EVIL Stepmom MISTREATS Her STEPDAUGHTER, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann Studios

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hey yo boys check this out hey nerd watch your step have you guys noticed that kids aren't afraid of us anymore bro it's because they're all obsessed with that game check it out I'm back later I'm playing honai Star rail what's hanai Star rail it's a space fantasy role playing game it literally won best game of the year on Google Play and the App Store last year you guys must be living under RQ who wants a SLE so we finish the space adventure first huh I ever since Hawkin star released a new world pentacon I just can't put it down pentacon it's a Dream World for rich and tons of hidden layers doing cover oh those Graphics are insane looks like someone's getting a wedgie sandwich for lunch did you just unlock a new character on Hawkeye star actually I just pulled two new characters zackon a mysterious Interstellar wander with crazy burst damage what about that one oh that's Venture he's handy because he can stack multiple Shields he also just looks super cool hey you guys forgot to take our lunch money not now I'm trying to pull acon I got to see this burst damage told you let get him hooked in there leave us a wait a minute did we just get played ah if you can't beat him join him hey Darman fam download honky star rail using the link in the description to unlock new characters and use my redemption code below to redeem 50 stellr Jade now let's go ahead and start today's [Music] video time to get up breakfast needs to be made and the kitchen is a disaster I told you about neglecting your chores huh I I cleaned the kitchen last night like I always do don't you get sassy with me Missy now you go clean up we don't have all [Music] day Lizzy The toilet's backed up again [Music] guys what happened I left this kitchen spotless surprise we left this mess just for you our favorite little Maid yeah I mean you didn't actually expect us to clean this up right whatever just leave your mugs on the counter um what about breakfast step sister yeah do you want us to starve I mean you could stand to lose a couple pounds Tanya are you serious my waist is way more snatched than yours oh really go get the measuring tape then let's do it and while we're at it let's ask Mom oh yeah Mom's going to agree with me um are you serious I'm her favorite so doesn't matter you feel I've never been to a school dance not one I mean it's an Abomination I mean do you think Eva the Eva's stepmother will let you go to this one have you met that fire breathing dragon there's no way she's letting me go I mean you never know I mean you should prepare just in case I mean my girl Camila she makes these really dope masquerade masks and I bet she'd make you one on the low since you're my BFF on the low would be great you know I'm broke can you text me her number yeah okay I know what you're going to say what do you have against phone chargers your phone is always dead I know I know I need to get it together but I have it memorized it's 235 1 2 0 9 1 2 09 you sure that's it I don't want to end up texting some serial killer positive I mean she's had the same number since she was like 11 oh my gosh sorry you're [Music] good oh my gosh Devin we are so sorry yeah our step sister she's a social imile it's fine guys no problem so are you taking anyone to the masquerade Bal um I'm not really sure still deciding smells so good like sweat and oak trees thanks seriously Tren it's clearly Amber Woods not Oak oh so you're like an expert on cologne now yeah at least I'm an expert at something at least I don't look like a rainbow fruit rollup you joking [Music] wait I miss when your dad owned daras I swear ever since your stepmom took over dollars just keep disappearing from my paycheck well at least you get a check what you don't get paid is that even legal according to Eva's laws it is plus a whole lot of other horrible stuff she does to me I just still don't understand why your dad didn't leave a will all this should have been yours I know right but instead I'm modern day Cinderella here take this Patricia what are you doing I can't take this Eva keeps all the tips if my stepmom found out no no no please if you're not getting paid you should at least keep the tips here take it before she puts it in the safe you know she's the only one with the code is this what I pay you for to stand around and talk I mean you don't really pay us much anyway what do you want me to do times are tough well I could fire you how about that now don't let me catch both of you wasting my time again because it's like what I always say what happens in the dark always comes to [Music] light Lord I am trying to remember that I am one of your children but I swear that woman makes me want to commit crimes well please don't commit any until after I ask her about the masquerade ball masquerade ball ooh I haven't been one of those since 19 doesn't matter you have to go we'll see hopefully she's in a good mood tonight what what is this where are the sesame seeds you know what you're you're [Music] incompetent hopefully I told you I was wearing this dress to the ball Trinity well too bad I got it first Tanya I finished with the dusting it took you long enough now go and clean the girls' rooms next seriously shouldn't they be okay clean it h I still hear you breathe breathing um sorry I um wanted to ask you something at school there's a masquerade ball coming up and I've never been to a dance before I was wondering if I could possibly maybe be able to go I suppose it could be possible if you do your chores that day really mhm what uh-huh we'll see now Chop Chop the girls bedrooms are a mess okay thanks Eva um are you okay mommy yeah did you hit your head or something Lizzy cannot go to the ball she'll ruin our rep my princesses don't worry you know Mommy always has a plan you trust me okay [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] these are good Gio I'm going to kill you [Music] h [Music] h [Music] Brea your moment soon will come all the stars around you just to show you that you're one singing oh sounds inviting you to stay all the star around you be together that's the way you're singing wo Sparks in every moood Sparks in every day Sparks on every [Music] way breathe your moment soon will come all the stars around you just to show you that you're one singing wo sounds inviting you to stay all the stows around you be together that's the way we singing wo Sparks in every move Sparks in every day Sparks on every way [Music] wo it'll be 6521 thank God Patricia gave me that tip money wouldn't have enough otherwise you know your dad should have dated Patricia not Eva tell me about [Music] it ooh you look sharp Gio or should I call you John Carlo thank you I mean I had to pull out all the stops I might be third Wheeling since Lizzy is in love wait girl why aren't you dressed my dress is in the back I'm still waiting on Randy need to get here to take over my shift he's running late I told you I can cover no but I need you to help me get ready wait I can take over okay I used to wait tables at my uncle's Restaurant in the Bronx if I can survive that this is nothing okay but what are you waiting for go on I got you I got [Music] you [Music] how do I [Music] look [Music] gosh Lizzy you look like a total snack you look so beautiful oh my God cheese boy is not ready for you I hope he shows up I'm so nervous oh my God don't be he's clearly obsessed with you come on let's go and where did you manage to get that dress you don't have any money she borrowed it it's my sister's who also made our masks yeah and it's very obvious definitely hand me- Downs how embarrassing well did you do all of your chores Lizzy yes I cleaned the kitchen bathroom vacuumed the living room took out the trash organized the garage and all the other things in near list too H oh I'll take care of that for you chef [Music] all righty since you did all of your chores I guess you are going to [Music] the oopsies oh no my dress I'm so sorry Lizzy I guess you're not going to the ball after all now clean up this mess what let's go ladies oh my God those evil step snakes of yours did that on purpose this is so unfair she has to go to the dance I'm just going to text cheese boy and tell him I'm not going oh there's no way I can go looking like [Music] this wait I have a dress in my trunk don't ask me bye I'll be right back [Music] [Music] hey who is she I don't know but I've already decided that I don't like [Music] her said Bundy macaroni girl not going to lie I thought I was going to get catfished by some weird old guy don't worry at Ben night I turned back into him not going to lie I'm pretty nervous there's no way I could dance in front of everyone I've got an idea follow [Music] me that's why he's not giving us any attention we need to figure out who that mystery girl [Music] is all [Music] right so I think it's time we do the big reveal is it weird that I'm nervous no I'm definitely nervous too but it's all good I'll go [Music] first [Music] US cner no way you're like the most popular guy in school I don't know about all that okay your turn we had both L lost and we oh my gosh I have to go wait where are you going I'm so sorry I I'll text you or FaceTime you well can't you at least take off your mask I don't even know your name here I'll take it I can't believe she's boy is Devin Cosner who's that oof he's a looker he's asking me for a photo you mean you didn't show him what are you waiting for send him [Music] one still shook he was dancing with that girl in the blue dress he should have been talking to me hi Lizzy how's the ball oh that's right you couldn't come enjoyed your spaghetti dinner we're not going to be here long girls just going to get all the cash Patricia Lizzy come help me Trinity come look at this is that Devin Cosner on Lizzy's phone what the heck said send me a pick without your mask macaroni girl what is he talking about o oh let's go tell mom wait I have a better idea you know I can't believe you didn't text him back last night I just couldn't it's literally Devin cner yes so you're Lizzy Rossy I mean if those texts were genuine he's not going to care about anything else you should go talk to him I me what do you have to lose got [Music] this [Laughter] attention everyone what you're looking at are texts between Devin Cosner and the school's biggest dork our steps sister Lizzy are you happy to find out the identity of your macaroni girl cheese boy a loser your macaroni girl byebye macaroni girl so you've been texting a boy behind my back this whole time no he he's just a friend oh yeah right you know your sisters like him so you had to just swoop on in and ruin it all well you may have everyone else fooled but I got your number Missy what are you doing you'll get it back next year and when you're not at work or school you'll be locked away in your room you can't do that oh I can and I will and you'll be working double shifts here at the diner because I own this place not anymore what are you talking about this right here is James rossy's will you know I always wondered why you never gave anyone the code to the safe but now I know why luckily I was able to guess it Lizzie's birthday my dad had a will but you told me he didn't that's because he left you everything the house the diner it's all yours Lizzy which you knew about and that's why you kept it from her give me that should have done that a long time ago now no one will know and the house and the diner stays with [Laughter] us what is it that you're always telling us what happens in the dark always comes to light thanks for confirming that you did know about the will and you kept it from Lizzy that's all the cops needed to know oh cops that's what huh who you want arrest a fraud the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney if you can afford one one will be provided to you come my [Music] La you won't be the one needing to mop anymore but I know who [Music] will this ice cream is amazing did you guys try it here just have a bite actually never mind we can talk after you're done with the dishes laundry mowing the lawn taking out the trash and all your other chores then maybe you can have one small bite what's that do you want to go find somewhere else to live cuz I'm totally okay with you doing pleas we'll do whatever you say just don't make us leave we have nowhere else to go that's what I thought chop chop Devin how do you know where I live I found your address online I know I said I was Ted Bundy but I swear I'm not a serial killer I hope not what are you doing here Lizzy you're the best friend I've ever had and to be honest I can't stop thinking about you not because of the way that you look or the social status that you have but because you're you and that's not the to say that you're not beautiful because honestly you are mask or no mask I think you're perfect are you serious you want her yeah I do more than anyone I've ever wanted before I'm sorry for not defending you at school but I promise if you give me one more chance I will always have your back moving forward so what do you say macaroni girl will you be my girlfriend I would love to cheese boy good news just come here and kiss [Music] me a what are you smiling at it's just funny my plan worked she actually thought I gave for the wrong number
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 4,221,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 4RuLdhBHKs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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