GIMP Tutorial: Billboard Design & Mockup

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[Music] yes this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and in today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how you can create this billboard mock-up using and if you'd like to update with these custom icons here a link to that information will be in the description of the video so let's go ahead and get started I'm going to have a file linked in the description section of the video a zip folder with the two images we'll be using here the first is this billboard image with this blank this blank canvas so I'm just going to right click that and open it with and there we have that blank image if so what we're going to do is we're going to design the billboard design separately and then take that and place it over this image here so to do that we're going to first design the billboard in a separate file in a separate document so we're going to file new and we want to make the width to be 600 pixels we want pixels here as the unit of measurement and we want the height to be 750 so that's 600 by 750 let's go to Advanced Options the fill we want to fill it with white and go ahead and click OK and we should have a new document there and what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab this image of this device here and click and drag that into so I'll just click and drag that into and there that is and if you notice the image is a lot bigger than the document so we're going to have to scale that down I want to grab a scaling tool which is right here and click on the image and then just grab this bottom corner right here and click and drag that down and I'm going to take this little center point right here and click and drag to move this to the center of the page just to get a sense of how big it is scale this down a little more place it towards the center we want this to be able to fit inside of the the boundaries of the document there so that's pretty good I'll go ahead and click scale and then I just want to make sure that this is centered on the page so I'm going to come over here to where it says a alignment tool and click on that and we want relative to we want this we want image selected there and then I'll click on that image and I'm just going to click on Center align center of target just to make sure it's centered on the page vertically like that and then I'll go to the move tool and I'm going to click and drag it up a little bit but once I click and drag I'm going to hold ctrl to lock it onto the vertical axis so I'm going to move that up maybe about that much we don't want to be directly in the center of the document we want it to be like more towards the lower bottom third maybe something like that that's pretty good I'll leave that there and the next thing I'm going to do is create this little design here that you see on the Billboard that's with these little yellow orange shapes so to do that I'm going to do that on a separate layer so I want to come over here I'm going to click the button that says create a new layer we want transparency go ahead and click OK and then I'm going to grab the paths tool which is right here we can press B on the keyboard and I'm going to create a little triangle going across the top of this document here to do that I'll bring the cursor outside of the document here in the shape of what you see here so I'm actually going to start at the top right over here and click to create a point going right on the outside of the document and I'll bring the cursor down here towards the left outside of the document click again to put another point I'll click up here to put another point and then I want to finish it up back to the starting point but I have to hold ctrl on the keyboard so hold ctrl and then click on that original point to connect it all together and now what you can do is take each individual node and just position it however you want it so I want to leave this I want to have this something like that right there I think that looks pretty good and now what I want to do is press ENTER on the keyboard to make a selection in that shape and then this color black right here I want to change this to an orange so let's go to the color picker I'm going to choose like a shade of orange there are more of a deep orange closer to red because we're gonna use two different shades we're going to use a light orange like a yellowish orange and we're going to use a deeper Orange this one we want to use the deeper orange right here go ahead and click OK and we'll go to edit and fill with foreground color and it's going to fill it in with that shut up with that uh in that shape with the color so now I'll just go to select none and I'm going to create a new layer for the next shape so I'll click on the button right here that says create a new layer and add it to the image go ahead and click OK let me click off of that tool and on to the move tool just to lose those nodes and go then go back to like the pads tool so we can go ahead and create a new set of pads so what I'll do now is I'll start the cursor out here click I'll put a point like down here outside on the right up here and then again hold ctrl and then click the original point to snap it all together hit enter to well create a selection in that shape and then what I'll do is I'm going to pick on this I'm going to pick this foreground color and change that to like a more like a yellowish orange type of color something like that go ahead and click OK go to edit fill the foreground color and go to select none and I'm going to grab the move tool just to get rid of those nodes and what I'm going to do with this layer is I'm going to bring the opacity of this down so you can see some of the other shape beneath it like you see what I did here in the mock-up of the thumbnail so um I just think that looks a little better bring the opacity down like that and I'd say that looks pretty good so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to make these two objects I'm going to unify them together by merging these two layers so I'll take this top layer right click on that and I'm looking for merge down which is right there merge that down and then we want to put those shapes down here as well so I'm just going to duplicate that new merged layer by clicking this button right here that says create a duplicate of the layer and there's the layer copy now I just want to flip it around so I'll come over here to the flip tool shift F is good a keyboard shortcut for that and I want to choose horizontal actually no I'll choose vertical first and then just click on it and it should flip it vertically and then I'll do horizontal and click it again and it will flip it around horizontally and now we have that set so the next thing to create would be the text so let's go ahead and create the text so I'm going to grab the text tool wherever that is if I could find it there it is right there T is the keyboard shortcut for that and for this I'm just going to write I just wrote some random text here introducing the Hisense tablet I just wrote that because it says Hisense on there it's the only decent product image I could find on one pics a day on pixabay so it's not this isn't a plotter or anything like that so anyway let's go choose our font I'm going to choose monserrate you may not have this font installed I'll link it up in the description if you are installed but any sans font should work fine I'll use where'd it go there we go use the montserrat font which is right there I'll change the color to like a dark grey like that go ahead and click OK turn on the caps lock I'll just click right here I'm going to write up intro goosing B and let me make that a little bigger that's pretty good now we can go to the that's the alignment tool and click on that text and just make sure we have it centered we have it aligned on the vertical axis like that and I'll go to the move tool and I'm just going to zoom in on this so I could see I'm going to hold ctrl and roll up the mouse wheel to zoom in I'm just going to click and drag this up and then I'm going to hold ctrl a lock it onto the vertical axis so that it doesn't we don't lose the center alignment that we just did I'll put that right about there and I'm going to put more text right here that says high sense tablet so let's grab the I'm going to grab the text tool and I'm going to change the font to montserrat heavy and I'll go ahead and click on that and I'm just going to write a hi tablet and I'll change the color of that to actually no I'll change the color of that to the orange we just previously used for this right here go ahead and click OK and again I'm just going to make this a little bit bigger and that looks pretty good right there I'll go to the alignment tool click on it and then align it center align it vertically like that grab the move tool click and drag it up hold control to lock it onto the vertical axis I'm going to put that right about there that's pretty good and finally what I'm going to do is I'm going to put some like a little like a call-to-action down here I guess you can call it in stores July 17 so I'll make that the same color but this is I'll just grab the text tool click on that and stores July 17 I'll set that color back to uh you know what actually I'll leave that that color and I'm going to use a lighter weight font for this like that scale that down a lot we want that to be very small like that we'll go to the alignment tool click on that and just Center it up on the page like there and I'm going to move this up grab the move tool move this up hold ctrl to lock it onto the vertical axis right about there and what we see here I put a like an orange box around it so let's set our foreground color back to that shade of orange we were using go ahead and click OK I'm going to zoom in on this by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel I'm going to create a new layer with this button here create a new layer and add it to the image click OK and I'm going to click and drag this layer beneath the in stores in July 17 text and I'll grab the rectangle select tool and I'm just going to click and drag to create a rectangle going around the text there like that and I'll go to edit fill with foreground color and what we can do now is go back to this text click on that layer grab the the text tool and then click on the text and change the color of that to white go ahead and click OK and we can zoom out let me click on the background layer to get rid of everything so we can see everything let's go to select none and we have the design of the billboard finish so what we have to do now is take it and paste it onto this image here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up here to this top layer I'm going to right click on that and go to new from visible and that's going to pretty much take the everything that we just created and flatten it out into a single image and we're going to take that and copy it just hit ctrl C on the keyboard and come over here to our billboard image and go to edit paste as new layer and I want to take the opacity of this and drop this down a lot almost to the point where you can't see it because what we're going to use next which is the perspective tool I'll show you in a second it's hard to explain so let's go to the perspective tool right here and we're going to change the perspective of this image to match the shape of this billboard so let's click on that and if you notice when you click on the layer it puts it back at full opacity and there's another copy of it underneath it that's still there so sometimes when you're using the perspective tool this other copy if will be at full opacity if you don't bring the opacity down you can't really see what's going on beneath it so that's why I like to do that I'm going to take these corners and put them in the corners of the billboard like that just roughly like that and now I'm going to zoom in by holding ctrl and rolling up the mouse wheel and be a little more precise with each corner put that there then I'll move over here to move the page around like this I'm just pressing down the mouse wheel and moving the mouse put this over here come down here and put that right about there take this one and let's just go back up to the first corner over here to make sure that that still looks good all right that's pretty good let me zoom out I'll go ahead and click transform and I'll take the opacity and bring it all the way up and you'll see we have it there the only problem we have now is if you turn off the visibility you'll see these lights are kind of casting a shadow over the image and it's not there another thing down here you notice these little spotlights down here they're being covered by the image which doesn't make any visual sense so what I'm going to do with this layer I'm going to set the mode to multiply and that's going to fix that you're going to see the shadow going over it and you're going to be able to see these spotlights there so that pretty much does it for that let me click on this layer here to deselect that and there you have it there you have our our billboard designed with so if you have any questions let me know and as always thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 19,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, nick saporito, logos by nick, gimp, tutorial, beginners, billboard, mockup, design
Id: BmubPvptR9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2017
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