Mean Girl Leaks Diary To School

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday so we're gonna be watching a video about a girl whose diary gets leaked at school I don't know about you guys but growing up I had a diary but I kept it hidden in my closet under a bunch of stuff I had the most embarrassing life ruining things in there a few years ago I found it it was so embarrassing I literally threw it away big cringe [Music] interesting artifact did you hear that Cassie's mom got her tickets to the Taylor Swift concert oh nobody ever holds doors around here wait she's still going after the Maddie Healey thing what's going on over there so we had a crush on Travis I wear soccer parents are going through a divorce it's so embarrassing there is no way is that her diary they just posted it on the walls if somehow somebody got a hold of my diary put all my private thoughts on a wall it'd be over that'd be my 13th reason oh my gosh Chloe is this he's just for my diary ah someone must have stolen it from my locker I'm so sorry I don't trust nothing that goes in a locker you know also nowadays we have iPhones that have a Notes app and that's where I write my deepest and darkest thoughts but do this foreign you know I think you look way better in that picture than you do like right now or yesterday or pretty much like ever girl come on for a school bully that was a weak insult somebody to walk up to you be like that ugly picture look better than you look like they're jealous this bully got no ribs a joke oh man that would have hurt my feelings too I don't know if I'd be able to handle that she might as well start crying and run into the bathroom stall throw up and cry some more I don't know but if I had to guess wow she is terrifying did you see that watch them cower in fears I make my way through the hallways I hate them I actually thought it was pretty good did you hear that Chloe's dad went to jail holy Washington wow would I never guess yeah all right I just don't understand why anyone would do this to me like this whole school's gone downhill recently hey what's up Eugene first seriously there you go yeah okay I don't know like no matter how good of a person you are like if you stay in your lane be nice to everybody like there will always be some garbage person that wants to bully you for no reason I don't like the quiet girl in the back because she's a little too pretty this person looks like they can take a beating I'm gonna bully them to make me feel a little better like if you're getting bullied most of the time it's not even your fault the bully got some problems and they don't know how to deal with them so they're gonna take it out on other people look at that they took his glasses and made him pay for it to get them back now hear me out if you do that to everybody in the school you might make a lot of money don't get in trouble maybe you should think about getting revenge I mean what she did to you was so humiliating and I'm sure it's her are we encouraging revenge in a Darman video what's me getting revenge gonna do she'll get me back and I'll have to get her back it's just gonna keep going in circles that's true you know somebody bullied me in high school and then I bullied him and then he got his friends to come bully me and torment me this dude had a big huge six foot woman I ain't gonna call her a lady and she would try to find me every single day after school so she could beat me up and I know what fights I can win somebody double my size I ain't even gonna try so I would like run out of my class as soon as the bell rang leave the school immediately yeah now that I think about it my high school it's kind of scary it has to be a better way thanks loser where's the teacher y'all didn't see her just snatch her pencil she already had a pencil on her desk can anyone tell me what one thing in life always exponentially grows existential dread the economy uh no close the economy goes up and down it does exponentially grow but not all the time uh uh I'm gonna call somebody dumb do you even know the answer exponential growth is something that naturally grows faster and faster over time like a fire or cancer Morgan's evilness so it's only for bad things not necessarily world population is something that has exponential growth and it could be good or bad depending on how you look at it so is there anything that exponentially grows that's like only good excellent question Alex and it's today's homework assignment I want you all to come up with something that everyone will present their answers tomorrow tomorrow literally everybody's just gonna Google what is an example of exponential growth write it down y'all's homework is a one word answer there ain't no way school is this easy these days I still look at this whole exponential growth thing it just doesn't make sense how does it not make sense things that go up over time do you not see the graph you know what's kind of crazy when I was in school I feel like I used to be dumb I had all A's and B's there's a lot of things that I didn't understand I don't know they say your brain doesn't fully develop until you're 25 that is real my brain has developed now now I kind of feel smart I don't know you'll get there one day dude you're right and the school's definitely going downhill that's nice I guess I'll just look it up I'm sure I'll find something I hate having to present in front of the class gives me so much anxiety you were literally presenting a one-word answer grow up you grow up I am growing up you should grow up burning grow up throw up oh grow up especially with Morgan there oh hold on there you go thanks have a good day you too wow you're such a nice guy who would bully the nice guy I think I figured out something that exponentially grows and how we can turn the school around how I'll show you what you're gonna single-handedly stop bullying in your school you know she got inspired she watched a single Darman video [Music] that was so funny bro instead of me giving you the ball now you have to walk and go get it there you go oh wow Save the Day oh my God one basketball retriever at a time uh hey Paul what are you doing here please take your point to someone else hey you can sit with us take your ponytail somewhere else you got pigtails bro not only are they mean they're also stupid nobody wants to sit with the zoo anyway do you need help [Music] um oh okay 750. wow well I got I got some extra they're charging you 750 for school lunch these days 7.50 give me your money what just just let her be was I talking just let her be [Music] you know not go away stop just let her be scaring that corner okay what if she doesn't have any money it's after lunch pockets are empty the belly is full hey Chloe hey I like your shoes oh thanks Bridget I like your shoes take them off and give them to me and maybe she learned a thing or two from the bully I like your glasses thank you bye what was that she acted like she solved world hunger you know one compliment at a time over and over you don't communicate when you don't listen you're on your phone you can't even pay you're hiding stuff from me give me your phone no I'm not giving you my phone no they tell me who you're texting I've already told you I'm texting nobody Abel I don't believe you I literally just saw you look I can literally have any girl that I want any girl why am I with you get that thing in my ask yourself that question why am I with you you're not even that pretty interesting you're Loki overweight wow oh bro just went off on her why are you even dating in the first place that sentence right there would have caused me enough distress to go bullying the entire School a guy saying he can get any girl is such an ick news flash buddy you can't and what you're gonna cry about it now huh look I don't have time for this okay I got other things to do I don't know who wouldn't cry about that you [Music] you really oh no the bully's getting bullied I don't know how you can't watch that and just start dying of laughter she a better person than me like the person who bullied you laughed at you posted your diary on the wall she can't roasted like a rotisserie on a fire guess what I forgot my textbook today and Jada let me borrow hers everyone at school has been so much nicer your plan's totally working is everything okay yeah I just saw something that threw me off that's all threw me off it actually made my entire day seeing my bully get bullied just say it you know what you can cry all you want but it doesn't change the fact that you're ugly Bridget are you whoa Morgan sucks she's done doing all of your hard work there's a way to just get rid of her actually I have a better idea I have better ideas be nice to her someone calls you ugly they just taking it out on you somebody probably called them ugly hey Ivy did you see what Morgan's wearing today I know why her outfit looked really cute she's always so stylish yeah you're right she literally goes to school with an oversized sweater you would have hear a not cap for me behind the stall I'm so jealous of how pretty she is I wish I looked like her that a lot of girls do Morgan's naturally beautiful she doesn't even need makeup and her body is like goals she looks so good no y'all are doing too much I would have walked out of there and be like nah you guys are lying and now she's gonna get an ego and Bully more people I was gonna say the same things whatever she's doing it's totally working you know I have to say any guy would be lucky to be with her she's a real catch she's a real catch yeah the girl who bullies everybody in school real catch right there she's like the prettiest girl in this whole school laughs nah I would have thought it was so suspicious that somebody came into the bathroom to say that and then leave she gonna walk out that stall like slay is She gonna look at herself in the mirror I'm not gonna say anything bad to anybody the rest of the day can anyone tell me something that's good and grows exponentially wow this is a surprise I've never seen you raise your hand before Morgan kindness kindness exponentially gross because when you're nice to someone they're nice to others and before you know it you have a whole Chain Reaction that's absolutely right Morgan Nah if the school bully raised her hand and said that everybody would be laughing like yeah you're one to speak kindness is a perfect example of something that exponentially grows [Applause] wow Morgan's Redemption arms you hear the new ice spice song no I didn't what's it called Chloe watch out got it thanks Morgan yeah of course you look really pretty today oh that's really sweet I also like the answer you gave in class yesterday by the way yeah well you know just tell kindness can exponentially grow so can hate I've been in a really bad place lately because of someone who was treating me bad and just making me feel worthless gosh I'm really sorry it's okay thankfully I ended things last night how what changed well let's just say two really nice girls help me remember my self-worth oh my gosh okay no not again who keeps doing this that's Loki a nice thing to do just like say something nice behind somebody's back you know why does it always have to be mean things it wasn't you no let's go see who's getting attacked now oh my goodness this is so good compliment compliment wall yeah uh someone made a wall to compliment our fellow students how cute who would do this oh you now this guy wants to join in on the kindness clout hey can you get me a sticky note or actually get me a few after everything he said to her nah I don't believe him but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that little like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,637,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann, dhar mann monday, sssniperwolf dhar mann
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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