Spider Man Remastered - First Day. - No Commentary.

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miles is starting at Feast today I don't want to miss [Music] him friends there's a fine line between being a conspiracy theorist and seeing a clear pattern I walk that line and I am confident in perceiving a Common Thread among these attacks on oorp and Norman Osborne by the demons motive it's hard to ascribe motive to lunatics but I suspect it's no accident that they're striking at both a pillar of our Corp what are you doing here oh we got to fight you just made your last mistake honk what the does it seriously take this many guys to rob a teenager [Music] you heard [Music] hurt you're Spider-Man You're The Amazing Spider-Man You're The Spectacular Spider-Man and a few other choice adjectives Jameson uses look that was really brave but next time leave the fighting to the pros okay okay but what if there aren't any around well you can't just go swinging at someone twice your size I mean don't get me wrong I fight guys stronger than me all the time time but when I do it I have oh like that time you fought RH on the Brooklyn Bridge that was so awesome perfect example if the other guy is bigger you got to be quicker okay okay but that's it's easy for you to say I sorry I just can't do what you do all right put him up seriously yeah come on first thing don't let the adrenaline get to you breathe slow breathe deep relax hips Square to your opponent let them make the first move now use your feet when they go off balance look for an opening boom like that yeah yeah that's it okay only this time just let me have it right on the JW okay okay I can oh sh sorry no no no it's all good you keep that up and uh you'll be fine all right lessons over got to go hey uh thanks you know anytime just punch [Music] Spider-Man shelter should be just ahead yo miles what's up bro you're not going to believe this I just met Spider-Man what that's crazy hey did you show our hacking app oh man I totally forgot oh you sucked he totally would have bought it off you and then we'd be like famous yeah I'll show him next time I got to go I promised my mom I wouldn't be late cool everyone have their IDs out ready for inspection God are you kidding me it's going to take forever that drone wasn't watching could jump the fence wow that was too easy I can't believe Sable systems are unsecure maybe I'll send an anonymous tip okay okay time to [Music] move okay let's see I can go under the gate on the left or over the scaffolding to the right more drones got to Blind them continuing sweep those things have mounted G guns I can't let them spot me oh no nighty night this will be so cool it was less terrify F come on ignore me I'm invisible okay I'm in the clear pH that was intense oh hey Mom hi honey did you make it to the Feast shelter okay uh yeah almost there miles you don't have to work at that shelter you know you said I did no I gave you a choice this over more therapy I mean it was helpful the GU said everyone gaves in their own way this is mine okay sorry Mom yeah just cuz I don't want to talk about it doesn't mean I don't love you oh honey I love you so much we'll get through this okay I got to go I'll call you on my way home I'm seeing seeing dead demon faces and just keep breathing I'll be back soon Mr hey hey Pete hey um sorry I'm late man oh no no I'm just glad you're here all right so um what can I do to help why don't you start just by uh getting comfortable with the place uh meet a few people you know what everybody loves coffee coffee all right and I'll be back in a little while to check on you is that cool yeah oh don't worry about Mr Hodes he doesn't bite much are you sure coffee thanks need help not unless you know what the hell a quirk is it's a subatomic particle you know the building block of protons neutrons hydrons subatomic it fits good one kid piece of junk a hell damn hunk of junk you mind if I take a look oh we have a couple of CRTs at school I know how to fix these C what no no you just got to smack it coule times get it going it or could be a loose coass cable all right all right be my guest huh Mr Smarty Pants please go ahead tributes continue to pour in for officer Jefferson Davis the hero killed in the city hall bombing as reports emerged that he used his own body to Shield others in his last moments of Life new kid R brother man didn't do nothing heroic except get himself blown up hey Ernie I see you've met miles he's going to be helping out around here you may have heard of his father Jefferson Davis pretty great that even though he's got a lot of stuff going on right now he decided to come and volunteer don't you think uh yeah yeah um thanks listen kid I'm I'm sorry about your dad come on Miles see if a man need a hand in the kitchen hey may I got to take off but uh brought some help for you hi miles nice to see you grab an apron wash your hands and I'll show you around hey hey Peter um thanks for that back there of course almost noon Sable should be moving Dr Michaels better get to the Bowery and locate him I'm a RAR computers are a bit outdated oh that's cool I might be able to improve their performance for you really
Channel: DGamist
Views: 17,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DGamist
Id: 1JkjFkHdLxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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