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then let's go give me a minute what are you doing here I told you tonight's lamps upstairs I know I just wanted to see you you look so fancy don't mind me I'm gonna need you to send some pics later or maybe I'll send you some no no Andrew no photos no calls no text no nothing a lot of people around I don't want to take any chances remind me again why you have to do this like getting good grades in school this is an arranged marriage for crying out loud I mean would that be so bad it's a traditional Indian thing I understand shouldn't you being happy be more important than following some tradition have you met my parents I'm just saying maybe if you talk to them and told them about us [Music] I'm coming mom I can't just come out right now out of nowhere but you are going to yeah I just need to figure out how and when they are setting you up with potential Brides now seems like a pretty good time be so dramatic it's not like I'm getting married tomorrow just want me to see this girl bear with me until I figure out how to tell them fine I guess I just needed a little reassurance you have nothing to worry about [Music] it then is someone in there hurry you gotta leave it's locked right yeah she has a key okay I'm coming in hold on see why are you holding the door just a second finishing changing what are you trying to hide nothing I was just finishing changing that's all you can't be coming in here like this I heard another voice is someone here no I was just talking to a friend on speakerphone um why the windows open because I was feeling hot what are you doing [Music] happy you can't be coming into my room snooping around treating me like a kid none of my other friends have their moms doing this none of your other friends are Indians are they our culture is different no come on we are getting late it's a very important occasion I don't know I have to go through this to begin with I'm not interested in meeting anyone at least you get to meet her when your father and I got married I know I know I've heard the story a million times you guys met the day of the wedding exactly and look how wonderful things turn out to be are you kidding you and dad argue all the time who said as we argue you think he doesn't know that you always try to fight with me I wouldn't fight with you if you didn't do all these things wrong like I asked you to fix the garage door three years ago I just leave the garage door and yeah you guys are literally proving my point do you know how stressful it is here in YouTube picker all the time every couple has problem that's normal and you think long marriages are any better over 50 percent of them end up in divorce you don't see anyone getting divorced in arranged marriages that's because you guys don't believe in divorce you would stay together forever even if you're both miserable who says we are miserable are you making miserable from your nagging all the time not again guys I'm stressed out as it is can I please just stay home well you don't have any choice latika's mom is waiting for us oh yes we need to leave now what if what if I met someone you met someone okay uh then uh we need to meet her family uh we need to know what she does um what is her education level whether she knows how to cook Indian food or whether she knows how to make chai what part of India her family is from what if they're not Indian not Indian [Music] that's funny you got me honey you got the keys yeah seriously guys I really don't want to go to this can you just say I got nervous or something what reason do you have to be nervous huh I'm going to a total stranger's house for one I don't even know what this person is like you don't need to worry about it the Matchmaker has shown USA's profile she's beautiful she's smart and most important she knows how to cook Indian food wow how do you know those are even qualities I'm looking for well I didn't think about that I only consider the qualities your father and I was looking for you don't want to be late isn't being late part of the Indian culture modern wow this is modern so thank you sorry letica's Dad couldn't be here he's in India on business Kavita has already informed us isn't she great she's also my lover she showed me a photo of Dave before and I could see he's such a good looking boy but now I see he's even more handsome in person don't you agree latika ask me that that's so embarrassing why he is thanks I beta suit to be on your phone sorry I'll put it on silent okay foreign so Dave not to be creepy or anything but I did check out your Instagram oh uh please don't pay attention to anything on there no why I think you have some really cool pictures on there and I noticed you're into fashion yeah uh believe it or not I don't always dress like this no me neither I actually applied to go to Fashion school but my mom didn't think it was a real career so now I'm at UCLA studying mathematics can you tell how excited I am soon myletica will be an engineer wow I'm so proud of you beta well I kind of wish you were proud of me for something I'm actually passionate about fashion you sound so a Mexican sometimes I mean that makes sense this is where I was born foreign this is my sister [Music] she lives here with us yeah how nice you all live together yes it's just I feel so bad for her she is you don't need to tell everyone you meet the story it's okay beta they should know okay well then this is my cue to use the restroom excuse me my brother-in-law my sister's husband he passed away five years ago oh no no we are so sorry thanks but to make the situation even worse she found out that her son is is gay oh my God what did you do the only thing there is to do in a situation like that she gave him an ultimatum either he marry a girl of her choice or she would never speak to him again what happened then she hasn't spoken to him in over three years oh my God how terrible I'm so sorry as hard as it was she did make the right decision if I found out something like that peace don't even say such a thing we would have never accepted this [Music] I thought you put it on silent I did but it still vibrates I think you should get it if it's important what could be more important than this you know what I'll just put it on airplane mode who keeps calling you Dave it's Andrew my best friend I mean if your friend is trying to get a hold of you this bad it seems important you should get it no it doesn't need to it's okay Benji it's not a problem it'll give us a chance for us three to talk without the kids go ahead beta okay yeah thanks I'll be right back be quick [Music] give us a minute later what why haven't you been answering you know why I'm at utica's house I told you not to be contacting me right now I know I couldn't help it do you have any idea how hard this is Imagine sitting at home while the love of your life is sitting across from someone else talking about marriage there's no more serious as you're making it well it still hurts and it seems like you don't even care hey that of course I care how about this tomorrow night I'll take you out we can go on a romantic dinner you can even pick the spot I can't tomorrow I got asked to work at the restaurant we've been short staffed okay how about oh man that fourth quarter was crazy what that that Lakers Warriors game oh been heavy on the edge of my seat yup yup sounds good dude I'll I'll talk to you later okay peace everything okay yeah yeah I was talking to Andrew wrestling important talking about basketball thing is important we can discuss this later you know how rude it is to keep everyone waiting I'm sorry [Music] come inside we have some good news to share with you come good news come uh Dave did your father tell you no he hasn't told me anything latica's mom approved of you she did but what about latica have you asked her don't be silly beta if I approve she approves that is the tradition so we let him know that we approve her as well and tomorrow night we are all going out to celebrate yes and I have made a reservation for all of us yes I know how much you like that place since you're always there and it turns out that is latika's favorite restaurant as well see fashion favorite restaurant you two already have so much in common this is so exciting I'm gonna text Kavita right now and tell her great job on the match I'm gonna do the same thing I'm so proud of you my son so proud of you yeah [Music] can't we at least go to some other restaurant no no this is latika's favorite restaurant you can't just change it I had only agreed to meet her and there you guys making dinner plans without even asking me you should be thankful that latika's Mom is even entrusted in you you know what she was saying she was saying latika has met so many suitable boys but she turned them all down I'm not even looking for a relationship Dave you are at that age now son all your cousins are married and soon your friends will be better as well Charlie what are you gonna do when Sam settles down or Tony or who is this guy he keeps talking to but we never met Andrew yeah Andrew Andrew's not gonna hang out with you when he finds a girl or has kids I don't think I have to worry about that happening okay okay we are here now don't embarrass us okay in other words don't have an opinion exactly I can't believe still no one has come to help us yeah usually the service here is a lot better excuse me hi um we're ready to order I'm so sorry we're short staffed and we only have one waiter working oh there he is I'll go get him thank you Andrew please take an order number four okay um I'm going to use the restroom over there back be quick so is all of your family here no most of them are in India or in Canada I only have my sister and a few others here same here but you know Dave's Nani is flying in tomorrow and he has no idea he's gonna be so excited so nice there's no one in this world that he loves more than his grandma so sweet can I talk to you for a second you are literally something else you know that you think I want this to happen well you're certainly not doing anything to stop it and now I've got to serve the girl that your family is trying to hook you up with that is literally mortifying just going to break her Andrew have you helped the Indian family yet um no not yet I was gonna go on break breaks there's no time for breaks you're the only one here now hurry up they've been waiting yes sir thanks a lot wait whoa hey what are you doing you only know you by your name I don't want to give them any reason to be suspicious I really can't believe you sorry thank you Dave loves to travel too it's amazing how much you guys have in common it really is right now too hello so sorry for the delay I'm gonna be your waiter oh my gosh hey I didn't know you worked Friday night I normally don't but hi Ika Ika oh yeah yeah it's just a nickname I went by in high school we actually went to Miramonte together and he always waits on me whenever I come here don't you Andrew yeah Andrew uh isn't that the name of your friend uh yeah but it's a very common name oh yeah oh I see uh I'm gonna get you some water and then I will take your order I'll be right back thank you foreign looks like we got messages at the same time it's Kavita she's asking how is it going oh she's asking me the same thing I'm gonna say it's going great we already love latika and her mom oh so nice I will say perfect match latica and oh she just sent me another message Next Step would be for your friends and family to meet wow we have no problem what do you think I say absolutely you didn't even ask us what's there to ask a bit huh you two have met each other you both like each other and more importantly we like each other yes 100 correct and you know what I'm thinking if everything goes all right at the get together I think we should start planning the wedding soon that was my fault I'm so sorry no worries I know you didn't mean it you know latica you should invite Andrew to the get-together oh um yeah sure but I don't think it's gonna happen for a while oh I was thinking why not tomorrow night me too sounds great wow it is Saturday tomorrow's get together will be at our place oh so exciting right Peter oh foreign [Music] there are you almost done people are starting to come in I don't care you never even asked me if I wanted to do this or not I never had a say in my relationship either listen Dave your father and I we both agreed that ladika is the right one for you so please come on out no Dave I'm serious you want me to call your father I don't care go ahead I'm not coming out okay fine I'm gonna go get my keys where is Dave Dave is inside is refusing to come out I'm just gonna get the keys just wait let me talk to him okay [Music] he said go away Dave beta Nani I didn't know you were here I've missed you so much I miss you too better and why don't you dressed up people arriving I really don't want to do this Nani bitter it's okay that's normal over time you learn to love latika just like your parents learn to love each other okay you don't understand oh hello hello oh my God you look so so pretty thank you it's okay too it's tradition um [Laughter] let me tell Dave you guys yes okay uh Bobby you're looking nice thank you oh of course yeah I just live letic and her family is here now stop this drama and get ready please don't embarrass us please bitter if a no one else do it for me you know I don't come here too often just make me happy today [Music] fine don't be right up thank you well hello hello let's go get ready quickly okay so good to see you oh thank you thank you so much for coming great job on this match now I know why so many people Rave about you oh thank you I just knew there'd be fireworks when they even love to come at each other laughs oh hi Andrew how are you come on in make yourself comfortable thanks I this is Andrew he went to high school with replica oh great are you excited to see latica and Dave get engaged engaged mama you never told me anything about me getting engaged I know beta I was going to tell you when exactly uh I'm gonna use the restroom oh that way [Music] um foreign [Music] so when were you planning on telling me that you're getting engaged engaged what are you talking about don't act so innocent I'm not this is the first I'm hearing of any engagement your family just told me about it you know what forget it I'm going home no wait please I am done waiting around this is your last chance are you going to tell everyone about us or not [Music] I'll take that as a no have a good life married a lot to get Dev wait tell them really that's all I've ever wanted somebody go outside and Nani can you give us a few minutes please come sit here there's something I need to talk to you about what is it honey it's not easy for me to say but I want you to hear it from me you're worrying me Nani I'm dying soon you've been saying this since I was a kid please don't talk like that this time I'm serious Dave my time is coming soon please it's okay don't be sad I have lived a long life I've seen many things and I'm happy but there's one thing I haven't seen that's it your engagement that's my last wish before I die so please Steve can you do this one thing for me [Music] is that a yes oh my Beta mama why is it crying it's okay he just agreed to the engagement you know it means a lot for us that you are following family wishes now come on bring ceremony is about to start let's go come thank you everybody for coming today as you all know we're here for the engagement of Dave and lepica [Applause] leave put the ring on latica foreign I'm sorry but can't do this I'm really sorry but I'm seeing someone else say something before as he's not Indian and I know how you feel about that and I just didn't want it there is no way I'm gonna let you do this but it's not up to you anymore I realize now that I have to do what makes me happy they I'm so sorry for leading you on if you walk out that door you know what kick me out of the house cut me off that's fine you can do whatever you want I'm not scared anymore oh and by the way I'm gonna drop out of the math program and attend fashion School wait I'm so sorry go okay don't worry believe it or not this has happened before it's not the end of the world Dave I'll find you another girl no I don't want to find anyone else that decision is not for you to make Dave yes it is this is my life that we're talking about right and tell you guys the truth I'm gay I'm sorry for lying to you guys but I'm in a relationship with Andrew and I love him something on the stomach my son cannot be gay that's not an hour black um did I realize now my happiness matters more than following some tradition no no no no no I cannot accept this you get out of my home right now no no he goes I go with him I'm gonna be without him if that's your decision then fine but don't ever try to come back here again if you go out of that door then that's it [Music] it's not an ultimatum yes it is so make your decision have a good life stop please don't make the same mistake I made I gave my son an ultimatum I told him he must follow my vicious or never to speak to me again you made the right decision no it wasn't take it from me in the beginning I was okay I tried to stay strong but then after a long time of not being able to hear his voice of not being able to see his face or tell him that I love him but the day goes by that I don't regret it please don't make the same mistake I made let Dave be with Andrew if that's who makes him happy but Mom you know how our tradition is I know but Dave's happiness is more important please [Music] damn come here is this what you really want tests for water with you guys's support please okay we will support you [Music] it's not going to be easy but we will try our best thank you you have no idea what this means wow thank you Auntie Uncle we need to teach you some Hindi yeah that would be great [Music] thank you so much sorry I couldn't fulfill your promise what do you mean I said I wanted to see an engagement I didn't say to who Andrew come here [Applause] Kavita can you give me the Rings [Music] Andrew can you put the ring on Dave yes okay please put the ring on Andrew [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah better I miss you so much better I miss you too Mom [Music] all we need is a three-point we make a shop going to game seven in the championship us on my team Gabe cannot play I really thought you'd go to college do you think you'll get a scholarship once people find out about you you gotta be my dream No One's Gonna Want You Man
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 4,814,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: gJOsxGQIzX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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