OLDER BRO Kicks Out LITTLE BRO, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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hi um I'm Emery I'm here to see Chris we matched on Tinder yeah um this is the first time I'm hearing about this well is he here can I come in wait outside Idol hey why is there some white girl out there saying you're going on a date with her Emily's here good what are you doing Chris let's go by Chris whatever you're not going on a date with her man you should be going out with a nice Vietnamese girl but Emery and I have a lot in common unlike you and Hua hey I'm your older brother okay have some respect last time I checked you're living here for free man I know okay you you remind me every day hey look I can introduce you to some nice Vietnamese girls yeah no thanks yeah I don't need my brother playing Matchmaker for me why not Mom and Dad introduced me to her we've been married now for two years yeah and you've been miserable for two years she's a perfect wife and my perfect wife you mean she's Vietnamese is Catholic can cook and does everything you say we'll find you know you don't even have a job or money maybe you should focus on that instead of wasting your time on these dates I'm telling you you're not going to get serious with her do you understand me can I go now you're the entire tie right I don't know how can you do it for me you know you're wearing one like I said it's not that serious hey sorry to keep you waiting it's okay wow you uh you look great thank you sodium no way yes way very chubby child okay okay no please stop laughing at my five-year-old self-expense I'm sorry I'm sorry okay okay all right in all seriousness I was chubby growing up as a kid as well really yeah yeah uh you know my parents used to make me squat sacks of rice to lose weight no that's a immigrant parents 101 for you I've always felt like an outsider I appreciate my culture and all but I can never get into it the way that my brother did yeah I've always been the black sheep I guess so what about you what what are your parents like no um I don't know I I grew up in foster care oh uh I'm sorry no no it's totally fine I just I get what you're saying you know going from foster home to foster home trying to find a place that I fit it's weird when you feel like you're supposed to fit into a family or something but you just don't yes yes that that's exactly how I feel to be honest I feel more at home with you than even at my own house really sweet you two are the cutest couple how long have you been together oh uh it's actually our first date well you could have fooled me here's the check whenever you guys are ready thank you man [Music] uh hey but I was wondering if you'd be okay with splitting the check I'm still finding steady work right now oh don't even worry about it I got us are you sure because it doesn't matter I know that some girls care about that stuff but I don't I just want to get to know you more thank God thank God for giving me you are you kidding me I love Kane Brown he's my favorite wow uh first we have the same favorite book and now we have the same choice in music Ian if you don't mind me asking yeah yeah okay rather didn't really seem to like me very much is that because he wants me to date someone who's Vietnamese I have a feeling you know I've never been against dating my own race but it is not the most important thing to me my bro got married to make our parents happy they're all the way back in Vietnam yeah but I can't say he is to me Love Is Love no matter what you look like or where you came from I like that I like my thing yeah I definitely made the better choice nah uh here yeah let me try you're gonna regret it how's it um yeah understand corrected you definitely chose the superior donut I told you oh I you have a yellow oh okay sorry yeah um I had a lot of fun today maybe we could do it again sometime wait this weekend maybe I'm so busy tomorrow okay tomorrow works too have a good night good night [Music] [Music] um hey where you been at you've been gone for hours I I was with Emery um is everything okay hey you got a minute oh uh don't worry I'm looking for a job see it's not about that I just want to talk to you about your date Hey look I know it might be fun dating a girl like that but you're getting serious it's a whole other story you're not going to be able to preserve Traditions when you're you're dating a white girl I appreciate it but I'm not sure that preserving Traditions is as important to me as it is to you okay why would you say that preserving tradition is an important part of Who We Are it's part of our family history I mean if we don't do that then our kids might not ever even know their own roots and culture how does that not matter to you it's not that right foreign hello hi am I hi yes who is this hi Chris calling from SoCal General we have an emery Gerwig in our care oh my gosh is she okay I was in a car accident and you are the last contact so if you wouldn't mind coming down to the hospital I'm truly sorry but the accident has left your girlfriend paralyzed from the waist down friends acquaintances really they just met for the first time today my mistake I'll be back in a bit to check her [Music] come on let's go you go ahead I'm staying no you're not didn't you just hear the doctor she's half paralyzed and what's your point she has no family she needs me I'm not leaving her she's never gonna be able to walk again okay I'm not gonna let you throw away your life for some girl you barely even know if you stay you need to imagine how hard it's going to be you know taking care of her day in and day out you can barely take care of yourself is this what you want come on let's go I said I'm staying you can go and how are you gonna get home I'll Uber you don't have any money then I'll walk you should just go please you're making a huge mistake [Music] so what's your major business and marketing and the night hey you didn't come home last night uh sorry I was at the this is Tao I told her all about you this is my younger brother Kung Chris I go by Chris hi hi anyways it's nice to meet you nice to meet you too all right are you going to join us we have a guess after all I'm pretty big sorry I'm sorry okay excuse me hey what was that dude I know what you're trying to do and I'm telling you right now I'm not interested okay you didn't even give her a chance like you gave Emery a chance I'm not gonna continue having this back and forth with you okay I'm trying to stop you from ruining your life what part of that don't you understand look either you listen to me and stop talking about me John girl or you can find a new place you can't be serious you're kicking me out it's your call what's it gonna be sound I'm gonna emit it um sorry about them oh I didn't even notice honestly I'm so used to my parents arguing all the time so are they both yeah so would you only date a Vietnamese guy um [Music] what about you well I Believe In following your heart because wherever your heart is there you will find your treasure it's a quote from this book you love The Alchemist have you ever read it I don't think so so what kind of music do you listen to Vietnamese music cool um anything else um is everything okay yeah yeah I just um dessert guys [Music] I'm really sorry but you can't do this you seem like such a lovely girl and all but I just I can't I'm sorry hey what are you doing I'm gonna go see Emery Emery again do I need to remind you about seeing look you can kick me out Hong I don't care anymore right I mean I've known her that long but I really like her even if she is a Vietnamese to me Love Is Love regardless of where you came from and she can't even walk for God's sakes that's fine too I'm gonna pack my things up because I'm not gonna stop talking to her enjoy your food Oh I thought I would never see you again I know I'm sorry for not texting you back there was some stuff going on but I'm here now look you don't have to be here just because you feel bad for me you know like I said in my text I'll completely understand I want to be sure I know this sounds insane considering me when we went on one day but I really really like you and I want to stick things out and see where they go it's like the quote you can never escape from your heart so it's better to listen to what it has to say yeah Chris that's one of my favorite quotes from the book too well okay then um so what do you say shall we give this a shot I'm up for the adventure if you are oh so one teeny little problem oh I may need a place to stay just for a little while until I find a job I guess I could use the help around the house hey boom shakalaka thank you cheers [Music] seasons have changed [Music] [Music] in the moment [Music] s have changes [Music] [Music] [Music] seasons have changed oh I I still remain [Music] look if you're trying to stop the wedding hey no that's that's not why I'm here I just came to say that uh I'm sorry you're sorry yeah you see you know after you left well things didn't work out with her so she ended up leaving oh no I I didn't know oh no no no it's okay it's you know honestly it's for the best yeah all we did was just fight all day you know about with her leaving it got me thinking about what you said how how love is love and I think you're right I just got stuck on this idea of like preserving our culture because with Dad and Mom not around I just don't disappointed it's okay we still have each other [Music] I'm not gonna lie I missed you big bro [Music] no matter how much of a pain my butt you were wait how'd you find out about my wedding today your fiance she sent me the invite oh dude I would have sent you an invite myself but I I didn't know that you'd come are you kidding I wouldn't miss this for the world all right let's fix this tie yeah you know this time it took me like two hours to figure it out we're still trying to figure it out us from this time well yeah but I'm almost done all right foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,436,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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