'm not supposed to give it out and honest ly I'm not even supposed to ring up my own discount myself but you do it for me right all right I can give you 30% just 30 well what about this 20% off coupon let's make it 50 please I'll give you my [Music] number okay fine but just don't say anything to anybody you're the best here's my [Music] number a good day oh I'm staring what do we have today oh tried and true yes are you not getting any lunch no I kind of spent all my money on that makeup so Emily oh hey uh what are you doing after school I was thinking maybe you can come over and watch a movie with me or something we have that project due in physics plus auditions are tomorrow I got to practice on my monologue but you're welcome to join me if you want we can work on the project and run our lines together uh hard pass no offense but I don't really want to spend my night working on some lame physics project wait did you finish your project already no well then what are you going to do you know it's like 30% of our grade right uh I'm not too worried about it I think you're forgetting about my secret weapon Emily I don't think your pretty privilege is going to get you an A and Miss Blanchard's class what are you going to do flirt with our physics teacher nope I've got a better [Music] idea hey Nelson what are you you doing after school um I'm probably just going to study and play Minecraft like I always do why what's up uh do you think you could help me with our physics project oh yeah of course what party stuck on I don't know like all of it okay uh do you want to meet in my place or or we don't have to it can be at the public library actually I think it'd be easier if you just did it for me please Nelson it would mean a lot to me okay thank you Nell by the way do you happen to have extra lunch credits for me oh yeah help yourself it's on [Music] me put it on this okay okay I feel like I have these lines down do you want to practice yours I can be on book for you m Emily huh yeah want me to be on book for you so you can practice your lines sure sure here Romeo oh Romeo um oh Romeo Romeo oh Romeo Romeo where are you Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo auditions are in a few minutes you didn't even memorize your lines what were you doing last night catching up on selling sunet those women are the level of Gorge that I'm aspiring to be yeah and those women also probably put in hours of work to be signed with the O group you're not going to get this role if you can't at the very least memorize your lines and not to mention this is Shakespeare do you even know that the econis O is a sound or cry of passion not just oh and and there's also a way that you're supposed to read Shakespeare you know with the punctuation you know wrapped around the Sonic it's it's this it's this dance that you have to are you done yet girl I'm trying to help you girl I don't need help I have my pretty privil um besides have you seen the new director hello ladies I'll see you on the stage in five hello Emily that's just you again he totally has the hearts for me I've got this on the [Music] bag listen em your looks may have gotten you free food an A in class but it's all going to catch up to you because in life there's no Shortcuts To Success you need to put in the work hello I worked really hard on this makeup or were as good he were as living here in you no use of him thank you car that's all of our nurses we're going to move on to our Juliet first up we have Wendy whenever you're ready Wendy oh Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo deny thy father and refuse thy name or if thou Wilt be but sworn my love and I will no longer be a Capulet thank you Wendy up next is Tiara oh Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo deny thy father and refuse thy name or if thou wil not be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet all right and last but certainly not least we have [Music] Emily oh Romeo Romeo wherefore are you Romeo deny Thy Thy dad is it okay if I was on book for this sure uh it said on the call sheet that it had to be memorized it's all right I'll make an exception for her he's probably just being nice cuz he knows there's no way she's getting [Music] Juliet oh Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo deny thy father and refuse thy name or if thou Wilt not be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a CET okay thank you so much for coming out to audition for the roles of nurse and Juliet it was a pleasure seeing all of you perform I've made my decision on the casting the role of nurse will be going to Kyra [Music] really and the lead role of Juliet will be played [Music] by Emily what she doesn't know [Music] her I am weary give me leave a while by how my bones ache what ad Dons have I um I would thou Hast my bones mhm I would have bones or whatever can you please Focus I'm trying to but you're not helping you're going to make me mess up my nails Emily you know what I mean mean I know that you got the role but you still need to do well on stage didn't you say it was your dream for us to go to CMU together for acting duh one look at me from the admissions counselor and I'm in the door no doubt being a pretty girl isn't going to guarantee you admissions into the best drama school in the country that's where you're wrong have I haven't heard this saying that acting is 10% how you act and 90% how you look I've been right so far haven't I you made me mess up my nails good evening ladies and gentlemen tonight we're proud to present booksize rendition of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare we are delighted to have you as our first audience to watch the show are you sure you're ready to go out there yeah why is there something wrong with my makeup perform no I mean we haven't gotten through a single rehearsal without you flubbing your lines don't worry about it everyone's going to be so distracted by how good I look they won't even notice so without further ado sit back relax and enjoy my lips two blushing pilgrims ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss good pilgrims good good p oh I am weary give me leave a while by how my bones ache what a JS have I I would have some bones and some news and I'm I'm I'm praying speak curse speak [Music] [Music] Romeo I'm done I'm telling you I don't know what you're so upset about I think the preview went really well no it didn't it was a disaster you made all of us look bad please I was the best looking one in the cast hence why I got [Music] Julet fine be that way [Music] sorry hey Nelson uh any chance you could buy me lunch again today you're kidding right you led me on to do your project and you used me to buy you food used you I don't know what you're talking I know you game my friend works to the bullseye and you pull the same thing on him you ought to be ashamed of yourself just because you're pretty doesn't mean you can treat people that way Emily yes could you please explain to the rest of the class the difference between standard concave lens standard convex lens and standard flat plate when it comes to refraction uh uh uh I don't know really but you explained it so perfectly in your project you did do your own project [Music] right what's wrong [Music] wrong Emily could you please stay back I'd like to have a word with you about your [Music] project even or odd of all days in the year come lamus Eve at night shall she be 14 Susan and she did you forget your nail polish here or something no I came because I want your help you're pretty privileged isn't going to work on me m wait wait wait that's not what I'm saying I want to put in the work because you're right in life there are no Shortcuts To Success you need to put in the work and uh look I'm really sorry for embarrassing you and the rest of the cast I know we have about a week until opening night so I really want to turn this around [Music] so what do you say let's get to work got my fingers on the post avocado and toast leather seats jet PL always ready to go catch a tan on the roof of the yacht pin house elevator take us up to the top in my S jacket always bringing the magic I got the top pull down in my automatic you know my everyday life may sound dramatic but when you got it like this got to make it a Hab stop loving what I got ooh yeah yeah in his a spot I feeling [Music] myself Big Boost to my confidence and turn the attitude up to 100% Big Shot go off yeah I'm at it again in my jaet always bringing the magic I got the top pull down in my automatic you know my everyday life may sound dramatic but when you got like this got to make it aead can Ling what I got o yeah it h a spot I'm feeling [Music] myself it [Music] what the cup Clos in my true love's head poison I see then is timeless end oh J all and left no friendly Jun to help me [Music] out oh happy Jager this is my sheine there us let me [Music] die [Music] you were incredible they loved you you're kidding me right you stole the show you're such a natural thank you again for helping me I would have totally bombed it if it wasn't for you you're the one who put in the work you should be proud you did excuse me ladies uh hi Kyra yes hi Jeff Douglas from the carneg mill University School of drama I I know you right good good wonderful performance by the way I was wonder if you have a moment to chat with me about our program I have unlimited moments for this yet I'll see you later KY Emily wait uh actually I want to uh talk to you as well really absolutely you gave a stellar performance I mean you should be really proud of that both of you I can tell you're different and that is what our University is looking for yeah well someone wise once told me there are no Shortcuts To Success you need to put in the hard work you guys you guys excuse me Emily there's a video of you on Tik Tok going viral oh my gosh what are people saying now actually I don't think I want to see it they love you it's great man congratulations both you guys better start getting used to that what do you say shall we yes got wonderful job too by the way thank [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 3,866,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: BwB3SxWOs30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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