GIRL CHAT: Giving Bae a Key to Your Place

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[Applause] what happened Adrian was playing with my butt and I was like Adrian stop we gotta go live and Adrian turned around and she was facing the wrong direction so I spun around front of knew my shoot so long and we are live and that's what you get to see exactly we're liable to take people so with that fan oh you're not ready for some girl chat Ricky steak and any relationship is deciding when to finally let your booth have a key to your place oh yeah so how would you feel if you finally gained the courage to ask for entry but God deny Oh hurt really hurt yeah well according to met in the war not getting the key from your boo isn't necessarily gloom and doom for a relationship the writer explains that is just a key and you only really need to be concerned if he won't let you in to see his place at all that's she now ladies I put I posed a question to the table do you think that a key is a successful relationship thing okay I'm sorry I have to completely disagree with madam Noir on this one I think it actually says something a lot deeper than just a key and I think that's what a man would like you to believe is it's just a key I think it also depends on how long you've been together it house and do they have a key to your apartment yeah I'm only saying this from life experience okay every apartment I had in New York City my boyfriend at the time had a key but I did not have a key to his home I then let go of my apartment because I came to do the show here when I was in New York I would stay with him but I was never given a key role you know a relationship I thought you wanted four years and were you denied like did you wrestle for it I'm not gonna lie I was never given the key but then at some point I had a sit-down conversation where I'm not gonna lie I cried because I was just like you had the keys to all of my apartments and now I'm kind of staying with you but I not made to feel and what did he like he was like that's crazy oh my god aging it's just the key exactly what this madam more person is ham Vivian I give you the kingdom yeah but after I asked for it and Adrienne is no longer with that person no I have to say you are only treated the way you allow someone's name no it's my fault I have a question did you win in the relationship did you give him the key maybe two years then okay two years then and maybe it was a year in okay okay I'm gonna tell you why it was more of a convenience thing yes that we'd go to events and we do quick changes at the house and I had like a house in the city it was easy to locate so I'm like you know how I am I'd get any of you guys be like oh my god yeah you want to type of purse yeah and I feel like if we're trying to build on something I think that's a part of building that's a part of what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine like all right I never felt like I had anything to hide okay once you got the key was there any different but what it took for me to ask for the key was really hurtful yeah so a lot of people don't realize is by the time I was asking for the key it was because it was embarrassing like now I was at an embarrassing place where I had to be like so I've been living like and I would love to have a key like my question was why didn't you offer it to me why do I always have to ask right right right kids after a while you know it's why did I always if I'm honest I always felt like I was pushing for every step oh you know what I mean when you're like constant like why should I have to ask for where it's like a relationship that I'm in now my husband would have been like oh my god it is some bad I can't imagine any relationship where you would have to feel awkward about being open specially the sort of relationship [Applause] a red flag that back then I thought it's me but then sometimes it's the person because me I don't like giving keys to nobody okay oh you know me cuz I'm like but you got words like you want to marry the person you want to be with them you're not working yeah but I mean but to me that's not a key that's a ring baby okay now I don't care about no key if you try to get married you try to get a ring but I think for me cuz there's certain people they just they just like their own place and it's not necessarily because it was you maybe he's a very private person maybe he's very controlled anything I like I'm saying that cuz I'm like that yeah I mean every time I may be doing de walle you ain't getting at least we weren't true nobo true you were living with your boyfriend at that yeah I'm okay oh wait what wait I was living with the person when I was a kid you was manager I'm trying to tell you you left that little detail out when I was on hiatus from here I'd spend the summers in New York because we don't work during the summer and so I was like what stop looking like that I did you get in the house if you're not gonna wait I'd wait I'd wait till he was coming home or like I'd make my the conferences yes like but I think what Adriana say actually is symbolic of any any key if you saw others just listening to the story here on us in America her distort where are you living with the guy here while she was doing the show when I was in New York you were sad would say yeah yeah yeah okay and I was saying that that is not okay and I'm also learning that there's a certain level of openness you should just comfortably and maturely have with one another we did to some it might be a key tip some others like me I had a boyfriend who wouldn't give me the password to his phone and I thought the thought I had that you come on back oh you didn't have that either ago that's a check check the bait that's not no no okay wait a minute well cuz honestly you guys I didn't I didn't live with at him right before we had me right so I didn't care if I didn't have his key and he didn't care if he hadn't had mine okay um but I lost my train of thought you guys have each other's past everything okay yes so cuz there's no welcome back something that just shows you guys are okay you guys I'm just confused because I think that if you're dating why do why why do you have to have his password I think after a certain amount of time when you came to somebody Haim I would say over a year I overhears China say is there's a comfortability and openness a chance and a welcome you need a transparent a welcoming that says what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine and I'm wondering like if you don't have to be married but I think you I hope you have that before you get married well marry I mean I don't have time when you don't have to ask for it and they say boo here's Mike what that word I'm saying is I never I never had to ask him for his password I would just be like hey well you know who are you texting what is that and he would just openly show me - yes why he is so hot okay the experience I have there is such a huge difference where I think that there are certain men that have boundaries and I think you have to respect those boundaries but at some point you have to say and now I'm uncomfortable because I don't feel like we're going or welcomes and I'm here giving you transparency and you are here giving me back that's what you're trying to say and it's not just men it's women to a shore when you it it depends on where you trying to take the relationship yes okay I always made it clear I would like at some point to have been with that person right but I understand from Lonnie's perspective let's say you don't want to take it further let's say you draw the line there because you're not trying to get married or you don't want to lead the person on and that's when you say call me I'll answer if I'm home rather wise I don't want to give you a clue that's it yeah yeah opposite of what Madame Mari is saying is that it's not that big of a deal I actually think that all of these things are clues as to what this person wants from you and that relationship that is the indication these are the keys to what that person wanted you after we made a point of where you are in the relation to rap seriously you guys are living together or you're moving towards that direction then it shouldn't be he has your keys I believe that he should offer them to you as well yeah but that's what I don't get a keys nobody forgot my key is me okay speaking of people like Lonnie saying no when you're out on a dinner for someone's birthday and they ask to help you paid they ask to help pay the bill you're supposed to tell them no right so if someone's on their birthday they invite you over to their birthday dinner yeah and they say tam will you help me pay for the bill you wouldn't want them to pay the bill correct birthday people should never pay them that I completely broke it's your birthday they invited hangout your dinner correct okay all right according to Business Insider if your friends plan your birthday dinner and they don't pay for you then you've got some rude friends backs yeah but on the other hand if you ask people out to celebrate your birthday okay and you don't pay then now you're the rude one okay so I want to ask ladies when it comes to birthdays what do you agree who pays the bill if you are throwing yourself a birthday party then I think you should put someone like maybe your best friend or like I'll put one of y'all be like tam you're in charge of getting everybody together this is the birthday party I'd like to have this is the venue I'd like I think everybody should pitch in $60 for the thing yeah and then you give people a heads up you don't invite people to your birthday dinner and then while they're sitting there eating the meal go oh and by the way here's the cheque for a hundred bucks yeah but that is absolutely rude you get the heads up and if they wanted one they come or not not or you take care of it yourself or if you're planning it for somebody everybody but the birthday person pays for the bill yeah yes our friend and every year she throw she likes to take her friends out she's an actress okay you know and a lot of her friends are actresses but they're not as successful as her okay okay so I'm setting up situation I got you yeah and so you know it's her birthday she is she has invited them she tells them just come you know now they come and they know some of them haven't been working they know they don't have any money so I'm sitting there when the bill comes I see my friend paying their bill the ones that don't have money right the ones that don't have money and I feel bad and I just go you know what I'm just gonna cover everybody because I feel bad because it's her birthday and I feel like even though she said you know hey I got you it's like you know they don't want a drink they don't I mean it's her birthday and it's like I just I just wish people I don't know even if you could just put five dollars in you know cuz you know I'd be testing people yeah all right everybody just put what you can in it I've seen some of them have was not put to nereid four dollars in and I'm like you know I just take it I just yeah and so I did this like two years roll Victor yeah I'm not tired you know and I what I did was I told my friend I said I'm just gonna take you out you and I together and I want to take care for everybody yeah that's carry operation when you put that bill out in the center man when you see what people do Jesus tells you not to judge but I judge okay I what you put down they sucked up all mojitos the Cosmo and then when the bill come they you I gotta go no oh you can only mean one thing it's the real hotline bling [Music] okay caller caller are you there and where are you from what's your name babe I'm Ashley hi are you saying um I'm comin you told me if I live in Austin right now cool Austin good good out there how you doing today good I'm not actually working out yeah sweetie I'm sorry what do you do for a living I'm a nurse okay check it out we're getting into our next girl chat topic so can you stick around and chat with us right now sure okay good your muscles need to relax anyway I love it is your trainer hot by the way oh well she's a girl so you didn't give us some motivation oh yeah and what was the topic okay right now we were talking about birthday dinners well after a birthday meal there's nothing better than crawling into bed and going into a food coma but did you know that the way you sleep in your bed with your man can actually say a lot about how you really feel about him according to little things calm couples who spoon are actually in a healthy place in their relationship also drifting apart through the night is actually a sign of maturity and security in a relationship on the flip side couples who sleep tangled up in knots are in danger of becoming too dependent on one another and the biggest red flag of all is someone who hogs the whole bed which indicates that they're selfish so ladies and Ashley when you're sleeping next to a man what position would you find would we find you in a few layers yes well me my husband like why work nights so the days that I'm off like I like to I like to spoon I treat the booty a little bit he holds on to me until it's all eventually falls asleep but he says he was always an independent sleeper but with me he's he can hook on a little bit for the role you guys are okay I love that I I agree with articles somewhat but haven't you ever gotten into a fight with your spouse or your partner and at night it's just cold and you're not really thinking about who's mad at who you just spoon up or you just cuddle up because you're just cold and you don't want to be cold alone oh just cold okay so I just cuddle up anyway I don't want to be cold alone is you know Tim what I do well I have a five-year-old still with my bed so it's it's a little different but sometimes when I miss my husband we kind of just push Aidan on the side and we actually spoon and my husband does the cutest thing you guys he's gonna be embarrassed when I say this no man but so we actually spoon and then he cups my boob he just cup of the boob from I love it and then the way you ain't like the Janet Jackson magazine cover like this yes but he doesn't he just flies oh it's that one being arm that [ __ ] around and then his hand just goes whoop and then we switch at night so then I'll turn around and then I'll cup him we're not dude where you come where are you
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 967,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai
Id: -juTW-VAaY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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